#I've been back on this site for 15 minutes and I already hate it again
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The first step to overcoming fear, is to acknowledge it, that opens the doorway to healing. If you can go inside, sit with your fears, and love yourself complety through what you fear. You can conquer your fears. One step and one fear at a time...
My first (yet not my last) experience with an alternate reality came at the young age of 14. I've shared this experience on several different sites when asked to do so or if I feel guided to do so.
When I was 14, I was late coming home and that wasn't good because I had a curfew. I had stayed out late with friends and was already very late. I remember being mad at myself for leaving my bike at home. I hardly ever did that. It was already dark out when I left my friend's house, so I decided to take a familiar shortcut, if you have followed me for a while you know I grew up in a country yet somewhat rural city that is small enough to be considered rural, yet big enough to be designated as a city.
My short cut home was a dead end road that was a path that was wide and lead deep into a dark wooded area, one that thankfully lead to the end of my road where my house was.
At first, I was walking at a fast pace, thinking of how I was gonna explain to my mom why I had broke my curfew. The full moon shining bright gave me the boost of courage that I needed, but as I approached the entrance of the shortcut a FEAR I can't explain gripped me. I had been through those same woods before in the daytime with my brother, my friends, even with my sister. (she hated the woods) I looked up at the moon, thought of my bike, trying not to panic, I started to calculate the distance, if I turned around walked all the way back up Fisher that would take 10 minutes, then if I walked another 10 minutes down the highway and another 15 down my road, that would be another 35 minutes. My mom would have had me on punishment forever. (I was always breaking my curfew) The only logical thing for me to do was to take the shortcut. Another long glance at the moon, my thoughts raced, what about the wild dogs that lived in the woods, the ones who had fought and killed my neighbor's dogs? Or the snakes, where do they go at night? Long deep breath, "I said to myself, don't walk... run!" So I did, half way through the path, reality shifted somehow and without warning, I heard the penetrating night sounds that accompany a warm spring night, crickets and maybe a frog sounding off, the moon was playing peek-a-boo with me through the trees. It's beams flashing in and out as I ran faster & faster, suddenly I wasn't running on the dark path in the woods that lead home anymore. I was in the middle of a big yellow field of flowers, with sunlight all around, and the sky was more blue than I had ever seen. I realized that I was no longer running but standing still in that big yellow field of flowers. When I reached out my hand to touch one, to silence my disbelief, the sunny scene blurred then faded back into the darkness, I was at the end of the path a few houses away from my home.
When I got there I tried the back door, it was locked, so that meant I would have to knock, I didn't want to, or I couldn't. My mind was still trying to explain what happened , I had no words to explain how reality had shifted instantly. That's when the door opened, my mom expressed her relief, she had been worried, I was never that late, she didn't care that I had broke my curfew she was on her way out to look for me, my friends parents let her know when I had started on the way home. She just hugged me, let me inside, told me that she loved me and that was that.
It wasn't that simple for me, I never went through the woods alone again at night, but I became fascinated by alternate realities. Over the years I have researched everything I can find on the topic. Some experience a physical laspe or accelration of real time, while others experience a conscious shift and in some cases both.
Though I'm explaining it the best I can it is hard to explain here. I am very aware of the quantum (Einstein theory of special realativity) overtones of my experience with an alternate reality, but I am also humbly aware of the supernatural non- physical aspects yet to be studied, explored, intregrated and accepted as described by Tesla.
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Thanks tumblr for showing off and explaining to me how to use features that I’ve already used.  It’s really helpful
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Oh my god I was obsessed with the thirteenth year!! I completely forgot about that movie. I think I saw it for the first time around the time I saw Aquamarine, which I racked up an almost $300 dollar Comcast bill because I kept renting the movie over and over again lmao my mom called me from work screaming XD dude camp rock was everything for a minute I cared more about camp rock than I did hsm.
You're right about Sam style, ever since he did that video of switching styles with Colby, its been sneaking its way into his closet more and more and I'm here for it 1000%. You're probably right about the Mandela effect thing but some things I specifically remember being different. The Berenstein bears for instance, I had a book as a kid that said Berenstein not Berenstain (could it of been a misprint, maybe) still weirds me out tho lol
I'm a fall aesthetic kind of girl myself, there's something peaceful about the fall time that I can't explain lol it just speaks to my soul
I've been wondering the same thing about metalife and I was low-key gonna ask you about it lol I wasn't around at that time but it seemed really short lived, I don't even fully know what it is but from what I could see they seemed passionate about and proud of it.
Not gonna lie I used to take almost hour long showers, thats how long it used to take me, now I'm between like 15-30 mins depending on what needs to me done🤣🤣🤣
My favorite drink(s) are pepsi, cranberry juice and water lol and then for alcoholic drinks thats kind of tough because I have ✨t r a u m a✨ when it comes to drinking. So I don't really do it that often but when I do it's always with my cousin and we usually drink this peach moscato wine from barefoot that's really good. Or the basic white girl wine coolers like Mike's hard lemonade or twisted tea. I also unironically like smirnoff ice's lol
I don't really watch TV that much outside of my already favorited shows. I've been really into Guy's Grocery Games lmfao. If you don't know what it is, it's pretty much like chopped but Guy Fieri's version. I watch it with my mom 😂 its pretty funny and the last movie I watched was The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Funniest movie I've seen in a while, you should watch it if you ever get the chance.
Most of my clothes are from Walmart because all the stores I like don't carry my size in store and I have a love/hate relationship with shopping for clothes online. It has not ended well for me in the past lol
Favorite pizza topping? Favorite board game? Do you collect anything?
omg we are the same person haha
i've never actually watched aquamarine, but i can totally see why ppl loved and still do. my movie of choice back then was ella enchanted. i fucking loved that movie.
and camp rock was the moment bc of the jonas brothers and demi. the cast of hsm was iconic, but camp rock deserves it's praises too.
i'm honestly really into sam's style too. but colby's just matches my aesthetics more. yeah, the berenstein bears is a weird one. i think sometimes it was misprinted or something. also, the way ppl pronounce it has probably altered how ppl thought it was spelt.
no, i get what you mean. falling leaves is like the most peaceful thing to me.
the thing with metalife... i truly don't know the answer. i heard that someone was threatening to sue bc they got removed from the site or they got bullied on the site? but i have no actual idea if that is true or not.
i used to be able to take fast showers, but i've added a lot more steps into my shower taking lol i just wish i could be clean all the time.
honestly wine coolers and mike's hard are good. they have like no alcohol content in them and they're just nice to sip on instead of a heavier drink. better than white claws in my opinion.
omg i didn't know guy fieri had a show other than the eating show he's had for years haha he's such a weird dude but i love him. and i've heard of that movie. i gotta watch it next time i get the chance. i can't even remember the last tv show i saw, or movie for that matter. i watch youtube so often anymore.
same, online shopping can be the fucking worst. most of my clothes are from rue 21, hot topic, or like random dollar stores that have my size occasionally. also i do have a good amount of snc merch.
my favorite pizza topping is honestly just more cheese. i want so much cheese that it could kill a lactose intolerance person lol jk. i do like vegetable pizzas sometimes, so i guess veggies, if not more cheese.
there was a board game me and my brother used to play called 1313 dead end drive. it was like clue mixed with mouse trap. it was so cool. but i haven't played a board game in years.
the only thing i think i collect is crystals. i really love them and they're just so pretty. my favorite one is an amethyst that actually came from a rock that used to be in my yard at my old house. my brother and his friends smashed opened this huge rock and inside was amethyst. i got one little piece of it that i still have :)
questions: worst party you've ever been too? first band/artist you ever got really into? white, milk, or dark chocolate?
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akiyama-san · 7 years
I've noticed your comments about Love Live Sunshine and don't get me wrong, we all have our own opinions and I'm not telling you stop posting your negative thoughts about it, but why do you hate Love Live Sunshine so much? And if you hate it that much, why are you even watching it?
I suppose it comes off as hate doesn’t it? Well despite how it appears, it’s not entirely hate, it’s mostly disappointment, and while that might not sound much better i’ll try to explain what I mean, hopefully to a degree that it can be understood. 
Spose I should start at the top shouldn’t I? 
I think it goes without saying that this point that I didn’t like the original show at all, it had its moments, and 2 or 3 good characters, which isn’t saying much I realize but these casts are fucking bloated of course only a handful will be likeable. The concept seemed really fucking stupid from the outset, and it is, but I’ve seen worst, and as a first attempt by SunRise for an Idol show, to my knowledge, the idea to give it an actual plot to follow was in theory a noble one. It failed completely, but the thought was there. More to the point, almost everyone was completely flat, incredibly stupid, and beyond insufferable. 
I’ll be honest, I can put up with a lot, and if I had chosen to watch it of my own volition I’d probably have been more forgiving of the writers dancing on active fault lines, but at the time some years back, I had several people breathing down my neck to watch the fucking show so I went in pissed off. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t change the fact that these characters say and do things that would make me want to hurt a small child, but I would still have been more kind to it in the long run. 
Then the movie happened, and well.... Lets just say the series needed the fucking soft reboot that was Sunshine after that abysmal travesty of a movie that completely deficated on a third of the casts character development. I’m still trying to work out the quantum fucking mechanics of how Honoka could receive her microphone from her future fucking self BTW. 
I openly admitted this at the time, and this is important because this is often overlooked by the crowd. I said that after the failure of the movie, and knowing that a new series was coming, if SunRise could learn from their mistakes, then I would gladly and open-mindedly go into Sunshine with a positive attitude and be kinder to it if the series was able to escape its charred charcoal burned roots. 
Needless to say I was absolutely blown away by how incredibly Sunshine could be at times, and how baffling disgusting and incompetent it could be as well. I stress that Sunshine is wholly the better property I was able to enjoy more than whole episodes and character arcs completely this time around, as opposed to the original where I enjoyed maybe 10 minutes of its total 700 minute run from episode 1 to movie credits. 
The series had incredible characters to start, those already good characters ACTUALLY GREW INTO EVEN BETTER CHARACTERS, THESE CHARACTERS ACTUALLY GROW AND MATURE AND THAT’S INCREDIBLE. I’ll say openly that the second years are some of the best characters I’ve seen in any anime in the past several years, and I would never hope to take away from that. Better was that we actually had rivals that we could see and understand, that weren’t placed on a pedestal for no discernable reason, one that stood on relatively even ground that could be combatted in real time, force growth and change upon both groups. 
At the same time, while the series had heights and feats that rivaled Everest, it also had lows that would put the Mariana Trench to shame. No, I don’t care what anyone says, I will never get over all the bullshit that happened between Mari and Kanan, and how absolutely disgusting Kanan is, even now, refusing to grow up or stop being a cunt or do anything of value to the group you so claim to love. I’ll be generous and say I was fucking disgusted by SunRise repeating what happened with Honoka and Kotori in the first season here with Mari and Kanan, almost beat for beat. It was terrible the first time, and suicidally bad the second time. 
To regain the focus, by then end of it while my opinions were of the mixed nuts variety with plenty of roasted salt, I still gave it a hearty recommendation because I thought it was genuinely pretty good, blue cuntveats notwithstanding. 
Where my problem overall with Season 2 lies. If it disappointment and wasted potential were a physical force this series could level mountains. 
From the beginning we’re told that we’re on an incredibly strict time crunch and that we need to focus all our efforts hardcore in the second round. 
Only for almost literally all of the first 6 or 7 episodes to be nothing but filler and padding to waste time, where no growth or progression of any kind took place at all, and such wonderful gems as 
Dia: Please call me Dia-Chan.
Chka: No!
and the omnipresent 
Chika: Teach how to do a backflip
Kanan: Not on your fucking life!
Kanan: Oh shit she learned how to do the backflip... 
Where it all came to a head however was with the reveal of just how many students the school actually had, because that was something that was never brought up. The total number of students is 68 when all are accounted for. And the is beyond miserable. 100 fucking students isn’t enough, to maintain the school you need at least 200, but closer to 300. With 68 students the school should’ve closed fucking years ago. The revelation of that number killed the entire fucking show, it made moot the efforts and development of every single fucking character, because no matter what, even if they had gotten 100 students, this same predicament would still inevitably rear its head once again next year or the year fuckin after. 
I want to make clear, more than anyone else on this site, I have authority to speak on this matter, and no one can refute this, hell I’d barely even listen to them if they did because I severely fucking doubt they ever dealt with this sort of thing, if they did they would totally agree with me.
I have come face to face with a school closure myself. 15 years ago the district announced that my Elementary school would be closing, this school with 700 students that churned out some of the best results in the city might I add. It was a hard and long fought battle, it lasted 3 years, but eventually the parents won that war, and it’s still open now. How did they do that? By actually getting involved, going to meetings, talking directly to superintendents and comptrollers, explaining things like how some of them go to work really early or work late, they can’t send their kids anywhere else because they’d never be able to make it to other schools in the morning on time or pick up on time because of how far away they are, how different schools offer different programs, and not all schools offer the same accommodations for special needs children as this one did, ETC. The point is, the parents got active in the fight, the people that might have been able to affect the outcome did, and while it was no easy task, they did it, they actually fucking one that battle. 
I don’t expect even a fraction of that to occur, but to at the same time tell me that the parents don’t know or care at all, much less any of the other fucking 59 students are powerless to help in any meaningful capacity is an absolute load of horse shit. 
Where it started to bring my blood to a boil, nay to a bursting point, was what happened in the last to episodes with Saint Snow. The best song the franchise ever gave us was Self Control, followed by Shocking Party. This is a fact. From a single interaction some of the most intriguing and likeable characters we got were also Saint Snow. For them to be all but ignored in season 2 until 8 fucking episodes in is ludicrous, but for their first appearance in over 10 episodes to be them failing a concert and us not even getting to hear any of the fucking song, is insulting, it’s infuriating, it’s domestic abuse. This isn’t a slap in the face, this is Studio SunRise forcefully shoving their cock in your mouth against your will and punching you in the eyes with brass knuckles for crying about the cock in your mouth. 
Honest to God, if I wasn’t committed to seeing this through, these last two episodes would be my first set my merchandise on fire moment, and that is saying a lot. It might sound like i’m being overdramatic, but honestly there are a lot of people that agree with me on this matter. 
I did a lot of thinking in writing this post and it took me the better part of an hour to write it. I still hold fast on my thoughts about the original, 2/10 garbage. 
I still hold to my opinions of season 1 Sunshine, 7/10 very good. 
But this season? Well let me put it this way, I score every episode and tally the scores at the end, if season one got a 70 percent
Season 2 probably wouldn’t even reach a combined 20/130 
I will still recommend newcomers to Sunshine season 1 absolutely, but I will also absolutely tell them to pretend season 2 never happened, do not watch it because it will make you commit homicide in the aftermath. 
Why do I hate Sunshine Season 2? 
Because SunRise finds new and exciting ways to fail at absolutely everything on every single level every week. I infamously gave the movie a 1/10, in the long run, I think I would sooner rewatch that movie on loop than ever rewatch this season of Sunshine ever again. 
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