#I'm so glad vacuum lady is in part one
brightgnosis · 2 years
Well, we had planned for me to try Relpax for my Migraines after the Sumatriptan and I didn't get along. I didn't fill it at the time it was prescribed, though, because I didn't need it and I was also saving money for the car (update on that in a moment), plus dealing with my final exam prep for my Master Gardener training. So I just left it for the time being and only refilled the necessities for the moment.
Now that all of that's done and I have my Savella and Birth Control that needs refilling now, I decided to fill it yesterday and have it delivered. It never got delivered yesterday, however- which isn't unusual; sometimes they have too many orders at the beginning or end of the week and it takes a bit. But because I know that my Insurance dropped the Savella and we're still not sure if they're going to force Prior Authorization on us, I decided to call this morning and make sure there wasn't something wrong with my scripts just in case.
Well, good thing I called, because there was. But it wasn't with the Savella. It was with the Relpax- which wasn't expected; Insurance wants us to "try something else first" before they'll approve it- but we already did that with the Sumatriptan (and, technically, the Topamax as well before that- which I'm still on, but it's not enough for the weather triggered Migraines in particular)? It's just apparently not what they have on their list of "things to try first". So we had to send some paperwork to my Doctor's Office for them to fill out and throw at Insurance to prove it, and we'll see if they'll give it to me.
If not it's not a huge deal. I'm not opposed to trying the one they want instead, first; my Autumn Migraines haven't been so bad just yet, and I don't usually need it until the Spring Storm Season really. So it's not an emergency medication or anything ... I'm just glad the Savella went through fine (the only issue there was that they were out and needed more. It'll be on the truck this afternoon).
Speaking of the car, though: It was a bad Throttle Body as far as they can tell. So they've marked it as 'Vehicle Off Road, High Priority' and contacted Mopar for a part direct off the manufacturing line rather than risk another piece from a warehouse again. They should know by this morning at the latest, how long it'll take to get the new part in. But I estimate we'll probably have the car back by the end of the week giving shipping and installation.
We spoke to Insurance yesterday about it for a check in and decided to go ahead and lose the Claim now since it's covered under the shop's own warranty. But they did say that in the event that wasn't the cause and it winds up being something else, we can re-open the Claim to re-evaluate things again. But otherwise, things should be done on that front and the new work shouldn't cost us anything! All should (hopefully) be well now.
I just have a Chiropractor appointment on Wednesday, and I think that's it. And thankfully that's not too far from the house, so it's not an issue; my first Master Gardener meeting should be ... This Thursday, I think, however? And I don't think we'll have the car back by then. But the Cab's only $7- and if I don't want to take that, then there was a nice lady from my course who offered to give me a ride since she knows I can't drive. We'll see!
Yesterday I did a bunch of vacuuming, picked up trash, and called in Meds. And today I've already called in on the meds to check, and gone through an old box of bath supplies I had to store away after she lived with us for a couple weeks because they were too triggering after that; I was hoping they'd be ok to use, but while they're not triggering to me anymore and I do have most the scents back finally, most of them have citrus in them in large quantities. And if I put that on my skin, now, with the skin sensitivities I've developed, I'd probably die. So I think I'm just going to donate the whole box so it doesn't go to waste ... I've just gotta find somewhere around here that'll take opened bath supplies for donation.
I think I'm just going to try and relax for the rest of the day, though. Maybe get some laundry done since it's fairly low intensity. And otherwise just let my funky little wrist heal and do some reading; I'm really excited to get my new Tarot Deck in this week and to start working the 3 books I've picked out for it (one Ancestral book, and two Shadow Work books- all three founded on Tarot Journaling).
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 1
Next spin the Fosters. It may be winter but it's always like summer in Sulani. 55 year old Kayleigh and her 57 year old husband Harvey are both working on their second lifetime aspirations. Kayleigh wants to earn 300k and Harvey wants to evolve 5 perfect plants.
p.s. I'm pretty sure that's a plane in the sky, why did I not notice it earlier???
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With both older sisters moved out, 14 year old Reece has a bedroom to himself for the first time since he was a toddler. His lifetime aspiration is inner peace but for now high school is at the front of his genius, outdoor loving mind.
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9 year old Carson has been very busy between rotations. He has earned his last two scouting badges, for arts and fitness. Llamacorn scout aspiration achieved! His next aspiration is *runs number generator* Rambunctious Scamp (reaching motor skill level 10)
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Since it's technically winter the bees are sleeping away. To be honest they normally do most of the work getting the plants to their evolving stages. First day back and the dust bunnies pop up so I guess a good vacuum has to be done today (I vacuumed IRL before I played today😅)
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Harvey: So what's going on
Reece: I've decided to join the football team
Harvey: Can I come to your games
Reece: I actually don't know if other sims can watch, or if we just practice indefinitely
Harvey: If I can come, let me know
Reece: For now I need a practice partner
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Harvey: They gave you a free football?
Reece: Yep
Harvey: Full disclosure, I have never thrown one of these before
Reece: Dad, relax, you have amazing fitness skill, I'm sure it'll be fine
Harvey does end up throwing the football into Reece's face however *sigh*
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Charlie: Yo, anyone home
Kayleigh: Just us and 7 of Carson's friends
Charlie: I don't remember having that many friends as a child
Kayleigh: You were never a child
Charlie: That would explain it
Kayleigh: Okay kids, almost time for scouts, everyone head home
*general discontent*
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Kayleigh: It's not my fault everywhere is freezing right now
*further grumbling*
Iggy: Bye Carson
Carson: Oh trash, I love you
Charlie: He's still doing that?
Kayleigh: I think as a recycle disciple he's stuck doing that forever
Charlie: SO glad I live elsewhere
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Reece: Then it came to me, join the football team
Deanna: You're joining the football team in the hope that you won't get bugged about an early graduation for a few more years
Reece: Yes If I'm busy with that I'm bound to not have enough time for homework everyday
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Paris: Sorry I'm late *sighs forlornly*
Deanna: What's wrong?
Paris: Who said anything is wrong?
Reece: Your face for one
Paris: Oh, I guess my make up must have smudged
Deanna: It's perfect as always
Reece: It was the frown that gave you away
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Paris: The lady that runs the foster home was particularly brutal with her comments this morning
Reece: Foster home? I'm a Foster
Paris: I mean THE foster home. Did Deanna not tell you?
Deanna: I didn't want you thinking I was a blabbermouth
Paris: Oh, well, Reece, I'm an orphan
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Reece: But not like THE orphan right?
Paris: *giggles* Not at all
Deanna: What do you mean
Reece: Girl, have you seen any scary movies?
Deanna: Not really
Paris: We need to have a scary movie marathon babe
Deanna: If it involves snuggling I'm in
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Reece: I guess I never thought about what kids with no parents do
Paris: Sit in our rooms and sulk
Reece: I'm sorry
Deanna: What did the woman who run the home say to you?
Paris: That my shorts were too short, and some comments about my legs
Deanna: Ignore her, what does she know
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Reece: Have you tried meditating?
Deanna: I don't think that helps in the moment
Reece: I'm just trying to come up with solutions
Paris: Thanks, I'll look into it. Now what was your news?
Deanna: He's joined the football team
Paris: Get out! Since when?
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Reece: 6 hours ago
Paris: But I'm on the Cheer squad, does this mean we're on rival teams?
Deanna: Devin was on a rival team to Luna and they ended well Reece: I don't even see why football and cheer squad are rivals, surely we're all supporting the school
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Deanna: It's high school, people get weird about things
Paris: I guess teenagers excel at being competitive
Reece: Come help me practice
Paris: Give me a N, give me an O, what does that spell? NO
Reece: Come on Deanna, you like fitness
Deanna: Fine, I'll try
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Deanna: Have you practiced before?
Reece: This morning, dad threw it in my face
Paris: Cheer is much safer to practice
Reece: Have you practiced cheer today
Paris: Shut up
Deanna: Okay, catch this
Reece: He catches, and the crowd goes wild
Deanna: Now toss it back
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Charlie: What shall I sculpt today
Kayleigh: Do you come visit just to grab clay
Harvey: Are congratulations in order?
Bob: Not yet, but hopefully soon, I'd love a daughter
Harvey: Daughters are wonderful
Charlie: Good answer dad
Harvey: What did you sculpt???
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Reece: Enough watching, come give it a go
Paris: But my perfect long nails
Deanna: The animations don't care about your nails babe, they'll be fine
Paris: Oh, okay then
Reece: What's the worst that could happen anyway?
Paris: Concussion, face bruises, embarrassment
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Reece: You don't need to be embarrassed with us
Paris: I can't just turn off being socially awkward
Deanna: Okay babe, eye on the ball
Paris: I want my pom poms
Reece: Relax, remember to breathe
Paris: *breathes deeply* okay, let's do this
Deanna: You're so wonderfully dramatic
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Reece: It's coming
Paris: GAHHH
Deanna: What?
Paris: It was going to hit my face, I could tell
Reece: That's why you should catch it
Deanna: Give her a chance
Reece: Sorry, nice try. Throw to me and I'll show you how to catch it, then you just do that
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Paris: Don't blame me if I hit you in the face
Reece: There would literally be no one else to blame but you
Deanna: I can see why you didn't pick cheer, you are not encouraging at all mate
Paris: *giggles*
Reece: I can be. See how I caught it, just hold your hands like so
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Paris: Stop mansplaining and throw
Deanna: You got this babe
Paris: I caught it! My nails didn't get in the way
Reece: Nice
Paris: Better take a commemorative selfie
Deanna: We better get going before you miss curfew
Paris: Ducking hate curfew
Reece: Hugs!
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Paris: Go womp womps!
Reece: You know it
Deanna: You should probably practice with the others on the team next time
Paris: They'll probably do better than us
Reece: I don't know about that, the practice interactions don't seem to take fitness into account
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Previous Part (Goth) ... Next Part
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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tamakirishima · 6 years
I'm so glad you're back!!! I've missed reading your headcannons and fics. When ever you get the chance do you do a continuation of where kbtbb remember the mc (from when they had amnesia) and they go to get her back? Thank you sm b❤️❤️
I actually have gotten quite a few requests for this! Thank you all for being so patient with me! I hope you guys enjoy this This isn’t my best work, since I just started writing today, so I hope you guys deal with my cheesiness.. 
If you haven’t read the first part, you can access it here: http://tamakirishima.tumblr.com/post/108038500606/kbtbb-guys-with-amnesia
Eisuke: The thought of coming back to Tres Spades made you sick to your stomach, but you had nowhere else to go. 
Heaving a sigh, you wrap the vacuum up and take one final look over the spotless hotel room before closing the door. You’ve been trying to keep busy so that you wouldn’t have to face reality anytime soon, but reality was coming sooner than you expected.
“_____! We have an emergency in the penthouse and Mr. Ichinomiya has called for housekeeping now!” Chisato says, breathless from running around the halls.
“Do I have to be the one that goes up? I can call Erika or someone else..” you respond, trying to hold your face from dropping any further. 
“Please, ______. I’m busy and it’s an emergency..” Chisato says with an urgent tone. 
You reluctantly agree and lightly jog towards the elevator to go up to the penthouse. Once you arrive at the beautiful white doors, you take a deep breath and slowly turn the golden handle to reveal Eisuke sitting on the couch with a newspaper in his hand. He notices you and looks up with a head nod. 
“You called, Mr. Ichinomiya?” you ask, trying not to burst into tears.Eisuke puts down the newspaper and slowly walks over to you with his hands in his pockets. 
“Why the hell aren’t you answering your pager?” he asks, with an annoyed tone. “Do you think that you can just ignore me and get away with it?” 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Ichinomiya, I do not have a pager for work.” You reply, very confused.
“_______. Stop calling me Mr. Ichinomiya when we’re in private. Now that you’re here, can you just make me a coffee?” he asks, rolling his eyes and going back to the sofa. 
“I’m confused, Mr. Ichinomiya. Is this how you treat your housekeepers?” you ask, your confusion growing.
“No. This is how I treat my girlfriend.” Eisuke says, looking at you weirdly. Your heart is caught in your throat and you can hear blood pumping in your ears from the tension. Did he forget what happened…again?
“Oh yeah? Prove it. Prove that I’m your girlfriend.” You say, puffing out your chest.
Eisuke smirks and walks directly to you, pressing his lips to yours with a passionate kiss, with his hands sliding up your waist. Your hands find themselves wrapping his neck and tangling into his hair, as tears fall down your cheek. He’s back.
Soryu: Ever since Soryu lost his memories with you, it was almost as if his emotions were in the negatives. Business was booming for the Ice Dragons, but Ryuzo and Samejima started to worry for their boss without you. 
After weeks of Soryu overworking himself and negatively impacting his life, Ryuzo couldn’t take it anymore and asked you to come over and talk with him. Any other day would have been fine, but he chose the day when the biggest transaction for the Ice Dragons was taking place.
The gloomy afternoon made your stomach churn with anxious thoughts racking in your head. Was Soryu going to kick you out immediately? Or will he give you a chance to talk? As you walked up to the office of the Ice Dragons, you felt like the strength was draining out of your body.
Upon entering the office, you were greeted by Ryuzo, Samejima, Soryu, and a couple of men in suits with wide eyes.
“Who is she and what is she doing here?!” a suited man asked, reaching for his gun in his breast pocket. 
“She’s just our friend!” Ryuzo spoke out, while Samejima slapped him for speaking out something so ridiculous. 
Ryuzo turned bright red and looked at you with a concerned look. Another suited man closer to you wrapped his arm around your neck, and pointed the gun at your temple. 
“Soryu, tell us what the hell is going on, or your friend dies. We don’t play games. I will pull the trigger.” he said in a low voice, making Soryu jump up in surprise all of a sudden. 
Soryu looked at you with an expression that didn’t need words. “We’re been here before, haven’t we ________?” he asked you, his words suddenly soft. The way he said your name made your heart leap in all different directions. What did he just say?  
“Let her go.” Soryu growled at the men, before drawing his own gun and pointing it at the man that was holding you hostage.
“You don’t want to do that, do you? If I let her go, that means we go and you can kiss this deal goodbye.” The man said, with a taunting tone.
“Fine by me. I don’t care for the deal anymore.” Soryu stated, basically kicking them out of the office.
The men gathered their things and pushed you back to the Ice Dragons, glaring daggers into your general direction before slamming the door behind them.
“Soryu, I-” you started, before Soryu caught your lips with his with a level of passion that made up for the lost weeks away from each other.
Baba:After constantly trying to help Baba remember you and your relationship, you were on the verge of giving up everything when he asked you out on a date.
“Excuse me?” you ask, taken back at his question. 
“A lovely lady like yourself going after me is a gift for me, the only acceptable thing for me to do is take you on a date.” Baba says with a wink and a tip of his hat. 
“Well… I don’t know.” you say, hesitant of your feelings. 
“If you do want to accept my offer, please let me know. I’ll be waiting.” he says, kissing your hand and turning away. 
“Wait!” you say, before he can go any further. Baba turns around with his signature cheesy smile, and you can’t help but smile back. 
“Tonight at 7PM. Lobby. I’ll be waiting.” you say, hoping that you won’t regret this.
“Where are my keys?!” you mutter to yourself, rummaging through your tiny dorm to find your missing keys. After throwing the duvet around, you finally find them wedged in between your mattress and the wall. 
“Thank goodness! What time is-” you start to mutter again, when you realize it’s already 6:58. You rush out of the dorm and start running towards the Tres Spades. 
As you enter the lobby, Baba greets you with a warm smile.
“Right on time! Shall we?” Baba asks, holding out his arm for you. You happily take it, with a bittersweet feeling in your chest.
Throughout the night, you constantly request to go to the same places as you went on your first date, hoping to jog some of Baba’s memories. No matter what, Baba seemed to act as if everything was new to him, making you feel worse and worse. After dinner, you decide to try one more thing. The rooftop.
After getting on the same roof Baba took you at the beginning of your relationship, you both sit down and take in the lights of the city. 
“How did you know that this place was special to me?” Baba asked, with the most serious face he could muster. 
“Because.. I’ve been here with you before.” you whispered, barely able to start crying. 
Suddenly, Baba clutches his head and shakes his head. Shortly after, he looks at you genuinely and squeezes your hand. With one look, you knew that he knew.
Ota:Even though two weeks passed since Ota couldn’t recognize you, it was agonizing knowing he was in the penthouse a couple floors above you, while you were working. Your shift was over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get up. On the corner of your locker, a beautifully decorated flyer for the new art exhibit caught your eye. 
Apparently there was a pop up exhibit for Ota’s new art collection, and you were invited. Your heart sank. Was this a sign? Maybe you should go check it out. Shaking your head, you snatched the flyer off the wall and stuffed it into your bag before getting changed out of your uniform.
You took the long way home; just to walk past the gallery that Ota was having his exhibition at, only to stop at the entrance. You pulled out the crumpled up flyer from your bag, and took a deep breath. With all the strength you could muster, you found yourself opening the doors to the gallery and walking into an empty gallery. 
With shaking hands, you took off your coat and hung it up on the rack. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea, you thought.You were almost about to leave from the door you came from, when you noticed it. The painting.
This painting looked darker than Ota’s regular style and you could feel your heart racing as you got closer to it. One side of the painting had a silhouette of a woman in a lighter room, with a man falling down into the darker side of the painting. It was something so simple, yet so touching. It had the words, “Regret” and “Reprise” at the bottom of the painting in beautiful handwritten letters.
As you got closer to the painting, you realized that Ota was standing in front of it, drinking a glass of champagne. Immediately, you tried to escape, but your feet didn’t cooperate.
Ota noticed you, put down the glass, and smiled that familiar smile only you knew.
“_______. This is my apology. This is for you.”“You… You know-” you started to ask, when Ota simply smiled with tears in his eyes and interrupted you.“Yes. How can I forget my Koro? My beautiful girlfriend? My ________?”
Mamoru:It’s been a whole week and a half since Mamoru couldn’t remember you, and every passing day has gotten progressively worse for you. Everyday, you’ve gone to work, but all you could do was remember his look when he treated you like another “kid.”
There was another event in the casino, and you had to volunteer for service. You didn’t want to be at home alone anyways, so it was the best to grab an extra shift at the event.
You quickly changed into the event uniform and head out with the rest of the servers to the casino floor. You were only going to be serving drinks, but it was new and exciting, since you were only used to housekeeping.
All the guys from the penthouse were sitting by the blackjack table, either watching or playing. You did your best to avoid that table, and started to take drink orders from the guests at the slot machines. You actually managed to not interact with any of the penthouse guys for the majority of your shift, until a drunken man started to touch you.
“Sir, is there anything I can help you with?” you asked, trying your best not to smack him in the face.
“Nah, I’m okay.” he slurred, focusing his vision onto your body.
You shuddered and turned around, when he grabbed your bottom and squeezed it. Nobody was around you, so it wasn’t like you could ask someone for help. You started panicking, when the man stood up and pressed his body against yours, trying to grab at anything he could touch. He breathed heavily in your ear, while he tried his best to kiss your neck. Just as fast as he got on you, the man was thrown off immediately. Upon looking up, you saw Mamoru with clenched fists and a furious expression on his face.
“Mamoru..” you whispered, not able to look away from your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. “Why are you here?”
“I told you I would protect you for the rest of my life, didn’t I?”
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