sexygames · 7 months
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isyloveslife · 7 months
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personaconcept · 1 year
Could you give more depth to the social links,most of them only Focus on Their disease
Well, for most, I don't have a solid idea. But I can give an idea for what's going on for the main cast, and a couple others. And I'll focus on just their links with the MC (if you'll reference the post the other day about everyone having links with others as well), because I haven't actually come up with ideas for those sorts of links yet.
Sayaka and Yudai aren't hard set yet. For Sayaka it's because any big, character defining moments would happen near the end of the story, in association to her dungeon. I imagine for her, it would be very vague allusions to how she felt going through so many foster families. Yudai's will prooooobably focus on teaching the MC to cook, helping out at his family's diner, how he's different from the expectation of him. (In the way that the natural perception of big people is that they're lazy, uncool, etc.)
Miyako's I have a little clearer picture of. The first rank is story unlocked right after her dungeon, and you find out about her older brother committing suicide six years earlier due to his own mental issues. Throughout the links, one of Miyako's aunts comes to Kamida to try to convince her to move to the city to be with her distant family. Miyako debates on it, until she finds out why her parents never had contact with their extended family. They're terrible people, basically, and didn't want their children to grow up around that. So she stays in Kamida.
Masahiko is another one that I'm not totally sure of the entire thing yet. I think I'd like it to explore his relationship with his dad, and the comparison there. Masahiko is a narcissist, but it was something encouraged when he was younger and now, after his dungeon, he's actively seeking help. His father on the other hand does the whole "I'm in the right, everyone is wrong, everything has to go my way or no way at all) gaslighting thing. Masahiko was on the receiving end of that in his childhood now, and despite his 'holier-than-thou" attitude towards most everyone else, he's very... timid isn't the right word, but it's close enough, when next to his father. Though, now taking a second look on various social links in the different Persona games, that might just be subtext through various social links.
Hoshiko's is going to have her dealing with her bullies. Getting manipulated into doing others' homework, taking over their cleaning duties, giving them money, free items from her father's store. By the end of it, Hoshiko stands up for herself.
For Jun, I'm thinking he goes to the MC, asking them to come over to his house and lie to his siblings for him. He's trying to make his older brother worry less about him. He keeps his princely persona up even at home, to avoid his brother worrying about him. Until his latest stint that got him suspended, his brother had been under the assumption that Jun was a well behaved, straight A student. He wants you to back up his story about that. Throughout it you find out the fight that actually got him suspended from school was started because some jerks were harassing a mama bird and her eggs, throwing bricks at them and shit, and managing to break a couple before Jun stopped them. While his reaction was totally out of line, seeing that had triggered his explosive episode. (Jun was very protective of these birds. I haven't come up with the reason for that yet) Anyway, by the end of his link with the MC, he comes clean to his brothers on what really transpired and what goes on during school. To which both brothers are like "Yeah, we already knew, you knucklehead." Jun's apologies to the people he needs to apologize to will happen in their own separate links. Which I will get to in just a minute.
In Shinju's link, the MC starts out tasked to help her with general, everyday things. Getting up to the classroom on the third floor, getting through the admittedly cramped house they live in, going grocery shopping. But while Shinju does admit to certain things she's scared of (being caught on the third floor of the school if it catches on fire, being her biggest fear), she's not invalid. There's plenty she can do on her own and doesn't need help for, no matter what other people say. This one isn't about Shinju learning anything about herself, it's just proving to everyone else what she already knows. This one I've mentioned is story locked, ranking up on certain days after you've completed certain events. And right near the end of it is her dungeon, in which she is rewarded with a more practical wheelchair, specifically made for her, making it even easier to get around and do things on her own. During one of the ranks, the MC moves some of the kitchen things around so Shinju can reach them better, but that's all I've got on specificies. (If you haven't been ranking up with Yudai at all and getting his cooking lessons, she'll tease you for being a better cook than you.)
Avis/Baby Avis are functionally two different characters... except for this. They'll both take the MC to explore the Endless Forest, explaining Shadows and Corruptions and trying to find the source of the MC's unique healing ability. One of the paths they take will lead to seeing the other MC in passing, though no direct conversation. (Depending on when you play through that link, a new player might not yet know the MC used to have a twin and the other one is dead) Nearing the end, like at the 7th rank, you'll also meet a girl who's a few decades from the past. She isn't a Persona user, but found she has a similar ability to the MC's. She's also been looking for the answer, and swears to meet the two of you again once she find it. However, she isn't there in rank 8, nor in rank 9. Rank 9 all you'll find is a note nailed to a tree, signed with the letter M. There's not much to learn about Avis herself. She's a phoenix. She was born and reborn in the Endless Forest. She's a guide for Persona users like the MC, those specially chosen. But she is one and only and cannot be everywhere at once, hence the reason she's only appeared in front of this MC.
I don't really have a clear cut thing for... really any of the side characters with the MC, but as I was writing these down, ideas for some side social links came to me, so I'll those here.
Hoshiko/Jun: After their unfortunate fallout in middle school, they've struggled to reconnect, especially after Jun's poor attitude after Hoshiko rejects him. Jun starts out with an apology. Several times. Because Hoshiko is too scared of him at first to believe him. Then there's the eventual awkward rekindling. Then an event that sparks Hoshiko's hidden nagging/sarcastic streak, and something from Jun's side too but it's late and I don't know. After that, they're back to being good friends.
Shinju/Jun: Shinju is one of the few people Jun has never been a dick to. He routinely is the one to carry her to her classroom at the beginning of the day. Despite the fact they don't act much like friends until Jun joins the team, he's not a dick. Which is to say, their social link doesn't start off with him apologizing. And when I say "never been a dick" I mean "never before this social link" because he does call Shinju out for "acting weak and helpless when that's bullshit" in a not so nice way. Theirs is a lot of... back and forth, nothing really deep. Some hangouts between rekindled friends. (I think this one would be locked until Hoshiko does accept his apology and forgives him, because despite having never done anything to Shinju, Hoshiko is her best friend)
Miyako/Jun: Miyako wants Jun to help her study, because he's consistently the first in class grade wise. Jun says he's never studied a day in his life, so he's no help. Miyako finds out this is true after a failed study session, in which Jun ends up failing their next quiz because of, proving it did the opposite effect. Miyako ends up having to teach Jun how to study and apply himself, while Jun is doing his own teaching of "it's really not that deep"
Jun/Masahiko: Assholes being assholes to each other. Jun tries to out-asshole Masahiko with his princely person, but Masahiko is actually that elegant and eloquent, so ends up failing. So they end up going to head to head with their own unique brand of assholery. Masahiko finds a new appreciation for Jun's true self (and perhaps a little crush) if cards are played right, as Jun does go and chew out Masahiko's dad for the way he treats Masahiko. (This would probably be the only time something like that happens, as in Masahiko's link with the MC, Masahiko would confront his dad himself)
And... yeah. That's all I've go floating around right now. They need refined, some need thought off. If you think of these in forms of drafts, this is Draft 0. General, mostly nonsensical ideas. I hope that was somewhat satisfactory.
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abdullapulatov · 3 months
Olimlar sog‘lom bo‘lish uchun kuniga kamida 10 ming qadam yurish kerakligi haqidagi fikrning xato ekanini isbotlab berdi
#salomatlik , #саломатлик
Biror bir kasallikdan xalos bo‘lish va salomatlikni saqlash uchun kuniga 10 000 qadam yurish kerakligi haqidagi fikrni ko‘p eshitgan bo‘lishingiz mumkin. Olimlar sog‘lom bo‘lish uchun ancha kamroq yurish kerak ekanligini ma’lum qildi, ...................(Davomi).................... https://qwert.uz/2024/01/31/olimlar-soglom-bolish-uchun-kuniga-kamida-10-ming-qadam-yurish-kerakligi-haqidagi-fikrning-xato-ekanini-isbotlab-berdi/
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kamidakillz · 6 months
blog intro ☆
☆ED, vent, we1ght tracking blog, ect. Sometimes I post about the system (DID)
♡ cw 139-136 lbs, ugw 110 lbs, gw 120.
About me ♡
☆ my name is kamida, I'm a alter within a system.
♡ as an alter, I do age slide between 15-17 and around 21. I'm almost always between 15 and 17. [That means I'm mostly a minor !! Im also bodily a minor !Please don't be weird !!]
☆ my appearance is formed off of a girl called eicy from alchemy stars. I am not a fictive of her, I just look like her.
I'm actively looking for friends or @na buddies, if you're interested, please send me an ask or message !!
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afaauz · 9 months
MDH davlatlarining II Xalqaro o‘yinlari: ishtirokchi jamoalar musobaqa yakunlarini sarhisob qilishdi.
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MDH davlatlarining II Xalqaro o‘yinlari yakunlandi, jamoalar o‘z uylariga jo‘nab ketishmoqda, jurnalistlar yakunlarini sarhisob qilmoqda. Umumjamoa hisobida uchinchi o‘rinni O‘zbekiston sportchilari ishonchli tarzda qo‘lga kiritdi. Boks jamoasi dunyoning eng kuchli havaskori ekanligini isbotladi. Yuqori darajadagi 28 ta mukofotdan 13 tasi bokschilar tomonidan qo'lga kiritildi. O‘zbekiston terma jamoasi Belarusda barcha sport turlari bo‘yicha musobaqalarda qatnashgan kam sonli terma jamoalardan biridir. O‘zbekistonlik sportchilar jami 106 ta sovrinni qo‘lga kiritdi. Ikkinchi o'rinda bronza uchun rekord o'rnatgan o'yin mezbonlari joylashgan. Ammo ruslar "150" go'zal raqamdan atigi bitta oltin kam edi, ammo qolgan jamoalar umumiy hisobda Rossiyaning o'ziga nisbatan eng yuqori darajadagi medallarni kamroq qo'lga kiritishdi. Darvoqe, MDHning har bir jamoasi kamida sakkiz marta shohsupaga ko‘tarilgan. "Biz ushbu forumga kelgan jamoalar sonidan, atmosferadan xursand bo'ldik", - dedi muxlislardan biri. Ushbu musobaqalarning o'ziga xos xususiyati mezbonlarning mehmondo'stligi, do'stlik va birodarlik muhiti bo'ldi, shuning uchun tashkilotchilar yopilish paradida barcha mamlakatlardan sportchilarni aralashtirishga qaror qilishdi. Ular an’anaviy rasmiyatchilikka rioya qilishni unutmadilar: olov o‘chirildi, bayroq esa MDH davlatlarining III Xalqaro o‘yinlari bo‘lib o‘tadigan Ozarbayjonga topshirildi. Manba: mir24 Read the full article
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altair1206 · 11 months
susuMetro! / Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd. from EDP graphic works Co.,Ltd. on Vimeo.
Creative director Katsuya Sato (DAIKOKU inc.) Director Wataru Yamada (SUN-AD Company Limited) Producer Gen Kimura (SUN-AD Company Limited) motion graphic director Naoki Kumamoto (EDP graphic works Co.,Ltd.) motion graphic designer Kidai Kato + Yuuki Kamida (EDP graphic works Co.,Ltd.) / Hiromu Oka / Mami Kawashima Production manager Natsumi Shigenaga (SUN-AD Company Limited)
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otzivi-ru · 1 year
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Kasallikning kelib chiqish sabablari: Infeksiya yuqishidan − patogen bakteriyalar chov terisi yuzasidan, qin shilliq qavatidan, to‘qimalardan va ichakdan peshob yo‘liga kirib, yuqoriga ko‘tariladi va qovuqqa tushib yallig‘lanadi. Dorilar, radiatsiya, zaharli, kimyoviy moddalar, parazitlar, allergiya ta’sirida bo‘lishi mumkin. Limfa tomirlari orqali tanadagi surunkali infeksiya o‘choqlaridan o‘tishi mumkin. Sistitga olib keluvchi omillar: tanadan sovuq va zah o‘tishi; gigiyena qoidalariga rioya qilmaslik, homiladorlik, tug‘ish, ayollarda menopauza, prostata bezining yallig‘lanishi; jarohatlar, uretrada tibbiy manipulyatsiyalardan keyin; qandli diabet, semirish, o‘troq hayot tarzi; ko‘p miqdorda achchiq, sho‘r va spirtli ichimliklarni iste’mol qilish. Sistitning belgilari qorinning pastki qismida og‘irlik; og‘riq; peshob vaqtida og‘riq; achishish va yonish hissi; loyqalangan va kam miqdorda tez- tez peshob; siydikda shilliq va qon paydo bo‘lishi; peshob chiqarishga yolg‘on va og‘riqli istak; peshob tutolmaslik; tana haroratining ko‘tarilishi. Surunkali sistit belgilari o‘tkir sistitga nisbatan kam. Kasallik vaqtincha susayishi mumkin, remissiya davri yil davomida qo‘zg‘alish davri bilan almashib turadi va yildan yilga davomliroq bo‘ladi. Sistit diagnostikasi umumiy qon tahlili; umumiy siydik tahlili; siydikni bakteriologik tekshirish; siydik pufagining UTTsi; sistoskopiya. Sistitning asoratlari surunkali piolonefrit rivojlanishi; buyrakning atrofiyasi va buyrak yetishmaslik kasalligi; agar davolanmasa, siydik pufagi kichrayadi va peshob saqlash funksiyasini to‘liq yo‘qotishi mumkin. Sistitni davolash Kasallikni davolash paytida bemor zirovorlarga boy, achchiq, sho‘r, tuzlangan ovqatlardan, spirtli ichimliklardan cheklanishi hamda kuniga 1,5-2 litr suv ichishi kerak. Infeksion sistitda antibiotiklar, fitopreparatlar, yallig‘lanishga qarshi, og‘riq qoldiruvchi dorilar qo‘llaniladi (dorilar turini va dozasini shifokor belgilab beradi) Tos a’zolari infeksiyasini davolash. Davolashda e’tibor berish kerak bo‘lgan jihatlar O‘tkir sistit davri 7-14 kun. Davolanishning birinchi yoki ikkinchi kunida yengillik paydo bo‘lishi mumkin. Аmmo siydik tahlillari to‘liq me’yorlashgunga qadar dorilarning dozasini va qo‘llash chastotasini to‘xtatmaslik yoki kamaytirmaslik kerak. Аgar davolanish muddatdan oldin to‘xtatilsa, sistit belgilari yana paydo bo‘ladi. Faqat keyingi safar uni davolash qiyinroq bo‘ladi, surunkali sistit holatiga o‘tadi. Surunkali sistitni davolash murakkab va uzoq vaqt talab qiladi. Shuning uchun shifokor nazoratida va qunt bilan davolanish kerak. Faqat antibiotiklar, fitopreparatlarni o‘zi kamlik qiladi, qo‘shimcha immunomodulyatorlar, bakteriofaglar, qon aylanishini yaxshilaydigan dorilar, vitamin va antioksidantlar buyuriladi. Sistitning oldini olish Kuniga kamida 1,5-2 litr suyuqlik iste’mol qilish, surunkali infeksiya o‘choqlarini davolash, ginekologik va andrologik kasalliklarni davolash, gigiyenaga rioya qilish, siydik pufagini vaqtida bo‘shatish, zirovor, achchiq, sho‘r taomlardan foydalanishni cheklash, tanani sovuq va zahga nisbatan chiniqtirish zarur. Mavzuga doir: Buyraklar ishdan chiqishiga sabab bo‘ladigan 6 odat Nozik masala: bavosil kasalligini qo‘zg‘atishi mumkin bo‘lgan 5 odat Buyrak saratonidan darak beradigan 7 simptom
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eyewearcatherine · 1 year
🧕🏻👨🏻‍🌾Ko'z charchoqlarini engillashtirishning oson usuli !
04 ko'pincha qo'llar qizarganidan keyin ko'zlarni temir qilib qo'ying, xurmo yopiq ko'zlarni qoplaydi, yelka va qo'llar dam oladi, ko'zlar bir necha daqiqa temirga yaqin ko'rinadi va dam oladi, ko'zlarni kuniga jami 45 daqiqa temir qilish yaxshidir, bir vaqtning o'zida kamida 20 daqiqa, shuningdek, ko'rishni yaxshilash uchun bir necha marta 5 daqiqadan 15 daqiqagacha. Bu ko'rishni yaxshilash uchun asosiy dam olishdir.
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civiluz · 1 year
Chet el fuqarolari hamda fuqaroligi bo‘lmagan shaxslar tomonidan O’zbekistonga 3 yillik investor vizasini olish tartibi?
Chet el fuqarolari hamda fuqaroligi bo‘lmagan shaxslar tomonidan O’zbekistonga 3 yillik investor vizasini olish tartibi?
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2019 yil 11 oktabrdagi 864-sonli Qaroriga muvofiq O‘zbekiston Respublikasiga bazaviy hisoblash miqdorining kamida 8500 baravari miqdorida investitsiya kiritgan chet el fuqarolariga 3 yillik investor vizasi rasmiylashtirib beriladi. 
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adalmedia · 1 year
Deegaanka Al-kawsar oo kamida Hir shabeele, ayaa la xaqiijiyay, inay si xooga ula wareegeen ciidamada xooga dalka ee Somalia. Gaar ahaan kuwa macawiislayda oo is abaabulay iyagoo garab siinaya ciidamada xooga dalka Dawladda Somalia.
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berberanews · 1 year
Gabiley: Huda Xuseen Oo Masuuliyaddeeda Lala Wareegay
Gabiley: Huda Xuseen Oo Masuuliyaddeeda Lala Wareegay
Maayarka Gabilay iyo qaar kamida golaha deegaka ayaa Huda Cabdulaahi ku wareejiyay Qoyskeedii Hoos Ka Daawo Maaayarka Gabilay iyo qaar kamida golaha deegaka ayaa Huda Cabdulaahi ku wareejiyay Qoyskeedii.
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personaconcept · 1 year
Sorry I meant the Endless Forest forgot hollow Forest is from P4 Golden
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Indeed. Quests into the Endless Forest will be available for all social links and probably for other quests as well. I can't recall which part I mentioned it in before, but various social links would become unavailable if you put them off for too long or fail them, due to the... "plot" I suppose of these quests being various people contracting the Kamida Virus and having to go into the Forest to save them. As with the other characters in the main plot, if you don't save them they die.
The only characters who wouldn't be affected by the virus and die are Yuuki, Haruka, and Dr. Ueda, as they have plot relevance throughout the entire story.
If I am able to come up with other idea for quests, and the story/things to do in game don't become too clogged, that might change.
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xogsidemedia · 2 years
Sidee Ayeynu U Gaadhi Karnaa Isku filnaansho Dhanka Cunada Ah?
Sidee Ayeynu U Gaadhi Karnaa Isku filnaansho Dhanka Cunada Ah?
Sidee Ayeynu U Gaadhi Karnaa Isku filnaansho Dhanka Cunada Ah? Beeruhu waa qaybta ugu muhiimsan dhaqaalaha dunida, guud ahaan wadamada hore u maraya. Waa isha koowaad ee shaqo-abuurka, dakhliga iyo cunada. Ku dhawaad boqolkiiba koob iyo toban (11%) kamida dhulka dunida waxa laga sameeyay beerro; boqolkiiba lix iyo labaatan kalena (26%) waa dhul xoolo daaqeen ah. wadanka ilaahay s.w.t uu ku…
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abdullapulatov · 5 months
O‘RVI bilan kasallanganda nima qilmaslik kerak?
#salomatlik , #саломатлик O‘RVI bilan kasallanganda nima qilmaslik kerak?
Har qanday inson kamida bir yilda bir necha marta infeksiya yuqtirishiga qaramay, mavsumiy shamollashni juda yengil qabul qiladi. Agar kasallik paytida erta ishga borilsa yoki organizm ortiqcha zo‘riqsa, jiddiy asoratlar rivojlanishi mumkin, bu hatto hayot uchun xavfli. .................(Davomi).................... https://qwert.uz/2023/12/07/orvi-bilan-kasallanganda-nima-qilmaslik-kerak/
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kikotapasando · 6 months
Un kaso di asesinato a tuma luga algu prome ku 3or di marduga den amerika kaminda un problema familiar a termina den un kaso di hinkamentu kaminda dos persona a risibi hinka ku resultado ku un di nan a fayese, na e sitio mes polis a hasi detenshon di e sospechoso agresor. Un kaso hopi lamentabel kamida 3 ruman den diskushon un di e rumanan a saka un arma blanku i propina su dos rumanan i ku…
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