#I'll boop you as many times as I see fit
celestialiron · 2 months
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pink-evilette · 6 months
I rly want to understand the coquette subculture. It seems neat! but I'm so confused. I thought I got it, but the more I look into it, the less coherency I see (at least, in a way I understand). I don't see any consistent color palettes, textiles, topics, ideology, makeup, hairstyles, music, community language or signals. I can see ballgowns & lace w/ glitter & then tshirts and flannels in a dingy laundromat. I've seen people recommend Little Women & American Psycho in the same breath w/ no further elaboration. Celebrities w/ completely separate style influences are often grouped together. I see a lot of idealization of wealthy femininity ("old money", luxury brands, mostly rich celebrities, preppy vibes, heavy amounts of skincare/selfcare/"wellness" routines which cost $$$$) but also lots of depictions life's struggle w mental illness, substance abuse, & others things commonly associated w poverty & lack of class/femininity (Cigarettes, sweatshirts, the aforementioned laundromat, not eating, pills, speculating about Anya Taylor Joy's coping mechanisms??). What is it that unifies y'all? What is it that I'm missing? I feel so lost & I want to figure it out :/
this is a great question and I can totally understand your confusion! the way I see coquette/faunlet is more of an attitude than a specific style/aesthetic but I still call it an aesthetic if that makes any sense. it's about reclaiming your own girlhood in whatever way that looks to you, we all look and dress differently but have the same sorta energy that connects us as a community.
it all began with nymphet, which was all about classic americana, lolita, lana del rey, gingham, coca cola, diners, priscilla presley etc. but the tag got censored by tumblr because many kink blogs were infiltrating this innocent subculture with sexual material. in this era girls were feeling connected to dolores haze from lolita through their own experiences and related to her as a tragic figure.
the community was revived many times but the current home of the community is with @coquette-club which was created by @lovesickbrat and also used by @bbabyyy ♡ there is a lot more to our history that I'm missing out on but if you look on my blog you will find more explanations.
there are many subtypes of coquette which is why you see so many conflicting aesthetics within the tag, from coquette noir (which is like an expression of French new wave film stars, 1920s aesthetics, Betty boop, mainly black outfits etc.) to bubblegum coquette (all things pink and girly, electra heart era marina and the diamonds, barbie etc.) and many coquettes on here either fit into these substyles or blend some together to make their own personal style!
the old money aesthetic is popular but controversial due to its implications, and I'm personally more into the thrifty side of coquette, and using pieces that I've had for years in my looks.
as a community we usually try to distance ourselves from the pro-ed/pro-ana communities as they can be harmful to our vulnerable members, since they promote eds and make them look glamorous which is something we don't want associated with our subculture.
I hope this answers your question - in short, coquette is about being authentic to yourself, reclaiming girlhood, community and sisterhood, incorporating your own aesthetics and interests (e.g. horror coquette) and expression ♡ if you have any more questions I'll try my best to answer them!
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radioisntdead · 16 days
In honor of Barnaby, your favorite handful of characters reaction to dogs? Like a dog, not a doggo sinner
-oldie 🧶🧵
Ps: please give him a boop, he looks very boop-able
Good evening dearest Oldie 🧶🧵!
I'll give Barnaby a boop just for you! [He is VERY BOOPABLE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, he's adjusting really well so far, he LOVES belly rubs and he likes to bop my face with his paw, I think he's trying to boop me back?
I mentioned Barnaby so many times here, I regret NOTHING
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So I'm assuming the reader brought in the lovely bundle of doggy-ness
Starting with Rosie because she's my pfp,
I feel like she'd like dogs! I think she'd prefer smaller ones like Pomeranians, teacup yorkies or those balls of fluff dogs you see on TikTok that I don't know the name of,
I think she'd be slightly iffy on dogs around Barnaby's size [for reference Dearest Barnaby is a Australian shepherd & Labrador retriever mix, he's a gentle giant!] But only because they'd be a little harder to have inside, so she'd probably have like a big dog house outside for them, I imagine she'd put little collars with those bowties on them [I'm getting a collar with a bowtie for Barnaby]
Dogs LOVE Rosie, same with cats and other animals, she attracts them like a cannibalistic Disney princess,
Speaking of hell's Disney princesses, Charlie!
Now she's a cat person but she loves ALL animals, you bring any size or any type of dog into the hotel and she's giving them all the treats and affection they want, I also see her getting the lovely canine toys like you'll tell her to quit spoiling them and she'll come in ten minutes later sneaking them a squeaky toy,
I adore Alastor and I respect that he doesn't like dogs because they played a part in his demise, but I would choose my dog over him, I did a whole thing with him and dogs when I was in my sad night hours and projecting, I definitely think if he HAD to be around a dog like if his romantic partner owned one he'd like a small, less "harmful" breed [Someone send a spiteful Chihuahua at him, my late dog buttercup was a Chihuahua mix and that boy tried to kill my best friend so many different times, I miss him, he would've bullied Barnaby though]
I imagine he would NOT do well near dogs like Barnaby no matter how sweet they are, deal breaker for him, and maybe a life ender for you?
Angel dust prefers pigs [dangling fat nuggets like a keychain]
But he doesn't mind dogs! I imagine as part of a crime family they probably had dogs, specifically attack dogs but that's not here nor there,
He'd definitely dress the lil' canine up, if they get along with Fat nuggets then matching outfits, if you're his boyfriend then matching outfits for the whole family, like y'all are getting pictures taken and it's hung up in his room.
If y'all are buddies then pet play dates while the two of you shit-talk Valentino, fat nuggets and your dog are best friends and have matching fits.
Niffty, oh dear if you have a big dog like Barnaby then she's riding them like a horse into battle, her sewing needle or duster into the air and she's yelling charge, if smaller she probably tries to dust them, keep them away from her, feral little thing she is [we love her]
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Thank you for tuning on in folks!
Barnaby refuses to sleep in his own bed, he's taken over mine it's okay for tonight I think, HE TAKES UP THE MAJORITY OF THE BED THOUGH I LOVE HIM BUT help me also he snores and it's adorable its like a mini lawnmower I might fall asleep listening to him
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"Maybe I can sleep on your table, or maybe your sister wouldn't mind me using some of her blankets? I dunno. We can probably talk about that more when night actually comes."
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"Yeah, I'm here, singing a rhyme about the events occurring at this time I'm chillin in a forest with a little guy who has a job that makes others die Hey! like what happened to my family! Hariet drowned and can no longer see! Emar's just Rango but extra crispy! and what is the deal with my bro MT? he used to be fat and now he is skinny! but for some reason he kept his beer belly and now it's very oozy and smelly! beep boop boop bop boop yeah!
Man! I can't believe I found so many words that rhymed with 'family'. I'm a poet and didn't even know it. HA!"
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"You seem to know German, though, so if we went to sky land, you can translate for me. Hey, how about we go to sky land. I would love to see it."
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Hariet: "... You're happy that HE's okay?? What about ME???"
Rango: "...... Um-... Do I hear maracas?"
Hariet: *Gasp* "An animal must have gotten into my stuff!!! Rango, go do something about it while we figure out what to do with this thing!!"
Rango: "Yes ma'am!!!" *Runs to the sound*
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Rango: "Oooh, making some music, are we?"
Topper: *Nods* "Just a little something to keep us busy! Oh yeah—Can you ask Hariet if we can borrow some of her blankets for tonight?"
Rango: "What for?"
Topper: "Stewart needs a place to sleep overnight, so I figured some of the blankets will be nice." .3 "Oh, and uh, by the way... I think your fire-friend may have to sleep outside... I think he might... Set the house ablaze. Since it's a tree fort, y'know? And even if it wasn't, I don't know if he could fit through the doorway-"
Rango: "Ohhh, no problem! In that case, don't worry about the blankets. Stewart can sleep in the hammock."
Topper: "Wait, wha-"
Rango: "I'll sleep outside with Emar! I don't want him to be lonely. And he'll keep me warm!! Plus, I won't be waking you up every time I need to get up to do my business... This'll be perfect for all of us!!!"
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Topper: "But... But Rango! I can't sleep without you!! I NEED you!!!"
Rango: "You can sleep on top of Stewart like how you do with me! Or, if you need ME specifically, then you're welcome to sleep outside with us!"
Topper: "I can't sleep outside!! Not during this time of the year...!"
Rango: "I'm not gonna leave my buddy out here alone!!!"
Topper: "I haven't fallen asleep without you since I was still in the troop...!"
Rango: "... Toppy, c'mon, you're a big boy... There's nothing to fear. Either option, you won't be alone! I'm sure Stewart would be happy to lay with you. You won't even know the difference once your eyes are closed! (I mean- When your one eye is closed!) Plus, I'll be back with you in the morning. There is nothing you can't endure for eight hours. Nothing." *Pats Topper's head*
Topper: .{
Rango: "Now, I have to get back to our guests... I'll see you again in probably less than an hour!!" *Walks away*
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Topper: *Hears the maracas* !!! "Sorry, I forgot you were here-"
Rango: "Stewart has the maracas." :3 "Did I miss anything?"
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Spewart: "We will have to do quite a bit of walking... Sky Land is in the furthest south-west point of the map. Forest Land is huge, and it's right in the middle of everything!! Not to mention, our current location is decently far up north... It will be around midnight-ish when we arrive... But trust me—It will be worth it!"
"Since, as I mentioned, Forest Land is in the center of everything, we won't have to enter any other territories to get to Sky Land. ... That is, unless you want to make any pit-stops?"
(Here's an old map I drew from several months ago that probably needs to be redrawn, but I'm not going to-)
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Hi! I love your analysis posts! So, I have a question: What kind of music do you think the Octonauts (And any Octo agents you want to add) would listen to, and what are their favorite song?
merci beaucoup <33 I have very little actual musical "knowledge"; I just like specific songs that go beep bap boop a specific way, but I'll try my best here—and as for their favourite songs, I'll just name some songs that remind me of them, if that's okay 👍
Barnacles likes accordion of course, so he'd probably enjoy anything that incorporates it. I can see him liking most genres tbh, he's not super picky—but he definitely likes folk and classical, and he LOVES sea shanties—almost more than Kwazii 👀
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Born For Greatness - Papa Roach
Leaving London
Ship In A Bottle
Abandon Ship* (*pretend it's Kwazii singing to him)
They're all from an album by Steffan Argus, and you need to listen to them in order because they tell a story, and the whole thing is so Him fr.
See also:
Bones In The Ocean - The Longest Johns
—if you'd enjoy some Manitoba angst vibes.
Kwazii claims he ONLY listens to the jauntiest of shanties... but the secret truth is that he is pretty picky about them, and about music in general. He has auditory sensory issues, and one off note makes him want to curl up and perish, which is why he gets so upset when the Captain plays anything. As for his REAL taste: basically just Cosmo Sheldrake-core, his own singing, and anything Peso or the Vegimals play/sing.
Every Cosmo Sheldrake song ever, actually; but I recommend Come Along and The Moss the most.
The Villain I Appear To Be - Diamond Jack
Fish In A Birdcage - [band has the same name as the song]
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
I will not explain any of those- just listen to them and know that I Am Right /lh.
I forget the context, but I remember saying at one point that Shellington enjoys things that are organized and rhythmic (actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the context was someone sharing their headcanon of him having a music stim with me—so there ya go 👍) so I can fully see him enjoying either electronica, or orchestra. Two very different things, but I rest my case.
Told You So - Nathan Evans
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake (I know I said every CS song belonged to Kwazii, but shh- this one's Shellington's.)
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery. just based on vibes tbh.
Tweak likes chiptune because I like chiptune and she is just like me fr /hj. Okay but actually she does LOVE electronic music—and any music that's like,, not made with traditional instruments?? Yeah. She likes chaotic music, and likes to jam out to folk with Barnacles because it feels nostalgic to her.
Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae
Crazy = Genius - P!@TD
Curses - The Crane Wives (this is also a Calico Jack song somehow- it fits both of them lol)
Pieces And Parts - Sydney Zarlengo
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men BUT it's a duet between her and Barnacles /p
See also:
The Last Shanty - Derina Harvey Band
—for some Manitoba!Tweak vibes.
Dashi listens to nightcore. She also got Peso into it. Honestly I feel like the two of them are both into pretty much anything—Dashi has a preference for pop, and Peso definitely likes symphonies, ballads, and anything that's chill and lofi.
Dashi also listens to hard rock and heavy metal in her spare time, and it disorients the heck out of whoever witnesses it randomly come on in her shuffled playlists. However, the only type of music I can't see Peso liking, is really loud music; like rock or metal—so they're the exact same and polar opposites at the same time 😂
I ALSO always think of Dashi when I listen to Marina—no idea why lol—might be her accent 😅
I don't have many songs for either of em- but here's what I've got:
Cold Cold Cold - Cage The Elephant
Anxiety Song - Human Petting Zoo
Right Hand Man - Something Rotten
Hermit The Frog - Marina. just vibes once again.
Dude exclusively listens to oldies, classics, and like,,, Beethoven probably, BUT! I feel like any one of the Octonauts could ask him to listen to anything and he would. He unironically enjoys Kwazii's music.
Octopus' Garden - The Beatles
They all have ridiculously contrasting tastes; they all probably enjoy the same kind of music as their respective Octonaut counterparts—but aside from that, they mostly just make their own music so they can all be happy.
Get Back Up Again but SPECIFICALLY the version from Disney's Trolls. trust me on this.
(some) Agent songs under cut:
Calico Jack me beloved:
I headcanon that he wrote his own theme song, so he likes shanties for sure; but I feel like as the years went by and he grew as a person, his music and general interests toned down a lot—so now he's more into ballads, and very Lord Huron or Hozier-esque music.
(all the following songs are angsty but they also hit HARD ykwim?? aye 👀 /pos)
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
Farewell Wanderlust - The Amazing Devil
Problems - Mother Mother
Metaphor - The Crane Wives
Flight Of The Crows - Jhariah
(oh look a non-angsty song–)
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Natquik my beloved²:
Barnacles 100% got his music taste from him, I cannot be told otherwise. That's all I have to say about him.
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Snow - Ricky Montgomery
December - Ricky Montgomery
New Discovery - The Crane Wives
Runaway - Aurora
plus bonus:
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In - Will Wood
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
—to satisfy my personal "I think Natquik deserves to go feral" needs.
Ranger Marsh my belov–:
Exclusively listens to folk and country, and actively refuses to branch out his horizons.
Cicada Days - Will Wood
Swarm Swamp Swim - Cosmo Sheldrake
Birdhouse In My Soul - They Might Be Giants
On one hand, I really like headcanoning that he likes to sing when he's alone—and is actually pretty good; but on the other hand... I think it'd be hilarious if he had unbelievably bland taste in terms of what he enjoys listening to 😂 He has no real preference, so he just lets whoever he's with control the radio. For their sake.
Hold It In - Jukebox The Ghost
I shall not/cannot explain why that song reminds me of him but it does so much-
and I don't have any more for him, RIP ✌️😔 I could probably find some easily if I looked, but I'm lazy ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
He has weird taste too; but unlike Tracker, he has the most alternative underground music taste you can imagine, and he WILL subject you to it. He eats bugs in a universe of talking bugs, and I think it'd be funny if all of his interests were on the same wavelength lmao. He's just a weirdo (affectionate).
Just like Tracker I probably could find more songs if I actually tried to look—but for now all I have is this:
Water Island - My Singing Monsters
I found it on tiktok and it's literally His Song™ ever fr.
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klonoadreams · 8 months
Mama Rouge and Mako's mom get to vibe in the afterlife after giving their children the best futures they could and whilst living would've been preferable, they did the best they could and that's definitely a good thing.
It's tough being a mom in the world of One Piece, where the World Government is corrupt as all hell jfc.
Can't have shit in this world lmaooo.
As far as I remember back, I just remember making Mako's mama from Amazon Lily and a Kuja Pirate. Papa is like just some rando who happens to be Fisher Tiger's brother.
And that's about it for Mako's lineage, because it's a god damn mystery from her mother's side, due to the fact that Amazon Lily inhabitants have to leave in order to reproduce. So good luck trying to find a lead.
Like the ambiguity of it, mainly cuz Mako really has been lucky. And the series of events that occurred after she was born. Honestly, she's like baby Kiyoko from Tokyo Godfathers in terms of luck and bringing people together. :V
Only time will tell if I go further into Mako's mama, but as an FYI, her name is Calystegia - after one of my favorite Persona Dancing All Night songs and also the flower theme of Amazon Lily, as it's a name for morning glory (one of many genera) :V
Mako got her hair and eye color from her mama, which is how she got her name.
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This is a calystegia macrostegia, aka, island morning glory. Kinda fitting, no?
of course, there is another that also fits
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Dolce Vita Morning Glory. This one is Ipomoea purpurea, which is the common morning glory and comes in many colors, the dolce vita one refers to this one specifically.
And if you know the meaning of dolce vita, then you can also see some irony with Mako and her Mama. :V (Grandma was named Ipomoea and in my head, I just see this lineage of women named after flowering plants in the asterids clade (of which includes the common daisy, forget-me-nots, nightshades, the common sunflower, petunias, lavender, lilac, jasmine, honeysuckle, and snapdragons).
That's about as deep as it currently goes, but it could get deeper, or it could not. Either way, Mako may not be living la dolce vita, but that won't stop her from enjoying her life to the fullest.
I'll just leave this here boop
(Ipomoea Nil)
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kiankiwi · 1 year
Maybe something about you getting little E ready for bed? Like you getting him changed/dressed and reading to him and such?
You came up behind E in his chair at the table, hands on his shoulders and pecked his ruffled hair. "C'mon baby, time to wind down." He nodded, trying to hide a yawn as he shuffled beside you as you both went upstairs, hand in hand.
You got Elvis in a warm bath with plenty of bubbles and plenty of head massages. You massaged his scalp so well he nearly fell asleep right there. "That feel good baby?" He nods, perking up again when you took a cup from the side of the tub and poured warm sudsy water down his back. "I'm glad baby." You pull the stopper out of the tub and grab Elvis' towel draping it over his head and ruffling his hair dry causing him to erupt in a fit of giggles.
A few minutes later, Elvis comes into the walk in closet with you to help pick out his 'jammies' as he calls them. "Which ones, lovie?" You rifle through the many hangers, showing him a few pajama set options. He picks the baby blue silk ones with sheep on them specially made for Elvis last Christmas. "Dees (As in these) ones mama." He pokes the pocket of the pajamas, picking them. You nod, instructing him to lay back on the bed and not to squirm too much while you help him get changed
As you button up his pajama top you plant kisses and give tickles to every possible inch of his tummy and chest which again makes Elvis erupt in giggles until he's gasping for breath. "Mommy, no more. No more please!" He's shrieking trying to get away up to the head of the bed. "Okay baby. One story then bed." He nods, grabbing Roxy and his paci and snuggling into the blankets. "Just one, you got that?" You ask, booping his nose. He nods, giggling.
He's a giggly mess tonight.
Half an hour later, Elvis is finally asleep and you're closing the door very quietly, trying to tip toe downstairs to grab your book.
You're only halfway down the staircase when you hear Elvis calling for you. But at least he doesn't seem to be crying. "Mama! Mommy! Mommy!" He yells.
He knows not to get out of bed, just to call for you. He's much too clumsy in his little mind to get out of bed and conquer the stairs. You sigh, turning back around and crack the bedroom door to find Elvis sitting up in bed, sucking hard on his paci.
"Yes baby? What do you need lovie?" Silently Elvis reaches up and fiddles with his earlobe. It's his tell for when he has something on his mind that he's afraid to say or he wants/needs something and is too embarrassed to ask.
Seeing him play with his ear, you come in and sit beside him, take his hand. "You can tell me lovie. I promise I won't laugh. Whatever you need, it's okay. I promise I'll take care of it." He nods. "Have butch mama?" (E's word for milk) You nod. "Of course you can baby. But stay here and mama will you go make you some okay." He nods, rubbing Roxy's ear to calm himself. "Yes mama. I stay." You nod. "Okay baby. I'll be right back."
Ten minutes later you return with a bottle of warm milk for E. He claps eagerly when he sees you come back with it. You sit beside him and adjust yourself against the many pillows. "Okay, bubby get comfy." Elvis nods and he lays on your chest but angled so he won't choke. "Slow okay?" He nods, beginning to drink the warm liquid feeling smaller and smaller the more tired he got.
As he nears the end of the bottle, you can tell Elvis is really trying to keep his eyes open and staring at you. You shush him, running your fingertips over his cheekbones, temples, nose, and lastly try to close his eyes. "Sleep baby. I'll be right here. I'll see you in the morning." Elvis holds onto you tight so you couldn't leave the bed even if you tried since he was laying on your chest, your legs entangled together.
You sigh contentedly, pecking his forehead. "Love you baby. Good night."
Hope you liked it <3
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phasebun · 5 months
Hello, there! :) Firstly, woa'! Your BG3 OCs look PHENOMENAL! Truly. They are all so unique and well-thought of. The screenshots are also wonderful and the story bits you lay beneath them are really intriguing. Hope you'll keep going because it's nice to see such greatness on one's feed. Lastly, if you don't mind ofc, could you please share your mods list, specifically for females: hairs/body mod/tats/makeup/outfits, and what reshade preset you're using/screenshots program? Thanks a bunch! <3
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Tysm omg dshfibhjfbshjk ty for gnawing off a piece of my heart ♡♡♡ I have so much love for my little beans, I'm really obsessed with their worlds LOL it's really sweet you enjoy my small story additions 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 sometimes I want to say more but then --- pfffdbshyufgvbu
My mod list kinda changes a lil depending on the save tbh, small cosmetic changes like default replacements. If you ever want to know something I've used for a specific OC, feel free to ask!! If it's not something personal, I'll link you :3 I'll link some mods I use and etc under the read more~
[long post oop]
Sooo focusing on my ladies:
Generally for heads, I use BOOP, this set since there are so many options. If you have a specific chara in mind, lmk!! In the process of crying figuring out actual head modding fbdshyufbsdhuj
Tattoo Replacements I adore (you can only have 1 in game at a time!!!!):
Assimilated Tattoo Edits
Take what you need BG3 Tattoo Edition
I tend to only stick to cosmetic mods the most, so it might be a bit easier to narrow it down by OC BUT some of my faves so far are:
Tav's Hair Salon
Vessnelle's Hair Collection
More dreadlocs and curly hairstyles
Em's Hair Mashups Pack 2
Em's Hair Mashups Pack 3
I also use a hair mixer mod to mix multiple hairs together to create a new look!
Body Mod:
For a curvier appearance, literally anything from, ReallyLazyIcarus lol like the most god sent mod I could've ever asked for personally LMAO like--- not every chara uses it (will be even harder once I figure out mesh fitting omg) but ye, this is really the only "body mod" I use. It doesn't replace every character with the appearance either.
Makeup Replacement ( it's been hard af to switch from this tbh---there are some really great replacements I've seen.....might just swap by OC save ngl lol):
Weeviljester's Lore-Friendly Makeup Edits
Some outfit mods from some resent OC's (there are many I can rec in general on Nexus :O ):
Scantily Camp Outfit --- ( I use this mod to make some of the fits available in the armor slot without me taking the time to do it myself lmao)
pooteeweet mods
Basket Full of Equipment
For reshade, I honestly tweak ones I've downloaded in the past to my liking. I used reshade for sims so I also had some of those. One I love tbh/made me comfortable with using it with BG3 in general:
Shades of Faerun - ReShade Presets
I take my screenshots using reshade (set my hotkey/folder/etc) and shamelessly bought this camera mod dbhsufbdfdsf that's how you're able to get angles you can't vanilla.
PC specs help the quality of the pics ofc, but the camera mod allows you to pause the game and manipulate things into the shot you want.
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lockejhaven · 1 year
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I posted 1,444 times in 2022
That's 1,359 more posts than 2021!
202 posts created (14%)
1,242 posts reblogged (86%)
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I tagged 1,337 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 67 posts
#other writers - 184 posts
#answers - 115 posts
#others' writing - 98 posts
#locket rambles - 96 posts
#lockejhaven - 89 posts
#others writing - 84 posts
#resources - 84 posts
#inspo - 71 posts
#boop - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#feel free to confront me directly so i can fix what my brain has done
My Top Posts in 2022:
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 —————————-««
rage of the kindhearted is an astounding tragedy.
it commands a silence, a long-awaited recognition from those that mistake it for weakness.
it condemns such broken judgement, that swallows respect as if unconditional, and consumes patience as if infinite.
it pounces at throats laid bare, long past a futile snarl of warning, chest aching with inconsolable defeat.
and above all else, rage of the kindhearted is an imminent ending.
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 ———————���—-««
~ Of Fables & Feathers,
🕊️ Locke J. Haven
locket’s tags:  ╔═════════════════════╗
@365runesofwriting@enchanted-lightning-aes@thepixiediaries@midnight-and-his-melodiverse@perasperaadastrawriting@fearofahumanplanet@orphicpoieses@thepoetpromptsociety[ your tag could be here... ]
35 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“That, my love, is the tragedy of it all. Once, you did.” Spirit crouches down beside Warlock, listening to their rasping breaths. Her empathy is empty. Her words drip with hollow meaning.  “When you stood by my side; when you understood the joy and worth of the world, you had as many chances as you could have wanted. Instead, you just had to follow your destiny.”
Warlock laughs. A brittle sound, dragging and clawing its way up their smoke-scorched throat. “There is no chance with people like you. People too caught up in their own definitions of right and wrong. While you kill those that may threaten the peace, I stand alone for the innocent.” They break off into a coughing fit before determination spurs them to continue, “That truth will follow you. It will settle at the bottom of your stomach, until one day, you will find yourself overcome with the burden of your actions.”
locket's tags:   @365runesofwriting  @enchanted-lightning-aes  @thepixiediaries  @midnight-and-his-melodiverse  @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet
44 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
↪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 + 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝 --- a notion template
»»—————————- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 —————————-««
Hello, my sprites!
I've been super busy lately with organizing my characters, and as I was working, I had the idea to make a notion template based on my own masterlist. The template includes a general masterlist page and a character sheet template. There are two versions available with different fonts for legibility vs. aesthetic.
Please reblog if you use this!
VERSION 01 Default
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See the full post
67 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
a writeblr masterlist
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Hello hello! I've made a masterlist for aaaalll of tumblrs writers to apply to! All are welcome; simply fill out the form, and I'll add you!
Please make sure that... - the icon you link is 200px by 200px - your description is as short as possible - you have only linked one blog for the masterlist
the form // the masterlist
91 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tumblr is struggling right now.
I know a lot of veteran users are a bit nervous; that we'll lose the one 'typical internet hellsite' to the 'capitalist hell' that has taken over most other popular media sites.
But that is exactly why it is INCREDIBLY important to educate the new users, and not just, try to scare them off. Education is the biggest way to gain allies and keep the site as we like it.
The site with blogs based on creativity; on stories. On art and writing and music, and NOT advertisement and force-fed content lacking critical thinking.
It's going to take a lot of energy, I know. And it's a serious pain in the ass that this has happened during NANO, of all times. But if we want to keep our safe space, it's necessary.
So if you see a user follow you, and they have nothing to their blog, give them the benefit of the doubt. Tell them about how NOT to look like a bot, and direct them to some tumblr guides.
Educate users on why we like this site, and what we can do to keep the freedom we have. And why that freedom is a good thing.
Our strongest defense is education.
Please, please reblog this, along with any and all guides you find. Share resources on other platforms. Send them to your non-tumblr friends.
899 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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catzula · 3 years
A kiss to warm your heart
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A/N: Ahh I missed writing for Bakugou and its been a while since I had this much fun writing anything, I hope you guys enjoy it too >:(
And uh lets not make this one flop pls 😦
Pairing: bakugou x reader
Warning: cursing
Genre: fluff! Mutual pining, some jealousy but not very prominent
Synopsis: going to a skiing trip for the weekend with you friends sounds like a good idea (not as much when you realize your crush, Bakugou Katsuki is coming, too!), but it's a bit hard to actually get to skiing when you can't ride the chair lift.
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"Dips on the bed next to the window!" Mina rushed into the room, throwing herself on the said bed. You sent her a fake pout as you settled on the other bed, not really caring about it's location, but it was fun to guilt-trip Mina. She gave you a crooked grin as she laid her luggage on the ground, already unpacking.  
"Change into your skiing clothes, Kiri told me we're going to go skiing in about half an hour."
"What? No! We just came, I'm tired." You protested, throwing yourself on the fluffy hotel bed, groaning and hoping you looked as yitrd as you felt so she would leave you alone.
"Y/N, stand up and wear your ski clothes? Please?" Mina held you by the arm, lulling you off the bed and thinking you were a little too strong for your own good.
"Oh, come on," she groaned when you sent her a 'leave me alone, I'm tired' look, "We're only here for two days, and we should use every chance we have! Also, it's tea time, and they are serving those little free cookies, so I'm sure you'll feel better if you just ate one."
"Yeah, all I need is cookies." You scoffed, making her grin. "Nope, all you need is Bakugou." Mina turned to the mirror and fluffed her hair, trying to look as indifferent as she could, failing at hiding her sly grin as she gave you a few seconds of silence to reconsider. 
You sighed as you rushed down the stairs, evening your pace with Mina's. You always hated walking in ski clothing since it made you feel like a burrito: overheated, wrapped with layers and layers of clothing which rustled each time you moved, and very uncomfortable.
"Free cookies, you say? Are there brownies, too?"
You knew she wanted to talk about something by the way she kept turning at you and fidgeting her hands. "What is it?" You asked when Mina glanced at you for the fortieth time the last few minutes. "If it's about you-know-who, I don't wanna hear it, though." 
"Mina-" you started to talk, but she stopped you before you could argue, although you were itching to go downstairs already because you felt like you were going to have a stroke if you stood indoors with these clothes. "Don't Mina me, and you know this is your best chance to confess to him! What are you even waiting for, for him to confess first?"
"Uh, yeah?" 
"Oh, come on!" She groaned, emphasizing the last word. "If you want to tell him, this is your chance!" 
"Well, you're out of luck, then." Mina booped your nose. "We are talking about the worlds biggest tsundere after all. I doubt he'd say anything before you do."
She was right, and you knew it. "I know," you admitted, rolling your eyes at the way she grinned proudly. "But I'm not- I don't want to damage our friendship, you know? And I'm not ready for a rejection." You laughed wryly to ease the tension you were feeling. 
"Rejection? Are you serious? You guys are so obvious that even Denki asked me if you were secretly dating. You are almost already dating, just neither of you accepted the feelings towards the other." 
Well, it was true. You and Bakugou were a little closer than friends, maybe, but him every so often flirting with you or you meeting his gaze whenever you looked at him (which happened quite often, you had to admit) didn't necessarily mean he liked you back, did it? 
"I'll- I'll do my best." You smiled at her, trying to change the subject since you were in the entrance of the sitting area. "Let's go eat something already. Do you see them?" 
"Oh, I see Kiri." She spotted, grinning when she saw Bakugou frowning right next to him. "Look, Bakugou's there, too. Hey guys!" She waved at them, running towards the duo and pulling you along. You could see how his gaze snapped up at hearing Mina's voice, the red eyes finding yours immediately and a smirk replacing the frown on his lips. 
He had no right to look this good even with snowboard clothes. His spiky hair messy because of the big ski glasses that rested on top of his head, the black, skin-tight thermals enhanced his well-built body, and his orange-striped ski pants looked like they fit him perfectly. You had to admit you were maybe a bit excited to see him snowboarding down the mountain.
"What, see something you like?" He grinned, whispering so only you could hear, frowning almost immediately after that when he turned to Mina. "Took you guys long enough."
"Yeah, don't tell me that, it was her who needed 30 minutes of convincing, although it was pretty easy to convince her after I said- well, never mind what." She grinned villainously when you sent her an 'I'll push you of a cliff if you say one more word' look.
Bakugou quirked a brow at the pink-skinned girl's sudden change of behavior but decided not to think about it much. "Oh my God, I'll pass out let's go ski already!" Kirishima chimed in, pulling on the thermals he was wearing that clung to him like a second skin, and you could feel the eyes that were looking his way as you walked through the lobby. "These clothes are waaay too warm to be wearing inside." He added, fanning himself with his hands.
He was right, and you felt suffocated, too, the clothes too warm, too tight, too much and too heavy, there were too many things to carry with you, all your hands occupied with another ski gear, and you were itching to throw them and run outside to the snow screaming.
You were glad when your friends complied, all making their way to the ski room. You spotted Mina running towards you, and her ski pants pouches were suspiciously full with something that resembled cookies. You quirked a brow at her, pointing at her bulky pockets, only to earn a grin from her. "You know, its a little snack for us to eat when we get hungry or bored on the longass chair lift ride."
"Hey Mina, send me a cookie!" Denki waved to you, making Mina grin knowingly. "See? There's demand."
You chuckled as you entered the ski room. Bakugou was already sitting on the bench, a jet black snowboard right beside him, the crimson of his eyes contrasting with the black of his board and clothes beautifully. His eyes raised to you when you entered the room, a smirk finding its place on his soft lips when your eyes wandered over the pretty snowboard. 
You couldn't look away as he leaned forward to tie his shoes, arms flexing as he tightened them to fit his legs better, and your need to go running to the snow and maybe scream a few minutes had suddenly increased.
You were approaching him when you felt someone lightly touch your arm. It was a guy around your age, you noticed, smiling widely at you, and you could tell he worked there by the tag on his chest. Shindou Yo, it read. "Can I help you?"
"Oh, thank you." You muttered, feeling somewhat shy after taking a glance at his smiling face and noticing just how handsome he was. You followed him to the counter when he told you to come with you, making you forget the existence of the crimson gaze that was following you wherever you went. 
You didn't feel it, but Bakugou watched you as you gave your name and room number to the charming boy, unaware (or maybe aware?) to his flirty remarks as he pulled out the skiing gear you rented, smiling and giggling as he said something Bakugou couldn't quite hear. You finally realized the dirty looks the blonde was sending you as Shindou kneeled before you to help you wear the ski shoes and gears, but even then, you only smiled and waved at Bakugou, not noticing how he gritted his teeth. 
"Oh, fuck this." Bakugou muttered and raised to his legs, grabbing his snowboard and storming out of the room when Shindou laid his hand on your thigh to 'support' himself to stand up. "Bakugou?" You furrowed your brows and tilted your head when you noticed him sprinting outside. You quickly realized the rest of your friends had left, too. 
Thanking Shnidou, you stood up, running out of the room, only to sigh in relief when you noticed your friends had gathered right outside of the hotel, Sero trying to help Denki wear his ski gears, but both failing miserably. 
"Y/N, right here!" Mina called and waved at you, and it was hard not to see her in her shiny silver puffer jacket. "Oh, I thought you guys left without waiting for me." You spoke, breathless when you finally arrived next to them. 
"Aw, we would never!" Mina chuckled. "Bakugou would, though. Did, also." 
"What, he left?"
"Yep, said he was going to leave ahead since quote unquote, he couldn't wait for slow extras like us."
You frowned, you thought you would be together the whole day! So he wasn't going to stay with you guys for not even five minutes? "I'm going after him." You informed Mina, skiing as quickly as you could down the small slope, in which's end stood the beginning of the chair lift. 
You quickly spotted the spiky ash blond head, holding the giant indigo snowboard in his hands with a very grumpy look on his face. You sighed, and he looked pissed. "Bakugou!" You called out, trying to get to him before his turn in the line came, not so nicely pushing people in front of you to draw near him. 
"Bakugou!" You called once again, and this time you were sure he had heard but ignored you. "Hey, asshole!" You spoke, this time in a normal voice since you had finally drawn close to him, touching his arm to get his attention. 
"What're you doing here?" Bakugou asked without taking as much as a glance at you and making you narrow your eyes. "What do you mean, what are you doing here?" You snapped.
"I said, what are you doing here? What, did your new boyfriend leave you already?"
"New boyfriend? What the hell are you talking about?" But instead of getting a rational answer, instead of getting any response, you watched as he gave you a soft 'hmph!' and turn back in front of him. You would've pushed the subject if it wasn't your turn in the line, and you were already regretting this as you entered the chair lift right after him. 
"What the hell is your problem?" You muttered after sitting in silence for a good 15 minutes, you still had about 5 minutes till you landed, but it was enough for you to have and end this conversation, you thought.
"What is my problem? What the fuck is your problem? You were the one who chased me till here, after all." Bakugou growled in response, pulling the black ski mask down to his chin as he spoke. "I chased you because you left us and went ahead! We came here as a group, so why would you go off alone?"
"And what the fuck is this new boyfriend shit you're talking about?" 
"Oh, you just had to bring him up." Bakugou muttered under his breath. "Shut up, idiot. We're going to land in a minute, so raise your legs." He instructed, pulling the safety bar over your head when you complied. 
"You ready?" He asked when the chair came to the smooth surface, knowing very well how you struggled each time you landed from these things. "Okay," he answered when you nodded, instinctively taking your hand in his gloved ones, "one, two, jump!" 
He jumped with you, holding and pulling you to himself when you lost your balance despite his instructions, and you could feel the breath he exhaled as he chuckled on your hair. "Don't laugh!" You frowned, only making him laugh harder. "Whatever, come here so the next ones to jump won't run into you." Bakugou pulled you to the side. 
"Oh, look, Sero and Mina are in the ones right after this one!" You told and pointed to your friends, Mina waving in her hands in her seat like mad and shaking the chair in mid-air.
"I'm never riding this thing with Mina again." Sero took a breath of relief as they jumped down from the chair, too. "Don't worry the next ones are the single chair ones." Mina assured him with a cheeky grin, her response making both you and Bakugou gulp audibly. 
"Oh, fuck."
"Oh, no!" You cried out.
"What's happening?"
"Oh, that's okay, Y/N, even I fall sometimes!" Mina assured you, not aware of how your situation was. "No, you don't understand." You told her. "I suck at them! I have the 1 out of 20 chance of arriving at the end of them without falling!"
"Oh my god." You rubbed your temples.
"She can't ride those single seat ones for her life." Bakugou answered instead of you. 
"Yep, she's not even exaggerating." Bakugou assured her. 
"Are you sure, you know we can help-"
"Shut up, raccoon eyes." Bakugou growled at her, making her shrug and wait in the line. "Okay, now." Bakugou turned to you. "Stop being so stiff. It's fucking easy if you just relax."
Mina quickly became aware of how sincere you were with your 18th failed attempt at the single-seat chair lifts. "You guys go ahead," Bakugou finally told them. "I'll help this idiot and come right after."
"I'm sorry for not wanting to fall on my butt again!" You gritted through your teeth as you nervously eyed the lift. "You won't fall on your ass if you just do as I say!" Bakugou snapped back. "Look at me, dumbass. It's alright."
He frowned when you stood still. "Look, I'll sit at the one right after you, okay? I'll catch you if you fall."
"Promise?" You asked, smiling when he nodded. "Well then, let's do this."
You watched as Kirishima went first, Denki going second, Mina following him, and Sero going right after. "Your turn, dumbass." Bakugou nudged you. "Look, we can try it a few minutes later if you don't feel ready-"
"No, no, it's okay." You smiled. "I can do it if I know you're there to catch me."
And you did. 
For the first time that day, you managed to go more than a meter, still as stiff as ever, but a feeling of relief bubbling inside of you as you knew Bakugou was right behind you. "Whoo!" Mina cheered when she noticed you were riding it without falling the past minute.
"Did she do it?" Denki shouted from in front of you, and you giggled when you heard Kirishima whistling from the beginning of the line. "Did she do it, did she do- fuck!" You heard Denki's muffled curse, eyes widening in horror when you realized he fell as he tried to look back at you. 
The idiot he is, Denki didn't even think of skidding to the side so he wouldn't cause Mina to fall, too, but he did. Mina accidentally kicked the blond, who sat dumbly on the floor, with her ski gears when she tried to raise her legs so she wouldn't tangle with him, but she did anyway. 
"Oh, fuck, stand aside, stand aside!" Sero cried out, but the two on the ground were panicking and weren't thinking as they kept sitting in the middle of the path. Luckily, Mina managed to throw herself into the soft pile of snow the last second before Sero crushed into her, but Denki wasn't as quick. 
"Denki, don't you fucking dare!" You shouted.
"You fucking idiot! Stop it, you're going to make me fall, too!" Sero shouted when he noticed Denki was sitting there intentionally, reaching and grabbing Sero's seat, making the gear pull the both of them.
You would've laughed at the sight if you weren't so scared of falling, since watching Denki hang from a seat by hands and the rest of his body get dragged on the snow, his face and body buried in the snow and screams muffled by all the snow he was eating as Sero slapped his fingers and tried to kick him off, was a sight to behold. But you let out a silent scream when Denki let go of Sero's seat, eyes finding you, his next prey. 
"Kick him in the fucking face!" Bakugou shouted from right behind you, but you had lost your balance before you could even comply. Letting go of the rope you were holding on to, you let yourself fall on the snow and immediately retracting to the soft snow pile off the road. 
"Bakugou?" You turned around, and Bakugou couldn't help but think how cute you looked, face red from lying in the snow, hair tangled. "Did Denki make you fall, too?" You chuckled, not even trying to stand up, snow was pretty comfortable, you realized.
"You could say that." He shrugged.
You were laying face down on the snow, chest heaving as you waited for your heart to slow down. "What the fuck are you doing there, or are you dead?" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you. 
"What does that even mean?" You smiled knowingly. "Or did you jump after me?" 
"Hm, and what if I did?" He kneeled on the snow, leaning in, his face so close that his warm breath and caramel scent the only two things you could register for a few seconds. "I promised I'd catch you if you fell."
Bakugou hadn't expected to hear you chuckle when he said that, and he wasn't sure if he was happy or angry about it. "Well, you didn't do a good job, did you? I am lying in the snow, after all."
You had a point, and knowing that caused Bakugou to frown. "I'm leaving you here." He sighed, standing up and cruelly kicking some snow on your face, too.
"Hey, no, wait! Come back, Bakugou!" You cried out. "I can't stand up, my legs stuck!" It was true since your ski had sunk in the snow at a very odd angle when you threw yourself over it, making your ankle hurt when you moved it even an inch. "Bakugou! Please!" You called out one more time, not expecting him to sigh and turn back to help you. 
"How did you even do this?" Bakugou asked as he examined your leg, touching and pulling it slightly, rolling his eyes when you whined to tell him it hurt. "Stop being a baby."
"It hurts!" You answered at the accusation, feeling somewhat awkward as he inspected your legs closely, as you lay there watching the sky or playing with the snow, making snow castles, groaning every so often when he pulled at your leg. "Okay, I'll take off your ski now- Y/N, what the fuck? Stop playing with the snow and help me!" 
"What am I supposed to do- ow!" 
"I don't know... talk about your new boyfriend or something." He spoke, narrowing his eyes at the thought and pulling your leg a bit too harshly. "I untied the ski, but you have to pull your leg." He instructed. 
"I'm bored of this new boyfriend issue, I don't even understand what the hell you're talking about!" You whined as you did as he said and pulled your leg despite the sharp pain. You actually did have an idea of what he was angry at, but it was so dumb, you didn't even want to think he was jealous of a guy you talked to for 5 minutes tops.
"Ah, fuck." You moved your now fee leg, brows furrowing when you felt a sharp stab of pain. "I think I injured it."
"I'll take you back to the hotel." Bakugou sighed, sitting on the floor to untie his snowboard as well. "Can you walk?"
"I'm not sure." You answered honestly. It hurt a lot to walk in unpressed snow since it was already hard to walk in it without being injured. "Okay, wait a second." He stood up, leaning towards you. "Bakugou what are- oh." You stood still as he snaked his arms beneath your leg and back, pulling you to himself and lifting you to his chest. 
"I'm willing to bet you won't be able to walk." He huffed, his warm breath touching your neck. "Yeah, but are you sure you'll be able to carry me all the way to the hotel?"
You smiled when he quirked a brow at you as if to ask, are you challenging me?"
"Who do you think you're talking to?" He smirked proudly. "Are you okay? Comfortable? Is your leg okay?" 
"I'm fine, don't worry." You chuckled, leaning back into him and relaxing between his arms. It felt nice to be in his hold. "Let's go, quick, since I'm sure my new boyfriend's very worried too." You teased, your words bringing his movements to a halt. 
"I won't have mercy and drop you face into the snow." He growled, but you grinned cheekily. "No, you won't."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Hm," you nuzzled to him, you could hear his quickening heartbeats. "I think you like me a bit too much for that." You muttered, feeling braver than you probably should, trying to hide your nervousness with a smile. 
"Well, maybe I do." He whispered, his eyes locked on your lips. "But I have another way to get back at him."
"And what's that?"
"I can kiss you, you know. Make him as jealous as I've been feeling this whole day."
You leaned towards him as well. "I'm not complaining." You smiled, closing the gap between your lips and smiling into the kiss. Bakugou could feel the warmth of the kiss spreading to his chest. 
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tuancore · 3 years
Purple Hearts || { Part 5 } :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader.
Genre- Angst | Non-Idol AU, Disorder AU.
Summary- I will continue to love you for as long as I'm breathing, but I'm won't let my love come in between your happiness.
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*GIF not mine, credits to the owner*
Yugyeom didn't come home last night which was actually good, had he been home things could've gone to South, you were beyond vulnerable the previous night and if Yugyeom was to walk in on you then there was a huge possibility of you telling him the entire thing.
You couldn't actually concentrate in your job as the events of yesterday started to play in your brain on loop like some broken record.
"What do I do?", You stared at your laptop blankly lost in your own wandering thoughts.
The call of your name along with a loud clap made you flinch, "Is something bothering you?".
You shook your head slightly with a small smile before getting back to your typing, "I'm fine Youngjae".
"Well....", He trailed off pulling a chair in front of you and sitting, "It doesn't look like you're fine at all....your face is full of.... exhaustion".
He booped your nose, giving you that million dollar laugh which automatically made you giggle.
"See that's the girl I know", He declared pointing his index finger at your lips, "The cutest". The smile not leaving his face even for a second.
Your lips now pressed into a thin line as you stared into his eyes, he seemed to notice the little transition in your facial expressions, "Okay, For real now....where your mind is?".
"You're clearly stressed about something, mind telling me what has gotten you this upset?", He asked warmly with genuine concern written all over his face.
"Nothing special, I'm all good", You cleared your throat eyeing the sheets on your desk preventing any sort of eye contact with him. He hummed at your reply, "Then re-typing a draft which was finalized two months ago...is a time pass?".
Frowning at his words you shut your laptop with your head resting on top of it, groaning at your foolishness, "I messed up, I had to type the draft of Mrs. Francis's contract and now I'll have to do it all over again", you sighed heavily.
Youngjae laughed at your little fit, walking over to stand beside you, he crouched down on his knees slowly turning your chair so that you could face him.
"I know I look stupid", You pouted with your entire face now covered with your locks which only made Youngjae smile wider, "I don't think so", he said tucking your locks behind your ears.
"Youngjae...", You mumbled sending him those indescribable looks. He furrowed his eyebrows trying to figure out and that's when it clicked him, shaking his head vigorously he yelled, "No! I won't".
"Mmm....you can't turn me down so mercilessly!", You whined hitting his arm continuously, "Ouch Ouch!....I have so many files to go through and you want me to type that draft after analysing the whole case?", He asked in disbelief.
"Please! Please! I'll do anything you ask me to do", You tried again which made him smirk in return, "Anything...".
"You've been sulking the whole morning Jinyoung? What's with that face ?", Mrs. Park asked handing Jinyoung his vanilla latte.
Jackson tried to stifle his laughter but failed to do so and started squealing like some college girl, "Aunt that's the interesting part, I thought he would tell you but since his ego is at stake I'll spill on his behalf".
Jinyoung shot him an annoyed glare, but it only made the things two times funnier for Jackson, "So yesterday at your store, instead of sitting in the cabin..Jinyoungie felt like strolling around the store.... briefly looking at the product on the display—".
"Get to the point Jackson...I want to know the reason why my kid is pulling that frown so gracefully", Mrs. Park asked him casually pulling on Jinyoung's cheeks.
"Okay okay...so when he stood near the shelves. Some lady approached him and asked for him about some of the products which he knew nothing about which created a huge fuss in the store", Jackson stated nonchalantly, "And I don't know why he's frowning over such a small thing?".
"I'll throw this over your head!", Jinyoung threatened gesturing towards the drink in his hand.
"That's it?", She asked eyeing Jinyoung.
"No! That lady approached me thinking of me as some salesman! I tried telling her that I'm not one of them but she started to throw tantrums saying that I'm not suitable for the job etcetera....and that I must be fired for mistreating her—.....Gosh! I ain't going there anymore. She was literally hard headed, she didn't even want to hear me or the staffs out", Jinyoung shook his head with an exasperated sigh, "That lady's voice is still ringing in my ear. I mean just look at this handsome face, from which angle do I look like some salesperson?"
"Ouch....that must've hurt you real bad", Mrs. Park teased him followed by a high five from Jackson.
"Eomma! You too!" Jinyoung whined picking up his blazer dashing out of the house in annoyance, "See you later aunt... Jinyoung! Wait!", Jackson greeted before running after his friend.
"Where are you going?", Jackson asked catching up to Jinyoung.
"Nowhere", Jinyoung shrugged off slipping into the driver's seat, "I swear if you're sour about a little joke then that's not reasonab—".
"It's not about that Jack, I have somewhere to go. Go home, I'll see you afterwards...hmm..", Jinyoung cut him with a wide smile.
Glancing at the clock you heard your stomach grumble, sighing loudly you slammed the file on the glass table in front of you, "Youngjae-ah! It's almost break time let's just grab something to stuff our mouths with!".
"Just....a....minute", He said not sparing you a single look still busy with typing out the said draft, "I'm almost done....".
"You can't finish it that quick! I'm not even done examining the first file", You spoke pacing back and forth in Youngjae's cabin, "You started it like what...let me check, twenty-five minutes ago, Not poss—".
"Done!", Youngjae shouted with a victorious grin cracking his finger bubbles.
"Are you kidding me!", You strode towards him, checking for yourself if he was saying the truth, "Woah! Woah there! I wasn't expecting that but—Okay....How did you..". You were not only shocked to see his pace but also grateful that he saved you from going through a detailed lecture from your boss.
"You literally saved my ass from catching fire!" You clapped your hands.
"Eww...Nasty", He joked swinging his arms around your shoulder, "Come on let's get something to feed you".
You took the elevator to the cafeteria but Youngjae didn't seem to share the same thought as that of yours, as you were about to step out of it he grabbed your wrist pulling you back inside.
"What are you doing?", You asked as the doors closed shut when he pressed the button to the ground floor.
"We're not going to eat in the cafeteria today", He smiled warmly too lost to comprehend his thoughts to notice your hand still in his, "Remember you promised me that you'd do anything I ask you to?".
You nodded maintaining the eyee contact with him, "So I thought of taking you to Burger King". At the very mention of the name made you mouth water, it has been days since you had your last junk food.
The shimmer in your eyes didn't go unnoticed by Youngjae as your lips curved upwards into an excited smile.
That's the smile I've been missing on for weeks, he thought.
"Happy fill?", Youngjae asked as you wiped your mouth with the tissue, "Thanks Jae....the food was lit, hope you keep bringing me to my favourite places".
"Will do that, can't miss the beast consuming everything at once", He laughed trying to piss you off which indeed happened, exiting the place you stuck out your tongue at him running towards your office.
But he ran up to you pulling you towards him by your arms, your hands instictively flying around his shoulders, "You can't leave me like that", he whispered. You stared into his eyes trying to search for something which could explain the things he has been doing.
Jinyoung drove to your office with a bright smile, he was desperate to see you, to talk to you, to tell you how much he missed you in these past weeks. Getting out of his car, he stood glued to the ground watching the scenario in front of him.
There you were standing in front of your office's entrance wrapped in the arms of some other man, not only was the man holding onto your waist but seeing your arms around his shoulders while you both stared into each other's eyes, had something snapping inside of Jinyoung, his gaze darkened the longer he continued to stare at you and Youngjae, involuntarily he clenched his fists turning his knuckles white.
Part 4 | Masterlist |
[A/N :- Hey there lovelies! I hope you enjoy reading this part, I've been writing this for a month now after erasing the chapter again and again, and finally settled for this one! And once again thank you for reading!]
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