girlactionfigure · 5 months
An independent Danish journalist named Jotam Confino watched the Hamas massacre video which was presented to journalists and describes the horrors he saw.
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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Byzantine ‘Magical Mirror’ Discovered in Israel
The 'magical mirror' was used to protect its owner against evil spirits, according to Israel Antiquities Authority.
A 17-year-old Israeli youth leader discovered an ancient “magical mirror” in an archaeological excavation in northern Israel.
Aviv Weizman from Kiryat Motskin near Haifa, joined an archaeological excavation at the ancient site of Usha, under the supervision of Israel Antiquities Authority, where she found the 1,500-year-old “magical mirror.”
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According to Navit Popovitch, Israel Antiquities Authority Curator of the classical Periods, the fragment is part of a “magical mirror” from the Byzantine period, the 4 th –6 th centuries CE.
"A glass mirror, for protection against the Evil Eye was placed in the middle of the plaque: the idea was that the evil spirit, such as a demon, who looked in the mirror, would see his own reflection, and this would protect the owner of the mirror,” Popovitch said.
“Similar mirror plaques have been found in the past as funerary gifts in tombs, in order to protect the deceased in their journey to the world to come,” Popovitch added.
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Eli Escusido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority added that the young leaders, who were on a week-long trek from Mount Meron to Mount Hermon in which they joined archaeological excavations along the route, discovered “additional finds”, such as including pottery jars, coins, decorated stone fragments, and even a a water aqueduct.
“History, usually taught in the classroom, comes to life from the ground. A pupil who uncovers a find in the course of an excavation will never forget the experience. There is no better way to attach the youth to the country and the heritage,” Escusido said.
According to Saar Ganor, coordinator of the project on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Weizman’s find “embellishes the two-way contribution of the cooperation between the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Ministry of Education Shelah Project: at the same time, uncovering the country’s past, and also providing the youth with a personal empowering experience, connecting them to their roots.”
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silverfox66 · 6 months
Jotam Confino was one of the journalists to see the raw footage of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists. Here are his notes:
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manantialhe · 4 hours
"LA FÁBULA DE JOTAM" Danilo Ovando 28 Abril 2024 Manantial Hogar Espir...
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zanimljivaekonomija · 8 months
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Novinari iz Izraela u našoj zemlji:
„Srećni su turisti koji posete Beograd i Srbiju“
„Kada turizam u celom svetu postaje sve skuplji, na samo par sati leta avionom otkrili smo destinaciju koja je arhitektonski raj, sa izvanrednom gastronomskom scenom, skrivenim „hipsterskim“ lokacijama, i predivnom panoramom, sve to sa pristupačnim cenama.“, kaže Jotam Avitan iz uticajnog izraelskog medija Aviation News koji sa još nekoliko novinara iz Izraela ovih dana obilazi Beograd i Srbiju.
Kako bi privukla što veći broj turista iz Izraela u našu zemlju, Turistička organizacija Beograda je sa Turističkom organizacijom Srbije i nacionalnom avio kompanijom Er Srbija koja od aprila ove godine ima direktne letove između Tel Aviva i Beograda, organizovala višednevni boravak novinara važnih i uticajnih medija iz Izraela.
„Srbija, a posebno Beograd, odaju snažan osećaj istorije, kombinovan sa modernom vibrantnom kulturom. To se oseća u prelepim ulicama, preukusnoj hrani koja je savršen spoj tradicionalnog i novog, a ponajviše u ljudima koji su veoma strastveni u pogledu svog nasleđa, i ponosni da sve to podele sa srećnim turistima koji posete ovu predivnu zemlju.“, ističe Danijel Mihaeli, novinar uglednog medija Mako.
Gosti su imali prilike da upoznaju turističku ponudu Beograda i Novog Sada, kulturne i istorijske znamenitosti, turističke atrakcije kao i bogatu gastronomsku scenu. Pored Narodnog muzeja i Muzeja Nikole Tesle, novinari su posetili Kraljevski dvor na Dedinju, uživali su u panorami sa kupole Hrama svetog Save, kule Gardoš i platoa kod spomenika Pobednik, krstarili rekama brodom Nikola Tesla, a tokom izleta do Novog Sada, obišli su Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu i jednu od vinarija na Fruškoj gori.
„Beograd je veoma živ i prelep grad, prepun mladih ljudi, što mu daje posebnu energiju. Izraelski turisti ovde mogu uživati u obilasku grada, dobroj hrani, noćnom provodu i šopingu.“, dodaje influenserka Rinat Barak koja je na svom profilu @travelsinbetween već objavila pregršt preporuka za posetu našem gradu.
„Nije lako pridobiti izraelske turiste jer spadaju u goste posebnih preferenci, a mi imamo sve uslove da ih u narednom periodu ugostimo u sve većem broju, zahvaljujući direktnim letova Er Srbije i bogatoj ponudi.“, istakla je Jelena Stanković iz Turističke organizacije Beograda.
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lecturasdiarias · 8 months
Lecturas del Miércoles de la 20ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario
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Lecturas del día Miércoles 23 de Agosto de 2023
Primera lectura
Lectura del libro de los Jueces 9,6-15
En aquellos días, se reunieron todos los hombres de Siquem y todas las familias de Bet-Mil-Lo y proclamaron rey a Abimélek, junto a la encina de la piedra memorial que hay en Siquem.
Se lo anunciaron a su hermano Jotam, quien subió a la cumbre del monte Garizim, y desde ahí levantó la voz y clamó: “Escúchenme hombres de Siquem, y que Dios los escuche a ustedes.
Una vez los árboles fueron a buscarse un rey. Le dijeron al olivo: ‘Sé nuestro rey’. Pero el olivo les respondió: '¿Voy a renunciar al aceite que utilizan los dioses y los hombres, para ir a presumir por encima de los árboles?’
Entonces, los árboles le dijeron a la higuera: 'Ven a ser nuestro rey’. La higuera les respondió: '¿Voy a renunciar a mis dulces y sabrosos frutos, para ir a presumir por encima de los árboles?’
Le dijeron luego los árboles a la vid: 'Ven a ser nuestro rey’. La vid les respondió: '¿Voy a renunciar a mi vino, que alegra a los dioses y a los hombres, para ir a presumir por encima de los árboles?’
Finalmente, todos los árboles le dijeron a la zarza: 'Ven a ser nuestro rey’. La zarza les respondió: 'Si de veras quieren hacerme su rey, vengan a descansar bajo mi sombra. Pero si no es así, que brote fuego de la zarza y devore a los cedros del Líbano’ ”.
Palabra de Dios
Salmo Responsorial
Sal 20,2-3.4-5.6-7
R./ De tu poder, Señor, se alegra el rey.
De tu poder, Señor, se alegra el rey, se alegra con el triunfo que le has dado. Le otorgaste lo que él tanto anhelaba, no rechazaste el ruego de sus labios. R./ De tu poder, Señor, se alegra el rey.
Lo colmaste, Señor, de bendiciones, con oro has coronado su cabeza. La vida te pidió, tú se le diste, una vida por siglos duradera. R./ De tu poder, Señor, se alegra el rey.
Tu victoria, Señor, le ha dado fama, lo has cubierto de gloria y de grandeza. Sin cesar le concedes tus favores y lo colmas de gozo en tu presencia. R./ De tu poder, Señor, se alegra el rey.
Lectura del santo evangelio según San Mateo 20,1-16a
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos esta parábola: “El Reino de los cielos es semejante a un propietario que, al amanecer, salió a contratar trabajadores para su viña. Después de quedar con ellos en pagarles un denario por día, los mandó a su viña. Salió otra vez a media mañana, vio a unos que estaban ociosos en la plaza y les dijo: 'Vayan también ustedes a mi viña y les pagaré lo que sea justo’. Salió de nuevo a medio día y a media tarde e hizo lo mismo.
Por último, salió también al caer la tarde y encontró todavía a otros que estaban en la plaza y les dijo: '¿Por qué han estado aquí todo el día sin trabajar?’ Ellos le respondieron: 'Porque nadie nos ha contratado’. El les dijo: 'Vayan también ustedes a mi viña’.
Al atardecer, el dueño de la viña le dijo a su administrador: 'Llama a los trabajadores y págales su jornal, comenzando por los últimos hasta que llegues a los primeros’. Se acercaron, pues, los que habían llegado al caer la tarde y recibieron un denario cada uno.
Cuando les llegó su turno a los primeros, creyeron que recibirían más; pero también ellos recibieron un denario cada uno. Al recibirlo, comenzaron a reclamarle al propietario, diciéndole: 'Esos que llegaron al último sólo trabajaron una hora, y sin embargo, les pagas lo mismo que a nosotros, que soportamos el peso del día y del calor’.
Pero él respondió a uno de ellos: 'Amigo, yo no te hago ninguna injusticia. ¿Acaso no quedamos en que te pagaría un denario? Toma, pues, lo tuyo y vete. Yo quiero darle al que llegó al último lo mismo que a ti. ¿Qué no puedo hacer con lo mío lo que yo quiero? ¿O vas a tenerme rencor porque yo soy bueno?’
De igual manera, los últimos serán los primeros, y los primeros, los últimos”.
Palabra del Señor
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withou-t-me · 1 year
I think about him sometimes and miss him so much. Especially at night. I don't sleep very well. Too hot in summer, too cold in winter. It's never exactly right. There are animals that don't sleep either. But then they go out hunting, and I don't even get up to pee at night. I don't even go to the fridge at night. I once told him I was afraid of cockroaches. After that, all summer, every time we made love, he'd pick me up on his back and drop me off in the bathroom or the lavatory; I would hug him tightly behind his back and go anywhere I wanted, like a taxi. Mom says that's why he left me. Because I'm so apathetic, I go through life like I don't care that all his smiles, everything he's done for me - and I never once said that I loved him and that it was a punishment for not being human. My mother says that since I was a child, I never said "thank you" once. And Zahawa says that since she doesn't work at City Hall, she just hangs around the house all day, talking nonsense and bothering us out of boredom. But mom is right. I never really told him I loved him, even though we had such a good time together, and maybe I'm only saying it now that he's gone, but it really doesn't matter now because there's no one else. Apparently you can't have everything at once. It is what it is. Like bats. If you can fly, you're born blind, and if you can see, you're just a rat in a dirty basement. That's why I wanted a high-floor apartment so much. Because I'm really afraid of them, a hundred times more than cockroaches. Also that they will bite me, but mostly their squeals in the dark. In the army, where I met him, we sometimes stayed on night shifts. I was lying on a camp bed then and I heard the mouse whimpering. I saw shadows moving on the walls and ceiling. The whole time I had the impression that it was the mice running around on the ceiling that made them whimper so much in fear, and that someone would soon notice that it was illogical and not as it should be, and put the world in order, and the mice will fall on me from above, straight to bed. And I was glad that he came and climbed into my bed. I was really glad. It was nice when he hugged me and I felt the warm air he exhaled on my arm and the whimpering stopped and I didn't say anything either. Now I should certainly think about what I dream at night, but as I said - I'm not really dreaming because I don't sleep much either. And Zahava says again that I should pull myself together, and if I don't come to the cemetery on the anniversary, his parents will be very offended, but I don't care about his parents that much, a whole year has passed and even and Mom says it's a godsend for not respecting anything, and Zahava yells at her to shut up. These graves here are terribly small, as if cats or dwarfs were buried in them, and all the flowers around, sand and marble give the impression that they are not graves but flower pots. His grave is the smallest in the whole cemetery, maybe in the whole world. And the prettiest of all the guests is a friend of his, a captain I didn't know before, who came in an air force uniform, although Jotam died about two years after his discharge and after the celebration is over, this friend drives me home and comes in for coffee too. It's almost dark and I play with the unit badge on his shoulder. Drawing of a bat on a blue background. And he touches my neck quite gently and says, "I think about him all the time." And I keep thinking if it will do me good and I can keep silent, if I won't feel anything and say that I love. And I think about bats all the time.
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andrewtheprophet · 1 year
Antony Blinken visits Israel as tensions flare outside the Temple Walls: Revelation 11
Antony Blinken visits Israel as tensions flare over Iran drone strike, violence at home Jotam Confino and Kim Hjelmgaard TEL AVIV – U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Israel and the West Bank on Monday and Tuesday, about a month into Israel’s new ultra-right-wing, religiously conservative government led by returning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  The top U.S. diplomat’s…
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fayisie · 1 year
aku punya hutang desc sama jotam, sabar banget nunggunya, sorry ya tam. kenal dia pas namanya masi jotam, anaknya baik bgtt. humble, friendly juga. tapi kadang marah” pas aku ganti ganti akun. kita jarang chatan jadi ak desc seadanya :D
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sakrumverum · 1 year
Samstag, 17. Dezember : Aus dem Heiligen Evangelium nach Matthäus - Mt 1,1-17.
Samstag, 17. Dezember : Aus dem Heiligen Evangelium nach Matthäus - Mt 1,1-17. :Stammbaum Jesu Christi, des Sohnes Davids, des Sohnes Abrahams: Abraham war der Vater von Isaak, Isaak von Jakob, Jakob von Juda und seinen Brüdern. Juda war der Vater von Perez und Serach; ihre Mutter war Tamar. Perez war der Vater von Hezron, Hezron von Aram, Aram von Amminadab, Amminadab von Nachschon, Nachschon von Salmon. Salmon war der Vater von Boas; dessen Mutter war Rahab. Boas war der Vater von Obed; dessen Mutter war Rut. Obed war der Vater von Isai, Isai der Vater des Königs David. David war der Vater von Salomo, dessen Mutter die Frau des Urija war. Salomo war der Vater von Rehabeam, Rehabeam von Abija, Abija von Asa, Asa von Joschafat, Joschafat von Joram, Joram von Usija. Usija war der Vater von Jotam, Jotam von Ahas, Ahas von Hiskija, Hiskija von Manasse, Manasse von Amos, Amos von Joschija. Joschija war der Vater von Jojachin und seinen Brüdern; das war zur Zeit der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft. Nach der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft war Jojachin der Vater von Schealtiel, Schealtiel von Serubbabel, Serubbabel von Abihud, Abihud von Eljakim, Eljakim von Azor. Azor war der Vater von Zadok, Zadok von Achim, Achim von Eliud, Eliud von Eleasar, Eleasar von Mattan, Mattan von Jakob. Jakob war der Vater von Josef, dem Mann Marias; von ihr wurde Jesus geboren, der der Christus (der Messias) genannt wird. Im ganzen sind es also von Abraham bis David vierzehn Generationen, von David bis zur Babylonischen Gefangenschaft vierzehn Generationen und von der Babylonischen Gefangenschaft bis zu Christus vierzehn Generationen.https://evangeliumtagfuertag.org/DE/gospel
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
College au! SO version! (Obviously JotaMes)
So an AU I have is that Jolyne goes to college in the local Florida area and Jotaro works at as a teacher there. Jolyne befriends new girl Hermes who’s on a scholarship to the school, Hermes is also in Jotaro’s class.
Jotaro doesn’t pay her much mind until Jolyne brings her home for things like studying and just hanging out. One day, Hermes shows up to the house during the summer months when Jolyne’s out with her bf Anasui going to visit her mom upstate.
Jotaro and Hermes get close during this time, and eventually, indulge in each other to blow off some steam. This goes on to be a secret relationship.
I ain’t got nothing other than this bare bones plot, but I can imagine Hermes and Jotaro trying their hardest not to get their relationship figured out with close calls.
that's-a spicy meatball, anon 👀
i really like what you have laid out so far! jolyne is smart, so hermes & jotaro are going to have to be incredibly careful not to get caught. (god forbid weather is somewhere in the equation, because he'd figure it out pretty quickly as well, lmao)
i can imagine jotaro and hermes bonding in quiet silence, and hermes eventually managing to bring jotaro out of his shell. the drama!! the intrigue!! the emotions!! all good stuff.
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cerebral-atomic · 3 years
Rarepair One-Shot Collections!
I have two stories under the Jojo’s Bizarre Pairings on AO3
I have Wet Weather and Warm Kisses (Weathermes)
And The Platinum Kiss Collection (JotaErmes)
I’m hoping to upload some GioTrish, NaraTrish, and some Jolsui content soon and some ecchi fem!Avdol x Polnareff soon! 
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Jotame went on quite an adventure today
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
Same anon from before, it’s okay if you never headcanoned ships before! I was gonna ask if you can headcanon a ship from part 6 I like called JotaMes, but then I saw you only wrote for 1-5 (my bad fam 😅) so I’ll try to think of another one
Maybe a fem!Avdol x Polnareff? My friend and I thought of a genderbent ship involving these two, so I thought it was pretty interesting and I wanted your thoughts on it! :D
Hi sweet nonnie🥺,
Awww I feel I need to read it a couple more times before I feel I can write for it properly.
Ahh AvPol, well, genderbent or not I think it's cute, it feels like their personalities compliment each other. Polnareff being more extroverted and playful and Avdol leaning more towards the introverted, serious side I think they could balance each other out. Its clear they cared for each other a whole lot, so if those feelings shifted from platonic to something more, it's understandable.
Lol look, these are just my small thoughts, I think you all know I'm a hopeless romantic and I'll look for all the ways to make a ship work, don't come at me 🏃‍♀️
I hope you have a wonderful day /night my sweet 🌠💖🌟💕🌠🐞
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lecturasdiarias · 2 years
Lecturas del Martes de la 15ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario
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Lecturas del día Martes 12 de Julio de 2022
Primera lectura
Lectura del libro de Isaías 7,1-9
Cuando Ajaz, hijo de Jotam, hijo de Ozías, reinaba en Judá, Rasón rey de Siria, y Pécaj, hijo de Remalías y rey de Israel, fueron a Jerusalén para atacarla, pero no lograron conquistarla.
Cuando al heredero de David le llegó la noticia de que los sirios acampaban en Efraín, se estremeció su corazón y el del pueblo, como se estremecen los árboles del bosque, agitados por el viento.
Entonces el Señor le dijo a Isaías: “Sal al encuentro de Ajaz con tu hijo Sear Yasub, donde termina el canal de la alberca superior, junto a la calzada del batanero, y dile: ‘Manténte alerta, pero tranquilo. No le tengas miedo a ese par de tizones humeantes; no te acobardes ante la cólera de Rasón, rey de Siria, y de Pécaj, rey de Israel. No importa que tramen tu ruina, diciendo: Ataquemos a Judá, sitiémosla, conquistémosla y nombremos rey de ella al hijo de Tabel’ ”.
Esto dice el Señor: “Eso no llegará a suceder. Damasco es la capital de Siria y Rasón es el rey de Damasco; Samaria es la capital de Efraín y el hijo de Remalías es el rey de Samaria. Pues bien, dentro de sesenta y cinco años Efraín será destruido y dejará de ser pueblo. Y si ustedes no creen en mí, también irán a la ruina”.
Palabra de Dios
Salmo Responsorial
Sal 48 (47), 2-3a. 3b-4. 5-6. 7-8 R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Grande es el Señor y muy digno de alabanza en la ciudad de nuestro Dios. Su monte santo, altura hermosa, es la alegría de toda la tierra.  R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
El monte Sión, en extremo norte, es la ciudad del rey supremo. Entre sus baluartes ha surgido Dios como una fortaleza inexpugnable.  R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Los reyes se aliaron para atacarla juntos; pero al verla, quedaron aterrados y huyeron despavoridos. R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Allí los invadió el pánico y dolores como de parto; como un viento del desierto, que destroza las naves de Tarsis. R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Lectura del santo evangelio según San Mateo 11,20-24
En aquel tiempo, Jesús se puso a reprender a las ciudades que habían visto sus numerosos milagros, por no haberse arrepentido. Les decía:
“¡Ay de ti, Corozaín! ¡Ay de ti, Betsaida! Porque si en Tiro y en Sidón se hubieran realizado los milagros que se han hecho en ustedes, hace tiempo que hubieran hecho penitencia, cubiertas de sayal y de ceniza. Pero yo les aseguro que el día del juicio será menos riguroso para Tiro y Sidón, que para ustedes.
Y tú, Cafarnaúm, ¿crees que serás encumbrada hasta el cielo? No. Serás precipitada en el abismo, porque si en Sodoma se hubieran realizado los milagros que en ti se han hecho, quizá estaría en pie hasta el día de hoy. Pero yo te digo que será menos riguroso el día del juicio para Sodoma que para ti’’.
Palabra del Señor
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anomallysm-writing · 3 years
Hey! I see your open for requests! Could it be possible if I can request some JotaMes angst? Hermes is distraught over Weather’s death since she used to date him in the past, so Jotaro is trying to help her get back to normal and trying to comfort her as she cries. Just some hurt/comfort 👌
A note: I’m not yet at part six. My dearest apologies, my friend. I can write anything from part 1 to part 5. I’m anime only because I can’t afford the manga. Once again, I’m sorry. Is there anything else you would like to request?
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