smilingangel582 · 10 months
Lemme be honest, Percy Jackson is a book series I read and enjoyed as a kid, but I was totally not expecting these boys Nico and Will! And it's real! Omg I just read the new book, Sun and Star, and they really tickled my fancy!
Btw... I am not enlightened about hero's of olmypus since I don't remember much apart from the basic story line. Sooo, I will write about these boys more since I know them better. Btw I'm gonna be a lee!nico main! Ler!Will is the best! Sunshine needs to shed more light on him.
And the one I'm writing now is not entirely a tickle fic, because I want some more cuteness and love from them, so... there will be only a minor tickle scene. If that's not enough, I'll write a better and intensely cute one! Heeeheee
Warning spoilers alert
Need you by my side.
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Ps. You can't tell me this gif is not relatable!
Camp half blood was much quieter around this time. Will rested by the stretchers after most of the patients are well taken care of. He was ready to close down the infirmary when he noticed a familiar presence by the Apollo cabin.
This made the son of Hades step out and push his hands down his pockets giving a head gesture "Yo,"
As calm and reserved as ever, so intense. Will thought with a smile, but he really wished Nico could open up more than the rest. He just got used to socializing, but its kinda hard to get him to interact with others willingly.
He would do it for Will. Indirectly, he had that look ever since. Plus, he would swing by the infirmary to check on Will, showing his love more endearing for Will.
"Are you here to see me?" Will asked teasingly.
Nico looked away with a frown "Well, no... just bored,"
"I thought you enjoyed your self-solitary confinement," raising an eyebrow, Will watched Nico shift from one foot to another by holding the expression of seriousness. "Yeah, can't I roam around these lands?" He added "I need to get out of there at least once"
Sighing, Will reached to grab his shoulders and slide his arms over his neck to embrace him. "Just simply say you missed me"
Almost. Will saw a faint blush, but it was a split second. He scoffed but didn't push him off, "Yeah, think whatever you want"
"Babe..." he whispered to his ear now, this made Nico stagger back and Will grabbed his elbows now to avoid a sudden tumble on the grass.
There's that blush. Will grinned, now blowing into his ear. "Your ears are red... that was a dead giveaway..."
(A/N: I'm a sucker for sensitive ears - may it be for tickle purposes or any non-tickle purposes)
"Solace..." he gritted his teeth but didn't say anything much as he felt himself melting to the sudden arousal. He had always been weak on the ears, he can't control himself when Will took advantage of this.
They were still outside by the forests, far from the other cabins but close by the infirmary. They could slip away easily without anyone finding out... hopefully.
"W-wait..." Nico gasped suddenly leaning against the tree as he felt Will push himself to bite his ear, which made him moan a wavery and high vibrato.
"Nico that's adorable" he whispered.
"Ngh! S-shut up" hi gripped Will's jacket to push him and pull him... he was torn with both desires.
Will felt him warmer now, his own face slightly flushed with excitement. He watched the beautiful face of the Ghost King turn to something cute and stimulative.
"Can't... sorry," he nipped his collarbone, making Nico give a weak cry of protest, "I missed this... so much Nico"
He decides to back off before giving a long kiss to his tender lips. Nico widened his eyes. Those pitch-black eyes were brighter like a confused kitten. Will didn't stop his fingers from holding Nico's shoulders. He could see this was a temptation he wanted desperately for himself as well.
"You had to do that...?" Nico whined, pulling his knees to his chest as he mumbled like a child. Another lovely side that Will loves in him was this childish pout and complains he had. When things don't go his way he would be like this.
"Come on... you look like a puppy that needed attention"
"Is that so?" His tone shifts to a smirk. Will didn't see this coming. He felt a sudden weight on his chest as he watched Nico kiss him more vigorously, now pinning his own wrists. Too surprised by the attack, he gasped. "W-wait!"
"Your turn..."
Will liked it rough, he smiled fondly but then again, they might go too far as to getting caught. He should stop nico from getting too far.
There is only one way to stop him.
"Ack! Will!" He yelped now, stumbling away from his boyfriend."Dohont do that!"
Will snuck a few fingers clawing at his ribs. He resorted to immature measures in order to tame Nico's wild vengeance. It's effective even for someone like him.
"I'm sorry, but is the big bag son of hades a bit ticklish?" Will giggled when Nico tried to escape the playful nimble fingers of his. Chuckling more at that, he grabbed Nico's wrist and in one hand to his chest while the other hand snuck to his hips, pinching them rapidly. This drove Nico wild, "Yohohou moron! I'll sehehend you creatures ohohof -gahaha nohoho more -aahha ihihihi wihihill make suhuhuhure thehehehey eheheheat your brahahahain!"
Clicking his tongue, he poked his stomach. "That's so adorable. You should stop watching dead rising though," he grinned, now wiggling his fingers. "I can't help but want to tickle you more for that stunt you pulled ..."
"SOHOHORRY!" He yellled when Will hit a particular sensitive spot. He snuggled his lips to the side of his neck bringing tickly kisses which made Nico arouse and giggle at the same time.
"Alright, alright... we gotta stop. Let's continue on bed"
"Y-yohou mean thahat?"
Will watched the keeness in his eyes, then smugly pointed out "Oh, don't you like my seduction? That's fine, I can tickle you instead?"
"Stop, you know what I meant." Nico gave a soft smile without any forced attempt. Will felt his heart begin palpitation at that. He gave one last kiss on Nico's pale cheek before dragging him away, "I know, Nico..."
"I need you by my side," Will said unexpectedly, then Nico widened his eyes by this confession. He chuckles playfully. "That reaction was priceless... I gotta take a photo of that someday"
"Bastard, what am I a cat...?" he chuckled in a low voice but then looked up at the blond who was glimmering light to his life. Before that, he blushed as he said, "I love you, sushine, so i need you by my side too"
"I love you too, my grumpy ball of darkness"
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amitlee · 1 year
Keep Your Paws To Yourself
Warnings: None!
Summary: Tommy plays air guitar with Wilbur’s prized possession and pays the price.
“Hey Wil,” Tommy spoke, drawing the attention of the elder. “Look at this.”
Wilbur turned from his computer to see what Tommy had gotten into. His curiosity fizzled away as he took in Tommy’s appearance.
Tommy stood a few feet away holding Wilbur’s guitar and posing like a rock star in a freeze frame. He smiled, happy to have Wilbur’s attention, and pretended to play wildly. He swung his arm in a circular motion, being careful to avoid the strings. At one point, he even dropped to his knees to complete the look. All the while Wilbur looked on with an unamused gaze.
Eventually, Tommy stood up, put the guitar on its stand, and stood out of breath.
“Well.” Tommy prodded. “What did you think?”
There was a moment of silence between the two, only being broken by Tommy’s screech of alarm when Wilbur quickly stood from his desk chair and grabbed at him.
“GET OFF ME, MAN-“ Tommy yelped. One of his wrists was taken up and held near his head by Wilbur’s hand. Wilbur’s free hand danced across Tommy’s vulnerable ribs, making the boy howl with bubbly laughter.
Wilbur grinned as Tommy shrieked and squirmed in his hold, a bright and genuine smile etched on his face the entire time.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to mess with my stuff before it gets into that little brain of yours?” Wilbur asked playfully. He’d been itching for an opportunity to mess with Tommy all day, the guitar stunt made for the perfect reason.
“Ihihi wahahas plahaying you a sohohong! Yohohou should behehe thahankfUHUHUL- WIHIHIL!” Tommy broke into high pitched and mirthful laughter. Wilbur took it upon himself to massage his sides with precision for his little comment.
Wilbur huffed out a chuckle. “You should be thankful.” He said as he slowed to a stop.
Tommy panted lightly as the last of his giggles tapered off. He looked up at Wilbur with shining eyes and rosy cheeks. “So, what did you think?”
Wilbur kneaded into Tommy’s lower sides, above the hip bone, and listened to the cackles that burst forth. “You never learn, do you?”
Tommy bucked like a bull at the unexpected explosion of ticklish energy on such an intense spot. His free hand shot down in an attempt to grab Wilbur’s.
“Trying to stop me?” Wilbur tutted in mocking disappointment. “Bad move, Tom.”
Suddenly, Wilbur’s hands were moving lightning fast across different spots. From his hips to his ribs, sides, tummy, and even his armpit. The latter made Tommy laugh so hard that it produced snorts. It was as if Wilbur had multiple hands.
Seeing the reaction, Wilbur drilled his pointer finger into Tommy’s hollow. Tommy’s hand still trapped in Wilbur’s grip and held out made Tommy squeal and thrash. He threw his head back against Wilbur’s collarbone and resigned himself to a ticklish fate.
Crimeboys 🥺😢😭🤪😝😚😣😌🤓
How would you guys feel about me maybe posting a Stranger Things fic sometime? I’m in love with the relationship Steve and Eddie have and have a bit of it down already.
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THIS IS MY 500th POST????
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bennyzblog · 2 years
The "All Time" Weakness of Mike Wheeler
Byler ficlet <3 - Lee!Mike, Ler!Will (takes place in S2)
Warnings : tickles
It was a Friday night at the byler house, since it was planned for a week, Mike and Will were allowed to have a sleepover as long as they stayed quiet. But tonight Joyce said she had an extra shift at work, and Jonathan would have to look after both the boys while she was gone, Will seemed annoyed but Mike just seemed to not really care. It was about 9 pm and there was no sleeping tonight for both, so with enough convincing, Will and Mike were asking eachother questions.. like about secrets they have or something. But the thing is, they couldn't like about it. Will was lie a human lie detector, his gut told him whenever someone lied to him and he trusted it!
"Okay so do you have a crush?" Mike asked, turning his head so it portrayed a curious tilt. Will seemed to think about this question, a small tone of pink gracing his cheeks.
"..not so sure actually, I haven't thought about anyone like that in a bit since im being called zombie boy n shit." Will laughed nervously while Mike gave him a sympathetic smile, Will waved his hand in a 'its fine I'm used to it' kind of way, he didn't really wanna talk about what happened at school anyway.
"Hmm. Okay I have one!" Will has been curious about something for awhile, he thought it was a bit weird but.. here goes nothing!
"Are you ticklish?" The brunette asked, his eyebrows raising as soon as Mike's face turned a bright red. Mike.. personally didn't mind getting tickled unless it was by his family, he thought it was a way to bond but!! Nobody in the friend group even knew about this weakness, even if he craved for it after 3 years of not receiving it. He didn't like the idea of anyone but him and his family knowing, but he also did want other people to know?? He wasn't so sure.
"N.. No??" Crap he stuttered, and the answer sounded more like a question. A big grin came over his face to cover his nervousness even though it was horribly obvious that he was lying. You didn't even need Will to tell you that. He tensed once he saw the look Will gave him.
"Remember Mike, I said to only tell the truthhh." Will reminded him, and Mike grinned and nodded, fidgeting with his pajama shorts.
"Okay maybe a little b—"
"You know for lying I think you deserve some penalty, my paladin." Will's demenour changed from his regular timid one to a very evil looking one, he switched his sitting position to a knealing one and wiggled his fingers at Mike. Who gulped and started to get up. Of course Will wasn't gonna pass up an opportunity like this. Mike BOLTED out the room, and right after came Will. Soft music could be heard from Jonathan's room, so as long as his music was loud enough they wouldn't be heard. He soon caught up to Mike and grabbed him with a big bear hug and dragged him down onto the couch, a long string of giggles came from both of the young boys as they collapsed onto the couch laughing.
"Nonono, willllll.... we can talk about this right buddy?" Mike nervously asked, while the other gave him a disgusted look for calling him buddy.
"You know just for that I'm tickling you for longer." As he finished that statement a whiney no came from Mike, but it was too late to beg. The brunette scribbled his nimble fingers up and down the ravenette's sides, the other bursted into childlike giggles a gentle shake of his head in response.
"Wihill! Nohot fair!" Mike whined, squirming in the grip of the shorter boy. Even being short, Will was actually stronger than Mike, everyone found that actually amusing. Will chuckled and he kept his arm over Mike so he stayed bound, his other hand drifted to his stomach, and he poked and prodded, and sometimes scribbled randomly. A string of goofy sounds and snorts mixed in his giggles floated through the air.
"Jeez why did you never tell me about this? This is way too good!" Will exclaimed, giving a few more pokes before going to find another spot.
"Behecausuehe of THIHI—" Mike was about to finish his sentence when will squeezed his knee, He kinda had to lean into him to reach but it did wonders! Because he made his best friend squeal before eventually releasing him from his grip, Mike playfully collapsed onto will making them both shriek with giggles while Will light heartedly tried to push the other off of him.
"Jeez will, you're evil!" Mike chuckled, and a breathy giggle came from Will.
"Not evil, just wise." Will gave a dorkish grin as Mike got off of him, He paused once he looked at him though.
"Now will... I'll have you know im a man of.. revenge!" And with that he pounced on Will, instead of Mike's laughter it was Will's, soon after it dissolved into a tickle fight leaving them both breathless and giggly once they finished.
Anyways byler <3
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tastybluesprite · 2 years
hi🌷 if you are still doing the tickletober prompts can you do REVENGE with mike as the lee maybe based in one of your other fics :)
Wills Revenge
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Ahhh I love lee!Mike. There really isn’t enough of him. But yeah I decided to make it a part 2 for another fic I made of them because I felt it fit best for this. Sorry if it’s a bit short lol, I didn’t have enough time to write more lol
Part 1
“Hey uh Mike?” Will asked after he finally caught his breath. “What?” He asked. “Did you forget that I’m not the only ticklish one here?” Will said with a growing smirk. Mikes eyes widened and he backed himself to the door of the van. “Will Cmon you really don’t have to. You know I’m sorry.”
Will chuckled “Oh I know you’re not. But you will be when I’m done…” and with that Will began trying to wrestle Mike to the seat. To Mikes surprise, Will was actually quite strong. He remembered when Will would always have trouble lifting heavy stuff when they were kids and Mike would always have to help him. But Will had him pinned to the seat in no time at all. “W-Will cmon I’m like not even that ticklish.”
“Really?” Will asked, feigning surprise, “this shouldn’t bother you then!” And with that Will began digging his fingers into Mikes sides. “W-Wihill stohohop!!!” Mike protested, trying to squirm away from Wills grip. “No! This is revenge for torturing me!” Will exclaimed.
Like how Mike knew Wills spots, Will knew Mikes. They’ve known each other for so long and have had so many tickle fights, that they knew all of each others spots. “AHahahah whaHAHahaT!!!” Mike protested in a burst of louder and high pitched laughter as Will gently dug his fingers into Mikes stomach. He felt embarrassed that Will was able to overpower him so easily. He didn’t really consider himself to be THAT ticklish. But Will knew how to make it feel ticklish as hell. Finally Jonathan told Will to stop (“you’ll kill him if you keep going!”). Mike was panting, trying to catch his breath “Okay.. I d-deserved that… s-sorry”
Will grinned and patted his best friends back, “Of course you did.”
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inkegg · 3 months
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I watched Lisa Frankenstein 6 times in the last 48 hours. This movie...
Pose ref under cut
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saciada · 2 months
sempre te tive como quem soubesse que ia te perder.
— saciada.
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marshiestars · 1 year
the tumblr sexymen if they were WOKE 😤😤😤
BI Cipher 😡
TRANS Undertale 😨
The PRONOUNS-ler 😰
Na-GAY-to Komaeda 😱
GAY-rahim 🤯
Cecil Palmer
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fanta-syrop · 1 month
Ollo! Dunno if your requests are open, but if they are might I humbly request lee chuuya with any ler of your choice? I shall pay with virtual cereal and orange juice. <3 If not disregard this rq, and make sure to take care of yourself :D
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Hihiii Anon~) Thank you very much for the request and yummies! I appreciate it a lot💕ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
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fluffyweeby · 2 months
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Head empty just AngelHusk tickles 😶
Stay hydrated everyone! 💧💜
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cloudysfluffs · 6 months
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he is such a little shit /affectionate
nsfw/kink blogs please dni!
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vikeera · 4 months
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Alastor being a giggly mess and Angel digging his own grave
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amitlee · 2 years
Golden Rays
Summary: SBI family vibes if you squint
Warnings: None
“Get awahay from me!” Tommy shouted, running with both hands holding onto the beanie he’d just taken. Wilbur was right on his tail, the only thing keeping him in the lead being that he’d chosen not to wear socks, so he had better footing than his brother who constantly slid on the hardwood flooring.
“Stop stealing my things, you little thief!” Wilbur retorted in faux anger. He reached out, just barely brushing the younger’s shirt, making him squeal and arch away. “Tommy, you are going to regret this!” He stated.
Regret was the dull grey of the sky after being sent to his room, it was the tears on his cheek after falling and scraping his knee. Regret was not the countless Summer days spent in meadows collecting flowers to give to his mother. Nor was it racing through his family house with his brother hot on his heels. Tommy knew this for a fact, he had no regret.
Now, moments later, after he’d been caught and thoroughly tickled with deadly precision, maybe then he pretended to feel a little regret; lest Wilbur continue to mercilessly pinch and drill into his bottom ribs. But even then, it was something he wouldn’t trade for the world.
Tommy reminded himself of this as he grabbed his father’s journal, causing yet another game of cat and mouse that would fill the house with playful banter and laughter once more.
I don’t know how me sitting down, intending to write an actual fic, ended with me writing a fuzzy little drabble.
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echo1321 · 6 months
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this FUCKING SPOT is a dream.
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cloudsontherainbow · 1 month
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Enjoy my home cooked meal<3
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saciada · 1 month
querer tanto quem não te quer vai te fazer se perder de si mesma.
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creantzy · 1 year
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Someone had to do it 😁😁😁
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