#Joshua Rubin
badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Yummy 2019  The original art work had Facelifts,Boob Jobs and....Zombies
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perry-tannenbaum · 2 years
Review: Opera, Chamber, and Orchestral Music @ Spoleto Festival USA
Review: Opera, Chamber, and Orchestral Music @ Spoleto Festival USA
Review: Opera, Chamber, and Orchestral Music @ Spoleto Festival USA By Perry Tannenbaum Recognition of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and the We See You White American Theatre manifesto (issued by a coalition of BIPOC artists in 2020) were certainly on Nigel Redden’s mind when he decided that the 2021 Spoleto Festival USA would be his last as general director. White and long-tenured at the…
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compneuropapers · 5 months
Interesting Papers for Week 4, 2024
Secondary motor integration as a final arbiter in sensorimotor decision-making. Balsdon, T., Verdonck, S., Loossens, T., & Philiastides, M. G. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(7), e3002200.
Mouse frontal cortex mediates additive multisensory decisions. Coen, P., Sit, T. P. H., Wells, M. J., Carandini, M., & Harris, K. D. (2023). Neuron, 111(15), 2432-2447.e13.
Dynamic Recruitment of the Feedforward and Recurrent Mechanism for Black-White Asymmetry in the Primary Visual Cortex. Dai, W., Wang, T., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., Kang, J., … Xing, D. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(31), 5668–5684.
Differential behavior-related activity of distinct hippocampal interneuron types during odor-associated spatial navigation. Forro, T., & Klausberger, T. (2023). Neuron, 111(15), 2399-2413.e5.
Time and experience differentially affect distinct aspects of hippocampal representational drift. Geva, N., Deitch, D., Rubin, A., & Ziv, Y. (2023). Neuron, 111(15), 2357-2366.e5.
Rate versus synchrony codes for cerebellar control of motor behavior. Herzfeld, D. J., Joshua, M., & Lisberger, S. G. (2023). Neuron, 111(15), 2448-2460.e6.
Generating variability from motor primitives during infant locomotor development. Hinnekens, E., Barbu-Roth, M., Do, M.-C., Berret, B., & Teulier, C. (2023). eLife, 12, e87463.
Active experience, not time, determines within-day representational drift in dorsal CA1. Khatib, D., Ratzon, A., Sellevoll, M., Barak, O., Morris, G., & Derdikman, D. (2023). Neuron, 111(15), 2348-2356.e4.
Bayesian multilevel hidden Markov models identify stable state dynamics in longitudinal recordings from macaque primary motor cortex. Kirchherr, S., Mildiner Moraga, S., Coudé, G., Bimbi, M., Ferrari, P. F., Aarts, E., & Bonaiuto, J. J. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(3), 2787–2806.
Effects of predictive and incentive value manipulation on sign- and goal-tracking behavior. María-Ríos, C. E., Fitzpatrick, C. J., Czesak, F. N., & Morrow, J. D. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 203, 107796.
Intrinsic rewards explain context-sensitive valuation in reinforcement learning. Molinaro, G., & Collins, A. G. E. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(7), e3002201.
Hippocampal ensemble dynamics and memory performance are modulated by respiration during encoding. Nakamura, N. H., Furue, H., Kobayashi, K., & Oku, Y. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4391.
Recurrent Circuits Amplify Corticofugal Signals and Drive Feedforward Inhibition in the Inferior Colliculus. Oberle, H. M., Ford, A. N., Czarny, J. E., Rogalla, M. M., & Apostolides, P. F. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(31), 5642–5655.
The Hippocampus Contributes to Temporal Discounting When Delays and Rewards Are Experienced in the Moment. Patt, V. M., Hunsberger, R., Jones, D. A., & Verfaellie, M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(31), 5710–5722.
Overshadowing, but not relative validity, between the elements of an outcome during human associative learning. Quigley, M., & Haselgrove, M. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 203, 107790.
Uncovering circuit mechanisms of current sinks and sources with biophysical simulations of primary visual cortex. Rimehaug, A. E., Stasik, A. J., Hagen, E., Billeh, Y. N., Siegle, J. H., Dai, K., … Arkhipov, A. (2023). eLife, 12, e87169.
Biological complexity facilitates tuning of the neuronal parameter space. Schneider, M., Bird, A. D., Gidon, A., Triesch, J., Jedlicka, P., & Cuntz, H. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(7), e1011212.
Scene Perception and Visuospatial Memory Converge at the Anterior Edge of Visually Responsive Cortex. Steel, A., Garcia, B. D., Goyal, K., Mynick, A., & Robertson, C. E. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(31), 5723–5737.
Blunted Expected Reward Value Signals in Binge Alcohol Drinkers. Tolomeo, S., Baldacchino, A., & Steele, J. D. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(31), 5685–5692.
Similar object shape representation encoded in the inferolateral occipitotemporal cortex of sighted and early blind people. Xu, Y., Vignali, L., Sigismondi, F., Crepaldi, D., Bottini, R., & Collignon, O. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(7), e3001930.
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drrubinspomade · 4 months
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#joshua gunder photo
YES, yes.
We post pinups daily! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the above work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks. Greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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belenstettler · 1 day
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¿Quién fue Vera Rubin?: una de las astrónomas más importantes y menos reconocida
Vera Rubin fue una astrónoma estadounidense cuya labor revolucionó nuestra comprensión del universo, aunque su nombre no es tan conocido como debería. Nacida en 1928, Rubin fue pionera en el estudio de la rotación de las galaxias, proporcionando la evidencia crucial que llevó al concepto de la materia oscura, una de las mayores incógnitas en la astrofísica moderna. A pesar de sus contribuciones fundamentales, su trabajo no siempre recibió el reconocimiento merecido, reflejando la lucha de muchas mujeres en la ciencia. Este artículo explora su vida, su legado y el impacto duradero de sus descubrimientos en la astronomía.
La mujer que confirmó las teorías sobre la materia oscura del universo
La materia oscura es un misterioso componente del universo que no podemos ver directamente, pero cuya existencia vemos a través de la atracción gravitatoria que ejerce. Se considera que forma el 30,1% de lo que hay en el universo, siendo el resto energía oscura (69,4%) y materia ordinaria (0,5%). Fue mencionada por primera vez por Fritz Zwicky en 1933, quien se dio cuenta de que la masa observada en un cúmulo de galaxias no era suficiente para mantenerlas unidas. La astrónoma Vera Rubin confirmó la existencia de la materia oscura al estudiar la rotación de las galaxias.
La vida de Vera Rubin, conocida antes como Vera Cooper, comenzó en Filadelfia el 23 de julio de 1928. Criada por inmigrantes judíos y la hermana menor de dos chicas, su interés por la astronomía se despertó a los 10 años cuando construyó un modesto telescopio con su padre para ver estrellas fugaces. Terminó sus estudios en Coolidge Senior High School en Washington a la temprana edad de 16 años. En 1948, solo 4 años después, terminó su licenciatura en astronomía. A pesar de no ser aceptada en programas de posgrado en Princeton, debido a que aceptaban exclusivamente estudiantes varones, Vera decidió casarse con Robert Joshua Rubin, quien estaba estudiando en Cornell, Universidad a la que ella también se inscribió y obtuvo una maestría en 1951.
Cuando Rubin terminó su doctorado en 1954, descubrió que las galaxias podrían agruparse en lugar de dispersarse. Aunque esta idea fue inicialmente rechazada, finalmente fue aceptada 20 años más tarde. Rubin, que tenía un hijo de 23 años y estaba embarazada durante sus estudios, se centró en los movimientos de 109 galaxias y observó desviaciones en la Ley de Hubble mientras realizaba su investigación de tesis.
Rubin encontró que las galaxias espirales rotan rápidamente, lo que debería hacerlas separarse si solo la gravedad de las estrellas las mantuviera unidas. Sin embargo, como los cúmulos de galaxias siguen unidos, debe haber una gran cantidad de materia invisible que las mantiene así. Este misterio se conoció como el problema de la rotación de las galaxias.
En los años posteriores, los cálculos de Rubin indicaron que las galaxias tendrían que incluir, al menos, de 5 a 10 veces más materia oscura que materia visible. Aunque inicialmente encontró resistencia, los datos proporcionados por la astrónoma terminarían siendo la primera prueba efectiva de la teoría de la existencia de materia oscura, apoyada previamente por Zwicky y más tarde respaldada con el descubrimiento del fondo cósmico de microondas y las lentes gravitacionales.
A pesar de enfrentar varios obstáculos a lo largo de su carrera como científica, finalmente el trabajo de Rubin fue reconocido y valorado por la comunidad científica. Siguió activa en su labor académica hasta su fallecimiento en diciembre de 2016 a causa de complicaciones relacionadas con la demencia que padecía.
Rubin se convirtió en la segunda mujer astrónoma en unirse a la Academia de Ciencias, siguiendo los pasos de su colegiala Margaret Burbidge. Además, en 1996, se convirtió en la segunda mujer en recibir la medalla de oro de la Sociedad Astronómica Real, después de Caroline Herschel, la hermana menor del destacado astrónomo William Herschel.
En el año 2002, la revista Discover incluyó a Rubin en su lista de las 50 mujeres más destacadas en la historia de la ciencia, aunque nunca ganó un Premio Nobel. Sus colegas en la misma profesión consideran que sus aportes al entendimiento del universo justificarían dicho reconocimiento porque transformaron la forma de mirar el cosmos.
El legado de Vera Rubin es un recordatorio de la importancia de la perseverancia y la pasión en la búsqueda del conocimiento. Su trabajo no solo revolucionó nuestra comprensión del universo, sino que también abrió puertas para futuras generaciones de científicas. Aunque durante su vida no recibió todo el reconocimiento que merecía, hoy es celebrada como una pionera cuyo descubrimiento de la materia oscura sigue siendo un pilar fundamental en la astronomía. Honrar la memoria de Rubin es reconocer el valor de su contribución y continuar inspirando a quienes, como ella, miran al cielo en busca de respuestas.
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ulkaralakbarova · 1 day
A former basketball all-star, who has lost his wife and family foundation in a struggle with addiction, attempts to regain his soul and salvation by becoming the coach of a disparate ethnically mixed high school basketball team at his alma mater. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jack Cunningham: Ben Affleck Dan: Al Madrigal Beth: Michaela Watkins Angela: Janina Gavankar Doc: Glynn Turman Marcus Parrish: Melvin Gregg Brandon Durrett: Brandon Wilson Kenny Dawes: Will Ropp Sam Garcia: Fernando Luis Vega Chubbs Hendricks: Charles Lott, Jr. Bobby Freeze: Ben Irving Devon Childress: da’Vinchi Father Edward Devine: John Aylward Russ: T.K. Carter Diane: Rachael Carpani Kurt: Todd Stashwick Anne: Nancy Linehan Charles Gerry Norris: Dan Lauria Sal: Chris Bruno Coach Lombardo: Matthew Glave Matty (Bartender): Jeremy Ratchford Susan Norris: Jayne Taini Father Mark Whelan: Jeremy Radin Ryan: Nico David Sarah: Emelia Golfieri Sarah: Layla Golfieri Miguel: Sal Velez Jr. Sofia: Yeniffer Behrens Sully – Ref #2: Eric Tate Doctor: Christine Horn Construction Worker #1: Josh Latzer Construction Worker #2: Manny Streetz David: Justice Alan Liquor Store Owner: Jay Abdo Lead Referee: Joshua Hubbard Burly Man: James P. Harkins Employee: Mike G. Betty: April Adams Haley: Chieko Hidaka Student: Bronwen O’Connor Student: Charlotte Evelyn Williams Student: Kayla Diaz Trinity Coach: Doc Jacobs Gale: Marlene Forte Ken: Shay Roundtree Pat: Chad Mountain Summit Coach: Sandy Fletcher Opposing Coach: Noah Ballou Female Friend – Nancy: Cynthia Rose Hall Referee: Calvin Barber Fish Scale Operator: Dino Lauro Bishop Bench Player: Roman Mathis Bishop Bench Player: Herbert Morales Bishop Bench Player: Mateo Ortiz Bishop Bench Player: Tyler O’Malley Ethan (uncredited): Tom Archdeacon Basketball Player 7 (uncredited): Brian Nuesi Denise (uncredited): Edelyn Okano Cheerleader (uncredited): Carly Schneider Mike Ball Boy (uncredited): Caleb Thomas Eric (uncredited): Hayes MacArthur Basketball Player: Alexander Tassopoulos Birthday Party Guest (uncredited): Mason Blomberg Film Crew: Producer: Gavin O’Connor Producer: Jennifer Todd Producer: Gordon Gray Sound Mixer: Steven A. Morrow Producer: Ravi D. Mehta Set Decoration Buyer: Ellen Dorros Boom Operator: Craig Dollinger Utility Sound: Bryan Mendoza Art Direction: Bradley Rubin Costume Design: Cindy Evans Director of Photography: Eduard Grau Editor: David Rosenbloom Executive Producer: Brad Ingelsby Executive Producer: Mark Ciardi Unit Production Manager: Bob Dohrmann Executive Producer: Kevin McCormick Executive Producer: Aaron L. Gilbert Executive Producer: Jason Cloth Executive Producer: Kaitlyn Taaffe Cronholm Executive Producer: Madison Ainley Production Design: Keith P. Cunningham Casting: Wendy O’Brien Co-Producer: Brittany Hapner Original Music Composer: Rob Simonsen Music Supervisor: Gabe Hilfer Unit Production Manager: Victor Ho Second Assistant Director: Kevin Lum First Assistant Director: Jamie Marshall Visual Effects Supervisor: Bruce Jones Set Decoration: Douglas A. Mowat Set Designer: Paul Sonski Assistant Art Director: Linia Marie Hardy Assistant Art Director: Brittany Bradford Graphic Designer: Stephanie Charbonneau Graphic Designer: Andrew Campbell Art Department Coordinator: Michael LaCorte Leadman: Fred Haft Set Decoration Buyer: Jane Madden Stunt Coordinator: Tom McComas Stunts: Oliver Keller Stunts: Courtney Farnsworth Stunts: Allan Graf Stunts: Craigory Glen Hunter Stunts: Lauren Shaw Stunts: B R Lamar Stunts: David Rowden II Property Master: J.P. Jones Assistant Property Master: Rick Chavez Script Supervisor: Steve Gehrke “A” Camera Operator: Peter Rosenfeld Still Photographer: Richard Foreman Jr. “B” Camera Operator: Michael Merriman First Assistant “A” Camera: Stephen MacDougall Second Assistant “A” Camera: Jordan Pellegrini First Assistant “B” Camera: Jesse Cain Second Assistant “B” Camera: Seth A. Peschansky Digital Imaging Technician: Jesse Tyler Music Editor: Curt Sobel Assistant Editor: Anna Rottke First Assistant Editor: Joe Rosenbloom Soun...
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sonyclasica · 3 months
La nueva canción cuenta con las voces de Sky Lakota-Lynch y Brody Grant.
Mira el videoclip de "Stay Gold" AQUÍ
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Sony Masterworks Broadway, junto con los productores The Araca Group, American Zoetrope, Olympus Theatricals, Sue Gilad & Larry Rogowsky y Angelina Jolie, estrenan el nuevo tema "Stay Gold" de la próxima Grabación original del reparto de Broadway de The Outsiders - A New Musical: ESCÚCHALO AQUÍ.  "Stay Gold" cuenta con las voces de Sky Lakota-Lynch (Johnny Cade) y Brody Grant (Ponyboy Curtis), con música y letra de Jamestown Revival (Jonathan Clay & Zach Chance) y Justin Levine. El videoclip que lo acompaña está protagonizado por Sky y Brody en el estudio de grabación, intercalado con imágenes del memorable viaje del reparto a Tulsa, Oklahoma, también conocido como el lugar de nacimiento de The Outsiders: MÍRALO AQUÍ.  
"Stay Gold" llega tras el estreno del tema "Great Expectations", interpretado por Brody Grant, que ya está disponible en todas las tiendas digitales AQUÍ.
El estreno en Broadway de The Outsiders, el nuevo musical basado en la novela de S.E. Hinton y la emblemática película de Francis Ford Coppola, arrancó el sábado 16 de marzo, antes de su estreno el jueves 11 de abril en el Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre (242 West 45th Street, NYC).
En Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1967, Ponyboy Curtis, su mejor amigo Johnny Cade y su familia Greaser de "marginados" luchan contra sus rivales acomodados, los Socs. Este emocionante nuevo musical de Broadway navega por las complejidades del autodescubrimiento mientras los Greasers sueñan en quién quieren convertirse en un mundo que quizá nunca los acepte. Con una música original de gran dinamismo, The Outsiders es una historia de amistad, familia, pertenencia... y la constatación de que todavía hay "mucho bien en el mundo".
El reparto de The Outsiders está encabezado por Brody Grant como Ponyboy Curtis, Sky Lakota-Lynch como Johnny Cade, Joshua Boone como Dallas Winston, Brent Comer como Darrel Curtis, Jason Schmidt como Sodapop Curtis, Emma Pittman como Cherry Valance, Daryl Tofa como Two-Bit, Kevin William Paul como Bob y Dan Berry como Paul. La compañía también incluye a Jordan Chin, Milena J. Comeau, Barton Cowperthwaite, Tilly Evans-Krueger, Henry Julián Gendron, RJ Higton, Wonza Johnson, Sean Harrison Jones, Maggie Kuntz, Renni Anthony Magee, SarahGrace Mariani, Melody Rose, Josh Strobl, Victor Carrillo Tracey, Trevor Wayne.
Las entradas ya están a la venta en Telecharge.com, llamando a Telecharge al 212-239-6200 y en persona en la taquilla del Teatro Bernard B. Jacobs. Para más información, visita www.OutsidersMusical.com.   
The Outsiders cuenta con libreto de Adam Rapp con Justin Levine, música y letra de Jamestown Revival (Jonathan Clay & Zach Chance) y Justin Levine, supervisión musical, orquestación y arreglos de Justin Levine, coreografía de Rick Kuperman & Jeff Kuperman y dirección de Danya Taymor.  
The Outsiders cuenta con escenografía de AMP con Tatiana Kahvegian, diseño de vestuario de Sarafina Bush, diseño de iluminación de Brian MacDevitt, diseño de sonido de Cody Spencer, diseño de proyección de Hana S. Kim, Diseño de Efectos Especiales de Jeremy Chernick y Lillis Meeh, diseño de pelucas y cabello de Alberto "Albee" Alvarado, Diseño de Maquillaje de Tishonna Ferguson, especialista en Efectos de Sonido de Taylor Bense, Consultor Creativo, Jack Viertel. Dirección musical y orquestaciones adicionales de Matt Hinkley. El casting es de Tara Rubin Casting/Xavier Rubiano, CSA.
The Outsiders está producido por The Araca Group, American Zoetrope, Olympus Theatricals, Sue Gilad & Larry Rogowsky y Angelina Jolie. La dirección general es de 321 Theatrical Management. 
Entre los coproductores figuran Betsy Dollinger, Jonathan & Michelle Clay, Cristina Marie Vivenzio, The Shubert Organization, LaChanze & Marylee Fairbanks, Debra Martin Chase, Sony Music Masterworks, Jamestown Revival Theater, Jennifer & Jonathan Allan Soros, Tanninger Entertainment, Tamlyn Brooke Shusterman, Geffen Playhouse/Howard Tenenbaum/Linda B. Rubin, Kevin Ryan, Mistry Theatrical Ventures, Galt & Irvin Productions, Tulsa Clarks, Paul Liljenquist, Bob & Claire Patterson, Voltron Global Media, James L. Nederlander, Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, The John Gore Organization, Independent Presenters Network, Stephen Lindsay & Brett Sirota, Jeffrey Finn, Playhouse Square, Sue Marks, Indelible InK, Lionheart Productions, The Broadway Investor’s Club, Starhawk Productions, Distant Rumble, Green Leaf Partnership, Michael & Elizabeth Venuti, Leslie Kavanaugh, Deborah & Dave Smith, Belle Productions, Chas & Jen Grossman, Miranda & Sahra Esmonde-White, Rungnapa & Jim Teague, Michael & Molly Schroeder, Casey & Chelsea Baugh, James L. Flautt, Jon L. Morris, Becky Winkler, William Moran Hickey Jr. & William Moran Hickey III, Oddly Specific Productions, Melissa Chamberlain & Michael McCartney, Rachel Weinstein, Wavelength Productions, Rob O’Neill & Shane Snow, Eric Stine, Cornice Productions y La Jolla Playhouse.
El estreno mundial de The Outsiders fue producido por La Jolla Playhouse, Christopher Ashley, director artístico y Debby Buchholz, directora gerente, en marzo de 2023.
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hiddenticket · 10 months
Essential Instrumentals [Mix] I’ve chosen some of my favorite hip-hop producers and instrumentals for this mix. I hope you enjoy it! -- Tracklist 1. Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery (instrumental) / Produced by Laru Larrieux & Amel Larrieux. 2. J -Dilla - Flowers / Produced by J-Dilla 3. Luchini AKA This Is It (instrumental) / Produced by Ski 4. Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor (instrumental) / Produced by Brent Sayers 5. Drake - going in for life (instrumental) / Produced by Exchange student and TJ Garner 6. OutKast ATLiens - Elevators (Me & You) (instrumental) / Produced by Outkast 7. D'Angelo - Lady (instrumental) / Produced by D'Angelo and Ali Shaheed Muhammad 8. AZ - gimme yours (instrumental) / Produced by Pete Rock 9. 702 - I still love you (instrumental) / Produced by Neptunes 10. The Notorious B.I.G - Ten Crack Commandments (instrumental) / Produced by DJ Premier 11. Little Brother - Lovin' It (instrumental / Produced by 9th wonder 12. Eazy- E - Boyz N The Hood (instrumental) / Produced by Dr Dre and DJ Yella 13. Dead Prez - Mind sex (instrumental) / Produced by stic.man and M-1 14. Amy Winehouse - He Can Only Hold Her (instrumental) / Produced by John Harrison 15. LL Cool J - I Need A Beat (instrumental) / Produced by Rick Rubin 16. Pete Rock - Take the d train / Produced by Pete Rock 17. Kanye West - Last call / Produced by Kanye West and Evidence 18. 9th Wonder- December 4th (instrumental) / Produced by 9th wonder 19. Fugees - Fu-Gee-La (instrumental) / Produced by Wyclef Productions and Refugee Camp Inc 20. Craig Mack - Flava In Ya Ear (instrumental) / Produced by Easy Mo Bee 21. Nujabes - Feather (instrumental) / Produced by Nujabes 22. Musiq Soulchild - Soulstar (instrumental Remake) / Produced by Jerome Hipps, Michael McArthur, Musiq 23. Raekwon - Sneakers (instrumentals) / Produced by Pete Rock 24. Wu-Tang - C.R.E.A.M (instrumental) / Produced by RZA 25. Atmosphere airlines - Long life (instrumental) / Produced by Dela 26. Nas - It Ain't Hard To Tell (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor 27. Common - I Used To Love H.e.r. (instrumental) / Produced by No ID 28. Ludacris - Pimpin' All Over The World (instrumental) / Produced by Donnie Scantz & Polow da Don 29. The Roots - What they do / Produced by Grand Wizzards, ?uestlove & Raphael Saadiq 30. Dr Dre - Still Dre (instrumental) / Produced by Melvin Bradford (Mel-Man), Scott Storch, and Andre Young (Dr. Dre) 31. Talib Kweli & HiTek - The Blast (instrumental) / Produced for Hi-Tek Productions Inc. 32. Mobb Deep - Shook Ones, Pt II (instrumental) / Produced by Havoc 33. Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y. (instrumental) / Produced by Kay Gee and Mufi 34. Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg (instrumental) / Produced by Warren G 35. Kanye West - I Wonder (instrumental) / Produced by Kanye West 36. A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour (instrumental) / Produced by Q-Tip, Jay Dee and DJ Scratch 37. Digable Planets – Rebirth Of Slick (instrumental) / Produced by Mike "Hank" Mangini, Shane Faber & Digable Planets 38. Pete Rock & CL Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (instrumental) / produced by Pete Rock & CL Smooth 39. Souls of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity (instrumental) / Produced by A-Plus 40. Main source - looking out the front door (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor -- Photo captured by Hannah Faith / Joshua Tree (girls trip) -- NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN OR CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO THESE TRACKS. Uploaded by Eden Hagos https://ift.tt/P1a9ZwE via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/SrEWiaC August 07, 2023 at 11:59AM
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automaticvr · 1 year
'Echo Network' is a work-in-progress that delves into how we can dance together remotely and share a bodily experience of movement in virtual space. Drawing inspiration from mammalian echolocation, data from wearable sensors and motion tracking from smartphones is transformed into sound that stands in for proximity, touch, tension and pressure across networked distances. A 2023 Chicago Cultural Center Dance Studio Resident Artist, Christopher Knowlton and his multidisciplinary team showed the accumulation of five months of weekly experimentation developing new multisensory digital tools for networking dancers together using wearable biosensors, augmented reality motion tracking, immersive projection and an interactive soundscape. The work includes contributions from Enki Andrews (video), Tuli Bera (movement), Helen Lee (movement), Bill Parod (AR sound), Scott Rubin (sound), Bun Stout (costuming), Joshua Wold (project management and lighting) and Nejla Yatkin (movement). Introduction by John Rich, Dance and Theatre Coordinator for Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, with ASL interpretation. This program was part of the Open Studio series celebrating dance artists-in-residence at the Chicago Cultural Center. For the full schedule of FREE programs in the Dance Studio, visit the series page: https://ift.tt/0lDQj9r The Chicago Cultural Center Dance Studio Residency is supported in part by a grant from the Walder Foundation. This project is also supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
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My mom, knowing way too much about fandom culture from me: what if Bobby from company was in a love triangle with the baker from Into the woods and Alexander Hamilton, who then hooks up with Angel from Rent and gets AIDS which makes Jonathan Larson sad so he writes a musical about it. Then Joshua Henry climbs down on Rapunzel's hair to the tick tick boom stage while Daphne Rubin-Vega is pole dancing while singing Carneval del barrio and Olga Merediz uses the money she won on the lottery to build the Casita.
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: God Knows No Heroes by Norman Shabel
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About God Knows No Heroes: Joshua Ryan is a down and out lawyer, but one case could give him the comeback of a lifetime. When Rabbi Carl Rubin's wife is found strangled, the shockwaves reverberate far beyond tiny Summit County. Rubin, a spiritual advisor with deep ties to the Israeli political scene becomes the chief suspect and he enlists Ryan’s help to clear his name. For Ryan, this case would provide redemption, for the rabbi it could save his life. From Summit County, New Jersey to the twisting streets of Jerusalem to the boulevards of Paris, the rabbi is chased by his own lawyers as they attempt to evade the clutches of a crooked prosecutor's rough-riding detectives. In a shocking forensic turnaround, the trial of the rabbi concludes in a blaze of courtroom reality, but is it the redemption they were both looking for? Based on a true story, God Knows No Heroes is sure to be a favorite. 4.5 star rating on Amazon Targeted Age Group: 18+ Written by: Norman Shabel Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Author Bio: Brooklyn-born, successful New Jersey class-action attorney turned author Norman Shabel has been driven to write ever since he can remember. By the time he was in his twenties he had written several novels that ended up stuffed in drawers as he launched his legal career, married and had a family. To date Norman has written 7 plays and 8 novels, some written in long-hand, hunched over his desk while waiting for a jury verdict to come in and all dealing with either crime, relatable family dynamics or both. “Courts are inherently dramatic places, and I guess I saw that connection between law and theater before I even realized it,” Norman said recently. His earnest belief is that lawyers need to be good storytellers to engage juries in the “plot” of a case. “You need to hold the interest of a jury if you’re going to win them over, much like the arc of a play or the plot of a novel. If the juror or the reader or audience member gets bored you lose them very quickly. If you don’t capture them in the first 20 minutes you may as well go home - and I never like to lose a case or an audience. ” To date, three of Norman’s plays have been produced off Broadway in NYC, Philadelphia and multiple theaters in South Florida, where he now resides for part of the year. The productions have received wonderful reviews and there are plans underway for the remainder of the plays to be produced within the next two years. Norman’s novels are mostly “terrific, fast-paced reads about the dark side of law enforcement and the judiciary” according to Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. He writes, as only an experienced trial lawyer can, about the ups and downs of the legal system, maintaining the drama of the story without sacrificing the realities of the of the structure. All of his books can be purchased on Amazon and other digital booksellers. According to Norman, “I’m doing two things that both give my life meaning, I’m a very fortunate man.” Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Read the full article
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compneuropapers · 2 years
Interesting Papers for Week 40, 2022
Fixational drift is driven by diffusive dynamics in central neural circuitry. Ben-Shushan, N., Shaham, N., Joshua, M., & Burak, Y. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1697.
Introducing principles of synaptic integration in the optimization of deep neural networks. Dellaferrera, G., Woźniak, S., Indiveri, G., Pantazi, A., & Eleftheriou, E. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1885.
Neural structure of a sensory decoder for motor control. Egger, S. W., & Lisberger, S. G. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1829.
Single-neuron projectome of mouse prefrontal cortex. Gao, L., Liu, S., Gou, L., Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Deng, L., … Yan, J. (2022). Nature Neuroscience, 25(4), 515–529.
Mapping circuit dynamics during function and dysfunction. Gorur-Shandilya, S., Cronin, E. M., Schneider, A. C., Haddad, S. A., Rosenbaum, P., Bucher, D., … Marder, E. (2022). eLife, 11, e76579.
Unsupervised Bayesian Ising Approximation for decoding neural activity and other biological dictionaries. Hernández, D. G., Sober, S. J., & Nemenman, I. (2022). eLife, 11, e68192.
Dissociable oscillatory theta signatures of memory formation in the developing brain. Johnson, E. L., Yin, Q., O’Hara, N. B., Tang, L., Jeong, J.-W., Asano, E., & Ofen, N. (2022). Current Biology, 32(7), 1457-1469.e4.
Evidence for a we-representation in monkeys when acting together. Lacal, I., Babicola, L., Caminiti, R., Ferrari-Toniolo, S., Schito, A., Nalbant, L. E., … Battaglia-Mayer, A. (2022). Cortex, 149, 123–136.
Consistent population activity on the scale of minutes in the mouse hippocampus. Liu, Y., Levy, S., Mau, W., Geva, N., Rubin, A., Ziv, Y., … Howard, M. (2022). Hippocampus, 32(5), 359–372.
A neural network model of when to retrieve and encode episodic memories. Lu, Q., Hasson, U., & Norman, K. A. (2022). eLife, 11, e74445.
Visual association cortex links cues with conjunctions of reward and locomotor contexts. McGuire, K. L., Amsalem, O., Sugden, A. U., Ramesh, R. N., Fernando, J., Burgess, C. R., & Andermann, M. L. (2022). Current Biology, 32(7), 1563-1576.e8.
Children’s value-based decision making. Smith, K. E., & Pollak, S. D. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 5953.
Angular and linear speed cells in the parahippocampal circuits. Spalla, D., Treves, A., & Boccara, C. N. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 1907.
Young domestic chicks spontaneously represent the absence of objects. Szabó, E., Chiandetti, C., Téglás, E., Versace, E., Csibra, G., Kovács, Á. M., & Vallortigara, G. (2022). eLife, 11, e67208.
Diverse operant control of different motor cortex populations during learning. Vendrell-Llopis, N., Fang, C., Qü, A. J., Costa, R. M., & Carmena, J. M. (2022). Current Biology, 32(7), 1616-1622.e5.
Spatial transcriptomic reconstruction of the mouse olfactory glomerular map suggests principles of odor processing. Wang, I.-H., Murray, E., Andrews, G., Jiang, H.-C., Park, S. J., Donnard, E., … Greer, P. L. (2022). Nature Neuroscience, 25(4), 484–492.
Structure of visual biases revealed by individual differences. Wexler, M., Mamassian, P., & Schütz, A. C. (2022). Vision Research, 195, 108014.
Minimal requirements for a neuron to coregulate many properties and the implications for ion channel correlations and robustness. Yang, J., Shakil, H., Ratté, S., & Prescott, S. A. (2022). eLife, 11, e72875.
Implicit expectation modulates multisensory perception. Zeljko, M., Grove, P. M., & Kritikos, A. (2022). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(3), 915–925.
Prior Expectations in Visual Speed Perception Predict Encoding Characteristics of Neurons in Area MT. Zhang, L.-Q., & Stocker, A. A. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(14), 2951–2962.
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drrubinspomade · 5 months
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Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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ct-trans-toolkit · 1 year
individual health care providers
Please note - these practitioners were collected from recommendations, internet searches, messaging boards, and membership at WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health). This list is not exhaustive. Not all may be accepting patients. Quality of services provided is unknown. Please comment with your experiences with any of these practitioners!!
Charles Castiglione ❤️ Surgeon - top surgery Farmington, CT David M. Bass 🧡 Surgeon - top surgery Hartford, CT Orlando DeLucia 💛 Surgeon - top surgery Farmington, CT John Borkowski 💚 Surgeon - top surgery Middletown, CT Ilja Hulinsky, MD 💙 Endocrinology West Haven, CT Susan Boulware, MD 💜 Endocrinology, Pediatrics New Haven, CT WPATH member Patrick Cahill, MD 🤎 HIV/AIDS, Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care Hartford, CT WPATH member Madeline Carmain, MD 🖤 Gynecology Trumbull, CT WPATH member Laurel Chandler, MD ❤️ Surgery: Plastics Darien, CT WPATH member Melissa Goldstein, MD 🧡 Endocrinology Stamford, CT WPATH member L. Hamann, APRN, MSN 💛 Endocrinology West Hartford, CT WPATH member Allister Hirschman, PA 💚 Education, Emergency Medicine, Surgery: Plastics, Other New Haven, CT WPATH member Christopher Hughes, MD 💙 Surgery: Facial, Surgery: Plastics Hartford, CT WPATH member Jessica Kiback, APRN 💜 Gynecology, LGBTQ Therapy, Nurse Practitioner Hartford, CT WPATH member Monika MacLean, APRN 🤎 HIV/AIDS, Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care Bridgeport, CT WPATH member Jeannie McIntosh, APRN 🖤 HIV/AIDS, Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care Middletown, CT WPATH member Angie Paik, MD ❤️ Surgery: Plastics New Haven, CT WPATH member Priya Phulwani, MD 🧡 Endocrinology Farmington, CT WPATH member Vanessa Pomarico-Denino, APRN, EdD, FNP 💛 Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care, Nurse Practitioner Wallingford, CT WPATH member Lauren Roth, MD 💚 Gynecology, Surgery: Gynecology Fairfield, CT WPATH member David Rubin, MD 💙 HIV/AIDS, Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care, LGBTQ Therapy Norwalk, CT WPATH member Ryan Smith, MD 💜 Education, HIV/AIDS, Internal Medicine /Family Practice/ Primary Care, Public Health, Resident New Haven, CT WPATH member Joshua Sterling, MD 🤎 Surgery: Urology New Haven, CT WPATH member Janya Swami, MD 🖤 Endocrinology Norwich, CT WPATH member Stuart Weinzimer, MD ❤️ Pediatrics, Endocrinology New Haven, CT WPATH member
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jiyyxm · 2 years
Download PDF Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life PDF -- Joshua Becker
EPUB & PDF Ebook Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Joshua Becker.
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Ebook PDF Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life 2020 PDF Download in English by Joshua Becker (Author).
Discover practical steps you can take today to live a life focused on things that matter, from the bestselling author of The More of Less and The Minimalist Home. "Things That Matter points the way to free ourselves from the distractions of everyday life so that we can build the lives we seek to create."--Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness ProjectDo you want to live a meaningful life--with very few regrets--and make a positive difference in the world? But is culture distracting you from doing so? Perhaps moments, days, and years go by without you stopping to ask yourself, Am I living out my true purpose? Even if that question whispers to you, are you brushing it aside because you don't know what to change in life's busyness?In Things That Matter, Joshua Becker helps you identify the obstacles--such as fear, technology, money, possessions, and the opinions of others--that keep you from living with intention, and then he provides practical ideas for letting go of those
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adonis84r · 2 years
Read Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life BY Joshua Becker
Download Or Read PDF Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life - Joshua Becker Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life
[*] Read PDF Here => Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life
  Discover practical steps you can take today to live a life focused on things that matter, from the bestselling author of The More of Less and The Minimalist Home. "Things That Matter points the way to free ourselves from the distractions of everyday life so that we can build the lives we seek to create."--Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness ProjectDo you want to live a meaningful life--with very few regrets--and make a positive difference in the world? But is culture distracting you from doing so? Perhaps moments, days, and years go by without you stopping to ask yourself, Am I living out my true purpose? Even if that question whispers to you, are you brushing it aside because you don't know what to change in life's busyness?In Things That Matter, Joshua Becker helps you identify the obstacles--such as fear, technology, money, possessions, and the opinions of others--that keep you from living with intention, and then he provides practical ideas for letting go of those
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