#I've been wanting to make something for Ango for a while now actually
fyodcrs · 1 year
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If there ever comes a time when the division and the Port Mafia don’t exist and we all become freer men, let’s come back here and...
Happy (belated) birthday, Kris! @kunikiiida-kuuun ♡♡♡(˶ᵔ ᴗ ᵔ˶)♡♡♡
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What is the reaction of dazai (port mafia brothers AU) to shin soukoku?
Dazai: It's horrible! He's kind, he's hard working. He's got a stable job at one of our front companies, some cat cafe. He makes cupcakes and saves us all our favourite ones.
Odasaku: I thought you wanted Akutugawa to make new friends.
Dazai: Well I changed my mind!
Ango: How did Akutugawa meet Nakajima anyway?
Dazai: They met at the library a while back. Gin's got into baking and Ryuu wanted to find a recipe book so they could bake together. Like the amazing big little brother that he is.
But while he's a great cook, he was completly and utterly confused and supposedly Nakajima noticed and offered to help him.
Odasaku: That's kind of him.
Dazai: I guess.
Ango: Oh the cat cafe? I've definitely seen them together when I've walked past. They look like they're having fun.
Dazai:...Now you mention it Ryuu's been spending a lot of time there. But only on the days Nakajima isn't working.
Odasaku: He's been over a lot too hasn't he?
Dazai: Yeah, whenever I go to visit Ryuu, Nakajima is usually over. Even early in the morning which is werid, he was wearing Ryuu's pj's just this morning and looked so embarrassed to see me.... Gasps
Odasaku: pats his shoulder Don't freak out you don't know for certain.
Dazai:...Yeah, yeah it might've just been a sleepover. Yeah, I don't know if there's actually something going on between them holding his glass so tight it starts to crack
Ango: Could be worse, at least you haven't walked in on em.
Dazai:.... faceplants onto the table
Odasaku: pats his head There there. To Ango That was funny but your not helping.
......He's getting there?
(If Atsushi's in this AU he ran away from the Orphanage earlier, working at a Port Mafia front organisation and apart from the full moon stuff he's doing alright.)
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thankshermin · 1 month
About Beast!Dazai and His Strategies Backfiring
It backfired so bad he ended up offing himself so I have to talk about it a little. I might be a little biased because I've been crying to Beast for like two years now and I can't be consoled.
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Look... Beast!Dazai makes me want to cry hysterically, just like most things about Beast, but one thing especially strikes. 
Literally, NO ONE liked him and that was not what he wanted, at all he was not cool with this but there was nothing he could do about it.
He did every little shitty thing purely out of his selfish wishes– he wanted to be loved, particularly by Oda. So he thought he could do whatever he wanted because he knew he had/has people who cared/cares about him in the other universes. He was paying special attention to Oda because they couldn’t be both alive and well and friends in any other universe. He thought that the other bonds he had with other people would just happen someday and that it was a package deal. 
But he did NOT put any effort into that. Therefore, no one likes him. In fact, I'd say lots of characters dislike Beast!Dazai strongly. 
(and I can't even blame them because Dazai was an asshole for the whole light novel,,, if you want people to care about you YOU have to show them that, Dazai, I'm sorry no one taught you that you are so tragically unaware of everything it makes me sad) 
Still... he didn’t want it to turn that way. The thing I'd like to see more people mentioning is the fact that Beast!Dazai is a very emotionally driven character. He might be the Boss of the Mafia but that doesn't automatically mean he can't be highly emotional. He acted the way he did because he tried to pursue something he wanted, not because it was necessary for the Port Mafia. 
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...Says the Boss himself.
While the mafia is obviously powerful as hell in Beast, it is still sad because... well, still no one likes the boss so what is even the point of being the leader. (I’m aware Mori is also not loved among most of the characters but it’s not his turn yet so just ignore him.) 
And I’m always telling people this but what makes me like (canon) Dazai’s character is the fact that he is constantly trying. He is not the best person out there but hey he is improving, okay? And that’s what matters to me. I love it when characters show development, whether it’s towards the good or bad side. 
What draws the line between Canon and Beast Dazai’s is that Canon!Dazai has people who care about his well-being (I'm not arguing about this with anybody but just in case if you want examples; Atsushi, Kunikida, the whole ADA actually, Chuuya, Ango, even Mori and i can still go on) and that he is learning from his mistake whileBeast!Dazai had never tried to change and just did whatever he wanted and now, surprise surprise, no one likes him. 
TL;DR: I feel so bad for Beast!Dazai I wish he didn’t constantly harm those around him and instead made some friends. His small conversation at the bar with Oda speaks volumes.
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He was so happy that his eyes were glowing because he finally found someone he thought would be the #1 best friend in the world (yeah how did that feel when you got a gun pointed at you, Dazai? Turns out you don't automatically become friends with the person who has a valid reason to hate you.) 
Anyway thx for reading my rambling I have to go back to study biology for now.
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1bringthesun · 1 year
I'VE ACTUALLY THOUGHT OUT EXACTLY HOW I THINK THE GAIDEN CHARACTERS SHOULD APPEAR IN THE MAIN MANGA IN DETAIL BECAUSE I'M SO ABNORMAL ABOUT THEM AND BASICALLY. Since Tsujimura's mother is mentioned as being the assistant director, and since Taneda is currently in a coma, it makes complete sense that she's currently running the entire Special Division from the shadows while the main director is incapacitated. And since it seems like she orchestrated Tsujimura's entire life to set her up for success in her footsteps (which is really sad actually but that's a different topic) (if you want to hear me talk about how tragic Tsujimura is to me though then just ask and I'll appear in your inbox with an incoherent essay), it also makes sense that she would have plans for Tsujimura now. So if it's been a year, her shadow ability might have grown back significantly, and the Special Division is probably using her more frequently than they did before. So with the arrival of the DOA, they need more helping hands, so she's probably pulling all-nighter after all-nighter trying to keep up. Since the vampire outbreak is dangerous, and so is Ayatsuji, I wouldn't be surprised if the Special Division moved him back into containment (it was mentioned that he was kept in a sort of jail before being let out into his office in the light novel). They're probably also making him work on the DOA case from behind bars, but I imagine it's proving to be difficult even for him because of the Book and stuff. But since it seems like the last 40-ish manga chapters have all occurred within the span of like 2 weeks, it's not surprising that Ayatsuji hasn't been able to crack the DOA case yet, considering how long he spent on Kyougoku. But basically. I think Tsujimura will show up eventually at the airport or something, Tsujimura's mother will be mentioned as being the current acting director, and, if we're lucky, the Special Division will whack out Ayatsuji to obliterate the DOA. But that would be too easy of an ending, so maybe Asagiri decided to vampirize Ayatsuji or something, and maybe the Special Division is using that as an opportunity to see how the vampiric virus affects people. So then that gives the Special Division more incentive to rescue Dazai and Aya + Bram, so that Dazai could nullify Bram's ability, thus freeing Ayatsuji and allowing him to bring things to an end. But Asagiri likes twists, so maybe it'll then be revealed that Fyodor is somehow immune to accidental deaths or something, and then there'll be some singularity tomfoolery, and maybe there'll be another moment where Ango explains singularities to people (and another opportunity for Tsujimura to learn about singularities). Sorry this is so long and rambly, but basically there's SO MUCH potential for Gaiden characters in the current timeline, but it's hard to predict exactly how their entrance will play out. Since Kyougoku is still haunting Ayatsuji, it's possible that Asagiri might whack out something like "Kyougoku used to work for the DOA", since it was mentioned in the light novel that Kyougoku used to collaborate with various agencies on tough cases before breaking away and deciding to go on an epic journey to achieve immortality through memery. Also wait I just remembered, there's that whole Interlude thing where Kyougoku reflects on his memories from the womb, which is an absolutely bizarre thing to include, and seems out-of-place from the rest of the light novel. Maybe he's somehow also related to the Book? Kyougoku would've died about a year and a half before the main manga, and Sigma appeared three years ago, so maybe Kyougoku had a hand in creating Sigma as someone to parallel himself? If I remember correctly, Sigma appeared alone in a desert with a train ticket (?) and earrings, which is really specific, and seems like the sort of elaborate plot Kyougoku would set up, considering the guy's love of symbolism and overarching themes. So what if Kyougoku had the Book first and created Sigma from it? (1/2, I'm so sorry for how long this is :'D)
my god. this is a lot of words /pos
so i haven’t actually read this whole message through yet and instead i plan on writing exactly how i feel reading specific sentences so. here we go!!’
I THOUGHT SO TOO!! it makes a lot of sense too because her ability is considered combat oriented, and like i mentioned before, it should hypothetically be grown back to size and completely free from Another’s persecution by now. i guess the big question is if Tsujimura-san will give the shadow back to guard Tsujimura, which would reveal she was alive, or she’d keep it to herself. obvi there are other options, like sticking it on someone else (say, Ayatsuji, who does need physical protection, or even Ango, who might have more enemies than she herself), but those two are what i think is most likely…
please tell me about how sad Tsujimura’s life is oh my god not a single person i know has read gaiden (for good reason GIVE US AN OFFICIAL TRANSLATION) and i would love nothing more than to brainrot with someone over it .. the whole, “i called my maid ‘mom’ and i wanted my mother to get angry, to fire her, to anything, but she didn’t even care, and that’s what hurt me the most” made me go OOOOOGHHHHHHH… OUCHHHHH… i’m summoning you, o divine Another Anon, to rant to me once again…
yeah, it’s def unlikely to me she’s just there and not doing anything, i myself have been wondering how she’s supporting the division, especially since Taneda, if anything, is her replacement rather than her being his secondary self. it would be cool if he ended up being locked in with Tsujimura-san, right? as far as security goes, that’s damn near the tightest place one can get.
also, it’s strange to me how nobody knows about Ayatsuji. they mention the ADA multiple times, but the ADA never talk about him. is the government keeping the secret on purpose? do people know and just feel removed enough considering they’re in different cities to ignore it?? but Ayatsuji would be a massive help to them, given his almost-Ranpo-level brains, so… it’s always been a source of confusion. at the least, wouldn’t Fukuchi know about him and take some precautionary measures, as someone who worked for the government and should therefore be aware of their literal number one danger?
similarly, Ayatsuji doesn’t exactly work for the government, so does that mean he knew the ADA weren’t terrorists…? to begin with, gaiden is a novel that exists because the fans wanted it to, and Asagiri only began writing after Tsujimura reached out to him, so it’s completely possible that gaiden and canon are two entirely separate entities to him, but i really don’t want it to be that way .. the intense urge to gatekeep Kyougoku and also share him to the world is wild….
thinking of Another and Crime and Punishment mingling together… the theories on CaP being unable to work on ability-users is very interesting, especially due to the evidence it has to back it up, and while Another does, thinking of how “accidental death” in this situation could be a synonym for “punishment” and thus negated by Fyodor because he and “punishment” are close friends … don’t mind me as i turn into a puddle on the floor….
without the context of Another, “receive immortality through memery” is a really absurd sentence, and i love it. BUT. Kyougoku potentially knowing Fyodor is interesting indeed… it’s so funny that his tsukimono is just haunting Ayatsuji… actually, every time i write about Ayatsuji, i also include Kyougoku saying random snarky things to him while he’s just living his life and him replying out loud knowing damn well nobody else can see it. hell, the man watches him when he’s sleeping, i wouldn’t put but past him to whisper absolutely obscene things into Ayatsuji’s ear in the middle of work just for fun, but we’re getting off topic.
the prospect of Sigma being a familiar spirit is actually very interesting and i haven’t it considered before, but hearing you now… hoho… i had always assumed Kyougoku’s little soliloquy a setup for the reader to understand his motives, but Asagiri is definitely the sort of person to do that only for a few years later to say, “you know this thing nobody read? it’s actually incredibly necessary to the lore haha.” that being said, gaiden’s afterword was a little unusual- most of the time Asagiri ends things with, “let us meet again in the next novel,” or “i hope you’re looking forward to what the future holds” or something like that, but gaiden was more like, “so here’s why i wrote this book also DAMN i got anxiety writing it,” so i dunno, i just want more gaiden content…..
now, onto the next rant you sent me
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monstersqueen · 1 year
Why do you ship Dazai and Ango?
Well, why not ?
Also I didn't expect to ! one moment I'm like : "wow wouldn't it be fucked up if ango and dazai started a relationship just after odasaku's death ? With dazai's resentment and self-destructive's tendencies and ango's feelings of guilt and his inability to stop caring about dazai?" and the next it's one week later and not only have i read everything in the ao3 tag in english, i've started making the not-english fics go through google translate, visit the tumblr tag every day, and am considering opening a word document to write. Which i have done by now.
All the time going 'yeah but. i really don't feel that vibe from them in canon???'
But. I should have expected it.
Why do I ship Ango and Dazai ?
I've got a Thing about friends-to-enemies-to-lovers
the messier the break up the better
i like it where the feelings afterwards are complicated, especially since it seems like the feelings are murderously complicated :p
i really like ango and i want good things to happen to him, and that means getting dazai back in his life
i really like ango ! he's fascinating ! It's so easy to simplify him to the one government dude but. it's more complicated. It's also more complicated than him putting his friends above all - that's the way i've been going for a while, because he does love them a stupid amount, but it comes down to is his own personal moral code.
he's not in the government because he believes in it - it's a job that gets in the way of what he thinks needs to be done sometimes actually ! he helps odasaku and dazai (or try to :( ), and helps the ada and dazai, and part of it is affection but part of it is that it's the right thing to do.
but the interesting part is that. even though it matters to him it's also in flux and gets limited by the reality of working for the government and "I shall never walk in the light again" oh my god
and it's interesting because he's a liar ! he's an incredibly good actor !
anyway he is interesting and that makes me like him a lot and so i want good things for him. and also to see him break down crying. he's earned it
and honestly the thing about dazai ? is that for someone who doesn't really see the difference between right and wrong, not beyond protecting and caring the few he's chosen, it's interesting to look at the people he did choose !
in the whole mafia he regularly drinks with guy who doesn't kill and the dude they picked up because in the midst of a war he refused to reduce deaths to numbers
he has a deep respect for kunikida's principles, for all he loves needling him?
there's a point also about chuuya and the depths to which chuuya care, and his conviction, to make here to
anyway the thing is that what dazai likes in people is inner goodness and a strong moral code. which are things that are not his !
which makes sense. for all the noises shibusawa and fyodor make about how boring and predictable ordinary people are, i kidna think. someone who thinks like is in fact even more predictable and so even more boring.
and besides even the question of interesting i think dazai just likes people who makes him see the value in living. and people who sees value in life are so interesting.
anyway i really like dazai? and his attempts to live ? he's holding a lot for someone for which there's no inherent joy in living
there's something to be said for someone whose natural talents are manipulation and scheming but who's decided to use those for good
also they have very strong feelings for each other ? sure at one point dazai's strong feelings was 'pull his own gun on ango' but it's also 'everything i would never want to lose is always lost' and no i'm not crying
also right now ango is listening to dazai's heart which honestly in terms of symbolic is some crazy romantic shit. also he was stopping time (via proxy) to communicate back, seriously, with the right framing this is peak romance
also how the fuck did they put that together. when. did dazai manage to go through that conversation without letting some of his anger show his true nature as heartbreak ? i want to know
seriously the ada matters a lot to dazai; he cares for everyone in it, and not just because that's how he can keep his promise to odasaku, he cares about them
so ? right now ? he's relying on ango to make sure what his intentions and thoughts get to them. that's absolute trust. that's not "you betrayed me once but i'm giving you a chance and we'll see" that's "we were friends once and i know you and i know you still care and so i trust you completely" and even that is not possible without acknowledging one way or another that he still cares too
i'm absolutely crazy about ango risking his carreers because he trusts that dazai is doing the right thing. i think there isn't a lot he wouldn't do for dazai, but i also think he's trusting in dazai's good intentions
which given the while 'sabotaging his airbag' thing is ALSO a whole lot of trust
ango is going against the entire government, basically inflitrating it as a reverse spy (again), because he trusts that dazai is truly trying to protect people.
and risking his job. at the very least. can't wait to see where it all ends up for him
anyway we're talking about two people who used to be close, who were torn apart in ways that tore them both to shreds, left their relationship at the 'wow it would be fucked up if they got together now, that certainly wouldn't be love and it would be toxic as fuck' and 'pull your own gun on you' and 'sabotage your airbag' stage, and SOMEHOW got at "i'll trust you absolutely in a situation where the world has been turned against us"
in short i ship ango and dazai because dazai went from "i knew i was going to lose you because i would never want to" to "i'm going to pull your own gun on you and at least consider shooting despite that that would really fuck me and my team over" to "you are the one i trust when i can't help myself anymore" and that's. that's.
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vampireonastick · 2 years
You have given me a severe brainrot with your theories about traitor/final boss!ango (I mean it in a good way haha--again this was all I was thinking about at work so that's not good ig lol); I rambled in the tags, on your posts and now I popped into your askbox so sorry very much (please feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like answering no worries :) I can't stop vibrating with excitement so I am here hehehe)
1] I always thought there was something odd with the timing of the sprinkler activation (I decided not to nitpick the narration so thanks for reminding me this /is/ bsd) and Pushkin's escape from Mersault but the idea that Mersault could be created from the Page/Book and the Sky Casino is its cover is seriously GENIUS (yes, yes, I am totally in love with your theory bc not only is there no one except these two in the infinity prison but we don't hear any sound from the normal cells during Dazai/Sigma ballroom dance either)
2] Talking of preferential treatment, can it be taken the same for Fyodor being the one getting books to read while Dazai has none? Or, are the books some way for him to communicate with Ango? What are your thoughts?
3] Something else I noticed, and now that I too feel Ango is THE traitor, is that Mushitarou left with Ango from Anne's Room after revealing the DoA plans and has never appeared in the story again iirc? What do you think? I am kinda worried about him; they keep using him and throwing him away/locking him up (and he is easy to manipulate too. He is soft for true friendships and that's what Ango used--)(1/2)
Hello!! Don’t worry I love getting asks so you can send me more anytime you like! And I know how you feel, I thought of a lot of the evidence I used in my theories at work because it’s all I’ve been able to think about the past two weeks lol.
Alright I've written a lot so everything is under the cut. I know you sent me another ask but since I want to keep everything in one place and all cohesive I copy and pasted the points from your other ask into here (I hope that's alright!)
BSD Theory: Expansions/Additions (Mastermind Ango Saga)
Spoilers up until chapter 99 of the manga!!!
Thank you! And yes, lately I’ve been taking every small detail that doesn’t add up or any inconsistency and I’ve been putting it under a microscope. Of course, these may just be small little plot holes, (which wouldn’t be a bad thing, Bungo is full of insanity and unbelievable stretches in logic, that’s why it’s my favourite), but it makes it so much fun for theorizing when you put all these little inconsistencies together and explain them all with some wild theory haha.
2] Fyodor's Books in Prison as Communication to Ango
I completely forgot that Fyodor had books in his cell, that's such a good point!! I think it could absolutely be used as another example of Fyodor’s special treatment while in prison.
As for it being a way to communicate with Ango that would be really interesting. It would make sense since if Ango can read memories held in any object, maybe he can read any of Fyodor’s thoughts he had while holding the book. The only thing is that Meursault is supposed to be in Europe, which is pretty far, and if Ango needs to hold the actual physical book for his powers to work then this method of communication may be unlikely. But it’s Bungo so who knows?? 
3] Mushitarou; Is He In Danger?
Ohhhhh now this is so so so interesting, I’ve been thinking about this for a couple days now and I am hyped!!!
So firstly, I’m not too worried about Mushitarou right now. He’s with Poe so I think he’s in safe hands. Personally, I think Mushitarou’s purpose in the DoA’s master plan was just to move the agency in the direction Fyodor wanted them to go.
Overall, I feel like Mushitarou was a very important pawn in Fyodor’s plan, I think Fyodor intended for him to meet up with the agency members. If you think about it, Fyodor had no real reason to release Mushitarou from his prison at the beginning of the arc in the first place. If he wanted Mushitarou to release his ability that was hiding Dazai’s crimes in order for Dazai to get arrested, I feel he could have easily threatened him into doing so. Fyodor’s ability is terrifying and I don’t feel like Mushitarou is the type of person to hold up well against his life being threatened like that. But Fyodor let him go. Why?
Well the only reason I can think of is that Fyodor needed someone to leak information to the ADA in order to push them in the right direction to fall further into his trap.
Mushitarou is the one who tells Atsushi that the DoA plans to destroy the country using the last page of the book. Atsushi had no idea the page could be used again. If it wasn’t for Mushitarou, Atsushi would have never even considered hunting down the page. Which means he wouldn’t have gone to the Sky Casino (a place Fyodor NEEDED the ADA to go in order to connect them to the coin bomb terrorism they intended to do from there), and he never would have fought Fukuchi, which led to Akutagawa’s death and the start of the vampire outbreak (something else that needed to happen in Fyodor’s master plan).
And this is where Ango comes in. Ango is the one who bullies Mushitarou into giving up all that he knows about the DoA. This panel in particular is very telling:
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(I won’t even talk about how manipulative that line “Dostoyevsky wanted to hide behind lies” is in this post, but WOW)
The way I see it, Mushitarou was fed information by Fyodor (without Mushitarou's knowledge he was being used in this way) that had always been intended to reach the ADA in order to move along the plot of Fyodor’s plan. And that’s why Ango met up with Atsushi as soon as he rescued Mushitarou, because he had to ensure Mushitarou gave this information to the ADA. That’s why he was so pushy and manipulative when talking to Mushitarou.
So why Mushitarou? Why couldn’t Ango have come in with all this same information and steer Atsushi to the sky casino? Well, it would be a lot more suspicious coming from Ango. Why would he, a government agent and Dazai’s ally, know so many specific details about the DoA and their plans? But coming from Mushitarou, a scared criminal who was used and left for dead by the DoA, this information is much more believable.
I think now that Mushitarou has passed on all the information to Atsushi that Fyodor and Ango wanted him to, he’s not needed in their plan anymore. Killing him would be a hassle now that he’s safe with Poe, and since all the information he had on the DoA was hand fed to him by Fyodor, he’s not a liability to their master plan, since all he knew was what Fyodor wanted the ADA to know. He also doesn’t seem to have much drive to fight back against Fyodor, he just wants to live a peaceful life away from conflict, which also makes him less of a threat to the DoA. So I think (and desperately hope) that he’ll be safe.
And yes absolutely!! That entire chapter where Mushitarou and Ango first meet is suspicious as hell!! I was reading back through it and the amount that Ango casually manipulates Mushitarou throughout those conversations is insane!! I’m actually working on another post analyzing that chapter and Ango and Mushitarou’s interactions because it’s freaking wild.
4] I guessed it has to be someone on the ADA side who is leaking info to Fyodor coz there are only limited players in the Sky Casino arc; I kinda eliminated the Agency members bc Fukuzawa would have known if they are working for someone else (same as he'd know if one of them died) so I narrowed it down to two. Ango, I assumed since was already the traitor in the Dark Era, it won't be repeated but after reading your theories, I am quite satisfied. The story seems to be filled with points against him. Even then, what do you think about Lucy? I hope she isn't anything more than what she says she is and she is only helping them out of her good heart. (Ango being the one to bring her and Fyodor's "But Montgomery-san is your Queen, right?" feels ominous or maybe, I am just overthinking lol) - fivekrystalpetals (copy pasted from other ask)
I think Lucy is trustworthy. She seems to really care for Atsushi. The two of them have connected very deeply through their shared experiences with similar childhood trauma. She hasn’t really shown any desire for anything other than a place to belong and to be treated like she matters as a human being. She seemed to only be with the guild because she had nowhere better to go. But now that she has met Atsushi and has made some genuine personal connections (like the cafe owner who covers for her when the Hunting Dogs come asking about her - I don’t think he’d do this if he didn’t care for her, even if he did end up giving in at the end), I really don’t see her as a threat or a traitor to the ADA.
Though I am afraid she is being used by Ango and Fyodor. But I think anything bad that happens with Lucy will have to do with her ability and possibly losing Anne’s room then her betraying Atsushi and the others.
5] Similarly, Tsujimura? I haven't read the gaiden so I don't know much about her. But do you think she is with Ango or she doesn't know of his true intentions, simply an overworked subordinate? - fivekrystalpetals (copy pasted from other ask)
Unfortunately I haven’t read Gaiden either so I don’t know much about her either haha. (it’s on my list though, probably after the light novels)
Though even without that context I’m fairly certain at this point Ango is working alone (besides Fyodor of course). He just doesn’t seem like the type to drag others into his bullshit. If he has a master goal I think he’d try to have as few allies as possible. This comes from the idea that those who are untrustworthy are not easily trustful of others. That’s a large part of the reason I think he created Fyodor from the book. If he crafted Fyodor to mirror his own ideals and goals, as well as wrote in Fyodor’s loyalty to him, then he could let Fyodor run wild and do his thing without worrying he’d be betrayed.
6] Oh, and I completely agree with your Dead Apple observation. If Fyodor assumed Dazai was dead and Ango sent Chuuya to fight the Dragon assuming he too would die? They must have wanted to eliminate Soukoku in one swoop; unfortunately for them, Chuuya is quite tenacious haha - fivekrystalpetals (copy pasted from other ask)
Yes that would have been a great way to eliminate Sokouku if it wasn’t for Dazai screwing up their plan with that antidote pill haha.
But also, sending Chuuya after Dazai in Dead Apple might have been a way for Ango and Fyodor to test Chuuya and Dazai’s loyalty and trust to one another. Which could be why Chuuya was chosen to be sent to Meursault to help Fyodor in the prison fight. They may have figured it would shake Dazai up to see the one person he has always been able to rely on to be changed into a mindless creature. And would also eliminate the possibility of Chuuya coming to save Dazai if he hadn’t been turned into a vampire.
(There is more ig but I forget atm. Can I send you another ask if I remember? You might already be overwhelmed with this lol sorry! Thanks for all your theories; I really love your thinking :))) (2/2) //fivekrystalpetals (copy pasted from other ask)
Yes you can absolutely send more asks!! I love how much this theory is growing from everyone adding on to it and pointing more things out I’ve overlooked.
Also I went back and read through the tags you left on the reblogs of my posts. (sorry for not responding to them earlier, i read all the tags i get on reblogs the second i get them XD which also means if i was busy before checking i forget what was said in them which is a problem lol. Anything I find interesting I also tend to set aside because i feel like i could expand on them more into a full theory so i want to save them till i have time to write them up properly. But it might actually be easier and more efficient to expand on these points as I go and then write up a master theory later than trying to start at the finished product XD. So Yeah, basically thank you for the tags!! They were super fun to read through!) I really wanted to talk about some of the things you brought up because they are super interesting, so I figured I’d reply to them here if that’s alright!!
Sigma’s Ability
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Alright so I have two theories as to why Sigma’s ability seems like such an equal trade off when it could have been more powerful.
It needs a drawback in order to work. With how the book works (in my understanding, I may be wrong), things can not just be taken from it, the people who write in it need to put in personal effort in order for the events to be carried out. So maybe, Sigma’s ability can’t just take information, he needs to give information in order to keep things equal and balanced.
It doesn’t have a drawback, we just don’t know how it really works. Instead of Sigma’s ability being “an exchange of information; gaining the information you most want to know in exchange for the information your enemy most want to know”, it could actually be “an exchange of information; gaining the information you most want to know in exchange for the information you most want your enemy to know”. So essentially, getting the information you want and giving the information you want (with whatever information your enemy wants being irrelevant)
To further expand on this second point. When Atsushi wakes up after being given the information from Sigma’s ability, he says “I have figured out the page's location.” But when he touched Sigma, and the ability was activated, he had believed that Sigma had the page. So why would the information he most wants to know be the location of the page if he already thought he knew where it was? (also if they thought Sigma had the page on him why didn’t they go and collect it from Sigma’s body from where he would’ve hit the ground?? Random thought I had. Kinda odd). Anyway, the information he got from Sigma sent him off to hunt Fukuchi, which as we know, didn’t end well (RIP Aku). So yeah, maybe we were lied to about Sigma’s ability and it’s just another way to spread false info to the ADA.
Ango and the Seventh Agency
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YES YES YES OMG I totally believe this too!! It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the entire ‘seventh agency’ is literally just Ango.
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bsdthings · 2 years
⚠️Analysis chapter 101⚠️
Contains spoilers!
So, considering I've been seeing a lot about Chapter 101 and Chuuya dying by drowning, I went and read the chapter.
And then bursted out laughing.
Now, be ready for yet another one of my rants and absolutely ferocious theories bcs it's 3 in the morning and I'm absolutely enjoying this mind game.
1. Are we even surprised that Ango went to the extent of manipulating a very dangerous incarcerated ability user who can stop the time just for Dazai? After all, we know Ango feels guilty for what happened between him, Oda and Dazai. We know Ango would do anything for Dazai. And it's a win for the government too, as let's not forget Dazai is one dangerous ex port mafia executive and called demon prodigy and the words of "the biggest misfortune for Dazai's enemies is that they are Dazai's enemies". More, Dostoievsky is terribly dangerous too and imposes a threat not just for the government, but for the whole world and ability users. Dazai being able to be an actual enemy to Dostoevsky is a feat in itself for the government. Especially since he's willing to be. He might genuinely be the only one able to confront Fyodor. Dazai winning against Fyodor means the government itself succeeded. Not to mention they both are more dangerous than that prisoner who stops time. It's really an insignificant sacrifice with little danger.
2. Chuuya is still a vamp. Still in Fyodor's hands. Chuuya is dangerous, literally has Arahabaki and can wipe a damn city in a blink of an eye. But don't you also find it interesting that Arahabaki seems to not respond to Fyodor? I mean, if I were him, I would totally use Arahabaki to get out of that prison by wiping it. That would also mean Fyodor winning bcs Dazai would be dead. Why didn't Fyodor do this? The only explanation that makes actual sense is Arahabaki not responding to him.
3. Dazai caught Fyodor in big way. He's in a room anti ability and is basically a wet rat swimming in water who's waiting to drown.
But this is where it gets interesting and I'm starting my theories from here.
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Those are Chuuya's eyes before entering the room.
Empty, no consciousness, under Fyodor's control.
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But those are Chuuya's eyes while in the water. They're not empty white blank anymore, as you can see. He's gritting his teeth and the round of the pupil starts forming which signals conscience as we have seen in the stance of Chuuya during corruption vs Chuuya getting out of corruption .
So I have 3 theories on this:
1. Chuuya's surviving instincts being triggered gets him out of the ability and, respectively, from under Fyodor's control.
2. The water has something in it that neutralizers the effects of any ability, case in which Fyodor is dead, as it would be like Dazai touching him but worse, more efficient.
3. The water touching that anti ability door is affected by the very property of that door to neutralize abilities, which leads to the result of 2nd theory too.
Many in this fandom didn't hesitate to instantly throw Dazai under the bus and while I'm definitely in for the Dazai slander usually happening in the fandom as yes, he is manipulative and can be really shitty and everything you want, Dazai was Chuuya's partner for a damn long time. They've known each other for seven years, have done a lot of things together, know each other very well, heck, they don't even need to speak many times to understand each other. I don't think Dazai wants Chuuya dead. And even if let's say Dazai would be willing to get rid of Chuuya, Chuuya is useful so he won't (if you want that bad for your heartless Dazai agenda to be fed).
Which leads me to point 1 and Dazai suddenly mentioning the moments they've gone through.
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We know Dazai rarely does something without a reason. Do you really think this was just a sudden popped up thought he decided to share while his biggest enemy is listening?
I don't think so. Dazai is in front of a ton of screens, must I remind you? He sees what's happening, hears it. He probably saw what I mentioned up about Chuuya's eyes too.
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Even more, Dazai talks about Chuuya not being able to lift all that water. But Chuuya can lift himself with his ability. We know that, we've seen that.
The door is anti ability. But is the ceiling?
I don't think Chuuya will die. Really, I think Dazai spoke of their memories exactly because he saw Chuuya gaining consciousness and the memories and his voice would help Chuuya gain control back.
So no, I don't think Chuuya dies.
Now, on the Fyodor agenda.
Fyodor dying by drowning seems ridiculous to me. Like, all this super villain agenda to what? To die so easily? I don't think so.
We don't know yet what Fyodor's ability does, don't know how it functions. And Dazai is taunting him to reveal it (panel above).
This is why I see rather more probable for Chuuya to regain control because of his survival instinct. And I think we'll see how Fyodor's ability works next (very improbable) but more than this I think Fyodor will catch Chuuya's leg or something when Chuuya regains control and flies using his ability.
But there comes the next thing: Chuuya's wrath. And this is more probable to show us Fyodor's ability than some water.
This is what I thought about for now.
Leave me your thoughts if you wish in comments or asks or even just message me tbh.
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
Recap on the Order of the Clocktower, suppositions on the real plan, and predictions on the future of the arc
Well! After months of fights that led to very little and an almost nonstop series of cliffhangers, it seems like finally we're entering the final stage of this arc. And in the last two numbers I noticed ... something doesn't quite add up.
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Let's make a brief recap on the Decay of Angels and the newly revealed last part of their plan. So, unlike what initially thought, the last part of their plan wasn't 'mostly terrorist activity', it was a goddamn vampire apocalypse that brought several nations to their knees in a handful of days.
This led the world leaders to decide that Fukuchi's speech of several chapters ago was right on the money, the only thing that can face such a catastrophe is an international army of which he will be given complete control. Moreover, to drive the point home ...
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They deem fit to give him this. Another extra powerful weapon in the hands of exactly one person? Who can multiply the strenght of every weapon he's given? With no countermeasure if he gets out of control? What is these people's problem?!
By the way, take a moment to appreciate how Fukuchi got something that allows him to destroy the individual soldier's free will and control all of their actions, something he felt already happened to him and the trauma of which gives him motivation. He doesn't spare a thought on the fact that they will suffer just as much as he did, he can only think of his own pain.
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So, Ranpo makes an observation that really shouldn't need a superior intelligence to be made: that with this trick, the Decay of Angels will have its goal served on a silver platter. World domination. Again, take a moment to appreciate how Fukuchi, who expressed anarchist beliefs and just the chapter before gave a neat speech on how politicians who order others around without any risk to themselves suck, coughed up a solution that was even more authocratic. Maybe all the 'you're the hero everyone depends on' talk got a little to his head.
But ... for what I've understood ... this is not the Decay of Angels's plan, this is Fukuchi's plan. If the inconsistences for him can be attributed to hypocrisy, for all the other four people in his group it makes even less sense.
Let's take a look at his four comrades, from the one less likely to subscribe to such a plan to the most likely:
• Bram Stoker: he's literally being threatened with death if he doesn't comply. One of the first things he says is protesting that he swore not to add any more people to his kin, but Fukuchi forces him. Once he complies, he express little interest for whatever is going on around him, everything he wants is a radio to pass the time in his coffin. World domination? Seems like an hard pass for him.
• Sigma. While fanon commonly portrays him as the 'good and cute not-really-a-villain', because he has a sympathetic backstory and shows kindness to the clients and staff of the casino, I'd like to point out that he's actually fairly amoral. He's in there because the Decay offered him a home; it makes sense that he's like that after being abused and aware of his being different from the rest of the world for all of his short life, but he still took part in a terrorist plan. Moreover, he was the one to send the casino's clients against the Hunting Dogs to hinder them - regular civilians against the very best of the army. It was actually Teruko who took upon herself and Tachihara not to harm civilians no matter what; what guarantee did Sigma have that she would have done that? What if she had listened to Tachi instead, who wanted to retaliate? Caring to clients and staff, but only up to a certain point. Even when he gave Atsushi that information, it was because of the latter's kindness towards him, not for some moral reason. Sigma is ultimately out only for himself. But this also means that he isn't really involved in the Decay's grand plan: he wants a home and that's it, tutto il resto fottesega.
• Gogol. Now we're getting a little closer. But not without incurring in another contradiction: Gogol hates restraints and orders, anything that gives a boundary to a human's actions. He detests even internal restraints, given by morality and his own sense of guilt. Why would someone like that partecipate in a plan that strips human beings of their own free will, and traps the world under the control of a lone person? Well, it's just speculation because we haven't seen him in ages, but I think it's part of his tendency to destroy himself in the name of freedom. He kills people to defy his own sense of guilt; he wants to kill Fyodor to destroy his desire to be understood and accepted; he collaborates in Fukuchi's plan to destroy his own beliefs in freedom, the thing that more than anything keeps him chained to a certain course of action. In his debut, he described the Decay of Angels's plan as pure evil and thus worth supporting; it's possible that he wasn't saying that under the common definition of evil, but in his own book, the anathema to Gogol's beliefs.
• Fyodor. Who has already stated a personal, very different goal: to acquire the reality-altering Book and make a world devoid of Ability users. All he needs for thar is wiping out the Ability-based organizations in Yokohama so he'll have a free pass, which is not exactly a small thing, but he doesn't need world domination for what he wants. So, why was he involved in such a plan? Well, this is a point I'll expand more on below.
I've already made another post on how the Decay of Angels are an extremely unlikely group and it's almost surprising they managed to work along enough to make this much damage. It's becoming even more evident now: Fukuchi is the only one really interested in the organization's goal.
The other one who gets closest is Fyodor, who, as we have seen, doesn't really care for that; but he gained what he wanted as an accessory. He wanted to get rid of Ability-users organizations in the city, and now the ADA members can't show themselves without getting attacked by the police, the Port Mafia has most of his top members turned into mindless vampires, and the Special Ability Department is about to be overruled by Fukuchi. Moreover, a Fukuchi with absolute power would be able to hand him the Book. Mission accomplished!
But there is this little detail: the Order of the Clocktower, those with the authority to hand Fukuchi the 'One Order'. There is very little known about them (I'm going from the wikia here): appearently, their purpose is to protect the British royal family, their members are Ability users of a terrific level, and they were responsible for chasing Mimic out of Europe after they gave the order for the attack who labelled them as war criminals in the first place.
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Come se questo non li rendesse già infinitamente più cani di quelli che danno il titolo all'opera, in Dead Apple they contact Ango to inform him that, to prevent the spread of Shibusawa's fog, they sent an incineration-Ability user to destroy Yokohama (quickly, native readers of British/European literature! Any suggestion for who this person could be! I could come up with Cecco Angiolieri, Aldo Palazzeschi and Gabriele D'Annunzio, but I really doubt it could be any of them, nobody ever cares about Italian literature besides Dante. Your loss).
So, this can mean two things: either they are in contact with the Japanese government and acted with their agreement, or they have enough power to overrule it. Personally, I think the former is more probable.
Anyways, they aren't irrationally genocidal. Once Atsushi &Co. fix the situation, the attack is called off, even if their leader, Agatha Christie, complains about not having the scent of a burning nation to go with her tea. So, their leader: it's not the first time she shows up in the story.
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She appeared all the way back in chapter 12, the same that also introduced Fitzgerald and Fyodor, in a meeting to discuss the failure of the bounty on Atsushi. Which tells us two very important things: first, as the other two were out for the Book, it's highly probable that she's after it as well; secondly, that she works with Fyodor, the very same person who orchestrated the plan that should get the One Order, a weapon under the control of Agatha's organization, in the hands of Fukuchi.
Now, Fukuchi is an interesting one under this point of view, because he wasn't even implied in the Chapter 12 Conference. We have seen that Fyodor likes to keep his fingers in multiple pies when it comes to razing the poor Yokohama to the ground: first he hacked the Moby Dick to make sure it fell; then he helped Shibusawa with the aforementioned fog incident; then he acted with his own organization with the Cannibalism plot; lastly for now, the Decay of Angels. As long as he gets to eliminate the Ability users, he doesn't care who he's working with.
Insomma, è 'na zoccola di nome e di fatto.
But we have also seen that Fyodor isn't above backstabbing his 'colleagues': he ignored the fate of Fitzgerald after he fell and took the opportunity to take the Guild's assets for himself, and he directly killed Shibusawa to turn him in the Singularity and send him to get killed by Atsushi. Note how Shibu got off even worse than Fitz: he wasn't in the Chapter 12 Conference, and it's likely he didn't know about the plan to incinerate Yokohama while Fyodor did, being acquainted with Agatha. It's even possible that was the whole point of his involvement in the operation: give her an excuse to attack, while he got an opportunity to cause the deaths of Ability users on the side.
My point is: you know how Fukuchi was not in the Chapter 12 Conference? And he just put himself in a position where if he is found out, things will have consequences on an international level, now that the Order got involved? And do you also remember how Fyodor mused to himself that he didn't make the perfect plan required by the Decay of Angels, because that would have been boring?
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Le mie previsioni per quest'arco sono: Fukuchi è una tigre di cartapesta, e si ritroverà la sua super spada ficcata di prepotenza su per il culo.
A very faithful translation of the above: it is very possible that Fukuchi was set up to fail from the very beginning; or at the very least, Fyodor was keeping his plans with Agatha as backup in the case the Decay of Angels didn't work out .
When the ADA will defeat Fukuchi (because no one of his colleagues will lift a finger to help), they will once again play straight into their enemies's hands. Maybe they will 'officially' remain as dangerous terrorists, and then the Order of the Clocktower will have to intervene against them. Or they will actually rehabilitate themselves, and they will be once again celebrated as heroes while the Hunting Dogs will fall in disgrace - what with their leader being secretly a terrorist leaders, suddenly these very powerful people will become unreliable - and the goverment will make an horrible figure, what with persecuting innocent people while being played like fiddles by the real criminals; surely, this situation will call for someone more reliable to establish order in Japan, such as, perhaps, an intervention from an highly esteemed European Ability organization.
How things will proceed from then on, it's anyone's guess. It is possible that Agatha will use her power to have Dazai and Fedka the Convict released from jail, though why would she do that is up in air. Maybe it would be more convenient for her to leave such an unreliable ally where she can see him, and she has never met Dazai as far as we know, so she probably isn't much interested in him. This is as far as my prediction abilities come.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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melodramaticarting · 5 years
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My first fanfic on Tumblr! This is for an anime called Bungou Stray Dogs. I’m a little obsessed with the character called Osamu Dazai in it. He’s named after a real life author, and his power “No Longer Human” is named after one of the guy’s works, which I read for research purposes.
After getting an image in my head (concept art picture above this text), this is my take on some thoughts/diary entry things Dazai has on different things other characters have said to him so far. Spoiler alerts for the anime and manga, which is all I've gone through for now.
Life Had a Meaning?
No Longer Human. Hah, I was never human.
Other than surviving for as long as possible (a human’s common sense), there’s very little meaning to life for me. I am a creature…that is somewhat emotionally deprived, generally speaking. I knew that much. The term was…psychopath, I think? An old man I tortured said that to me once. Most people set values and goals in life because of a feeling called “I want this to happen” has urged them to do so.
Allow me to present my resume.  The world is my oyster. I am cunning and uninhibited by the laws of common men. I am dedicated and relentless with virtually no emotional fatigue if there is a goal. My record of “136 murders, 312 cases of extortion, 625 cases of fraud, along with various other sundry crimes” should prove these points if nothing else. Or did I really do those things for a reason in the first place?
So tell me.
What exactly is the point of living? I can own the world around me, destroy it, nip it’s buds and watch it re-grow in morbid fascination, but it wouldn't even be worth the work put in for it. Logically speaking.
Why does it matter? Is it because someone assigned the act of living a value?
“...man fears death and yet, at the same time, man is drawn to death… It is a singular event in one’s life that none may reverse.”
I wanted to unravel the secret in that phrase. I thought it would give me reason to live if I solved it’s puzzle, so I decided to use life for it instead. It became my raison d’etre, for death. That which has evaded me to this day.  Successful suicide has proved to be a long-term project I must put everything into. And sadly, In the meantime, I’ll have to live. Ah, how I want to sleep till the end of the world like a log instead. The physical pain suicide attempts usually give me aren't that nice. As opposed to what everyone thinks, I’m just used to it.
The pain of drowning in your own blood when your lungs are punctured by bullets, it gives a burning sensation like your chest is on fire. The pain of involuntarily gasping for air when they don’t fill up because it’s leaking at the same time. The pain of actual water flooding your lungs when you drown in a river, when you can’t fight the involuntary response of your mouth opening to breathe anymore. The nausea that takes over your head when low blood pressure settles in, because you lost too much blood. Your body fights when you tell it to stop wasting effort, so you just let it. Then it gets excited all on it’s own, pumping blood more fiercely than ever to keep you awake and functioning. Sometimes weird things pop up, like that “life flashing before your eyes” thing. I just see a hole most of the time though.
It’s like an alarm clock you can’t snooze, so annoying. Then it gets really, really cold. I totally can’t stand those things. Just like that GSS Soldier who attacked Randou-san. I asked him if he wanted me to cut it short. Even though it was more than he deserved. I thought I’d be kind, but Chuuya stopped me.
Oh…right. A human doesn't think like this. I must carefully manage my persona on display. Like that scene I staged for him when we went to rescue Q in one of The Guild’s basements. I threw the knife down and muttered a logical half-hearted excuse for not killing him, like keeping myself valuable to the mafia. In truth I could already think of so many other ways to achieve the same effect, but one must be tactful when playing human. A moment of giddiness bubbled across the surface of my sinful pride as Chuuya said, “how naïve. Your goody two-shoes act also puts me off.”
Despite practicing over ten thousand hours, I've yet to achieve true mastery. Dogs can still sniff me out if I don’t keep them occupied, even the occasional human that acts like one. When someone comes close enough scratch the surface, they see The Hole, and they run in fear. I am a hopeless cannibal, serving this bottomless pit that will never be satisfied. If only I could find something that could fill it up.
“You told me that you might find a reason to live if you lived in world of violence and bloodshed..”
My hand slipped off the edge. No, don’t talk about that Odasaku. Now’s not the time.
“I did, but who cares-“  The edges of the hole are further crumbling away. Didn't that man see it?
“You won’t find it.”
…What are you saying, Odasaku? That’s not true. Don’t tell me that. It’s not. You’re wrong, Odasaku, please be wrong. Stop it.
“You must know that already. Whether you’re on the side who kills people, or the side who saves people. Nothing beyond what you expect will appear. Nothing in this world can fill that lonely hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity.”
What are you doing? You’re scaring me. I’m shaking. No. Stop. Stop digging this hole more. Stop making It bigger.  
“…What should I do?” An inhuman voice is crying to the sky. Is it mine?
“Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same, become a good man. Save the weak, protect the orphans. Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know... but that would at least be a little more beautiful...”
“How do you know?” I stopped trying to mend the edge. A pit so deep, there’s not even blood.
“Of course I know. I know better than anyone.”
Does a monster have to be alone forever? Can they be with others?
“Because…I am your friend.” I had a hole in me too.
“Your methods…your sadistic way of hollowing out your enemies’ heart…Your blood…is Mafia black, more so than anyone else’s in this country.”  Higuchi sounded so cold when she said that. I just wanted to share myself and connect sincerely with others, just like Kenji. People always ended up confessing their hearts to him, didn't they? It was just the same thing.
But it’s alright, she doesn't have to understand. Odasaku taught me that day already. Monsters could make friends, too.
One day I found a guide. Someone who had been where I am, and he found a way out. He told me how.
I didn't cry when he died, because only humans cry. I've long been disqualified as a human, but I’ll take a look at where he pointed.  He gave me a new direction.
…maybe a reason to live, too.
“Nakajima Atsushi-kun, do you know whose grave this is?”
“No, but it’s someone dear to you right?” Did he just mean sentimentality? An emotion reserved for humans?
“…Why do you think that?”
“I've never seen you visit a grave after all.”
“Does it look like I’m visiting a grave?” Am I acting like a human?
“It does…why?”
…He’s just like a dog.
“Was it someone you loved?”
Haha, what a naïve face. Great for molding. I've been trying to do that. A little differently than my hellhound back at Port Mafia. My little kouhai that is strongest when he is chasing after me. Like a beast, without a single care for dignity. Another reason I left the mafia.
What? I didn't just leave because Odasaku told me to. No, even my tolerance had a limit sometimes. Mori sacrificed my friend to get a Gifted Business Permit (I do acknowledge it was a logical course of action.) All I could see from then on was a piece of paper dyed in his blood, that would stain my hands forever, if I stayed. That would be a liability for me in the future. I also placed a bomb in Chuuya’s car before leaving.
Exploited Ango to erase all my past crimes on paper.
Severed the connection between the accelerometer and Ango’s airbag to make sure he landed within an inch of death.
Just a little exchange to clarify personal boundaries between old friends. A natural course of friendship. Then there were the women, right. I didn't know what to do with the women.
“I’m gonna send your address to every woman you've left crying.”
I think real fear struck me for a moment. Chuuya…sometimes I think he’s a woman too. He fucks like one.
He also…doesn't leave me alone like one.
“Enemy of all women!!” His name-calling that night reverberated in my head for a while.
As a mentor, I love both Atsushi-kun and Akutagawa equally, but they just couldn't be raised the same way. It would be best he didn't realize, but I do wonder sometimes why Akutagawa doesn’t understand that. His strength is best brought out by pulling out the rug beneath him. He developed an intense desire to survive in his childhood days, and I attached that to a leash (what good is training a dog that you can’t control?). A pathological need for approval from me. It’s like a drug that makes his growth self-sufficient. Atsushi-kun on the other hand, needed a warm and loving environment. He’s too paralyzed by trauma.
When Atsushi-kun asked me how he should feel about the headmaster’s death, I repeated what I most commonly saw. “When someone’s father passes away, they will cry.” (The only death that ever arrested my conscious for more than a moment was Odasaku’s. I can only say it made the hole bigger, which I didn't know how to explain in words.)
Another reason being his first teacher already having taken up residence in that part of his heart, where his abuse carved out a gaping cavern. It would be unwise to compete for the same space, or use the same paralyzing trauma as a motivational device. Atsushi-kun’s fragile mentality requires my daily presence right now, but I do see him improving as time goes by. In a way he’s actually stronger than Akutagawa because of that.
“Victory is yours, Atsushi-kun.” I remember how his face lighted up at those words. I was right. “Your spirit prevails, and this city is saved.”
And with that setup, Akutagawa will crash at him repeatedly for me, and Atsushi-kun will always stop him. Iron sharpening iron, meaning I have less work to do. There’s too much to prepare for before judgment day, I can only nurture so many soldiers at the same time. Especially if they’re in two different organizations that can butt heads anytime. I even have to take care of the toys around Atsushi-kun to make sure they don’t break.
Kyouka-chan was so distressed because she killed thirty-five people, so I gave her some inspiring pep-talk—and compared her case with Atsushi-kun. I couldn’t let her know how many people I've killed. How annoying. I reminded myself again it was for Atsushi-kun’s growth. Raising him was essential in the quest Odasaku guided me to ---save people. To save myself.
“People exist to save themselves...”
Can I believe Odasaku had a feeling called “care” for me, and I for him? Did we need to be certified humans for that?
“A mafia member who doesn't kill...huh,” Odasaku…are you telling me I’m in the right place? Were you leading me to Atsushi-kun? Hah…if only you could see this. He even made the hellhound I trained swear off killing for six months. That’s so incredible. You were right. Being on the side that saves people just might be way more beautiful.
A/N: Yes, I researched how people die and what it feels like in case you’re wondering.
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