kinglypup · 1 year
bestie being a fellow DM just makes you even hotter. now come sit in my lap so I can fill up that empty hole and jerk you off while you tell me about all your many NPCs
JABEKSBSK okay yes please 😳😳😳😳
i guess ill update yall after my session tomorrow??? i didnt realize any of yall cared djsbksjd
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
no kshdjj the screenshot i posted was from someone on twitter 😭 sorry for the disappointment LOL
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karmelegi · 4 days
Benim prensesim kulaklarını delirmiş kshdjjs bu kıza bir sürü küpe alacağım
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pinche canción pitera KSHDJJS quién dijo eso
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achillesreborn · 3 years
I called her baby, as a joke. She laughed and asked me if I was big on petnames - if I would be, if we were dating. I laughed back and replied 'yes', bdcause yes, of course I would be.
I can't stop thinking about it. When I was seven I wanted to be a princess and when I was eight I wanted to be a spy and when I was nine I wanted to be loveable and charming and alive.
And somehow I ended up becoming a whole new person, consciously aware of it as I evolved. As I changed. I made the effort to change how I interact, how I speak, how I love and live and love some more.
And really aren't those two the same? Loving and living and loving again, no wonder their spelling is so similar because what else could living be but falling in love with something new every day?
I remember watching a movie where the main character used petnames for their friends and family and partners, and I remember thinking that that's love. Little signs, small words, small affections.
I call my friends sweetheart and baby and honey and darling because I do, I really do love them. And one day seven eight nine years from now I will have new friends who I have loved and lived and loved again.
But right now? Right now, all I want is to call you babe. To kiss your hand like a princess and go on adventures with you like a spy and charm you and love you as I wished to be when I was young.
Because I love and live and love again, and I worked hard to love myself enough to love living and to love loving and really, babe,
Aren't they the same?
no im gonna cry
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blughblu · 4 years
God's Fitness Test: out of context/weird noises comp
Heavily inspired by the lovely @madiesunny, their out of context videos are amazing
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
One time I had a dream that all the dreamies were mermaids, but chenle was different. Instead he had the top half as a dolphin and the bottom half was human legs. And he ran around with a beach ball and would dolphin laugh while he threw it at people's faces... -anon (╥﹏╥)
..... im actually CACKLING irl
send me your kpop dreams !
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bohou860 · 2 years
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内幕:紫禁城会面中共嚣张 川普习近平一夜决裂www.creaders.net | 2022-01-13 15:19:55  新唐人 | 11条评论 | 查看/发表评论 
但当时跟随川普访华的前白宫国安顾问赫伯特·麦马斯特(H.R. McMaster)在其新书《全球战场》(Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World)中透露,中方希望的“中美友好合作”前景,似乎是让美国充当中共的配角。
答应了就是做不到 中国要求美方高抬贵手
失算! 俄罗斯军事行动没能减轻中共压力
中共接连取消赴华航班 美政府警告或反制
中国以“防疫为由动辄熔断航班” 美国扬言反制
美中防疫政策大相径庭 价值观和制度的激烈碰撞?
拜登猛推这些新政策 专家:世界霸权拱手让中国
美国商会会长:应对中国挑战 美国必须竞争
评论前需要先 登录 或者 注册 哦
oms 2022年01月14日 12:21
mtc 2022年01月14日 07:56
奥维尔 2022年01月14日 03:46
Sans2000 2022年01月14日 03:00
(拿破仑对中国普通百姓的评论如何, 查查历史吧!)
求d三真 2022年01月13日 20:58
integrity001 2022年01月13日 18:38
kshdjj 2022年01月13日 18:00
1. 文章作者发现了苗子,就说今后“似乎是”,预见很确实。
2. 关于对中国百姓的评论,是利玛窦聪明,还是拿破仑聪明? 二人的智慧差的太远了!
拿破仑对中国普通百姓的评论如何, 查查历史吧!
模糊人生 2022年01月13日 17:46
jinpingxi 2022年01月13日 16:28
Heheho 2022年01月13日 15:51
WHBD 2022年01月13日 15:46
土共政權的中國70 多年有什麼發展?無非是毛死了以後完全向西方一邊倒才有了今天。土共的那些所謂的引以自豪的成就有哪一項是原創,全部來自西方!沒有西方的基督教文明,現在的世界還在騎毛驢走天下。而我们之所以觉得自己一直是天朝上国,觉得自己是世界中心,恰恰来源于我们的无知。利玛窦就指出过“中国人之所以觉得自己优越于世界,仅仅是因为他们不知道世界上还有其余文明存在。”
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新年元旦大促销 电话 电视 智能安防 一律免费3个月
1巨恶!故意投放新冠被抓 钟南山是学术主席2校友都是泰斗级的!碾压中国所有名校的东方3莫言:毛主席死那天4央视最美女主播塌房了?英文烂,还结过婚…5突然下令:武汉封八条高速公路及国道
48小时新闻排行榜更多>>1魔鬼在细节处:新华社发出栗战书大信号?2封城21天后 西安封不住了3巨恶!故意投放新冠被抓 钟南山是学术主席4这才是大新闻!可惜被西安淹没了5让习近平尴尬的洪门宴丑闻越闹越大6校友都是泰斗级的!碾压中国所有名校的东方7莫言:毛主席死那天8央视最美女主播塌房了?英文烂,还结过婚…9突然下令:武汉封八条高速公路及国道10栗战书现身 捅破江派谣言?
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heymonty · 3 years
You know life is so shitty for me most of the time I feel like I’ve been stuck in the same place for forever and although I’m not totally depressed sometimes I’m just like fuck it I’m gonna indulge in some audio porn/gifs/kissing channel
Does that make me a disgusting person? I mean I’m not an addict not really I only do it once in a blue moon surely if I was an addict I’d make the effort to do it every day right? Sorry for venting but you’re an awesome person and I feel like this is a safe non judgemental place
Thank you! I'm glad that you're finding my blog a safe place to say this things. 💙 And I'm sorry that you're feeling this way 🥺 I think you're not the only one who feels the same (like stuck) but ofc in a different kind of way. I wasn't feeling mentally good a couple of days unfortunately (i can only play games kshdjjs the only thing i can do) and same here, I admit that I also go look at some p*rn/sexy gifs cause admittedly it somehow helps to give something in my brain (?) lol i mean, i know not everyone might agree but, it sends this whatever in my brain and helps keep me distracted to whatever i feel or thinking. so i think it's alright to look at those things, or like touch ourselves from time to time. it doesn't make you a bad or disgusting person.
when i was younger, i also think those things or even feeling such things are disgusting, but later on i realize it's just part of being human, like getting sad, angry, happy, etc and including, horny - a taboo thing to feel. but there's this common saying that says (idk the exact words), too much is always bad for ourselves, in any means: too much eating, too much drinking, sleeping, sex, watching, you name it, is not good for our being. so you're okay as long as it's moderate, as long as it's not like some kind of vice or is affecting your personal life, health and relationships, or every aspect in your life, in general. don't overthink about it too much! you're okay! (◡ ω ◡) again, it's normal to feel these things and do these things as long as it's not harmful to you and others! 💙
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threenails · 5 years
2. talk about the girl who made you realise you liked girls
well as i said before i kinda always knew i liked girls? it was very natural to me and i always thought of girls the way other girls thought about guys and i didn't care? BUT sjdhjs this is very fucked up but when i was like?? six? seven? me and my cousin were best friends, she was like my second or third cousin idk, and we really liked playing pretend and we would always act like we were married and fake kiss with our hands over our mouths and kshdjj IT'S FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT THIS NOW BUT yeah it's the closest i could get for an answer
ask me cute wlw questions! ♡
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awkwardghost48 · 7 years
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