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President Trump has famously always loved Indian women and Indian women all love him right back! (most famously, Aishwarya Rai)
(much to the anger of our indian guys but as a MAGA man once said to a group of indian guys who were upset about it, 鈥淵our women respect real men and we definitely enjoy your women. Fuck your feelings. 馃槤 )
So happy as a somewhat recent indian immigrant to the USA that I got to experience him as my President, and i know that ALL indian women support him and ALL you MAGA patriots forever! Here鈥檚 to 2024! Aiming to be an official citizen by then so my first vote ever can be for him! 馃嚭馃嚫聽
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My GOODNESS my last post about President Trump and indian women flooded my messages from insecure indian guys! Is it really so controversial to say something true? Trump is known to love indian women and indian women love him back! So what? What鈥檚 the big deal about that?! Well, this post is just for you indian guys who keep messaging me. Enjoy more photos of Trump with us indian women!
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promise my blog wont ONLY be about this but because you Indian guys cant stop angrily messaging me, ONE MORE reminder of how we indian women LOVE Trump! Deal with it indian boys! These are ALL indian MAGA women!
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