changingplumbob · 8 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 2
Reece is trying to practice football as much as he can before he actually has a practice to attend.
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Happy to report I clocked both Paris and Deanna still crushing on each other despite it being several in game weeks since I played Deanna's household. They are so adorable. Fingers crossed the sentiments stick around for when I next get back to the Yorks.
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Cannot emphasize enough how less creepy the teddy is than the doll.
Bob: What about you Charlie? Giving Harvey any grandkids soon?
Harvey: Bob she's only 24
Charlie: I don't think I want to be pregnant so only time will tell
Harvey: Don't feel like you have to have kids
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: Yes
Carson: The other day at recess I was all by myself and I wasn't sure what I should do when that happens
Kayleigh: Go ask some other kids if you can play with them, bravery has its rewards
Carson: Okay
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Reece: You're a professional athlete, you must be able to throw a football with me
Charlie: Toss it
*Charlie ducks*
Reece: What was that?
Charlie: Sorry! I am clumsy, maybe that's why I couldn't catch it
Reece: Why do these interactions keep failing
Charlie: No clue bro
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Reece: Thanks for trying
Charlie: What can I say, I'm more soccer than football
Charlie: Come on, I'll race ya
Carson: And then, then, the scout leader said to throw it in the trash. Cardboard, in the trash!
Reece: That's basic of him
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Kayleigh: Not everyone understands recycling
Harvey: I mean the only proper recycling bins are cc
Carson: So we should just keep throwing everything away into bins that never get collected and never get full
Reece: Ummm
Charlie: There are recycling machines though, right?
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Carson: Machines, not bins. The recycling happens too late
Kayleigh: I'm pretty sure the eco footprint doesn't get impacted, no matter how much rubbish we produce
Carson: Ridiculous
Reece: I mean why should our environment be negatively affected because our plumbing breaks
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Carson: Because that's life, the more waste we produce the worse the world gets
Charlie: Dam when did you get so heavy
Carson: I just don't want the global boiling to get us
Harvey: Son, we're sims, global boiling will not get us
Reece: But how do you know
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Kayleigh: That's not helpful Reece
Reece: Excuse me for thinking
Kayleigh: Carson, we do what we can, and hopefully if other families do the same then the world will get better
Carson: You're right, at scouts we should get the message to other families to try help
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After dinner Reece goes for a run because despite playing football with 4 people today he has a tense moodlet from not having enough exercise? Doesn't make sense to me either.
(Me from the future. It was a glitch. I forgot Reece doesn't actually have the active trait so definitely shouldn't have got that)
Harvey does a spot of night fishing and these views always take my breath away.
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Kayleigh: Where's Kaori?
Charlie: Spending time with her grandparents. They're getting old and she's worried about how much longer they'll be here
Kayleigh: After losing her parents who can blame her for that
Charlie: I know, thanks for not being dead mum
Kayleigh: I do my best
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This week's holiday is named Is It Spring Yet. Occurring on the last Sunday of winter, goals include healthy cooking, fasting and exercising. It's meant to be the opposite side of the coin to Food Coma day, and I was hard pressed to think of 16 legit holidays.
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Kayleigh tries to sunbathe. I loved getting the massive skintone update. It does mean my sims tans have unpredictable outcomes though which can be good or hilarious. Carson has also entered a Clingy phase. And the tan is... not the worst one I've ever seen I guess. I might need to darken her hair though...
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Football captain Lilith has accepted Reece's invitation to hang out. After some less than stellar practice Reece takes a selfie to try boost friendship, alas that feature doesn't work anymore, sorry mate. Try a conversation instead.
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Lilith: I hope you improve before practice
Reece: Fitness is a weakness of mine but I love wellness so
Lilith: Different ball game kid. Is that your mum running in this heat?
Reece: Yeah, we're a fitness centric family
Lilith: That's good, it'll help
Reece: Any other tips
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Lilith: Spend some time at lunches practicing with Samir, you need to get better aim
Reece: Right, I guess I'll do that then
Lilith: Smile kid, none of us start out perfect at anything
Reece: True
Lilith: I can tell you want to give this a proper go so keep practicing
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Carson: Reece! Reece! Help me ride a bike
Reece: Scouts over already?
Carson: Yes. I achieved my aspiration this morning with level 10 motor skill but I still can't ride a bike
Reece: How embarrassing for you
Carson: Huh?
Reece has begun a mean phase, fingers crossed it's short
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Lilith: Is this fish burnt?
Harvey: It's intentional
Kayleigh: We have other food if that's no good
Lilith: Oh no Mrs Foster, it'll be fine. Reece you didn't say your mum was a celebrity, this artwork is amazing
Kayleigh: Thank you dear, feel free to visit anytime
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Charlie decided to visit after dinner so we invited Keira over and the siblings all had some catch up time. Charlie and Reece have the "childhood buds" status while Keira and Reece are "super siblings". #Parenthood has so much detail, definitely my favourite game pack!
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Reece: Hey Samir, Lilith said I should talk to you about football practice
Samir: Why
Reece: I'm on the football team now
Samir: Oh
Reece: I think she was hoping you would teach me some skills
Samir: Lunch, club room
Reece: Huh?
Samir: Practice
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Reece: No, I meant to say I didn't realise we had a football club room
Samir: Football and cheer. Technically.
Reece: So it's bi-purpose
Samir: Umm, yeah, sure
Reece: Did you say at lunch?
Samir: Problem?
Reece: I normally use it to eat, you know, lunch
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Reece: Do you not eat lunch?
Samir: Big breakfasts
Reece: Will I fit in food
Samir: Probably
Reece: So there's no don't eat for an hour before football rule
Samir: What?
Reece: You know, like don't eat an hour before swimming
Samir: I gotta... go do stuff, see you then
Reece: Bye
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If you're thinking why is this conversation so awkward, Reece developed a crush on Samir after literally saying ONE thing to him today. Samir is a loner so is pretty much constantly tense at high school. Reece saw my plan for a quick week and said nah I'm the star
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keerdusoy · 3 years
Riisipaber, 25-30g, A4, R0602
Riisipaber, 25-30g, A4, R0602
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 4
We spend some time with the adults during the week, Keira comes to visit, I attempt Football Team Day, and Reece and Samir spend some more time together.
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Carson is still learning but has developed an angry mood from trying to ride. Kayleigh is trying her hand at a mathematical diagram. After practice Reece invites Lilith over to practice more as I don't mind if their relationship suffers from bad throws/catches.
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Time to follow Harvey for his workday. While he tends the garden and cleans up before getting started, Kayleigh invites Keira over for a catch up. Keira is absolutely a mama's girl. Although being a geek as well she does eventually drift to the computer.
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Harvey sets off for his shift as a fisherman. He takes his boat out to deeper water and uses leftover produce as bait. He caught three different types of fish today, one being a large Swordfish, but he didn't discover any new fish. He also caught the customary seaweed.
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Kayleigh: So that's all my news, what about you
Keira: I managed to pass all my papers thanks to the watcher
Kayleigh: Give yourself some credit as well honey
Keira: You know Alexander's engaged?
Kayleigh: Yes, Bella called me with the news
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Keira: I am happy for him truly, it's just...
Kayleigh: You thought you'd be the first of your friends to get married?
Keira: Yes. Not Morgan, I've moved on, but even as a kid I always knew I wanted to find my soulmate and get married
Kayleigh: You will, give yourself time
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Keira: Alexander wants Joey and I to move into the mansion with him
Kayleigh: Really?
Keira: I love our small oddly shaped flat. But I don't want to deal with new roomates, so should I go?
Kayleigh: You need to make that decision for yourself honey
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Reece returns home mortified so he goes for a jog to clear his mind. Harvey helps Carson with his bike riding. It's like a switch flicks and suddenly Carson speeds off, knowing what he's doing. I thought there was a cute animation for teaching but not for me it seems.
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Football team day here we come. James is here as the competition judge, and the stall is manned, but apart from Reece and his parents no one else shows up... 2 students hang around inside the school but clearly don't want to embrace the cold.
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In the end I invited Samir and tried to do some football practice, that's when things got really weird. Before they could finish 2 throws they were interrupted by "listen to judge" but no results. I tried again and the same thing happened with a pop up about milk?
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Kayleigh: Good luck on the exams today
Harvey: Did you find any time to study
Reece: Some
Carson: Happy failing
Reece: Shut up dork
Harvey: Boys, lose the attitudes
Reece: Sorry dad
Carson: Sorry you exist Reece
Kayleigh: Do you want a time out? Don't push your luck
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For the first time Reece is not alone in the exercise area this morning. I have a mini outfit crisis as getting the football uniform yesterday replaced his cold weather outfit, he almost freezes, thank goodness for old screenshots. Not all students make it to the morning exam.
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Deanna: What is the point of exams anyway
Reece: I enjoy them, working under pressure is a rush
Deanna: You're an oddball
Reece: Hey wait, you're 16
Deanna: Yeah, and?
Reece: Shouldn't you have had a makeover?
Deanna: Joey said the watcher was too busy setting me up with Paris
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Reece: Guess you can't complain about that
Deanna: If the price of having my girlfriend is a few extra days with braces, so be it Eventually Reece and Deanna manage to grab a seat. I tried to seat them earlier but their seats kept getting stolen by randoms.
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Exams went well, Reece aced both! He wants to go with his friends to have a snowball fight but now that he's on the football team Friday afternoons are filled. He does manage to strike up the nerve to invite Samir to visit his house once practice is over though.
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Samir: Wait, it's warm?
Reece: It never really gets too cold here
Samir: Nice
Reece: Want to see inside
Samir: Do we eat with your family
Reece: Not if you don't like strangers, I have no intention of torturing you
Samir: I'll try
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Reece: Well, you survived strangers, well done
Samir: I guess I wasn't really thinking about them during dinner
Reece: No? What were you thinking about?
Samir: That would be telling
Reece: Come on, we're teammates, shouldn't we be sharing, for football purposes
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Samir: Maybe you're in to sharing blondie but I tend to keep things close to my chest
Reece: And what a great chest it is
Samir: You think?
Reece: I just mean, you're so fit, how do you do it?
Samir: Years of training plus a good gene pool
Reece: I'm more of a wellness guy
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Samir: Meaning what
Reece: I try work on my muscles but I'd rather be doing yoga
Samir: Yoga is good, makes you flexible
Reece: *giggles*
Samir: What did I say?
Reece: Nothing, my mind just went… someplace
Samir: Someplace alone?
Reece: Now THAT would be telling
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Samir: Changed your outlook on sharing blondie?
Reece: Not at all, if you want to share your chest I'm all for it
Samir: That's not how biology works
Reece: Maybe not conventional biology but I'm not exactly conventional
Samir: You are not. It's getting late I should go
Reece: Wait. I just, can I?
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*Stands up*
Samir: Can you what?
Reece: You're really going to make me say it
Samir: Maybe I like seeing you squirm blondie
Reece: There is something I'd like to share with you
Samir: Is there now
Reece: Your lips
Having run out of patience Reece gathers his confidence and closes the distance.
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Samir seems shocked at first. But then he pulls Reece in deeper and Reece can feel him relax. After what seems much to short a time he breaks away. Reece notices Samir looks sad and worries he's screwed things up.
Recce: Was that okay? I mean, I enjoyed it, did you?
Samir: Blondie, I-
Reece: Tell me
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Samir: I'm sorry. I have to go
Reece: In the middle of this storm?
Samir: Yeah. I forgot, I have a thing I need to do
Reece: Oh. Okay. See you later
Samir: Mm hmm
Reece watches him go feeling more than a little pent up and very confused. He can't figure out what just happened. Why would Samir leave?
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Reece: And then he just ran off into the rain
Deanna: You're sure he was in to you?
Reece: He was absolutely flirting I tell you. Plus he kissed me back
Deanna: But that's good isn't it?
Reece: Not if he disappears right after for some imaginary thing
Deanna: Maybe there was a thing
Reece: *scoffs*
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Reece: *silence*
Deanna: Yeah there was totally no thing
Reece: What do I do
Deanna: We should talk to my sister. She and Luna navigated closeted issues. Sounds like Samir might be having trouble accepting who he is
Reece: I knew you'd have a plan
Deanna: Always
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So Reece spends his Friday night journaling his feelings, he wants to write down everything that happened before he forgets. That's it for the Foster household at the moment. Kayleigh has earned half of her 300k and Harvey has evolved 2 perfect plants.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 3
Reece is trying to improve his skills for the football team, but how does that work when you're crushing on a teammate?
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Deanna is in the computer lab playing on one of the expensive computers and Paris is getting into arguments.
Paris: No, you're the one inappropriately dressed
Reece: What are you doing?
Paris: This boar thinks just because she's a 4 star celeb she can tell me what to wear
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Reece: It is freezing
Paris: So?
Reece: And you're wearing shorts
Paris: But so is she!
The two sims that were arguing with Paris storm off angrily.
Reece: Are you going to be warm enough
Paris: I have a cold weather outfit in my locker if I need it
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Alfonso: If it isn't little miss frostbite
Paris: You shut the duck up!
Reece: Okay Paris, breathe, calmly
Paris: He started it... they always start it
Reece: You don't need to finish it every time, come inside, find Deanna
Paris: Fine, but I'm not afraid of that son of a llama
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Deanna: Rough morning?
Paris: Why won't people accept I know my own mind
Deanna: Because you're female
Paris: *grumbles*
Deanna: I've got the warm clothes
Paris: Thanks babe, that stupid foster home dryer was meant to be fixed days ago but no, "things can drip dry in winter"
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Mr O'Bryne: If you think math is useless, buckle up because I have some bad news. You'll be needing to use math for the rest of your life. So get comfy, put your phones down and for the watchers sake pay attention!
Samir: Why
Lilith: Why what?
Samir: Our team
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Lilith: In case you didn't realise, you and me do not make up a team alone
Samir: New people. Not for me.
Lilith: New? We already know Reece
Samir: In passing
Lilith: Please try, he needs help
Reece does need help as he gets a sad moodlet since his crush is upset😑
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When they get to the club room Samir is still very tense. Reece tries to lighten the mood by telling a joke. For a long horrible moment I think Samir is going to yell at him. Then his face lights up and he bursts out laughing despite his bad mood. Phew.
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Yes they practice football in the hall. I do not want to chance the weather freezing Samir. Unfortunately practice does not go well and both end up hitting each other in the face. Reece is ashamed of his poor performance so heads to the gym to squeeze in a workout.
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Deanna: Did you see where Reece went?
Samir: Lick his wounds? Boy can't throw for ship
Lilith: Has your throwing improved
Samir: *silence*
Lilith: Exactly
Paris: Be nice to Reece, he really wants this to work
Samir: Why
Deanna: His sisters cast long academic shadows
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The bell rings and Reece rejoins the crowd for class
Deanna: Are you okay?
Reece: Maybe, maybe not
Deanna: Since we can't talk now make sure you call me after school
Reece: Yeah, sure, whatever
Lilith: Football practice will be great Reece, I promise
Reece: If you say so
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Science class is a blur for Reece who is piling up the embarrassed and sad moodlets. I had hoped he'd grab a seat by Deanna but he was too slow. Deanna tries to brainstorm encouraging things to say while Samir is getting so tense his pencil will go through that paper any minute.
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After school Harvey spends some time teaching Carson how to ride a bike. After dinner Carson does some beach-combing for trash while Harvey practices football with Reece. Their friendship bar halves in the process, is football practice really so destructive to friendships?
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Kayleigh plans to spend her day off catching up on chores, but both boys run into trouble at school. Between fixing applinces, sorting washing and talking to the schools she doesn't get a chance to work on her logic skill. She needs to improve it to be promoted.
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After school Carson spends time trying to learn to ride his bike. Try as I might I can't seem to get any teen/adult to teach him for more than 20 sim minutes before they walk away to judge decor or dance. I love that the bike light turns on when it's dark though.
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Carson and Reece aren't seeing eye to eye. Last rotation Carson had a mean streak now Reece is stuck in one. There's a lot of teasing each other about minor things, but they still consider each other friends (probably because they can't practice football together)
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Reece: I like him like him
Deanna: Must make practice awkward
Reece: No, I'm cool at practice, I can focus on the ball
Deanna: Sure, how's your text game? I drafted most of my early texts to Paris on a separate app so I didn't send duds
Samir: What are we talking about?
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Reece: Hey Samir, we we were talking about, umm, I forgot
Samir: Texts
Reece: Right yes texts
Deanna: I was... asking Reece... which text was best to send my sister
Samir: Show me?
Reece: We sent it already, but how, how are you?
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Samir: Tense, the crowds
Deanna: Really? I thought the school was pretty empty
Samir: 20 students
Deanna: My brother would blame the watcher for the increase
Reece: Will we see you in art, or will you be adventuring
Samir: No
Reece: So that's a yes to art?
Samir: Yes
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Samir: Later
Deanna: That was so awkward, I feel bad for you, does he often talk in tiny sentences
Reece: Maybe, I'm normally distracted by his eyes and biceps and-
Rather than concentrating in art the pair exchange draft text ideas for if Reece ever texts Samir.
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Noe: Why the sports outfit
Paris: I was thinking I might go for a run
Reece: It's still snowing quite hard
Tamika: Hey, the girl did a french braid in the bathroom, that's an accomplishment
Paris: Thank you Tamika
Deanna: Hey is Samir heading this way
Reece: Oh I gotta jet
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Paris: Reece you have got to see this meme
*switches to whispering*
Paris: Don't be a ducking coward Mr High Confidence
Reece: Are you stopping me from leaving
Paris: He's not friends with any of us but you, if you leave it'll be awkward
Reece: If I talk it'll be awkward
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Paris: Look, he came to sit with you, you have to meet him halfway, he'll think you dislike him if you leave
Reece: Guess I hadn't thought of that
He turns back to the table
Reece: Hey Samir
Samir: Leaving?
Reece: No, nope, definitely not. Football am I right?
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Tamika: I don't get how you athletes do it
Deanna: I like exercise but I cannot do footballs to the face
Noe: You ever been injured doing football Samir
Samir: Concussions
Reece: I'd call the relationship tanking from football practice injuries to my social life
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As the last class of the day draws to a close Reece fits in a selfie. I think he's trying to get a sneaky picture of Samir. At football practice he gets a pop up saying his crush unexpectedly stopped by, considering Samir is on the team you would hope he would be there.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 1
Next spin the Fosters. It may be winter but it's always like summer in Sulani. 55 year old Kayleigh and her 57 year old husband Harvey are both working on their second lifetime aspirations. Kayleigh wants to earn 300k and Harvey wants to evolve 5 perfect plants.
p.s. I'm pretty sure that's a plane in the sky, why did I not notice it earlier???
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With both older sisters moved out, 14 year old Reece has a bedroom to himself for the first time since he was a toddler. His lifetime aspiration is inner peace but for now high school is at the front of his genius, outdoor loving mind.
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9 year old Carson has been very busy between rotations. He has earned his last two scouting badges, for arts and fitness. Llamacorn scout aspiration achieved! His next aspiration is *runs number generator* Rambunctious Scamp (reaching motor skill level 10)
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Since it's technically winter the bees are sleeping away. To be honest they normally do most of the work getting the plants to their evolving stages. First day back and the dust bunnies pop up so I guess a good vacuum has to be done today (I vacuumed IRL before I played today😅)
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Harvey: So what's going on
Reece: I've decided to join the football team
Harvey: Can I come to your games
Reece: I actually don't know if other sims can watch, or if we just practice indefinitely
Harvey: If I can come, let me know
Reece: For now I need a practice partner
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Harvey: They gave you a free football?
Reece: Yep
Harvey: Full disclosure, I have never thrown one of these before
Reece: Dad, relax, you have amazing fitness skill, I'm sure it'll be fine
Harvey does end up throwing the football into Reece's face however *sigh*
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Charlie: Yo, anyone home
Kayleigh: Just us and 7 of Carson's friends
Charlie: I don't remember having that many friends as a child
Kayleigh: You were never a child
Charlie: That would explain it
Kayleigh: Okay kids, almost time for scouts, everyone head home
*general discontent*
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Kayleigh: It's not my fault everywhere is freezing right now
*further grumbling*
Iggy: Bye Carson
Carson: Oh trash, I love you
Charlie: He's still doing that?
Kayleigh: I think as a recycle disciple he's stuck doing that forever
Charlie: SO glad I live elsewhere
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Reece: Then it came to me, join the football team
Deanna: You're joining the football team in the hope that you won't get bugged about an early graduation for a few more years
Reece: Yes If I'm busy with that I'm bound to not have enough time for homework everyday
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Paris: Sorry I'm late *sighs forlornly*
Deanna: What's wrong?
Paris: Who said anything is wrong?
Reece: Your face for one
Paris: Oh, I guess my make up must have smudged
Deanna: It's perfect as always
Reece: It was the frown that gave you away
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Paris: The lady that runs the foster home was particularly brutal with her comments this morning
Reece: Foster home? I'm a Foster
Paris: I mean THE foster home. Did Deanna not tell you?
Deanna: I didn't want you thinking I was a blabbermouth
Paris: Oh, well, Reece, I'm an orphan
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Reece: But not like THE orphan right?
Paris: *giggles* Not at all
Deanna: What do you mean
Reece: Girl, have you seen any scary movies?
Deanna: Not really
Paris: We need to have a scary movie marathon babe
Deanna: If it involves snuggling I'm in
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Reece: I guess I never thought about what kids with no parents do
Paris: Sit in our rooms and sulk
Reece: I'm sorry
Deanna: What did the woman who run the home say to you?
Paris: That my shorts were too short, and some comments about my legs
Deanna: Ignore her, what does she know
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Reece: Have you tried meditating?
Deanna: I don't think that helps in the moment
Reece: I'm just trying to come up with solutions
Paris: Thanks, I'll look into it. Now what was your news?
Deanna: He's joined the football team
Paris: Get out! Since when?
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Reece: 6 hours ago
Paris: But I'm on the Cheer squad, does this mean we're on rival teams?
Deanna: Devin was on a rival team to Luna and they ended well Reece: I don't even see why football and cheer squad are rivals, surely we're all supporting the school
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Deanna: It's high school, people get weird about things
Paris: I guess teenagers excel at being competitive
Reece: Come help me practice
Paris: Give me a N, give me an O, what does that spell? NO
Reece: Come on Deanna, you like fitness
Deanna: Fine, I'll try
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Deanna: Have you practiced before?
Reece: This morning, dad threw it in my face
Paris: Cheer is much safer to practice
Reece: Have you practiced cheer today
Paris: Shut up
Deanna: Okay, catch this
Reece: He catches, and the crowd goes wild
Deanna: Now toss it back
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Charlie: What shall I sculpt today
Kayleigh: Do you come visit just to grab clay
Harvey: Are congratulations in order?
Bob: Not yet, but hopefully soon, I'd love a daughter
Harvey: Daughters are wonderful
Charlie: Good answer dad
Harvey: What did you sculpt???
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Reece: Enough watching, come give it a go
Paris: But my perfect long nails
Deanna: The animations don't care about your nails babe, they'll be fine
Paris: Oh, okay then
Reece: What's the worst that could happen anyway?
Paris: Concussion, face bruises, embarrassment
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Reece: You don't need to be embarrassed with us
Paris: I can't just turn off being socially awkward
Deanna: Okay babe, eye on the ball
Paris: I want my pom poms
Reece: Relax, remember to breathe
Paris: *breathes deeply* okay, let's do this
Deanna: You're so wonderfully dramatic
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Reece: It's coming
Paris: GAHHH
Deanna: What?
Paris: It was going to hit my face, I could tell
Reece: That's why you should catch it
Deanna: Give her a chance
Reece: Sorry, nice try. Throw to me and I'll show you how to catch it, then you just do that
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Paris: Don't blame me if I hit you in the face
Reece: There would literally be no one else to blame but you
Deanna: I can see why you didn't pick cheer, you are not encouraging at all mate
Paris: *giggles*
Reece: I can be. See how I caught it, just hold your hands like so
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Paris: Stop mansplaining and throw
Deanna: You got this babe
Paris: I caught it! My nails didn't get in the way
Reece: Nice
Paris: Better take a commemorative selfie
Deanna: We better get going before you miss curfew
Paris: Ducking hate curfew
Reece: Hugs!
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Paris: Go womp womps!
Reece: You know it
Deanna: You should probably practice with the others on the team next time
Paris: They'll probably do better than us
Reece: I don't know about that, the practice interactions don't seem to take fitness into account
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