#jamie street fighter 6
bihanarms · 1 year
Jamie Siu x Reader : Whispered Teasing
Pov: As you wait patiently for your boyfriend after a long day, he enters the room exhausted and frustrated from a fight with his rival. You try to uplift his spirits in your own way.
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You were patiently waiting for your boyfriend, Jamie, to return home, as you were lying on the couch, gently stroking your cat, who was purring peacefully by your side. It had been a long day, but you were looking forward to reconnecting with your partner and sharing the events of your day with him.
Suddenly, the front door swung open, and Jamie burst into the apartment, looking out of breath and visibly annoyed. His forehead was covered in sweat, and his tense features betrayed a certain level of anxiety. Immediately, you sat up, concerned to see him in this state.
"Jamie, what's going on?" you asked, your voice filled with worry.
He slumped onto the couch next to you, breathing heavily. "Everything went wrong today," he sighed, trying to catch his breath. "I'm sorry for coming home so late, but there was an incident."
"Tell me what happened," you gently requested.
"That little jerk..." Jamie began, sounding frustrated, "Luke Dumbass Sullivan."
You couldn't help but suppress a laugh upon hearing the nickname he had given Luke. The two men were true rivals, always seeking arguments and competitions. Their disputes had become legendary among their friends, who considered them more like sworn enemies than mere acquaintances.
"Luke Dumbass Sullivan, Don’t tell me you actually let him beat you?" you exclaimed, trying to contain your amusement. "It's impossible, I don't believe it."
Jamie flashed a fleeting smile, but his face quickly darkened. "Don't mock me! This time, he really got the better of me… But it’s nothing compared to all the other times I crushed him."
He sighed, visibly irritated. "His face, with his arrogance... I'm the strongest bitch in metro ctiy, blah blah blah... I really can't stand him."
You couldn't help but smile at your boyfriend's words. You enjoyed teasing him slightly when he got vexed like this.
"Oh, baby, you know you're the strongest in my eyes, no matter what Luke says or does," you replied in a teasing tone. "I'm sure next time you'll wipe the floor with him. It's just a matter of time and strategy."
Jamie looked at you with a mix of gratitude and feigned annoyance. "You love mocking me, don't you, silly?"
"Me? What? Never!" you retorted mischievously.
You leaned in gently, a playful smile on your lips, drawn to his slightly sweaty and breathless state after the fight. You leaned in to kiss him, but Jamie, still in a teasing spirit, stopped you with a laugh. "Wait, wait! I'm all sweaty and out of breath. We'll save that for later."
You winked at him playfully. "But come one…you look so hot even after a fierce battle. The sweat and breathlessness suit you," you finished with a laugh. "But alright, if you prefer to take a shower, I can take care of you afterward, and tomorrow you'll be in top shape to get your revenge on Luke Dumbass Sullivan."
"Fuck you." he replied, raising his middle finger, before laughing and getting up from the couch, ready to head towards the bathroom.
You watched him, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Hurry up, handsome."
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flare-vortex · 9 months
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“The Top Player is here!”
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starfoxnerd4instinct · 9 months
So... I tried to come up with some ideas for SF6 Main trio in Splatoon 3 and here's what I thought of (and trust me, trying to come up with logical looks and weapons is hard):
Luke - Splatana Wiper
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Dude just strikes me as a Splatana Wiper main who you REALLY have to watch out for. Not really using the charged slash (more on accident) and just embraces the unga of "hit ZR until enemy splatted). Hammer is kinda similar, but randomly remembers that he can throw it, causing some decent splats from time to time. Swaps to Splatana Wiper Deco at times, but general idea is the same.
Jamie - Slosher
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I'll be honest, Jamie was definitely the hardest both styling wise and weapon wise, but I feel like he likes the sneak up potential of the Slosher, but definitely would rage against Luke if he predicts his sloshes and splats him with his Splatana. Tries to counteract that with his secondary being Chargers, but has too little patience for that class.
Kimberly - Light Tetra Dualies
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I mean.... The Tetras are inspired by sneakers, so of course the sneakerhead of the trio gets them. Besides, she can basically zip around enemies with the four rolls/slides they have making it also fit for her as well.
BONUS: Heat (Basically World Tour MC) - Octobrush/Squelcher
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Finally, my main girl and also technically the MC of World Tour. She's an absolute gremlin on both Brush and Squelcher and runs Haunt just to fuck with her enemies. Girl's an absolute menace and definitely has taunted her masters in Splatoon matches a lot.
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Another bonus just bc I think it's hilarious that the Squelcher isn't fitting into the winning screen properly 😂
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haddockkkk · 5 months
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so Jamie street fighter 6 might have taken over my brain for a period of time
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sufroyo · 8 months
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unemployed(?) friends on a tuesday
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important sf6 discovery: some of jamie’s alt colors change the color of his eyeliner. how will this affect the meta.
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vampirarts · 8 months
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three idiots zero braincells (affectionate)
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solidsmax · 7 months
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luchiaketchum-art · 7 months
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they got me in a chokehold
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maddestmao · 1 year
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jamie sf6
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oso-nan · 11 months
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descendingarrow · 2 months
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Cooked up some more fake street fighter tweets (again featuring my world tour avatar)
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hershuargames · 1 year
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Jamie's way of waiting for the release date
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rolilith · 9 months
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STREET FIGHTER 6 (2023) ⤷ jamie - conversation/idle animations
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sufroyo · 3 months
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i think kimberly shouldve had an emo phase at some point pls and thank uuuu :3
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viciouscrucible · 5 months
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Jamie Siu
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