#I'm trying guys
deepdean-detectives · 6 months
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dizzyscabiosa · 1 year
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Kaelyn 🎹 she/her
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airanke · 9 months
I'm looking at poses for men and I'm either like "I've seen this exact pose 8 times" or, while laughing "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?"
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analog-cottage-gore · 11 months
me: [wants to write Robotic Fantasy]
also me: [gets new hyperfixation in Idol EN's Vtuber Lore]
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midnights-call · 1 year
Fated WIP Intro
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Genre & POV
High Fantasy, First Person Single
Content Warnings
Graphic violence, gore, severe injury, death/dead bodies, toxic relationships, manipulation, gaslighting, mental/emotional abuse, (fantasy) racism, claustrophobia, bad religion
Childhood friends Wren and Wesley have had an on-again off-again physical relationship for years as the two have continued on their opposite paths through life. While Wesley gains acclaim as one of the greatest warriors of his time and is the prime pick to wield the holy blade of Soluminux, while Wren has made a name in petty crime circles as a con-artist and thief. But after a night spent together and a fight that causes Wren to be at the wrong place at the right time, the holy blade chooses them as its wielder, thrusting them into the spotlight. Tasked with saving the world from a threat only describe in vague prophetic form, Wren has to catch up to the group of elite warriors they're suddenly apart of, once again entangled in Wesley's life. As the pair struggles with themselves and their strained relationship, they race against the clock to figure out what the prophecy means, how to stop it, and why Wren keeps having increasingly horrific dreams.
More info below the cut
#wren 23; nonbinary, they/them; pansexual; moonkin; chosen one; daggers. A selfish person through and through, Wren uses charm, wit, and deception to get their way. After being told for their entire life that they're scum and will never amount to anything, they decided to fulfill the role others forced them into. Deep down, however, is a deeply hurt person desperate for attention, even if it's not the right sort.
#wesley clark 24; trans man, he/him; bisexual; sunkin/moonkin; second in command; sword and shield. Struggling with himself and his place in the world, Wesley has always found it easy to follow others. Despite his physical prowess, Wesley is a person who cannot stand up for himself or how to be his own person. Being himself had only ever gotten him hurt, so he gave up himself to become what other people wanted.
#tild gerwig 68; trans woman, she/her; heterosexual; moonkin; commander; mace. Her wisdom was hard-earned but she gives it away easily, wanting to foster the next generation of elites to leave behind the most capable fighters possible to protect the people. With a strong sense of justice and tenacity that's gotten her this far, she fully intends to make sure that the prophetic threat meets a grisly end.
#sakina faraj 24; cis woman, she/her; lesbian; sunkin; finisher; battleaxe. A bubbly, ferociously optimistic person, Sakina will always be the first to introduce herself to someone new. She's compassionate and positive because she's fully aware of how bad the world can be, and knows the best way to fight back is by spreading good. But don't mistake her kindness and warmth for weakness; in the heat of battle, there's no one else you'd want at your side.
#yeong-ja kil 23; cis woman, she/her; butch; sunkin; frontliner; dual wielder. A strong person both in body and mind, her spirit is unbreakable. She's had to fight for every opportunity in her life and she refuses to squander a single one. It's with a rare and surprising grace that she helps others in the heat of battle, putting aside her personal qualms in order to do the just and noble thing. Don't tell anyone, though; she has a reputation to keep.
#klaus danner 22; cis man, he/him; demisexual; sunkin; scout; versatile. With a past shrouded in death that he hardly talks about- that is, on the rare occasion he actually speaks -he's a man who's seen far too much far too young. Despite the fact that he always appears to be deeply within himself, his sharp eyes and ears rarely miss a thing. Watch what you say around him, he'll always remember it.
#soheil bashir 25; cis man, he/him; gay; sunkin; backliner; bow & arrows. Reserved, cautious, and shy, Soheil is an unlikely addition to the elite squad. But his measured approach to situations and his knack for staying level-headed even in the most dire of situations, he brings a needed balance to the group. With a strong desire to do good, tempered by his mild attitude, he strives to be more like his friends open himself up to allowing a risk or two into his life.
#wrestling is Wren/Wesley. While being a fun combination of their names, it's representative of the tumultuous nature of their relationship. There is always some sort of conflict, each of them struggling for control of one another and the world around them. But it takes two to tango, neither one blameless in how their relationship has turned out. Their fight is endless, but deep down, they never want it to stop.
#swordsbians is Sakina/Yeong-ja. A classic case of sunshine and grump, but now they have weapons and they WILL use them.
#hawkeye is Soheil/Klaus. An unsual pairing with a shared love of nature and skills in staying hidden in plain sight. Oh, and sharpshooting.
Other Links
Wren Playlist
Wrestling Playlist
@florraisons​ @phantomnations
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cervidae-demon · 6 months
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brooklynisher · 6 months
Learning anatomy is getting over the fact that you have to learn other art things that aren't anatomy.
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lejoursobre · 2 years
Trying to find a way to share art on tiktok... here is the tiktok trend friendly version (badge collab made with the amazing @galacticturnip ❤️)
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bear-cubs-art-things · 8 months
Okay but I used to see so many activeness in this blog, what happened? (not same anon)
I guess people don't interact anymore.
Also I'm busy and haven't had the time to make regular content 😭
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paradoxicalpaldeann · 10 months
my will to write has somehow managed to simultaneously tank and increase. i've gone from too much motivation to the point where i'm not sleeping or doing schoolwork, to no motivation, and now a secret third thing that sucks immensely
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just realized my Dracula Daily for May 4th got put in spam so i didn't read it 😭
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artemis32 · 1 year
This Shiggy fic is at 7k
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rosescries · 2 years
This isnt really an ask, its more…un-filtered praise, specifically about Can I Keep You?. I already left a comment but genuinely, truly from the bottom of my sad cold heart, I absolutely love the story so far. I havent read anything that really entertained me as much as it and Theres Still Magic have. So i guess i wanted to say thank you? Anyway, kudos to you, keep up the good work, keep yourself healthy and dont die 🫡
Aww! Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed my work!
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halliwellauto · 2 years
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“you act like I’ve been gone for ages?” she chuckled softly, hugging them back. “I told you I just needed the break to recharge. If you needed me, all you had to do was say my name.”
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snarkspawn · 5 months
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based ofc on this
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cowboylikedean · 2 months
Growing up you know your mom is gonna die some day But what if your mom is your best friend And "some day" comes way too soon And you can't breathe so you just clutch your chest Almost crash your car and end your life Cause you're sick and fucking tired of feeling yourself cry
Is it ever enough? Why does the world not stop? How much pain is one soul allowed to take? Cause this feels really unfair. I'm covered in despair, and it all feels fake.
And I'm fading away.
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