kiwikiwiandkiwi · 11 months
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HARRY BEING HARRY ON TOUR — Love on Tour: UK + Europe Leg, 2023
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onelungmcclung · 1 month
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the-acid-pear · 7 days
Honestly not enough content about Harry getting married considering how upset he seems about not having been able to do so in his youth/pre phonehead years...
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Happy 10th anniversary to Harmony fans everywhere when JKR admitted that Harry and Hermione should have gotten together!!!! 🎉❤
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Tuvok-B'Elanna dynamic at its core to me is Weird Girl on Playground vs Girl Who Walks Right Up To Her & Says "You're Weird." while everyone else just heavily implies it. Also, the reason Seven/B'Elanna works so well is their weirdgirl 2 weirdgirl communication Also 2) Seven is going THROUGH it with Janeway...Janeway is Seven's Popular Girl Friend who's sort of being condescending to you but also is genuinely trying to be nice and also there's a lesbian undertone to all your interactions as she tries to get you to submit to a makeover and that relationship will be with you forever and you'll never be able to fully say it was good or bad - yet it haunts you. Seven's relationship with B'Elanna is thinking "I hate her boyfriend so much I could treat her better" so hard that her head explodes. You know Tom did something at/before prom and Seven swooped in. You know this to be true. B'Elanna thinks Seven is so pretty and why would she even hang out with a loser like me? Why be a weirdo when you could just be popular Miss Perfect??? And they have this sort of antagonism but understanding of one another even as they keep pissing each other off and being annoying.
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origami-butterfly · 1 month
Ok but sometimes the most infuriating political stance a person can have is point blank refusing to discuss social issues with you when you bring it up because they "don't want to get political". Don't open the tags unless you want to read a rant
#my random stuff#vaguepost#vent post#like... babes. how do i explain EVERY DAMN THING YOU DO can be considered political by some metric#YES that includes your silence#also the fact that they will happily talk about being a socialist and fuck the tories and everything#but then if i ever want to discuss something that doesn't directly affect them they will literally just shut me down#like i know our normal friendship consists of sunshine and rainbows and silliness#but I'd fucking appreciate if you didn't ruin that friendship by refusing to agree with me about things that should be a no brainer#I can't even discuss fucking JK ROWLING with them!! because their sibling loves harry potter and they always say “it's just a kids series”#and “let them have their nostalgia”#OH I'M SORRY.#DOES YOUR FUCKING NOSTALGIA MEAN MORE TO YOU THAN MY LITERAL SURVIVAL AND HEALTH???#like. I'm sorry but there's more important things here#babygirl i don't know how to explain to you#that if a political party said they were going to kill all lefties people BUT give all right handed people unlimited access to horror films#you would vote for them wouldn't you?#even though I'm left handed you'd say “of course i support left handedness how can you even question that”#<- shit metaphor. i know.#but i could point out “yeah they want to kill me” and they'd say “I just don't know enough about it to discuss this; sorry”#like??? if you don't know enough#maybe. fucking?? educate yourself??? by having discussions about it???#PLEASE pull your head out the sand sweetie#saying you care is just empty fucking words#i shouldn't be saying this; they're one of my oldest friends but GOD.#if you can't even agree with me about jkr being a fucking holocaust denier we're going to keep having problems
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solitaryandwandering · 5 months
when you get this you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure!)
Tagged by @wen-kexing-apologist and (I think?) @twig-tea, thanks babes!
I can never conjure up favorite songs in mid-air, it feels wrong every time and I listen to too much music!! So I'll do this knowing I'll inevitably leave out songs I love. I'm putting my Spotify January 2024 playlist on shuffle (I make one every month of songs I'm vibing with) and letting that choose for me.
1 - (Intro) Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire by Alice Longyu Gao
I mean, relatable. (Vid has full version and is extremely bizarre, enjoy!) My bro @internetaddict2 introduced me to this and I just love how balls-to-the-wall, unapologetically weird it is, yet it still actually has a pretty neat melody?! Wild.
2 - เป็นไรมั้ย (Would you mind?) by Daou Pittaya
Nothing about this song is earth-shattering (pretty standard, to be honest), but I do really like Daou's voice. :) It's just a really pleasant song to throw on in the background. Also was not expecting Offroad to show up in the music video out of nowhere lmfao. It's nice to see Daou unencumbered by an unfortunate wig.
3 - Deep Deep Sleep by WOODZ
Talk about a singer's voice I love! I am so tempted to throw ten more songs of his on here. Another of his songs on my playlist this month, BEHIND, is off his recent single album AMNESIA which is altogether fucking phenomenal. I LOVE how he uses his distinctive voice here, soulful and controlled and ethereal, to match the mood of the song. They use a filter to great effect. It feels like you're flying over water, through the fog, suspended by gorgeous synths, a really satisfying bass, dreamy guitar, and piano. I love this whole EP, actually, and this is the opener!!
4 - You First (Re: Remi Wolf), originally by Paramore
Another one my brother introduced me to. A cover of a song Paramore commissioned for their most recent album, Remi Wolf SLAAAAAYS IT. Every time I listen to this I feel like jumping up and down it's so good!!!!!!! She was evil for this! Amazing interpretation, no notes. Can you tell I really like rock music?
5 - Replay by Planet 1999
I just love this little song. It's so fun, so beautiful, so poppy. It's a bit shoegazy and hypnotic. Overall manages to be both nostalgic and futuristic which is exactly the vibe I love! I can play this song on a loop without getting sick of it which is a pretty major feat for me, honestly. I tend to hate repeating music, it grates on my nerves. I need variety!
Bonus!! Because I felt bad for leaving these out (and I had to stop myself from adding ten more so)
I by TAEYEON and Verbal Jint
Taeyeon's voice, man... and Verbal Jint's verse is actually pretty good, as expected from him.
Who Knows by WOODZ
I had to. My favorite off this album.
Feelin' Good (feat. Jiselle) by PARK WOO JIN
Yeah, it's not the best ever, but I really enjoy Park Woo Jin's flow here. And Jiselle's voice is a great addition!
I dunno who else has done this? So I'll just tag @waitmyturtles :) But if you see this and want to do it, let me know and tag me in your post!
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truebluewhocanoe · 7 months
I saw someone in the comments of my Tales of the TARDIS uploads bitching about how every companion ends up in a position of authority so here's me going through every televised companion, what occupation they ended up with after leaving the Doctor, and then analyzing whether there is an uncalled for number of authority positions in the list. As this is televised companions only I will be prioritizing the canon of televised stories. Here we go:
Ian Chesterton: Professor at the University of Cambridge (Death of the Doctor)
Barbara Wright: Professor at the University of Cambridge (Death of the Doctor)
Susan Foreman: Member of the Earth Council world government (Audio: An Earthly Child), though this is contradicted by some other stories
Vicki Pallister: Farmer (Tales of the TARDIS)
Steven Taylor: King (Tales of the TARDIS)
Katarina: N/A
Sara Kingdom: N/A
Polly Wright: Co-running an orphanage (Death of the Doctor)
Ben Jackson: Co-running an orphanage (Death of the Doctor)
Jamie McCrimmon: There are way too many sources for him and none of them definitive; the Tales of the TARDIS episode he appears in does not confirm what he got up to, but does decanonize certain other sources such as The World Shapers
Victoria Waterfield: Head of New World University (Some home video called Downtime?)
Zoe Heriot: President, presumably of Earth (Tales of the TARDIS)
Liz Shaw: Multiple contradicting sources: includes but not limited to doing scientific research, teaching as a professor, or running P.R.o.B.e. (don't ask me what that is, I'm not deep enough down the rabbit hole yet)
Jo Grant: Climate activist (Death of the Doctor, multiple other sources)
Sarah Jane Smith: Reporter, defender of Earth (School Reunion, all of The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Harry Sullivan: This man's EU canon is a mess but we know at the very least that he stayed with UNIT for a while as a scientist (The Zygon Invasion)
Leela: Bodyguard (Gallifrey audios)
Romana: President of Gallifrey (Gallifrey audios)
Adric: N/A
Nyssa: Scientist/medical researcher on Termius (Terminus, multiple other audios), but she eventually returned to Earth, occupation unknown (Tales of the TARDIS)
Tegan: Airline attendant (multiple EU sources), later activist (Power of the Doctor)
Turlough: Astrophysicist (Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma)
Kamelion: N/A
Peri: Canonically multiple endings including brain death, talk show host, botanist, Queen of Krontep, married to Yrcanos in multiple different arrangements ranging from happily to unhappily (Mindwarp, Peri and the Piscon Paradox, Tales of the TARDIS, lots of other audios and books too, sheesh)
Mel: Unknown (multiple EU endings have been decanonized by Power of the Doctor)
Ace: CEO of A Charitable Earth (Death of the Doctor, At Childhood's End, Power of the Doctor)
Grace: Copyright hell
Chang Lee: Copyright hell
Rose Tyler: Marital bliss (Journey's End)
Mickey Smith: UNIT Agent (End of Time)
Martha Jones: UNIT Agent (End of Time)
Donna Noble: I'm posting this a week before the first of the 60th Anniversary Specials, so... TBD?
Amy Pond: Novelist (Angels Take Manhattan, The Bells of Saint John)
Rory Pond Williams: Not 100% determined but presumably nurse (Angels Take Manhattan, misc. EU sources)
Clara Oswald: Traveling the universe with her immortal girlfriend, also technically N/A (Hell Bent, Twice Upon A Time)
Bill Potts: See prior entry, crazy how that happened twice, huh (Twice Upon A Time)
Nardole: Implied to have ended up a farmer (The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon A Time)
Yasmin Khan: Presumably still a cop, unfortunately (Power of the Doctor)
Ryan Sinclair: Unknown, too recent, implied to have been studying to be a mechanic (Revolution of the Daleks)
Graham O'Brien: Presumably still a bus driver, also head of the companions group that never got an official name but we all agreed to call it Companions Anonymous (Power of the Doctor)
Dan Lewis: Presumably still unemployed and volunteering (Power of the Doctor)
Okay. Phew. That's all of them.
So, that's 41, not including K9 (there's too many K9s running around, sorry, also he's a robot dog.) Let's cut Katarina and Sara Kingdom, who I only really included to flex. That's 39. Okay, now let's cut Adric and Kamelion, who died before they could have a post-TARDIS career, as well as Grace and Chang Lee because c'mon, you need to actually travel in the TARDIS before you can have a post-TARDIS career. Now we're down to 35 companions.
Companions in a position of high authority, not just an expert in their field or whatever but with governmental authority are: Susan (choosing the specific EU canon where she's on the Earth Council), Steven, Zoe, Romana, Peri, and... oh wait, that's it! Just those five! And three of them are from sources that aren't the main show episodes! Considering that fiction usually follows interesting people rather than the average person, and both the Doctor and the TARDIS are picky about who they let on board, I'd say that 5/35 is a perfectly reasonable figure. Some people just want to complain.
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purplecyborgnewt · 1 year
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kitausuret · 1 year
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Happy late birthday Kita :) an ot3 image for you and yours
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
top 9 albums you listened to this year? totally random question 🤪
Unlike last year I did listen to a lot of new music this year so 2022 albums this time weee it was even hard to pick a top 9 but in order of release (probably):
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Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS
Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers
Harry Styles - Harry's House
Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights
Joost - Fryslân
The Snuts - Burn The Empire
Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU
ramble in the tags
#yeah i totally did not basically beg to be asked this thank you for taking the bait askldlsakjskl#albums of 2022#Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS only discovered recently and it sent me into a zone a Z O N E do get in there do it#ROSALÍA - MOTOMAMI when that one came out it was blasting in the house like this only for a good while#Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers I feel like I'm listening to something not intended for me but i should be hearing ?#like it just wrecks me from a place that was never there just unknown and i cant begin to imagine what it can do for people where its known#Harry Styles - Harry's House I THINK IVE SAID QUITE A LOT ABOUT THIS ONE ON HERE#Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights what in the masterpiece is this ??? like????? seriously? SERIOUSLY WHAT IS PUT IN HERE#Joost - Fryslân THIS IS MY BABY he makes this variant of dutch white trash music that is horrid in the most delicious way#unserious but THEN he comes in hard with extremely painful honest lyrics in between utter crap LIKE#love it when music doesnt take itself seriously and still has a huge heart and soul and this is that#this dude is making me cry singing about the grief of losing both parents and minutes later interpolating crazy frog.#The Snuts - Burn The Empire obviously introduced by Louis. I didnt really take them in properly till we saw them at#Lokeren. I did listen to some songs here and there.. Glasgow was a fav. and that was kinda it. but then they came with this album#i always feel regret when i start listening to an artist bc they impressed me live like i should have known before.. which is weird.#that happens. but hearing burn the empire live i was like FUCK and then i was hooked#Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future I MEAN YOU KNOW WE KNOW I KNOW EVERYBODY KNOW WE ALL LIVE IN A FITF#Little Simz - NO THANK YOU this one was released this week! still taking it in but like? FUCK? HELLO? fav: No Merci#honorable mentions (sorry):#Björk - Fossora how the fuck you make an entire album sound like a heavily distressed mycelium network beats me but call me a shroom (idk)#Taylor Swift - Midnights had a bit of a meltdown over this (understatement)#IDLES - Five Years Of Brutalism okay okay it's a rerelease but THERE ARE LIVE VERSIONS
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so-i-did-this-thing · 2 years
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When it's con crunch and all you have left to drink is gin
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transharrypotter · 1 year
Could you please do gay Ron with a crush on Harry??
Warnings: nothing!
Just some pining Ron
He really was beautiful.
It was remarkable, honestly, how you could simultaneously want nothing more than to be with someone and still have every pore in your body burn like a rash whenever you were.
Having crushes wasn't Ron's area of expertise, well, he'd thought he'd liked a few girls but nothing was like this. He'd never had to fight to get someone out of his head because he just knew that person would overtake everything else in there. He'd never had eyes that had a mind of their own, which they must, because why did they keep looking over there? At his best friend?
And he'd definitely never had words get tangled up in his throat because sometimes your head and your heart just answer at the same time and your mouth doesn't know what to say. Help me with this paper? he'd hear, and his heart would pound out the words yes, yes I'd do anything for you without any permission whatsoever. It was ridiculous, frankly.
He really was beautiful.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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#The voice - The hair - The clothes to some extent - The ears - Her name even starts with a 'K'#What's that about?????#from the episode 'unforgettable'#first time I'm watching it! I mostly rewatch pre-Seven seasons so I can see B'Elanna and Tuvok more + they're a little goofier#Kelan(?): -huskily- Don't you wanna hear about our last night together~????#Chakotay: Hm?#Kelan(?): We....shared a kiss <3#OH!!!!! THIS IS THE 'that was a joke! don't deny it!' EPISODE <3#Tuvok: (tells a joke) / Chakotay: That was a joke!/ Tuvok: It wasn't a joke but if you think it was who am I to stop you?#Chakotay: We need a place to put this trained fighter. / Tuvok: The mess hall? / Chakotay: AHAHAHA~!!! But seriously can you-?#Tuvok: Yeah of course sorry. Back to the point-#HARRY'S SO COOL~!!!!#'No defense has ever stopped these weapons' Harry: Then we may be about to make history. <- ACTION LINE !!#he is what the writers wish Tom Paris was I've saidit once I'll say it again!!#Harry also knows what the best security detail squad is??? So tuned in to the crew. Love that man#SNRKEHEHE AND THEN HE HAS TO EXPLAIN FOREPLAY TO SEVEN#weirdass episode <3 I sense zero chemistry between them but I rarely sense chemistry for women-of-the-week#Chakotay just went from being super suspicious of her to loving her ardently#which I guess if I was Chakotay is fair. He's got ZIP going on#Honestly amnesia to amnesia to amnesia like a gd soap opera is so funny though - I love goofy shit#I wish she'd stayed just so that she and Chakotay could keep forgetting they loved each other through increasingly convoluted means#culminating in a coconut on the head#Chakotay sorry about your zero rizz v_v HILARIOUS how quickly she was like 'uhhh sorry dude I've GTG'#Funny episode where Chakotay went through a lot of shit and everyone else just had a mildly exciting few days#actually it would have been SO funny if she just showed up every so often like once every other season like 'Chakotay! I remember!'#and Voyager has to create a protocol about it. Kelan's back captain. It's gonna be a whole thing for like three days. Get the coconut.#Neelix was also really great this episode!! <3#This episode was underwhelming BUT...I have a special place in my heart for 'Something weird happened (shrugs)' episodes!#& I love the continuity cheat of just having them all forget it ever happened twice over
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rat6irl · 1 year
The trajectory of marinas life is so crazy if you think about it it sounds like something out of a wattpad fanfiction
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deadlylittlemiho · 1 year
So I'm genuinely concerned
Are we really all gonna just pretend not to like Harry Potter anymore? Because of one terf with a million bad ideas and a superiority complex?
When the fandom has long since denounced her and started making their own fan works and headcanons? The existence of Harriet Porber makes me feel like ???? We don't need to destroy the series just because the creator is a bigoted moron???? Stop me where I'm wrong but I thought the point was to separate art from the artist, and as long as we're not supporting HER, where is the harm?
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