#Krile headcanon
morgana96 · 6 months
My Oddly Specific FFXIV Cooking Headcanons
Morgana (my WoL): A master culinarian and hardcore gourmet. Her father is also an accomplished chef from whom she gained most of her experience. People have literally had "Ratatouille moments" while eating her food.
Haurchefant: A decent cook who's been improving recently thanks to tips he got from Morgana. But honestly, his real specialty is beverages — he makes the best hot cocoa in Coerthas, as well as several other drinks and cocktails.
Alphinaud: A reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save his life. He's quite embarrassed to have gone this long without knowing how to even make simple meals. But recently, he's started taking occasional lessons from Morgana in an attempt to improve.
Alisaie: Another reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save her life. She's also very embarrassed about it and is now taking lessons with Morgana, but she's managed to turn it into a race with Alphinaud to see who's first to make something edible.
Thancred: Technically a better cook than Alphinaud and Alisaie. He mainly knows bare minimum recipes from growing up on Limsa's streets, and he's not very good at seasoning food. He actually got motivated to improve a little while taking care of Ryne.
Urianger: Actually alright at cooking, but his tastes can be EXTREMELY weird. He'll make a perfectly normal meal one day, but then the next day he'll make one of those unhinged recipes you'd find in a vintage 70's cookbook.
Moenbryda: Not the best chef in the realm, but way better than Thancred and the twins. If she practices a recipe enough, she'll eventually get the hang of it — much like when she taught herself how to make cockatrice meatballs for Urianger.
Y'shtola: Got banned from Matoya's kitchen as a child and hasn't been seen cooking since. She also refuses to elaborate on what exactly she did to get herself banned.
G'raha: Has specific dishes he's good at making, but is well aware that he can't bake for shit. Ask him for a sandwich and he'll make you one with just the right amount of each ingredient. Ask him for a cake or a batch of cookies and the kitchen's at risk of going up in flames.
Tataru: A very talented culinarian. She and Morgana love to make food together — especially baked goods and sweets to share with their friends and Scion colleagues.
Krile: Doesn't cook much, but she's not too bad at it. She's memorized a handful of good recipes that she used to enjoy with her grandfather and other Students of Baldesion.
Estinien: People who don't know him well jump to the conclusion that he can't cook at all. But he's actually quite competent, especially compared to several other Scions. He learned from childhood how to build a fire and cook over an open flame, and while his skills in the kitchen aren't perfect, he can follow a recipe and make something at least decent.
Ysayle: Thinks she's not a very good cook, but actually isn't that bad. She was genuinely surprised when her soup was complimented during the journey to speak with Hraesvelgr, and once she gets a new start with the Scions, she asks Morgana to help her recreate some recipes her family used to make before the Calamity.
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paintedscales · 9 months
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AuRaugust 2023 - Day 30 - Dawn & Dusk
"I was raised for ten summers without a name. Such is the way of the Tumet."
"In my tenth summer, I was tied to a sacred tree and made to free myself from it. In your tongue, you call them dawn pines. In essence, freeing yourself from these 'dawn pines' is like starting the dawn of a new day. A dawn of having proved yourself worthy of the tribe -- of a name."
"I was always worthy. Even without that trial."
"My name is Nomin tal Kheeriin. In your tongue: Lapis of the Steppe. I gave myself that name, and decided I would not be part of a tribe. For I am of the Steppe -- all the experiences and lessons of the people of the land having shaped me."
"Never did I think I would see myself here, though. Never did I think I would see this kind of dusk; the end of a long chapter in my life. A chapter fraught with so much strife, but also so much growth."
"But here I am despite it all. And I'm surrounded by so much more than I imagined I would be. For that, I am grateful and look forward to a new dawn together."
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Doodle of the FF5 fam, all I want is for them to be happy 🙏🏻
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months
Random Lili Headcanons
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So I’m still so shocked at how well the Lili x Krile gposes were received!! I’m going to take a chunk of it as Krile hype (and rightfully so! Krile has been sidelined for far too long!), but I’m very happy that y’all seem to be curious about Lili as well! I’m still ironing out the details enough to write up a full profile (and I might make Lili her own sideblog for organizational purposes, but I haven’t decided yet), but I figured it was time to share some of my initial headcanons for her and where I think I’ll go with her story. This will be a random list of things that just pop into my head, so I apologize if I start to ramble a bit.
Lili is the name she likes to be called, but her full name is Lilika Lika, and it’s not only a canon compliment Dunesfolk name (unlike Hali, heh), but it’s also my little nod to Final Fantasy X, because I think it sounds similar to Kilika Island.
Lili’s pronouns are She/Her, she is cisgender, and a lesbian. She has had relations with men in her past when she was finding herself, but she came out as a lesbian when she was 20 years old.
She was born in Ul’dah and she is actually the distant cousin of Hali! Lili met Hali when Hali first arrived in Eorzea and looked up information on Nanani’s family (Nanani is Hali’s grandmother and Lili’s great aunt who left Ul’dah to marry her husband and live in Sharlayan).
Lili is descended from a prominent family whose members almost always become involved in the Order of Nald’thal, with many members also joining the Thaumaturge Guild. Lili tried her hand at Thaumaturgy but she found herself woefully unskilled in magic. Instead, she joined the Pugilist Guild and eventually trained in the techniques of the Ala Mhigan Monk.
I plan on Lili’s main canon job to be Monk from ARR-EW, but perhaps she trained briefly as a Samurai before she takes up the twin blades of a Viper for Dawntrail.
Unlike Hali who never believed in any forms of religion and only understands religion in an academic sense as a Sharlayan, Lili does believe in the Twelve and has her faith shaken by the events of the MSQ and of course the events of the Myths of the Realm raid series.
Lili has had several casual relationships, including a brief fling with Tataru during ARR and HW, but she never had any serious romantic feelings about someone until she met Krile.
I’m still working out a timeline of the Lili x Krile ship right now, but I’m thinking about them confessing their feelings and officially being in an exclusive relationship around Post ShB to Pre EW. Sometime in the 5.3-5.55 range. They get together before Hali and Aymeric do at least.
Lili is represented by opposing symbolism to Hali, and they are a duality of forces. Hali’s symbols are water, ice, darkness, night, stars, spring, etc. whereas Lili’s symbols are fire, light, day, sun, autumn, etc. Hali is a magic user and Lili is a melee fighter. Hali is extroverted and highly emotional while Lili is introverted, practical, and usually in control of her emotions.
That’s all I’ve got for now! I’ll be working on a full profile for Lili in the meantime, so please look forward to it! Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 🥰💖
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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klopford · 10 months
Y’all seemed to really like my headcanon poll earlier (the drinking age one)! This isn’t a poll, but I want to hear people’s headcanons on this:
The Scions are having a karaoke party. Who can sing? Who can’t? What songs do they choose?
I’ll start with some known details: Thancred and G’raha are both trained bards, and according to Encyclopedia Eorzea, G’raha has a fantastic singing voice. I could definitely see either of these guys showing off!
Alphinaud is probably decent but not great. For all his confidence giving speeches I think he’d be a little nervous singing. Alisaie on the other hand is both a better singer than her brother and would be more confident on stage.
Y’shtola would probably refuse to participate. Or she might be surprisingly good.
Estinien would absolutely refuse. If pressed he might pick a song with minimal effort… like “Tequila.”
Urianger would probably be a surprisingly good singer, which would shock most of the Scions.
Tataru isn’t great, but she doesn’t care! She’s the most confident of all the Scions regardless of her talent and would probably goad people into duets or group songs.
Krile is either decent or surprisingly good, I’m not sure.
My WoL, Katina, is decent-ish and shares Tataru’s enthusiasm. She’d probably join Tataru and drag Alisaie along for some girl rock songs.
What do y’all think? Agree? Disagree? How would your WoLs do? Comment or reblog with your headcanons!
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humblemooncat · 1 year
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"And when you look at me with those eyes, oh, how I could fall in love all over again"
Hi guys, I'm home! And I brought some wholesome catboys with me!
Thank you all for the sweet messages while I've been away, I'm feeling way more able to battle my brain now. Just good to have those breaks every once in a while to reset.
But! I didn't forget about the wholesome gposes I promised, so I had some fun posing the boys last night. Somehow these two always make for the cutest shots. I love them sm.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
B-team Scion headcanons! Hoary, Coultenet, Alianne, Ochre, Aenor, Riol, Clemence, and one or two others if you wish!
Imma be real i had to log in and run around for like. 15 minutes to remind myself who all of these ppl were.
Hoary and Aenor have never actually like. Done. Anything. Despite Aenor's many claims and fantasies. Poor Hoary is both A) Dense and B) Gay.
Aenor and Ochre on the other hand...
Speaking of Aenor and Ochre, they both discover a shared passion for teaching in Gridania. Eventually they get a nice little house on a quaint little plot set far enough away from their neighbors that they don't have to worry about noise complaints. It's a very nice house, just. dont go in the basement. It's more degen than the Balmung quicksands down there.
Hoary and Coultenet are married.
Riol has his fingers in every thieves' guild and information network from limsa to ala mhigo. His connections are only surpassed by Tataru (who he rightful respects and fears in equal measure). But somebody sneezes on the continent of Eorzea, and you can bet that Riol already knows.
Clemence is an extremely intelligent and competent healer, with a particular knack for detail work that makes her the ideal surgeon. Once she removes herself from the stress of combat healing, she eventually goes on to join the Eorzean equivalent of doctors without borders.
Bluomwyda is Merlwyb's half-sister. They don't talk a lot, but they do care about each other. Bluomwyda makes sure to send Merlwyb food and trinkets from her adventures, and Merlwyb sometimes plays a little favoritism to make sure Bluomwyda's ventures are funded (within reason).
Krile puts off officially becoming the leader of the Students of Baldesion for sooooo long. Ojika and Ejika basically con her into it: "here, this office has been empty for so long, you might as well do all your paperwork here!" "Oh, can you look over the list of potential new Students for us? we're sooooo busy." "Hey can you sign this really quick for me? Oh, nothing important, thank you." "Here's your new robes, congratulations on your 'promotion'."
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celestialhighwind · 2 years
Saw this on Twitter.
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new-old-friend · 2 years
The proposal
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Maybe I'm not really good at this, English is not even my first language, I’m not capable to describe scenes, my vocabulary is quite poor and is also the first time I wrote a story in my non-native language. Still, I hope you readers will like it, and appreciate my efforts and, especially, my story.
Just a little bit of background.
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My wol's name is Mackenzie, he is 27 years old and he started to traveling alone at the age of 17. He is for 3/4 hyur and for 1/4 miqo'te. His physical appereance is more similar to a hyur, whilst his behavior is totally of a miqo'te. His mother’s name is M'eva and his father’s is M'avrick. He has 3 simblings: M'illa (almost 4), M'raly (16) and M'ishan (18).
From time to time, when he is under heavy stress - or actually when he wants it - he may change his physical appearance: the pupils of his eyes became thinner and vertical, he sprouts the tail and his ears transforms into that of a miqo’te. Fortunately most of the time he is sufficiently able to control his transformation, and this is why only his family and his closest friends know about this.
His Miqo'te name is M'kenzie.
In the past he had a troubled relationship with G'raha, but after the events of Ultima Thule, they are now an actual couple.
Have a good reading.
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G'raha entered the Rising Stones with low ears and fidgeting nervously. Tataru couldn't help but smile the moment she saw him. "G'raha!" She said running towards him.
"Hello Tataru, are you free? May I ask you for a favour?"
"Well, straight to the point!"
"I apologize, I... really need help for a very important matter."
Estinien was in a corner of the room, leaning against the wall doing absolutely nothing. "Don't ask favours to Mistress Tataru, you'll regret it."
"Sir Estinien: hush. Please, G’raha, go on."
"Right, thank you. Are you perchance in contact with a good jeweler?"
"Oh, I'm in contact with more than one. For example, there's a friend of mine that works in Ralgr's Reach and that is also a good enchanter. I can ask him to make you whatever you need."
Estinien made the error to interrupt them again "Don't trust her, this will not ends well."
"Sir Estinien, if would you be so kind to LEAVE us alone." She said glaring at him. A shiver ran down his spine and the Dragoon rushed out of the room without looking back.
"So, where were we?" Said the lalafell smiling.
"Your friend in Ralgr's Reach. But, well, I'm not looking for something so complicated, I just need an artisan for a personal article."
"Alright, for this kind of items I know a merchant very furnished in Ishgard."
"Uhm, no. How can I put it, I need someone who can craft me something customized." Tataru stopped to think for a moment. "Oh, yes," she said with a glint in her eyes "I know a person in Limsa! She is a very good friend, and very brillant! An artist, to put it mildly! She can craft everything you want, but if you ask me, her masterpieces are rings, and–"
"Yes! Great!"
Tataru stared at him inquiringly  "What are you plotting?"
"Me? Plotting? That's...absurd. Absolutely preposterous."
"For the twelve! You want to propose to Mackenzie!" said Tataru aloud.
"Shhh, there's no reason to let all Mor Dhona hear."
"You want to propose!" She repeated in a lower voice.
"Yes, that's the plan."
"Let me handle this!"
"Beg you pardon?" The miqo'te looked at her confused.
"It'll be great!"
"Are you sure? I didn't know you were an expert of... celebrations."
"I'm an expert of everything, little cat. Besides, I'm really good to make people says "yes"." She replied with a grim on her face.
"Well, you make a point. I don't know what to say except thank you. Ahem, I would much appreciate if this could remain just between you and me."
"Of course! Tell me, do you want some kind of incision inside the ring? Perhaps your names, or a phrase?"
"An incision, you said? I had not considered that. But, probably a phrase is more, uhm, romantic?"
"Hehehe, I think so. Well, I'll leave you a moment to think about it..."
"No need, I have it. Sort of."
"That was fast."
"Together across time and space" said G'raha blushing.
"’Tis really sweet.” she said with a big smile. “And for the shape?"
"I thought of something delicate, white gold with little light green gemstones intertwined in thin gold strings."
"A very good choice! I'll contact her at once and I’ll tell to realize a few designs. I'll keep you updated."
"Thank you again, Tataru."
"Everything for the future husband of my friend!"
G'raha started fidgeting again, red in the face matching the color of his eyes. After saluting her he made his way to the exit, but while he was leaving the hall he bumped violently into Mackenzie who was just opening the door. "Raha!" said concerned the warrior if light, putting instinctively his hands on his boyfriend’s hips. "Are you hurt?" G'raha grabbed Mackenzie's shirt, almost trumble for hitting him. He sank his head into his chest "Ah, I'm good, don't worry."
Mackenzie was tempted to hold him tight and drag him in the first free chamber of the Rising Stones, for too much time had passed since they have seen each other, but he refrained from doing so and simply rubbed gently his forehead on his.
"You know, I missed you a lot, kitten."
"I missed you too." Replied G'raha, swinging his tail "Are you sure you’ll manage to come back to Sharlyan today?"
"Yes, but I have something to do first, I'll be there for dinner."
"Very well."
"May I ask for a kiss before you leave?"
The miqo'te shaked his head without looking at him. "I missed your kisses tremendously, and I’m afraid we'd cause too much of a spectacle if I start to kiss you now." Mackenzie smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek "I'll take this as an account, then." G'raha looked up into Mackenzie's eyes and smiled "I'll make sure to give everything you need tonight." he replied in a low soft voice. The warrior of light swallowed, his heart started to beat fast and he unwittingly made purr. After a brief hug G'raha walked away.
"That guy is always capable to fool me every time I let my guard down! Nevertheless, he is SO shy in public when it comes to us. But this is one of the thing I love so much of him. Also, it is kind of cute." Said Mackenzie to Tataru.
"And you like to tease him for this."
"Of course I do! And rest assured that he would pay for what he did just now!"
"Heheheh. In any event, ‘tis good to see you, Mackenzie. What brings you here?"
"I was just passing by, and thought it was nice to make you a visit. How things going?"
"Oh, you know, as usual. But I miss all of you, you should come more often! How's your family?"
"My parents and Illa left Sharlyan a couple of days ago, while Raly and Ishan decided to travel together for a while. But, seems that both are waiting for me in Sharlyan, they want to say goodbye before leaving."
"Illa is a really sweet little lady, how old is she?"
"Almost four, and she is already a troublemaker. But, you know, blood tells."
"And if I'm not wrong, she is infatuated of your boyfriend."
"As I said, blood tells." said Mackenzie smiling softly.
"Are you planning to stay some days?"
"Sadly no, I have "chores" waiting for me, and a really important thing to do. But, mayhap I could use your help with one of them?"
"I'm not going to do chores in your stead, Mackenzie."
"Not in that sense, I wouldn't never ask you something like this. Rather, do you know a good jeweler?"
"No way!"
"No way what?"
You're going to propose to G'raha!"
"What in the h–? How did you know?!"
"So is a yes. This is gonna be fun!"
"I hope it will be more romantic than fun, it'll be not a good sign if he does start laughing."
"Don't  worry my friend, it'll be awesome! Let me handle this, I have the perfect person for you!"
"I have the bad feeling this is going somewhere... terrible."
"Not at all! Have I ever disappointed you?"
"No, I can't say you had."
"See? Tell me, do you have an idea about the design?"
"Not the faintest."
"May I suggest something in white gold?"
"It is certainly classy, I like it. "
"And with gemstones?"
"Oh, yes, but very small gemstones, embedded on the whole surface. Mostly blue, and two red. Ah, and this inscription inside: "Our promises will always connect us"."
"So much for not having an idea. In any case, this is even sweeter!"
"Sweeter than what?"
"Don't mind me, don't mind me! Alright, I'll bring your idea to my friend and I'll let you know as soon as I can."
"Thank you Tataru, I really appreciate it. And if you'll be so kind to not spread the word, yes?"
"My lips are sealed!"
Mackenzie smiled. "Well, I'll be more than happy to stay a little while here, but unfortunately ‘tis time to leave. Take care, and say goodbye to the others for me."
"Be safe on your journey!" She replied waving her hand.
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Krile arrived from the infirmary just in time to say goodbye to Mackenzie from afar, then she approached Tataru smiling "So, Tataru, are they going to propose each other?"
"Eheheheh! Oh, I'd pay to see their faces!" Said the coinkeeper with a mischievous grin.
"10000 gil that Raha will propose first."
"I'll take the bet!" yelled suddenly Estinien from the solar.
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usagi-mitsu · 2 years
Another wild Shia headcanon: When in Ishgard, Alphinaud teaches her how to write cursive. In 6.1 she uses this to write a thank you letter to the twins dad. Krile reads though, before it gets sent. You know - just in case. Shia doesn't want to ruffle his feathers with one badly placed letter or word.
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plounce · 10 months
i have such strongly engrained beliefs about many ffxiv characters that i do an angry little ?! to myself when i see someone not agree with me. examples include people shipping y'shtola with men (that big goth lion is on some thin fucking ice by virtue of the nights blessed's unisex outfits) or people drawing urianger in pants (only time urianger has worn pants in canon is when krile put him in some pjs for the coma ward) (he literally wears a dress with a skirt underneath). of course there are also things that people do that are just completely stupid and wrong outside of my own headcanons (thinking alisaie is anything but a little dykechamp)
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 20 days
☮ - friendship headcanon
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I've been thinking a lot lately about Dusk and his friendships with the Scions as of 6.55. He considers himself at least friends with all of them, of course, but how close they are varies pretty widely.
I'm going to try not to be TOO wordy, but I'll do a cut anyway. Also if there's anyone who doesn't want to know who all the Scions are by 6.55, um ... don't click.
He trusts them all with his life, to be clear, but ... he feels like Y'shtola and Thancred in particular hold him at arm's length. And he finds himself feeling conflicted about G'raha semi-regularly. He likes the guy, but every time he has a little bout of hero worship, Dusk can't help but pull back a bit.
Krile isn't one of the close Scions either, but I expect that'll change significantly in Dawntrail. Their distance is more a matter of not having much time to get closer, shunted off to the side as Krile's been in the MSQ. The one really significant thing Dusk's done with Krile is Eureka and uhhhh ... I never actually finished Eureka, so it's not quite canon for him anyway.
Dusk feels protective of Tataru, but at the same time, I don't think she's someone who springs to mind for him when he is full of feelings and needs to unload them somewhere. So a friend! But not a close one, even after all this time. Great business partner though, he'll do capitalism with her anytime.
The twins (sorry for lumping you two together, guys) are in their own category too. He's close to them, but it's the sort of close a much older person has with a young adult that looks up to them. He's about as old as their dad, you see. So while they could absolutely come to him with anything, and he would do his best to support them in whatever way they need ... it's one-way, by his choice. They're still so young and have already been through so much, he'd rather eat glass than have them hear about some of the heavy shit he thinks and worries about.
Urianger, I have realized, has somehow become one of Dusk's closer friends in the Scions, and I'm not even sure how it happened. All I know is, during Endwalker, Urianger kept confiding in Dusk, and Dusk found that he felt extremely comfortable with the idea of confiding in him right back, so I guess they're close now? I can't explain it well, yet it ... really works for me, so I'm keepin' it!
Dusk and Estinien think they're subtle and still come across as Just Bros. They are incorrect, they have been incorrect about this for years. Even so, they are bros. You know how Estinien is all Ishgard Intense about how he is ride or die for the WoL, how he's always pledging his spear, or saying he will absolutely ruin anyone you send him at (I'm pretty sure that's his version of a marriage proposal, btw)? Dusk feels exactly as intense about him.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun to think about. <3
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starrysnowdrop · 10 months
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I’ve been very stressed out lately because of IRL issues, and I’ve been fighting off my depression and anxiety as a result. I also have been missing seeing Hali’s fellow lalafellin friends on my dash. So, if you could, please share your lalas for me! I’ll gladly take any screenshots, headcanons, or anything you have that is lala related! If you don’t personally have a lala WoL or OC, then feel free to share what you like most about a lala npc! I’ll happily take any Tataru, Krile, Pipin, Wedge, etc stuff you’ve got!!
Thank you so much in advance! You are all wonderful, and I hope you have a great rest of your day, and hope Monday doesn’t hit you too hard. 💖
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7marichan714 · 5 months
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🎨I missed you, grandfather🖌️
Ngl but a part of me headcanons that Krile brought Galuf back to life via pictomancing just to hug him once more 😭
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thescions · 5 months
We came up with these headcanons when we were first setting up the blog a year ago, so let's post a handful of muses' shower habits/quirks!
Tataru is the type to use all of the hot water, but since she pays for it she doesn't see any problem. She has a waterproof notepad for taking down designs, has no problem belting if she decides to sing, and talks at full volume/shouts at people outside the door if she thinks of something.
Estinien takes a minimalist, efficient approach to bathing -- essentially, what would have been taught in the Ishgardian military. Warm water, if any at all, is a luxury not often afforded. It's in and out with only a focus on combatting what could lead to infection or illness.
Y'shtola doesn't have any showering-related quirks, but she'll sit in a bath for an hour and zone out. If she gets a song stuck in her head enough, she'll likely hum it -- and be annoyed that she did.
Thancred does the 80's hand-on-the-wall shower because he is exhausted (or maybe hung over). Likely won't sing, either, unless someone is in there with him.
Urianger is an active thinker in the shower, often mumbling to himself as he ponders whatever is on his mind. He doesn't really think of his body while washing it.
Alphinaud is a singing-in-the-shower type! So long as he is in a good mood. He prefers his showers be heated, thank you; he will take one if it is not but he will be miserable. Also, Alisaie knows he sings in the shower, so he won't if he thinks she's in earshot and will make fun of him.
Alisaie sings in the shower, too, but not loud enough that anyone could actuallt hear her. She isn't too bothered by showers that lack hot water, so long as she gets clean. She always washes her hair (that's her rich girl thing) and has her own shampoo bar in her travel pack from home.
Krile would sing in the shower on occasion. She takes showers to feel clean and relax, but not overstay longer than necessary. She takes her time with the process and enjoys it.
Lyse is full-on tone deaf, happy singing in the shower. She acts out things and dances if there's room, and has full on arguments with herself in the shower out loud. Cleaning herself has to also be accompanied by an activity. She wouldn't mind communal bathing and isn't too hard-pressed about being nude in front of others (now that she's no longer disguised as Yda).
Ryne sings in the shower, but usually forgets the lyrics. While she can be efficient, she takes more time to herself post-Shadowbringers. She will quietly do the thing where one piles their hair high with shampoo against the wall and giggle to herself. Now that she has her own appearance, she has more interest in styling herself.
G'raha, as a young man, would commit himself to efficency. He's an adventurer (historian), so that means he would cold water showers in camp! It's part of the lifestyle! As the Exarch, especially as he gets older, he would take this private time to reflect and find himself partial to nice-smelling soap. As a Scion, he would continue these habits, and likely add in singing the latest song he heard while Probably in the Seventh Heaven bar outside the Rising Stones. His locs require a special rinse, so sometimes he'll have his head/ears wrapped in a scarf, which makes him sing really loud unintentionally. Alisaie hasn't picked on him for it...yet.
Ysayle does not sing in the shower, but she does stand under the water and relax. In her role as Lady Iceheart, she did the efficient-camp-shower situation, but takes her time now. She thinks ten minutes in the shower is being excessive. She does not shave.
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