#Like make bots who look like theyre near their 20s and up
silenthilllz · 1 year
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Big Ol’ Ask Post
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Crusade goes by them/them!
And let’s see—I don’t think that Optimus would ever let a medic touch his baby with intent to reformat them, I think he’d sooner rather dive into a smelter than even let Crusade know that the Council planned to do that to them.
But for What If’s sake, sure here’s what their reformat would look like:
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Crusade would have been the equiv. of 16 to receive these changes. looks a little too much like a wind-up toy soldier. it’s creepy.
Same as Op, Megs would absolutely recognize or at least suspect something is up with Crusade—but in this timeline, their meeting would not be on the battlefield—rather they’d meet when their Carrier threw them through a space bridge into Megatron’s arms before blowing the whole bridge to hell.
Crusade as you can imagine in this timeline is even more blindsided than our OG Crusade, you can imagine the fear, denial, and betrayal they’d feel in the rushed time between when a frantic Optimus told them they had to run and never come back. oh and the notorious Warlord you were told to never ask about—he’s your Sire. you have to trust him now
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HA no. I don’t have an ao3 for writing, just one I use to keep tabs and give kudos and cry over other’s fics.
I don’t have enough confidence in writing to consider a fic! I like playing off of scenarios, writing dialogue/backstories rather than considering piecing a whole ass fic lmfao. One day I may try! But art is my trade for now ;D
the best I can offer you is to read all I have on Crusade would be to check out the crusade and cybertron’s legacy au on my tumblr! There I have all the asks/art and lore for them, have fun!
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‘who needs another sparkling when they have me? I’m perfect ✨’
that they are for sure. but they know they’d get stuck w babysitting duties for the rest of their life, plus (after I figure out the whole fiasco that is the true reunions) theres tentaive trust just beginning to form between their Creators, another sparkling to worry about my blow up in their faces,,or not. we just don’t know.
but man this ask came soon. at the rate we’re going Crusade may not get a CHOICE
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hhh I don’t know! so the way I have the CLau laid out—it takes place roughly 20 years after The Trial of Megatron. A little soon for other member of say Team Prime to settle down, hell their careers have just begun, that and if there were other Sparklings in the AU born from our favs, they’d be itty bitties.
I’m thinking it may be so much more fun to have Wormholes Gone Horribly Wrong and Rips In the Timelines—queue the clashing of AUs so Crusade can meet the lot! lol I can’t wait for Crusade to meet the SAR team I’m practically shaking
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other things,,,
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their child*
and yes it was not fair at all, Megatron on will realize this eventually—but the level of fear this reveal invoked trumped over rationale—which is what exactly what happened when Megatron realized just how vulnerable this sparkling would be should the Autobots even remotely know of it’s existence.
The Autobots would have every motivation to simply take the information from Optimus by force should he have told him of the sparkling. Megatron’s interests lied in protecting all parties. He made a tough choice as a Carrier, but an even harder one as a former lover.
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YES THEY WOULD FOR THAT EXACT REASON. The rhymes, the quips during battle—or Crusade is a little bit too like their Sire when they’re in the zone. ‘an angry opponent makes for a stupid one’ like Sire like Sparkling
But after A Little Too Familiar, Megatron didn’t let them near any active field so long as he could help it. Too risky, the Magnus would suspect more than anyone, Crusade was compromised and most of all nearly taken down, or worse taken. But Crusade was stubborn—they found a way—more on that eventually aksjsksjd
They didn’t get to meet Team Prime on any field, now on a base or in a brig,,,,hmm we will see ;3
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No one. There hasn’t been a carried sparkling in the ranks in Primus knows how long, their existence alone was an anomaly—and one that put Megs through the ringer emotionally ofc but physically as well
there was no How To book (easily accessible to the Cons at least) so everything Megs performed was out of instinct alone,,with some assistance from Shockwave of course—theyre the most versed in watching over ‘little things’ and most of all what could possibly be ‘Autobotish behavior’ and how to care for one (that doesn’t exist you dumb FUCK it’s just a Cybertronian BABY)
Carrier protocols are extremely powerful on a bot, some go soft, some go on the attack, some have a mix of both—either way the base line coding just screams protect, which is exactly what Megatron did for whatever reason Crusade should need him for.
Whether it was by being a warm perch to nap on, giving reassurance, providing a firm hand on their shoulder when supporting them through announcing their new chosen titles, showing them the proper way to fight, or simply just letting them know that they can do no wrong because they are his and they are perfect, Megs was there to protect them—and he did his job well.
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