#Im stuck in the brainrot hole and I can't get out
venomous-qwille · 1 year
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Just read Bloodstain Fool by @naffeclipse and I caught the BH!Eclipse brainrot. Help. [ID: A inkbrush style digital painting of BH!Eclipse, he is reclining against a chaise, looking up at his blood covered hand. There is blood down the front of his shirt and he holds a lit cigar in his other hand. His jacked is draped over the chaise. The colours are deep saturated reds and oranges. /End ID]
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im not sure if ur still accepting some h/c with god!reader themes but a brainrot just wouldn't stop in my head
reader, a god who fell from Celestia, had roamed the place where they could not find then--Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah, having been found out to have hidden reader, was cursed.
Reader roamed what turned to be the abyss for years and years until they stumble upon a lost boy, scared and poisoned by the deep darkness.
God reader, taking pity, had helped guide the poor boy into managing that accumulated poison and slowly form into a monstrous form.
you called it foul legacy. foul legacy likes you.
time passes by and you didn't know how you've changed the fate of a young boy and an abyssal power in one fell swoop. years later, you've come out of your hole to wander around.
you come across the boy, now a man, wandering around the geo archon's land. he invites you to tea and you accept.
he transforms into the creature you had helped give life to and said creature hugs you like an old friend.
you journey with them, the man and the abyssal creature, heading towards his homeland.
you are stopped midway by a pillar overhanging where you are stood. the creature tries to intervene, to help you, its cries and whimpers amongst the storm of heavenly kaleidoscopic waves lost to you.
"you are a danger to this world."
gods, fallen even like you, are not destructive or strong because of their grand ability in combat.
they are destructive because they do not follow the world's laws, the world's fate.
teyvat has its own laws and one of them is that all who reside in it have a set path that cannot be changed.
you ignored that and changed someone's fate, a boy named Ajax who was destined to meet Skirk and swore loyalty to the Cryo Archon.
"we shall correct this path, starting from you."
the last of your vision was a lone blue orb staring desperately into your own resigned eyes.
*eats this in one bite* anon, you are brilliant, i adore this <33
"You are a danger to this world." those were the words you heard when you fell from the heavens, down to earthly soil and rock. it hurt coming down, as gods are not exempt from feeling pain and woe, yet when you hit the ground the only thing you felt was a quiet sense of relief, thankful to be released from your Celestial shackles at least. no longer would you have to deal with the stuck-up ideals of your older brethren, nor their judgmental stares from behind as they whispered about you and your useless, uncanny ability to change fate
you had been freed that day. but time catches up with everyone, even gods, and out of all fates your own is the one you can't alter
the last thing you say before you tell Foul Legacy to run is "I'm sorry", a teary smile spreading across your cheeks, and then you're buried beneath heavenly stone and principles, where no mortal could ever find you
but as a god of Celestia, you cannot die so easily, even underneath all those cages and chains of punishment, so instead you sleep, perhaps forever. you can faintly sense your surroundings- a distant, cold melody of starlight and raindrops and- ah, the Abyss, of course that's where they'd send you. sudden loneliness struck your heart, being taken away from Ajax and Foul Legacy, who you've come to love
should gods love? probably not, but you've never been good at following the rules
at least it's peaceful here, your mind drifting eternally. you're not sure how much time has passed, only that it's been a while, your consciousness waxing and waning like the moon. perhaps this was your destiny, as a Heavenly Sinner, the rest of your life doomed to silence and solitude until you eventually give up on thinking at all
you're dreaming when the scratching noises begin; dreaming so deeply at first you think it's just a trick of sound. but they get stronger, gradually, until they're positively ringing against the stone around you, clawing and tearing at the rock cages, and suddenly something cracks and light flows around you. you vaguely feel your body being lifted into the light before the pain sets in. it hurts to move, hurts to breathe, have you even been breathing the time you've been asleep? and yet even as you struggle to inhale and clench your fingers, your body feeling weak and frail, you're surrounded by a sense of undeniable security. when you finally have the strength to glance up, you meet a familiar, crystalline gaze filled with adoration and relief. Foul Legacy leans closer to bump his head against your cheek, claws cradling you like glass as he simultaneously purrs and cries at your presence, and you hear a growling, rumbly voice speak in your ears
"Found you..."
ah, the gods forgot about the Abyss- the chaotic, wild Abyss- which aspires to tear fate to shreds and leave it in the dust
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jeongjaebae · 3 years
gosh, I LOVE NIGHTMARES TOO !! wait, changmin and younghoon chose nightmares as their favorite off the album ? more reasons why changmin is my bias 0-0
and i agree ! everything in rtk is generally way more lighthearted than kd. since we're on the topic of rtk, let me talk about tbz' danger and ptg' shine + springsnow aaaa i love those two stages sm ! while ptg's isnt as "dance heavy" or whatever, i think its really sweet to dedicate a whole performance to jinho ! (might of also made me tear up..) what are your favorite performances in rtk ?
favorite unit,, i think it has to be nct dream ! (ironic how i just said im a dark concept stan lol) and yeah ! although, i try to stay away from teasers for fun but i heard a part of a track.. that i forgot the name to already but it sounds really good ! who are your biases in both nct & skz ? ... PERSONAL SOTY ?? hold on i need to check my playlist T-T outside of tbz, i would say teardrop by sf9, heaven's cloud by seventeen, drunk-dazed by enhypen, 0X1 by txt, life is still going on by nct dream.. MSKSS i'll stop the list at that before this message gets longer.
gosh 2011? you've must been through a lot ! what year would you say would be the golden era of kpop ? or just your favorite year in kpop ? ive started becoming a kpop fan around late 2017/early 2018 ! my friend showed me sea by bts ! i think thats the song that made me start listening to kpop :) tbh i actually just wanted to learn bts' names but fell into the kpop rabbit hole to here we are now ! i think im too anxious to sign up for their classes, so i'll just learn the choreo by myself skdkd but did you cave into your temptations and signed up for the classes ? ( • • ) -🐿
yas u and ur bias both have good taste 😍
ahhh pentagon's stage brought me to tears too ಥ‿ಥ it was so sweet of them and so meaningful!!! and i really liked everything tbz did? literally those stages will be stuck with them for the rest of their career LOL. but checkmate and quasi una fantasia are probably my faves 😍 also really liked to1's magnolia and verivery's photo though; in general i loved how rtk showed much more versatility in concepts, storyline, and stage usage compared to kingdom!!
oooh dream seems really popular these days? i'll admit i kinda stayed away from them until boom came out tho LOL. hmm i think for nct my biases would be jaehyun, taeyong, doyoung (you can see the 127 stan poppin out here), and then for skz it would be chan and minho!! what about you? and oooh good song choices, i also loved drunk dazed and lovesong is such a jam 🤩 what are your fave tbz songs? aaand thrill ride or bloom bloom? 👀 i can't find myself liking thrill ride but at the same time it's kinda what i call a brainrot level of catchiness 🥲 watch me whistle du dududu to my dog every day LOL
hmm i think i really enjoyed the 2011-2012 dark boy group era (think: fiction by beast, btd by infinite, most bap songs), and also the 2013-2014 sexy era for girl groups (expectation/something by girls day, wild by nine muses, mini skirt by aoa). what year/era has been your fave from your experience? but anyway, i see you started with bts! were they the first group you stanned? how do you feel... about the stuff... they're releasing these days? 🤭 ngl i miss their old days (wings era!! peak musicality!!!)
and YES I DID IT. copped my ticket for the dance class the minute they went on sale though the site kept crashing (good practice for future tbz concert i guess?!? 😭😭😭) KINDA NERVOUS but it's ok i'm safe cuz hyunjae with his bad eyesight would never spot me, and my dancing sucks enough that changmin wouldn't spare me a second glance AHAHAHA. i wonder if any deobis will show up in a bathrobe tho LMAOOO
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