#I'm trying out this thing where i link screenshots from a private blog I made specifically to transfer Dread screenshots to my PC quickly
molagboop · 11 months
Would you like an egg in this trying time?
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This is cavegg01.
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You may recognize it from the first set of rooms in Artaria, particularly where the counterattack tutorial takes place. This is a muzby egg, and it's the vessel from which muzby grubs are born into the world.
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You can see muzby eggs in the background of the tutorial itself. In this shot, they're in the background below the muzzle of Samus' arm cannon.
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But that's not all: there's a cavegg02, and—get this—it features two eggs. The smaller one's a bit dented on top, but we pay that no mind: this is a background asset, so we wouldn't notice that during normal gameplay.
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Something interesting to note is that the egg models are hollow, likely to save space on the cartridge or to give the game less to render, allowing those cutscene transitions between maps to end quicker.
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Wham, double feature! You thought I'd show you the eggs, but not the babies inside them? Nay! Muzbabies be upon you!
The grubs are orange, and their bodies grow pink near the extremities. It has a tiny head, dark pink in coloration, and mandibular structures that remind me of the grubs of real-life goliath beetles. They appear to lack eyes.
When Samus approaches the grubs, they hide behind their large forelegs. Adorable! And smart. These grubbies aren't being eaten today!
The model for this creature is called bigfistgrub. Its textures are simply labeled with "grub". "bigfist" is the internal name for the muzby, which is featured in this article on the official website for Metroid Dread (The website is now down, but fortunately, the Wayback Machine and Wikitroid have our backs!). Given that these babies are called grubs, I'd wager they pupate at some point during their life cycle, transforming into the lumbering pink pals we see in Artaria.
Speaking of Muzby...
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That's right! Triple whammy.
Of the humble Muzby, MercurySteam says:
Muzby This terrestrial creature with heavy arms is one of the larger lifeforms on Artaria. It drags its arms behind as it walks. Because it dwells and has evolved in darkness, a Muzby doesn’t have the equivalent to a face. It has tough, rugged skin and high endurance, so high-powered attacks like the Missile or Charge Beam are effective. Samus can also slide between its legs when it lifts its arms to attack.
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Muzby may not have a "real" face, but it does appear to have little mouth parts with mandibles in the front. Given the developers' description, I'd hazard a guess and say the muzby is blind. If those spots on its face aren't proper eyes, they may be sensory organs of a different stripe. Perhaps they process olfactory information, or sense heat. Maybe they exist to fool other creatures into thinking the muzby can see them when approached from this end, like eyespots on the wings of the Polyphemus moth?
The muzby also has nubby feelers atop this segment of the body. Perhaps the muzby uses them to sense vibrations in the environment, or maybe these organs release pheromones. Who knows!
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The muzby has two huge arms on one end of its body, and a pair of smaller limbs on the other. It carries two pairs of even shorter arms behind the mid-sized set: you can see them curled up behind the animal's small "head".
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The article says the muzby has a tough hide, and its exterior certainly doesn't appear to be overly chitinous. The muzby reminds me of a soft-shelled crab in this respect, especially considering the layout of the underbelly.
In-game, the muzby attacks by turning so that its large arms are facing the threat, then rearing up on its hind legs, slamming its big meaty appendages down on the opponent. It doesn't seem to have any trouble navigating in either direction.
Muzby: a beautiful creature with very cute babies!
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twinuchiha · 4 months
Okay. Those who know me know that I’m not the type of person that likes to make serious posts. But this situation has been on my radar since Wednesday, and has turned into borderline harassment.
This is a warning to be wary of the Naruto anon rpers.
This is not a call to attack anyone. This is not a call to harass anyone. This is a warning. Trigger Warning: Harrasment, Death threats, SA threats, Stalking and Abuse will be mentioned under the cut. If you can not handle these topics, feel free to not click read more. However, it would be appreciated if you relogged this post to spread awareness.
Some people may already be aware that I used to interact with this group, and be on friendly terms with Sasukeanon, but not anymore. I have blocked most of them, and they may have already blocked me as well by now. Honestly? I'm just disappointed. So around January 30th, someone sent a hate post to Hidan anon mentioning a few of their fellow blogs. Understandable, they mentioned Kisame anon to ask them what was going on, as they have also recently been getting hate.
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They're trying to figure out who this possibly could be, but then out of nowhere, Orochimaru's anon says this:
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To which??? Okay, some people just type similar to each other? I've seen it happen. Anyway, when Kisame tries to explain that they've had problems with people in the past and listing off who it could have been, Sasuke comes in with this:
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How they came to this conclusion, I don't know. But they then suddenly start going on a tirade and start making threats.
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This took me off guard. I knew Sasuke could be harsh in some of their posts, which made me uncomfortable, but this was the first time I've seen them jump to death threats. This is no way to talk to someone. Especially when you have no evidence against. And don't have any evidence, because all you have done is claim things, never show proof, and then harass Kisame further (along with your friends) when they were trying to prove their innocence to everyone. Even in posts that had nothing to do with any of you!
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(Note that Sasuke's mod was handling Hidan's blog at the time of this)
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You keep saying that Kisame has been sending death threats and SA threats yet show no proof to back up your claims when someone confronts you on it. Instead, insult them. And type in all caps to try and be intimidating.
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These were in response to cherrypiesakurokun's posts on the matter, as like me they have also been talking to Kisame about what has been happening. The top one was after the Naruto anon blog added them in a callout and basically implied they were a death threats/SA threat defender. All because what? They tried to be supportive and wanted everyone to make up? I agree that they probably shouldn't have jumped in, but that's not fair.
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The blog you claim that is Kisame's main isn't even her main. This is her main. She linked me her Reddit account to prove this.
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Do these blogs look remotely the same??? The threats you claim were sent by Kisame to herself hold critical information that held her real name and where she lives. Why would someone do to themselves, risk doxing themselves? It doesn't make any sense. She's sent me proof of that as well, but I will not be showing them here because that is private information. Kisame told me that she gave you her discord, you could have asked her what was going on. But you never did. You just jumped to conclusions.
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When I asked Kisame about the threats that were being, her conclusion was that it was from her stalker ex boyfriend, who's she's been gathering evidence of for doing the same behaviour. She's informed me that she's currently trying to get a restraining order. I've been given permission to show these screenshots.
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Congratulations on harassing a victim of stalking and abuse. But if that wasn't vile enough, the night Kisame's mother was taken to the hospital, and they explained they'd be offline because of it, Sasuke, still using Hidan's blog, said this:
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This was vile. Fucking vile, and was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I blocked as many of the blogs I could. Like I said, I'm disappointed. Sad, even. Sasuke was one of the first blogs who'd interacted with me, and i thought they were nice. It seemed like I was wrong though. As I mentioned before, this isn't an attack. This is simply to warn others about the kind of people they will be interacting with should they come across the anon group.
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weebsinstash · 6 months
Wait hold on when did I threaten you anywhere? I just wanted to talk is all I wasn't going to harm you in any way nor did I say i was. I never sent you any threats. If you think i threatened you, you made that up in your own head. If you wanted me to go away and not come back you should have just said so? It's not really harassment if you never told me not to come and I didn't knock on your door to bother you. I just waited outside and you never told me to go away or that you didn't want me there. I have never ever sent you a physical threat. Idk what 'evidence' you're talking about but I never broke the law anywhere in this situation. Your address is publicly available information btw
I think there's actually a legal precedent for me to tell you to go fuck yourself and leave me alone at least one last time before i officially press charges
I've told you multiple times to leave me alone and I literally have DMs of the multiple, countless accounts you have contacted me on after being told to leave me alone. I even keep turning off anon asks so that you would have to create accounts so that every ask and instance of harassment can be directly linked back to you and you have created HUNDREDS of accounts like a total loser, literally everyone has no idea why you're still doing this, we just started assuming you were deeply mentally ill and becoming concerned
First off we both know you weren't outside, you most likely don't even know how to drive or can afford your own gas, but you still threatened being outside a previous address and have threatened to come and see me multiple times and that's still very much a threat, very much illegal in the context of your actions
"Public information?" You don't even know how these topics work. You found an old post on an old blog from years ago, a PayPal link containing ONLY my full name which beyond that one post on a completely separate blog was never posted elsewhere, which you then started sending my full name around to strangers attaching it to both my blogs where it was not public, you've reuploaded my pictures to other websites, made other accounts using my face and name, and then you proceeded to make a public records request using that name and then MESSAGED OTHER PEOPLE AND MADE POSTS WITH AN OLD ADDRESS AND MY FAMILY MEMBERS' NAMES and then you have the nerve to fuck around and send an ask that you're outside what you genuinely believe is my current fucking home?
It would literally be quicker for me to tell you the things you did that DIDN'T break the law you dumbass fucking teenager. alleged teenager anyways; to be blunt the reason i only still believe you're young is because you're quite frankly a fucking idiot with no life experience and it shows. I literally still have screenshots of the last time you made a fake dating profile with my stolen picture, which, you're also reuploading my family member's pictures which is also fucking illegal
I also want to point out
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"We're not even in the same state, you can't get me arrested, publicly spreading your private information on a public platform against your consent isn't illegal" oh my god you should have died in the womb, the cope is always turned up to 200 with you, do you take a medication for that. I'm literally fucking baiting you into deeper incriminating yourself and you are so far up your own ass you think I'm just falling for your pointless rage bait. I've literally told you multiple times that you could literally just Google how you reuploading my photos and even slightly implying you're me is a crime and then you're doing that on dating sites which has undertones of sexual violence and now your cringe ass is trying to use IP grabber links as if you didn't literally tell me how many miles away you were and that's kind of all I need
You've already threatened me. I've already told you to leave me the fuck alone. You literally impersonated multiple people and were still told to leave me alone. Even when you deactivate these accounts, these asks still sit in my inbox, the DMs of you admitting you broke the law are still easily accessible to me, the screenshots still in my phone, the records in tumblr's databases leading back to your registration email, so on so forth. You also keep harassing other people. Countless other people are fucking tired of this. Since I DO know what's legal to outright say to you I won't say what I'm sure many of us are thinking but, small dogs bark the loudest, and also, you're a coward, and a raging misogynist, and I pity the relationship you must have with your family that you spent your Christmas thinking about me
Fuck off and also eat your own shit and apologize to your parents and also take up staring into the sun as a hobby
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theteablogger · 9 months
Follow-up Q from reading back on the timeline: is there a place on here/elsewhere where screenshots or Wayback captures from AB’s blog are, if such things exist? Since he deleted his blog (or possibly just made it private) there are a lot of dead links etc., or analyses of an original post which appears nonexistent.
PS thank you for still being here. I know a lot of AA bloggers are not, which is understandable because he seems to have gone quiet for a few years, but coming from someone on the West Coast who’s also trying to get into costuming, seeing the bullshit he’s pulled around the entertainment industry/film/TV, and then realizing that he’s also in fandom freaks me the hell out. I’ve met that ‘type’ before and body-shaming is such a rampant issue around costuming (and even tailoring more broadly) that day one of my education on the subject was “Do not ask a person for information about their body which you do not absolutely need; so not make comments on their body (including “compliments” on their figure etc); and put their physical safety and comfort as a top priority”.
I found your blog because of the Strange Aeons video and was sad to learn that much of the early bullshit happened in my hometown, but when I came back to this blog I was far more horrified discover that this person is also a serial sexual harasser and body-shamer not only had gone viral one here (the “cis people can get dysphoria” tweet went around costuming tumblr for obvious reasons) but also was/is in this industry. That is such a dangerous position to put him in, not just because he’s clearly a sexual predator, but because bad costumes regularly cause people serious injuries. This is especially likely to be the result of directors trying to make women look skinnier or otherwise “more attractive,” and the harm is often most serious in scifi/fantasy contexts where lots of stunts happen. Good costuming requires ETHICS when it comes to things like health, body image and, yes, gender. Mr. “Complimented his ex on her weight loss when she was literally starving because of him” should not be trusted with such a job ever imo.
I hope there are no dead links on the timeline--all the links on there should be to screenshots of Andy's posts rather than directly to his blog. There are definitely dead links in a bunch of my old tumblr posts, though.
As far as I know, the timeline is the only place to find a significant number of screenshots from Andy's blog. The Wayback Machine has captured some of it, but it's scattershot and some of those links don't work. archive.is also has a little bit.
“Do not ask a person for information about their body which you do not absolutely need; so not make comments on their body (including “compliments” on their figure etc); and put their physical safety and comfort as a top priority”
I'm glad to hear that this is emphasized in costuming education, and sad to say that Andy has violated all three of those rules at least as recently as 2018, which isn't that long ago. I agree with your concerns, and those are some of the reasons I'm still around. I hope this blog is a good resource for people in the industry to find information about Andy's past and decide for themselves how to respond if they encounter him.
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Hey… I’m not a fan of what happened to you, but “spreading suspicion” (aka paranoia) to traumatized people that their obsession with you has led to them splitting someone they hate (something many systems experience because of abuser introjects, one of the most common types of introject for DID) is. Making me really uncomfortable. Especially as someone who really struggles with paranoia.
That's fair. If it's any consolation, I have most people who I know are part of the server blocked, or am blocked by them. I can't guarantee that I've blocked the specific users involved in the gross roleplaying of me; the identities of those individuals was never disclosed.
What I will say is that if they'd act like responsible adults and choose to block and ignore people who are upsetting to them instead of roleplaying as them to mock them, then they shouldn't even see my post.
Also, is it something that "happened," as in past tense?
I genuinely have no idea. 🤷‍♀️
I know that this was something that people frequently did in the Survivors Network server prior to February 1st when the earliest post mentioning it that I could find was posted to Tumblr. I know that this was still an ongoing issue according to an active member of the server as late as March 23rd.
It's possible that after that the mods finally stepped in and put a stop to it... Not because it's morally wrong, because the moderators of the server allowed it for so long and would only have hypothetically responded to the issue after it went public, but because it threatened their precious reputation.
But I don't even have any reason to think they did that.
They spent months roleplaying as me to mock me in a private server. And when called out publicly by a former user, doubled down by praising the server and the admin (who had previously made gross misgendering posts about me, both on Tumblr and the server itself) and by accusing the person who talked about it as running a smear campaign.
Which, by the way, isn't what a smear campaign is. For a smear to be a smear, accusations have to be false. But these were corroborated by active members of the server. (As I understand, accusing anyone who talks publicly about things that happen in the server of running smear campaigns seems to be their go-to tactic, as it happened again toward the beginning of this month with unrelated and even more severe allegations against the server which I'm not getting into here.)
I haven't asked or otherwise tried to contact people in this server. Again, I'm blocked by or am blocking the majority of members I'm aware of. But based on their past and ongoing behavior, I see little reason to believe they've stopped now.
May I ask... as someone who struggles with paranoia... how you would feel if there was a private discord server where people had been roleplaying as you, mocking you, for months on end? That you only find out about it when one ex-member finally decides to go public?
Afterwards, you have no idea if they changed their rules or not. You have no idea if the same people are doing the same things they were before. You don't even know the specific users who are involved. All you know is that there were multiple, the mods turned a blind eye to it, and that it happened for months.
You've also been able to glean that screenshotting syscourse posts to discuss them in private is a common occurrence there. You have no idea who is watching your blog, and which posts of yours will be screenshotted and posted there.
And over the following months, you start connecting dots. Seeing people who were members of this same server who have been involved in trying to get your account banned, numerous callout posts, etc.
Meanwhile, false rumors about you continue to spread. Some from unknown sources. Some very directly linked to members of this same server.
You get in an argument with one of the mods of the Discord server (one who previously encourage people to try to get you banned) who says your follower count is dwindling. You make a post showing an increase in your follower count. And the very next day, a popular positivity blog ran by other members of this same server makes a post asking your followers to not interact, and telling them to choose between you and them.
The timing feels more than coincidental, but you have no way of knowing for certain.
How do you think all of this stacking together would make you feel?
Ultimately, here's what I think:
My musings about people involved in mocking me in this way possibly having introjects of me was never reblogged by anyone. Most of the people I know of on the server are blocking or blocked by me.
Ideally, hardly any of the people involved in bullying me this way should see it.
Unless, of course, somebody screenshotted my post and shared it in the server. But if they did that, I'd consider that a self-inflicted wound. Can I be responsible if the people who I'm blocking or have blocked are exposed to my posts because their "friends" in a server with a long history of bullying behavior directed at me share my posts with them anyway, knowing that they would be upsetting?
Any potential harm such a post could cause to the people doing this could be easily mitigated by simply blocking me and moving on instead of obsessively watching my blog for things to attack or mock in their private server.
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clonehub · 2 years
there's no need to do anything more than like and/or reply to this post. you can certainly send an ask if you want, but remember that anon is off!
some examples of the strange or straight up incorrect survey responses I've received that attempt to call me out or otherwise hold me accountable for the things the respondent claims I said/did:
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To this day, I have no idea what this person is talking about.
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(back during halloween) people called me obsessive and then did this.
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people called me immature and then did stuff like this (I've gotten a lot of toilet humor since opening the survey. in the beginning, we got quite a few thirst/pornographic comments, although we didn't think to screenshot them)
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People also liked to jump to wild conclusions about my URL. A hub is a center of activity. I post almost exclusively about clones. hence clonehub. Tbh this isn't even the first person to accuse me of being a pornhub-inspired blog despite the near total lack of NSFW on here in general.
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I don't know if yall remember when I was asking if nonautistic or trans people could write trans/autistic OCs--it was because of this response. I've used the "Loveable Brute" term in reference to Wrecker because....that's the name of the trope itself--and this person clearly hasn't seen how Rau himself describes Wrecker. I never mentioned Eckstein for the duration of this movement, to my knowledge. I also never body shamed anyone??? And the front page of both carrds is filled with donation links to various Maaori mutual aid/gfm-style donations. Idk what they're talking about with 17 year olds. Idk this one is a mess.
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To the first point: By chance, I found the ask they're referring to, where I say I'd heard about complaints about sabine's LA actress. Besides that, I mentioned the issue once, and....it was actually mixed Asian/fully Asian people who were complaining.
The Angelina Jolie comparison? Also not me. The person who said that is Asian.
The essay they're referring to is one I'd posted here a little bit ago. Anon isn't aware that I was relying on Legends, which says the Ming Po are not human--and that I'd made that point as part of a series of species based on irl PoC who are considered non/nearhuman. Ironically, this information was brought to my attention by someone who, themselves, is Asian.
And finally, I'd answered an ask from someone who showed me whitewashed art by a member of the tbb creative team. my only response was "oh my god" or something similar. that's not an attack. I never targeted that creative team member, and I never passed commentary implying anything more than the art was terribly whitewashed. And since then, I never mentioned him again.
Whenever I talk about people crediting me with things I didn't say, or people putting words in my mouth, misrepresenting what I say/do, etc, this is what I'm talking about. All of this.
This isn't even all of the rude, misleading, or otherwise negative comments I received on the survey that were directed at me. This doesn't include the asks I've received or what people have said to/about me on twitter. The day I turned off anon was the day I received a rather hateful (and misleading) survey response, and it was also when I received a 5-page essay in my inbox calling me a bully, among other things. I didn't bother screenshotting it.
Anyways, these and finals is why I've been so slow recently! I want to say thanks to all the folks who've stuck by me, and the people who sent me supportive asks (I haven't answered them because I liked to save positive asks when I can).
People have been accusing me of bullying from the start. My memory is trash, but I remember the majority of the interactions I've had with people--and especially recently, I...haven't been talking much to folks about uwwtbb, or even about uwwtbb in general. These people never bring up examples. They never try to send links. And if they're concerned with what I'm doing, they never address it with me privately first--I say this because others (both mutuals and followers) can and have. Multiple times. And the issue is always cleared. It's clear that many of them misread and misinterpret what I write. It's also clear that people confuse me for mutuals (?? lol) and also straight up lie about what I'm saying or doing (hence why I got an anon asking if I was deleting a few days ago).
This is what I've been dealing with recently! Since it's only been getting worse, the survey is closed and anon is off. But again--thanks to everyone who's supported me and this movement thus far.
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happysadyoyo · 2 years
Damn I missed a lot. I came back into tumblr recently and refound your blog; tf happened to morg?? (Don’t feel the need to explain everything if you don’t have the mental energy, of course)
I'll try to keep it simple.
Basically -- around the middle/end of March Morg went from targeting ND and mentally ill people derailing his posts or coming into his askbox to ND and mentally ill people in general. I unfollowed, made an untagged post talking about how dividing physical and mental disability is a lot like dividing trans men and trans women and that got pulled into this whole cripplepunk, cripple, physical vs. mental illness thing.
I blocked Morg because I mean. We know how he reacts when people don't agree with him and paid him no further attention until he sent Spider a sui bait ask that immediately pinged in me memories of when I pulled similar shit. And since I'd been following him through his last suicide attempt, I knew what to expect when I checked his blog.
I made a post about the situation and he ended up reblogging a screenshot with his pills. Afterwards, it came out he survived and was back online.
Recently, Spider received a series of fetish pictures, presumably in response to Spider posting about their donation of all cripplepunk related merch profits. Because Morg has erased Spider's physical disability to make it sound like they're profiting off a movement they're not a part of. By all definitions, Spider is a member of cripplepunk so he's being incredibly obvious in his hate.
Spider assumed it was from Morg, so I went to his blog and made a post about how he was up to his old bullshit. Someone asked who Morg is and I made a post talking about the March experience, including a link to a video I had made after knowing he had survived his suicide attempt about the situation and how it affected me and all that. And here's where I made a mistake.
Because he had screengrabbed my blog before, I unblocked him and told him if he liked looking at my blog so much he can just talk to me directly. He saw the post and video and reblogged it to his own blog and started a cycle of block, unblock, reblog, block on some of my posts. He also started saying the my video doxxed him and released private medical information to a series of right wing conservatives. That he was going to sue me, send a DMCA takedown, etc etc.
I need to stop to point out that until he reblogged the post there were 39 views. Total. I posted the video 20 days ago. Everything in the video? Publicly posted information. The name he uses online. Nothing from any password protections or anything.
I end up unlisting it because someone pointed out I used his blog name, and I agreed that was a bit too far. I also stop talking about him outside of asks. In return, he continues to spread lies about myself, everything from erasing my own disabilities, lying about things I've been saying or have said, etc. Usual bullshit.
Except he's also encouraged a harassment campaign against me as well as people sending me sexually explicit art. And he's continuing to lie, saying that I'm claiming that he's sending the messages and send my followers after him, falsely attributing this influx of hate to him, again, the usual.
I'm getting fed up because I've discovered he's also poking apart some posts I made referencing a romance movie about autoimmune disorders vs my mom and sister's scoliosis or saying that I've been harassing him "for months" and now throwing shit said by fucking transandrophobes. And this is a pattern for him. He's harassed people before.
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jung-koook · 2 years
ah sorry for the long message but i had a lot of thoughts about it. if there's been anyone i trust to know sources what they're doing it'd be you. i've been on tumblr a very long time (..before i was even old enough to. about 13 years total. aka also before people STARTED crediting anybody. i don't even think it had a source link section. (cause i remember it was a big deal when added) and your blog is the only one that i've seen consistent in crediting or sources. and i've you get asks like "can you please tell me where this is from" and you do. you've always provided links/or told us where to find it or where it's from. some of it we can literally find ourselves. some of us also been here in this fandom long enough to be like "ah i remember that and where it's from" and can go find it ourselves if we wanted to. depends what it is.
i'm sorry you're going through this you're really sweet and pretty good at telling sources or telling where to find them, even the reblogging resources and stuff, i've never seen as much, as i have from you. like there's so many and even posts to sources. if there's anyone i trust with it it'd be you. (why you're one of the four content creators i follow also and like no other fan accounts)! stay strong okay? that had to be a bad feeling to wake up to. i'd honestly have a anxiety despite knowing i'm innocent. also people can't assume everyone knows everything or purposely doing things. some do yes. but not everyone. things get even more benefit of the doubt if things aren't their native language or country. in which approach in an educational not accusatory way (like signal boost posts type things not the crediting/discrediting. that should happen regardless of language and only if the person is okay with their content being shared or whatever. at the same times tweets?? (normal basic word tweets) are (unless private account) usually public and can be screenshot and shared by anyone and everyone that comes across it now if that tweet had art attached or an edit made by said tweeter and they don't give explicit permission to share that then that's when it becomes a problem. but you don't do that from what i've seen. youve linked to tweets too. so why are they always (ive see you answer quite a bit of rude asks over time or asks that have came across as rude.) coming for you specifically it's ?!)
wow, thank you so much for everything you said. everything you said really means a lot to me. i panicked me when i found out what they were talking about me bc they were talking about me on other blogs. its really super uncomfortable to know that other anons are saying lies about you to blogs that maybe that dont even know who you are or follow you. i'm lucky that this happened to someone who talks to me and follows me and knows that i always give credit to everyone. i'm also careful when i'm looking for fanarts to reblog. i always try to check if its not a repost or something like that. i'm always very careful with these stuff and knowing that people have noticed makes me so relieved.
again, thank you so much ♡
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indig0g0 · 4 years
If you are so against theft, why you friends with gabriel tho? There has been HOW MUCH evidence against him? I don't know, Newt. Seems Pretty Sus To Me. SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE THE HEAT OFF THE CURRENT SHIT AGAINST GABE I'M JUST SAYING-
Hi kids, first of all! His name is GABRIEL! Calling him not his name, when he doesn’t like it! Is just like misgendering! Anyway! Lets sit down for this! I was waiting for you (or maybe it was someone else!) to come back for this!
Did you know that its possible, as an adult human being, to disagree with everyone in a situation? Did you also know.... That there’s a difference.... Between using the same concepts? And OUTRIGHT TRACING SOMEONE’S ART? Did you know...... That there was more to the story... than bo’s callout post made it out to be? Did you know there was a third whole design in the mix?
Also before we get started I want to state that as a 25 year old man, who has been in multiple different art communities. You cannot steal a concept. You cannot steal a concept. YOU CANNOT STEAL A CONCEPT. There are 800 trolls with white porcelain masks! There are 800 trans masc jadeblood trolls! These are all concepts! Iridescence as a concept! Is a CONCEPT.
Opalescence is a concept that is similar but different to iridescence.
Okay! So! Here’s the thing (the thing! Which I got from someone who WASN’T either Bo or Gabriel! Surprise! There’s AN OUTSIDE PARTY!)
Bo made an iridescent adopt! Gabriel wanted the adopt! But Liam bought the adopt first! Whatever! That’s the end of it of whatever that is! Bo and Gabriel stopped being friends in this time, i think, but that’s not my fucking business because i’m 25 years old and other people’s interpersonal problems aren’t my fucking business!!
Its reasonable here, then, to like the concept behind a design right? And you you probably think “oh this is where gabriel ripped off cosmit, right?” and you’d be wrong!
We’re going to cut to my favorite third party, a loving friend and wonderful person... Echo! Who makes adopts! As a source of income!
Who was like! Hey party people! Suggest themes for me to use in my next batch! of adopts! and now you think... oh... here comes opal.. WRONG AGAIN!
So what happened was... gabriel had been like “i saw this cool iridescent design, and the concept was really cool! maybe you should do an opalescent design!” and echo was like oh fuck yeah i’d love to do that! and so.... they did. Now i’m sure you’re thinking..... Oh it’s Opal!
Except. Actually it wasn’t.
The opalescent (NOT iridescent, they aren’t the same if you were wondering!) troll Echo original made? One of the ones that bo linked in their call out? Isnt opal.
It’s the original opalescent design that echo made! Which they.. Kept! That’s their Magiro!
This is magiro on the end! This is the original design!
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which looks..... NOTHING like...
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this absurdly small screenshot i also pilfered from bo’s callout post! Of cosmit!
Who’s sprites I will not post out of respect for Liam because I have not asked him if I can use it! But the original is necessary so it’s here anyway. (I have permission from Echo to post the originals here! FYI!)
Now because they ended up keeping Magiro! They said! I’ll make you one for free with the same general concept! And lo!
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Opal was born! This was the design that Echo did for gabriel! This is opal! As you can see... She looks nothing like cosmit! Except for the fact that she has
dark skin is meant to be black coded and has a similar theme. she even has a nose rings You can see it under her glasses!
and so these are the sprites Gabriel made based off the design ECHO made him
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Now! Here’s where it gets hinky!
Here’s where I don’t agree with either party!
Bo and Liam were upset that Gabriel (and Gabriel alone) apparently ripped off Opal! I don’t see it, and I don’t think you can steal a concept either! But whatever theyre adults they can make their own conclusions!
Now where I don’t agree with Gabriel is... Gabriel started making posts (after being told he was accused the first time, idk by who) about Opal being the BEST opalescent troll in the community! Which is fucked up! It’s immature and I was upset with him for it! And then it spiralled a little!
Gabriel got a call out blog made about him for reasons OTHER than opal! The callout blog tried to bring up opal! Liam made a public statement that he and gabriel were handling it privately! And I thought that was going to be that on that!
or was it!
So in private, and bo’s “call out” will confirm this, the whole party eventually agreed that Gabriel would be making edits to opal to make her theme different instead of white opalescent blah blah, this all is NOT my business and frankly I don’t fucking care.
My problem comes in when it become not enough for bo that Gabriel to make changes to or stop using Opal altogether and started... Boxing gabriel into a new solution? Because Gabriel apparently wasn’t bending over backwards enough? I don’t fucking know! It’s not my fucking business! DURING a time of crisis. DURING. BO DID THIS WHEN GABRIEL WAS ALREADY IN A POSITION TO HAVE A HARD TIME SAYING NO. THIS IS FUCKED UP NO? But! I don’t know how you can post screenshots of you saying “You’re having a bad time because of this tropical storm about to rock your shit and I hate you and want you to go away Take this Hilariously Low sum of money for a character with tons of art and effort” and then think you’re like. In the right here? Bo admits they were stupid angry and that they cancelled the deal on a whim IN Their call out post! And then turned around, in their anger, and started threatening gabriel ! That’s literally blackmailing him! Because he wasn’t doing what they wanted! it’s all literally in the post! I read the whole thing! Gabriel came back with a counter, which was getting rid of Opal altogether including making the replacement in the story NOT black coded, NOT a woman (explicitly stated to be transmasc for the new concept), No piercings etc.
Bo then, later AGAIN during a time of Financial and real life crisis (their confrontation was sent within HOURS of the announcement of another hurricane about to rock houston) decided to turn around and verbally berate Gabriel about how he failed to deliver his apology, turned around, and tried to post a largely evidence-less call out about him.
The reason for Bo doing this?
Gabriel reblogged female-coded aesthetic into the tag. And that was all the proof Bo needed that GABRIEL IS A LIAR BLAH BLAH
heres the thing.
gabriel and i are in a different artist’s server together.
Gabriel has posted the wip of the new design into the server. I’ve seen it. with my own two fucking eyes.
ANYWAY TLDR: they both handled this extremely poorly! I do NOT agree with Gabriel’s handling of Bo’s and Liam’s initial concerns! But I SUPER don’t agree with “i own blackcoded opalescent characters as a concept bc i said so” and but mostly?
I really disagree with bo’s attempts to use the crisis of a TROPICAL STORM to solicit the response THEY ALONE wanted.
THIS is why I have bo blocked. I could give a shit LESS about all the other bullshit. Do I like it? No. It is my business? no.
But the sheer fucking LACK OF EMPATHY displayed here is FUCKING ASTOUNDING.
Theres actually OTHER reasons I don’t like bo, which are all 100% unrelated to all this fucking horse shit! But that’s my fucking business!! anyway!! fuck off!!
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thelegendofclarke · 5 years
I'm a jonsa fan, but she straight up nailed you, unfortunately. Just own up to it. You claimed something that was clearly a lie and they've pulled receipts on you that shows it was a lie. Honestly, the more jonsa fans that behave like lunatics about daenerys and call her crazy shit, the worse jonsa fans look. We all need to chill out.
Nailed me on WHAT? And own up to WHAT?? And WHAT tf do those so called “receipts” show, exactly?!?
Did you happen to miss the part where she said, “ETA: oh wait i DIDN’T actually send her those links that I SPECIFICALLY SAID I SENT HER but she’s still a terrible person who I hate sooo…” (x)
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And no, I didn’t want to get involved. I was TRYING to take a step back from wank and a step back from fandom in general (both for fandom related reasons and for personal reasons, many of which I told this person but would rather not publicly get into detail about). A fact that I told this person MULTIPLE TIMES, and yet they STILL continued to bring up wank to me and drag me into it and demand I insert myself into conversations and situations that made me uncomfortable, which I refused to do as is my right. You can count on one hand the number of times I have actually TALKED about D on my blog. I don’t like the conversation that surrounds her, it is unpleasant, unproductive and (CLEARLY) toxic af. I don’t know why I have the ~responsibility~ to talk about things I have never talked about in the first place or what ~accountability~ I have for things I have never fucking talked about. And I NEVER said there wasn’t toxicity or issues in the fandom when we talked and on the NUMEROUS occasions where they continued to try to show me wank when I specifically said I was trying to AVOID WANK and had it Blacklisted, TS-ed, blocked, and filtered all I possibly could. They were forcing things on me that I was not seeing BY DESIGN for my own personal reasons which I explained to them on more than one occasion. Me saying “I didn’t fucking see this” isn’t me saying “that didn’t happen,” CLEARLY it happened given that they showed it to me. They are just completely misrepresenting what occurred here.
(Oh and not to mention that the times that I DID get involved or try to do something, they were deemed “not good enough“ or “not supportive enough” or “not specific enough.” Remember the Love Train thing I tried to do to be supportive after the whole Campfire Fuckplot bullshit? Yeah, apparently that was me just trying to “bury them in wank.” Like, I cannot even EXPLAIN to y’all how draining and degrading and fucking depressing it is to have people CONSTANTLY nitpicking your every goddamn move and word trying to find some kind of insidious intent and make everything you do or say a personal insult to them. To CONSTANTLY have people hinting at or vague blogging about or a lot of times just down right telling you what a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person and friend you are. To be CONSTANTLY accused of using people for popularity, of being fake, of lying, of gaslighting. And all this coming from people who are supposed to be your “friends,” it’s NEVER ENDING and it’s just awful to be around tbqh.)
(And it’s REALLY CUTE and SUPER CONVENIENT that the part about “oh wait lol I DIDN’T ACTUALLY SEND HER THOSE OR SHOW HER ANYTHING!!!” didn’t make it into the original call out post. Nooo no no, that call out post is just about how I’m a lying bitch who no one wants to be friends with because I’m fucking shady, and that’s what is making the rounds and that is what people are believing.)
Or how that part about me “reblogging with a rebuttal” is a FLAT OUT FUCKING LIE, given this is the post and the version of the post I reblogged…
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Or how my url is NO WHERE in the notes of the 2 year old post she posted a screenshot of that is somehow supposed to prove my ~insidious knowledge~ of something…
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A post which I do not remember seeing… I very well might have; but like I said, it has been 2 years, and it’s not a time I particularly care to look back on or think about. (I was also being placed on meds for the first time due to the personal/mental health issues I referenced at that point and my doctor was trying to figure out which dosages I needed so I was out of it A LOT.) Nor does this post refer Hitler at any point, which is supposedly what I am being a “fucking liar” about having never seen.
Or how those DM screenshots (of our private conversation from over a year ago) don’t say a fucking WORD about Hitler…
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Or how she left out the original part of the Twitter thread where I specifically stated that it is the “D is Hitler” argument that I’ve never seen. (and for the last time: NO, I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE IN FANDOM SAY THAT!)
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And left out the ENTIRE rest of the twitter thread/conversation in question (which does not say ANYTHING about albinism). And in which I did NOT say that I have never seen anyone comparing D or the Targs to other things like Nazis, nor deny that there are any problems with this fandom being toxic (because, i mean, lol CLEARLY there fucking are)…
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(**this is where the tweet in the photo above would go but I’m not putting it in again because that would be redundant**)
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(Links to this whole twitter exchange for anyone who wants them: x, x, x, x)
Or how this person is accusing me of just caring about ~popularity~ and wanting to maintain my “BNF-ness” and gain “popularity points;” an issue THEY are fixated on (and have brought up and accused me and other people of in multiple times in multiple conversations) not me (x, x)…
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Or where they have straight up admitted to keeping tabs on me (or hate scrolling i think is the term the ~youths~ are using nowadays) on twitter even though we do not follow each other on twitter (or on here), and we are not on speaking terms and haven’t been for some time, and they have stated they wanted to curate me out of their fandom experience (x)…
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Or where this person is bringing up private and very personal shit (that I told them in confidence because I thought they were my friend and that I could trust them) because they hate me (x)…
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**Backhandedly referencing the fucking terrible depression I was going through at the time where I couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning. A fact that I, again, told her in confidence because she was supposed to be my friend and I trusted her.
(Also, this wasn’t the worst few months of MY fandom life. My fandom life doesn’t revolve about YOU or the things YOU care about, believe it or not. I’d have to sit down and think about when the worst time of my fandom life was. There are a few points in time that are strong contenders. But I gotta say… right now is NOT PARTICULARLY FUCKING FUN.)
AND bringing up personal things that happened between us which have nothing to do with what they are accusing me of or the situation at hand…
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And for the fucking record: yes, our friendship crumbling DOES stick out in my mind. There are several events and things said that I remember VERY CLEARLY which happened over a number of months. I have NO DESIRE to get into all of that, I personally don’t like airing my dirty laundry for everyone to see or broadcasting my personal issues with someone like it’s one of those fucking Jerry Springer talk shows… But given the fact that the last text this person sent me was about 5 months ago on October 10, 2018 (yes, I have “receipts.” but no, I am not posting them. I, for one, don’t like violating the trust people had in my or their privacy by posting stuff from our private conversations) over a YEAR after this wank happened in September 2017, the dissolution of our friendship has very little to do with THIS.
Or how that was a call out post made up completely of misrepresentations and flat out lies, yet ironically has the goddamn NERVE to call ME a “fucking liar.” And that it was full of false information that she “stands by” and is not only LEAVING UP to let it continue to spread through out the fandom, but also NOT CHANGING OR CORRECTING the part where SHE FUCKING LIED. And how now I am having people like YOU who didn’t even read the post or look at anything she said (which is nothing) calling me a fucking liar too.
Or about how all of this (whatever ~this~ is or whatever tf they were trying to prove) probably has nothing to do with the incident in question in the first place. No, this is more about their person feelings on ME and the shit that went down between us and whatever ~sins~ they feel I have committed against them. And that I didn’t let them boss me around and do what they told me to do and fall in line or CONTINUE to let them use me as their fandom punching bag and take out all their fandom frustrations (that had nothing to do with me and that I could do nothing about) out on me. And that they are using this as an excuse to lash out at me and come after me with bullshit that ISN’T EVEN TRUE. They are straight up, flat out using LIES to call ME a liar… I don’t fucking like this, I don’t want to “Go” or “Do This.” In fact, I fucking hate this; it makes me feel icky and I just want it to be over. But I am NOT going to just not stand up for myself. Of course THIS isn’t the shit that will get spread around or that people will see or believe, but I’m not going to let myself just take it lying down.
DON’T call me a lunatic, DON’T demand I take responsibility for shit I didn’t do and didn’t say, DON’T call me a fucking liar, and DON’T come into my ask with this crap again.
Hate me all you want, you clearly aren’t the first and I’m sure you won’t be the last… but DO NOT SPREAD LIES ABOUT ME.
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