#Ib Melchior
atomic-chronoscaph · 22 days
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Reptilicus (1961)
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fitsofgloom · 1 month
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"Time itself is an anachronism."
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Time Travelers (1964)
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machetelanding · 2 years
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Byron Haskin, 1964) Cast: Paul Mantell, Victor Lundin, Adam West. Screenplay: Ib Melchior, John C. Higgins, based on a story by Daniel Defoe. Cinematography: Winton C. Hoch. Art direction: Arthur Lonergan, Hal Pereira. Film editing: Terry O. Morse. Music: Van Cleave. The average third-grader today can spot the scientific inaccuracies of Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Who doesn't cringe when Christopher Draper (Paul Mantell) tries to start a fire by feeding the flames with the oxygen from his supply tank, an attempt most likely to send him up in a large fireball? The special effects, too, are primitive: The attacking spaceships are two-dimensional, paintings on a black backdrop. But does any of this really matter? With older films, even science fiction, datedness often counts for less than style and substance. Byron Haskin's movie has both, largely because it's derived from a classic source, Daniel Defoe's 1719 tale of solitude and companionship. It plays on the primal fear of loneliness that makes solitary confinement the worst of punishments and is the backbone of many classic adventure stories, including such other great sci-fi films as 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968) and The Martian (Ridley Scott, 2015). Even though Draper has a companion on Mars, a small monkey, his inability to converse with another human drives him near to madness -- a hallucination of his dead companion, Col. McReady (Adam West) -- before he finally encounters his Friday (Victor Lundin). Even then the breakthrough is slow to come: The alien humanoid at first refuses to speak, causing Draper to fume that he's "an idiot" and "retarded." But finally the alien trusts Draper enough to speak and the rapport blooms into a kind of interplanetary bromance as they learn each other's language and culture. (The master-servant Crusoe-Friday relationship remains, however: Draper expects his Friday to learn English first. Colonialism dies hard.) So forget everything we've learned from the various NASA probes about Martian terrain -- the absence of flaming volcanoes or of anything resembling "canals," let alone abundance of water and subaqueous plant life -- and accept the movie's vision for what it is: more a fable about long-ingrained human character than about what the future may be like. Byron Haskin's direction keeps the action crisp and steady, and while the studio sets have a certain cheesy quality, the footage shot at Death Valley's Zabriskie Point is often strikingly real.
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stubobnumbers · 6 months
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The Angry Red Planet (1959).
Dir: Ib Melchior.
Starring: Gerald Mohr, Nora Hayden, and Les Tremayne.
One of only two survivors from a Martian expedition is so traumatized she doesn't remember the circumstances of the trip.
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Ostermärsche in München
NachDenkSeiten: »Am kommenden Wochenende finden wieder die traditionellen Ostermärsche statt. Wir richten unseren Blick als „pars pro toto“ auf München, einer Stadt, in der seit geraumer Zeit wöchentlich Proteste auf der Straße stattfinden. Melchior Ibing, Mitorganisator und Verantwortlicher der Bewegung „München Steht Auf“ hat Ala Goldbrunner und Christian Goldbrunner von den NachDenkSeiten ein InterviewWeiterlesen http://dlvr.it/Sm6tfh «
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docrotten · 1 year
DEATH RACE 2000 (1975) – Episode 185 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“You know, it used to be in the old days, we would just take someone like you in an alley and blow their brains out.” While you eat lightning and crap thunder? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they take a ride-along with David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone in Roger Corman’s Death Race 2000 (1975). Vroom, vroom!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 185 – Death Race 2000 (1975)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
In a dystopian future, a cross-country automobile race requires contestants to run down innocent pedestrians to gain points that are tallied based on each kill’s brutality.
Director: Paul Bartel
Writers: Robert Thom (screenplay by), Charles B. Griffith (screenplay by), Ib Melchior (from his story: “The Racer”)
Producer: Roger Corman
2nd Unit Director: Lewis Teague, Charles B. Griffith, 
Selected cast:
David Carradine as “Frankenstein”
Simone Griffeth as Annie Smith (Frankenstein’s navigator)
Sylvester Stallone as Joe “Machine Gun” Viterbo
Mary Woronov as Jane “Calamity Jane” Kelly
Roberta Collins as Matilda “The Hun”
Martin Kove as Ray “Nero the Hero” Lonagan
Louisa Moritz as Myra (Joe’s navigator)
Don Steele as Junior Bruce (race announcer)
Joyce Jameson as Grace Pander (race announcer)
Carle Bensen as Harold (race announcer)
Sandy McCallum as Mr. President
Paul L. Ehrmann as Special Agent (credited as Paul Laurence)
Harriet Medin as Thomasina Paine
Vince Trankina as Lieutenant Fury
Bill Morey as Deacon
Fred Grandy as Herman ‘The German’ Boch (Matilda’s navigator)
William Shephard as Pete (Jane’s navigator)
Leslie McRay as Cleopatra (Nero’s navigator)
Wendy Bartel as Laurie
John Favorite as Henry (credited as Jack Favorite)
Sandy Ignon as FBI Agent
John Landis as Mechanic
Darla McDonell as Rhonda Bainbridge
Roger Rook as Radio Operator
Dick Miller as a member of the Chicken Gang (uncredited)
Lewis Teague as a Toreador (uncredited)
Join the Grue-Crew as they revisit the campy sci-fi smash-em-up, Death Race 2000 (1975), from Roger Corman’s New World Pictures and director Paul Bartel. The film stars David Carradine (as Frankenstein) opposite pre-Rocky Sylvester Stallone (as Joe “Machine Gun” Viterbo) in the dystopian “future” of the year 2000, a time when Americans root for their favorite drivers as they race from New York to New Los Angeles mowing down civilians along the way for points. Machine Gun Viterbo is out for blood while Frankenstein has other plans. Let the shenanigans begin.
At the time of this writing, Death Race 2000 is available to stream from Tubi, Popcornflix, Cultpix, and PPV from Apple TV. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Bill, will be Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977), showcasing Ray Harryhausen’s genius, Jane Seymour, Patrick Troughton, and . . . Patrick Wayne? That should be interesting.
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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loslibrosdefede · 1 year
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Ib Melchior - Operativo Agua pesada #ibmelchior #operativoaguapesada #segundaguerramundial #grandesnovelistas #librosusados #librosantiguos #loslibrosdefede https://www.instagram.com/p/CovAdtyO--8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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monsterasia-zero · 2 years
(LATE EDITION) The Cinema Film Of The Week - Reptilicus
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Directed By Poul Bang (Danish) and Sidney W. Pink (English)
Story By Ib Melchior and Sidney W. Pink
Starring Carl Ottosen, Ann Smyrner, and Mimi Heinrich
Music By Sven Gyldmark
Distributed By Sage Studios and American International Pictures
Release Date February 20, 1961
Country Denmark and United States
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Death Race 2000 // 1975
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
One of the main sources of entertainment in the year 2000 was a psychotic televised race called the Death Race (that year celebrating the 20th annual running of the race). The three day race wasn’t just a matter of who crossed the finish line first, but also who racked up the most pedestrian deaths along the way. The United States had been replaced by the United Provinces ruled by the Bipartisan Party (both the single ruling political group and a religious organization) ruled by a person referred to as “Mr. President.” The winner of that year’s race killed the President and took control of the country and one of his main acts was the end the races. ("Death Race 2000", flm, based off the short story "The Racer")
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movie-titlecards · 4 years
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The Angry Red Planet (1959)
My rating: 6/10
It's a pretty basic "astronauts go to another planet, explore some, go through various adventures and perils and are eventually told by the natives, in no uncertain terms, to sod off because ew, humans" type story, but not without its charms - the alien critters are both very weird and very shoddy, and the astronauts are a delightful collection of ridiculous stereotypes engaging in lots of SCIENCE! and banter.
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essentialmoviegifs · 6 years
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The Angry Red Planet (1959, dir. Ib Melchior)
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cinesludge · 5 years
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Movie #4 of 2019: Death Race
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