#Jenova Synthesis
getvalentined · 3 months
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More Pokémon Holy/Meteor stuff. Nero's little profile isn't here because I have a whole picture of him on the same vein as Vincent's that I'd like to finish eventually. I am missing a handful of characters that would be in the "game," most notably the title's Professor (for which I am still torn between two options and may never settle) as well as Grimoire and Veld, who are both in the story but not technically integral to the main storyline(s).
There's a lot more than this bouncing around in my head but it's a lot so I'll stop with these and the notes below unless people are interested in something specific not covered here. (If so, drop me an ask and I'll happily answer! I love talking about my needlessly complicated crossover AUs, but they are so needlessly complicated that I don't generally just infodump about them.)
Other notes under the cut!
Cloud is the player character; the starting age for a Pokémon Journey in the Midgar region is 14, and he was 16 at the time of the accident, making him 21 during the main story. The storyline reflects this, as Cloud is much older than a standard protag for this series, but he's been out of the world recovering for long enough that he's still got a unique sort of naïveté. (Tifa would probably be the female protag but Cloud is the default here sorry.)
Sephiroth is the main "rival" in Pokémon Meteor, Genesis is the "rival" in Pokémon Holy, although they both appear in both titles and serve the same overall function for the narrative. They are not antagonists.
The Legendary for Meteor is "Jenosynthe," a reference to Jenova Synthesis; Holy has "Omegaia," which is a reference to Omega and to Gaia/Minerva. They have particular connections to Sephiroth and Genesis respectively, and Grimoire's contribution to the plot allows the player to obtain the other title's Legendary post-game.
The Midgar region is the only one to have "Variant" gyms, which focus on regional variants rather than a specific type. This is a new, secondary path with badges that can be mixed and matched with standard type-based gyms to reach the required number of badges to take on the League.
Other gym leaders: Kunsel (Psychic, he battles blindfolded), Reno and Rude (Electric), Yuffie (Hisuian variant), Rosso (Fighting*), Sonon (undecided on his gym but he's here), Weiss (Ground, because I love a stupid reference), and Chadley (secret unlockable Shiny variant gym, only accessible if you beat all the other gyms on both paths, bestows the Shiny charm), as well as others. *Veld's gym used to be Fighting-type but Tseng converted it when he took over following Veld's retirement, allowing Rosso to move out of her previous position with the League and set up a new one.
Other members of Team Helletic: Azul, Rayleigh, Gillian and Angeal (the "multi-generational multi-battle"), Sebastian and Essai (who are under the control of Something), and Shears, as well as others. Hollander was a member until the incident five years ago, which is implied to have led to his death.
Other important NPCs: Cid (the fast travel guy, may work with the Professor), Barret (runs the Pokémon breeding center), Cait Sith (a navi system that shows up through a specific set of sidequests and is revealed to be Reeve's at the end), Shelke (appears in the same sidequests as Cait Sith), Dio (runs a facility for fast EV training), and Johnny (nobody knows why he's here but he sure is), as well as others.
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turcinbsart · 4 months
I hope Seraph Sephiroth isn't the final form in FF7R3. I sincerely hope he ends up ascending further and we get something that utilizes perspective and shit to completely fuck with our senses. A boss fight that becomes good visual vomit because it's like 4D or something.
Transcending basic reality, possibly switching your equipment every other second, completely taking control away from you, an absolute Kojima on crack moment for the final boss. You know the game Superliminal?
I need something that feels as fucked as that x100. It doesn't, and probably shouldn't be like that for the whole boss fight, but for a phase or three of the seven phases for "Chosen Sephiroth, Bringer of Chaos, Harbinger of Souls, Devourer of Planets, the Alpha and Omega, the Seven-Winged" or whatever.
It needs a mix of One-Winged Angel, JENOVA, JENOVA Complete/Synthesis, the screams of the planet made musical, the ever crisis Sephiroth theme, the main theme of FF7, The World's Enemy, even fucking Aerith's theme and the price of freedom as climax points I don't care!!! I need that music for the final boss fight to be absolutely insane, an absolute love letter in the form of Sephiroth.
Point is, I need a grand finale for the boy™
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ryuuza-art · 6 months
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Decemboss Day 7: JENOVA Synthesis, Bizarro Sephiroth and Safer Sephiroth
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epicwin64 · 9 months
Here’s how I think part 3 will go down (I’m betting it will be called Reunion or Resolution given the Re- naming convention they’re using)
Icicle Inn/Snowboard mini game
Great Glacier
Gaia’s Cliff
Whirlwind Maze
Fourth Jenova boss fight
The party gets the black materia back
Sephiroth possesses Cloud
Cloud gives Sephiroth the black materia
*The party tries to stop Cloud, knowing that Sephiroth is tricking him
*You know Cloud will be possessed because his eyes are the same shade of green as Sephiroth’s and his voice sounds…not normal.
WEAPON awakens/The Reunion
Tifa has a nightmare where she encounters Sephiroth
Escape from Junon (This time Tifa doesn’t MacGyver herself out of the gas chamber with a key, but she decides to go a different route from the others. The escape happens the day BEFORE they’re all executed, unlike the original).
*Reeve will tell Rufus to delay the execution, which causes him to suspect that Reeve is a spy.
Slap fight
The party searches for Cloud
Huge materia 1: Corel Train
Huge materia 2: Fort Condor
Huge materia 3: Wutai
Ultimate Weapon fight 1
Tifa restores Cloud’s memory
Huge materia 4: Junon Underwater Reactor
Submarine assault
Sunken Gelnika submarine
*An optional location in the original that houses Yuffie’s ultimate weapon and has a secret cutscene with Reno and Rude. It will be mandatory here.
Huge materia 5: Rocket Town
Cid apologizes to Shera
Vincent and Lucrecia reunite (briefly)
Second encounter with Bugenhagen
*Intermission 3*: Zack learns of Aerith’s death
Bugenhagen talks about Holy
*Bugenhagen reveals that the reason why Aerith died is that she knew that her fate was sealed despite everything the party has done. He mentions that Holy requires its owner to pray to Minerva, the goddess who controls the Lifestream.
Ultimate Weapon fight 2
Sephiroth takes control of Diamond Weapon
*If Sephiroth can control Cloud, then imagine what would happen if he controlled what is basically Godzilla
Zack sacrifices himself to save the party
Rufus fires Sister Ray, dying in the process (which conveniently destroys Sephiroth’s forcefield)
Raid on Midgar
Final Turks battle (Reno, Rude, and Elena)
Heretic Hojo boss fight
Under the Highwind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
*It will be more obvious, but still subtle enough to avoid the M rating. Idk, show Cloud and Tifa making out or something.
Northern Cave
The party is teleported into the Planet’s Core
*Sephiroth gloats (like he usually does) and uses a painful spell to temporarily debilitate everyone. And if any Sephiroth fangirls are reading this, I think he’ll be shirtless in this scene because he’s not wearing one when he’s trapped in that crystal thingy
Bizarro Sephiroth
Safer Sephiroth
*Sephiroth teleports the party into the Edge of Creation
Cloud vs Sephiroth
Sephiroth’s defeat
The Highwind escapes the Northern Cave
*We also see that Tseng survived his encounter with Sephiroth, but he’s in the hospital
The Turks regret what they’ve done and decide not to be evil
Aerith is technically not dead, but she’s basically a spirit now and manipulates the Lifestream into finally destroying Meteor. Her spirit (as well as Zack’s) use the Lifestream along with Minerva to destroy Meteor before it kills everyone.
The day is saved, and everyone lives happily ever after
*I think the final shot should be the party (minus Aerith because, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, SHE DEAD) standing on the deck of the Highwind as the sun rises. Maybe that shot should be the game’s boxart I guess
Post credits scene/epilogue (it’s the scene of Nanaki and his cubs overlooking the ruins of Midgar from the original)
Teases what they’ll do for Advent Children or smn idek
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terra-fatalis · 1 year
FFVII Remake Easter Eggs and compilation continuity - Part 7: OG FINAL FANTASY VII
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This character didn’t show up until the group reached the Gold Saucer. In the Remake he witnesses the plate fall.
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In the OG Yuffie could only be recruited after visiting the Mythril Mines and nothing hints she had ever been in Midgar before. Now she is the protagonist of Intermission, spending a whole day in Midgar, getting to see Barret’s cell and infiltrating in Shinra HQ thanks to Avalanche. Some main points of this character have already been shown like the rivalry between her and her father, some details of the Wutai war and even her motion sickness.
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In the OG Rude confessed Reno that he liked Tifa. In the Remake, when he spotted her on the Sector 7 pillar, he deviated the chopper to prevent Reno from killing her.
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Reno: Dammit! You wanna explain yourself, partner?
Rude: Uh... Hand slipped.
In the original, at Cid’s house, Palmer asked for some tea with “sugar, honey and lard”. In the Remake he walks in the corridor of Shinra HQ with a cup of tea, complaining that he ran out of butter (though in Japanese it’s still “lard”).
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Oh dear, oh dear... A man of my refined tastes running out of butter! Shorn of its proper accompainment, this tea...might as well be boiled pond water!
In the original there was just one clone in Midgar, in Sector 5, and he wasn’t wearing the black cape yet, while in the Remake they can be met also in Midgar. 
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The Remake also confirms that also some former SOLDIERs can turn into caped men, something that the OG revealed only in an optional scene in Junon.
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OG: I used to be in SOLDIER. Lately I’ve felt like dressing up like this...
Remake: My dad told me that that man, he used to be a SOLDIER when he was younger. I heard he came back because he got sick or something. Isn't that kinda weird? Can SOLDIERs even get sick?
This concept is further - more openly - reiterated also in Intermission:
Nayo: Mako poisoning. That's what happens if you don't make the grade as a SOLDIER...or when the military's done using you.
When Cloud attacks Marco believing he’s Sephiroth he has a vision of the Reunion at Whirlwind Maze.
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In the Remake Barret mentions the day he survived from the destruction of his home town, while in the original this happened one the group arrived in Corel.
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Wouldn't be the first time I spit in destiny's eye. Whether you can see the seams or you can't...doesn't change that she's always trying to have it her way.
In the original game the first fight against Jenova took place on the Cargo ship, while in the Remake the group fights it in Chapter 17. 
Note: the first form of Jenova in the original was called Jenova∙BIRTH (followed later by Jenova∙LIFE, Jenova∙DEATH and Jenova∙SYNTHESIS). In Remake it is called Dreamweaver, referring to its ability to project illusions, while the Japanese sticks to the original calling it Jenova Beat, hinting to the prenatal heartbeat of fetuses. 
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During the presentation at Cosmo theatre (an allusion itself to Cosmo Canyion) the group can see a depiction of the Lifestream flowing throughout the Planet. In the original this only happened at the very end when Aerith summoned it. 
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During the aforementioned presentation it was explained how the Ancients were able to create Materia with condensed Lifestream, while in the original it was explained during the flashback in Kalm.
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7R: In the distant past, our planet was home to a people we call the Ancients. Many millennia before we discovered mako, these precursors were already pioneering its use. Somehow they learned of the great reservoir of energy pulsing beneath their feet. And once they had...the Ancients developed the means to harness this bountiful energy and bend it to their will. The fruits of their labors have survived to this very day in the form of certain kinds of materia.
OG: Materia. When you condense Mako energy, materia is produced. It’s very rare to be able to see materia in its natural state. (...)...the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients is held in the Materia.
During intermission Yuffie can see the Proud Clod still under construction stored in Shinra underground. Moreover, the Pride and Joy Prototype (in Japanese: Proud Clad Unit Zero) is a boss that can be fought in Shinra battle simulator.
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During the second bombing mission Tifa jokingly asks Cloud if he could read her mind. This is a hint to Jenova’s ability to read minds.
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7R:  I swear, your timing was perfect. It's almost like...you could read my mind. SOLDIERs can't do that, can they?
OG: Inside of you, Jenova has merged with Tifa’s memories, creating you.
In the Remake Cloud "remembers” two episodes of his childhood in Nibelheim, scenes that originally were included in the Lifestream sequence in Mideel.
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During the first vision of Sephiroth in Chapter 2, Cloud re-experiences the distruction of NIbelheim. This info wasn’t revealed in the OG until the flashback in Kalm.
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When Cloud, Barret and Tifa discover the secret underground lab with specimen detained in mako tanks, Cloud starts remembering his captivity in the basement of Shinra Mansion. This was originally revealed only in the optional cutscene in the basement of the Mansion, after the Lifestream sequence.
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Mako poisoning is an element that in the OG was explained just in Mideel, while in the Remake Jessie’s father suffers of the same condition. A sector 7 NPC also witnesses one of Cloud’s Jenova headaches and suggests he may be Mako poisonesd (before the whispers intervene).
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7R: [Chapter 3] What the—You okay, buddy? Mako junkie, huh? Figures...
[Chapter 4] Jessie's got a theory about it. Thinks her dad's spirit is stuck now—between his body and the heart of the planet.
OG: He probably has no idea who or where he is now... Poor fellow, his voice doesn’t even work. He is literally miles away from us. Some place far away where no one’s ever been... All alone...
Discovering that in reality Cloud never made it in SLDIER was a pivotal plot twist of the OG. In the Remake that’s hinted more than once, until Hojo openly reveals it. 
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No, not quite. Oh, now I recall. My memory was mistaken. My boy, you weren't a SOLDIER...
In Chapter 2 Cloud remembers he killed Sephiroth. This is surprising as in the OG, during Kalm flashback, he told the group that he didn’t know what happened to Sephiroth after Nibelheim incident, even pointing out that, in terms of strength, he couldn’t have killed him.
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Cloud has some visions of Aerith’s death: after falling in her church in Chapter 8 (pics 2 and 3) and at the beginning of Chapter 9 (pics 1 and 4). Moreover he and the rest of the group have a blurred vision of her death in Chapter 18, Aerith’s refers to death in her resolution scene and Sephiroth tells him he’s unable to protect people in Chapter 2 (while seeing Aerith for the first time) and in Chapter 13 (after she’s been kidnapped). 
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Cloud, and the others have visions of Meteor and the storm that destroyed Midgar at the end of the OG in Chapters 16 and 18. 
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meltykarasu · 1 year
FFVII Advent Calendar 2: Dec. 24
Hi! Welcome back.
So I hopped right into the planet's core.
First up was, of course, Jenova-SYNTHESIS. She went down quickly between Tifa quad casting Flare and Pandora's Box, not to mention the fact that Cid was perpetually half a step behind, mimicking.
Bizarro-Sephiroth was tricky. I fiddled with the materia placement a LOT. Main team was still Cloud, Tifa, Cid, and the second team was Yuffie, Vincent, and Red-XIII. I gave the spare Enemy Skills with Angel's Whisper and Pandora's Box to the other team and let them at it as Tifa W-Magic'd her quad-cast Contain spells and Cid mimed the entire thing for SIXTEEN TOTAL CASTS.
My only regret is that I didn't level Quadra Magic so I could get the 16 Flares going. For an average of 3000, that'd be 48,000 damage. I mean, even ten total casts is 30,000.
Me (to my friends who were watching the attempt): I think I may have busted this game wide open.
And, of course, I entrusted the rarest materia in the game, Knights of the Round, to Yuffie, because she deserves it.
Safer Sephiroth was fun! He really was no match for Tifa and Cid's combo with Cloud on healing. Cloud heals, Tifa casts, and Cid duplicates. Cloud did attempt to counter attack Super Nova and that was hilarious.
When Sephiroth dropped everyone to 1 HP, Tifa smacked back — well, first, by healing herself to full, with Cloud and Cid doing the same to themselves on their turn — but then with a limit break. She went through all but one of the early limits. Cid, too, had his charged up, and Cloud was maybe a beat behind, but once Tifa bodily lifted Sephiroth up and slammed him back down I knew it was over for him.
She slammed him down and he died.
And it just isn't Christmas until Cloud omnislashes Sephiroth.
Thank you so much for supporting me! See you some other time!
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camstonki · 2 years
Lulu chu a handy break up
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Also, due to how the Season 2 battle mechanics work, you don't have many actions to trigger your stun-lock ability - relying on prismatic return (when using off-element e.g. dark Omega in EW2, certain fights in Season 2), so having debrave + curse greatly increases your tanking capability. The reason is simple - there may be times when you are forced to tank or that tanking can be an option (e.g. And for those who have Bismarck, you may ask "Is this ability still useful?" - I would say "YES". Stun-locking enemies is very useful in this game (and even more so in Season 2), so this ability is a "must-have" for those without Bismarck. Jade Weapon is Bismarck 2.0, except that it trades debarrier for curse + debrave. But don't worry yellow and HP damage are applied equally to all targets. The only weird quirk they have is that BDD is only applied on main target - so don't forget to target each enemy in a multi-enemies battle if Jenova is your only source of BDD. They also have "Reunion +10%" as one of their auto-abilities (AA), allowing for more spammability. And similar to the Summer painful break abilities, the Jenova abilities bring deck compression to the table by providing both yellow and HP damage + BDD in a single ability, and therefore are superb choices for any content. Of course, these are just my personal opinions and they are subjected to debates, which I welcome.Įach of the Jenova ability corresponds to a EX job: LIFE to EX Warrior BIRTH to EX Ranger DEATH to EX Mage SYNTHESIS to EX Monk. The "Break-Bank" rating at the end of each batch is my way of indicating how desirable is that batch of event abilities and whether they are worth saving resources for. Since it has been a long time I did these type of posts, I will explain what is this "Break-Bank" rating again. NOTE: This is a predicted timeline, so take it with a pinch of salt - it's entirely possible that the order might be rearranged for GL. The reason why FFVII Jenova and 3rd anniversary abilities are chosen for this post because they are most likely the next in-line after the FFX and FFXI event abilities (discussed in part II), if JP timeline was to be followed.įFVII Jenova: Nov/Dec 2018 (FFVII remake reprint should come after FFX finishes)ģrd anniversary: ? (if we based off JP schedule, these abilities should be out in the beginning of 2019 but that will be completely off from GL's actual anniversary.) This post is meant as a reference for GL players to know what event abilities are coming ahead, and which to look out for.
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chronicas · 2 years
List of FFVII characters I need people to pester me to draw in order of importance:
-More Barret (MOST important, if I don’t draw him in the next three days then throw a football at my head)
-Safer•Sephiroth (Need to do this for the Magnum Opus Collection, but that also means it’ll take a week minimum so it’s not at all a priority)
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circle-of-scorn · 5 years
jenova names are very good
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dt75artblog · 6 years
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kids these days with their “monster girls” and their “del toro fish husbands”
back in my day we gazed upon the orb and we loved her
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cryoftheplanet · 7 years
So what exactly is Jenova Synthesis? Is that the real, true, no fooling Jenova acting separately from Sephiroth, or is it just like the other Jenova monsters you've been fighting that are just one bit of it while the rest is hanging out with Sephiroth?
Is there a real, true no-fooling Jenova that’s any more or less distinct from the monsters we see throughout the game? I’m not sure about that.
I think Jenova as a being and Jenova as a body are pretty separable entities. Her body’s incredibly mutable, able to take on different appearances and be incorporated into other beings. I’m not so sure there is a “true” body in that sense, and I’m even less sure that we ever actually see it if so. 
Jenova Synthesis is actually still shaped like a human woman:
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Which kind of makes it even more suspect that this is what she (technically it) really looks like, if such a thing exists.
Her “mind” is as difficult to sort out as her body, but I don’t think there’s anything that isn’t genuine about the Jenova we’ve been dealing with all along... Or I don’t know how we would know that there wasn’t? Can she act any more independently than we’ve seen her act? Is there reason to believe that without Sephiroth’s involvement she might act any other way? And then that just leads you back to the question of to what extent she is responsible for his involvement in the first place.
I guess my final answer is no, I don’t think there’s anything more True about Jenova Synthesis... but as with everything about her, trying to answer one question just raises more.
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shramir · 4 years
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💚Jenova Synthesis💚 
This was a piece I did for a recent zine. The final output looked a little different, but here is the original~ 
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thearchworks · 7 years
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God damn my wrist hurts after doing this...
JENOVA - Synthesis
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cidsart · 4 years
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Jenova Synthesis - Work in progress
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idridian · 5 years
Jenova (Reactor), Jenova (Headless), Jenova-BIRTH, Jenova,LIFE, Jenova-DEATH and Jenova-SYNTHESIS. I know just gave you an ask but CANNOT resist asking you this! XD
welp there goes logic now the only remaining choice is C H A O S hooray
Push off a cliff: Jenova-Death (she was always my least favourite one of the boss forms so eh. she’ll have to take one for the team)
Kiss: Reactor!Jenova (blue alien mom lovely. give
Marry: Jenova-Synthesis (you know why. you KNOW)
Set on Fire: Jenova-Life (she’s the water-themed one she’d just extinguish the fire immediately with waterlung or sth so yeah)
Wrap a Blanket around: Headless!Jenova (protecc)
Be Roommates with: Jenova-Birth (cuz she’s the last one left lol. idk i’d just be roommates with any and all jenova. which is why she was the “Marry” option in your previous ask ^^)
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tirix887 · 4 years
#FinalFantasy Record Keeper #FFRK #Torment Dungeon 2.0 - #FFVII Devourer of Worlds, Part 3 #Jenova Synthesis (Incubus) D??? sub30 - AUTO
Good luck!
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