#I'm SO proud of them
ssaraexposs · 2 months
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jamie & rebecca + making choices
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colandpen · 4 months
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dgct2 · 11 months
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Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman have both been nominated as Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for their roles as Bill and Frank on The Last Of Us !!!
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ilovebuckers5 · 1 month
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my girls 🥹🥹🥹
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mctwinkdom · 9 months
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Words can't describe how happy I am right now
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kimyoohyeon · 1 year
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selfindulgentraptor · 4 months
well episode 8 settles it
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epavirees · 8 months
I'm SO proud of joker out, the setlist was insane and the visuals were amazing and opening the whole concert with SSOL was so epic and the EUROVISION COSTUMES DURING CARPE DIEM and bojan doing that iconic camera lick as well i will never forget this. They all slayed and they all deserve the world
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thebroccolination · 4 months
[ GawinKrist ] Ed Sheeran's "Photograph" Cover
Hi! I felt like waxing poetic about Gawin and Krist for a bit because I love them and I'm proud of them. <3
Even though GawinKrist aren't working together now, I definitely think they will again someday. For sure on music. They've both said they want to do a concert together one day, and they were starting to amass quite a loyal following while BMF was airing, so they'll always have an enthusiastic audience.
Just. Man. Listen to them harmonize. See how much they enjoy singing together. It's lovely to me that they'll always have music to connect them professionally, even apart from their offscreen friendship. :')
Early on in promotion for Be My Favorite, Krist explained to fans that he and Gawin had discussed how to market the series in a way that would be comfortable for both of them, especially for Gawin. GMMTV's current marketing leans very, very hard on their actors posting relentlessly to social media to the point that a lot of them are arguably more influencer than actor, and while it's been enormously effective and lucrative for GMMTV, it doesn't leave much leeway for talents like Gawin who aren't especially outgoing or loud online.
No hearing person can deny Gawin's gift for singing. He has a gorgeous voice, and he puts so much emotion into what he sings, there's a reason why a lot of people see him as a singer first. Bewilderingly, though, GMMTV just doesn't seem to know what to do with him. And some of that is on Gawin, sure. He said at his birthday event in August that he knew he'd been holding back in the past and that he wanted people to know him more from then on, but this industry is rough, and I think he's still figuring out how to navigate everything in a way that isn't overwhelming to him.
When I spoke to Gawin at the BMF finale event back in August, he exuded this absolute wave of kindness, sincerity, and humility. Like. He was just so incredibly sweet while I told him how proud I was of him and how well he did in the series. And when he said to me, "I'm just grateful you all came," I thought, He has no idea how loved he is. (Probably because DBK and Not Me became popular during lockdown and they weren't able to hold the Polca/PoddGawin event until two years later, and he's never had a permanent partner, so he's been in an odd sort of limbo all this time.)
Pisaeng was Gawin's first starring role, and his first time marketing a series as a lead. You can tell from all the promotional materials that Krist wanted this to go smoothly for him. At that same finale event, Krist broke down crying because he'd been carrying the stress of thinking that the torment he'd been through would affect Gawin's experience, too. But on the contrary, I think Krist was the best thing that's ever happened to Gawin's career.
I've heard stories from people behind the scenes that Krist was always extremely attentive to Gawin. He explained how to do little things that were intuitive to him as a veteran in the industry, and he made sure Gawin understood. He talked him through rough spots during and after filming. In interviews, he led discussions and tried to keep things on point. And whenever Gawin automatically shrank back from the spotlight, Krist gently steered him back to it. At their MUSICON performance in July (THE FIRST TIME GAWIN EVER PERFORMED LIVE, GMMTV MAY WE SPEAK PRIVATELY), Krist literally pulled Gawin to the front of the stage because he noticed Gawin hiding in the back. And at those concerts, Krist was the most senior there, so he was MC, performer, and Leader of the Nongs, but he never let his self-assigned duties as Gawin's partner falter. Over and over, event after event, Gawin looked happier and happier, and Krist looked prouder and prouder of him.
I think Gawin and Krist worked so well together because Krist saw the unappreciated jewel Gawin is and met him exactly where he was to bring him into the spotlight. He coaxed Gawin into shining brighter. Built his confidence until he could stand in the spotlight like he deserved to be there. The difference between that first MUSICON performance and his perfomance at Krist's solo concert is staggering.
And at Krist's solo concert, before their final appearance together as GawinKrist, Krist told the audience how proud he was. How talented Gawin is, and how he deserves a chance to be extraordinary. There's a reason why they call each other their safe zone, and I honestly believe no one wants to see Gawin thrive in this industry and behind the scenes more than Krist. He called him his favorite nong, and Krist is famously indulgent and lovely with all his nongs.
When Gawin was announced to replace Mike in Be My Favorite, I was over the moon. I loved him in DBK and Not Me and even his bit role in Enchanté. And I knew he and Krist would get along. Gawin's temperament is similar enough to Singto's, and Krist just generally gets along with everyone he works with, and they have that deep love of music in common.
Even though they had to put up with a lot (hateful people in general, fans who refused to watch Krist in a series with anyone but Singto, fans who refused to watch Gawin in a series with anyone but Podd or First, fans who tormented Krist, fans who tormented Gawin, expectations, pressure, stress, etc.), they handled all of it with incredible grace, and they made my favorite series on top of it. <3
And when it was time to end their partnership, they did that gracefully, too.
It's possible that Krist knew for a long time that Singto was considering coming back to GMMTV. I think Gawin knew, too, since he and Singto hang out. And of course GMMTV probably knew. It would explain why the company never put much energy into promoting the series or GawinKrist as a partnership.
But the fact that a member of the Trinity had a separate semi-official partner for any amount of time is bananas if you think about it. Hasn't happened to Singto, Off, Gun, Tay, or Newwiee. But because Singto turned down Be My Favorite (likely because he'd already informed GMMTV he was leaving) and took some time away, Gawin ended up with this incredible opportunity to star in a high quality series that was intended for KristSingto. That's so fucking cool! He's the only person to have ever partnered with a member of the Trinity! That's fucking wild??? We don't talk enough about how cool and wild that is. Good for Gawin!
And good for Singto!
I'm glad Singto took time outside GMMTV to explore opportunities he might not have gotten otherwise. I know he did it because he was thinking about studying abroad for years, and he kind of waffled around figuring out what to do once he was out, but man, sometimes you need to do that. I'm glad he had time with his dad. I'm glad he had a house built for himself and his dad. I'm glad he got to spend time with his friends (I mean, sort of, he's a weird cave-dwelling lion like Gawin, so apparently he doesn't actually go out much). Most importantly, Singto got to have privacy with Krist. And man, I think they needed it, but they also deserved it. The two of them have been in this industry for so long, and most of us have seen what happens to people when they monetize their friendship, relationship, family, etc. "KristSingto" is a brand, but Krist and Singto are close friends who have managed, against all odds, to find a way to preserve their bond and promote themselves as a brand without buckling under the strain.
I'm so glad the two of them had time to themselves. I think it saved them as people and preserved what's beautiful about their partnership.
GMMTV wouldn't let Krist work on BL with anyone but Singto until Singto literally left GMMTV, and Krist himself used to say he didn't want to work with anyone but Singto because he was afraid working with someone else would change their chemistry. I hope working with Gawin showed him that nothing could do that. He'll always, always have his chemistry with Singto. Maybe it'll evolve, maybe it'll mature, but it'll always be there. And if Singto hadn't left, Krist might never have gotten the opportunity to find that out. I think they'll be stronger now because of it.
Watching Be My Favorite was transcendental for me, and seeing GawinKrist work together was wonderful. They started as relative strangers who might've said hello to each other in the hallway at work, and now they're each other's safe zone. It seems fitting that they starred in a series about time travel and multiple timelines, because if Gawin hadn't been cast, if Krist had never worked with Gawin, think of all they could have missed out on. The friendship, the opportunities, the growth, the pride, and the joy.
And the music.
I sincerely, profoundly believe they'll work together again if they want to, and I'll be cheering them on if they do. <3
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
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wyrddogs · 3 months
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We had a very busy weekend. Our first UKC Total Dog event.
I told Kermit he might as well earn his keep since we were here, and he pulled a Group 1! Even better-- he actually had a good time and was very bouncy and playful in the BIS ring! (He only growled a little when being examined, so I'll take it. XD)
Zaku was amazing and blasted through his lure coursing runs to earn his CAT title. Then he got Best in Breed in the show ring against a champion malinois, and got Group 2 in a very full Herding Group. This earned him his very first UKC Total Dog! Way to go baby dog!
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colandpen · 27 days
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dgct2 · 11 months
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"Long Long Time " aka Bill & Frank's episode has 4 nominations for the Emmys this year 🌈
Guest Actor Nominations for both Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman.
Best Directing For A Drama Episode
Best Writing For A Drama Episode
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moonlightblues07 · 10 months
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Well you both deserve everything in this universe and also in every multiverse you deserve it everyone deserves to be supported (not the bad one tho🥴) you made history with us I LOVE YOUU GUYS I'M SO PROUD OF YOU TWO 😭🩵
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mrsandypants · 7 months
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Ampers&One 'On And On' Music Video
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