#Nico Smets
badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Yummy 2019  The original art work had Facelifts,Boob Jobs and....Zombies
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thetreehunter · 8 months
The Walking Twins of Roosendael
Breaking News! Two planes have crashed to the ground at Roosendael in Flanders, Belgium.  Miraculously, no one was killed, and they walked away from the wreckage.
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The Walking Twins of Roosendael
So free and beautiful, tall in the sky, they flew, 
Until a great storm raged and raged and blew, 
Their hands slipped, their embrace was broken, 
Crashing to the ground, their neighbours were woken, 
No one was killed, only slight injuries, 
The miraculous Walking Twins of Roosendaal are no 'plain' trees! 
Tree hunter Rob McBride Sept. 2023
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Platanus x hispanica (London Plane)
Bomen Beter Beheren weekend in Roosendael - Sint-Katelijne-Waver Arboweekend 29 sept – 1 okt Domein Roosendael - Veterane bomen Massive thanks to organisers, Willem Van Der Linden, Sander Van Coillie, plus Kjel Dupon and Wim Peeters, and all the incredible arborists and attendees that came to such an amazing event. Thank you also to the Catering Staff for the delicious food and drink. And special thanks to speakers... Nico d’hamers ; Kris van de kerkhove; Jeroen Snaaijers ; Ruben van Praag ; Koen Smets ; Frits Gielissen ; Guy Herremans ; Alex Lefevre Thanks also to Belgian Tree hunters Roel Jacobs and Marc Meyer for their inspiration and trips around the Great Trees of Belgium over many years.
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The 'Not-so Plain' Walking Twins of Roosendael
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The Planes crashed to the Earth...Now they 'Walk' to London...
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Platanus xhispanica (London Plane)
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They are no longer 'ROOTED' to the spot....The Walking Twins of Roosendael... They are an OPEN CLASSROOM for everyone to learn about the wonders of trees... PHOENIX trees regenerate and root after falling to the ground...essentially, they 'walk' across landscapes. In three hundred years, these Platanus will be a long way from the 'Mother Trees'.
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Not any old PLANE Forest...a real gem of Europe...
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Wonderful, tree man Ton above tree man arborist Bert
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Playing the 'Nail' game... Arjan below is the Champion mostly.. If I can remember! Lol.
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Such an important event for all of these excellent arborists to come together to discuss veteran trees and so much more...
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I look forward to the next event with Bomen Beter Beheren.
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skullrock · 4 years
the campers, chapter two - Steve x Reader
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gif by @harringtown
chapter two: the trainee 
series summary:Steve gets a job as a camp counselor at Camp Know Where, intending on using the summer to discover himself. When things start to go wrong at camp, the only people that can help him are the Party, Hopper, and his mortal enemy - you. [Enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort]
chapter summary: Steve gets in the swing of things quickly, much to your dismay.
warnings: swearing!
word count: 2.7k
a/n: you can catch up on the series here! hope you enjoy this chapter!
Dustin and Steve are luckily paired into the same cabin, but they have different rooms. Steve’s roommate isn’t in when he goes to drop off his things, but Dustin assures that the man, Nico, is a cool dude.
“Not as cool as you though, Steve,” Dustin says, giving him a firm pat on the back. Steve smiles slightly and nods, appreciating the sentiment. Especially after being blasted by you.
“Are you going to tell me what’s up with you and Y/N?”
“No,” Steve says curtly, shutting and locking his room.
Dustin waits a few moments to see if Steve will fess up, but he doesn’t. Actually, Steve sets his jaw tightly, making Dustin even more curious. “I guess you guys don’t like each other, huh?”
“No,” Steve says again. He runs a hand through his hair. “Well - she doesn’t like me.”
“She knew you as Asshole Steve?”
Steve sighs heavily. “Yeah. She knew me as Asshole Steve.”
Dustin shrugs as they start to make their way to their orientations. “You’ll just have to show her how you changed, that’s all.”
Steve scoffs and shakes his head. “It doesn’t even matter.”
Dustin knows he doesn’t mean that, but he stops prodding for answers.
They continue their walk down from the cabins to the activity center, filled with classrooms, the cafeteria, and research labs. Steve enjoys the area already, happy to see the sun glistening off of the lake and the large hemlocks and oaks. The wind smells like pine and juniper, even in the summer, relaxing Steve’s mind. The woods do scare him now, there’s no denying that. But these aren’t the sinister woods behind his house in Hawkins. These woods are welcoming and cheery, bright and charming. Steve loves the open fields for archery and tag, the courts for basketball and tennis. He decides he’d really like to help out with the intramurals, giving up on the science aspect before even getting the chance to explore it.
Steve’s train of thought is derailed when he hears a sweet voice call out, “Dusty-bun?”
Dustin turns on his heel, a smile spreading widely across his face. He runs to meet her halfway, picking her up and twirling her. The girl laughs happily, and they kiss for a moment before Steve clears his throat. “Is this Suzie?”
“It’s Suzie,” Dustin says, sighly happily. “Suzie, this is Steve.”
She extends her hand and Steve takes it, surprised by how firm her grip is. She’s alright, Steve thinks. She’s got this Mormon vibe going on, but her smile is bright and her personality is welcoming. Steve’s happy to find out that Suzie is an actual person, and while she has no Phoebe Cates in her at all, she’s a perfect match for Dustin.
Steve third wheels as they continue to walk towards the activity center, again being pulled back to his thoughts. His mind falls on what you’d said earlier.
It feels like a rock sits in his gut when he thinks about camp when he was younger. He knows he was an asshole, he can feel it in his bones. He knows he hung out with Tommy H. and some other dickheads, and he has glimpses of memories of tripping, pushing, and pranking. But he really doesn’t remember a lot. He’s not sure if he’s from the concussions or because he willed those thoughts out of his memory - but they aren’t there. Only insignificant ones remain. Like how his bedsheets in his cabin were blue and red plaid; how he would wake up at 7:15 to take a walk before Tommy would wake up; he even remembers the bitter taste of the orange juice hitting his tongue at breakfast. It’s like his mind zeroed in on the insignificant things so that the hurtful memories stay in the back of his mind, sitting like a cobra, waiting to strike.
The trio arrives at the activity center.
“I’ll see you tonight, Steve,” Dustin says. “Don’t worry - you’ll do great.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Steve mumbles, anxiety twisting in his gut. “Nice to meet you, Suzie.”
She smiles brightly and starts off, but Dustin stays behind. “Hotter than Phoebe Cates, right?”
Steve forces a smile and nods, giving him a thumbs up. “You really did it, man.”
Dustin winks and walks away, leaving Steve alone and sweating bullets. He hates being alone - he can’t stand being by himself anymore. Especially now that he knows you’re on the loose here, probably plotting some sick pranks. But he forces himself to move his feet up to the orientation check in.
“Name?” a man with the nametag Josh asks.
“Uh, It’s Steve. Harrington.”
He gets his bundle - a nametag, a hat just like Dustin’s, a few lime green and yellow Camp Know Where shirts (reading LEADER on the back), a drawstring bag, some pens, and a notebook. Steve forces himself to not make a face at the shirt - it’s disgusting and it will certainly ruin his chances with the ladies. He’ll wear it - he’s just not happy about it. And, besides, the first girl he interacted with at camp nearly bit his head off, so maybe he shouldn’t be so worried about his chances. Maybe he should be worried about not fucking up this time.
He takes a seat in one of the large lecture halls, sitting as far away from everyone as possible. Nearly everyone who walks in waves at him and sits close, making Steve clench his fists and bounce his legs. He literally does not remember how to be social - it’s like a second language that he forgot. It pains him that he can’t strike up conversations like he used to, but those around him help.
“Hi, I’m Kara,” a girl his age says, sitting down right next to him. “Who are you?”
Steve blinks. “Oh - I’m Steve.”
She reaches out and shakes his hand, smiling. “You’re new, right?”
“Is it that easy to tell?”
Kara laughs. “Don’t worry, Steve - you’ll get the hang of the flow soon enough.”
Okay, maybe he does have a chance with some ladies.
You come into the room, eyes searching for Steve. You see your buddy Kara talking to him and you curse under your breath. She’s not supposed to be friends with him - she’s probably going to try to bone him in the next week, too, and you don’t want that either. You march up to Josh, the leader of leaders, and pull him down to your level. “You cannot - you will not - pair me with Steve Harrington.”
Josh’s brows furrow and he looks up at Steve, remembering him from earlier. “What, you scared of that dork?”
You groan and roll your eyes. “He was such an asshole to me - we used to go to camp together. He made my summers hell, Josh. I can’t be around him.”
Josh pauses and shrugs. “Okay, no problem, I’ll pair him with someone else.”
You sigh in relief and take a seat at the front, where a panel of veteran counselors sit. You try to be social, but the bile keeps rising from your stomach to your throat. You feel sick. You feel like this summer is going to be an absolute nightmare. And while you’re so far beyond who you used to be - that kid who couldn’t even look people in the eye - you’re scared that his presence will revert you back into that little girl. And it’s the last thing you want.
Josh claps his hands a while later, signalling the start of orientation. Steve shifts in his seat and pulls out his notebook and a pen. He doesn’t know shit about note taking, but he reckons he should try. You grab your notebook too, excited to learn and meet with the new folks.
“Welcome to Camp Know Where!” Josh says.
The room erupts in cheers and Steve can feel his old self creeping back in, the insult of dorks running through his head - as if he isn’t clearly one himself. But he composes himself, clapping lightly along with everyone else.
“Here at Camp Know Where, we want to create a welcoming, safe environment for our kids to explore the world through science, math, engineering, and technology.” Steve writes it down quickly, forming the acronym “SMET”, and giggling to himself.
“It’s our job as counselors to facilitate learning in a fun, positive, and energetic way. Through orientation, you’re going to meet your fellow counselors, learn some things, and find a designation at camp. We work with you! If you think you’d be better at doing science, we’ll help you find your place in the classroom. But if you’d like to work with intramurals, we can place you out in nature. However, we still want to make sure everyone has a good grasp at all activities, so you’ll be cycled through everything we have to offer at Camp Know Where.”
Steve writes down “science - intramurals - whatever - know it all.”
“Today, though, we’ll be doing some icebreakers, and then some brainstorming.”
The room erupts in groans, Steve’s perhaps being the loudest.
“Relax, they’re fun.” Josh beams and holds up a clipboard. “I’m going to split everyone off with a partner now. This will be your partner all through camp. You’ll do something with everyone, but your partner is like your mentor. The newer folks will be paired with someone who’s been here a while to help you get in the swing of things.”
You shift in your seat. Maybe you’ll make a new friend - maybe you’ll get along famously - it was an exciting concept.
Or, it is, until Josh calls out, “Y/N and Steve.”
The shit eating grin on his face is unimaginable. He looks down at you, smiling, eyes shining, as if to say, get over it. If you had a bat, you would have hit him with it. Your stomach sinks, it rolls, it twists. Your palms sweat, your head races, but it stays forward, eyes trained on the podium in front of you.
Steve feels the exact same, except his legs are telling him to get the hell out of there. He knows his protests will fall on deaf ears, and who would accommodate him, anyway? He rests his head in his hands as Josh continues to read off names.
“Alright, get with your partner. We’re going to play two truths and a lie!”
Phenomenal, you think. The worst icebreaker of all time, and it’s with Steve Harrington.
You push yourself up out of your seat and force your legs to move towards him, sitting down next to him but a chair away, keeping a distance. Steve’s okay with it - it actually helps him breathe.
The rest of the room fills with laughs and chatter, but you both stare in silence for a long while. Finally, Steve says, “So -”
“We aren’t friends,” you interrupt. “We aren’t friends now, we weren’t friends then, and in the future, we won’t be friends. Got it?”
Steve swallows hard and nods. Despite the dryness in his throat, he tries to apologize. “Look, I know I wasn’t nice when he were kids -”
You scoff. He continues. “But I swear to God, or whatever, I’ve changed. I’m not like that anymore. I - I don’t even hang out with Tommy. I just hang out with Dustin and this girl called Robin, you don’t know her - she’s pretty cool -”
“Save it,” you say harshly. “We can talk since it’s our job, but I don’t care about your life now, and I know you don’t care about mine.”
No icebreakers are played between you - the only thing played is an intense staring contest, which makes you angry and Steve horrified. Finally, Josh claps again, and then the real orientation begins. Josh hands out papers with scenarios on them, the goal being to brainstorm ways to demonstrate good leadership. Things like, a camper is obviously intoxicated - what do you do? and what’s the best way to improve a camper who isn’t doing well?
“Wait,” Steve says as Josh places the paper down. “Are we sw- switching partners?”
“Nope!” Josh says, popping the ‘p’. “Not yet.”
Steve wants to die.
To your surprise, Steve has some pretty phenomenal ideas for how to be a good leader. He even delves into how he would bond with the campers - he’d play sports with them, facilitate idea generating, become someone they can come to and confide in. He wouldn’t shut down their ideas, but rather help them expand on them. You think that he actually has some really good concepts.
“I just want them to trust me, you know?” he says quietly. “I want them to feel like they have a chance and that they can come to me for anything.”
You furrow your brows. “How’d you get these good ideas?”
“Dustin,” he admits, a bit sheepishly. “And some of his friends, too. They’ve helped me understand how to be better at listening and helping and understanding.”
You nod stiffly, not wanting to become too impressed with him. “Well, you have some solid ideas.”
Steve’s eyes widen and brighten. “You think?”
You shrug. “They’re not bad.”
And just like that, Steve feels like he has a purpose.
The room forms back together to go over their responses, and for the first time in his life, Steve offers his perspective in a public setting without being condescending or rude. The feeling of raising his hand was awkward and unknown, but he kept doing it, in love with the nods of support from the other counselors. Someone said he must have a knack for being a leader, and Steve beamed brighter than he had in months.
You, of course, hated it, but you had no authority to tell him to shut up. To you, it seemed fake and, frankly, out of nowhere. But you couldn’t help to agree with some of his points and ideas. You hated it.
You all break for the day at five. You practically run out of the room, gasping in the fresh air outside quickly. Josh walks past you and slaps your back, turning around to smile at you. “Have fun?”
“I will kill you.”
“Can’t wait!”
You’d lost your appetite after the hours spent with Steve, so you stay outside, sitting on a picnic bench and contemplating. You wonder if Steve is right when he says he’s changed. Past Steve would never say such things, would never even bother to put in an effort. But he was giving more of an effort than most people in that room, and it genuinely shocked you. Maybe Dustin had something to do with it - but that seemed improbable, too. The whole thing was so bizarre that it made your head spin and your knees weak.
You see Dustin heading inside and call out for him, beckoning him over. His brows furrow tightly but he walks over, sitting down across from you. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“What’s Steve’s deal?”
“Look, I hated him too,” Dustin says. “I mean, I really hated him. Like, I wanted to punch him -”
“I get it.”
“Right. But he’s changed. He got sober really fast a few years back and he hasn’t been the same since.” Dustin pauses, choosing his words carefully. “A lot of stuff has happened to him… and I think it’s changed him for the better. He’s been through a lot. He’s just trying to find himself now. That’s why he’s here.”
You sigh heavily. “You think he’s better?”
“I know he’s better.” Dustin smiles. “And that’s why I think you should give him a chance.”
“No way,” you scoff. “He never gave me a chance.”
“Shouldn’t stoop to past Steve’s level.” Dustin’s smile widens. “You’ll hurt your back.”
You roll your eyes. You don’t want this kid to be right, but you know he is.
“Just - give him a chance, please? He really deserves one. He’s my best friend… he deserves a shot.”
You sigh again. “Fine.”
taglist (join here!):  @troop-scoop @therealestdookie @jasontoddisfantastical @mybestfriendthedingus @anonymousonion23 @darth-el @unknownherelm @random-thoughts-003 @metuel18 @dark-academics-and-florals @magicstrengthandcourage @mathchampagne @magnitude101999 @yall-wildin-like-siriusly @sunshine-and-riverwater @dark-academics-and-florals @scooprtroopr @heart-eye-harrington @sourapplebaby​ @comedy-witch​
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theskamlibrary · 5 years
75 dates in the Skam Universe Masterpost
Thank you so much for everyone who participated, we had a total of X dates in the Skam Universe. We are so grateful for every content creators who put such hard work and shared it with us, you are the backbone of this fandom and the ones who make it worthwhile. 
Support your content creators! Reblog their posts, give them feedback, comment, share the love.  
Clich�� by @catloves3 {WTFock - Zoë Loockx/Senne De Smet - 497 words}
written for (fun)fair
Senne, Zoe, Jana, and Luka at a funfair.
click by @butforwardiscalling {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 1613 words }
written for shooting photos 
niccolò has a camera. martino is his preferred model, willing or not.
Cheats and Prank Wars by @toobaddiane {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 2507 words}
written for prank war
It’s the summer after their first year in university started and the boys are just lazying around. After an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine gives Jonas an idea, they engage in a harmless prank war. What could possibly go wrong when someone is super competitive and their boyfriend is their teammate?
Or Matteo and David are teammates in a prank war and David is a competitive jerk.
I think I like my eyes by @ayellowcurtain {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1026 words}
written for building a pillow fort 
shut up and kiss me by @orpheuscris {Skam Espana - Cris Soto/Joana Bianchi - 3441 words}
written for study date
Joana and Cris have been at odds nearly the entire time they've been sitting next to each other in class. So that’s why it’s such a surprise when one day, near the end of the semester, Cris invites Joana over to her house to study. And why she’s even more surprised by herself when she accepts.
show me the things (that you believe in) by @softdemaury {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6329 words}
written for at home movie night
“Guess there goes your movie, then.” Lucas says while they’re sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Wait, you didn’t organize this to get out of watching that damn thing, right?” Eliott squints his eyes at Lucas, raising his fork in an attempt to look threatening.
Lucas laughs, “You think I’d do that? Of course I didn’t. We’ll just watch it next time, no big deal.”
5 times Eliott fails in making Lucas watch 10 Things I Hate About You and the 1 time Lucas takes the matter into his own hands
Future Little Koala by @youleavebehindmemories {Skam Italy - Eva Brighi/Giovanni Garau - 2697 words }
written for wedding 
It's basically Giovanni and Eva at the wedding of Marti and Nicco with glimpses into Gio & Eva's future, domestic life! (as well as background moments from others)
Feels like Love by @tunonseisolonico {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 2602 words }
written for karaoke 
“Come on, Marti! Let´s go and sing a song, the two of us!”
“You for real?!” Marti immediately exclaimed, being full of doubts.
He couldn't help but got flashbacks in his head, thinking back to Silvia´s 80´s party, him sitting close to Nico on the couch, Emma on Nico´s other side. Niccolò asking them to sing a song with him, Marti already refusing to do so back then.
“Of course, I´m not joking!”
“Well, sounds like it. No, I´m not going to sing a song with you!”
come with me, my love (to the sea of love) by @lepetitepeach {Skam France -Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4816 words }
written for aquarium
there’s a small touch of wonder to everything that lives in the ocean
critter cottage by @spacekardemomme {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1546 words }
As he walked further into the room, he watched the rise and fall of eliott's chest, the way his hair is messily sprawled along the pillow, a few strands scattered across his forehead and cheekbones.
this is who i’m meant to spend the rest of my life with
Yearning for more than a blue day by @modestytreehouse  {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3723 words  }
written for brunch date 
He really should leave while Isak is still asleep and spare him the awkwardness of waking up beside Even. Spare himself the shame when Isak recognizes him.
Kings of the cargo hold by @evakuality {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen -  3029 words}
written for cruise // art created by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 
“You’re early,” a voice says, a breathy, stuttery quality to it as its owner pants into the room behind Isak, the clatter of his feet loud as his footsteps echoes off the metal of the walls. “I was supposed to be here before you.” “What is all this?” Isak gestures at the table laid out in front of them. “Well, you agreed to eat with me,” Even says, his unfairly gorgeous blue eyes lit up as he stares into Isak’s soul
Aka, the one where Even gets extra as he prepares for the perfect moment with Isak.
sens de la vie by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 2809 words}
written for museum date
a little dive into all of those instagram pics and stories
det betyr jo alltid noe, det gjør jo det by @pagnilagni {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 8722 words }
written for apple picking // in Norwegian // translation in English by Bolomapa
Han står oppgitt ute på den overgrodde plenen og ser på epletrærne. De er gamle og krokete, har altfor mange greiner, de henger for tett sammen under den tette trekronen, tynget av røde epler tett i tett, de skulle vært tynnet, sa naboen, og treet skulle vært beskåret, han sa det et par uker etter at han beskar sine egne trær. “Men det er for sent nå, sevjen stiger, treet kommer til å blø i hjel. Du får ta det neste år i stedet”, hadde han sagt, mens han klappet ham faderlig på skulderen.
Han ser på epletrærne med den modne frukten, en mengde epler har falt ned i natt, mange flere enn i går, han burde plukke dem nå, han burde absolutt det. Men hva skal han med dem, lurer han på, en fortvilende klump i magen spør ham om svaret på det, for han aner ikke, å bruke en kilo epler er greit, kanskje to, han kan vel bake to eplekaker, men alt dette, det må være hundrevis av kilo, hva faen bruker folk dette til?
You’ll never believe how ice cream helped this man to get a date by @nofeartina    {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3333 words }
written for ice cream 
If it wasn't for Magnus, Isak would never have ended up at this ridiculous hipster ice cream place. But then again, he never would have met that ridiculously cute ice cream guy, either.
Sometimes it really pays off being a good friend.
Or 5 times Isak buys ice cream for Magnus and 1 time Even buys it for Isak.
come and fade me by @ho1ogram {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 3957 words}
written for grocery shopping
And no matter how many times he repeats the same lines over and over again till he runs out of reasons to support why dating should be banned (it's a lie; Lucas will never run out of reasons for this purpose, he just gives in to the looks the boys - or Eliott - throw at him) that his friends understand his struggles, his pleas for them to stop. And always, like clockwork, he ends in having them set him up with an unknown guy.
or, Lucas is tired of going on dates after dates with guys that aren't Eliott, and Eliott has a few tricks up his sleeves.
Thousand spires and thousand bridges by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/ David Schreibner - 46352 words}
written for vacation // art by @hjertetssunnegalskap1
In this world, Matteo and David met during Abitur back in Berlin, just like in the canon story and they made sandwiches and almost kissed at the neon party, but David backed out, Matteo did the same and.... nothing more happened.
Now they are studying in Prague. Matteo thinks he lost his chance with David a long time ago. What David thinks, nobody knows.
it's nice to have a friend by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6592 words}
written for rollerskating
5 times eliott and lucas definitely were not on a date, and one time they were
to all who come to this happy place, welcome by @tawmlinsun {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4703 words }
written for disneyland // art by @cottonsdraw
"eliott demaury, you just passed your bac. what are you going to do now?"
"i'm taking my boyfriend to disneyland!"
Super Smash Bros by @thegirlnooneknows5 {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 11672 words}
written for video games // playlist
“Okay. Pretend I’m a customer. Sell me this game.”
Eliott's smile was determined. “You ever had a customer you wanted to throw into the wall?”
“Knock-Out X lets you live that fantasy.” He pulled the game off Lucas’ lap and held it up. The thought of Eliott’s hands so close to him coloured Lucas’ face pink. Eliott continued, “Just imagine if you could throw that customer into a wall and leave with no scratches, bruises or consequences. And look super badass while doing it.” “Seriously, though. You’re going to love it.”
-Or, a Striking Vipers Elu au in which they fall in love through a virtual reality game because love transcends all
Coffee, Gay Gurus, and a Dance by @amyriadfthings {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David - 1242 words}
written for coffee date
Good things happen over coffee. David & Matteo visit a veritable Berlin cultural institution and learn how to swing dance. Gay Gurus in action. Bonus gay gurus to appear eventually.
Small Things by @probablydaydreamingg​ {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 3232 words}
written for concert
Martino gave Nico two tickets for a concert as a graduation present. A cute date ensues.
Hedgehog, on the rocks by @flying-elliska {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4635 words}
written for drinks
Lucas's boyfriend just left him, two days before he has to go to his cousin's wedding, who just so happens to be marrying the town billionaire, and his friends are all otherwise engaged...
So as he arrives alone, he heads to the bar for some liquid courage.
Turns out the bartender isn't having a great evening either. So he embarks Lucas in a creative quest to find him the perfect beverage...
It's not a date yet. But there's still time...
If I Should Fall Behind by @irazor {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 14732 words}
written for fancy dinner // art by @lovethem2121
The plan for tonight had been crystal clear. Stay close to his best friend, and steal her away if needed. Hold her hand through the ordeal of meeting Noora again for the first time in years. Then Even shows up – and suddenly, nothing goes the way it was supposed to.
Or: 3 times Isak didn't know what to say to Even, and 1 time he did.
Fontainebleau by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 12770 words}
written for camping
Lucas, let’s go camping, Eliott says, and with a vision of perfect quiet and green leaves unfurling before his eyes, Lucas agrees without even looking up from his problem set.
The summer after Lucas' first year in university, Lucas and Eliott take a weekend trip to Fontainebleau. 
Under Starry Skies Above by @fille-lioncelle {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 7197 words}
written for weekend getaway 
Matteo and David have been feeling a little dejected, so Matteo suggests they get away for a weekend trip.
Lost & bound by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Skam Norway -  Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 16397 words)
written for bicycle date
Even has been in a bicycle accident and he has lost his memory of the past three years. However, Isak gets a shock when Even tells him that they’re bonded soulmates, and expects them to be a couple.
Così fan tutte by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Chloé Jeanson/Lucille, Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 14070 words}
written for opera
Lucille goes to the opera. It’s another double date.
➔ @hjertetssunnegalskap1 : X - X
➔ @cottonsdraw : X
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killherfreakout · 4 years
❤️ - Top 5 female characters
(this one is so hard!!)
sana bakkoush
noora sætre
mia winter
lola lecomte
every female character in skam nl ajhfsjjs
🌟 - Top 5 shots or locations
ok i answered this here too but i’ll do more 😌:
this transition shot is so sexi.....
i lovvve these shots hehehe
unter wasser <3 the empty pool in druck
literally any of the skate parks in all the skams!!
🔥 - Top 5 “they deserve their own season”
EVEN / eliott / sander / david / nico
chris berg
senne de smet or noah boom
moyo 👀
+ ofc lucas vdh + shay 🥺 and redo of imane, arthur, and lola season
skam ask game!
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Top 16 Trends In Paintings For Sale To Watch | Paintings For Sale
As Black Lives Matter and Black Auto Lives Matter protests ambit the country, abounding are ytic for added means to abutment the movement while gluttonous amends for the Black and auto communities. Starting today, added than 50 photographers and clear designers are adopting funds for the action adjoin systemic racism through the fundraising action Reframing the Future.
Both arising and accustomed artists are alms their ignment for the accurate book sale, with 100 percents of its advance activity to charities that abutment Black Lives Matter. Through June 30, the auction will account both the National Bond Out, which provides bond for Black ociation members, and the Marsha P. Johnson Initiative, which advocates for the lives of Black auto people.
Prices for the prints ambit from $25 to $100 additional shipping. Artists with ignment in the auction (so far) include: Anaraim, Araba Ankuma, Asia Denise-Shelton, Ben Beagent, Camila Falquez, Chris Rhodes, Corey Olsen, Cruz Valdez, Damien Maloney, Dan Duran, Daniel Jack Lyons, Daria Kobayashi Ritch, Davey Adésida, Don Brodie, Francesco Nazardo, Gabriel Boaz Munhoz, Genie Kausto, Guen Fiore, Hans Neumann, Heather Hazzan, Inès Manai, Jackie Kursel, Jimmy Marble, Joyce Ng, June Canedo de Souza, Kyle Weeks, Lawrence Agyei, Lia Clay Miller, Lucia Buricelli, Lucie Rox, Madison Voelkel, Mat Kat, Markn, Miranda Barnes, Myriah Acosta, Natalia Neuhaus, Nico Kartel, Olya Oleinic, Oumayma B. Tanfous, Peter Ash Lee, Rafael Rios, Robbie Lawrence, Ryan James Caruthers, Sabrina Santiago, Sam Nixon, Scandebergs, Théo de Gueltzl, Vanessa Granda, and Vivek Vad.
Shop Reframing the Future through June 30
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Hamza – Validé (Clip officiel)
HAMZA “Validé”, extrait de l’album « Paradise », disponible en streaming : https://Hamza.lnk.to/paradisealbumAY – Retrouvez Hamza au Zénith Paris le 6 février 2020 : http://bit.ly/HamzaParisZénith En tournée dans toute la France : https://decibelsprod.com/dates/artiste/hamza/ – Réal : Julia & Vincent Production : Frenzy styling : nico bellagio Merci a Smets 🙏🏻 – Retrouvez Hamza sur : Facebook: https://facebook.com/Hamzasaucegod Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hamzasaucegod Instagram: https://instagram.com/hamzasaucegod/ Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/hamzasaucegod – ℗ 2019 – Just Woke Up (JWU) – Rec. 118 / Warner Music France, a Warner Music Group Company source
The post Hamza – Validé (Clip officiel) appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/hamza-valide-clip-officiel/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hamza-valide-clip-officiel from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188112548833
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defke · 6 years
voor de aller eerste keer hebben de supportersclub van limburg
een party georganiseerd en met succes Er was  een gezellige sfeer en we konden genieten van de beste Retro House-, Club-, Rock, Hip/Hop-,… beats en dat allemaal samen met andere RSCL-fans . De opbrengst van deze avond zal voor 50% geïnvesteerd worden in nieuwe evenementen in de toekomst. De overige 50% zal geschonken worden aan de verschillende sfeergroepen in Sclessin voor het bekostigen van sfeeracties, vlaggen,…
  ook was er een tombola met leuke prijzen en werd uitgereikt door Nico Dewalque  
Beste Limburg Branch
de party was top en dat heb ik van vele als van iedereen horen zeggen.
Wij wachten vol spanning naar dit vervolg en nog grootser
thx aan
Michael Smets – Raymond Schaad – Stevy Bakala – Haico Maraite
  RSCL United prive party voor de aller eerste keer hebben de supportersclub van limburg een party georganiseerd en met succes…
0 notes
sheilacwall · 5 years
Hamza – Validé (Clip officiel)
HAMZA “Validé”, extrait de l’album « Paradise », disponible en streaming : https://Hamza.lnk.to/paradisealbumAY – Retrouvez Hamza au Zénith Paris le 6 février 2020 : http://bit.ly/HamzaParisZénith En tournée dans toute la France : https://decibelsprod.com/dates/artiste/hamza/ – Réal : Julia & Vincent Production : Frenzy styling : nico bellagio Merci a Smets 🙏🏻 – Retrouvez Hamza sur : Facebook: https://facebook.com/Hamzasaucegod Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hamzasaucegod Instagram: https://instagram.com/hamzasaucegod/ Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/hamzasaucegod – ℗ 2019 – Just Woke Up (JWU) – Rec. 118 / Warner Music France, a Warner Music Group Company source
The post Hamza – Validé (Clip officiel) appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/hamza-valide-clip-officiel/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hamza-valide-clip-officiel from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188112548833
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