#Let's Bomber!
thatsrightice · 4 months
the bomber jacket stays on during sex 😤
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poison-j · 3 months
If someone time traveled and told one month ago me that I'd be trippin over a British man, id scream, thrash my eyes out, and do ten backflips in disbelief.
Anyway look it's Barry!1!1!1! (I swear I'll draw someone else soon just lemme fawn over this dood rq)
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mutedeclipse · 4 months
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Assorted doodles and white has a design for.. i guess what im calling the monster au? Mythos au? Idfk its snake and bird au in my mind i never thought to name or categorize it. But since half the dastardlies and white have designs for it i mightaswell name it.
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dinosaurwithablog · 2 days
For the second time this year, the Yankees win 7 games in a row!!! The Bronx Bombers are firing on all cylinders. The entire team is playing phenomenal baseball.... Great pitching, great fielding, great hitting!! It's poetry in motion and a joy to watch!!! Thank you, guys!! You've made me very, very, very happy. Let's go Yankees!!!!!
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lunaremy · 8 months
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doodles while i wait for my family to come home and break the locks so i can escape
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werewolfetone · 4 months
bewildered and alarmed at those anti ira posters.
Yeah they're. really something
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5, 8, 50!
5. How do you like your eggs?
In an omelette, with peppers, onions, ham and/or sausage, and cheese. Being able to go get an omelette at the dining hall afterwards is the only thing keeping me motivated to go to my stupidly early meeting. I also like them scrambled but I'm a bit pickier about the texture in that case.
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
The main thing I purposefully collect are pins, enamel and otherwise. A lot of them live on my denim jacket, but I actually have more pins than can fit on there at any given time. Here's the current state of the collection:
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Most of the ones that don't live on the jacket are either too fragile, too large, tend to come off too easily, or I just don't like the design as much (the latter I keep around to swap out with the pride pins when I go visit my parents). A lot of the medium circular buttons were freebies from the library, and a lot of the others were bought from local artists— if you're curious about where I got a particular pin, let me know (in a reply/DM) and I can try to dredge up a link if it's one that I bought.
I actually want to do a lot more to this jacket— because I usually wear a backpack I can only put pins on a limited part of it, so I want to start making/collecting patches to put everywhere else. I have a few already and I've bought materials for a large back patch, but haven't had the time to actually put it together. I also want to acquire some Disco Elysium-related pins or patches, but I haven't found any that really vibe with me yet.
50. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions.
The only thing I really need to be able to sleep is a very dark room— as little ambient light as possible. Beyond that, I generally prefer a room that's on the colder side, so I can fully hunker down into the comforter, but not so cold that I need to wear socks or add an additional blanket (too many layers of fabric starts to bother me, I sleep in just my underwear for the same reason). I sleep best when I'm alone (which is how I almost always sleep, not entirely by choice), and I don't usually sleep with stuffed animals unless I'm feeling particularly lonely that night. If we're really talking ideal sleeping conditions, then I wouldn't have an alarm set, and I'd have a solid hour or two of time after I wake up to dick around on my phone until I'm ready to get out of bed.
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lovegenom · 3 months
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pics from me and my dad's old iphone 3g which my dad brought back to life yesterday. he's been trying to bring it back for a year and a half according to him lol but he never brought it up until earlier this year.
as of now, the next day, though its practically on life support :p it lost charge so im just letting it regain whatever it has left LOL i cant use itunes (no support for it anymore) and its behind on airdrop so i had to email these pics to myself. for whatever reason the macbook and my laptop refuse to detect it as a device connected to the usb port so i cant import anything that i took and i dont know what the issue is, but on my laptop it says theres a driver error so maybe its the cord's usb port. so rundown the battery is fucked the charger we've been using for it is all the time is fucked i cant download any more apps i cant import anything else that i took WOW!
i hope i can somehow make it more usable. little by little.
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robo-swag · 1 year
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
the world's cutest girl with the world's cutest eyepatch!
...junko you missed an opportunity to put fuyuhiko in that eyepatch in dr2.
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thatsrightice · 4 months
I don’t have a problem guys I swear…
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F/A-18 Blue Angel - US Air and Space Museum (2015)
Air Force One - US Air and Space Museum (2017)
P- 51 Mustang - EAA AirVenture (2018)
Remove Before Flight - EAA AirVenture (2018)
Apollo Spacecraft - US Air and Space Museum (2018)
B-25 Mitchell - EAA AirVenture (2018)
Lockheed P-38 Lightning - EAA AirVenture (2019)
Atlantis Shuttle - US Space & Rocket Center (2020?)
Remove Before Flight (RBF) C-5 - EAA AirVenture (2022)
Red Gulfstream RBF - Fall Career Fair (2022)
Blue Gulfstream RBF - Work (2023)
B-29 Superfortress RBF - EAA AirVenture (2023)
EAA RBF - EAA AirVenture (2023)
“I’d rather be flying” EAA Warbirds RBF - EAA AirVenture (2023)
B-17 Flying Fortress RBF - EAA AirVenture (2023)
Spinning Prop Plane - National Air Force Museum (2023)
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((Hi Phantom! What’s your opinion on Magnet??))
"The magnetic bomber, hmm...?"
Taking the question from the human, the lightning mastermind gave it some thoughts as he leaned back on his own purple ergonomic chair
"He is... Quite interesting..."
He paused for a bit, then he looked at his left hand that was covered with... Tiny yellow lightning bolts...
"Despite being a hot head... And a little bit of a... 'gremlin'... He is quite a powerful bomber...
Though... He might need some... Brain power..."
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wolf-2099 · 1 year
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close ups of my Many Guys
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mutedeclipse · 1 year
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Hyperniche drawing but it was a cute idea in my defence
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I need to go to bed but I just started HBomberGuys 2+ hour long video essay on what Fallout New Vegas is good and god damn it I can't sleep until I know why it's good
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oopsalltes · 8 months
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yellow is the only sibling blue will actually stay awake and listen to entire of his own free will (green doesn't count hes only awake when he knows green is going to manipulate someone in his favor)
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