#Linux what the fuck???????
totally-not-deacon · 9 months
It's a little funny that most folk think of linux as this overcomplicated mess that you see in tv/movies. No GUI just multiple terminals and a billion commands to remember.
Meanwhile I just... turn my computer on. It literally just looks like any other OS, except I can customize it any way I want to. I mean hell, on a lot of distros you probably never even TOUCH the terminal. There's normal GUI options for just about everything.
Hell, my 60 year old dad took to it within a few hours.
I mean, here - this is my desktop I use every day:
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It's really nothing crazy at all!
Tbh, I find it a fuckload SIMPLER than Windows, and I've been reminded of the fact again now that I dual boot on my PC.
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bossbotmgr · 13 days
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chipped-chimera · 6 days
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Well fuck you too Windows. Wonder why they're pushing this-
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Ah. That's why.
Anyone got some good Linux resources for someone who hasn't touched that shit in their entire life? My big concern is whether I can even move my huge game library over + software or if it's just going to be a massive headache.
Otherwise the only thing stopping my PC from actually working with Windows 11 is installing a chip onto the mobo.
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zoeythebee · 3 months
I love how every time I install linux I have to learn a different video editor, because the one I was using before suddenly stops working.
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corvuscorona · 10 months
hi. dr460nized does this by default. FINALLY someone who knows how to fucking use kwin correctly
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linux users after saying "switch to linux" 1000 times and then mauling another linux user to death for using a different kind of linux instead of like. providing me with anything useful. when i asked
girl i wanted to switch but like now i dont want to because youre being such a cunt about it
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thekittyburger · 2 months
We were looking at Linux distros in computing today and. I thought all the trans girls and furries in computer science were joking. Puppy linux is a thing.
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frog-kisser · 5 months
I'm a college senior. I'm taking a course on wireless network security. Professor is going over the OSI model and mentions MAC addresses are unique to the device and cannot be modified. I ask about MAC spoofing.
She says she'd never heard of MAC spoofing before.
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wistelligence · 1 year
why does computer friend insist on being problems. i just want to play game.
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bytebun · 5 months
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revolutionarysuicide · 7 months
man i love the jetbrains ides but they take up soooo much memory i wish they would just rewrite their ides in a native language...
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gabrellle · 1 year
Yeah I write of course
my magnum opus is stored in my notes app and in documents on my desktop called Untitled 2.odt
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corvuscorona · 10 months
man I just do not get along with gnome
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year
me: I'm switching to linux
windows: shit I'd better update
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bookmunchies · 2 years
I am not having a good time rn. Switched over from windows to linux lite, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to download firefox. And during the long long long hours of trying to figure it out, stumble on a different thing called lubuntu, which already has firefox preinstalled, and like, cause I got linux lite based on the it's smwht similair to windows and easy to use things I've been seeing, how does this other thing, lubuntu, compare, things seem a bit complicated for me on linux lite ngl.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
so I just found out my login manager won't start a dbus session bus despite being told to...
I'm using tuigreet with greetd - it's lightweight (runs directly in the framebuffer) and is enough to launch sway.
however, it doesn't take launch commands with arguments
Exec=sway ✅
Exec=dbus-run-session sway ❌
solution: wrapper script
environment variables can be set in this script too but I prefer to let sway handle that
# session
dbus-run-session sway
.... okay so I just discovered tuigreet wasn't launching my sway session but instead a sway command (it supports sessions located in /use/share/wayland-sessions as $SESSION.desktop files as wellcas directly running commands with a -c flag)
tried launching the session with its wrapper script and my greeter user apparently doesn't have the permissions despite the script being owned by them (might be related to not owning /run/user/1000)
running tuigreet with the -c flag set to dbus-run-session sway works fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and launches a dbus session properly
okay no
no why
I just tried setting the sway.desktop file to run Exec=dbus-run-session sway and it works
the thing. literally the thing that the documentation says won't work. passing sway to dbus as an argument. WORKS.
(the reason it did nothing the first time was due to my aforementioned confusion over session vs command in tuigreet)
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