#Kero eldarya
am0rt · 2 years
Random Eldarya HC
I'm french so if my english is miserable yeah... It's just a list with a bunch of ideas !
If Eldarya had access to the anime, Leiftan would totally watch Evangelion and kin Rei.
Valkyon is warm, like yes he's a dragon, but this is always something nice to think about, i'm in love with him
Miiko would love plushie, teddy bear and shit. She loves it, it remind her the idea of a sweet childhood
Ezarel is scared of big noises.
Nevra would let Karenn plays with his hair, even if he ends up with colorful hairclip.
He also make gay jokes to Ezarel and Valkyon. Ezarel want to kill him, Valkyon just laugh.
Kero is often tired. Why ? He spends all his night reading...
Valkyon and Nevra are flexibles asf but Ezarel and Leiftan are stiff. Like, ofc they fight ect but they can't touch their feet yk.
Karenn and Chrome would listen to K-pop.
Erika have hot hands, people hold her hands because they're just so warm.
Even if Leiftan have a fcking abs window in the game, I think he would really don't like to show his body.
Alajea wants to know everything about Erika's world. Erika says everything Alajea want to know.
Valkyon love spring.
He also have white hairs due of stress
Nevra loves hugs
When Miiko is stressed she touch her tails.
Erika plays hide and seek with Mery ! She loves kids, Nevra often play with them. :)
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klamv-art · 9 days
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Quick sketches I did this afternoon of some Eldarya characters 🤲🏼👀
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jelly-and-strawberries · 11 months
Moments where they fall more in love with you ft. The Eldarya non-datables ♡
– when you give him butterfly kisses – when you shamelessly flirt with him – when you read books together while holding each other – when you bake sweets for him – when you give him handmade gifts – when you listen to him even if he has been interrupted by others – when you help him paint his nails (why did I just notice he has his nails painted?!) – when you visit the library just as an excuse to see him – when you greet his seryphon familiar – when you remember the names of his favorite books – when you thank him with kisses
[Adult] Chrome
– when you make a weird secret handshake for the both of you to share – when you offer to feed him by hand – when you scratch him behind his ears – when you randomly decide to flash him in the middle of his paperwork – when you call him hubby even if you aren't married yet – when you give him headpads – when you lean into his chest whenever you need comfort – when you try a new recipe and ask him to taste test – when you are kissing and you decide to bite his lip – when you notice how hard he has been working and praise him for it
– when you get all doll up to go see him – when you follow his footsteps while walking in the snow – when you carefully wash him up after he returns to the room cover in blood that isn't his and you ask no questions – when you instintively hide behind him whenever you're scared of something – when you get shy everytime he takes his clothes off – when you get all flustered only because of one kiss – when you bring him a coat even though he doesn't feel the cold – when you know he is onto something shady, but you trust him and do nothing to stop him – when you make something that he doesn't expect, like initiating a make out session because you missed his touch – when you realize how terrible and cunning he is, but you still stay by his side
– when you say that you would have liked to know him back at Earth – when you notice he's homesick and you do anything just to see him smile – when you show him how beautiful Eldarya can be – when you involve him in conversations since you know he's still shy around faeries – when you gift him a familiar, so he doesn't feel alone – when you comfort him whenever he has panic attacks about his time in Genkaku – when you go out of your way to explain him something – when you look at him with pride after a good training session together – when you wear his shirts with nothing under it – when you cut his hair when it starts to get too long – when you wake him up with a sweet kiss every morning
Hope you like it ♡
It's my 1st. time writing for Edgard, I would like to think I nailed it (?
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relaella · 4 months
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What would happen if merry continued with What would happen if Merry was still alive?
A drawing of Erika and Merry under the big tree.
I also miss Keros, miiko, Ykhar and Ezarel. They should have done some spin off with them reuniting with gardienne to the likes of origins players
(Except for ykhar, you know why)
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crowned-clown-rising · 6 months
Restarted playing TO for the nostalgia and… everything was so simple back then sigh.
ALSO it's not consuming any maana???????
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meliona2 · 11 months
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averil2004 · 7 months
Ezarel: You know what? In my opinion, job in the Library is the most boring in whole H.Q. Only old books and checking raports.
Gardienne: You are right. Only Erian wants to help Ykhar and Kero.
Erian: What about this one?
*Erian opens a book and a lot of black magic is trying to escape as a dark clouds. Elven closes a book and clouds disapper.
Erian *calm like nothing happened*: Wrong book.
Ykhar and Kero *also calm*: Yup.
Ykhar lives in my AU btw 🐰
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currypulver · 11 months
💙 Kero 💙
the unicorn of my heart. xD
i love and miss him ;///;
Sketch is older and was colored yesterday. nothing special, but I really wanted to draw him again. :3
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
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chaeriver · 2 years
can someone please do a fanfic keroshane x ykhar? I NEED IT 😭
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tetrakys · 9 months
Very old tea - Beemoov's writers
Every day I wake up and find new drama in the fandom. I have to admit it is entertaining but fake news and misinformation really annoy me so here we go. What's the new tea? It's actually very old tea, but it needs to be put into context.
A few hours ago, someone rummaging through the New Gen website, ended up on the credit page, where they found this
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This page isn't reachable from the website, there are no links, you need to type the full url to get there because it's only a placeholder. You can clearly see that those are Eldarya TO credits, and an old Priya illustration is used as background. Literally yesterday Chino mentioned in her Instagram stories that there are lots of placeholders on the website.
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Despite this, news is now circulating that the same team that worked on Eldarya is now working on New Gen. I don't think people have been saying this maliciously, it's possible that they got confused with the placeholder, which didn't have the big red disclaimer I added in the screenshot above. However now they are freaking out for no reason and bringing back so much old drama, which is also partially wrong. So here I am trying to clarify, hoping that people will see this (but alas, tumblr isn't as popular as facebook and twitter so maybe I'm just shouting into the wind).
MCL and Eldarya writing team
Part 1. High School Life and the Sally Anne drama
Firstly, at the very very beginning of MCL, Chino was on her own, she was working on both the art and the writing. However, soon later the company looked for a writer, Chino pushed for her friend Sally Anne to be hired even if she had no prior professional experience, and the company agreed. Eventually they also became roommates and even closer friends.
Now, the people who have been around for ages like me know that there was huge drama at some point. Sally Anne had some health issues and pretty much disappeared for months in the middle of Nath's arc. Lots of things were said at the time, some true some very untrue. Sally Anne made a facebook post mentioning how Chino and the company were bullying her. One of the accusations that people like to bring back all the time is that the character of Aleja, who was based on Sally Anne, was used to bully her because she was written as a bit silly. Maybe people forget that all Eldarya self-inserts are very flawed. Jamon can barely use grammar when he speaks, Kero is a coward, Ykhar an anxious nervous train wreak. I don't see anyone say that Chinomiko bullied herself by making Miiko such a raging bitch.
Anyway I believe that Sally Anne herself realised that this and other bullying accusations were unfair since she later retracted it. Some people say that she was forced by Beemoov to do so (I don't know where they would get this information, it's a pretty strong accusation). Others say that all this is common behaviour for people who suffer from addiction. I'm just going to add some additional context that most people may not be aware of since I hardly see it mentioned.
When Sally Anne left the company she started her own personal project with some friends. They put together a kickstarted campaign for a BL game and earned around 58,000€. After that however, the project never came to light because of, again, Sally Anne's personal issues. Here you can see a post from the team describing the situation, which is proof that her health condition was not connected to Beemoov work environment at all, since the same thing happened again while working on her own personal project with other friends of hers. Additionally here is the final post written soon afterward, where the team explained that they would not be able to make the game. They also said that they had used up most of the kickstarter money already even though the game had not been produced. They gave people only one month to claim their kickstarter pledge back. Considering to this day there's still people who wonder what happened to their Eldarya account, I strongly believe not many people managed to see that post and claim their money with only a one month timeframe.
Anyway, this serves as a context to show that in a very small company, when the writer disappears for whatever reason, either the project is cancelled or they have to hire someone else. Lots of people believe that Beemoov is a huge company when it's not. At the time of these events there were around 50 employees, and those people had to earn a living. Sally Anne was the only writer, this whole situation led to MCL not being released for at least half a year, which compromised everyone's salaries. Players were complaining like crazy but, despite hearing only one side of the story, they were very happy to jump on the "Sally Anne was being bullied" train once new writers were hired and they could play the game again.
So, let's talk about the "new" writers.
Part 2. Second half of High School Life and Eldarya TO
Once it was clear that Sally Anne would not be able to come back to work, Beemoov hired two new writers. Hikaru who would end up being Eldarya TO's writer, and Cassandre who took over MCL and finished High School season. (These info you can find in the games credits).
Hikaru was the CM at the time, because the company was looking for a writer for this new game Eldarya they gave her a chance. Chino and Hikaru got along well and I think it's visible in TO's writing. Remember Chino is the creator, she decides the story and the events, the writer writes them, and Chino reads and corrects the script. I think it's clear from TO's writing that they had a good synergy. Hikaru left around the end of TO for personal reasons, she moved to another city and changed career, it was her choice to kill off her self-insert (Ykhar) before leaving, so no there was no big conspiracy around the self-inserts. To this day she and Chino are still friends. But no, she's not coming back to write New Gen as people who saw the placeholder seem to believe.
Cassandre, as I said, took over MCL HSL in the middle of Nath's arc. I think it's visible that the season feels a bit different with a different writer, but I still like it, I think she did a good job as a writer. However, once high school was over, in a move that I will never understand, Beemoov's management decided to assign Eldarya to her, not as a writer but as a project manager, effectively taking over Chino's role. So Chino had to leave from around episodes 20-22 and never went back. She only provided the main storyline of the worlds merging, but at some point she resumed working on the events only.
So from around episode 20-22 to episode 29 Hikaru and Cassandre worked together, with Hikaru as the writer and Cassandre as the one deciding the plot/scenes and supervising the writing.
Part 3. Eldarya ANE + MCL University, Love and Alternate Life
Once Hikaru left, Alexis took over. So from episode 30 of TO and throughout ANE he and Cassandre have worked on Eldarya alone. This is the dream team we owe the state of Eldarya to. None of them knew the first 22 episodes of the games in depth and hence why we have all the plot holes and different characters' personalities. Additionally, at that point Cassandre started working on Uncoven so it is my personal opinion that Alexis was mostly on his own during ANE because clearly you can see that the person who wrote that had no idea what Eldarya was really about.
What happened in MCL at the same time? Once Cassandre moved to Eldarya, Beemoov found another writer for MCL, Cara, who wrote University Life. My personal opinion is that she was a good writer, I like University Life, but there's very little romance. Less than HSL for sure. But there are many funny scenes and a young adults feel that I really liked. She and Chino worked on UL together as writer/creator and it's still one of my favourite seasons, however the lack of flirting scenes is visible.
Then, when Love Life started, another writer joined the team, Antoine, Chino was still the creator and Cara remained as proofreader and also worked on Uncoven with Cassandre. My personal opinion is that there are lots of issues in Love Life because of how some themes of feminism, sexual harassment etc. are treated. Additionally the romance was even less than in UL, and some characters' personalities took a slightly strange turn. However I did like the main storyline and the ending that went full circle.
By the time Alternate Life started, both Cassandre and Cara had left the company, Antoine was still around to write additional LL episodes such as wedding and honeymoon, and the events. Eldarya's writing was over and so Alternate's writing has been the product of Alexis and Chino alone.
Part 4. What about today? MCL New Gen
New Gen is being written by Alexis and Chino, same team and dynamic as Alternate, the two of them alone. So if you see people around saying that Hikaru is back or whatever else, it's not true.
You may not like Alexis' writing after what was done to Eldarya, which I totally understand. If I hadn't played all Alternate Life I would feel the same and think that the guy isn't able to think deeper than a teaspoon. But luckily I really like what he and Chino can do together so I have a good feeling for New Gen.
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candysweetposts · 8 months
I have a couple more drawing ideas to make for eldarya before being done with it.
I have to say, eldarya has always been a strong pillar where I've built my universe and it helped me develop a lot of my characters, especially their looks. The customization brought life to some of my dearest OCs. I also loved the characters, the funny moments, and even the moments of romance that TO gave us. I will always remember the 3 main boys being happy and fighting together, laughing together and consoling each other. I will also remember Leiftan for being this mysterious character who has a dark side and this became my type recently. Let's not forget the insufferable Miiko who had her good moments but I just love to hate her. Others like Kero, Alajea, Ykhar, and Karenn were pretty great written characters and I'm sometimes upset none of them were LIs. Honorable mentions for Karuto and Feng Zifu for being unintentionally my favorite couple.
For me and everyone, this all went down with the fire incident where it seemed that they started caring less about it in a lot of aspects. It's like they felt the game was doomed but they still had to continue with it.
But nevertheless, the thing that I love the most is the community, or what remained of it. Sometimes I would see posts and feel inspired to make new things about eldarya.
I didn't expect the game to end with a happy ending but I guess is better than anything I could've thought. Mine was just another pointless sacrifice and some fast-forward to people remembering this moment.
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klamv-art · 1 year
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🌻|| Victoria ||🌻
Victoria, especially during her first weeks/months in Eldarya, used to spend a lot of her free time (which was a lot since the Guard didn't trust her enough to give her more interesting missions) in the forest or the gardens, you could found her drawing/painting, taking a nap, reading... To sum up doing anything that could make her occupied and that allowed her to stop thinking for a moment that she was going to spend the rest of her days in a world where she was constantly looked down despite her tries of showing everyone that she can be trusted.
With all that free time and the thought in mind that she was going to work her ass off in order to get the respect and trust of the Guard she decided to start with the basics and learn about the history of Eldarya (with the help of the classes Kero suggested her ofc), the basics of alchemy, at least the theory plus other things, such as many minor mission as she could to show her involvement with the Guard and it's people...
That way, little by little, she managed to show them that she was an equal and that she was there to help as much as possible.
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Dating headcanons ft. The Eldarya non-datable boys ♡
Keroshane – He will carry your things for you, open doors for you, and even go on missions with you. – He knows that he isn't as strong as the other guys, but he will do his best to protect you. – He has read countless romance books, so he would try to recreate some of the scenarios with you, like going for a picnic in a flower field or dancing under the rain. – If you get sick, he is going to attend to your needs 24/7. He will not let you hold even a spoon because you have to rest to regain your strengh. – He enjoys doting on you. – If you want to give him a heart attack, just take his glasses and put them on. – He is very shy, so typically you are the one who initiates the kisses and other stuff. – However, from time to time, Kero will build the confidence to start a make out session in the middle of the library. – If you were in a relationship before you entered the crystal, he would definitely wait for you. – Even if you never come back, he would still stay in the H.Q to protect the crystal and your sacrifice. 
[Adult] Chrome – We all love a good best friends to lovers trope and dating Chrome is exactly that. – Chrome would always brag about how he has the most gorgeous girlfriend ever. – You both enjoy friendzoning the other out of the blue. It is like an inside joke between you and it is always funny to see how the reactions. – He will insist on you wearing the same colors as him, so you can match. – He is into PDA, he doesn't really care who is watching, the guy doesn't have self-control when it comes to you. – You will never leave any leftovers in your plate, because Chrome eats what you don't like. – You want to tease him? Just bite him anywhere and he will go nuts. – He enjoys watching you cook, but don't be fooled, he just wants to get a taste of whatever you are preparing. – You like helping him train, he will do push-up with you on his back as it nothing. – You will do impressions of each other just to annoy the other. – Chrome is always making you laugh with his shenanigans. He loves your laugh, so sometimes he does stupid things on purpose just in hopes to hearing your laugh.
Little warning for Tenjin's part, because the guy has controlling and possesive tendencies.
Tenjin – Now, how in the world did you ended up dating the hostile king of Genkaku? – You don't really know either, it just kind of happen. – He surely would be controlling. To give you an example, you are only allow to wear what he gives you, nothing else. – He will drag you to his lap during meals and demand you to feed him. – You have a whole squad of guards assigned to protect you when he cannot stay by your side. – He also doesn't care who is watching. If he wants to kiss you, he will. If he wants to touch you, he will. If he wants you on your knees, you aren't allow to refuse. – You don't have a room of your own because Tenjin's room is know yours. – You usually take baths together. If Tenjin is in good spirits, he will even let you groom his tails. – He doesn't like when you wear underwear, so he will purposely buy the spiciest lingerie for you to wear. – You better go to the bathroom before sleeping, because this man will not release you from his grip during the whole night. – He is into giving you hickeys, especially in places that are hard to cover up.
♡ What other character from Eldarya (aside from the crushes) would you like to date?
Ps. Listen to "Chico malo" by Mamamoo+ The prechorus gave me goosebumps ☆☆☆
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lena-mari · 23 days
Escola de Eel capítulo 50
Erika estava cuidando dos machucado de liz da surra que tinha toma de Erika.
Liz: aí aí com a senhora e tão forte? (Segura a bolsa de gelo na bochecha)
Erika: (sorri e ri da pergunta) é tu acha como eu pari duas crianças? (Se senta na na mesa) confie em sua mãe ela uma daemon bem forte.
Liz: aí é verdade mesmo que a senhora já enfrentou a minha mãe?
Erika:(solta uma gargalhada) aí aí hahaha a gente era terrível juntas a sua tia nos dava uma surra nos treinamentos aí agora eu entendo co. O lance casou com ela.
Liz: hehe é por isso que ela é a maior feiticeira da região.
Erika: Errr mas ela não é mas forte do que farfnir ou a fenix. Mas Charlotte fez por merecer o seu posto atual.
Liz:(Sorri endentedo) a grande rainha dos dragões, hmmm ela te entregou o cargo de rainha aengels depois ou antes do casamento?
Erika: o certo é imperatriz mas foi bem na festa de casamento.
Derepente, nevra bate na porta com notícias urgentes
Erika: querido tem algo errado?
Nevra: (Olha pra própria esposa aflito) é algo muito MUITO sério!
Erika:tem algo a ver com Bianca?
Nevra: pior
(Após isso foi marcada uma reunião com os líderes centrais das regiões de eldarya com a ausência de Bianca, Miiko,Huang hua e Huang chu)
Kero: como assim a tiara da Bianca sumiu? O reino não era protegido.
Leifitan: ERA! até alguém roubar a tiara.(bravo e irritado com a situação)
Lance: foi por isso que lady twilight desmaiou
Erika: Seraphine nos confiou manter a mágia de sangue selada pra não só proteger seus filhos como pela segurança de eldarya e toda a Eel. Agora estão tentando utilizar dessa magia para o caos.
Nevra: mas o que é preocupante é a situação atual, como parte já sabe minha esposa e dona da academia e imperatriz dos aengels, a rainha dos dragões, duquesa dos vampiros e rainha dos daemons doaram parte de suas energias nos objetos para proteger não só eldarya e Eel mas a terra também.
Lance: e o querem que nós façamos, trazer os objetos pra cá não é uma boa ideia.
Chara: e também colocaremos não só nossos povos mais nos filhos também, Erika tem um casal,lotus tem dois também e Miranda a quem foi tutora e mãe adotiva. E Bianca? Que teve um a pego a Luccas? Eu tenho TRÊS CRIANÇAS!
Mateus: calma meu amor (abraça chara a reconfortando)
Lance: não vou suportar dragões morrendo outra vezes. . .eu . . .(Charlotte coloca a mão no joelho dele e olha com um olha de preocupação mas também reconforto, ele acena com a cabeça) o que temos que fazer?Erika?
Nevra: (Olha pra Erika se perguntando o que ela fará, dos eram governantes e membros importantes da academia porém eram pais e mães de alunos aflitos)
Continuar. . .
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ch1mori · 1 year
O episódio 18 e 19 foram os melhores episódios desta temporada, na minha opinião.
Foram uns dos episódios mais bem escritos. Conseguiram transmitir toda a raiva, tensão, medo e a tristeza dos personagens; pelo menos foi isso comigo. Não teve uma enrolação para resolver um problema; não teve "piadas" sem graças e vergonhosas forçadas em momentos desnecessários. O traje e as ilustrações deste episódio foran lindas, as interações com os personagens foram incríveis! Só é uma pena que começaram a caprichar no roteiro agora que esta temporada está ao fim. :( Podemos não ter uma vida alternativa de Valkyon e Ezarel como teve em Amor Doce, mas eu ao menos espero, de coração, que façam episódio extras assim como teve em Amor Doce. Seria injusto nós não vermos a adaptação dos personagens; os Faeries progredindo na Terra; a Erika finalmente feliz e a princípio de tudo: o nosso casamento.
Eldarya foi um jogo incrível, e essa temporada tinha de tudo para ser incrível também, mas é uma pena que não ligam para Eldarya como antes. Apesar de tudo, eu fico contente por ter vivenciado uma época incrível onde o Fandom de Eldarya era maior, mais forte; as teorias eram incríveis também.
Uma adenota: A Guarda chamou Faeries de todas as regiões próximas, dando um total de mais ou menos 2Mil pessoas; seria a oportunidade PERFEITA para colocarem um personagem "novo"... Um personagem já conhecido. Teria a probabilidade de alguém que fazia parte da Guarda esteja no meio de toda essa multidão. Talvez o Kero, a Alajéa, a Miiko e até o Ezarel. Pelo amor, Beemoov, é oportunidade perfeita para um bom reencontro!! 😭🙏
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