#LDC tape
rosemoofin · 2 years
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tenchiforum · 1 year
For the first time ever, the lost interview from the creators of Tenchi Muyo! has been found!
Original article here
You can watch the Tenchi Muyo! portion with English subtitles above.
For the original, untouched tape, you can watch here. You can also watch on archive.org.
If you’re interested in how and why this was lost, and how we found it, read below!
Part 1: (Space)ships Passing in the Night
It goes without saying that Tenchi Muyo! is a juggernaut franchise. Due to its popularity in the 90s as well as its multiple continuities, if there’s a product of any kind, you can find a Tenchi-branded version of it. From Sega Saturn soap to panty eyeglasses wipes, Tenchi Muyo! has it all. As a result, the phrase “I’ve never seen that before” gets uttered quite a bit when you’re on the hunt for something Tenchi related.
What also happens is that it is easy to miss something that you’re not looking for, because you don’t know it exists or what’s in it. Every time one searches through Japanese auction sites, you’re basically cutting your way through a dense jungle in the hopes of maybe catching a glimpse of what you’re looking for, while also catching glimpses of interesting curiosities, such as this:
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PIONEER LDC – “OVA Operation Start” (OVA作戦始動)
This little black box, produced by Pioneer LDC was starting at over 100 USD. Upon closer inspection, you can see that the front pops up, and it has cardboard cutouts of Pioneer’s OVA properties as they were launching in 1992. According to the listing, the box also had a button one could press that would make voice lines play (presumably from each of the franchises featured). Green Legend Ran, Bastard!!, Kishin Corps, and Moldiver are all featured on the sides, but prominently featured in the middle was Pioneer’s bread and butter, the Zeus of their pantheon, their flagship series, Tenchi and Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!.
For those who don’t remember or don’t happen to know, Pioneer LDC jumped into the world of Original Video Animation (or OVA) in 1992 with these properties (though Moldiver and Kishin Corps, of course would release in February and March of 1993) so this little video was more than likely a cool little showcase of what they had.
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At first glance, while it is really cool, it’s not something one would immediately jump at to buy. Especially considering that the contents of the tape were unknown, the description did not offer any insight into it other than where it was from, the working condition of the box button and that it was “Not For Sale.” Which again in Tenchi fandom is not unheard of, nor does it mark something as particularly rare. For a price point so high, I just shrugged it off as a cool curiosity and continued my daily look through of aforementioned auction sites.
Part 2: A Crisis of Revelation
Because of the launch of tenchimuyowiki.com, I’ve been voraciously cataloging every piece of Tenchi media I own and any I can find in an effort to preserve Tenchi history. One night while I was working on one such project, I was looking through images and playing around in Photoshop, ripping Japanese text from images, when I inadvertently clicked the wrong button on an image I was looking at, and it popped over to this image:
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This is not only the only known picture of the co-creators of Tenchi Muyo! together, but this is the only known image of Masaki Kajishima’s face. Due to Kajishima’s reclusiveness, he’s never shown his face in interviews, and only very rarely has he even done audio interviews. Everything about the man is kept at a distance from fans. The most high-quality picture of Kajishima that most fans know is from the back of his head.
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I stared at the image again for the first time in a while. I’d looked at the first image of the two many times before, but on this particular night my brain clicked the right way, and I said to myself
“Wait a minute, this looks like it’s from a video…”.
If you’ve ever watched old Japanese game shows like Takeshi’s Castle or anything like that, the text is unmistakably made from video of an older time. But even with this idea buzzing around in my head, I was still at a loss. Considering how old this was, it could have been from a news report too, which if that was the case, no way would something like that have survived.
However, I wasn’t going to let this go this time, and I tracked down the source of this image: Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Otanoshimi Ooemaki.
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And there, right next to the image, was text talking about where this was from.
But wait a minute, I recognize that image above it… That’s the characters from the black box!
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The title of the tape, translatable as “OVA Operation Start” was a promotional tape that Pioneer made and sent out to pitch their new line of home video products to potential customers. This box and its tape were not for sale, and unless you were lucky enough to be a Japanese Pioneer employee, or a Japanese video store owner, or be in Japan in the early 1990s, you never saw this video or its contents.
With this revelation freshly burned into my brain, I hurriedly moved back to the auction sites.
But it was nowhere to be found.
No, it can’t be…
I quickly inserted the Kanji into Google and found out that the box had finally sold… not even three weeks beforehand. It had been up every single time in the last eight months I’d checked while I was browsing for things, not knowing that the holy grail of Tenchi Muyo! interviews was on it. It even failed to sell on ebay, before finally being bought for around 10,000 yen.
To say I was devastated was an understatement.
Something like that did not come around every day. The odds of it ever showing up again were probably slim to none.
However, I didn’t give up, and then it appeared.
Part 3: Never Tell Me the Odds
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After some searching, and with the help of Tenchiforum’s own Crazed, a similarly described VHS tape was found on auction sites. Unlike the black box tape, this one had a very old (but machine-made) label on it. Marked with Pioneer LDC’s logo as well as their signature LaserDisc logo, it had the exact same name with a slightly different description above.
Regardless, if what was on the tape was on the tape, the grail had been found.
And sure enough, that’s exactly what it was!
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Curiously, it has a TCR time marker burned into the top of the video, meaning this could have possibly been an internal tape specifically within Pioneer. The seller also had many other promotional videos meant for stores as well. How they got this tape in their possession was not clear, but ultimately, it was the real McCoy.
While reading this, you may be thinking to yourself, “But Dagon, what makes this so rare? Why is this lost?”
Well, for one thing, this video has never appeared on any other release of Tenchi, ever. It is exclusive to these Not For Sale tapes and was not mass-produced in the way the actual episodes of the show were. The circumstances surrounding it also are probably why it never appeared anywhere else. This was made specifically to sell the idea of these properties to people. Also, as mentioned before, Kajishima doesn’t like his face being shown, and Hayashi moved on to El-Hazard after the two split up. Whether it was Kajishima, Hayashi, Pioneer, or a combination of the three, this interview stayed on this tape for 30 years exclusively, and the job it was supposed to do, sell Tenchi Muyo! to the masses, succeeded.
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 years
Grâce à Twitter je me tape une partie de franche rigolade. 
Voici donc que la star des indigénistes, une de leurs cautions universitaire spécialiste du fait colonial, j'ai nommé Laurence de Cock vient de se faire prendre en flagrant délit de plagiat d'un magazine...martiniquais.
Voici donc ce qu'écrit Zaka Toto, le fondateur et le directeur de publication de Zist Magazine, un magazine littéraire. Je vous invite à aller lire l'article en entier:
Donc voici que Zaka Toto écrit un long article en 4 parties sur la visite de Kemi Seba en Martinique, dans lequel il revient notamment sur l'histoire de la production du sucre en Martinique. Pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas, Kemi Seba était le fondateur d'un mouvement appelé Tribu KA, qui a été dissous en France pour racisme. Zaka Toto revient d'ailleurs aussi sur le parcours de ce sombre personnage. 
Début février, voici que Laurence de Cock (appelons-là LDC) se rend en Martinique à l'invitation d'universitaires. Elle annonce alors préparer un article sur... l'histoire du sucre en Martinique pour le magazine Politis. "Les plaies sucrées de la Martinique coloniale" sera publié le 19 février. L'article est un plagiat de celui de Zaka Toto, qui n'est même pas cité comme source!
L'auteur alerte LDC via Twitter, qui s'est lancé dans un pénible déni, avant d'avouer avoir "invisibilisé" l'auteur (dont elle ne citait toujours pas le nom) tout en continuant de refuser d'admettre le plagiat, qualifiant le site Zist de "blog", alors que c'est un site multi-contributeurs, et aussi un magazine. Elle finit par se victimiser, allant jusqu'à dire à l'auteur que si il est si convaincu qu'elle l'a plagié, il n'a qu'à porter plainte. Puis elle l'a bloqué.
Entre temps, la grande défenderesse des racisé.é.s a supprimé son compte twitter.
Evidemment, aucun journal de gauche n'en a pour l'instant parlé, il n'y a que Valeurs Actuelles pour reprendre l'info:
De là à dire que dénoncer un plagiat éhonté c'est faire le jeu de la droate, il n'y a qu'un pas.
Bref, voici un brillant exemple du racisme de gauche caviar. On prêche la contrition mais on vole un article à un auteur martiniquais. Non seulement sur le plan universitaire et intellectuel c'est malhonnête, mais LDC avait toute latitude pour mettre en contact l'auteur et la rédaction de Politis si elle trouvait cet article intéressant. En décolonial on aurait dit "utiliser son privilège blanc pour élever les voix des gens de couleur" je crois, non?
Et une fois qu'elle est prise la main dans le pot à confiture, au lieu de s'excuser platement elle tente de noyer le poisson avec les mots du décolonialisme. 
Mais pas de panique, au lieu de voir que l'idéologie décoloniale prêchée par les bourgeois pénitents n'est qu'au fond qu'un fond de commerce malhonnête aux antipodes de leurs convictions réelles (combien de fans du communautarisme ont troqué leur 40m2 dans Paris intra-muros pour un 100m2 à Sarcelles? j'attends les chiffres) ils plaideront probablement la psychanalyse. Si "tous les blancs sont racistes" est-ce que finalement la pauvre Laurence ne serait pas tout simplement victime de son inconscient contaminé par la lecture de Tintin au Congo et le packaging du chocolat Banania? C'est déjà ce qu'elle a tenté de faire en utilisant "invisibiliser" - qui peut être un processus accidentel - plutôt que "plagier" - qui est clairement volontaire. 
Comme si, au fond, cette soupe idéologique ne servait pas surtout à se donner un vernis d'intelligence à de bons vieux réflexes qui reviennent vite.
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Audio / Production Terms for Newbies!
I realize that when writing gear reviews and other such articles, there may be some terms that are unfamiliar to people just getting started in the world of music production. I want this website to be as inclusive and beginner-friendly as possible, so I’ve decided to compile a list of these terms with simple definitions in order to help clarify questions regarding any future posts. They are in no specific order, so if you’re reading and you see a term you don’t know, keep looking; it’s probably further down on the list.
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) - Software capable of editing and mixing multiple tracks of audio. Some examples include Logic, Protools, Fruityloops, Cubase and Studio One.
I/O - Refers to your “Input” and “Output” settings within your DAW or other audio software.
Sample Rate - The number of audio samples per second. Think of this as the audio equivalent of pixels on a screen; the higher the number, the better the resolution. Sample rates start at 44.1kHz and go up to 196kHz.
Hertz (Hz) / Kilohertz (kHz) - Hertz are the number of sound wave cycles per second, which in turn create pitch. The lower the Hz, the lower the pitch and vice versa with higher Hz. Once you reach 1000Hz, it becomes known as 1kHz. The range of human hearing is 20Hz to 20kHz.
Gain - Many people think of gain and volume as the same thing, but they are indeed different. While volume is just a change in level of the overall sound coming out of your output devices (speakers/headphones), gain is a signal boost applied to a sound source by a preamp before it reaches the output. Preamp gain can be pushed very hard which can cause distortion which may or may not be desirable.
Dynamic Range - In music, the term “dynamics” refers to changes in volume that create impact or feel. The loud parts in songs have so much punch to them because they are louder than the verses. This change in volume between parts of the song help the song “move” and feel more lively. The difference between the quietest part and the loudest part of the song is known as dynamic range. 
Direct Injection/Input (DI) - The act of plugging a guitar, bass, keyboard, or any other line level instrument into your recording interface. This bypasses the need for running your instrument through and amplifier and mic’ing it.
Preamps - Unless you’re recording at a line level signal with an instrument like an electric guitar or keyboard/synth, then you’re gonna need a preamp. Microphones have very low output levels, so we need preamps to boost the gain and make them more sensitive to sound, giving a stronger, more usable recording. The preamps on most modern interfaces are meant to provide a clean and sterile sound, however many people seek out old-school preamps for the warm and fuzzy tonal qualities they provide.
Audio Interface - Unless you’re working with a mixing board that can connect via USB or you have an old $100,000 mixing console and a tape machine, then you’ll need an audio interface. These handy little units connect directly to your computer and convert any source (mic or instrument) into digital audio which can be used in your DAW. All interfaces have preamps built into each channel. However, if you like the character that another external preamp gives your sound, you can run the sound through it before going into the interface. 
AD/DA Conversion - Without getting too “tech-y”, AD stands for “analog to digital.” This means taking an analog input signal and turning it into 1′s and 0′s that your computer can read and use. DA is just the opposite, as it takes digital audio and turns it into an analog signal. An example of this would be when you’re listening to a mix in your DAW, your interface is converting that audio into an analog signal and spitting it out through the monitors into your ears.
Latency - The couple milliseconds of delay that result from analog sound having to be converted into digital sound. For example, when you pluck a string on guitar, you don’t actually hear it come through your monitors until 1-5 milliseconds later.
ADAT - Optic technology used to carry information. In the context of recording, it generally refers to the ability of an interface to expand via ADAT so that you can record more tracks simultaneously. If your interface only has 8 channels, but has an ADAT input, you can hook up devices like the Focusrite Octopre to expand to 16 channels.
Monitors - Simply refers to a set of reference speakers you use to listen to your song during the mixing process.
Multitracks - This is simply the multiple separate tracks that you mix within your DAW.
Mixbus or Subgroup - Also referred to as just “bus” or “sub.” Busses are an auxiliary track that you send other tracks to so that you can mix them as a whole. For example, the most common type of bus is a drum bus. You send all of the drum tracks to one single track, and from there you can apply additional eq or compression to add some “glue” or control to the entire drum mix.
Bouncing - This the process of combining your multitrack project into one audio file (MP3 or WAV) by exporting the files from your DAW.
Mastering - The process of adding the final touches to mix and raising the overall volume of the track to a commercially acceptable level through use of compressor and limiters (see below).
Outboard gear - External units that process sound in unique ways. The different types of processors are listed below
Compressor - When starting out, a compressor can seem a bit complicated. Even worse, what it does to a signal is a bit hard to hear, mainly because the human ear is more perceptive to changes in pitch rather than changes in volume. A compressor takes the loudest parts of a track and lowers them, and boosts the quieter parts of the track to make everything sound dynamically even. You set the compressor to kick in once the level of a track exceeds a certain threshold. Many settings can change the way a compressor affects the signal, such as attack, release, ratio and the knee.
Attack - The rate at which compression begins one the signal passes the threshold.
Release - How quickly the compressor “lets go” of the signal.
Ratio - This determines how hard the signal is being compressed. The higher the ratio, the more gain reduction.
Knee - This work directly with the attack setting to dictate how smoothly or abruptly the compressor kicks in. Not all compressors have this feature.
Multiband Compressor - Essentially a compressor that you can split into different frequency ranges, allowing you to compress, for example, just the low frequency information of a track instead of the whole thing.
De-esser - Basically a compressor specifically for taming harsh high frequencies in a vocal track.
Limiter - A limiter is a compressor with an infinite ratio. In other words, no signal passes the threshold. Sometimes referred to as a “brick wall limiter.”
EQ - EQ stands for equalization. This is used to boost or cut certain frequencies in order to get a clearer and more cohesive mix.
High Pass Filter - An eq adjustment where low frequency information is removed to allow high frequencies to “pass through.” Also referred to sometimes as a “low cut filter”
Low Pass Filter - An eq adjustment where high frequency information is removed to allow low frequencies to “pass through.” Also referred to sometimes as a “high cut filter”
“Q“ - The Q is the curve or shape of an eq adjustment. It determines how broad or narrow of frequency range you boost or cut.
Plugins - These are virtual versions of outboard gear and other signal processors. They can be loaded onto tracks within your DAW. The two main advantage of plugins is 1.) lower costs and 2.) the fact that the processing isn’t “printed” onto the track when it’s recorded into your DAW. This gives you the ability to change settings on them even after the track has been recorded. However some people argue that their analog counterparts have a richer sound.
Diaphragm - The part of the mic within the capsule that takes in sound and converts it into electric energy which then goes to your DAW or mixer. In the world of condenser mics, there are Large Diaphragm Condensers (LDCs) and Small Diaphragm Condensers (SDCs). SDCs are sometimes referred to as “pencil mics.”
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) - In simple terms, this is how loud something is. Sound waves creates pressure and move air molecules. SPLs are measured in dB. Around 135dB-140dB is called the “threshold of pain”, where something is so loud, that it hurts and potentially damages our ears.
Dynamic Mic - Chances are you’ve used or at least seen a dynamic mic at some point. The most common examples of a dynamic mic are the Shure SM57 and SM58. The difference between dynamic and condenser mics is in their operating principles. Dynamics have coil that wraps around a magnet. When sound SPLs are strong enough to vibrate and compress this coil, those movements are picked up by the magnet and are converted into electric energy. A good bit of energy is required to affect this coil, so that’s why dynamics are much less sensitive to sound than condensers. This lack of sensitivity makes them more suitable for loud sound sources such as drums, guitar amps and rock vocals.
Condenser Mic - Condensers operate using a metal plate rather than a coil, however, it operates on the same magnetic principle. Once the plate moves, the magnet responds to the movement and sound gets converted into a signal. Condensers are much more sensitive than dynamic mics. They work better for crisp vocals, acoustic guitar, drum room mics, etc. Keep in mind that condenser mics require power to used. This power is known as “Phantom Power” or “48V.” A switch for this power comes standard on most mixers or audio interfaces. 
Polar Pattern - The direction in which microphones pick up sound. Common polar patterns are Cardioid (directly in front of the mic), Omni (all sides) and Figure 8 (front and back).
Plosives - Low and boomy sounds produced while singing. Commonly caused by letters such as “b”, ”d”, ”f” and ”p.” This what pop filters or windscreens on mics are meant to prevent.
Sibilance - Harsh “s” and “c” sounds produced by vocalists that can be unpleasant to the ear.
- Fletcher Robinson (Head Engineer @ Evergreen Records)
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Best Reviews Of CCTV Cameras
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Technology is a beautiful thing that we have embraced for years, form surveillance gadgets to smartphones. Nonetheless, we are going to focus on these CCTV cameras being sold in our markets and other markets around the world. First and foremost, you should bear in mind that this company takes pride in producing a wide range of CCTV security cameras and other security products that are manufactured to satisfy the requirements of video security agencies in the world. In essence, no need to worry given that this company has produced a good number of CCTV cameras for almost all business proprietors, including you. The axis analog camera as it is universally acknowledged, the circuit offers users with an extra benefit regarding protecting their businesses, office, agencies, homes, apartments and so on. Did you know that most business executives do not compromise the protection and safety of property? Thus, why should you compromise the security and safety of yours?
When it comes to offering the best digital video recorder for your company or home, you should invest in this surveillance system. It is made to record the signal transmitted from up to twenty cameras. The piece of equipment by this firm delivers instant recording up to one hundred frames per second at a resolution of one thousand two hundred and eighty by five hundred and seventy-six pixels. Apart from that, it supports the current H.264 compression that allows sufficient holding of the outstanding quality of the material at a reasonably low demand for memory and bandwidth. Thus, if you want something that will offer you with the best surveillance, this digital video recorder is the best for you.
Another surveillance to go for is this with actually a 1.3-megapixel internet protocol sixty-six ranked long-lasting bullet camera. On top of that, it offers exposure approximately twenty meters, given that it is fitted with 2.8mmto 12mm lenses and secure digital card port that can permit on-camera tape-recoding roughly thirty-two gigabytes. Other features for this camera are motion discovery, low light, maximum of thirty frames per second in each resolution along with H.264, supports lens distortion correction known as LDC, hallway view support which can rotate up to two hundred and seventy degrees and many more features. Last but not least, you can go for the Hanwha wisenet CCTV camera installed with latest beyond series generation engine. It utilizes high-performance infrared light-emitting diodes, with a built-in three to ten-millimeter varifocal lens with automatic iris providing an infrared radiation range of fifty meters. You can as well visit their website for more surveillance products. Click here for more info: https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/law/crime-and-law-enforcement/closed-circuit-television-cctv.
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OLED or QLED: What Is the Future of Flat-Panel Displays?
If you were alive in the 1970s, you probably remember the videotape “format war” between Sony’s Betamax and JVC’s Video Home System (VHS). Betamax offered slightly higher picture resolution and better audio, but VHS was less expensive and provided longer recording time per tape. It turned out that cost and recording time were more important to consumers than superior quality, so the VHS format won the war.
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A similar sort of rivalry is now in play between LG and Samsung. LG is focusing on organic LED (OLED) technology for its large-format display panels. Samsung has abandoned OLED in favor of “quantum” LED (QLED) technology due to the high cost and “burn-in” problems of OLED.
Like the venerable VCR, the first flat-panel LED TV was introduced in the 1970s based on technology that was developed in the early 1960s. The earliest LED displays were monochrome, with the first color models coming on the scene in the late 1980s.
Unlike traditional bulbs that use electricity to burn a metal filament until it’s white-hot, LED bulbs convert electricity into light. However, most “LED” displays are actually liquid crystal displays (LCDs) with LED backlighting. An electric current is passed through a solution of liquid crystals, causing them to align in such a way as to block light or allow it to pass through. The LEDs supply the light, which is typically reflected across the screen from the sides rather than from the back.
OLED displays are called “organic” because they use thin, flat films made from hydrocarbon chains. Because there’s no backlighting, OLED displays produce pure blacks, with a contrast ratio 100 times greater than a good-quality LDC screen. OLED displays have an almost 90-degree viewing angle and can be made from lightweight plastics instead of glass, opening the door to curved and even transparent displays.
This quality comes at a price. OLED panels are expensive to manufacture, and LG has struggled to turn a profit on them. OLEDs require more electricity than LEDs, and the blue pixels to degrade faster than other colors. This affects color balance and causes burn-in. LG added a grid of white OLED material to protect the blue pixels, but it hasn’t solved the problem.
Samsung abandoned OLED technology due to those issues, and focused instead on QLED. QLED displays are LCD panels with an added layer of semiconductor nanocrystals called “quantum dots” that convert blue LED light into red and green light. This makes it possible to generate very vivid hues with a high contrast ratio, and to control the colors of individual pixels without the need for filters. Because they are based on commodity LCD technology, QLED displays are inexpensive to manufacture. They also consume less energy and have a longer operating life than OLED.
Samsung has also introduced MicroLED displays, which use tiny LEDs to create each pixel. MicroLED displays provide the pure black of OLED but use less power and don’t have burn-in problems. Samsung has also announced that it’s developing QD-OLED displays that combine the blue OLED light source with quantum dots.
If your organization is planning to buy flat-panel displays, you may feel as if you’re reliving the videotape format war of the 1970s. Do you invest in OLED displays to get the highest levels of image quality? Or do you go with QLED displays to get excellent quality and a longer lifespan at a cheaper price. The A/V experts at Rahi Systems can help you evaluate these technologies and determine the best solution for each application.
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glenn7517 · 6 years
Part One, How to Check a old VHS Tape, and Make it like New Again ... Part  One, How to Check a old #VHS Tape, and Make it like New Again. I found my old #The Return of JaFar, #Walt #Disney Home Video, out  in a forgotten shed, it was not in good shape.  Using my old saved from the dump #RCA VHS #player, and my old #Zenith flat LDC television I can test and do some easy repair work by just playing and rewinding the tape. With  my RCA VCR players top off the back I can check the results.  My easy test and replay repaired the tape and now I can journey back to the enchanted city of #Agrabah and rejoin all the  popular characters form the original box office smash, #Aladdin, #Jasmine, #Genie, #Abu, Carpet, and #Lago ...  It now plays like new ... Repair a #moisture #Damaged VHS tape
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michaelrobb9-blog · 4 years
Marketing In A Less Developed Country
To Download File Follow below link: https://ecadimi.com/downloads/marketing-in-a-less-developed-country
Introduction A less developed country is that country with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of less than 2% of global trade in goods relative to other countries. Less developed countries are characterized by little industry and sometimes a comparatively high dependence on foreign aid. These countries are grouped as the poorest and weakest market economies and consist of more than 880 million people. They rely heavily on exports of agricultural products whose prices keep on fluctuating fetching low price in the international market while they import most of the industrial and manufactured goods from developed countries a reason for continued balance of payment deficits, resulting into high debt burdens which have kept them as beggars’ in the international community thus a continuous vicious cycle of poverty (UN-OHRLLS, 2011). Less developed countries are also characterized by low level of socio-economic development with weak human and institutional capacities, low income disparities and inequalities and more often than not suffer from bad governance, political instabilities, internal and external conflicts. To name just but a few, the less developed countries include; Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, Togo, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Yemen, Solomon Islands, and Haiti. Abstract The essay looks at the various intricacies that are involved in the marketing that companies marketing their products in LDCs have to go through. These challenges involve cross-border trade terms and the tariffs as well as trade conditions, market feasibility study and the strategic planning that is totally different from the developed world, the scramble for the market in these regions by the multinationals and what the MNCs do not do to sufficiently tape the potential of the LDCs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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chemicalresearch · 6 years
Fire Protection Materials Market Analysis and Trends 2025
Fire protection material are materials that help resist and withstand fire. These materials are used to reduce the effects of destructive fires by minimizing the harm caused to the body. These materials can be classified into active fire protection materials or passive fire protection materials. Active fire protection materials are those that require some kind of motion and action for its protection such as the fire extinguishers used by the fire fighters, whereas passive fire protection materials are those that are installed in a building, which do not require any motion or action such as the fire resistant walls, floors, and fire doors.
Request Sample of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/859
The increase in number of fire accidents, leading to the loss of life and valuable assets has made various construction companies more vigilant, compelling them to employ fire protection measures for safety, in turn, boosting the fire protection materials market. Moreover, the increase in demand from the major application industries, such as industrial and commercial constructions and oil and gas industries, has boosted the market growth.
Fire Protection Materials Market Taxonomy:
On basis of product type, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Cementitious Spray
Cast-in Devices
Duct tape
Intumescent Coatings
Fire blocks
On basis of application, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Structural Steel Fireproofing - Cable
Wire tray fireproofing
Fire doors
Fire windows
Fire resisting glass
Fire resisting cables
Fire linings
Fire resisting partitions
Fire screens
On basis of end-use, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Oil and gas industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Aviation Industry
Electronics industry
Petrochemical industry
Aerospace industry
Intumescent thin film coatings have been replacing conventional techniques such as fillings, boards, and sprays. These coatings are extensively used by architects, contractors, builders, and engineers in the protection of steel. New innovations are boosting the productivity of fire productive materials. Epoxy intumescent is one such innovation, which is widely used in Oil rigs.
Check the Trending Report of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/fire-protection-materials-market-859
Fire Protection Materials Market Outlook:
North American market is the largest market for fire protection materials. Owing to well-established industries and increased safety awareness among the populace, North American market is expected to sustain its leading position during the forecast period. Moreover, stringent laws and regulations specified by the OSHA, ANSI, UL, NFPA, and CCOHS in countries such as America and Canada, specifies the standards that products are required to adhere to and fire codes. This creates an increase in demand for Fire protection products. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a decrease of around 21% in fire hazards has been observed over the last 5-10 years, which is mainly due to the adequate use of fire protection materials and the amendments of strict fire codes across the region. In addition to this, growth of the aerospace industry has further augmented the demand for fire protection materials in the region.
Growing construction industry, improving warehousing facilities, and increasing renovation of existing buildings are the driving factors for growth of the market in Europe. Moreover, increased spending on infrastructure, non- residential constructions, and urban housing projects in Eastern Europe, have led to the increase in demand for fire protection products in the region. The recent Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 has increased awareness regarding fire protection measures in the region, thereby attracting more investment from the government in fire protection materials. Europe is considered to be the second largest market for global fire protection materials.
Owing to the huge investments in end-use industries and high growth in infrastructural development, industrial development, and construction, Asia-Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The recent growth of the ware housing facilities in emerging economies such as India and China, have further augmented the fire protection materials market in this region.
The Middle East and Africa are expected to be the second fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The increase in growth of the construction industry, industrialization, and disposal income of the population are the factors driving growth of the market in these regions. The high demand for fire protection materials in the oil and gas industry is also contributing to growth of the fire protection material market. The innovation of epoxy intumescent has further increased growth of the market for fire protection materials. Growth in the construction sector of Qatar, owing to the FIFA world cup 2022, has been a major driving factor fueling demand for fire protection materials in the region. Planned investments are made in Lusail City, Al Jawhara city and in Barwa for fire protection material.
Major players are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies. For instance, Republic Elite acquired a merger with LDC Stone, Inc. in 2017.
The major players in the fire protection materials market include Hilti Group, 3M Co, Akzo Nobel N.V., Morgan Advanced Materials, Specified Technologies Inc., Etex, Tremco Incorporated, BASF SE, Isolatek International (U.S.), USG Corporation, Hempel Group, PPG Industries Inc., W.R. Grace & Co., Rolf Kuhn GmbH, and Rectorseal.
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave,
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
News Website: http://www.coherentnews.com
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bakerwin-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
"Pussy bacon Escobar plugged in like an adapter." Ugly God, stealing your bitch, and your soul since 1996. I've been listening to The Booty Tape non stop. Thanks Ugly God. #bakerwin #art #art🎨 #chalkboardart #artfido #artsanity #art_empire #theartshed #society6 #uglygod #pussybacon #thebootytape #ldc
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xclusivejamsfeed · 7 years
Album Leak: Ugly God - The Booty Tape (iTunes + 320)
Album Leak: Ugly God – The Booty Tape (iTunes + 320)
Tracklist: 1. “Welcome to the Booty Tape” (prod. by Ugly God) 2. “Stop Smoking Black & Milds” (prod. by Ugly God) 3. “I’m a Nasty Hoe” (prod. by Ugly God) 4. “I’m Tryna Fuck” (prod. by Ugly God) 5. “Fuck Ugly God” (Ugly God Diss) [prod. by PARISVVS] 6. “No Lies” Feat. Wiz Khalifa 7. “Bitch!” (prod. by Ugly God) 8. “LDC (Little Dick Clique)” [prod. by Ugly God] 9. “Like a Maverick” (prod. by HM…
View On WordPress
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alexwaters895-blog · 7 years
Travel & Leisure :: Paddle Board Rental Locations In USA And Canada
Stand up surf boarding is now a popular water sport recently as itEUR(TM)s considered to become a lot more than an enjoyable method to improve your body balance, boost your mental health and overall well being. Surfing may be a common preference of beach lovers even from your earlier days. The beaches offer beautiful white sand https://www.islesurfandsup.com/ and also clear water that you'll only see around the TV. We pride ourselves on prime custom Surfboards, Longboards and (SUP) Paddle Boards. There is significantly to see and do, and stand up paddle board rentals on Anna Maria can permit you to do things from fishing to snorkeling and even exploring coves and mangroves. Are you big or small? Do you surf decent clean glassy waves or have you been dependent by and large on wind chop? Are you anticipating a Longboard or perhaps a faster Shortboard? Every high quality beginner Surfboard our pro staff brings out is situated around the artistic qualities of Christopher (Rubio) Gonzalez a Miami Beach Surfer/Board Shaper/Artist who continues to be Surfing Miami Beach, Fl since the young chronilogical age of 13!Rubio Custom Surfboards may be producing Surfboards inside the Miami/South Beach region since our birthing locally and also at present it's time and energy to circulate our tenticles and reach out to the rest of the cosmos through the great cyberspace!. If picking a paddle for the waves, you can work with a small blade paddle that drags less when paddling. Tape the cables towards the floor using gaffer tape so no-one can trip over them and teach the kids how you can load the program and calibrate the https://www.kiwibox.com/brewerteyu669/blog/entry/140230225/stand-up-paddle-boards-are-making-a-comeback/ screen getting these phones count the points as they touch them. Definitely, the greatest method to correct hostile humor could be to run into yet another anecdote to make use of in the pulpit. And this really is among the bigger troubles for preachers when attempting humor inside the pulpit. To accomplish that, itEUR(TM)s necessary first to practice balance in flat water sources. View More Videos in the "Religion" category:. You is going to be fascinated to listen to the quantity of calories you burn and also the fun you've on water around the waves and feeling ocean breezes. So, enthusiasts have also begun to train yoga over a SUP paddle. It is our experience after using the apparatus for more than per year that kids learn quicker and retain more of the lesson when they have used the whiteboard. To accomplish that, itEUR(TM)s necessary first to rehearse balance in flat water sources. This is really a great price for unlimited use and can ensure you have the relaxing day you took the vacation for within the first place. So, if you are staying inside a city, where there are no coasts, don't worry, paddling is just as much fun in lakes and now the majority are trying it on rivers. It improves efficiency and durability of the surfboard blade. Many people come here for the ability capture the things they want and also the sky is the limit here as well. A large amount of these individuals have fun here so much because they are able to get out in to the natural elements plus it is a good means of keeping fit without actually realizing it. Do not give anyone an occasion to think that you are a hypocrite. A cartoon containing a large amount of surprise could be a cartoon showing Pope Benedict XVI riding a skateboard. If you take into account the cost, SUPs are still a bit pricey, using a board within the array of $700 to $1600. Fishing in Florida is something very popular that numerous people take part in, and therefore renting a paddle board can still enable you to get involved inside your favorite hobby. ItEUR(TM)s necessary to choose a heavier board when the location is heavily windy along with a lighter one if you discover the location and weather smooth. Since, various kinds of muscles are at work together, so you get comprehensive workout. A smart board and LDC projector provide opportunities for students to gain access to technology inside a highly motivating way. They are the keys for you to get laughter within the pulpit or on every other stage for that matter. There are countless websites that assist people learn the basic principles of the sport. They are the keys that will get laughter within the pulpit or on every other stage for that matter. Whether playing in the waves, making turns or learning new exciting moves, youEUR(TM)ll find utmost enthusiasm with operate paddle boards.
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dj3two1 · 7 years
New Post has been published on DJ3Two1
New Post has been published on http://dj3two1.com/2017/04/18/ugly-god-reveals-the-booty-tape-cover-art-and-tracklist/
Ugly God Reveals ‘The Booty Tape’ Cover Art and Tracklist
Houston-bred rapper Ugly God has finally revealed the cover art and tracklist for his highly anticipated debut project The Booty Tape.
The Soundcloud sensation has gotten a huge following since his mainstream debut “Water” in 2016. Since then, he’s released three official singles in the last nine months in preparation and he finally revealed the cover art and tracklist for his debut release which is drawing near.
— FaZe Ugly God (@UglyGod) April 18, 2017
According to the tracklist, Lil Yachty, Ski Mask The Slump God and XXXTENTACION are the only features along with PARISVVS and HM Surf being the only producers featured outside of Ugly God himself.
Check out the tracklist, album art, and singles below.
Ugly God’s The Booty Tape Tracklist
1. “Welcome to the Booty Tape” (prod. by Ugly God) 2. “Fuck Ugly God” (Ugly God Diss) [prod. by PARISVVS] 3. “Booty Gang Captain” (prod. by Ugly God) 4. “Back to the Basics” (prod. by Ugly God) 5. “I’m a Nasty Hoe” (prod. by Ugly God) 6. “Bitch!” (prod. by Ugly God) 7. “I’m Tryna Fuck” (prod. by Ugly God) 8. “Undertaker” Feat. Lil Yachty (prod. by Ugly God) 9. “Stop Smoking Black & Milds” (prod. by Ugly God) 10. “No Lies” (prod. by Nikko Bunkin) 11. “LDC (Little Dick Clique)” [prod. by Ugly God] 12. “Like a Maverick” (prod. by HM Surf) 13. “GETOFFMYDICK” Feat. Ski Mask The Slump God & XXXTENTACION (prod. by PARISVVS) 14. “Water” (prod. by Ugly God)
“Stop Smoking Black & Milds (prod. Ugly God)” snippet from The Booty Tape. 🤔 RT to spread awareness or possibly save a ratchet life. pic.twitter.com/q8ctHNmVdg
— FaZe Ugly God (@UglyGod) April 9, 2017
Read more here:: The Source
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chemicalresearch · 6 years
Fire Protection Materials Market- Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017-2025
Fire protection material are materials that help resist and withstand fire. These materials are used to reduce the effects of destructive fires by minimizing the harm caused to the body. These materials can be classified into active fire protection materials or passive fire protection materials. Active fire protection materials are those that require some kind of motion and action for its protection such as the fire extinguishers used by the fire fighters, whereas passive fire protection materials are those that are installed in a building, which do not require any motion or action such as the fire resistant walls, floors, and fire doors.
Request Sample of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/859
The increase in number of fire accidents, leading to the loss of life and valuable assets has made various construction companies more vigilant, compelling them to employ fire protection measures for safety, in turn, boosting the fire protection materials market. Moreover, the increase in demand from the major application industries, such as industrial and commercial constructions and oil and gas industries, has boosted the market growth.
Fire Protection Materials Market Taxonomy:
On basis of product type, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Cementitious Spray
Cast-in Devices
Duct tape
Intumescent Coatings
Fire blocks
On basis of application, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Structural Steel Fireproofing - Cable
Wire tray fireproofing
Fire doors
Fire windows
Fire resisting glass
Fire resisting cables
Fire linings
Fire resisting partitions
Fire screens
On basis of end-use, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Oil and gas industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Aviation Industry
Electronics industry
Petrochemical industry
Aerospace industry
Intumescent thin film coatings have been replacing conventional techniques such as fillings, boards, and sprays. These coatings are extensively used by architects, contractors, builders, and engineers in the protection of steel. New innovations are boosting the productivity of fire productive materials. Epoxy intumescent is one such innovation, which is widely used in Oil rigs.
Check the Trending Report of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/fire-protection-materials-market-859
Fire Protection Materials Market Outlook:
North American market is the largest market for fire protection materials. Owing to well-established industries and increased safety awareness among the populace, North American market is expected to sustain its leading position during the forecast period. Moreover, stringent laws and regulations specified by the OSHA, ANSI, UL, NFPA, and CCOHS in countries such as America and Canada, specifies the standards that products are required to adhere to and fire codes. This creates an increase in demand for Fire protection products. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a decrease of around 21% in fire hazards has been observed over the last 5-10 years, which is mainly due to the adequate use of fire protection materials and the amendments of strict fire codes across the region. In addition to this, growth of the aerospace industry has further augmented the demand for fire protection materials in the region.
Growing construction industry, improving warehousing facilities, and increasing renovation of existing buildings are the driving factors for growth of the market in Europe. Moreover, increased spending on infrastructure, non- residential constructions, and urban housing projects in Eastern Europe, have led to the increase in demand for fire protection products in the region. The recent Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 has increased awareness regarding fire protection measures in the region, thereby attracting more investment from the government in fire protection materials. Europe is considered to be the second largest market for global fire protection materials.
Owing to the huge investments in end-use industries and high growth in infrastructural development, industrial development, and construction, Asia-Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The recent growth of the ware housing facilities in emerging economies such as India and China, have further augmented the fire protection materials market in this region.
The Middle East and Africa are expected to be the second fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The increase in growth of the construction industry, industrialization, and disposal income of the population are the factors driving growth of the market in these regions. The high demand for fire protection materials in the oil and gas industry is also contributing to growth of the fire protection material market. The innovation of epoxy intumescent has further increased growth of the market for fire protection materials. Growth in the construction sector of Qatar, owing to the FIFA world cup 2022, has been a major driving factor fueling demand for fire protection materials in the region. Planned investments are made in Lusail City, Al Jawhara city and in Barwa for fire protection material.
Major players are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies. For instance, Republic Elite acquired a merger with LDC Stone, Inc. in 2017.
The major players in the fire protection materials market include Hilti Group, 3M Co, Akzo Nobel N.V., Morgan Advanced Materials, Specified Technologies Inc., Etex, Tremco Incorporated, BASF SE, Isolatek International (U.S.), USG Corporation, Hempel Group, PPG Industries Inc., W.R. Grace & Co., Rolf Kuhn GmbH, and Rectorseal.
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave,
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
Website: http://www.coherentnews.com
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chemicalresearch · 6 years
Fire Protection Materials Market- Global Industry Insights, Trends, and Forecast 2025
Fire protection material are materials that help resist and withstand fire. These materials are used to reduce the effects of destructive fires by minimizing the harm caused to the body. These materials can be classified into active fire protection materials or passive fire protection materials. Active fire protection materials are those that require some kind of motion and action for its protection such as the fire extinguishers used by the fire fighters, whereas passive fire protection materials are those that are installed in a building, which do not require any motion or action such as the fire resistant walls, floors, and fire doors.
Request Sample of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/859
The increase in number of fire accidents, leading to the loss of life and valuable assets has made various construction companies more vigilant, compelling them to employ fire protection measures for safety, in turn, boosting the fire protection materials market. Moreover, the increase in demand from the major application industries, such as industrial and commercial constructions and oil and gas industries, has boosted the market growth.
Fire Protection Materials Market Taxonomy:
On basis of product type, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Cementitious Spray
Cast-in Devices
Duct tape
Intumescent Coatings
Fire blocks
On basis of application, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Structural Steel Fireproofing - Cable
Wire tray fireproofing
Fire doors
Fire windows
Fire resisting glass
Fire resisting cables
Fire linings
Fire resisting partitions
Fire screens
On basis of end-use, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Oil and gas industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Aviation Industry
Electronics industry
Petrochemical industry
Aerospace industry
Intumescent thin film coatings have been replacing conventional techniques such as fillings, boards, and sprays. These coatings are extensively used by architects, contractors, builders, and engineers in the protection of steel. New innovations are boosting the productivity of fire productive materials. Epoxy intumescent is one such innovation, which is widely used in Oil rigs.
Check the Trending Report of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/fire-protection-materials-market-859
Fire Protection Materials Market Outlook:
North American market is the largest market for fire protection materials. Owing to well-established industries and increased safety awareness among the populace, North American market is expected to sustain its leading position during the forecast period. Moreover, stringent laws and regulations specified by the OSHA, ANSI, UL, NFPA, and CCOHS in countries such as America and Canada, specifies the standards that products are required to adhere to and fire codes. This creates an increase in demand for Fire protection products. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a decrease of around 21% in fire hazards has been observed over the last 5-10 years, which is mainly due to the adequate use of fire protection materials and the amendments of strict fire codes across the region. In addition to this, growth of the aerospace industry has further augmented the demand for fire protection materials in the region.
Growing construction industry, improving warehousing facilities, and increasing renovation of existing buildings are the driving factors for growth of the market in Europe. Moreover, increased spending on infrastructure, non- residential constructions, and urban housing projects in Eastern Europe, have led to the increase in demand for fire protection products in the region. The recent Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 has increased awareness regarding fire protection measures in the region, thereby attracting more investment from the government in fire protection materials. Europe is considered to be the second largest market for global fire protection materials.
Owing to the huge investments in end-use industries and high growth in infrastructural development, industrial development, and construction, Asia-Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The recent growth of the ware housing facilities in emerging economies such as India and China, have further augmented the fire protection materials market in this region.
The Middle East and Africa are expected to be the second fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The increase in growth of the construction industry, industrialization, and disposal income of the population are the factors driving growth of the market in these regions. The high demand for fire protection materials in the oil and gas industry is also contributing to growth of the fire protection material market. The innovation of epoxy intumescent has further increased growth of the market for fire protection materials. Growth in the construction sector of Qatar, owing to the FIFA world cup 2022, has been a major driving factor fueling demand for fire protection materials in the region. Planned investments are made in Lusail City, Al Jawhara city and in Barwa for fire protection material.
To Get Discount on This Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-discount/859
Major players are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies. For instance, Republic Elite acquired a merger with LDC Stone, Inc. in 2017.
The major players in the fire protection materials market include Hilti Group, 3M Co, Akzo Nobel N.V., Morgan Advanced Materials, Specified Technologies Inc., Etex, Tremco Incorporated, BASF SE, Isolatek International (U.S.), USG Corporation, Hempel Group, PPG Industries Inc., W.R. Grace & Co., Rolf Kuhn GmbH, and Rectorseal.
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave,
#3200 Seattle,
WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
Website: http://www.coherentnews.com
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chemicalresearch · 7 years
Fire Protection Materials Market- Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017-2025
Fire protection material are materials that help resist and withstand fire. These materials are used to reduce the effects of destructive fires by minimizing the harm caused to the body. These materials can be classified into active fire protection materials or passive fire protection materials. Active fire protection materials are those that require some kind of motion and action for its protection such as the fire extinguishers used by the fire fighters, whereas passive fire protection materials are those that are installed in a building, which do not require any motion or action such as the fire resistant walls, floors, and fire doors.
Request Sample of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/859
The increase in number of fire accidents, leading to the loss of life and valuable assets has made various construction companies more vigilant, compelling them to employ fire protection measures for safety, in turn, boosting the fire protection materials market. Moreover, the increase in demand from the major application industries, such as industrial and commercial constructions and oil and gas industries, has boosted the market growth.
Fire Protection Materials Market Taxonomy:
On basis of product type, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Cementitious Spray
Cast-in Devices
Duct tape
Intumescent Coatings
Fire blocks
On basis of application, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Structural Steel Fireproofing - Cable
Wire tray fireproofing
Fire doors
Fire windows
Fire resisting glass
Fire resisting cables
Fire linings
Fire resisting partitions
Fire screens
On basis of end-use, the global fire protection market is segmented into:
Oil and gas industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Aviation Industry
Electronics industry
Petrochemical industry
Aerospace industry
Intumescent thin film coatings have been replacing conventional techniques such as fillings, boards, and sprays. These coatings are extensively used by architects, contractors, builders, and engineers in the protection of steel. New innovations are boosting the productivity of fire productive materials. Epoxy intumescent is one such innovation, which is widely used in Oil rigs.
Check the Trending Report of Fire Protection Materials Market: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/fire-protection-materials-market-859
Fire Protection Materials Market Outlook:
North American market is the largest market for fire protection materials. Owing to well-established industries and increased safety awareness among the populace, North American market is expected to sustain its leading position during the forecast period. Moreover, stringent laws and regulations specified by the OSHA, ANSI, UL, NFPA, and CCOHS in countries such as America and Canada, specifies the standards that products are required to adhere to and fire codes. This creates an increase in demand for Fire protection products. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a decrease of around 21% in fire hazards has been observed over the last 5-10 years, which is mainly due to the adequate use of fire protection materials and the amendments of strict fire codes across the region. In addition to this, growth of the aerospace industry has further augmented the demand for fire protection materials in the region.
Growing construction industry, improving warehousing facilities, and increasing renovation of existing buildings are the driving factors for growth of the market in Europe. Moreover, increased spending on infrastructure, non- residential constructions, and urban housing projects in Eastern Europe, have led to the increase in demand for fire protection products in the region. The recent Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 has increased awareness regarding fire protection measures in the region, thereby attracting more investment from the government in fire protection materials. Europe is considered to be the second largest market for global fire protection materials.
Owing to the huge investments in end-use industries and high growth in infrastructural development, industrial development, and construction, Asia-Pacific is projected to be the fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The recent growth of the ware housing facilities in emerging economies such as India and China, have further augmented the fire protection materials market in this region.
The Middle East and Africa are expected to be the second fastest growing market for fire protection materials. The increase in growth of the construction industry, industrialization, and disposal income of the population are the factors driving growth of the market in these regions. The high demand for fire protection materials in the oil and gas industry is also contributing to growth of the fire protection material market. The innovation of epoxy intumescent has further increased growth of the market for fire protection materials. Growth in the construction sector of Qatar, owing to the FIFA world cup 2022, has been a major driving factor fueling demand for fire protection materials in the region. Planned investments are made in Lusail City, Al Jawhara city and in Barwa for fire protection material.
To Get Discount on This Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-discount/859
Major players are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies. For instance, Republic Elite acquired a merger with LDC Stone, Inc. in 2017.
The major players in the fire protection materials market include Hilti Group, 3M Co, Akzo Nobel N.V., Morgan Advanced Materials, Specified Technologies Inc., Etex, Tremco Incorporated, BASF SE, Isolatek International (U.S.), USG Corporation, Hempel Group, PPG Industries Inc., W.R. Grace & Co., Rolf Kuhn GmbH, and Rectorseal.
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave,
#3200 Seattle,
WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
Website: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/
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