#If we go all the way then Billy will go to battle with T-rexes
cerealboxlore · 10 months
I has a headcanon that billy can understand felines, whether that's because he has a tiger familiar or it's just from spending so much time around tawny os up to you, take your pick
I love imagining damian being secretly super jealous that billy can hold a conversation with Alfred the cat even though it's his cat but he low-key gets over it because now he knows what Alfred the cat actually likes and can pamper them more thoroughly
I also love the idea of billy having to play telephone with any other animal because it only works with felines for example billy needs information on [insert plot information] and the only witness was a raccoon and so billy needs the street cat relay what the raccoon is saying and to ask the raccoon specific questions
But these are just my thoughts and I wanna hear yours
Every time Billy gets a cute headcanon, an angel gets their wings 💖
I am so sorry I am answering this super late, hun, just know that this ask has always been drawing a cute visual in my head where Billy is surrounded by cats like a little disney prince 🤴
I do think that his omnilingualism does expand to all the languages of the universe that has ever or will ever exist, so I feel like it's safe to say that he can understand the ancient language of little meow meows.
I do agree that spending so much time with Mr. Tawky Tawny could possibly influence Billy's language abilities to learn animal languages, but I also believe that with Billy being the Champion of Magic, Billy might sometimes absorb the magical effects from being Captain Marvel. Just as a headcanon of mine.
For example; Captain Marvel can fly? Billy can levitate a little (as a treat) if he concentrates enough. Captain Marvel speaks every language? Billy can talk to animals like a tiny Dr. Doo little.
Gosh imagine that, Billy using his magical talents to help magical familiars and beasts, maybe that's how he earns his money to pay rent as a homeless child. Can't get a job? Just use magic to open up a magical veterinarian clinic, no body will raise alarm at a child doctor if the patients are mystical animals!
Woops I went on a little ramble there, buddy, back to your ask! I always adore any chance to have Billy interact with the supersons, so it would be insanely funny to have Billy hold this ability over Damian's head if ever ever doubts the power of magic to Billy's face.
Damian: Magic is overrated. The only people who depend on magic are the ones who can't do anything without it.
Billy: Oh okay, that's alright, I guess. It's just too bad you won't ever know what Alfred (the cat) wants for his birthday.
Damian: ...what?
Billy: Yeah, the poor little guy is going to feel so sad when he doesn't get what he wants on his big day. All because his owner doesn't understand what he's saying, nobody does...oh wait a minute, somebody does :3
Damian: you son of a-
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For reasons unknown even to me, I “watched” that modern Power Rangers reboot. Since the first thing to happen after the teaser is a bull getting jerked off, I decided to fast-forward until some, y’know, Power Rangers showed up.
-Not many notes about the teaser, which is just Zordon and Rita snarling at each other, except that this takes itself way too seriously for a scene involving a character named Rita Repulsa. They’re speaking in an alien language with subtitles, I mean, c’mon.
-Oh, and the Power Rangers suits are nanotech, like in the MCU, but when you turn them off, they disappear and you’re left naked. A tactfully shot, but fully nude, Walter White is perhaps not the epic and solemn moodsetter the director intended for it to be.
-After that--I swear to God this is true--the Power Rangers don’t become Power Rangers for a full NINETY MINUTES. That is the length of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: The Movie, which features many, multiple scenes of Power Rangers and Zords. This is a two hour movie and you have to wait until the last thirty minutes to get actual Power Rangers. And it’s not a full half hour, it’s twenty minutes, because there’s a bit of epilogue and credits.
-So, basically, you know how it’s kind of lame that Spider-Man 2 and Superman 2 have these long lengths of the movie where the title characters stops being the title character and you get so much of them being a Muggle? This is the first movie and they’re putting you through that!
When they finally become Rangers and start piloting their Zords, they’re all going “ooh, I don’t know how this works! What does this button do?” Like, dude, this is first act stuff! Imagine if they made a Spider-Man movie where Peter Parker didn’t put on the costume until the last thirty minutes and he was having his final showdown with Green Goblin while trying to figure out web-slinging and shit! Insane!
-Aside from Billy, these characters are really bland. I’m sure there’s a long line of people to tell me how Zach being into hip-hop hasn’t aged well, but without shit like that, these Rangers are so generic and indistinguishable. And even Billy is a motormouthed babbling ‘nerd’, not the affectless scientist the old Billy was. Which is weird, because I heard this one is supposed to be canon autistic. I guess that translates to ‘adorkable’ for Hollywood. In high school terms, he’s way more of a spaz than a brain, which is a crucial distinction.
-Because all the Power Rangers content is crammed into the third act, they really speed-run through all the stuff you’d want to see. The Rangers spend all of five minutes fighting Putties, then they’re in their Zords for the rest of the action. This movie should’ve been called Zords!
-And their first fight is in this zero-G space where they’re totally CGI. I try not to be too much of a practical effects purist--I get the American Godzilla movies making Goji CGI because he’s a five hundred foot tall dinosaur. We should at least give CGI a chance there.
When it’s supposed to be people in suits battling man-sized monsters, but it’s just a bunch of CGI being rendered... yeah, I’m sure on some scale it’s higher production value than the show, but it’s just lacking in any charm.
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Yeah, great, the new Ranger suits don’t have wrinkles, but it’s just so soulless. Lots of Disney live-action remake energy.
-Oh, and the fight ends with Billy coming in and blasting all the Putties with his Zord, so... what’s the point of being Power Rangers?
-As for the Zord fighting, it’s pretty dismal. This is no Pacific Rim. Mostly, the Zords just act as tanks, firing away at the Putties and Goldar (who... yeah, you know that shit. I’m not gonna get into it). And with these craptacular designs, I can barely tell Billy’s Triceratops and Zack’s Woolly Mammoth apart.
-In fact, the characters are lacking their Zord motifs altogether. In the original, they’re not just different colors. They’ve got little sabretooth tiger and T-rex design elements in their costumes.
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I don’t know, maybe something like that is going on with these new costumes, but it gets totally lost in all the noise and business of these cluttered designs. I hate it.
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Also, don’t those chestpieces look like unaesthetic hollow spaces to you? They were probably going for Iron Man, but why rip-off Iron Man instead of centering the power coins? Try to find them--they’re just about lost in a blur of glowy bullshit!
So we spend like ten minutes on the Zords fighting, then they turn into the Megazord off-screen with Billy naming it a Megazord in one of those lampshade-hanging ways instead of Megazord just being its name. He initially calls it a Mother Zord.
The Megazord fights Goldar (whose ‘liquid gold’ texture looks like absolute shit, barely rendered at all) for maybe a minute, since this is the big Super Saiyan power-up and not really a phase of the fight. No sword-fighting with the Power Sword or anything. So, again, Power Rangers movie where most of the action is the individual Zords running around Angel Grove.
Also, the Rangers aren’t all in one big cockpit together, they’re in these little capsules scattered all over the Megazord’s body, which seems more risky and a waste of a perfectly good chance to allow the actors to act off each other instead of all being off in their own Skype call. But whatever.
Rita is dealt with by being bitch-slapped into the vacuum of space, where she’s frozen solid, which is another example of this movie not being sure how camp it should be, and also... after she tanked the extinction of the dinosaurs in the opening scene, shouldn’t someone pick her up and put her in jail? It seems like asking for trouble to just leave her floating out there where she can land on another planet or be picked up by a spaceship and cause more problems.
Lastly, for being a giant T-1000 made of gold, Goldar is surprisingly vulnerable to being stabbed with swords. I’m not sure how that works. He’s a golem made of animated liquid gold. How would being stabbed affect him at all? If it were some super beam attack and he was basically atomized, okay, but don’t use the design principle of a Gelatinous Cube and then tell me it’s vulnerable to being shived.
Also, no kaiju blowing up while the Megazord strikes a pose. Fail.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Purpose (Comission for WeirdKev27
Philli and Zan's Place: Recently Repaired from the Moonvasoin a few weeks back
Philli: I brought your Pizza!
Papa Swans: For When You Need a Pick Me Up
Owlson: Just.. drop it into my mouth
Philli: Okay that was fun the first.. dozen times .. and still is. But you haven't worked since you finished training that nice young moonlander to take your place.
Got them a dog too from one of my rescues. Their a very good boy... it's also their name.
Owlson: (Just takes the bots and eats somberly)
Philli: Okay hun I know it's bad because you didn't even go into a mild rant over two people naming their Dog Good Boy.
Owlson: I don't have it in me. I've lost all purpose. I can't find another corporate sector job. I don't WANT to work for some idiot again, but after a YEAR of my life wasted babysitting that toddler driving a grown man's body that's all people think of me, all they want me to do. I don't have other options.
Philli: Sure you do. Your Zan Owlson. You just need to get out of your rut, get a shower, get out of this house
Owlson: Penthouse
Philli: And get some time to yourself. Well with me because i'm not letting you go.. and not just because I glued my hand to your back.
Owlson: (Casually takes off jacket
Philli: Whelp now I got a jacket hand again. Point is You need a break. Get recentered, and find something NEW to do. Your brilliant baby, you just need some time to recharge.. which I know is hard for you and your work flow had me convinced you were a robot for the first few months we were dating.
Owlson: What
Philli: But you just need to take at least ONE day off to rest instead of going all in or wallowing that that's not working kay? I have some.. business to do in St. Carnard. JUst come with me
Owlson: Isn't that the place from that "Darkwing" show you like that recently has had an unstable lunatic running around like he's the lead character?
Philli: He's not unstable, he just beat me to it. Just go with me okay?
Owlson: Fine
Owlson: Well the infastructure is .. terrible but your right, I needed the break
Philli: I called it didn't I... (is looking around antisly at the rooftoop)
Owlson:... your "reasons" were wanting to see this weirdo in a mask weren't they.
Philli(wearing her own superhero outfit, The Phiting Philantrophist) : Mayyybe
Darkwing: (From a nearbye alleway) I'm not weird. I am the terror that... hey this is my turp
Philli: Oh i'm just visiting
Darkwing: Then can we team up I haven't gotten to do one of those.
Philli: Didn't you team up with Gizmoduck during the moonvasion?
Darkwing: (Eye twitching) Are you coming or not?
Owlson: Just go darling i'll be fine.
Philli: (smooches her cheek) you da best (Both heroes run off into the night)
Owlson: Okay what to do... (sees a crowd and a pig man at a podium) ohhhh political speech! Don't mind if I do.
Mayor Trumpcard: If elected I will keep things great like my hair,the giant statue of myself, that bridge I never finished, that literal road to nowhere, the zombie graveyard exibit I imported real zombies for that only killed three people last month, a new record low, and my...
Citzen: but what about the levy's? Their bound to break just like birdtowns!
Some Lady: And the schools. Billy brought home a billy club. That's not why I named him billy!
Old Man T-Rex: And what about that mad scientest turning people into dinosaurs!
Dr. Fossil: Yes what about him whose totally not me.. totally...
Yogi Bear: And er what about the hospitals.. the cafteria is attortious! And I don't even live here! I was just transportin a kidney that mysteriously vanished when I dropped it off a building.
Guy Bleeding Out: And I got shot yesterday.. by me but still the fact no one noticed say something about the city
Mayor Trumpcard: Those are excellent questions.. and i'm going to think about them while relaxing in the pool of money i've embezzled from this office. Good day (Runs)
Owlson: That's rediculous, a politician should be about the people. You fix levy's by putting pressure on the city's elitie to donate, I've put pressure on rich people my whole career. You just gotta work at it no matter how much gold or sharks or explosives or ottomans they throw at you!
You fix the schools, and the hosptail and this dinosaur transformatoin informatoin the same way! You work hard, you work deep and you work for your people's best intrests at heart!
Crowd: (Starts chanting) OWL LADY OWL LADY
Owlson: Uh .. it's Owlson.. Zan Owlson.
Crowd: Owlson for mayor owlson for mayor owlson for mayor!
Owlson: But I don't even live here.. but .. Philli HAS wanted to move here.. and ther'es so much I could do. What other problems do you fine people have?
Person: We've got a clown infestation in the road to nowhere... FERAL clowns
Owlson: Simply open up a new circuis, you have the staff you just need someone to run it.
???: Someone poisoned the water suply!
Owlson: Then try and filter fresh water from the ocean.
Can Can: The Ring came off my pudding can
Owlson: Then take my pen knife my good man
Crowd: Owlson owlson owlson
Philli: (Watching from the roofs) I'm proud of you baby (texts her)
Owlson: (reads)
Cement Head: You know i'ts rude to text during a battle
Philli: It's rude to steal a bank
Cement Head: (Holding a bank) Touche
Owlson: (Beams proudly purpose found) I'm now announcing my offical canadacy as mayor of st canard
Trumpcard: (Puts mayor sash on her) I concede.. there's no possble way to win as that would require effort but if you want my money back you'll HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST (books it only to trip and be mobbed by the citzenry)
Owlson and Philli: (Beam at one another, a bright future ahead.
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Okay, so I’m going to go off on a bit of a Jurassic Park tangent right now, so bear with me. 
I was on Facebook today, and the Jurassic World page posted a throwback video to the Spinosaurus vs. Tyrannosaurus battle in Jurassic Park III. In the comments section, I saw many things some people were saying that were either not factual or didn’t make sense based on the continuity.
Hold on to your butts, it’s gonna be a wild ride.
I really don’t believe the rex we saw in JP3 was the baby rex from The Lost World.
The main reason for this is the location and size of the JP3 rex in question. Rexy, the rex who starred in Jurassic Park as well as Jurassic World, was born in either LATE 1989 or EARLY 1990 (according to official sources). This means that she was at FULL SIZE by the time the Jurassic Park incident occurred, in MID-1993. That’s approximately 3 years of development before the animal achieves full adulthood (thanks to accelerated growth rates implemented by Dr. Henry Wu). Therefore, it stands to reason that the baby rex from TLW would be just as large (or larger) by the time JP3 came around, because the events of JP3 take place FOUR YEARS after the events of TLW.
Someone argued that the accelerated growth rates wouldn’t apply to the baby rex since it was born through biological procreation by the Bull and the Doe rex. If this was the case, the baby would not be the size it was in JP3, because a Tyrannosaurus with a normal biological growth rate would only be around the size of a small bear by the time it acquired four years of age. It would take around 20 years to reach sexual maturity, and around 30 to reach the size it was in JP3. Also, it stands to reason that the accelerated growth rates implemented on ALL the animals created by InGen, which are traits encoded in ALL of the animals’ genetic structure, would be inherited by the adult animals’ offspring, because that’s how DNA and heredity works.
All this isn’t even considering the fact that TLW and JP3 took place on ENTIRELY OPPOSITE SIDES of Isla Sorna. Isla Nublar has a surface area of around 22 square miles. Isla Sorna, which has at least 3 times the amount of surface area as Nublar, would have AROUND 70 square miles of surface area. There’s no reason the baby rex would stray so far from its home territory, not to mention into the territory of a MUCH LARGER predator, the Spinosaurus.
Speaking of the Spinosaurus, let’s talk about that next!
I’ve covered some of this in a previous post, but it’s CONFIRMED (by CANON, OFFICIAL SOURCES) that the “Spinosaurus” living on Isla Sorna was an experiment in gene splicing created by Dr. Wu, that was supposedly an “accident” meaning the animal didn’t turn out the way they wanted to. I met an individual who said that this information was “damage control” to appeal to “T. rex fans” who were upset that the rex lost the fight in JP3.
It can’t be “damage control” if we never had any information on the Spinosaurus to begin with. I would be able to understand that point of view if we already had information on the Spinosaurus’ origins, but we did not. The actual ONLY PIECE OF INFORMATION we had on this creature’s origin was revealed through some short dialog between Dr. Alan Grant and Billy Brennan, during which Dr. Grant explains to Billy that the animal’s appearance is consistent with Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, and that it was NOT on InGen’s original list of cloned dinosaurs. This made Grant suspicious about “what else they’re up to”.
“What else they’re up to” appears to be DIRECTLY referenced in Jurassic World, 14 YEARS after the events of JP3, when Wu perfected his gene splicing in the form of the Indominus rex. The Indominus had many enhanced traits not seen in biological dinosaurs, including the ability to camouflage, change its infrared output, and being able to sense thermal radiation, as well as being EXTREMELY physically resilient to any type of confrontation. This is evident in the fact that the ACU wasn’t able to really do anything to the Indominus. Their non-lethal weapons, which were normally enough to taze a dino into next week, did absolutely nothing, and she took an Ankylosaurus club to the face with basically no reaction at all; she just shook it off. The Indominus was also EXCEEDINGLY intelligent, and was able to learn how to defeat the Ankylosaurus in around 15 seconds. She was also intelligent enough to be able to track down humans very easily, and communicate with Owen’s Velociraptors, whom she shared DNA traits with.
With all that in mind, as well as the fact (yes, fact) that the Spinosaurus was an actual genetic hybrid, it makes sense that the latter would be able to track Grant, Brennan, and the Kirbys across Isla Sorna, after immediately learning that they were a threat (remember that Cooper, Nash and Udesky immediately started trying to kill the Spinosaurus as soon as they saw it, and then was run into by their plane taking off afterward). The Spinosaurus obviously shares some of the same physical resiliency as the Indominus, as it was able to be shot by heavy weaponry, be run into by an airplane taking off from a runway, and literally smash through a metal fence topped with barbed wire. In Jurassic Park, Rexy had moderate difficulty breaking the flimsy fence wires with her jaws. There’s quite a large discrepancy between the physical abilities of both of these species. It’s likely that the Spinosaurus contained DNA from the main animal, as well as from a Tyrannosaurus, plus who knows what else. This would also retroactively explain why the Spinosaurus had larger legs than it should have in JP3, as well as a hugely disproportionate bite force than it should have had.
My main point is that people like to try to talk about this stuff without learning the facts first. If anyone needs sources for any of this information, I would be glad to give them. Rant over.
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Power Ranger Script VS Final Movie
Hey All,
I came across the 2nd draft of the Power Ranger movie that’s been floating online.  From my knowledge the script is legit, but for all, I know a fan dedicated a lot of time into it, lol.  Anyways, here are the difference, and pardon me on some of the randomnesses of it.
I would say SPOILERS but fuck it.  This is so different it doesn’t count.
- Zordon was the original Red Ranger, while Rita was the Black.  Zordon defeats Rita and puts her in like a deep freeze sleep for 20K years.  
- Rita betrayed her team due to Lord Zedd’s Promise of Power.  Side note Lord Zedd pops up on the last page, with the Green Power Coin.  (Hinting at him being the original Green Ranger)
Apparently, there’s this dig that awakens her scepter, and that’s what awakens her.
Goldar was defeated in a battle but was also in a mummified state.  He later gets revived and becomes the very much like the Goldar from the original Mighty Morphin Series.
The dig is very close to finding the Command Center, which is technically a part of a ship.  Which if activated in the right way could fly off the earth.  However, it needs to drain the energy from the earth’s core to power it; hence earth is fucked if Rita succeeds in operating it.
Zordon, who is this alien octopus/jellyfish thing, travels to earth along with alpha 5 to stop Rita.  They crash near Trini’s place, which leads to Jason, Billy, and Trini finding them.  The three freak out and after a kinda bullshit kiddish fight knock out the two and lock them in a truck.
By the way, the three go to school with the aliens in the trunk.  (smh)  Anyways school is let out, b/c all the alien activity knocks out communication in the world.  So cell phones, tech, etc… are useless.  Once the everyone is leaving Zach kinda overhears Trini, Billy, and Jason talk about the alien and follows them.  
The four eventually let Zordon out of the trunk and end up getting their asses handed to them by a pissed off Zordon.  The fight finally ends when Billy apologizes, and Zordon can see that he means it.  
Zordon gives the exposition about the history of the Rangers and explains they need the command center to give off a distress single to their main base so more rangers can show up and stop Rita.  This leads to the group splitting up.  Zordon, Alpha 5, Billy and Zach all go to the command center while Trini and Jason go to a museum to collect Rita’s Scepter.   (Note: At the beginning of the movie all the kids go to their local museum to see the display of “ancient tech” aka the scepter, Goldar, etc… it pretty much reminded me of the beginning museum scene in Scooby Doo 2)
Before they leave, Zordon gives Jason a power coin, which leads to Jason giving Billy a power coin. Two major fights happen at the same time.  Jason fights putties and a revived Goldar at the museum.  Jason kicks the putties ass but ends up losing badly to Goldar.  He ends up getting saved by Trini who nails Goldar with her car.  Jason gets in the car with Rita’s scepter and escapes.  Meanwhile, the Command Center has this security robot that almost kills Billy and Zach.  Billy falls off this walkway and morphs midway through the fall.  We don't see the morph we just see Billy as he recounts his survival.
Kim is like Jason Statham in Spy where he floats in and out, but once she becomes a Ranger, then she becomes a key player.  She actually encounters Rita, Baboo, Squatta, and Scorpiona first.  She meets them outside the police station and either follows them or sneaks onto their “ship”… it was getting kinda boring at this point, and I didn’t want to re-read it.
At the command center, Zordon is trying to build power to send a distress signal, but once he sees that Rita has assembled her group of assholes he then realizes that they’re going to need the Zords.  He sends Jason off to retrieve his in the jungle, but Jason didn't want to go alone and asked Billy to come.  Billy chickens out, and the two have a fight.  Zach defuses the situation by telling them that the earth is in trouble and to knock their shit off.  Zach then steps up and asked to be a Ranger to help.  Jason gives him a coin, and then Zordon sends both Zach and Jason to the Jungle.
There are bits in the jungle, but frankly, you don’t care.  The only thing that comes out of that sequence is the reveal that Zach is the Pink Ranger.
Meanwhile, Zordon is powering the ship and keeping eyes on Rita and her gang.  Rita is trying to find the command center and decides to investigate where Zordon initially landed.  Which is by Trini’s house.  Trini flips her shit and demands that Billy gives her a coin.  He does, and she rushes off.  Zordon’s pissed b/c she could get herself killed, so Billy goes after her.
Trini ends up in a fight with Rita and the gang.  Billy comes to help, and the two get their asses kicked.  Kimberly pops up and saves them by using a taser gun, brass knuckles, and a baton.  Don’t worry it only last for like five seconds, but then Rita beats her.  All three end up getting teleported out (along with Trini’s parents - who are knocked out) back to the command center.  This apparently made shit worse b/c it gave off their location.
Rita and the dickheads all head to the command center to ambush the Rangers.  Billy gives Kimberly a power coin, and they try to hold off the army of putties.  
Jason arrives with Zach in the T-Rex Zord but instead of calling the rest of the Zords.  Jason sees the opportunity to destroy Rita and fails.  Which leads to him getting drained and almost killed.
Zach and Jason are thrown from the Zords, and it’s Trini’s super speed that saves Jason from getting murdered by a sniper bullet.
Kimberly fights like a bad ass but then is teleported out by Billy once he realizes shit’s going south.  In the end, the Rangers lose the fight and the command center and are teleported.  Billy remains behind, and it's due to his suit that he’s able to hide in plain sight.  From there we discovered that the SOS message from Zordon did actually go through, but Rita reveals that all the Rangers are dead and that Lord Zedd is now in charge.   (Apparently, it’s been over 20K years, and this asshole's still alive so… okay….???)
Billy gets ahold of Kim first to tell her the news and the gang take it hard.  However, they realize that if they don’t regroup the world will be destroyed.
(From the actual script)
                                              Jason What’ve we got to lose, that we die twenty minutes before everyone else on the planet? I’m not gonna stand here, waiting for the world to end.  You wanna lose to them?  Really, they’re the ones who take out earth?
The Rangers yell our responses.  Consensus: Dominators suck.
                                             Jason I am not going to let our planet be destroyed by a bitch, a blue baboon, a bug and two rejects from the Muppet Show.
                                            Zach I heard that I want round two.
                                            Kim My cell phone hasn’t worked in over 24 hours, and I am PISSED OFF.
I will say in my opinion the funniest scene happens directly after this.  Which is the gang use Kim's car to get back at the command center.  
(From the actual script)
All of the Rangers are awkwardly asked into Kim’s car, driving in tense silence.
                                           Zach SAVING THE WORLD!
The Ranger immediately all start whooping and celebrating.
They only have one shot of using the teleport station, so they hold off using it.   Kim ends up destroying her car as she plows it into a pile of Putties by Jason’s T-Rex Zord.  The group splits up, causing Rita’s dipshit crew to split up as well.  That when Billy uses the teleport to zap everyone into Jason’s Zord.  Billy gets caught by Godar but teleports just in time.
From the T-Rex Zord, Jason summons the Mastodon, Saber Tooth Tiger, Pterodactyl, and Triceratops.  Everyone gets in their Zord and get into a massive fight.  Zach ends up blowing up this alien tech tower thingy that’s stopping all our communications.  Billy and Trini end up destroying this powerful cannon that the command center has.  Jason and Kim finish killing this spider alien ship thingy that Rita has.  (just go with it)
This pisses off Rita, so she makes Goldar grow.  Which BY THE WAY she does not say “Make my monster grow!” now excuse me if you’re throwing in alien spider ships you might as well commit to the cheese factor and put in the infamous fucking line.
The gang realizes that they are fucked, Jason’s red screen soon becomes multi-color, and he knows that shit’s about to go down b/c… that’s right… he activates the Megazord feature.  The group is barely in the Megazord for two minutes before they fuckin split up again.  Billy and Kim go back to the command center to shut shit down.  Scorpiona is trying to sabotage the Megazord on the outside, so Zach exits to fights her.  Jason and Trini end up using the Megazord to fight Goldar.  Jason is having a hard time focusing, due to the mental strain from the ship but soon realizes that Trini can handle it much easier.  He gives up control, and she takes point.  
In the End: Kim fights Rita and hold her own, but doesn’t actually beat her.  Billy stops Rita from activating some switch that would end up killing the earth.  For a second I thought they were gonna kill Billy, but they pussed out and didn’t.  Rita get’s teleported off Earth by Squatta, and baboo once they realize that the Rangers were winning.   Gondar is defeated by Trini and Zach beats Scorpiona.  
Alpha 5 and Zordon who were injured/damaged when Rita first invited the command center are fine, and the Rangers win the day.  People hook up, people say I love you, and everyone is celebrating like it’s 1999.
Cut to months later.. I guess.  I don’t know, but you assume it.  Anyways Trini’s in Harvard turning in her exams, and teleporting from the bathroom to a lake house.  All the rangers are there and have a fun time when Zordon call them saying that Rita is making an attempt to get another ship that was damaged in Tokyo.  The Ranger zoom off to save the day again.  The ending teaser scene is Lord Zedd realizing that Zordon is alive and that he has a power coin that is… wait for it… green.
Boom cut to black and me thanking God that the script is finally over.  I’ll post more differences once my brain reboots.
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ostermahaus · 7 years
It’s Morphin’ Time!  Eventually... Power Rangers Review
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Saban’s Power Rangers opens darkly.  You see a blasted torn up landscape of prehistoric Earth with the Red Ranger dragging himself across it, obviously injured.  He crawls to the Yellow Ranger, also lying prone who morphs into an alien and hands her coin to him, telling him to hide it before dying in his arms.  Yikes.  He morphs into Zordon (Bryan Cranston) and puts his coin with the others he’s carrying, instructing Alpha via communicator to fire a meteorite at his current location.  He turns to find himself face to face with a female Green Ranger named Rita (Elizabeth Banks) who he accuses of being a traitor and killing his team.  She boasts that she’s won when Zordon informs her it’s too late and a meteor comes crashing down on them sending her to the bottom of the sea.  Also wiping out the dinosaurs, I presume.  I guess nuking from orbit was the only way to be sure. Smash cut to a bunch of jocks leading a bull into a locker room as a prank and we meet Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) who informs us that he calmed the cow down by milking it.  Womp womp.  Your protagonist can’t tell an udder from a dong, not a great start.  The cops show up and after the most nausea inducing go-pro car chase I’ve ever encountered (Seriously, I saw Gravity on the UltraScreen in 3D and this almost made me vomit) he gets in a horrific wreck and we have a title screen. Go go Power Rangers?  If you never watched the show this may seem exciting.  If you did, well here’s why it might not be what you were expecting.
 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers hit children in 1993 with a blast of popularity that overpowered the Ninja Turtles and kept kids riveted until Pokemon came along at the end of the decade!  A Japanese import, it was cheesy, silly, campy and formulaic and pre-teens ate it up!  As well as some teens.  I was just hitting the age where I felt like I was outgrowing Saturday morning/after school shows (Thank God that phase didn’t last) so I was never a die hard fan, but I knew enough people that were that I kept abreast of the original shows run.  I watched a fair number of episodes with my friends more due to our love of riffing it a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 than anything else…  Although I will admit that Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson)  kept me on board a bit as well.  The premise was simple.  Five teenagers from Angel Grove are given magic coins that allow them to morph into Power Rangers.  Spandex clad ninjas with full coverage helmets who can summon robot dinosaurs called Zords and merge them Voltron style into a giant Mega Zord to win the day.  They answer to Zordon, a giant holographic head, and fight the monsters that Rita Repulsa repeatedly sends down from the moon.  Ninjas, dinosaurs and giant robots.  It was famous for the obvious cut between the American actors doing their day to day thing and the original Japanese footage being used once they were in costume.  Ever wonder why Kimberly was the only Ranger wearing a skirt?  Because the Yellow Ranger in that Japanese footage is a dude.  (The more you know!)  That’s all you needed and it’s still on the air in some iteration to this day!  Why mess with a good thing?  If it’s not broke, right?
 Unfortunately Hollywood is following a current and overused trend of trying to make things dark and gritty when they reboot them right now.  That’s not to say it can’t work, but it really feels like a forced excutive decision by the movie companies some times.  This new Power Rangers update has a lot of things that work really well for it as they try to make a serious and less campy approach to one of the most popular cheese fests ever.  They also make some big missteps.  I know that Zordon famously asked for “teenagers with attitude” in the original and wound up with the nicest kids in town, but this version makes an over correction by having three of them meet in detention and one of them just not go to school at all.  Turns out Jason has to wear an ankle bracelet now and report to detention for the rest of the year and lost all sorts of football scholarships.  As soon as he walks in he sees Billy (RJ Cyler) being bullied for OCD behavior arranging things on his desk.  Jason puts a stop to it and Billy immediately declares him his new best friend for sticking up for him!  I really liked Billy in this movie, but they make a very clear point early on to have him state that he’s on the autism spectrum and they play it pretty well until he becomes a Ranger.  Then it just seems to disappear and he’s merely giddy all the time.  He’s adorkable, sure, and probably the most likeable character but it would have been nice to see them stick to his spectrum tendencies.  Jason is fairly dismissive until he offers to use his skills to hack Jason’s ankle bracelet in order for them to hang out.  How all true friendships begin!
 Next we meet Kimberly Heart (Naomi Scott) who was set up by her cheerleader ‘friends’ for an incriminating picture that’s been circulating around school and they show up to inform her that she no longer gets to be a plastic.  It makes her so angry that she gives herself a kicky new haircut in the bathroom that Jason is immediately smitten by when she returns from the restroom!  After Billy hacks the ankle device, he and Jason go into a restricted area of the gold mine outside Angel Grove because apparently Billy likes to blast there.  Even though it’s an active mine with security.  Shrug  While Billy is setting his charges, Jason goes off to hike around and spies Kimberly cliff diving while We get Zack (Ludi Lin) and Trini (Becky G.) dropped in as just random kids who are also hanging out in an active work zone after dark.  Her to practice her Karate Kid poses and him to watch her through binoculars.  Like you do.  Anyway, Billy’s blast draws them all and they discover 5 glowing coins embedded in the rock.  After cutting them out, they each grab one and then alarms go off, summoning security and another slightly less vomit inducing chase that AGAIN ends in a horrific crash, this time with a train.  The next morning they all wake up at home with no injuries and no knowledge of how they survived the wreck, plus sick abs and super strength!  Wanna know how they managed that without being seen?  Or what Billy’s mom’s reaction is to the destruction of HER van?  (You see the wreck later on being pulled off the tracks)  You’re out of luck!  Anyway, they get together and decide to go back to try to find answers about the coins and discover a buried spaceship manned by Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) and Zordon’s memory in the ship’s computer.  He informs them that they’re the Power Rangers and they need to learn to defend the universe once they can learn to morph!  Eventually…
 I don’t know if it came with the casting of Bryan Cranston but the biggest drawback of this film is that at 2 hours almost every minute of the Rangers suited up has been shown in the trailers because it only happens in the films final action scene, similar to my beef with Godzilla not having enough Godzilla.  There are training montages aplenty and I really did appreciate the effort it made to give the core cast some substance behind there characters that wasn’t there before, but it’s pace could best be described as deliberate.  The film seems to work the best when it’s trying to have some fun and not brooding so much, which is all too often.  The scene of all the nerd kids idolizing Billy after he knocks out a bully without trying and then being in awe when he gets pulled from the table by Kimberly?  Great!  Fun little scene, use more moments like that as opposed to repeated instances of people mispronouncing Trini as DeeDee.  ???  I assume it’s a joke but I just don’t get it and boy do they keep pushing it.  I wish they had done more with Zack as he had a lot of potential in his backstory.  He doesn’t attend school any more because you find out he’s caring for his terminally ill mother but aside from that reveal he just gets all the “I’m gonna shout quips!” style lines.  Don’t try taking a drink every time he calls Trini “Crazy Girl”, it won’t end well.  Jason is fine in his role as the leader, but as is the curse of the leader role (Cyclops, Leonardo), is pretty bland.  Kimberly and Trini are both solid female role models although I wish they would have come right out with Trini’s sexuality/crush on Kimberly rather than just heavily alluding to it.  Although I was disappointed by him dropping the autism traits halfway through, I thought Billy in the second half was the most relatable character.  He’s just so giddy every time they bring up the fact they get to be Rangers!
 I was not a fan of the design choices for Alpha and the Zords.  Alpha was thankfully less obnoxious than the original, but his super long arms on the tiny body just looked weird and creepy.  Props to Hader for making me not hate him!  The Zords…  I couldn’t tell what I was looking at.  I’ll be honest, aside from the T-Rex and the Pterodactyl they could have been anything.  I had to go online after the movie because I couldn’t remember if the Triceratops was Blue or Black because I couldn’t tell them apart.  Turns out it’s Blue.  For as many montages as we were dealt and given the movies run time, I’d have preferred to see them learning their suits and Zords right off the bat as opposed to trying and failing to Morph a half dozen times and then finally getting it right just in time for the final battle where they go in operating things they’ve never used before.  I know I’m overthinking it, but I hate when people just innately know how to use things like that.
 Lastly we come to the villains.  I’ve got really mixed feelings on this part.  I appreciate they wanted to take it more seriously, and I like what they did with Rita but DAMN.  They may have made her a bit too intense for the audience that’s generally associated with Power Rangers!  Banks is great and and she is wonderfully creepy and terrifying but there is a scene where she’s killed some police officers and you see that she’s ripped the teeth out of one and has dismembered/is CANNIBALIZING the other.  This is while she’s still in her slightly mummified state after a fishing boat pulls up her body and it’s horror movie levels of creepy as she gets her power back to create Goldar.  Because he’s made of gold, see?  I don’t quite get her power set because at first she’s brutally murdering people for their gold, then eating it (WTF?) then just pointing at it and drawing it to her in liquid form.  At least she gets to say “Make my monster grow.”
 Overall, it’s not bad.  It’s not as action packed as you’d expect, but what references do show up are all well placed and fun.  You get some cameos and throwback lines.  Ay-yi-yi and what not.  My favorite reference was when two boys were arguing who got to be the Red Ranger while they’re playing and Trini tells them, “Why not Yellow?”  “That’s a girl!”  “How do you know?”  lol  Love the message and the nod to the original Yellow I mentioned earlier, but unfortunately undercut by the obvious sculpted boob armor on Pink and Yellow…  Best moment, bar none, was when they played the original theme.  Unfortunately it’s just one refrain then back to generic orchestration, but the theater I was in was electrified when it came on!  I’m not made of stone, that riff is freaking amazing.  You could tell everyone was a bit bummed when it didn’t continue throughout the fight.  As usual anymore, stay through the credits.  There’s a mid credit scene that I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to call before it happens but it’s there.  LOL at the guys behind me talking loudly throughout the film complaining about the very thing the scene was about and leaving before it happened.  That’s what you get for being terrible movie attendants!  If you were a fan of the show as a kid, I think you’ll have a great time!  If you’re bringing your kids because of how much YOU loved it…  Just be aware it gets really dark and creepy in places and might move a bit slow if they have to wait over 90 minutes to see any Morphin’ Time.
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placetobenation · 3 years
Depeche Mode   (Inducted by: Charlize Theron)
Doobie Brothers  (Inducted by: Brad Paisley / Nancy Wilson)
Whitney Houston  (Inducted by: Alicia Keys)
Nine Inch Nails  (Inducted by: Iggy Pop)
The Notorious B.I.G.  (Inducted by: Sean “Diddy” Combs / Lin Manuel Miranda)
T. Rex  (Inducted by: Ringo Starr / Billy Gibbons)
Ahmet Ertegün Award: 
Jon Landau / Inducted by: Bruce Springsteen
Irving Azoff / Inducted by: Don Henly / Joe Walsh / Jackson Browne
A nice video tribute to Eddie Van Halen was shown which was touching. It wasn’t about his family or his band or anything. The piece focused on his music and and his playing – which really is what changed the world.  It was hosted by Slash and Tommy Morello and they did the Guitar God proud. I mean, you simply can not dispute the greatness and the extremely heavy influence Eddie Van Halen had on music and on guitar playing. 
What is so terribly sad is the In Memoriam part of the show – you just have no idea how many tremendous musicians died this year. I don’t know if it was because of Trump grabbing headlines every single day over the stupidest things – or if these people were just easily forgotten. Kenny Rogers, Little Richard, Leon Redbone, Art Neville, Dr. John, Charlie Daniels, Neil Peart, Frankie Banali, Eddie Money, Mac Davis, Ric Ocasek – these are no small names, these are icons, and I completely forget about most of them. Ugh 2020 is such a terrible year. 
This year  The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame had their ceremony – with no live performances and in no rock arenas or any other kind of public space. 
Dave Grohl kicks it off with a speech saying how this year would be different, and that this year’s ceremony will not include a massive jam or any other kind of performance. Which is nice, because it’s not live – they made his self serving rambling as least boring and offensive as possible. We know Dave loves to be a part of this thing and if the Foo Fighters could be the house band, you know they would just salivate at the chance. 
Since you know most of the performers, let me just tell you about the ones you don’t know about. 
Jon Landau is an inductee, but not a performer. He was a writer for Crawdaddy magazine and also for Rolling Stone. He is the critic who published the famous quote – “I’ve seen rock and roll’s future and it’s name is Bruce Springsteen.”  Jon followed Bruce around from small club to small club, and fell in love with the guy and his E Street Band. Jon had been looking to get involved in producing music and saw Bruce as his golden chariot. Bruce said yes and the rest was history. Jon became his manager and co-producer from that day forward, and their first project together was Born To Run. The two are still inseparable, in fact, if you watch Bruce’s documentary, A Letter to You, on Apple TV, Jon Landau actually makes a brief appearance in the studio and everyone there hails him like a king. So it is very safe their relationship is going strong. Bruce himself took the time to tell the story and it is a good one, a positive one, and a heartwarming one. In fact those 5 minutes or so is more heartfelt and touching then Bruce’s entire Letter To You documentary. 
Irving Azoff is not a performer but a huge huge fan of music and the business. So much so that he allowed, if not started, change in the industry itself. Irving comes from the midwest – went to Los Angeles after college and began working for Geffen-Roberts Management. In 1972 he was assigned to help out with The Eagles. Well he helped out, he hung around, he became their friend, he told them truth about everything,  and they are still friends to this day, almost 40 years later. 
Irving was more then a manager of an artist, he was a fan, and that showed in all the ways he cared for his clients. Most notable in music publishing. He wanted artists to get their fair shake – and he always told them the truth of the matter and the truth of the position they were in. Irving started to dabble in movies like Urban Cowboy and Fast Times At Ridgemont High, but it was his service in music that is most appreciated. Fighting for the artist, helping them in their relationship with the big bad record company. Irving was and still is trusted by many big names to help them not get cheated or taken advantage of. His story is one of the good ones in the biz. 
The list of inductees goes on and on and you all know the performers are – Trent Reznor and NIN, the goth industrial revolutionary band. No man or band has made that genre more popular or more accessible then Trent has. It proves once again, like Bob Marley – when you are great at your genre, it breaks down all barriers. In other words – when you’re good, you’re good. 
Depeche Mode, B.I.G., T. Rex, Whitney Houston, I think they all belong here and I’m glad they were all inducted.  The ceremony this year was not a party, but more like a tender Zoom moment. I think it should be done like this every year – and then show the live performances and the big jam at the end. 
No musician wants to stand up there and give a 5 minute speech to a live crowd – let them do their speech on video, like they did this year – so it’s not frightening or awkward, and then they can just perform live to the arena like they do normally. I think they would be a lot more comfortable doing that. 
I really do love this new format – plenty of old pictures, old videos, behind the scenes footage, and a simple narrator guiding us all through it all. It goes faster, it’s not awkward, and no one is fumbling over the words or burying their head into 10 pages of handwritten notes. 
If you get a chance to see it, I would highly suggest viewing this year’s format and show- it is great to see great artists, especially relaxed in their homes, talking about the old days and all the battles they went through. It was personal, intimate, smooth, and went by in a flash. I believe the entire program is only 2 hours and 5 minutes. A huge improvement over the 3 or 4 hour fiasco’s we are usually subjected to. 
Check it out, these artists are legendary and it’s great to see and hear them again. And catch me here every Thursday on PlaceToBeNation.com. Thanks for reading. 
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