#Jamie SF6
descendingarrow · 2 months
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Cooked up some more fake street fighter tweets (again featuring my world tour avatar)
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boschfanaccount · 1 year
How would the 3 boys propose to the reader
How they propose to you
Bosch, Jamie Siu & Luke Sullivan x Reader (separate). Reader is neutral Sorry this took a while to come out!! I'm finally free from uni and i have a lot of requests lined up I will get through slowly so thank you for your patience.
Bosch is an anxious mess. You both love each other so very much but theres that teeny tiny voice in his head that always makes him doubt and act on impulse. But this is something he knows he's wanted to do for the longest time, it took a lot of courage to even act upon making preparations for you. It's your 4th anniversary of being together. He first makes you a home cooked meal from his home country, a meal which he loves. You tell him how good it is and that he is too sweet for cooking for you. He then lets you get ready to then take you out to a very special spot. A park that sits on the harbour of Metro City, beautifully lit up at night. Walking up to the railing, you lean on it and breathe in the fresh air. Bosch then comes up besides you as he puts his hands on your waist, leaning in to give you a kiss on your temple.
"Thank you for this Bosch, you're too sweet." "It's the least I could do. Happy anniversary, but uhm... I actually have a present for you." You look at him with a soft look, "what is it?" you question. "I want you to close your eyes for a second". Nodding, turn to fully face him and close your eyes. You hear some rustling before he tells you to open your eyes. You bring your hand up to you mouth as your eyes widen in shock, letting out a small gasp. You're presented with a velvety red box fitted with a small and classy ring crusted with small diamonds. "[y/n], you're the love of my life, a-and... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I'm not the best boyfriend sometimes and I have my moments but, I hope you can accept me... Will you marry me?". Jumping up and down before leaping into his arms. "Yes!" you exclaim as a few tears fall down your face. He stands back up and fully accepts your embrace. "I love you so much, thank you [y/n].
Jamie would most definitely propose to you in the sleekest way possible. He will have everything planned out down to the exact time, he has a mini speech prepped and the perfect plan to catch you off guard. Jamie would also be confident at first and kind of fumble a little bit but he's well aware you are the one for him and he is the one for you. He has no doubts about you saying yes once he pops the question and that fills him with so much pride and joy. Time moves so fast when you're with your boyfriend, you have been together for 3 years already yet it feels like you've known each other and been together for so much longer. Having gotten you ready for a fancy dinner date at an elegant chinese restaurant that Jamie has been meaning to try with you. You both went out shopping to purchase coordinating outfits, the colours of your outfits are black and yellow. Mostly black decorated with gold jewellery.
Once at the restaurant, you are both seated next to an open window which has the perfect view of Metro City. "This is so nice baby, thank you for booking this place." Taking his hand in yours Jamie looks at you with a satisfied look, "It's no problem, you know I'd do anything for you. I am the great Jamie Siu after all!" He says jokingly. You giggle at his statement. After having a delicious and filling dinner, you both are waiting for your desserts to arrive to your table. Little words are exchanged as you stare into eachothers eyes and hands intertwined on the table, the silence comfortable. The silence is broken by a waitress coming up and handing you your desserts however there was something off with yours. Your plate was flat and had writing on it, more specifically the words "Will you...", once you read the words you see Jamie walk up to you and get on one knee. Your heart starts beating fast but a bright smile decorates your face. "Marry me?" Jamie asks, a yellow lined black velvet ring box displaying a beautiful golden ring with a decently sized diamond placed on top. "Jamie!" You express, "Of course!!! Oh my gosh!!" He takes your hand and slides the sing on. "[Y/n], when I met you through Yang, I never thought you would end up being mine some day. But here we are, you are now officially my fiancée. I love you dearly and I don't know if I could ever express that fully in words but thank you." Jamie stands up and cups your face, bringing you in for a gentle kiss.
Luke, oh Luke. Luke would definitely have a mini freak out to himself over how he should propose to you. He is a confident man but sometimes he goes through weird moments of weakness where he's just unsure. Luke takes his time and never rushes into things so when he realises he needs to propose to you, he thought about everything carefully and wanted to make sure it was something you would like and that you were sure to say yes to him. While he is a bit of a chiller, I don't think Luke would be overly romantic but would still try his best to be, you deserve it after all. Having spent almost 4 years together, Luke decides it's time. There are a few places in mind that Luke would want to take you on, deciding on taking you to the beach. A quiet and calming beach. It would be the perfect setting, having a nice dinner first then taking you on a romantic walk along the beach to watch the sun set and finally get on one knee and confess his never ending love for you and ask you to marry him.
"Mmm! Luke have you tried this? It tastes so good!" Picking up a piece of your dinner on your fork and putting in front of Luke so he can have a taste. "Wow, yeah that is really good, want to try mine?" You nod. After having dinner it was time to now go on a quiet stroll on the sand. Holding onto Lukes large hand and leaning your head on his arm. Luke can feel his nervousness grow, you're perfect in his eyes. "Is something wrong love?" You ask, concern laced in your voice. "Haha, yeah. I'm just fine. Don't worry your little head." Luke brings you into a side hug, his hand resting on your hip. "There is one thing I want to talk to you about though." Stopping to stand in front of you, he takes your hand in his and rubs his thumb over your knuckles. "So... I've been wanting to ask you this for a while and for the longest time I thought I wasn't ready but every day I spend with you, I want to always be by your side. You make me so proud and I feel so powerful when I see you cheering for me in battles. I'm the luckiest man alive [y/n]. With that..." pulling out a box with a silver ring inside with a small rectangular diamond placed on top. "Will you marry me?" It takes you a few seconds to respond, you feel so joyed and happy and you needed a moment to process the sweetness of Luke's words. With shaky hands you cup Lukes face in your hands and place a kiss on his lips. "Yes" you giggle. "I truly love you so much, I'm glad to now be your fiancée" Luke picks you up, sharing laughs as he spins you around. Taking in the cool breeze of the beach with the cool water brushing up to your feet.
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bihanarms · 1 year
Jamie x Reader : Midnight Embrace
Jamie SF6 x Reader
Pov : You've just finished hosting a party at your place, and as the last guests leave, the only person left on your couch, looking drunk, is none other than Jamie Siu.
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As the evening comes to an end, you find yourself alone in your living room. The last guests have left, leaving behind a pleasant mess and memorable moments. However, a familiar face remains slouched on your couch: Jamie Siu, a regular friend of the night scene.
As usual, he seems completely drunk, and his shirt… lifted? revealing his well-sculpted abs. Damn, he’s…hot? Has he always been in such great shape? Well, he told me he is a street fighter after all...anyway.
Gently, you shake Jamie to wake him up, only to hear a faint groan escape his mouth. "Let me sleep, damn it..."
"Don't worry, you'll be able to sleep, but you'll be better off in a bed rather than on a couch covered in junk. Come on," you say reassuringly. With care, you help him up from the couch, supporting his slightly unsteady weight. He obediently follows your lead, relying on you to guide him to your bedroom. You walk through the hallway, the dimmed light adding a soothing ambiance to the moment.
Once inside the bedroom, Jamie begins to gradually regain his senses. He blinks his eyes and rubs his face, trying to shake off the grogginess that envelops him and realizes that he is still at your place.
"Listen, I can sleep outside, you know. I have my usual spot where I can crash. No need to inconvenience yourself," he murmurs in a still sleepy voice. You look at him with kindness, gently shaking your head. "No, you don't have to sleep outside tonight. It's late, and even though you seem to be regaining your wits, we never know with alcohol involved."
"I'm used to drinking, my dear, but if you insist, I'll stay here for the night," he replies.
After a few minutes you motion for him to sit on the edge of the bed and point out where he can find clean nightwear.
"And you know what? You're right, I have a bit of a headache. I think I could use some help at least with removing my t-shirt. Will you help me?" Jamie looks at you, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark.
Well... You don't seem so sleepy anymore, do you.
« I see exactly what you're trying to do, Jamie. »
« I was just kidding, of course I can handle myself," Jamie says, chuckling lightly.
You smile mischievously and respond, "Oh, I'm sure you can handle yourself, but you know what? You’re right, let me help you anyway." You finally go along with the game and move closer to him, slowly taking off his t-shirt. As you uncover his well-sculpted muscles, a spark of desire ignites within you.
A moment of silence fills the room as seconds turn into minutes. "Y/N?" Jamie breaks the silence.
"You must surely like what you see, but if you keep holding the t-shirt in your hands without moving, I'll have a hard time putting it on," he says teasingly.
You feel your cheeks flush as you realize you've been frozen with his t-shirt in your hands. Jamie notices your embarrassment and takes the opportunity to playfully tease you.
"Well, um... I guess I'm just surprised by the view," you stammer, trying to regain your composure.
Jamie bursts into laughter, amused by your reaction, and grabs the t-shirt from your hand to put it on himself.
"You're cute," he says with a smile.
"Yeah... it doesn't matter," the heat of embarrassment rises within you as you realize how attracted you are to Jamie. His charm, confidence, and well-sculpted physique hold an undeniable fascination over you. And now, here he is, under your roof, in your intimacy, intensifying your feelings.
You realize that you've always felt a special connection with him during the past nights spent together, but you had always brushed it aside, considering him just as a party-friend. However, now that the tension between you is so palpable, you wonder if it could be something more.
You shake yourself mentally, trying to keep a level head in this situation. But it's easier said than done when Jamie is here, with his teasing smile and irresistible charm.
As you try to regain control of your emotions, you observe Jamie watching you back. His gaze holds a mixture of interest and amusement. He seems to enjoy the power he has over you in this moment.
"Alright, I was teasing. Don't worry about it. In fact, don't give me your bed. I'll sleep on the couch," Jamie says, smiling softly, realizing your embarrassment and not wanting to push things too far.
You shake your head determinedly. "No, Jamie, you're going to sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch. You need a good rest, and I want you to feel comfortable and well-settled here," you insist, adopting a serious expression to show him that you care about him having a good night's sleep.
Jamie looks at you, appreciation shining in his eyes. "You're really too kind, [Y/N]," he sincerely declares.
"It's only natural."
"I didn't know it was possible to be as well-intentioned and beautiful as you," he says, teasingly.
"Hahaha, I've never heard such a lousy drunk line before," Jamie laughs upon hearing your response. "Okay, okay, I admit my line was pretty bad. But seriously, [Y/N], I'm not as drunk as you think."
You look at him with a mocking expression, then continue, "Says the guy who was half asleep on the couch a few minutes ago, mouth wide open."
"You have a point... but as I said, I'm used to drinking, darling. I know exactly what I'm doing and saying," he finishes playfully.
"If you say so."
« You’re kind and beautiful. »
You observe Jamie, surprised by the sudden seriousness emanating from him. His words have touched you deep within your being. Summoning your courage, you sincerely thank him.
"I... I didn't expect you to say that, but thank you, really," you respond, your voice slightly intimidated as your cheeks blush lightly.
Jamie looks at you tenderly, a smirk on his face. "Listen, [Y/N], you don't have to stumble or feel embarrassed. You're gorgeous, and I truly mean it."
Damn, what was this atmosphere? I mean, there has always been a lot of eye contact, a lot of tension between us during all those past nights, but it has never gone this far... well, not that I'm complaining.
You lower your gaze slightly, feeling both embarrassed and flattered by his words. After a brief moment of silence, you decide to muster up some courage.
"Well, uh... maybe we could... sleep together tonight? I mean, if you're comfortable with it, of course," your words come out clumsily, and you inwardly curse your own clumsiness. But Jamie bursts into laughter, teasingly.
"Oh, so now you want to share your bed with me? You're moving fast, [Y/N]!," he jokes.
You roll your eyes, playfully giving him a light punch on the arm. "Stop making fun of me, Jamie. I just... wanted to suggest an idea. But you're right, it was silly."
You're stupid, [Y/N], of course he was going to mock you...
But before you can backpedal, Jamie gently grabs your arm and pulls you closer to him, bringing you closer to the bed. His gaze carries a newfound intensity, and you feel your heart racing.
"You know what, [Y/N]? I quite like that idea,"
It was short and not very elaborate, but I found it cute, and I enjoyed writing it, hoping that you enjoyed reading it.
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venompeach · 8 months
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Jamie drawings dump !! Posted these separately on Twitter
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frithstiff · 7 months
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Art with Luke and Jamie. An extra of them smooching. I love these guys. ⭐🍶
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chadhunkler · 7 months
"The top player is here!"
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"Hope you're not a sore loser!"
Love me some Jamie Chad
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bluegad · 2 months
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Buncha sf6 sketches
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pink-limonadart · 1 month
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Had the urge to continue with the color wheel, and it's time for Mr. Top Player to take his spot! 💛
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viridi0n · 3 months
started playing SF6 in december cause i got it with my friend so here's some doodles ive done
ignore how every drawing is in the same angle :(( im incapable of anything else
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.. plus note i have a huge crush on JP.... he's so hot...
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closetcoffincasket · 10 months
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Wanted to do another batch of Spiderverse-style art!
All alt text is in the image!
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descendingarrow · 8 months
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Keeping the ball rolling with fake tweets (sf6 edition) featuring my world tour avatar, gina
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creamii-lechii · 10 months
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Happy Late Bunny Day
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buggabooboo · 9 months
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I finished him this weekend! The clothes are removable so I can make his alt outfits for him later.
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venompeach · 8 months
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Yo disciple! Check the drip!
Reference and shirt design (taken from Yetee’s latest street fighter collection)
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frithstiff · 9 months
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Drew Jamie from sf6 in a silly pose 🗣️‼️‼️🫶🫶🫶
(Pose Ref below)
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(I haven't drawn in so long)
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flare-vortex · 9 months
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“The Top Player is here!”
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