lonicera-edulis · 10 months
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loremastering · 7 months
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tried to do an evendim chicken run but became the first ever long range flying rooster
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rohirric-hunter · 1 month
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(bullroarer notes)
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hallothere · 1 year
i have more buttons for you to push
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arytha · 1 year
i miss playing mmos
i need my computer to come back to me
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loufromgh · 1 year
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lotro number 1 again babey!!!
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kemendin · 1 year
LOTRO venting re the reactions I’m seeing to the new update, with the disclaimer that I’m very very white and obviously can’t speak for any POC:
Man, I gotta say, I am severely disappointed with the reaction of so many people to the new Men options. And honestly, a little shocked. LOTRO has by far the nicest, most welcoming community of folks I’ve encountered in an MMO, and it feels disconcerting to see the ugly underside of that. Like, yes, the Tolkien fandom as a whole has always had that subset of racists, but LOTRO’s always felt much more niche and welcoming. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, but - I am, a little.
But seriously - the influx of inanities, the sheer immaturity I’m seeing on these comments. Adding more diversity to the character options is ‘ruining the game immersion’ and ‘an insult to Tolkien’s vision’ and all the other phrases these people like to throw around to cover up the simpler meaning of ‘POC shouldn’t exist here’. It’s the same thing that happened with Rings of Power.
And you know, I can even almost understand the point I’ve seen made several times, that they should have added more actual race options to go along with these new looks - Haradrim, Southron, Rhun, etc. And yes, that would be great! But a) do the people complaining even know how often players have chosen race not based on location, but on the visual options? Roleplayers do this ALL THE TIME. And b) until the devs DO give those options for more race origins, why not just... have the diversity in the character creation anyway? Why does it hurt so much if you can’t actually shuffle them off into another box that’s labelled ‘POC’ in your brain? I really don’t know whether to start Hulk-smashing people in my imagination or just sit here and laugh at their poor offended tears.
And then women with beard options - got to witness those reactions in SWTOR not long ago, and now in LOTRO. Someone quite correctly made the point that if you don’t care for such options, just don’t use them, to which the offended individual responded, in essence, ‘but they’re still being forced on me every time I see someone else playing one’.
Seriously. How is more options EVER a bad thing? How hard is it to just say ‘this is not for me’ and move on with your life? People -
There are legitimate issues with the new update. I’ve seen a lot of general cosmetic bugs reported, and the whole face customisation being reset on acceptance is HIGHLY frustrating, when you have to go back and redo all the sliders when all you wanted to do was change your eyebrows. But MORE OPTIONS is not. An. Issue.
I can’t wait to see what happens if Elves get a revamp with darker skin tones....
(But also lol at all the people throwing hissy fits and saying they’re quitting over this. Trash takes itself out, I suppose!)
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daddyklingon · 11 months
I love when the LOTRO Character Select bugs out.
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
1, 6, 15, 16, 34, and 42 for the lotro asks! <3
1- How did you first get into LotRO? Do you remember when you started playing? I actually started playing right at the very beginning of the pandemic- my mum had covid so she tried it out and got me into it! I've been playing off and on since then, though i switched servers and started a new main character at one point (so still have never gotten to level cap at all xD)
2- Do you have a favorite region or expansion? I'm very basic but I love playing in the Shire, it's just so lovely and fun to do! One of my favourite points at when I was playing LotRO is when I was just starting my new main (a hobbit hunter) and used to quest in the shire while listening to podcasts, being very completionist about it. I also have a special love for Eregion & the beginning of Moria (i get tired of the dark after a while, but I did LOVE all the exploration I did in that place, and some parts of it are gorgeous)
15. Do you have a favorite class to play? A favorite specialization? My favourite classes are hunter and rune-keeper! I can't remember what the names of the specializations are on hunter, but I play the mobile mid-range one and love it!
16. Do you have a favorite race to play? Favorite combos of race and class? I like playing hobbits and elves best! As far as combos go, my fave characters (I have quite a lot of them, though most of them are quite low-levelled as I usually just play my main) are my high elf RK and my hobbit hunter! honourary mention for my human burglar.
34. Do you have any wishlist things you would like to see added some day? Hmm...while I think there are a lot of little bugs and gameplay things that could make it better, I can't think of a lot of things that come to mind at the moment, but I'm sure I'm going to think of seven as soon as I post this lmao.
42. Are there any fun easter eggs you’ve found that you enjoy? I love the nod of "The Bird and Baby Inn" to The Eagle and Child! It's a small easter egg but I enjoy it very much xD My first lotro lore I ever learned (one of the first pages I looked up in the wiki)
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thorinsbeard · 2 years
6, 7, and 29 for the lotro ask game?
Hello thanks for the ask! 6. Do you have a favorite region or expansion? I haven't visited them all yet but I absolutely love the storyline of the Moria expansion it blew my mind having to play the first encounter of the balrog. And region. I will always say Rivendell or the Lone Lands I like the feeling of solitude out in the Lone Lands and Rivendell always relaxes me. 7. Do you have a least favorite region or expansion? Hmm. I was going to say not really but then I remembered my recent first trip to Angmar and have to say, not a fan. Would not recommend for a vacation. Also I died to some statues multiple times and not sure why. 29. Have you run into any major and/or fun bugs? I had a hilarious bug on Shadowfax where I play if I want to mess around. My high elf was newly arrived in Celondim and I tried to go up the stairs and for some reason she fell through them and died? XD
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southfarthing · 2 years
(as someone who just started lotro) 6, 11, 15 and 29 :3
6. Do you have a favorite region or expansion?
EREGION!!!! it's sooo beautiful and the enemies are just what i want. and it's full of berries <3 and the music is gorgeous and ethereal and a little bit creepy and haunting at parts and it makes me insane
11. If you could have one npc as a companion to run around with you, who would it be? would it be the same for all your characters?
BINGO!!! my darling boy <3 he's so cute and polite i'd love for him to follow after me and be like "erm excuse me mr nazgul sir? a please and thank you would go a long way" <3
15. Do you have a favorite class to play? A favorite specialization?
guardian on red <3 looooooooove getting ten orcs to chase after me and then attacking them all at once ahhhhhhh aoe and bleed damage make me so happy
29. Have you run into any major and/or fun bugs?
not really? there was one annoying bug during the anniversary at mirrormere (because it takes a ridiculous journey to get there) where the remembrance you're trying to pick up is like... inside the earth lmao but other than that, not many that i remember?
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loremastering · 2 years
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ignore the blinding white light but, birdy <3
with @isi7140
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rohirric-hunter · 11 months
"I'm not going to reverse-engineer an exhaustive loot table," I said to myself
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These aren't even humanoid. What am I doing.
Also why are there so many Wind-swept Furs, they're not useful for anything
#is this techincally for the bowhunt anymore or is it turning into its own horrible thing#im only doing missions tho im putting my foot down about that#i am however organizing it by class and level range#and i decided to classify level range as which morale and power potions drop#idk if its a good classification but its a consistent one at least#i know its got. distinctive lines. if that makes any sense#ive been doing missions on a level 50 character for some time and i dont get moria stuff on her so thats how i tell#i DO get moria stuff from the skirmish-type battle instances out of gath forthnir so idk whats going on with that#but thats not a problem for me because i put my foot down and im only doing missions#now this is not a flawless system because i dont know how the loot tables work#is there a general loot table and then a class-specific loot table thats rolled additionally?#or is all the general loot loaded onto a bunch of different class specific loot tables?#hey if anyone had a level capped burg right after gundabad launched and did anything on them hmu#and let me know if you got literally anything except potions before they fixed that bug#because knowing that could answer that question for me potentially#or at least eliminate some possibilities#part of me wants to take this to the forums because there are probably other people there who would be into this#but idk if the devs would approve of me trying to suss out their secrets#they might shut it down and that would make me feel bad#although they post about the lotro companion on the forums so idk
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medicinemane · 1 year
Just had the most absolutely dog shit experience ever in lotro
Like I've progressed passed being mad to just being tired because... I mean this is unacceptably bad design combined with a mission breaking bug, and they'll never give a shit so... who cares
Was playing with my dad, was running a new character of his through and area that had only recently come out so I needed the achievements for my max level character. Some I'm doing this mission at level 30 while I'm 140, so I run it as a 6 man instance for more xp for the character I'm helping
Everything gets vaporized up to the final boss (as it should be)
The final boss melts me, cause it turns out he gets a power that removes 10% of your health everytime you hit him (and gives him 99% resistance to all damage). That's strike one, should never be a percentage, a max level character shouldn't be able to be killed by something 110 levels below them... seriously, like I've soloed old raids, and like... that's how it should be
So the way to beat him is you have to remove 10 levels of the effect, with a power that has either a 15 or 30 second cool down for me. Then... he reapplies it to himself, so I have to take another 10 levels off. After that he doesn't matter, but he made me so pissed with how unbeatable he is for a nobody, and then it's a slog
Well, here's problem two. We were only doing this cause it's involved in a questline. I completed my quest, by because lotro constantly forgets it's an mmo, my dad didn't get to talk to the person cause they walked off
Always good in your mmo when being in a group can me you can't complete your quest because someone else in the group did it
Anyway, I say fine. We do it again, this time as a 2 man cause I'm not spending another like 10 minutes kiting him around... well this time he just sat at 1 hp forever without going into his next phase, like for literal minutes
So all and all it's just a badly designed piece of shit mission, that on top of that is a buggy shitty mess
I'm serious that it had me sitting there thinking maybe I should just quit playing lotro, just if this is how bad at making games they are at this point that they think this is acceptable to put out and don't see what they've messed up with. Like do I want to deal with that from people who will never ever listen to feedback?
Like I'm probably not gonna quit, but you know you did good when that's what's on your player's mind as they quit for the night
Whoever made this should be fired. I'm not even saying that with malice, but I'm serious. They should get a job in something that doesn't require decision making or planning. Get em a good job on an assembly line or something, but they shouldn't be doing anything where they have to think, because they're clearly very very bad at thinking anything through
(I legit wonder if they ever even really test anything these days, with like how much pets get caught on pathing issues in places like that)
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lotrolulz · 3 years
The Couple Hours when Champs Ruled Them All
Soooo was anyone else around in early June of last year (2020)? Did you happen to remember the almost legendarily ridiculous Champion bug that had INSANE exploit potential?  Honestly I do not remember the context around how I heard of it, but I did spot a forum thread demanding, “Take the game down immediately” and clicked on it for shits and giggles.  It was not what I was expecting.
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In case Tumblr decides to be stupid and squish the crap out of that screenshot, the jist is the following. On June 3rd, an update which included a tweak to Champions caused the skill “Champion’s Challenge” to incorrectly interact with an LI Legacy, specifically “Fight On Critical Rating”. Champion’s Challenge is meant to reduce the target’s outgoing damage along with briefly force-taunting. Instead, it was increasing the target’s outgoing damage, based on the legacy’s rating x 100, then - 30.. which maxed out at +859970% increased damage. G O D D A M N.   But since it buffed the target, you might ask, how could it be exploited? Well.. one, damage reflecting skills. Two, sparring another player, who could then take that insane buff and go ape-shit with it. Normally the effect only lasts for 5 seconds, but there were reports that the “debuff” was also bugged enough to be permanent until death/defeat, and that someone could very easily take this into an instance and one-shot everything, “including T5 Remmorchant” which was the latest raid at that point.  I have a champion, but he is parked at level 50 with an XP disabler for SoA instance funtimes, which means no LIs for him, which means I could not replicate this. Buuut thankfully someone provided a screenshot. 
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*snort* ohmygod. Meanwhile here’s my Burn Hot with its measly +74.8% damage. 
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I am really not sure how this got past beta testing (if there even was any...) but to their credit, this was temporarily disabled / hotfixed within a few hours of the forum post. I am not sure if anyone actually managed to use this to any nefarious intent, but personally I found this to be hilarious.  FEAR THE ALMIGHTY CHAMPIONS. Here’s a link to the thread my screenshots are from if you are curious: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?680590-Take-the-game-down-immediately
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so it looks like you default to leaving halros behind if you don’t actually do ‘halros should stay/go’
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entered the session just to see and yeah, definitely left him in the shire:
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