h3rmitsunited · 1 year
brain is mush
I passed my LCSW exam (to be licensed as a social worker in CA)! After like five and a half years and 3200 hours of supervised work and a 170 question exam, I'm done and licensed and I feel like sleeping for a thousand years and my bedroom is a disaster after studying the past two weeks
so glad that test is over with
so tired
Also very glad that I can go back to doing art and writing and fandom stuff without feeling guilty because I should be studying, so hopefully now I can get some of those wips done soon 🙂
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What you say becomes your truth.
Megan Logan, MSW, LCSW - Self-Love Workbook for Women
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thistherapylife · 2 years
Welcome back to school, therapists
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mashupofmylife · 3 months
Weird place to hunt for info, but I'm looking for anything and everything!
Anyone on here who works in a PHP/ partial hospital program? How many individual patients do the therapists carry? How is the program structured? I'm trying to figure out how to get a reasonable census, structure the program, and not burn out my therapists and I'm hitting walls left and right. I want to know what works in other places!
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wrasslin-x · 1 year
Exam passed.
Now officially a licensed CLINICAL social worker!
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insignae · 1 year
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Logo Identity and outdoor sign developed for Austin Counseling Collective - an LGBTQ inclusive and multi-cultural counseling collective of Therapists and Counselors.
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nhungcuonsachhay · 2 years
Xuyên suốt cuốn sách này, có một số thuật ngữ được sử dụng như “người độc hại” hoặc “những người độc hại”. Tác giả đang ám chỉ đến những cá nhân có các đặc điểm của chứng Rối loạn nhân cách ái kỷ (còn được biết đến với tên gọi người yêu bản thân thái quá – the narcissist) và chứng Rối loạn nhân cách chống đối xã hội (còn được biết đến với tên gọi người chống đối xã hội hoặc người thái nhân cách – sociopath hoặc psychopath).
Trong phần sau sẽ giải thích chi tiết hơn về khái niệm người ái kỷ, người chống đối xã hội và người thái nhân cách. Chúng ta cũng sẽ thảo luận quá trình hình thành và phát triển nhân cách của họ và tại sao họ lựa chọn việc bị rối loạn nhân cách. Đó là thông tin rất quan trọng mà bất kỳ người sống sót nào cũng cần biết và hiểu rõ. Bây giờ, tôi chỉ có thể nói họ là người không có sự đồng cảm và là người gây ra tổn thương to lớn cho người xung quanh. Bạn biết điều đó đúng, phải không?
Họ là những ai? Một người ái kỷ, người chống đối xã hội hoặc người thái nhân cách, họ có thể là bố, mẹ, anh, chị, ông, bà, cô, chú, em họ, bạn trai, bạn gái, chồng, vợ, người con trưởng thành, bạn, thông gia, đồng nghiệp, sếp, mục sư, giáo viên hoặc bất kỳ ai trong mối quan hệ giữa con người với con người. Bạn có thể thấy, sự độc hại của họ có thể gây ảnh hưởng đến rất nhiều người. Đáng buồn thay, vòng tròn ảnh hưởng của họ (và sau đó phát triển thành vòng tròn phá hủy) rất rộng.
Phụ nữ cũng có thể là những kẻ lạm dụng
Có một ý nghĩ rập khuôn rằng chỉ có đàn ông mới là những người ái kỷ, người chống đối xã hội và người thái nhân cách. Điều này hoàn toàn không đúng. Có nhiều người phụ nữ là nguyên nhân của những tổn thương rất lớn trong một mối quan hệ.
Trên thực tế, số khách hàng là nam của tôi, những người sống sót sau lạm dụng tiềm ẩn, gần tương đương với số khách hàng nữ. Cách người lạm dụng là nữ thực hiện hành vi lạm dụng khác một chút ít so với người lạm dụng là nam. Nó thường được che đậy kỹ càng hơn.
Một trong những điều đầu tiên bạn tìm hiểu về lạm dụng tâm lý liên quan đến diện rộng của các hành vi lạm dụng. Tôi sẽ nói một số hành vi lạm dụng theo cách này, một số theo cách kia, và tất cả đều đúng. Đó là lý do việc phát hiện ra một kẻ lạm dụng tâm lý rất khó khăn. Hành vi lạm dụng có nhiều hình thái và đặc tính. Suy nghĩ sai lầm cốt lõi mang tính hệ thống của những kẻ lạm dụng là cho rằng mọi thứ xoay quanh họ. Điều này thể hiện rất đa dạng trong cuộc sống của họ, tùy theo từng đối tượng.
–Thao túng tâm lý| Shannon Thomas, LCSW.
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therapyofficesnyc · 4 months
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We have a lovely two-windowed office available full-time. This office was just painted and new flooring was installed. Perfect for anyone with a green thumb as there is plenty of natural light. We also have part-time and hourly therapy offices available for rent. Located in the heart of Chelsea on 25th Street Between 6th and 7th Avenues. Steps away from several subway lines (F, M, 1, C, E). This suite includes: free Wifi/utilities, lobby attended building, kitchenette, en-suite bathrooms, intercoms, lovely waiting room/areas. Negotiable and flexible rates and terms. Please contact us for more information.
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cehub · 4 months
Empowering Excellence: The Crucial Role of Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals
In the dynamic field of mental health, staying abreast of the latest developments and therapeutic modalities is not just a professional responsibility but a cornerstone of providing optimal care. As mental health professionals navigate the intricacies of the human mind, continuing education emerges as a beacon guiding them toward excellence. This article delves into the significance of ongoing learning for mental health professionals and how it contributes to enhanced patient outcomes, personal growth, and the overall advancement of the mental health landscape.
The Ever-Evolving Landscape:
Mental health is a field that continually evolves with advancements in research, technology, and societal understanding. Keeping pace with these changes is vital for mental health professionals to offer cutting-edge, evidence-based interventions. Continuing education serves as a bridge between traditional practices and contemporary breakthroughs, ensuring that therapists, counselors, and psychologists are equipped to address the evolving needs of their clients.
Enhancing Clinical Competence:
Continuing education acts as a catalyst for expanding clinical competence. Workshops, seminars, and online courses offer mental health professionals the opportunity to refine existing skills, acquire new therapeutic techniques, and explore emerging trends in the field. This bolsters their confidence and translates into improved treatment plans and outcomes for the individuals under their care.
Navigating Ethical Challenges:
Ethical considerations are paramount in mental health practice. Staying informed about changes in ethical guidelines and legal frameworks is an integral aspect of ongoing education for mental health professionals. This knowledge equips them to navigate complex ethical dilemmas, maintain the highest standards of professionalism, and safeguard the well-being of their clients.
Fostering Empathy and Cultural Competence:
Cultural competence is indispensable in mental health practice, given the diverse backgrounds and experiences of clients. Continuing education encourages mental health professionals to cultivate cultural sensitivity and awareness. By engaging in courses emphasizing diversity and inclusion, practitioners enrich their ability to connect with clients from various cultural backgrounds, ultimately fostering a more empathetic and effective therapeutic relationship.
Preventing Burnout and Enhancing Self-Care:
The demands of a career in mental health can take a toll on professionals, making self-care a crucial component of sustained success. Continuing education includes topics such as burnout prevention, stress management, and the promotion of well-being. By investing in their own mental health, professionals are better equipped to navigate the challenges of their profession and, in turn, provide more effective support to their clients.
In a field where empathy, skill, and knowledge converge, continuing education emerges as the linchpin that propels mental health professionals toward excellence. By embracing a commitment to lifelong learning, practitioners not only elevate their capabilities but contribute to the overall progress and evolution of mental health care. As the landscape continues to shift, the importance of ongoing education in mental health remains steadfast, ensuring that professionals are well-equipped to provide the highest quality of care to those who depend on them.
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aicl-professionals · 4 months
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We have a lovely two-windowed office available full-time. This office was just painted and new flooring was installed. Perfect for anyone with a green thumb as there is plenty of natural light. We also have part-time and hourly therapy offices available for rent. Located in the heart of Chelsea on 25th Street Between 6th and 7th Avenues. Steps away from several subway lines (F, M, 1, C, E). This suite includes: free Wifi/utilities, lobby attended building, kitchenette, en-suite bathrooms, intercoms, lovely waiting room/areas. Negotiable and flexible rates and terms. Please contact us for more information.
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thegradblues · 7 months
Go to Therapy
Sarah from lifewithlilred.com brings up an excellent point: If at first you don’t succeed, try a different therapist. I would add: look for an LCSW. Hello!!! Last month I announced that I was going to start therapy and I was really looking forward to it. I thought it would be most helpful after … Going To Therapy Update Everyone should go to therapy, just like everyone should brush their teeth.…
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nostalgiaszn · 10 months
thanks for following me !! i felt compelled to say hello bc i am also a 25 year old doing social work lol
Of course, thanks for the follow back! I'm glad you reached out since we're in the same boat :) What type of SW do you do? I'm actually taking my LCSW exam today, fingers crossed.
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#featurefriday This is the District of Columbia Clinical Hours Log for Excel and Google Sheets listings! If you're starting your clinical hours in District of Columbia, this is the easiest way to track them! Hours and requirements have already been preloaded into the spreadsheet. Please let me know if you have any questions! Go to my link in bio to see these listings and all other available listings! #clinicalhourssheets #socialworker #socialwork #socialworkersofficial #clinicalhours #continuingeducation #ceus #socialworkersofinstagram #lcsw #lsw #lmsw #msw #mswstudent #mswgraduate #clinicalsocialworker #clinicalsocialworkers #clinicalsocialwork #mswgrad #socialworklife #socialworkerlife #socialworkersrock #socialworkers #socialworkergift #licensedsocialwork #supervisiontracker #clinicalhourslog #socialworkstudent #socialworksupervision #lcswbound https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5Y-piOjyE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thistherapylife · 11 months
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misshoneybei · 1 year
I'm Going Back To School!
This is something I never thought that I would say lol but here I am saying it. Getting out of my way and kicking fear to the side because it has been those 2 things that have been holding me back all these years.
I am going back to school to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I love listening to people, validating people & their feelings & emotions, sitting with those feelings as they come up and giving them tools as to how to keep going, how to utilize breathwork and just so much more! I do what I can with what I know right now and it all has come from experience, research, and my own personal healing. However, I do know that if I try to do it all on my own it would probably take forever but for me to go to school and know what I am there for, I'll learn so much more in a timely manner and can jump straight into doing what it is that I love most: which is the love of healing & people. So ultimately, helping people heal.
I'm not gonna lie and say that I am not nervous because I am. I don't have a good relationship with school but because I know why I am going, it'll give me the push to cry it out but to keep on going. If you want something bad enough, you won't give up on it. I'm not ready but I am ready.
Shoutout to my husband, step mama, and my mama for encouraging me to go back to school. With that being said, this has been Honey.
Until next time, see ya!
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jamybechler · 2 years
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Amy Morin was a newly married 23-year-old therapist. Suddenly, her mother died due to a brain aneurysm. On the three-year anniversary of her mother’s death, her husband died of a heart attack. When she remarried years later, her second husband’s father died of cancer. ‍ Through all of this, she has persevered. Amy gave a TEDx Talk called “The Secret to Becoming Strong”, which has been viewed more than 20 million times. She has a great story and provides us with valuable insights on how to overcome challenges. ‍ Here are 13 reminders from her best-selling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do ... ‍ 1.) They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves 2.) They Don’t Give Away Their Power 3.) They Don’t Shy Away from Change 4.) They Don’t Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control 5.) They Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everyone 6.) They Don’t Fear Taking Calculated Risks 7.) They Don’t Dwell on the Past 8.) They Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over 9.) They Don’t Resent Other People’s Success 10.) They Don’t Give Up After the First Failure 11.) They Don’t Fear Alone Time 12.) They Don’t Feel the World Owes Them Anything 13.) They Don’t Expect Immediate Results ‍ Check out her story when she appeared on Episode 60 of "The Success is a Choice" Podcast >> https://jamybechler.com/AmyMorin/ ‍ Author and pastor Robert Schuller used to say, "Tough times don't last but tough people do." It’s certainly not easy, but we too can persevere and make it through the tough times. ‍ Also, if you want some additional mental food for the mind to help you overcome challenges, then visit JamyBechler.com/BulletinBoardBook and preorder our new book "The Coach's Bulletin Board". It has 1000+ insights, thoughts, excerpts, and quotes to help you (and those around you) to be inspired. We are currently offering a free copy for every paperback you preorder through September 1. ‍ That's right ... it's a BOGO deal and who doesn't like a Buy One Get One special?!? Hit us up at JamyBechler.com/BulletinBoardBook . . . #AmyMorin #13ThingsMentallyToughPeopleDontDo #MentalToughness #ToughPeopleLast #SuccessIsAChoice #MentalHealth #OvercomeAdversity #LCSW https://www.instagram.com/p/CguelWDOvGo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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