killuaisaprincess · 1 month
“You just wanted Gon to open that for you.”
Killua’s expression falls, and he puffs out his cheeks.
“N-No, I didn’t! Isn’t that right, Nanika?”
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ahumanintraining · 6 years
on call (ch. 2 of “follow up”) a shallura modern era hospital au ft. dr. allura and patient shiro
— original concept written for @shirofied, who wanted to see this prompt in shallura form. continued for @sugarspuncoeurls, who deserves the world for supporting my writing. save me, for this is the first multichap i am attempting in a very long time. — [link to ao3]
Shiro thinks he’s done repeating his embarrassing story of falling off the monkey bars after telling the entire emergency room throughout his treatment, but soon after walking out from discharge, his mother calls and he groans to himself, realizing he now has to repeat the same damn story in Japanese.
“What happened?! I just saw your text,” his mother immediately blabbers after he greets her, her Japanese piqued and staccato-ed.
“I was just… I was hanging out with Matt, and I fell.”
“Matt?” his mother repeats. “Where? Are you still in the hospital? What happened?”
Shiro methodically goes through all her questions. “Matt, my friend from high school. Remember I went to his house for Thanksgiving once? And I fell at the park. I just got out of the hospital. I broke my arm.”
She zeroes in on his last sentence. “What were you doing to break your arm?!”
“I, uh… was at the park and I fell.”
“You weren’t skateboarding again, were you?! Remember when you fell the last time and now you have that scar on your face?! Grandma was so unhappy!”
“Yeah, I remember,” he sighs, leaning his face into his left shoulder to hold his phone as he signs the discharge papers — an awkward scribble with his immobilized right hand. “No, I wasn’t skateboarding.”
“What were you doing then?!”
He doesn’t know any word in Japanese that can translate monkey bars.
“I was on the monkey bars,” he sighs.
“Mou…n…ki…ba?” she repeats in a flawless Japanese accent.
“Yeah, like…” he groans as he tries to think of the description, deciding to go for the function instead. “Like the thing that kids play on in the playground.”
He hears her sharp inhale, and he knows it’s coming.
“How old are you?!” she berates in English.
He sighs. “I know, I know,” he replies. “I’m sorry.”
He presses his discharge papers between his chest and his arm splint. He silently thanks some of the nurses as he steps out of the emergency room, looking around to see if he could catch a glimpse of the very beautiful doctor whose business card is very safely tucked away in his pocket.
The sound of his mother’s voice interrupts his search. She sighs, switching back to Japanese. “Don’t do that again! You are not a child anymore.”
“I know.”
“What did the doctor say?”
Just at that moment, he thinks he sees the familiar combination of a silver bun of hair, gray pants, and white coat, but she’s turned the opposite direction, talking with one of the hospital staff members. He thinks maybe to linger a little bit to see if he could catch a goodbye but decides maybe that’s too creepy and heads on his way out to the hospital’s main lobby in the direction one of the technicians point out to him.
“It was just a broken arm,” he answers, attention returning to the phone. “I’ll need to go get a cast later, but everything’s fine.”
“Take a picture and show me.”
“What about your job?”
He takes another breath. Ah, yes. Time for a comprehensive life update. “I’ll find one,” he replies. “I have an interview next week.”
“With who?”
“Some software company. I’m trying for assistant product manager,” he says, frowning to himself at his broken Japanese.
His mother doesn’t seem to care for his grammar. “Okay. Call me right after the interview.”
“Yes,” he promises.
“Don’t forget to take a picture of your arm for me,” she reminds him. “No more playing.” Then just as he’s about to say goodbye, she asks, “You don’t think they’ll see your arm?”
“I think it’ll be fine,” he reassures her. “I’ll just say it was an accident.”
“They’ll think you are wild.”
He smiles. “It’ll be okay.”
“Okay…” she says, her tone still undoubtful. “Good luck, Takashi.”
“Thanks,” he replies. “And I’ll take a picture for you. Bye.”
“Bye bye,” she tells him — in the most adorable Japanese mom way, he can’t help but smile.
He hangs up and awkwardly scrolls through his phone with his left hand to get to Matt’s contact information, finally pressing on the call function. He waits for a couple ring tones before Matt picks up.
“You’re good?”
“Need me to drive you back?”
“So what ended up happening?”
“Eh, a broken arm. I’ll have to get a cast later.”
“Okay, you’ll catch me up when I get to the hospital.”
When Matt drives up, Shiro tucks himself into the front passenger seat, figuring out everything with his left hand. He draws the seat belt over his torso and Matt helps him buckle the belt.
“Thanks,” he says.
“Sorry about not being able to stick around,” Matt apologizes, shifting gears to drive. “I had that conference call to do and I couldn’t trust the hospital to have wifi, you know?”
“Don’t worry about it. There was no wifi, and nothing interesting happened anyway,” Shiro says, waving off with his left hand. “I literally just got this splint and some painkillers, and then these discharge papers with instructions to keep the swelling down and to see an orthopedist later.”
The corner of Matt’s mouth starts to curl up in a smile. “Did you end up saying you fell off the monkey bars? Or did you lie to protect your ego?”
“Nah, I didn’t see a point in making up a story,” he replies. “Besides, I didn’t know if how I broke my arm was going to affect my treatment or something. I don’t know. I wouldn’t know what would equate to falling off the monkey bars.”
“I mean, my mom gave me shit about it.”
“I mean, rightfully so. We were being pretty fucking idiotic.”
Shiro laughs. “Yeah, for sure,” he agrees. “The only thing is that I have to drive my car back to my place from the park.”
“Oh, just give me your keys. I’ll do that,” Matt offers. “You literally just broke your arm. I’m not going to risk you getting into another accident.”
“Thanks.” He raises his hips up from his seat and leans to the left, allowing for a left-hand reach into his right pocket to produce his car keys.
“Just put it there,” Matt says, pointing between them. “Did they make you do a bunch of tests for your arm?”
“Nah, just an x-ray.”
“At least that’s not going to cost too much with insurance.”
“Yeah, I think it should be fine.” He stares out the passenger seat window, falling to silence.
Matt looks back and forth from him to the traffic ahead of them, his smile growing even wider. “Let me guess. The doctor was hot.”
Shiro furrows his eyebrows, shooting a glare at Matt. “What? How did you even—”
“Shiro, you are definitely the most easily read person I know, and that’s saying a lot because Pidge is a pretty easy tell too.”
Shiro scoffs. “You’ve just known me too fucking long.”
Matt cackles. “But the doctor was hot, right?”
“Yeah,” he admits.
“What’d they look like?”
He blinks, letting himself recall as much as he can without seeming as overly smitten about her as he actually is. “Really pretty,” he muses. “I think she’s black. Silver wavy hair, blue eyes. Super cute nose… honestly she looks like a princess…”
Matt interrupts him. “Okay, you don’t have to get all cheesy on me—"
“—and she gave me her number.”
“Oh see, now that I couldn’t read from your face,” Matt says, his voice growing louder and giving a small hoot. “Wow. Wow, wow, wow. This is actually exciting. Are you going to ask her out?”
“Well, I mean she technically just told me to follow up with her if I had any concerns.”
Matt sighs. “I hate to break it to you, Shiro, but I think that technically means she’s just doing her job and not flirting with you.”
“Yeah… that’s what she said but I feel like…” he trails off, shaking his head. “Okay, sure. I don’t know. She circled her cell number as she gave me her card, and maybe she winked at me as she was leaving, but I don’t know.”
“She winked?”
“…I think so.”
“Well…” Matt says, the gears in his head turning. “Maybe it won’t hurt to call and just see.”
And so that’s exactly what Shiro does — of course only after about eight hours obsessing over what he’d say when she’d pick up the phone.
But finally when he’s built enough nerves, he calls her, holding the phone close to his face with his left hand. He holds his breath as he waits through a few dial tones, sweating like he’s in a full sprint. It suddenly occurs to him that he actually hasn’t figured out exactly what to say yet, but god damn, whatever the fuck, because he’s already calling her and —
And what a beautiful sound, her voice. She says ‘hey’ so gently, as if she was waiting for him, that there is no doubt in her mind that she just happened to give him her cell number.
“—it’s Allura Altea. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave me your name and message and I’ll get back to you.”
He stops. Oh, he’s such an idiot. That was just her answering machine. And of course. No one would ever start with ‘hey’ to an unknown caller. It isn’t like she would know his phone number before he even calls her right? — unless she actually truly expected him to call?
Then a long hard beep sounds — and he realizes he is completely unprepared to leave a message at the tone.
“Um—” and he actually hears himself stutter.
Stop it! Stop talking, he tells himself, to no avail.
“—it’s Takashi Shirogane. I was, uh, your patient the other day,” he says anyway.
Okay, stop it. Seriously.
“I guess I was just giving you a follow up call,” he continues despite his internal screaming. “Thanks for everything.”
Okay, that’s fine. Drop the call now.
“Hear from you soon,” he finishes, pressing the end call button as soon as the last word slips from his lips.
God damn it, Shiro.
He falls backwards into bed, covering his eyes with his hand. He runs his hand over his face and stares up at the ceiling, letting himself inhale and exhale to calm his nerves before lifting his phone again. Unable to think of anything else to do, he texts Matt.
Just called her.
Matt, ever the quick responder, gets back within a few seconds: So? Congratulations?
Fuck you, he replies.
What’d she say?
She didn’t pick up. I left a message.
Lol. Loser.
And then, almost as if Matt’s mocking caused the heavens to split open and grant a wish to pity Shiro’s soul, a caller shows up on his screen. The number looks familiar and it looks like—
“—shit,” he curses, getting up and searching for the business card. He picks his body off his mattress, nearly dropping his phone. Once he locates the small white paper, he matches the number on his caller ID to the number right next to her circle.
His heart thumps hard.
“Hey,” he responds, accepting the call.
“Is this Takashi Shirogane?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “Thanks for calling me back.”
“Of course. How is your arm? Is the splint alright?”
“It’s good. I took some over the counters to keep the inflammation down,” he reports.
He holds his breath. He still hasn’t figured out what kind of a conversation this is. Maybe she really did just mean for him to call her for purely business reasons.
“I’m glad to hear that. Were you able to get in touch with your primary care provider about referring you to an orthopedist for a cast? If not, I can happily refer you to one of my colleagues.”
“Oh, no, I got in touch with him,” he replies. “They’ll reexamine my arm in a few days.”
“Perfect. Just keep doing what you’re doing and take care not to use your arm too much. We don’t want to displace your bones,” she says. “You seem responsible about all of this though, so I trust that your recovery will come without complications.”
She sounds so official. He almost wants to just give up and call it all off. This was a stupid idea in the first place. He should have never called her.
“Thanks,” he says.
He hears her smile over the phone, and he can just feel how radiant and beautiful it is. “Any other concerns?” After a moment, she adds, “I appreciate you taking the time to call me. I really like to hear how people are doing after I see them.”
“Well, I thought I’d… at least return the thanks.”
She’s patient-zoning him. She totally is. He should just—
“Yes, thank you. I had wanted to hear from you.”
His words get caught his mouth. “I—”
He’s not sure if she’s just being polite and not interrupting him, but she’s eerily quiet on the other side of the line.
Okay, Shiro, just fucking do it. Fuck.
He braces himself and shuts off his brain and just goes for it.
“I… I don’t know if this is appropriate for me to ask, but can I treat you to dinner maybe?” he blurts, just letting himself go. He doesn’t let himself think. “Or maybe lunch? You must have a busy schedule. I don’t know when you’d have the time.”
He swallows, pressing the phone hard against his ear, palms sweaty again.
“Dinner sounds lovely,” she finally replies.
And he lets out his held breath as quietly as possible, feeling his stomach rising into his chest. The sudden surge of happiness coursing through his system is so intense his vision almost blacks out. He can’t help but raise his free arm in victory, but then winces silently when he remembers it’s broken.
He hears some pages rustling in the background, as though she’s looking through a calendar book. “When are you free?” she asks him.
“Oh, I am always available,” he tells her.
He doesn’t think this is the moment to confess that he is currently unemployed.
“I suppose maybe Thursday night works best for me,” she replies, after a moment. “I switch to nights the day after so I don’t need to be anywhere the next day.”
“Yeah, that works for me,” he pauses. He feels like he’s forgetting to ask something… “Oh, did you have a cuisine in mind that you like?”
“I’m fine with anything.”
Damn. For as much as he prepared his opening lines, he nowhere near got as far as to figuring out specific restaurants, or even a plan for in the case she actually did say yes.
Like now.
“Maybe we’ll just figure it out the day of?” he suggests. “Maybe around 8 pm?”
“That works for me. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Uh, yeah, of course,” he says, his heart suddenly pounding hard. “I’ll pick you up?”
“I would love that,” she replies. “I’ll text you my address?”
“Yes, please.”
“To this number?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “It’s my cell,” he adds right after — something he later regrets mentioning because of how lame that sounded.
“Okay, will do,” she chirps.
“Great,” he says, lingering.
And then after a small moment of silence, she says, “Well then… I’ll see you soon, Takashi Shirogane.”
He feels heat rising in his cheeks again. “Yeah, I’ll see you soon,” he replies.
Before he can make a bigger fool out of himself, he ends the call and then takes a deep breath, curling down onto the floor and leaning against his bed.
He can’t help the big smile over his face.
He did it. He asked the pretty doctor out, and she said yes.
He sighs again. Shit, he hasn’t felt like this about anyone in a very long time. Not since he first fell in love more than a decade ago.
He looks at his phone, thrown onto the floor in his excitement. He smiles again, replaying her voice saying “Dinner sounds lovely” in his head. Dinner sounds lovely. Lovely.
Even the way she said that was lovely.
He can’t believe it. She said yes.
He stares at the black screen for a little longer before picking it back up, thinking to text Matt the updates, but before he even unlocks his phone, he receives a text from that number.
He checks it immediately. This is absolutely her number, and this is absolutely her texting him her address — within a minute of their conversation! He looks her address over, tapping it to lead to a maps application, and studying her location for a moment.
She lives about fifteen minutes away from him. Even the fact that she is within that close of a drive is exhilarating. All he’d have to do on Thursday is leave by 7:30 pm (in case the traffic is horrid because there is no way in hell he’d let himself be late for her) and then drive up to her place and —
But this is the moment Shiro realizes his grave mistake.
His right arm would still be in a splint on Thursday. And he definitely would not want to be driving her in his passenger seat when one of his limbs is completely functionless.
He definitely would not be able to pick her up for their date on Thursday.
[link to chapter 3!]
notes: admittedly, i was asked to write the allura-side pov of this piece where she's absolutely smitten by shiro, and i didn't quite get there yet, but that part is definitely coming up in the next chapter ;)
also, totally cracking myself up writing about shiro's mom roasting him, btw. so relatable.
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Prompts for Requests
Feel free to choose a number from any of the categories, and if it's not there let me know, I'll work with you😘😘 I also take ideas for scenarios and imagines, and do mtl. Quotation Prompts 1.“Well, this isn’t going as expected.” 2.“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” 3.“If you had just asked, I would have.” 4.“Are you drunk?” 5.“I love you.” 6.“I hate you.” 7.“Get out!” 8.“You’re holding back on me.” 9.“This might hurt.” 10.“If you make one more stupid joke, I will kill you.” 11.“I’m pregnant.” 12.“Don’t you dare die on me, (name)” 13.“What the fuck?” 14.“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” 15.“Are we really doing this?” 16.0“Is that..” 17.“So you stole it?” “No, I borrowed it” 18.“I missed you.” 19.“Are you wearing my shirt?” 20.“You’re making me uncomfortable.” 21.“You look like you could use a massage.” 22.“You say some weird things when you sleep talk.” 23.“Bite me.” 24.“I don’t trust myself around you.” 25.“Are you jealous?” 26.“You’re not happy, are you?” 27.“Please remember that we share a wall.” 28.“You’re such an asshole!” 29.“Why are you at my doorstep at two in the morning?” 30.“Trust me, I can handle it.” 31.“My hair is better than yours.” 32.“Kiss my ass.” 33.“If you say that again I am going to stab you with a rusty knife.” 34.“All I need is a kitten and a big glass of lemon ice tea.” 35.“Brain over brawn? But they have neither.” 36.“I’m a lone wolf.” 37.“Did you just kiss me?” 38.“Your eyes are as beautiful as Enchanted Eden, your hair as perfect as Roasted Coffee and your lips as bright as Raspberry Bellini.” “Someone has clearly been looking at the dulex colour chart.” 39.“Well you seem busy.” 40.“Weird is an understatement.” 41.“She is a little crazy. And by little, I mean a lot and by crazy, I mean psychotic.” 42.“Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.” 43.“Take another step, and I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” 44.“I would call you an imbecile but that’d be cruel as you wouldn’t be able to spell it.” 45.“You interrupt my reading once more, and this book will become a lethal weapon.” 46.“Say that again.” 47.“If being clumsy was a currency, I’d be a bloody billionaire.” 48.“Kiss me you twat.” 49.“Your heart is as cold as my dorm room, and I can’t feel my toes in that room, so it’s bloody cold.” 50.“If you wanted a sign you should have said, and I would have punched you in the face.” 51.“What cruel irony it is to lose your glasses.” 52.“You aren’t a drama queen, you are a bloody drama emperor.” 53.“If they marked you on being wrong you’d be at the top of the class.” 54.“Have you got something to tell me?” 55.“Well aren’t you a hero?” 56.“If I were a Disney princess I would be Kuzco, as I’m fabulous and I may not be a princess but I deserve a crown.” 57.“Don’t you think we look alike?” “No. Not at all.” 58.“It’s best to not mention what happened last summer.” 59.“I wouldn’t say this is the happiest moment of my life. Once I found $ in my coat pocket and it was amazing.” 60.“The day you make me laugh is the day the dolphins start walking on land.” 61.“Come on dude! Why the hell did you shoot me?” 62.“That better be an apology pizza I smell, not just some stupid normal pizza.” 63.“I feel more inclined to take a bit out of my own flesh that eat that.” 64.“Stop stealing my clothes.” 65.“We all have secrets.” 66.“I don’t need to be protected.” 67.“So how many weapons do you have?” 68.“A nail clipper isn’t a conventional weapon but believe me you’ll be crying for your mother when I’m done with you.” 69.“Did you paint the cat?” 70.“Well you are beautiful, just not as beautiful as me.” 71.“Malteses are satanic bunny poop.” 72.“Stop being dramatic, it’s only a tiny cut.” 73.“I’m not short, I’m adorable.” 74.“Can we just cuddle and pretend we have nothing to do?” 75.“Sometimes I wish you were dead.” 76.“How the hell did the sand get there?” 77.“I’m tired, so don’t make me angry.” 78.“Does it hurt?” 79.“are you even listening?” “yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once.” 80.“Go float yourself!” 81.“Do you think we’re bad people?” 82. “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” 83. “STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” 84. “Give me a chance.” 85. “I fucked up.” 86. “I came to say goodbye.” 87. “May we meet again” 88. “I’m so in love with you.” 89. “Isn’t this amazing?” 90. “Catch me if you can!” 91. “Are you drunk?” 92. “Of course I remembered!” 93. “You owe me.” 94. “It’s just your imagination.” 95. “I can take care of myself just fine.” 96. “Since when have we ever been friends?” 97. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” 98. “Just talk to me” 99. “Just shut up and kiss me.” 100. “If we get caught I’m blaming you” 101. “Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now” 102. “How long do we have?” 103. “How did we become this?” 104. “Am I ever going to see you again?” 105. “You make me feel invincible.” 106. ”Love isn’t perfect and that’s okay.” 107. “Are you ever going to tell him?” 108. “Just let me in. I promise I won’t hurt you.” 109. “I didn’t mean what I said.” 110. “Don’t look at me like that.” 111. “I’m pregnant and I don’t want to lose you.” 112. “What do you mean you love me?” “I mean that I love you..” 113. “Why are you so secretive?” “why aren’t you?” 114. “I need a place to stay.” 115. “I’m too sober for this.” 116. “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.” 117. “No. Regrets.” 118. “Leave me alone.” 119. “That tattoo is hot.” “It is?”“Yeah, makes me wonder…” “Wonder what?” “What else you’re hiding.” 120. “I never meant to hurt you.” 121. “You need to leave.” 122. “I wish i’d never met you.” 123. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” 124. “Can I kiss you right now?” 125. “Don’t touch me.” 126. “Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.” 127. “Was I really that drunk?” 128. “Did you hear that?” 129. “I hate how much I love you” 130. “I don’t want you to stop.” 131. “We need to talk.” 132. “Does he know about the baby?” 133. “That’s starting to get annoying” 134. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” 135. “I’m not going anywhere.” 136. “I’ll keep you safe.” 137. “How did you find me?” 138. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 139. “Please, don’t cry.” 140. “If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.” 141. “I didn’t do it!” 142. “I did it…” 143. “I don’t remember that!” 144. “This is girl talk, so leave.” 145. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” 146. “You’re too good for this world.” 147. “There’s nothing I can do anymore.” 148. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve moved on and I have to be okay with that.” 149. “I don’t want to feel like this tomorrow.” 150. “Are you kidding me? We’re not fine!” 151. “I’m here for you.” 152. “Don’t leave me behind.” 153. “I have to tell you something.” 154. “You can’t just sit there all day.” 155. “Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.” 156. “I hate you.” 157. “I don’t need you anymore.” 158. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” 159. “I’ve liked you for awhile now.” 160. “Are you flirting with me?” 161. “Is that my shirt?” 162. “Are you mad at me?” 163. “Are you cold?” 164. “You’re an asshole.” 165. “I had a bad dream again.” 166. “Do you think I’m scared of a woman?” 167. “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?” 168. “Don’t argue. Just do it.” 169. “Kiss me.” 170. “Wait a second. Are you jealous?” 171. “Oh my god! You are in love with him!” 172. “I wasn’t going to wait around forever.” 173. “This is all my fault.” 174. “You deserve better than me.” 175. “This isn’t fair!” 176. “Could you be happy, here, with me?” 177. “Do you wish things had happened differently?” 178. “Something’s clearly wrong.” 179. “Keep your eyes on me.” Holiday Prompts 1.Christmas 2.Valentine’s Day 3.Fourth of July 4.Halloween 5.Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving AU Prompts 1.Coffee Shop AU 2.Soulmate AU 3.University/Highschool AU 4.Roommates AU 5.AU of your choice Song prompts: Congratulations- Day6 You Were Beautiful- Day6 Colors- Day6 Winter Is Gone- Day6 Letting Go- Day6 This Moment- Wonder Girls Girlfriend- Wonder Girls Stay- BlackPink Find A Way- Safetysuit As If You Know It All- Lim Kim Love in Seoul- Neon Bunny Smile Flower- Seventeen 20- Seventeen I Won’t Cry- Ladies Code I’m Fine, Thank You- Ladies Code My Flower- Ladies Code Chaconne- Ladies Code Autumn Leaves- BTS Let Me Know- BTS Time And Fallen Leaves- AKMU 200%- AKMU Heaven- Ailee Home- Ailee Insane- Ailee Goodbye- 2ne1 If I Were You- 2ne1 Missing You- 2ne1 That XX- G-Dragon Love You To Death- Taeyang This Ain’t It- Taeyang Take it Slow- Taeyang Rain- Taeyeon Secret- Taeyeon 11:11- Taeyeon Fine- Taeyeon Love in Color- Taeyeon Lost in Love- Taeyeon & Tiffany Heartbreak Hotel- Tiffany ft. Simon Dominic I Got Love- Taeyeon Paper Heart- f(x) Goodbye, Summer- f(x) Airplane- Ikon Apology- Ikon My Type- Ikon One of These Nights- Red Velvet Alone- Cheeze I love you (bye)- Cheeze I don’t Love You- Urban Zakapa Yellow- Coldplay Sparks- Coldplay Somewhere Only We Know- Keane Our Deal- Best Coast Boyfriend- Best Coast Secret Love Song ½- Little Mix Pillowtalk- Zayn Truth- Hatfelt Voice- Sweden Laundry Home- Roy Kim Seattle- Sam Kim The Only Exception- Paramore Kiss prompts: 1.Good morning” kiss 2.Kiss on the forehead 3.Drunk/sloppy kiss 4.Awkward kiss 5.Angry kiss 6.“I’m sorry” kiss 7.“I’ve missed you” kiss 8.Seductive kiss 9.“War’s End” kiss 10.“Goodbye” kiss 11.“I almost lost you” kiss 12.Kiss on the nose 13.Kiss on the ear 14.Kiss on the neck 15.Kiss on the back 16.New Year’s kiss 17.Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys 18.“I do” kiss 19.Shy kiss 20. Surprised kiss 21.Kiss on a dare 22.Sad kiss 23.Exhausted parents kiss 24.Kiss of life 25.Kiss inspired by a song 26.Jealous kiss 27.Giggly kiss 28.First kiss 29.Last kiss 30.Kiss under a full moon 31.Kiss at dusk 32.Kiss at dawn 33.Kiss in a dream 34.Returned from the dead kiss Themed kisses 35.“We can never be together” kiss 36.It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss 37.Awkward teenage crush kiss 38.Spin the bottle kiss 39.Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss 40.Forbidden kiss 41.Sated kiss 42.Soft kiss 43.Tender kiss 44.Passionate kiss 45.Long kiss 46.Quick kiss 47.Morning kiss 48.Before Bed kiss 49.In Secret kiss 50.Public kiss 51.Accidentally Witnessed kiss 52.Against a wall kiss 53.Against a Locker kiss 54.True Love kiss 55.Caught off-guard kiss 56.Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths 57.Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed 58.Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp 59.Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up 60.Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward 61.One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More 62.A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me” 63.Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck 64.Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion 65.A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss 66.When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead 67.Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes 68.Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing 69.Top Of Head Kisses
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killuaisaprincess · 5 months
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Is my birthday
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
World is Mine
“I’m sorry, love. You’re my princess; I should be treating you as such. Forgive me?”
Gon apologizes, kissing the pulse point of his wrist.
Killua looks up, wrapping his arms around Gon’s neck, and Gon bends down and tilts Killua’s chin up with his free hand; he doesn’t smash their lips together, leaning down and giving Killua a small peck first before leading with a passionate kiss, and Killua’s dark eyelashes flutter over his eyes, and he melts, his body so warm, but in a gentle way. Gon pulls him closer, and Killua doesn’t want it to end.
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