#Lagu All Kill
pewartanusantara · 11 months
‘Like Crazy’ Mencetak Sejarah: Jimin BTS Meraih Dua Lagu All Kill di iTunes dan Berbagai Prestasi Lainnya
‘Like Crazy’ Mencetak Sejarah: Jimin BTS Meraih Dua Lagu All Kill di iTunes dan Berbagai Prestasi Lainnya
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Pewarta Nusantara, Entertainment – Jimin BTS mencatatkan prestasi yang mengesankan dalam karirnya sebagai penyanyi dengan meraih dua lagu all kill di iTunes di 119 negara.
Lagu pertamanya, “With You” yang merupakan kolaborasi dengan Ha Sung Woon, telah mencapai posisi puncak di 119 iTunes sejak tahun 2022.
Kini, lagu terbaru Jimin, “Like Crazy” dari album debut solonya yang berjudul ‘FACE’, berhasil meraih 119 iTunes pada Minggu (25/6/2023), dengan Belgia menjadi negara terakhir yang menempatkannya di posisi pertama iTunes.
Rekor ini membuat Jimin menjadi penyanyi pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia yang memiliki dua lagu all kill di iTunes di 119 negara.
Prestasi tersebut tidak hanya memperpanjang rekor Jimin sendiri sebagai lagu dengan jumlah posisi pertama terbanyak di iTunes pada tahun 2023, tetapi juga menunjukkan popularitas yang luar biasa yang dimilikinya di seluruh dunia.
Selain “Like Crazy” dan “With You”, terdapat empat lagu lainnya dari Jimin yang mencapai pencapaian signifikan di iTunes.
Lagu-lagu tersebut meliputi “Filter” dari album BTS dengan 117 iTunes, “Vibe” dari album Taeyang dengan 102 iTunes, “Set Me Free Pt.2” dari album ‘FACE’ dengan 113 iTunes, dan “Angel Pt.1” yang merupakan lagu dari OST Fast X bersama Jvke, Muni Long, NLE Chopra, dan Kodak Black dengan 101 iTunes.
Selama tahun 2023, Jimin telah mencatat sejumlah prestasi yang mengesankan. Ia menjadi satu-satunya artis solo Korea yang berhasil meraih posisi pertama di tangga lagu Billboard Hot 100.
Jimin juga masuk dalam Guinness World of Record sebagai solois K-Pop yang mencapai 1 miliar streaming tercepat di Spotify. Selain itu, ia juga menjadi artis Korea dengan lagu-lagu terbanyak yang masuk dalam Billboard Hot 100, dan masih banyak prestasi lainnya yang telah diraihnya. (*Ibs)
New Post has been published on https://www.pewartanusantara.com/like-crazy-mencetak-sejarah-jimin-bts-meraih-dua-lagu-all-kill-di-itunes-dan-berbagai-prestasi-lainnya/
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zwy01 · 1 month
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Noble OCs - Drosia
Making five OCs for every clan!
Baltasar Drosia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation.
Baltasar was a decent person though he didn’t quite feel like he could call himself one. His existence in Lukedonia was rather weak. He didn’t have enough ambition according to pureblood standards so he wasn’t very well-received amongst his clan members, especially his overbearing Drosia parent. The rest of Baltasar’s family members were successful people who had long lists of achievements so he stuck out like a sore thumb. They tried to “fix” him which just pushed him into depression because while he loved them and wanted to make them proud, he only desired a simple life. Furthermore, he was the rare pureblood born into a family of non-purebloods so they had even higher expectations for him. Baltasar craving the approval of others became his defining characteristic. He left Lukedonia sometime during his young adult years to mingle with humans instead. At least they worshipped him, he thought. Baltasar did have a talent with sharps sticks, knives, and needles so he became a doctor and surgeon for humans. Before he left home, he studied from books in library tower Minerva as he often went there to temporarily escape from his pushy family. He didn’t tell them about his medical knowledge because he was afraid they’d say it’s a worthless skill anyway. Turns out it came in handy. Baltasar needed that external validation and if seeking it in the human world was the answer, then he took the opportunity without hesitation. He removed tumors, corrected deformities, fixed up broken limbs from accidents, etc. The humans viewed Baltasar as a god and set up shrines and altars dedicated to him and made offerings of fruit, pastries, animals, and even human sacrifices at some point. He didn’t mind the more questionable offerings and let the humans be. After all, he was only treating them because he got worshipped and not because he genuinely liked being a doctor. In fact, if they stopped giving him his due, he’d abandon them immediately. Baltasar was addicted to approval and admiration. Going without such shallow fulfillment wouldn’t have killed him, but he would’ve been rather miserable. He “loved” humans for as long as they loved him. If his family had been more positive towards him, he wouldn’t have left Lukedonia in the first place. Baltasar was the father of Raizel, whom he had with the Previous Noblesse. He returned to Lukedonia with the Previous Noblesse after they had Raizel in the outside world and all of a sudden his family changed their attitude and finally loved him because he fathered a Noblesse. What an amazing feat, they praised. Baltasar’s resentment towards his family suddenly blew up and he went crazy. The Previous Noblesse offered to “take care” of them for him, and though he still loved them, he accepted her offer. Baltasar and the Previous Noblesse’s exact relationship was a mystery. He did have a Ru lover, though. Maybe Raizel even has a Ru half-sibling. Who knows.
Cecilia Drosia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Cecilia was the mother and predecessor of Edian. She was an attentive and committed mother so Edian didn’t really need a nanny though she had one too. Her nanny was actually her aunt Celeste, the younger sister of Cecilia. The sisters took great care of the Drosia heir. They sparred with little Edian in the training grounds every day and the three of them made fond memories together. Edian learned offense from her mother and defense from her aunt. Technically, Cecilia was the Drosia Clan Leader, but Celeste carried out plenty of Clan Leader duties in her sister’s stead to take some stress off her beloved Ceci’s shoulders and even more frequently after Edian was born for mother and daughter to have more time together. Cecilia was always grateful for Cel’s help. Things were peaceful and happy until Cecilia gradually changed into another person to the point where neither Celeste nor Edian could recognize her anymore. It all had to do with the Previous Noblesse. Cecilia was madly in love with the mysterious Noblesse and in the process of falling in love, she lost her sense of self-preservation and judgement. On the surface, the relationship looked normal but in reality it was full of manipulation from one side. The Previous Noblesse saw Cecilia as prey and decided to play around with the latter’s feelings purely for entertainment. It’s worth noting that Cecilia was one of the few nobles born with “the mark”, also known as “Eye of Noblesse”, which is a small, red diamond-shaped mark in the chest. Those born with the mark are nobles designated to refill the Noblesse’s lifespan with their own by sacrificing and offering themselves as batteries. The Noblesse could call upon them, or they could go to the Noblesse willingly. Nobles with the mark have varying opinions on their predetermined destiny. Most are content with it and see it as an honor while some see it as a curse. Others are neutral. Cecilia was one of the nobles who saw it as her true destiny and fully embraced the possibility that she’d die one day being absorbed by a Noblesse. Perhaps that’s why Cecilia fought rather recklessly with heavy offense and little to no defense, mirroring her mindset. Even if she didn’t have the mark, she would’ve been obsessed with the Noblesse anyway since she was easy to manipulate. Well, the Previous Noblesse wouldn’t have approached Cecilia if it weren’t for her mark. The Previous Noblesse always teased Cecilia and told her that she’d absorb her when the time comes, only to never do so and that drove Cecilia crazy. Every time she closed her eyes ready to sacrifice herself for her lover, the Previous Noblesse just laughed and turned around after saying “maybe another day”. Cecilia only got absorbed when she basically begged on her knees for her Noblesse lover to do it because she couldn’t handle living on the edge anymore. The Previous Noblesse did love Cecilia, but also loved testing her and seeing her in pain and that brought her great pleasure. Edian was a young adult when she lost her mother. Edian was Cecilia’s only child, but the latter encouraged her daughter to call the Previous Noblesse “Mother” and her Noblesse sons her “Brothers”. Edian wasn’t very comfortable with such matters as she never felt that way about those individuals, but did so anyway to please her beloved mother. Cecilia had an Elenor lover as well.
Faustino Hermoso Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Faustino is a pleasant person. He sometimes gets carried away and ends up talking nonstop, which he’d then giggle and apologize. He just gets so interested in so many things. Can’t help it. He’s the type of person who’d invite someone for a drink next time within half an hour of meeting them. This is part of his genuine personality, but there’s more to it. Faustino pretends to be dumber than he actually is. He doesn’t know why he does it, but his gut feelings tell him he needs to. In reality, he’s not dim at all. He’s very smart and has great instincts. His friends make fun of his “crazy eyes” that move back and forth rapidly but that’s just him doing the usual routine of scanning his environment for potential threats. He’s also marking all possible emergency exits. Faustino’s fine with the misunderstandings since they’re working to his advantage anyway. For now, they can just think he’s the bubbly guy who doesn’t know any better. Although Faustino wasn’t Edian’s appointed childhood companion, he was one of her close friends. Edian didn’t quite get along with the one officially assigned to her, so Faustino willingly filled in that role. He always tried to cheer her up whenever she felt sad, which was often especially after her mother Cecilia changed for the worse. Faustino has a supernatural bull friend named Manzana and the two of them have fun together by dancing, where the former waves around a piece of red fabric as the latter tries to catch it by charging at it. They sometimes travel in the human world and Manzana doesn’t bother to hide his appearance from humans, so some groups may or may not have picked up on the duo’s games and turned it into a blood sport in their replications. Faustino and Manzana think it’s very cruel. The two of them don’t travel around outside Lukedonia for no reason and when they do, it’s to look for gifts to bring back for Edian to help her feel better. They cared about her greatly and it’s a known fact to nobles. They took Edian on walks when they noticed she needed a breather. Manzana let her ride on his back and the trio would stroll around in the Drosia territory. Faustino led the way as he rambled about his shenanigans hoping to put a smile on her face. One day, Lagus decided to get rid of Faustino due to his closeness to Edian and was worried he might interfere with his plan to drug her so he sent his loyal follower Deiphobos to do the job. Luckily, they underestimated Faustino and he very narrowly escaped death thanks to pretending to be dumber than he was all this time. To convince them that he was dead, he stayed in hiding ever since and never got to say goodbye to Edian. Edian was devastated and thought her friend abandoned her all of a sudden with no further explanation whatsoever. First her mother, now him. Faustino is forced to lay low until Lagus gets executed in the far future and breaks down when he learns that Edian is dead too. To this day, Faustino hasn’t tried to expose Deiphobos yet because the latter is too powerful and he needs to act carefully. Faustino’s partner is an unnamed Agvain.
Isabel Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Isabel is a vigilante feared by the noble community. Well, she used to be one. She stops once her “good deeds” land her in jail. Even the prison guards were scared of her. She wasn’t powerful enough to break out and had no motivation to do so; instead it was her creepiness they feared. Even after her release, the guards are reminded of her whenever they hear sharp, scraping noises because she used to scratch the floors and walls with her hairpin. Isabel hates liars. She doesn’t discriminate between white lies and malicious lies. If she catches a liar, she obsessively stalks them, pins them down, and impales their tongues with small, sharp blades that resemble rapiers. The more severe the lie, the more blades she uses. Her victims could have a single one through the middle of their tongue or dozens spread all over in a bloody, mushy mess like a porcupine’s quills. Only purebloods are exempt from Isabel’s pursuit because as a non-pureblood she isn’t powerful enough to immobilize them to do her deed, leading to the rumor that Isabel is specifically targeting fellow non-purebloods out of spite or something. If she were a pureblood, she would’ve been unstoppable. Not only does Isabel impale liars’ tongues, she also impales their tongues to something so they can’t move. The wall, the floor, etc. Her blades are imbued with a special spell that can’t be undone unless dissolved by someone with more powerful magic. If not removed in time, the blades “fuse” with the victims tongues. In worst case scenarios, tongues have to be cut off entirely and new ones need to be grown in place with the help of healing potions. No one knows why Isabel resents liars to the extreme. Some suspect she’s been hurt badly by someone close to her, and they’re not too far off. The exact details are mysteries for now. Isabel is fairly normal otherwise. After she gets released, she becomes a torturer when one of them scouts her out for the job because she does have the potential. It’s all in her muscle memory, how lovely! As expected, she targets tongues during work. It’s okay if they can’t talk, she’ll just force them to do so telepathically. Isabel’s favorite food is grilled beef tongues and she always stabs them repeatedly before eating because it makes them “more tender”. Her partner thinks it’s cute and copies the behavior. Isabel’s hobby is making frog figurines out of blood clots, tree rubber, teeth, hair, and other unconventional materials.
Federica Livia Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Federica loves her clan very much. She loves all nobles, but the Drosia have a special place in her heart. She knows every single one of her clan members by name and has learned to tell them apart from aura alone. Her number one idol, without question, is her Clan Leader Edian. Federica hates Raskreia to the core for two reasons. The first one is Edian’s banishment and traitor status. While it is true that Edian left Lukedonia, Federica knows her Clan Leader well enough to infer that there’s something hidden beneath the surface of what most nobles believe to be a simple and straightforward betrayal. There must be something we don’t know, she thinks. The second one is the banishment of the entire Drosia Clan. Their banishment is something akin to house arrest where they’re only allowed to be outside their residence under heavy surveillance. Everything they say and do is monitored and if something slightly “suspicious” comes up, it gets reported. Even if Edian’s a true traitor like Raskreia insists, collective punishment is too extreme and the Lord’s reluctance to see otherwise fuels Federica’s resentment even more. The discrimination that the Drosia and other clans are bound to face just because of their shared heritage with the supposed traitors is undoubtedly the direct result of unfair treatment. Most traitor clan victims of collective punishment choose to stay lowkey as to not anger their Lord any further. Not Federica. It doesn’t help that Federica’s condition makes it worse on top of her active efforts of petitioning against Raskreia. She was born with the rare disability where she can’t stop projecting her true thoughts into other nobles’ minds via telepathy. As soon as she has an opinion, it goes out. This phenomenon is almost the equivalent of a human getting cursed with the doom of immediately blurting out whatever they think on the top of their head with no time to sugarcoat, omit, or change any details. Basically, it’s impossible for Federica to lie. For this reason, she has a hard time forming meaningful relationships with people because her harsh words are quite the deterrent. She can’t help it even though she wishes she could shut up too. The only treatment for her condition is to suppress her mind and telepathy with drugs, but painful side effects aren’t worth it so she gives up and lets herself be. Federica broadcasting her truest opinions about Raskreia’s shitty decisions as Lord and the way Edian’s case was handled lands her a sweet spot in jail for “disrespect”. Suspicions of her being Edian’s co-conspirator arise thanks to her attitude though that quickly gets disproven. Still, being loud right under the Lord’s nose probably isn’t ideal. Raskreia releases Federica from jail but only truly drops the extra surveillance on her after things clear up in the Lukedonia invasion arc. Federica is forever bitter and resentful. So the Drosia clan members, her family, all suffered for nothing. Even the sight of Raskreia groveling at their feet in repentance would never be enough to ease her grief. In the present day, Federica lives with a group of telepathically disabled nobles whom she’s friends with and eventually finds a partner in one of them. Their disability is being unable to receive thoughts projected into their minds, which makes them “deaf” in traditional nobles views. This is the ideal social environment for Federica to be in because they can’t “hear” her so she doesn’t have to worry about being excluded for not “shutting up”. Federica is an advocate for an eventual democracy in Lukedonia. She wishes to see it happen during her lifetime, but who knows if that’s possible. Federica’s hobby is board games.
Thank you for reading! Agvain is next!
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afrianajeng · 2 days
Kemarin Avenged Sevenfold (A7X) menggelar konser di Indonesia tepatnya 25 Mei 2024. Aku tidak menontonnya tapi seperti kebanyakan orang, "Dear God" juga punya memori tersendiri untukku. Sebagai anak kabupaten yang jaman SMP/SMA ngewarnet, lagu ini wajib ada di flashdisk untuk bisa diputar saat berselancar dibalik bilik bersekat. Cukup membayar 2000 rupiah kau bisa tau sisi lain dunia melalui kecanggihan teknologi bernama internet. Melalui winamp, lagu yang jarang kau dengar bisa kau dengarkan menggunakan headphone milik warnet.
Lagu-lagu biasanya kudapatkan dari folder hasil unduhan yang tersimpan dan mungkin tidak terhapus atau sengaja tidak dihapus karena itu komputer langganannya. Selain "Dear God" tentu saja ada: The Reason (Hoobastank), 21 Guns (Green Day), Bring Me to Life (Evanescence), Beautiful Girls (Sean Kingston), Don't Look Back In Anger (Oasis), Hey Soul Sister (Train), dst. Kalau lokal ya tidak jauh-jauh dari Bondan & Fade 2 Black, Pee Wee Gaskin, J-Rock, Killing Me Inside, Last Child, SID, Souljah, Ten2Five dst bisa cari sendiri di playlist spotify.
Kabar baiknya, tahun ini Bondan & Fade 2 Black come back! #Rezpector. Aku cukup banyak tau lagu mereka, dan paling suka album "For All" yang memang hapal semuanya. Pendengar lagu Bondan ini bertarung dengan gerakan SNSD untuk tugas senam pelajaran olahraga wkwk. Kebetulan sebangku SMA-ku dari kelas 1 sampai 3 juga KPopers semua. Ko bisa ya? entah. Yang aku heran, kok mereka bisa hapal member grup satu per satu dimana menurutku itu sama semua haha.
Terima kasih telah repot-repot membaca, karena membaca memang repot, maka aku berterima kasih. Mungkin aku juga akan membacanya kembali beberapa tahun kedepan, semoga ya dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat tiada kurang suatu apapun. Aamiin.
Ditulis di awal bulan Juni sambil mendengarkan lagu ini:
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skyrettes · 2 years
Shouting your name
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Do it for yourself.
Ketika selama ini lo melakukan sesuatu untuk diri lo sendiri, lalu kemudian lo ingin melakukan hal itu juga untuk orang lain rasanya akan beda. Apa, ya? Bukan karena lo melakukannya karena terpaksa, tapi lo merasa bahwa ini adalah saatnya untuk punya alasan lain dalam melakukan sesuatu dan itu untuk orang yang lo percaya.
"You did it, Man!"
I always did my job for myself, because I love to do it. Lalu kemudian ada orang-orang lain yang ada di sekitar gue, Alex, Mas Dani, Ales, All team engine, dan semua orang yang terlibat di balik layar kesuksesan gue selama ini. Orang-orang inilah yang kadang membuat alasan gue ngelakuin semua ini demi diri sendiri jadi berubah karena mereka jadi alasannya. Karena kalau dipikir-pikir selama ini gue nggak bekerja sendirian. Semua orang ini juga ikut bekerja keras dengan gue hingga kaki gue berhasil berdiri di atas podium.
"Someday someone will be standing there shouting your name. They don't hate you, but they remind you that you are never alone."
Gue masih ingat seseorang pernah mengatakan hal ini ketika untuk pertama kalinya gue jatuh dari atas motor. Dan hari itu juga gue mendapatkan luka yang cukup panjang di bagian perut hingga bekas lukanya masih terlukis indah pada tempatnya. Gue menangis, karena akan mustahil anak berusia sepuluh tahun bisa tahan dengan rasa sakitnya.
Dan hari ini gue membuktikan bahwa ucapannya memanglah benar. There's someone standing there shouting my name out loud and said they're proud of me.
Sulit rasanya bisa sampai di titik ini. Dan banyak pengorbanan serta air mata yang nggak sepatutnya gue sia-siakan dengan menjadi egois kalau semua kemenangan ini hanya dikarenakan kerja keras gue pribadi.
Rasanya luar biasa. Iya, luar biasa karena ini adalah hadiah terindah di penghujung tahun. Untuk gue, seluruh team, teman-teman gue dan juga Alessia.
She's right, I won this game.
Gue mengambil bendera Merah Putih dari seorang penggemar untuk kemudian gue kibarkan mengelilingi Ricardo Tormo dengan begitu bangganya.
Senyum gue semakin melebar ketika Davin mengusul gue sambil berteriak penuh kebahagiaan. We made it.
Lo akan tahu rasanya ketika berjuang bukan karena lo ingin mendapatkan hadiahnya, tapi karena lo ingin melihat senyum-senyum lebar itu bertengger lagi dengan begitu indahnya. Menyambut lo dengan air mata kebahagiaan bahwasanya mereka juga merasa bangga.
Di sini, di atas kaki gue dan dengan di topang oleh tembok-tembok kokoh pendukung, World Champions Moto2 menjadi milik gue.
Kemenangan ini bukan lagi untuk gue seorang, tapi untuk mereka semua yang ada dibarisan belakang. Orang-orang yang selalu menyambut gue sekalipun yang gue bawa adalah sebuah berita kekalahan.
Sampai lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya berkumandang hingga penjuru sirkuit dan bendera kebanggaan Merah Putih menghiasi langit Spanyol, disitulah gue menemukan tekat baru untuk kembali menyenandungkan lagu ini di kemudian hari.
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myxghyn · 1 year
First of all, gue mau ceritain how my feels, hearts and situation on singpore 17 March 2023 (still remember the hype!)
Gue berangkat dari Jakarta tanggal 17 March jam 08.00 AM (which is the D day concert) rasanya setiap menit tuh laaaaamaaaa banget karena udah gasabar tingkat tinggi untuk one air w harlord HAHA. kenapa nih kok ga masuk-masuk pesawat ya, akhirnya boarding jam 08.15 AM dan take off jam 08.40 AM. dipesawat tidur aja karena harus siapin tenaga ketemu one and only Harry Styles. LANDING juga di Singapore jam 10.30 AM everthing was smooth from take off, landing until immigration veryvery smooth!
Karena gue nunggu temen gue dia dari Surabaya, harusnya sampe Singapore jam 12.00 PM tapi pesawat delay (fuck you B). Yaudah buat killing time gue jalan jalan aja ke Jewel, karena first time singapore juga (turis mode). Geret geret tuh koper kemana aja, liat Waterfall Jewel, muter jewel, masukin store sana sini cuma buat liat aja. Liat jam udah 12.30 PM laper dong karena udah jam makan siang juga sih. Langsung kita ke B2 Terminal 3, banyak bgt pilihan makanan tapi jatuh hati ke Makanan Thailand agak mahal jujur tapi worth it bgt dari porsi dan rasanya! Liat jam udah mau jam 2 ternyata temen gue udah landing yaudah kita habiskan makan dengan cepat, langsung ke atas karena ya kita harus buru buru ke hotel. Ternyata dia di imigrasi lama banget cong😀 setelah keluar kita gunakan cara cepat yaitu grab aja udahlah Bandara - Hotel karena kalo MRT kita abis waktu (karena tau dandan lama).
*Pro tip: ke B2 mall apapun di singapore karena itu surga HAHAHA
Sampe hotel langsung bongkar koper, mandi dan dandan. Jam 4.15PM kita kelar langsung cus cabut ke Stadium. Hotel kita deket sama stadium jadi jalan aja, ternyata banyak rakyat Indo yg nonton jadi jalannya ga sendirian dan menyenangkan lah menuju Stadium.
Sampe stadium beneran terkagum kagum karena everyone very stunning and drees up well (merasa kureng bgt jujur🥲). Langsung mencari where booth merch karena ya takut bgt ga kebagian apa apa sih. pas banget q-ing cepet banget ga ada 5 menit udah dilayanin dan very informative banget Tim Merch nya which I very love!
Kita foto dong ga afdol kalo ga foto hahaha, terus di fotoin sama harries sg kayanya dia arahin kita foto dan BAGUS banget shout out for you sis! udahlah kita cari minum dulu di kallang wave mall, lelah banget karena buru buru untuk sampe Nasional Stadium.
After that, gate open lalu kita security check dan dapet Uncle nya very nice and great humor. Sumpah perasaan saat itu cuma omg this is real? this is what I want to be? sangat campur aduk perasaannya lah. Mencari Gate 9, jalannya santai aja gitu ga buru buru banget, pas udah depan Gate 9 sangat amat shaking... Lalu, Scan tiket terus masuk. langsung di suguhkan Stage yg speckta! Gue bener bener susah memproses itu semua(until now)🥲
Lanjut mencari section lah kita, section 114 Row Q Seat 28-29. Melewati section 112, 113 mulai "omg kita tengah banget!!!!" lalu sampailah di section 114, mencari Row Q DAN ITU BENERAN TENGAH dan deket tangga (this important)!1!1!1!!! gua beneran speechless karena wow this could be realLLLLLL. I never thought that my section is that good, my luck unlock 1 hahaha.
Show mulai jam 08.00 PM, tapi udah hype ABISSS karena ya masa engga? while than that, jajan lah terus jadi social worker karena Fan Project SG ya that fine hahaha😀
Lampu mulai gelap, mulai heboh ternyata ya belum mulai. Band mulai masuk OMG this best feeling ever! Mulai opening music and art, and HARRY STYLES COMING IN!!! AAAAAAAKĶKKKK.
But, you know what I was freezing. Karena masih amazed dan diotak tuh OMG THIS IS FUXKING REAAAAALLLL😭😭 ada kali 3 menit di lagu pertama, nyanyi engga berdiri engga video pun engga. but that was best feeling ever. Finally I meet my idol from 2012😭 baru deh nyanyi teriak everything I want it, gue tumpahkah disana. tapi dilagu ke2 dan ke3 gua masih freezing lagi karena sangat amat amazed COYYYYY.
How could be he really fine, smart, good humor and wise in one time!!!! HOW COULD MR HAZZAAA??? sebelumnya gue ngehype dia biasa aja karena karya dia, sekarang gue obsessed WITH HIM a every single reels on my insta is HIM on HSLOT? PCD IS REAL AND HARD FOR ME, EVEN I DONT WANT TO MOVING ON!!!
And I hate because the show is over. It was insane!!! I really want attend again his show maybe in Wembley? HAHAHA just create another dreams🤣
And I want to shout out the security in this show, veryvery stirct and on point. the show end in 10.02 PM and they only gave us 15 minuets to leaving indoor stadium. on 10.12PM the stage begun to unload and they stared clean up indoor stadium. Wow very appreciated!
Ah, sekian cerita pengalaman gue dan 1 hari yang merubah gue selamanya. I have good core memory for HSLOT, National Stadium, and the Harries.
Thank you, Harry Styles for lovely show♡
- Nad, Singapore | 17 Mar 2023
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autumnscrocus · 1 year
Bingo with @LittleHopeSong.
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Dear, Bianca Shanika.
Hi kak Bianca, apa kabar? Semoga kamu selalu dalam keadaan sehat yaa. Aku mau bilang makasih buat kamu karna kamu udah jadi salah satu caretaker terbaik versi aku! ❤ kesan pertama aku ke kak Bia ngga salah. Kamu lucu bgt, gemesin aku kadang sampe ngga kuat liat kamu selucu itu > < Makasih udah sama-sama gedicht, main bareng, seru-seruan bareng, sedih tinggal seminggu lagi. Semoga kamu tetap menjadi orang baik yang aku kenal yaa! I love you, Bia. 🌷
Dear, Ardo Gamaliel.
Hallo kak Ardo, Dodo, Iel. Kabar kamu gimana? Semoga kabar baik selalu bersamamu yaa. First of all aku mau ngucapin makasih buat kamu yang udah relay relay mulu 😭 (becanda) Makasih atas kerja kerasnya di LHS selama sebulan lebih ini. Makasih buat event-event nyaa pokoknyaa semuanya deh, aku cuma mau bilang makasih karna Iel udah jadi caretaker yang keren! 💖
Dear, Fadlhan Kemal.
Haai Adan! Semoga kamu sehat selalu yaa. Ngga kerasa udah sebulan lebih bareng di LHS, makasih yaa, Dan buat sebulan ini. Makasih buat semua kerja keras kamu selama ini. Makasih juga kamu udah dengerin semua aspirasi aku, hehehe. Semangat terus yaa buat uri maknae (maknae ct) 😁 udah jadi caretaker yang baik walaupun masih kecil bgt seumuran kucing ku (becanda) Bahagia selalu yaa, Adan! ❤
Dear, Giulia Adara.
Buat diri ku sendiri, makasih yaa udah bertahan sampe sekarang. Jangan males-malesan upchar lagi, muse mu itu aktifis idol. AYO TUNJUKIN SEMANGAT KAMUUU. harus jaga kesehatan selalu, bahagia selalu. Pokoknya love you GIULLL 🧡🧡🧡
Rekomendasi Film/Drama yang harus ditonton.
Maaf bukan film/drama. Aku rekomendasiin anime romance healing nih guys, judulnya “The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague” Masih 6 episode karna masih on going. Ceritanya si cowok ini keturunan (kalo ngga salah) Yuki atau salju gitum setiap kali dia ngerasa terlalu senang atau terlalu berlarut sama pikirannya sendiri ntar bakal ada es atau salju yang keluar dari diri dia, lucu bgt. Recommended! Selamat menonton! 💙☃️
Kiss Marry Kill Gedicht.
Kiss: Jshan
Marry: Tnaoirei
Kill: Yenaa
Selfie Muse terbaik.
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Sebenernya banyak yang bagus dan lucu, tapi aku pilih ini karna moment nya aja lucu. Beliau mau haeling. Cantik banget, ini ceritanya lagi di taman terus cuacanya lagi bagus banget jadi hasil photo nya jadi bagus juga kann?? AAAA GEMES BGT POKOKNYA 😆‼️♥️
Moment di LHS yang gabisa dilupain.
Momen di LHS yang menurutku gabisa di lupain itu adalah event kemarin sih, soalnya agak panikan kemarin wkwk baru on langsung nerobos off convo dan itu panik bgt takut dimarahin 😭 ditambah di event kali itu akhirnya aku ngerasain jadi Member of The Week hehe dan kelompokku jadi kelompok terjamet wkwkwk lucu bgt. Ditambah lagi yang paling spesialnya itu adalah SEBULANAN BERSAMA LHS 🧡 GEDICHT.
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Your favorite event.
Event favorite ku selama di LHS jatuh kepadaaa.. YAP!! Last event kemarin. Karna eventnya seru kita re-debut dan aku liat temen-temen bikin konsepnya mantep-mantep. Keren bangeeet. 🥺👍🏼
Rekomendasi 5 lagu kesukaan kalian.
Moment muse kesukaan.
Momen gaeul ke sukaan ku itu waktu era After Like soalnya part dubeon sebeon nya itu nagih banget dan banyak juga idol lain yang ikut tren dubeon sebeon. Pokoknya itu lucu banget aku sukaaa. Sampe sekarang rasanya masih ter dubeon sebeon 😁♥️
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Pesan dan kesan untuk LHS.
Buat LittleHopeSong ku tersayang, semoga kedepannya (bahkan setelah cd) kita bakalan terus menjalin hubungan yaa akrab yaa. Selama di LHS i had a great time with you guys 🥺❤️ Makasih yaa untuk moment singkatnya, keseruan selama event bakal jadi kenangan yang indah.. 🦋🫧
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 526 - Funny that Crombel is still unaware of the noblesse. Idiot.
- Once again when in danger, Suyi and Yuna immediately hugged each other :)
- 'All right I am'? Who the hell made Raizel watch star wars?
Chapter 527 - I don't think searching for Lukedonia is dumb in of itself, but yes it is stupid to do so on a tiny boat with no room for more than a day's worth of supplies.
- I'm of the opinion that if Raizel had more lifeforce, he could have destroyed all the satellites from one spot instead of having to run around to below where they were orbiting.
Chapter 528 - So Ikhan lives in a house with his uncle who's a policeman, Yuna lives in a very pink place with her family (or at least her mother), and Shinwoo lives alone in an apartment. Ikhan's home and room are pretty nice though his bed's the wrong way around, the living room we saw way back when was also cool.
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- Ikhan being able to basically unblur images is both impressive and very very uncomfortable.
Chapter 530 - I do think Crombel improved First's face.
Chapter 531 - The newest translator really changed the speech patterns completely. Not a fan. Raizel also keeps doing Yoda lines every now and then :/
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- How is Raizel finding the places of the coordinates anyway? Is Tao projecting a map into his brain???
- Huh. A flashback with Lunark advising M-21. Good for them.
Chapter 533 - They should have made Crombel look younger in his flashback.
- Seeing the results of your experiments, I don't particularly want a new world with your 'creations' bro.
- Karias and Amore!!
Chapter 534 - See! Even Karias is wondering how the modified ppl keep regenerating endlessly!
- Hi Lunark.
Chapter 535 - Muzaka and Raizel in an alleyway is so suspicious hsjskksks.
- No Frankenstein's rude to everyone, Crombel. You aren't special.
Chapter 536 - Karias looks very cool. Big fan.
- Takeo killed Aris. Poetic <3
Chapter 537 - Rip Yuri and Mark.
- Raizel "I wish I was home instead of in the damn USA".
Chapter 538 - I still think it's hilarious that DarkSpear built Frankenstein a throne inside of itself. Why?
- What are you? A librarian? Stop complaining about shit you knew would happen Frankenstein. Only I'm allowed to do that.
Chapter 539 - Can you imagine seeing that eccentric girl who came to your school like twice on TV because it turns out she was actually the ruler of an OP supernatural species? Would be awkward.
Chapter 540 - Speak for yourself Crombel, I've wanted to be rich but I've never wanted power. At most I've wanted wings to fly with.
- Raskreia just sounds like she's saying she/nobles don't give a shit about humans with her phrasing and it's not true and ajjaksksk.
- Have we considered the only reason all these bloodstone users are turning into monsters is because they're using artificial ones? The only one who used a real one is Lagus and he only got it in the invasion itself so... He probably was embedded with an artificial one too. I know there's that one guy from the sidestory but maybe the stranger who gave him the bloodstone was Lagus and thus it was also an artificial one. Or maybe he becomes monstrous since he's a human who absorbed other humans and nobles' power. Probably the latter actually.
Speaking of artificial bloodstones, they become useless when broken unlike the real ones which are crystals and even a broken part is useful as seen with the guy from the sidestory.
Chapter 541 - The only person I care for in this room of nobodies 🥺
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Chapter 542 - Shinwoo's the only one not crying about Raizel going off to die.
- Raskreia just say noblesse oblige and walk off. It may not be as heartwarming but it wastes less time. These missiles truly be slow as fuck.
Chapter 543 - Personally, I understand how Raizel, Raskreia, and Rozaria could contribute, but how are Kei and Muzaka gonna help? Punch a missile?? That's counterproductive.
- 'My soul echoes nothing different'. Damn Raizel, that's also very quotable. I'm going to hc that that's a common reply to someone saying I love you (be it platonic or romantic) in noble culture. He and Muzaka are truly besties.
- :(
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- :(
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- Idc if I know they aren't dead. My beloved characters don't and that's iwiwiwiwiwi.
Epilogue - I don't think it's particularly strange that the kids forgot about Raizel and everything else. One can just assume Raizel suppressed their memories once again when he knocked them out.
- Shinwoo cried this time too :3
- Dw Muzaka. Give it another century and my darling Jinan will beat your ass for the position.
- Lukedonians <3
- My hc for the end part is just Frankenstein and Third trying to figure out what the fuck was in those missiles to heal Raizel and the other 3 once destroyed, noble biology because actually he knows jack shit even after his experiments 1000+ years ago since he didn't do much, etc etc. Which actually is useless because my hc is that aside from Muzaka and Kei who did survive because like I said, them being there is dumb so they didn't contribute much, Raizel, Raskreia, and Rozaria did die and produce their red glowy dust. They were just lucky that the next time the universe aligned was like a month later so they then revived <3
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videsneme · 3 months
Bingo, by K.
Fi buat Ganta dan Melodi.
Fi ke Ganta tuh kaya "hah anaknya berisik banget, tapi seru" terus kalo ke Melodi tuh "ini ct cewenya cool gitu ya?"
My Faforite moment at MMC.
Aku paling suka waktu kita pilih peran terus bikin misi yang waktu itu? berasa KEREN wkwk aku mikirnya kita bakal sering ngapain gitu yang berkaitan sama peran kita di club. kayanya bakal seru banget ga si?
Message for all of the Maddies.
Maddies, aku tau kita ga banyak obrolan atau bahkan belum akrab banget tapi aku seneng kenal kalian dan sempet interaksi juga sama kalian. aku berharap sehabis ini kita masih ingat satu sama lain dan masih bisa interaksi di tl yaaa
Playlist for maddies.
haaa coba dengerin playlist itu soalnya lagu lagu disana ok bangett. siapa tau kalian juga sukaa.
Ummm message for myself.
kharinyoo, terimakasih karena sudah selalu kuat setiap harinya biarpun sambil ngeluh *dikit* kamu udah keren banget! semoga kedepannya lebih bahagia dan semangat lagi yaa.
Message for Ganta and Melodi.
Untuk dua orang yang keren ini aku gabisa berhenti bilang terimakasih terimakasihh karena sudah bikin OA dengan konsep yang keren! aku berharap kalian bakal ada waktu luang dan nanti aktifin MMC lagi ke depan nya. Ganta, Melo! sehat sehat terus yaa semoga kalian selalu bahagia dan dikelilingi orang yang sayang sama kaliaaaan. i love youuu♡
kill nya aku pilih kk johnny karena ngeselin👺
DATE n MARRY tentuuu bayiku cintaku JETNOV mwah mwahhh💋
4 favorite selfieeee!
4x2 yaa hehe padahal masih banyak lagii :P
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Hari ini capekkk, karena kerja tapi gapapa hehe jalanin ajaa, seharian sibuk kerja tapi untungnya sekarang udah bisa rebahan guling gulingg🥺🫶🏻
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zwy01 · 2 months
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Noble OCs - Siriana
Making five OCs for every clan!
Tianming Siriana: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Lagus’ generation.
Tianming is smart, cunning, and manipulative. He takes great pride in being a noble and enjoys flaunting the power he possesses. His favorite pastime is playing with humans and pulling on their puppet strings. The world is his little ant farm and he views humans as brainless ants who only know how to move around in circles. A long time ago, a very bored Tianming wanted to spice things up. If human history was a canvas, he wanted to be the painter. Tianming used his noble superpowers to make himself look like he descended from the heavens and blessed the humans with his presence. Then, he announced himself as one of the gods, and told the humans about the “Mandate of Heaven”; something about there only being one legitimate ruler at a time, and if a king rules unfairly he could lose heaven’s approval, etc. The humans were in total awe and soaked up his teachings like a sponge. Little did they know it was nonsense he made up on spot because he just wanted to stir up drama. Tianming often disguised himself as a human and dwelled amongst them, taking part in rebellions to overthrow rulers he helped to establish in the past. He’d partake in the creation of a new dynasty, play with them for a little while, and accelerate the downfall of said dynasty once he gets bored. And this would be the norm for subsequent dynasties. Tianming’s having a blast with his little role-play game in the human world. He doesn’t fine-tune events for any particular outcome and simply enjoys being the steering wheel in the shadows. Even if it’s an anthill, he wants his piece of the ants’ treasure. The other nobles are aware of his unusual hobby and most are neutral. Some look at him with disdain, chaos-lovers cheer him on. Tianming doesn’t kill humans, so nobles who think he should be dealt with can’t do much about him. He has no urge to kill, but he doesn’t mind seeing people do it to each other. Their screams and cries make nice background music. Even better than an orchestra, how neat. Tianming is the father of Raizel’s brother, whom he had with the Previous Noblesse. He shows little to no emotion at her death nor does he acknowledge their son’s death. His exact relationship with the Previous Noblesse remains a mystery.
Guanyin Siriana: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Guanyin was the mother and predecessor of Zarga. She wasn’t exactly the best mother nor did she spend much effort in at least trying to be one. To her, Zarga was merely another noble amongst the crowd and she viewed him as an average acquaintance. His “special” connection to her existed solely because she gave birth to him and was his mother in simple terms. Precisely, she created him from a soul fragment. That was all. Guanyin didn’t exactly shun Zarga, but she never once referred to him as her son. To her, he was more like a younger colleague who had a permanent residence in her home. She didn’t show affection for him, and simply sat still and stared whenever he had his typical child moments. She heard him, but didn’t listen to what he had to say. She saw him, but didn’t integrate him into her field of view. Zarga had no one to praise him for his milestones nor did he have anyone to hold and comfort him when he felt sad. On the flip side, he was never punished for anything he did as long as he made progress with his education and training. He wasn’t the type to break rules for fun, but he was functionally free to do so to his heart’s desire. His mother would be the last person on this planet to discipline him. Guanyin’s concern for Zarga was minimal. He was her heir, she was his Clan Leader; their relationship stopped there. She treated him with respect and even bowed to him like she would in a greeting with another noble of similar status. She completely ignored the child part of his identity and grouped him with her adult colleagues. She never held him in her arms. Zarga’s other parent and soul fragment donor had no role in his life either. Zarga’s birth was planned a long time ago, when his other parent owed Guanyin a favor in his youth thus offered to have a soul fragment available for her when she needed one for her heir. The absence of reliable parental figures in Zarga’s life meant he felt lonely at times. From his mother’s perspective, her lack of any sort of emotion towards her son wasn’t her being personal at all. Rather, she felt almost nothing for her own kind in general. She had her duty towards her clan and fellow citizens of Lukedonia, and she did a good job. No one could ask her to be involved beyond that in any of their business.
Ironically, Guanyin was known as the “Goddess of Mercy and Compassion” in the human world. She felt neutral towards her own kind but loved humans unconditionally. She offered comfort to them. She was their spiritual and physical savior. She represented compassion, mercy, and love. The free time she could’ve spent with Zarga was always given to the humans without any hesitation. Guanyin was truly dedicated to her cause. She was revered as a goddess for a good reason. Perhaps Guanyin’s blatant favoritism sowed a seed of bitterness in Zarga’s heart. To add insult to injury, Guanyin addressed the humans as her “children”, which was a luxury Zarga never got to experience. Zarga was reluctant to admit that he missed his mother and tried to convince himself that he didn’t need her. He hated how he wanted her to notice him and felt pathetic. Guanyin was many people’s savior, yet never once reached out to the one who needed her most.
Caishen Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Caishen is charming and optimistic. His special talent is being lucky. The world somehow always has coincidences set up so he avoids everything that could possibly harm him. It’s as if he has an invisible shield following him around at all times. This may sound like a blessing, but it’s a minor huge inconvenience on his part. A perfectly fine table would collapse just because he’s about to stub his toe from being careless and not looking at where he’s walking. Dang, what a pity, that table was a real work of art. Or he’s about to accidentally trip himself and rather than falling onto the floor, there’s always someone nearby and he’ll fall on them instead and he’s fine because they took the blow for him. For this reason, the nobles all avoid him because they think he’s going to bring them bad luck. Everyone thinks he’s unlucky. Nobles look at his friends and wonder why they even hang out with him. Caishen is naturally clumsy but learns to be more careful to not let his luckiness cost others their wellbeing. He also tries his best because he doesn’t want his belongings to keep destroying themselves. Caishen carries red envelopes with handwritten letters, candies and toys stuffed inside on him at all times and gives them to people he likes. Then he exclaims “gong xi fa cai!” and laughs. Nobles eventually come to appreciate his gifts and affectionately calls them “Caishen’s unlucky red envelopes”. His quirky gift-giving ritual spreads to the human world and inspires “lucky red envelopes” filled with money in some human cultures. Even his gibberish catchphrase becomes a classic verbal blessing humans exchange with friends and family. Caishen has a Chinese dragon buddy named Jikuai and the two of them go on adventures in the human world once every twelve years. They visit villages and give out gifts of money, food, and other goods to residents. The humans mark their calendars and every twelfth year is the Year of the Dragon. Caishen and Jikuai are very flattered. To humans, they are the bringers of good fortune and prosperity. How flattering! Caishen’s hobby is making sycees.
Ganesha Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ganesha is a bit shy. He usually wears an elephant headdress covering his own head entirely and only takes it off around people he knows. He speaks in two different voices depending on whether he has his headdress on or off. His friends ask him why he does his voice changes and to be frank he doesn’t know either. Ganesha is very intelligent. He was born with a gift, and he also spends a lot of time studying in the library tower Minerva. He’s very well acquainted with the Paradiso scholars there, and they often engage in deep conversations on all kinds of subjects. The scholars miss him when he’s busy and can’t come, and look forward to each of his visits. He tends to not announce when he comes and goes, so they hope he does remember to drop by. Ganesha’s creative thinking skills are excellent and nobles go to him for advice sometimes. He’s smart, cool, dignified, and elegant. That is, until he sees sweets. He goes extra crazy for pastries and won’t calm down until he’s had his fill. Thank goodness they’re nobles and overeating isn’t really detrimental to them. Ganesha is the person who stuffs his friend Geirmundr Landegre’s mouth with a cake to show him a new world. Geirmundr becomes a baker and in his career, he creates a very tasty dessert he names modaka, which is Ganesha’s all-time favorite. Ganesha has a supernatural giant rat friend named Kroncha and they’re inseparable. Sometimes Ganesha rides Kroncha on walks. Ganesha has two partners, Buddhi and Siddhi.
Erdene Siriana: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Erdene was the younger sister of Harald Siriana, the mother of Valentina Mergas, and the caretaker and tutor of Zarga Siriana. Erdene was sweet, empathetic, and patient. Zarga’s mother Guanyin being uninvolved in raising him meant that he spent his early years rotating between countless caretakers and nannies. They were Siriana clan members arranged to take care of Zarga in Guanyin’s stead because she couldn’t spare time for her own son. Some of them agreed it would’ve been better for their future Clan Leader to have his mother in his life, but they were in no place to suggest that to Guanyin. They could only listen to her orders as they had no say in such matters. The caretakers’ faces all blur in Zarga’s memory. Since there were so many of them and each only stuck around for short time, they often left just as he was about to grow attached to them, and that was very stressful for a young Zarga. Guanyin’s arrangements for her heir would continue to overwhelm him, until Erdene stepped up. While the other caretakers left as soon as their part of the job had been completed, Erdene couldn’t bring herself to leave behind the child who clutched onto her sleeves. His grip was weak, signaling that she was free to pull away as he didn’t expect her to stay with him even though he wanted her to. Erdene stayed with Zarga and requested to meet with Guanyin, and proposed that she would like to be the young heir’s primary caretaker. Guanyin, with her usual disregard for her son, agreed to the proposal. She didn’t care about who took care of him as long as he had someone. Erdene and Zarga grew very close to each other and he called her “Miss Erdene” and later “Mother”, which started when he had a slip-up because he viewed her as one and got confused for a second. He was flustered and promptly apologized for his mistake, but a teary-eyed Erdene insisted that he could call her that. He teared up too, and they shared a happy embrace. When Zarga became a little older and more independent, Erdene took up the role of tutor and instructed him on Clan Leader duties because Guanyin was nowhere to be seen yet again. If we’re being nice, she had full trust in Erdene’s competence with her heir. If we’re being honest, she was too busy saving humans to even remember that her son existed. Fortunately, Guanyin’s continued absence in Zarga’s life didn’t bother him as much anymore because he had his beloved Erdene. He sort of had a sister as well, though she wasn’t too keen on calling him her brother despite thinking of him as one. Erdene’s daughter Valentina, the Mergas heir, sometimes studied with Zarga and the children were close. They were similar in age and personality, and though the two clans had different educational systems, there were some overlapping areas so they occasionally shared study sessions.
Unfortunately, tragedy would follow and both Valentina and Zarga’s happiness came to an abrupt end during their teenage years. Erdene truly wanted to help Zarga, after all. She was his mother figure in practice, but she also hoped that his real mother would pay more attention to him. As much as Zarga appreciated the sentiment, he was more or less annoyed with Erdene’s unwavering persistence with her futile efforts regarding Guanyin. To him, it was a bit like her saying she was planning on leaving him, which would be a wrong assumption on his part. On Erdene’s part, she thought maybe Zarga still longed for his “real” mother and hoped to help him reconnect with her. This mutual misunderstanding drove an invisible wedge between them. One day, Zarga grew tired of Erdene’s refusal to let go of the impossible and in a split second, he snapped at her and told her that she shouldn’t try to meddle with his life because she wasn’t his real mother anyway, and at least his mother never bothered him. Zarga regretted it immediately, but his pride kept him from apologizing. Erdene was hurt, but blamed it on herself and quietly left after apologizing to Zarga, which just made him feel even worse. Unbeknownst to them, that would become their last interaction. Erdene left Lukedonia in hopes of finding a suitable gift for Zarga to cheer him up, but was unfortunately ambushed and killed by werewolves on her way back. Zarga was devastated, and so was Valentina. Their friendship ended when Valentina called him her mother’s killer. Zarga, feeling numb and guilty, accepted Valentina’s accusation. Erdene’s funeral was short and simple. Zarga didn’t attend because Valentina told him she’d kill him if he dared to show up. When Erdene was alive, her hobby was making mooncakes.
Thank you for reading! Drosia is next!
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pewartanusantara · 11 months
Muncul Setelah Dituding Menyembunyikan Keluarga, Renaga Tahier Mengakui dan Minta Maaf: Saya Mengecewakan Kalian
Muncul Setelah Dituding Menyembunyikan Keluarga, Renaga Tahier Mengakui dan Minta Maaf: Saya Mengecewakan Kalian
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Pewarta Nusantara, Entertainment – Renaga Tahier, seorang artis muda, akhirnya memberikan klarifikasi atas tuduhan yang dialamatkan padanya terkait pengakuan tentang memiliki istri dan anak yang selama ini tidak diakuinya.
Dalam penampilannya di kanal YouTube Seleb on Cam, Renaga mengakui semua kesalahannya dan menuturkan bahwa ego yang tinggi membuatnya enggan mengakui keberadaan keluarganya.
Namun, ia menyampaikan permintaan maaf yang tulus kepada semua orang yang telah kecewa dengan tindakannya. Renaga mengungkapkan bahwa permasalahan ini terjadi karena kesalahpahaman antara dirinya dan sang istri, yang bahkan sempat berujung pada pertengkaran dan merusak hubungan mereka sebagai pasangan suami istri.
Meskipun Renaga tidak membantah tudingan tidak menafkahi istri dan anaknya, ia menegaskan bahwa ia telah melakukan beberapa transfer untuk memperbaiki situasi tersebut.
Renaga berjanji untuk mengubah sifat buruknya dan berusaha memperbaiki hubungan dengan istri dan anaknya demi masa depan yang lebih baik.
Meskipun saat ini mereka tidak tinggal satu rumah, Renaga berharap agar di masa depan mereka dapat hidup bersama lagi. Ia ingin meminta maaf secara pribadi kepada istrinya dan bertekad untuk memperbaiki hubungan mereka dengan kesabaran dan perlahan.
Renaga berharap dapat membangun kembali kepercayaan dan memperbaiki situasi demi kebaikan putrinya, Keisya. Penampilan dan permintaan maaf Renaga Tahier ini menjadi langkah awal dalam upaya perbaikan dan rekonsiliasi dengan keluarganya.
Baca juga: ‘Like Crazy’ Mencetak Sejarah: Jimin BTS Meraih Dua Lagu All Kill di iTunes dan Berbagai Prestasi Lainnya
Ia berjanji untuk belajar dari kesalahannya dan menghadapi masa depan dengan sikap yang lebih baik, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih harmonis bagi keluarganya. (*Ibs)
New Post has been published on https://www.pewartanusantara.com/muncul-setelah-dituding-menyembunyikan-keluarga-renaga-tahier-mengakui-dan-minta-maaf-saya-mengecewakan-kalian/
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kuroul · 2 years
“Event Horizon” Dari Younha Jadi Lagu Ke-6 Yang Capai Perfect All-Kill Di Tahun 2022
“Event Horizon” Dari Younha Jadi Lagu Ke-6 Yang Capai Perfect All-Kill Di Tahun 2022
Salah satu lagu dari penyanyi terkenal Korea Selatan Younha berjudul ‘Event Horizon’ dilaporkan telah sukses menjadi lagu ke-6 yang mencapai Perfect All-Kill di tahun 2022.  Menyapu chart di Korea Selatan. Lebih dari setengah tahun setelah perilisannya, Younha telah benar-benar menyapu tangga lagu Korea dengan hit viralnya ‘Event Horizon’.  Pada 20 November pukul 10:30 KST, iChart Instiz secara…
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cadmusfly · 2 years
The Waves (2016)
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at my desk with all my loves circling around my head with toothy grins, mottled blue-black ripples all across their sharp calcium hides. There is a song here that I have forgotten and it goes like…
Here we lie in the valley of the deep
unblinking eyes staring upwards at the rippling azure that is the only sky that we will ever know
Surrounded by words that will remain unheard, trapped within the pages of what was never meant to be
We are the unmade past, the unfinished future, the blocks knocked over before we could build our fabled towers of babel
There’s a universe out there that can’t be traversed,
or we’ll end up in that hearse if we don’t do something first.
I have already killed myself with the longing for what I cannot be, so please, if you meet me on the road as if I were a Buddha, drown me.
And if you do, I’ll teach you about that sickly intoxication that burrows into your nerves and forces you to dance along to a melody that never ends
Let me teach you about the cliché of rhyming.
Underneath the veneer of all the fancy (curse) words in rhymed (verse) that lurks under our service to the surface
we’ll be graceful grateful little pirates sailing across the islands of what we secretly think we don’t care about but we do
I am struggling. It will never leave me, this scent of salt clinging to my eyes, crystallising my myriad obsessions so that when you finally crack my skull open maybe you'll find something beautiful even if I cannot amount to anything.
And all the ages of history we will preserve under there. It will persevere.
We will look back on it and remember the times when we didn’t think that the flood and the storm were coming, when we stuck our heads in the sandy beaches and let the warm waves from all them icecaps slowly wash over us-
Be calm, my friends.
We can become silky salty selkies and slip off our human skins, and we can just lay back and accept that this is how it ends
(The white horse comes at the crest of every wave bringing pestilence and poison and pollution behind her hooves, and the seafoam cracked open from the sky won’t just melt into the beach like love but instead)
I remember now. I’m going to need a bigger boat.
Daaaaaa da, daaaaaa da, daaaaa da!
Pixel Art Disco Diffusion Prompt: "A ruined and flooded city, #pixelart by ivan aivazovsky and mark lague, wet color scheme"
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 462 - Forgot Maduke existed between this and the last post so I got whiplash seeing him 🧍‍♀️
- Ah yes Ashleen's parents. Muzaka and Erin... and Raizel. My guy's just standing there with a tiny gentle smile watching Muzaka play with her jajsjskks.
- Gonna go cry about Raizel watching the sunrise together with Ashleen after doing so alone for who knows how long. Brb. Hits worse if you think that he probably used to watch it together with his family. You know. Before they all died.
- Yeah Muzaka, go feel like shit about hurting Raizel. Not really your fault this time but still.
Chapter 463 - Raizel panicking because of Frankenstein,,, just neuter your dog already smh. Speaking of which, Frankenstein definitely books an appointment for the puppy in noblesse S to get neutered once he's old enough.
- All your warriors are dead bro. Your speech is uh. Not inspiring. Go die of embarrassment Maduke.
- No, do not respect Frankenstein, Kei. That is a very slippery slope. Look at Rayga. He respected Frankenstein and see what a shitty father he was! Sure the two points have 0 correlation or causation but I still think it's relevant.
Chapter 464 - Ah yes stage 2, actual werewolf.
Chapter 465 - Mvp lord complimenting Muzaka when Raskreia asks about him lol. "He's the strongest werewolf lord in history and yet he isn't a tyrant! Isn't that amazing? I mean, what a statistical surprise! Most of his people are genocidal maniacs after all haha. Also he's Raizel's friend uwu" Like he didn't say most of that but I feel like it's implied.
- Maduke telling Muzaka he was behind Ashleen's death is hilarious like okay give him a power boost. Oh you don't think that's possible? Go watch some fucking anime asshole.
- As for the traitors nobles being involved... Probably just Lagus with the others being informed that he was going to help pit Raizel against Muzaka since it's difficult to imagine the others either caring enough to get involved, or being okay with killing a kid (Roctis specifically).
- No but what does 'Your daughter's mother was also created by the humans' even mean??? Like they grew her in a tube? They got some random lady to play the role? They put some makeup on Urokai since he's the only redhead around aside from Garda and then grew Ashleen in a tube? Or just MuzakaxUrokai crack which reminds me that this is in my to write list? So many questions. Regardless, I like to think that Erin genuinely fell in love with Muzaka.
Chapter 466 - I like how in one panel Ashleen is as tall as Muzaka's ass and in the next his pecs. Inconsistent <3
Chapter 467 - All Maduke had to do was accept Muzaka resigning and he could have genocided humans no problemo but his pride made him do it the shitty way.
- Ignoring that it's probably just shadows for emphasis... so his blood's coating his eyeballs? That can't feel good.
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- Being able to sense power levels is a seventh or eighth sense in Noblesse I swear. Just say you're losing energy or that you feel weak or pained, not that you're losing power. What are y'all? Laptops? Machines?
- So the artificial bloodstones increase in size when activated right? After all, they surge out of the chests of those containing them. I like to think that's only an artificial bloodstone thing and that the genuine ones retain their size regardless of situation. Also tbh... the artificial bloodstones are completely different from the genuine ones in utility. I mean, the genuine one is only shown being used to boost the power of the user compared to the artificial ones that can absorb power actively from people and also transmit said power to a host/alpha bloodstone and thus to whoever is using it. It does make sense considering the genuine one seems to have formed over an extremely long time from the excess desires that leaked out of people, so it's a crystal, while the artificial ones are moreso containers/tech to do that immediately. Funnily enough, this means that artificial bloodstones wouldn't make you cuckoo until you used them since the container prevents anything from leaking out compared to a crystal which is constantly exuding fumes or whatever the equivalent is for concepts.
Chapter 468 - Stage 3, digimon. Yes I make this joke every time I liveblog and am the originator of said joke. No I'm not tired of it.
- Obsessed with Raskreia not reacting to half the revelations here like yeah she doesn't care, she's not invested in this shit, she only came to avenge Rajak, please stop dragging things out and bringing up drama she's not involved in. It's very rude.
- Raskreia 🥺
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Chapter 471 - I like how Maduke's dead and Rozaria is still missing. Rip queen.
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properparadox · 4 years
Time Loop
Pernahkah kau merasakan suatu rentang waktu yang sama terus menerus? Mungkin, kau merasa tidur di tanggal 31, lalu bangun di tanggal 17. Atau, kau merasa tidur di malam hari tanggal 1, lalu di pagi harinya mendapati kau masih ada di tanggal 1? Kalau ya, mungkin kau sedang mengalami time loop.
Time loop adalah suatu plot cerita fiksi di mana karakter cerita terus menerus mengulang suatu rentang waktu yang sama. Dalam beberapa cerita, karakter cerita tidak menyadari kalau ia terjebak di time loop, dan apa yang ia lakukan adalah mengulangi hal-hal yang sama yang telah ia lakukan di loop sebelumnya. Kadang, si karakter menyadari ada sesuatu yang aneh, seperti perasaan deja vu, namun loop itu sudah nyaris berakhir ketika ia menyadari apa yang terjadi, dan ia terbangun untuk memulai loop berikutnya tanpa mengingat apa-apa. Biasanya, karakter cerita akan bisa keluar dari loop setelah melakukan suatu hal yang berbeda, atau dapat menyelesaikan suatu masalah tertentu. Atau, plot time loop ini digunakan untuk membandingkan hasil keluaran dari pilihan-pilihan berbeda yang diambil oleh karakter cerita.
Di film, plot seperti ini biasanya dikaitkan dengan film Groundhog Day (1993). Gue sendiri belum nonton film itu, tapi cerita-cerita time loop selalu menimbulkan impresi tersendiri buat gue. Sekarang, gue mau nulis beberapa kisah time loop yang udah gue tonton/baca.
1. Kagerou Days (lagu, novel, manga, anime (Mekakucity Actors), 2012-...)
Pengalaman pertama dengan time loop adalah ketika nonton PV dari lagu Kagerou Days. Lagu dan videonya bercerita tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang terus menerus mengulangi tanggal 14 Agustus, di mana ia melihat teman perempuannya yang sedang bermain dengannya mati. Ia menyadari apa yang terjadi, dan berusaha melakukan hal-hal berbeda untuk menyelamatkan temannya, namun tetap saja, temannya mati dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Yang gue paling suka di sini adalah endingnya, di mana setelah mengulang hari yang sama selama puluhan tahun, si anak laki-laki menemukan cara untuk keluar dari time loop itu, atau setidaknya apa yang ia kira sebagai jalan keluarnya, meski pun ternyata ceritanya tidak berakhir begitu saja.
2. Run Lola Run (film, 1998)
Sedikit berbeda dengan Kagerou Days dan kisah-kisah lainnya di postingan ini, Run Lola Run hanya menampilkan 3 loop. Cerita dimulai ketika Lola ditelepon pacarnya, Manni, yang kehilangan uang sebanyak 100.000 Deutsche Mark, dan harus mendapatkan uang itu dalam 20 menit, atau ia akan dihabisi bosnya. Tiga loop yang diputar dalam film ini menceritakan usaha Lola untuk mendapatkan uang untuk menyelamatkan Manni. Setiap kali ia gagal, cerita akan kembali ke titik awal di mana Lola harus bergegas pergi dari rumahnya.
Kalau ada hal menarik lainnya dari film ini, adalah bagian 'Und dann' ('And then'). Pada scene di mana Lola sedang bergerak, sesekali kamera akan terfokus ke karakter lain, lalu muncul suara seperti shutter kamera, diikuti dengan tulisan 'Und dann' secara sekilas, kemudian menampilkan flash forward dari karakter tersebut, menampilkan apa yang terjadi pada karakter tersebut di masa depan. Di antara ketiga loop, karakter yang sama dapat memiliki masa depan yang berbeda-beda, seolah menunjukkan bahwa apa yang kita lakukan dapat mempengaruhi masa depan orang lain yang bahkan tidak berhubungan dengan kita secara langsung (please read more about 'butterfly effect').
3. All You Need is Kill (novel, manga) / Edge of Tomorrow (film)
Seorang tentara mendapati ia terus menerus mengulangi peperangan di mana ia telah mati sebelumnya. Setelah mengulang pertempuran yang sama terus menerus selama ratusan kali, Keiji Kiriya sudah hafal semua pergerakan lawan-lawannya, dan sedikit demi sedikit, ia mulai menemukan cara untuk keluar dari time loop. Ia lalu menyadari bahwa seorang pahlawan di peperangan itu, Rita Vrataski, alias Valkyrie, alias Full Metal Bitch, juga mengalami hal yang sama.
Kalau mungkin penonton film lebih mengenal sosok Tom Cruise dan Emily Blunt di Edge of Tomorrow, namun sejatinya film ini adalah adaptasi dari novel All You Need is Kill karya Hiroshi Sakurazaka. Di bukunya, si penulis mengaku bahwa inspirasi dari cerita ini adalah dari video game. Para pemain game mungkin mengerti bagaimana rasanya harus mengulang-ulang permainan dari satu save file yang sama ketika nyawa karakternya habis di tengah jalan.
4. "Endless Eight" - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya S2 (anime)
Saving the craziest for the last. Kayaknya udah beberapa kali akun ini nulis soal Haruhi Suzumiya, tapi belum pernah soal Endless Eight. Di dunia Haruhi Suzumiya, Endless Eight adalah salah satu plot cerita di mana Haruhi, Kyon, dan anggota SOS Brigade lainnya mengulang-ulang liburan musim panas selama belasan ribu kali sebelum akhirnya time loop itu berakhir. Kenapa namanya 'Eight'? Pertama, karena judul di bukunya seperti itu, dan kedua, dan ini yang sangat kontroversial, karena episode yang sama diulang-ulang sebanyak 8 kali dalam serial anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Yes, you read it right. Di Season 2 anime ini, ada 8 episode yang isinya hampir sama persis, masing-masing diberi judul Endless Eight I hingga Endless Eight VIII. Terang saja langkah ini menimbulkan keributan di antara fans seri ini, yang dipaksa menonton episode yang nyaris sama selama 2 bulan (asumsikan satu episode per minggu).
Namun tidak sedikit juga yang mengapresiasi kedelapan episode ini. Orang-orang ini umumnya berpendapat kalau cara seperti ini membuat penonton bisa memahami apa yang dirasakan salah satu karakter utama di cerita ini. Di antara anggota SOS Brigade yang mengalami time loop, Yuki Nagato adalah satu-satunya karakter yang menyadari dari awal hingga akhir bahwa mereka semua terjebak di time loop. Meskipun sedikit demi sedikit, karakter lain merasakan deja vu, pada akhirnya, hanya Nagato yang bisa menjelaskan apa yang terjadi. Dengan memaksa penonton menonton episode yang nyaris sama (ada beberapa detail yang berbeda), maka penonton bisa ikut merasakan apa yang dialami oleh Nagato, meskipun Nagato seharusnya adalah karakter yang tidak memiliki perasaan di cerita ini.
Di pengulangan episode ke-8, akhirnya Kyon berhasil menemukan cara untuk keluar dari time loop, dan mengakhiri dua minggu libur musim panas mereka yang ke-15.532 di tahun itu.
Di cerita-cerita ini, para karakter yang terjebak di time loop tidak menyadari bahwa mereka terjebak sampai sudah terlalu lama. Mungkin mereka merasakan deja vu, seolah-olah mereka telah melakukan hal yang sama sebelumnya. Jangan-jangan, ketika kita merasakan deja vu, kita juga sebenarnya sedang terjebak di suatu time loop?
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icarus-posts · 3 years
Life updates
Ketika aku pada akhirnya menyetujui untuk bekerja di perusahaan start up bernama 'littlebox'' ini, aku teringat pada ucapan willy wonka kepada nenek charlie, jika kita terus berpikir tentang "bagaimana jika" kita tidak akan maju, colombus tidak akan menemukan Amerika kalau ia terus berdebat dengan pikirannya dan dengan ratusan kemungkinan "bagaimana jika".
Selama ini, aku lebih banyak memikirkan sisi menguntungkan sesuatu daripada ruginya, aku nda mau rugi banyak, aku nda mau susah banyak-banyak, maunya aku ya semuanya lancar tanpa aku harus bersusah payah. Tapi siapa aku meminta hidup semudah itu?
Makanya, ketika aku memahami perkataan Mas Ghaza tentang bagaimana hidup adalah persoalan berjuang dan berkorban, aku siap jatuh. Aku bertekad untuk siap jatuh berkali-kali, karena aku juga akan dengan senang hati bangkit dan berdiri tegap seperti semula. Karena semua manusia pada dasarnya sangat kuat, manusia akan dikategorikan lemah ketika ia nda mau berjuang untuk dirinya sendiri, begitu kata Mas Ghaza.
Project pertamaku di littlebox adalah dengan menjadi ilustrator buku dongeng anak-anak, aku kira, penulis bernama Ojala Danuardara adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan dua anak, ternyata dia perempuan yang ternyata seumuran sama aku dan belum menikah.
Tapi, Ojala Danuardara adalah manusia yang agak aneh menurut standart pandanganku, mirip Airlangga. Mungkin mereka kalau bersatu akan jadi double trouble couple.
Akhir-akhir ini, sejak aku kerja di littlebox, setiap pulang kerja aku ngerasa capek luar biasa. Energi seperti di serap dan gak ada sisa sedikitpun. Aku termasuk orang yang menyerap energi orang lain di dekatku, sebagai contoh ketika di kantor dan temen-temen kantor lagi berisik banget, aku akan merasa lemes dan capek walaupun aku gak ikutan ngomong. Kata mas Ghaza aku menyerap energi orang-orang ini dan bikin aku ngerasa capek, aku percaya sih, karena setiap kali aku menghabiskan satu hari sama Hesa wakaupun cuma nemenin dia nugas atau dengerin dia cerita, aku merasa sangat capek sedangkan Hesa kayak gak kenal capek.
Shout out to all extroverts out there yang selalu ON dari terang hingga petang Hahahaha can't imagine having so much energy like u guys.
Lagu rekomendasi minggu ini :
- Serta Mulia - Sal Pariadi
- Kill em with kindness (acoustic) - Selena Gomez
- Hall of Fame - The Script
- Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen
- L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N - Noah and the Whale
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historical-rp-memes · 4 years
Send me a pulp fiction tagline as a sentence scenario
1. “Sweet as sin--eager to kill & love” 2. “The frank autobiography of a French girl soldier” 3. “Strange love stripped them of all decency!” 4. “The meek ran wanton and the wantons ran berserk!” 5. “Once over the line they could not stop!” 6. “A shameful path led her there--a scarlet secret kept her there” 7. “Down with men! That was the battle-cry of the lascivious, lady-lusting lague of amazons.” 8. “The prison was a hell-hole where the trustees wore leather” 9. “She was lovable, kissable--and killable” 10. “All she had to offer was trouble” 11. “Told with unblushing honesty, here is a penetrating study of society’s greatest curse” 12. “Five luscious campus cuties on a no-holds-barred spree.” 13. “A strange story of twilight love, jealousy and hatred” 14. “Twisted love & hateful passion in a suspenseful setting!” 15. “She made love her business!”
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