#In the au most of the phantom thieves are mermaids too
concreteclouds · 9 months
The idea of Yusuke stumbling on/discovering Mer!Joker has possessed me, mans would be SO inspired by this creature
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Some people would run screaming from a giant fish, not our boy Yusuke though.
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ashenpages · 3 years
WIP tag game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @elderbwrry. You! I saw this notification and was all, “yeah, okay, I’ll answer some weird questions about my WIPs, should be fun...”
You have no idea the disaster you’ve wrought for me, tagging me in this. I tag all of my fandom WIPs with [Character A] x [Character B, C, etc], a hyphen, and then a stupid title name that strikes me. Sometimes it stays, sometimes it changes, but regardless, NOW I GOTTA OUT ALL MY SHIPS
So you’re not gonna get titles. You’re gonna get my weird crazy sum-ups of what they are and how I remember them in my head. And it’s gonna be both fandom stuff and original stuff that was inspired by fandom stuff and got too big.
Here they are:
- Teen Titans, but it’s all kinds of gender bent and all about queer history and figuring out who you wanna be both as a person and as a hero.
- Invader Zim meets the Little Mermaid, monosex alien race member with sharp teeth and too many bio-tech enhancements to count and whom like’s she/her when she discovers earth pronouns and an aromantic but hyper-sexual cyrptid-obsessed NASA college student fall in love like garbage and save the universe. Alternate history where the US has its shit together, set near the Allan Telescope Array in California, because I miss going to visit my grandparents down there.
- Vampire hunter with Von Willibrands bleeding disorder and Alucard dhampire offspring of Dracula hunt down bad vampires together and question what makes a monster together while being scary and incredibly sapphic. Heavy Hellsing and Castlevania vibes (love both of those Alucards).
- Short story for an anthology that seems like a scary stalking story of a well-dressed Indian woman in Britain being chased through the streets at night by a bunch of dudes, until she turns out to be a vampire and eats them all. Then she meets up with her girlfriend for a late night dinner and declines to order anything because “she’s already eaten.” (this one’s due at the end of the month, so I better get typing)
- Other short story for an erotica anthology that has to include a sex scene, horror vibes, and a musical instrument (big ask for only 3-5K, but I’ll make it work!). Gonna have a hot museum curator seducing a book-ish scholar while telling her the myth of how Athena turned one of Medusa’s bones into a precious flute. I loved that myth growing up, and I’m looking forward to giving it some Hannibal vibes--while also getting to fulfill my life long dream of giving “fingering” a double entendre.
- Persona 5 Phantom Thieves in a polycule, Ryuji figures out what to do with his fucking life while getting seduced by Akira and Makoto figures out the police are bad while dating Ann. Yusuke and Futaba are the platonic life partners we all need to see in the world, and Haru is a very romantic asexual bean who loves how excited everyone gets. Akira is an ethical slut, and we love him.
- Lupin gang phantom thieves in a polycule (Fujiko offscreen) x 5. I have like five of these and they’re all different, and my spouse loves these goons, so I have a lot of them to write. We love this series from its 1970s origins all the way up through Season 5 and Lupin III: The First.
- Sonadow coffee shop vampire novelist AU. (ask me questions, it’s all too ridiculous to include here, it needs its own post/posts)
- Sonic Girls Blazamy thing where I get to sideline all the boys and just hang out with Amy, Blaze, Rouge, and Cream. Omega can come too. I haven’t played Riders and know nothing about Wave. It also wouldn’t be comics or Boom set because I’d get to distracted by how adorable Tangle and Whisper are together, I don’t wanna deal with the war they introduced in Forces, and in the Boom universe I kinda ship Amy with Sticks. But seeing Rouge play nice with other girls, seeing Cream be competant with all the skills she’s learned from Uncle Sonic, Uncle Shadow, and Aunt Rouge? Having Amy’s power inhibitors come off use the Chaos Emeralds alongside Blaze and her Sol Emeralds, and then kiss?! YES PLEASE!
- I’m sure I’ll get around to a ThanZagMeg threesome fic eventually, because Hades Game just gave me all the good poly feels for these three and ambushed me with the in-game threesome on Valentine’s Day of all days.
Thank you for tagging me in this. I know I completely changed it, but it was still fun. =D
I’ll tag @palenoface and @realperson022 because I wanna hear about your Sonic fics. <3
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