#I won’t spoil anything I’m good at avoiding the spoilers haha
ssreeder · 4 months
Hi! Thank you so much for posting the new chapter :) I can’t even put into words how much I love your work. It feels crazy because I have been following liab for over a year now and I think I’ve never been this consistent with anything in my life :D i don’t know if it’s a secret but do you have the next chapters already planned out? And do you know how many chapters this part is going to be? Thank you for you hard work!!
Hiii aww I’m so glad you liked the new chapter! & yeah wow I’ve been writing this fic for like 2 years I think, shiiiit what is time ahhh. Thanks for sticking with me so long <3
I actually have pretty much all the chapter planned out until the battle begins but my problem is I do them by events so it’s like I want this this and this to happen in a chapter but idk how long it’ll take to make that happen but I know what I want to write lol.
(& sometimes the characters don’t LISTEN & I say be nice and make this an easy talk and they’re like no fuck you author I wanna fight right now and the convo takes 1.5k instead of idk 500 words lol. )
I just posted chapter 15 & I’m going to GUESS we are about halfway done. In my mind we are halfway through the last book and that means we have roughly 15 chapter left to go then the epilogue.
I’m pretty good at estimating chapter count but horrible at word count estimation haha.
Thanks for the ask I hope you have an awesome day!!
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
Belated “Early” Live Blog - All the rest
So I watched the rest of the week and I have some thoughts...
Spoilers under the cut
So the Kim stuff was...a thing. I guess. I mean, I’ll give them some credit in that there were a few tiny twists in there. I did think they were just going to go the obvious route and have it be Will but that’s also because I wanted that revelation to lead to Kim eventually finding Malone’s body and that story finally ending, which actually to me would have been better. 
As it is with it being Jamie, I’m back to my “so what was the point of this story?” thing because really...what will the long term consequences of this be? I mean sure, she’s thrown him out now but they literally disown each other every other week. Will it actually last now? Will he leave? Will he stick around and become an actual adversary of hers? Or does it just sort of abruptly disappear like everything else. Jamie and Dawn have broken up but who even cares? They literally break up every other week. They’ve been off more than they’ve been on. I suppose Will and Kim have told each other “I love you” but this relationship has always fallen flat for me because it came out of nowhere and social distancing doesn’t help and they spend more time arguing than anything else. It just doesn’t feel believable. I guess if them getting closer can finally give me my ending the Malone story, I will take it. Because that was the reason for him working up there in the first place. I’m still waiting for the pay off of not having this dumb pointless story lurking out there unfinished. 
So the twists were minor and consequences mostly seem pointless right now but I also feel like they telegraphed the twists entirely too much. I don’t know why they did the whole “Kim’s dead!” spoilers because that to me just told me she wasn’t going to be because why would they spoil that. I feel like I would have had her not fill Jamie in on the whole plan but still have him watching and seeing Will put the drugs in her cup and the shown her dead (without the spoilers), maybe it would have had more impact? But also, they revealed it instantly in that same episode and then literally had her pop up in the next to confront Jamie so it all just felt anticlimactic? And I guess Kim fake poisoning Jamie was a thing that was dramatic but you knew he was going to be fine. And none of what they said was stuff we hadn’t heard before. And it was A LOT of monologuing. 
Also...those flashbacks were ridiculous. 
Sigh...I don’t know. I knew I’d end up being disappointed by it all. I enjoyed the Bernice hijinks last week better. 
Speaking of Bernice, I enjoy her attempt at being calm about all the Liam stuff and I continue to enjoy her relationship with Diane and the way they play off of each other. Those are still some of the most enjoyable scenes for me in this mess of a show. 
I honestly find the whole Jacob thing insane. The proposal out of nowhere was ridiculous and then him getting this upset about it is infuriating. Leanna has every right to react the way she has. He’s reminding me of a character in the book series I’ve been reading who has this whole argument with the girl he likes where he’s upset that she won’t sleep with him and risk pregnancy (pregnancy is really dangerous for her in the circumstance they’re in and there’s no contraception) and decides that she can’t possibly love him then and it’s all really over dramatic teenage nonsense and I wanted to punch him. And that’s how I feel about Jacob right now. Haha. Although it is all making me like Leanna more because she’s actually being sensible. So there’s that. 
But also this being the thing that David needs to help Jacob with, which in turn pisses off Meena is....a choice. Sigh.
The brief Faith and Liv stuff was sort of fun. I appreciate that Faith’s plans don’t include locking people in houses but actually trying to relate to her. And watering down the vodka is at least something I guess. I assume they were trying to imitate Aaron since he walked in and said the same thing. I don’t know...it was fine I guess. 
As far as the Tracy stuff goes, I’m glad at least this week has moved us into a new phase of the story where she’s going to try and avoid Frankie now. I feel like that will be more noticeable and will hopefully get her a diagnosis. I feel bad being so impatient with this story because I do get that it’s important and it’s hard to diagnose perhaps. And I do think Amy Walsh is doing a good job with it. It really is that they made her so unlikeable during the pregnancy part of the story already and that she has to share most of her scenes with Nate. And it’s just like the same scene every time with him. He comes in, he’s useless, she yells at him, he stands there and then goes upstairs. I feel like if she had a better screen partner then maybe it would be better? I liked the scenes with Eric better at least. I don’t know, I hope she gets a diagnosis soon. There’s only so much more of this I can put up with. 
The tiny Jai and Laurel scenes in the Friday episode were interesting. That’s become such a quiet little story that has just continued on throughout all the rest of the nonsense going on in this show. It’s hard to believe that Friday would have been her due date already. I’m just glad they’ve made it through all of this and continue to have these little bittersweet scenes together helping each other get through it all. They’re one of the only couples I like these days. I hope they get to stay that way. 
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hazzabeeforlou · 5 years
Oh my gosh so my lovely friends @halosboat @helloamhere and @haztobegood all tagged me in this so I’m going to answer a few from each of them I hope that’s okay!!
1. Do you prefer to write in past or present tense?
I mostly use past tense. Present squeaks me out a bit, not sure why, perhaps my anxiety can’t deal with things happening in the moment! I have an irrational fear of the word ‘was,’ though, which is eliminated in present by ‘is’ so, one would think I’d like present more but I *don’t*
2. Is there any story you want to write but feel like you won’t manage?
My story The Garden is going to be... hard. It’s a soulmate fic set in three time periods, a Biblical AU following the reincarnation of lovers David+Johnathan but in the middle ages, Jesus+Judas in the 1960s, and Adam+Eve in the present day, all obviously portrayed by Harry and Louis. It stems from the evangelical idea that Adam, David, and Jesus were the three ‘Christs,’ or rather that Adam and David were imperfect Saviors. Anyways. I want it to explore divinity and fate and religion and politics and loss and violence and love, and the blurring between good and evil and if there even is a distinction, and it’s so clear in my mind that I can almost taste it, but because of that I’m very daunted by the prospect. It would also be very LONG. And idk who would read a biblical gay love story AU so... I’ve even considered just doing a novel, not a fan fic *shrugs*
3. Which one of your fics do you think deserves more love? 
OH BOY. Well I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. My RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER AU. Like. Harry is a shapeshifting reindeer. He pulls Santa’s sleigh. He love Christmas more than anything in this whole damn world. Louis is one of Santa’s elves and Harry’s best friend and he wants nothing more than to run away and explore the world. There’s all the mutual idiotic oblivious pining. There’s Christmas shit. SO much Christmas shit. There’s smut. There’s magic. Peppermint dildos. Need I say more?
4. Are the fictional characters you like to read/write similar to the people you like in real life?
I unfortunately read about the people in my real life quite enough in the news *trump voters cough cough* so no, I try to fill my fictional life with witches and warlocks and fairies and intellectuals and scientists and the occasional damsel wandering the moors. As for the characters I write, I have noticed that I tend to make them all very emotionally prone, which I think is more a reflection of myself than the people I’m around. I honestly base most of my characters, or at least their inner issues, on myself, not in an egotistical way, but in an ‘I know myself better than anyone else in my life’ way. Now. Do I like myself? Haha. Um. Ya there’s a reason I solve my self-based character’s problems in fics, I usually need to learn those lessons in my real life.  
5. What is your biggest fear about your writing?
My biggest fear has always been failure. As a musician, I’m constantly fearing my art. It’s my profession, and it has to be perfect, and it’s a constant strain. So when it comes to writing, I just don’t let myself care. That’s not to say I don’t edit obsessively and let my perfectionist side play, but because writing is for fun, I don’t fear failing at it. So what if no one reads a story I wrote? I wrote it for me. I wanted to read that story, so I did, and if people hate it, so what. If writing ever became my profession I would likely attach my self worth to it like I do with music, and that’s part of the reason I shy away from that path... I want writing to always be my safe place. Now mechanically, I admit freely that I am the world’s WORST speller. Above that, I also am slightly dyslexic when it comes to right/left, music staff lines, and some words, so I’ll often use the wrong word that sounds the same, you know. Believe it or not my vocab score on the GRE was fucking PERFECT. I just can’t remember how to spell anything, I will legit SPEAK the word I want into Siri and hope she can save my ass. The spelling rules of English are my worse enemy. 
6. What is the least “you” story that you like, what was something you really thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
This is so hard because I’m super picky and usually don’t have the patience to wait out things that initially fail to grab my interest. Perhaps... dare I say, the Great British Baking show? I eat none of the things they make. I usually don’t like reality tv or competition shows, they’re too anxiety inducing. But I LOVE this show. I will binge watch it while curled up in bed drinking tea. I now know what a proving drawer is. 
7. How do you think about places, locations, settings for your fics?
Usually my plots come ready-made with places. The two are pretty inseparable. I knew PITS would happen in a place like my hometown, that was integral to the story. I knew Until You Remember would be a coastal British village like I’d seen on BBC shows. I knew Flawless would be in NYC, and same with Reindeer Games (apart from the North Pole of course). For Kiss the Girl I did debate between Miami and St. Pete, but having been to both I just... Miami is so wild. I needed a slow, tired place that felt old and forgotten. I guess the real answer to this question is that I set fics mostly in places where I’ve spent time in real life! 
8. Give me an example of a scene or plot point in a fic of yours that changed a lot from what you thought it would be
I struggled a lot with the end of Flawless. I’d written this fic and posed all these problems and questions about the nature of love and passion and art and they were all questions I’d been dealing with in my real life and hence I just didn’t have the answers. So I sat on the fic for a while and spent lots of time just thinking, thinking while I put makeup on in the morning, during rehearsal, as I drove places, etc. I remember when the answer “art never needs to be flawless to merit love/people don’t need to be flawless to merit love” hit me, I was sitting on the bathroom counter flossing my teeth or something, and I just jumped up and ran to my notebook. Because that’s a super obvious answer, isn’t it? But I hadn’t been able to find it amidst all the clutter of my questions. 
9. Do you consider tags necessary for fics or are they just spoiling the content?
100% necessary. I was super conscious of this for PITS, as the last thing I ever wanted to do was trigger people trying to avoid trauma. Also, as someone who will actively stop movies or shows if I don’t know the ending is happy, I always am clear about that as well. Spoilers and proper tagging aren’t mutually exclusive, in my opinion. 
10. Is there any author that inspired you to start writing?
Well... I’ve been writing stories since I was very little, so I’m sure many of my influences have been subconscious ones. However! When Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon, I remember thinking ‘hey if one homeschooled weirdo can do it so can I!” 
11. Was there a fic that made you cry?
Pretty sure everything soft and magical that Phoenix @alienfuckeronmain has ever written has made me cry. Including her recent girl direction fic that I had the absolute honor of cheerleading for. I think about that underpass scene all the goddamn time. Um... Nina @pattern-pals wrote this STUNNING girl direction serpent fic that left me a fucking mess, like it was HOLY and I wanted to run to the nearest cathedral and jump in a vat of holy water and scream into stained glass windows, that type of holy. I *sobbed* myself to sleep reading the end of the world fic (I forget the name, I’ll never read it again, it hurt too badly) you know the classic one. God. Ya. Um, but in the GOOD tears category I absolutely bawled at @crinkle-eyed-boo ‘s While You Were Sleeping AU, and I am usually not a rom com sappy type of person but it hit ALL the right notes and I loved it so fucking much. 
1. If you could crawl inside one of your stories and live, which one would it be and why?
2. Is there any imagery you return to again and again?
3. Do descriptions of characters’ clothing factor into your fics a lot, why or why not?
4. Which of your fics would you want adapted to the big screen and why?
5. Are there any place you won’t go with your writing that other’s might think is an usual trigger, i.e. how Indiana Jones hates snakes?
6. Which composer would score your favorite fic and why?
7. Have you ever fallen in love with one of your characters or written a character as a wish-fulfillment perfect partner for yourself? 
8. How do you write accents/dialect differences in your fics? 
9. Do you ever find yourself re-using words/sentences for kissing or smut? How do you avoid repetition? 
10. Which fic author has most touched your soul?
11. If you had to pick only one fic to read over and over again for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
@always-aqua @metal-eye @newleafover @lesbianiconharrystyles @pattern-pals @alienfuckeronmain I’m not sure if you’ve all been tagged yet but I think pretty much EVERYONE else has been, however if you haven’t been consider this your tag and please @ me!!! 
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gleeandshame · 5 years
Semi-liveblogging Elisa & Marcela
It’s gay right off the bat so I’m just interested since I have no one to talk about it IRL with. Under a cut bullet points of some notable moments, or just any thought I had. So Spoilers Obviously
If you end up watching, tw for homophobia, violence, and using identities as slurs
Elisa drying her off and so playful
That lingering goodbye
Marcela just like whispering to practice talking to Elisa
I can’t believe this useless gay is gonna get drenched
What a power move, your crush is gonna dry you off, Oh My gosh
Also yeah I zoned out at the beginning was Marcela an old lady and greeted an unnamed narrator? I assume so. Uhhh, but main story happens in 1898 or something I think
“Do you want to see my bedroom?” - so intimate so fast
Lowkey though if I have a feeling someone has a crush on me (whom I don’t like back) I don’t really let them into my room... ha...
I wonder if these nuns know about her gay shenanigans? I don’t know if stuff has happened in the past... omg
angsttt. Marcela has had a sad life
Do Marcela’s “parents” know about gay stuff? I don’t trust any adult
Momma had a book stuffed up in her skirt omg
“I dreamed about you but won’t tell you what” - that’s gay
Elisa’s bangs are being blown by the wind on the beach but it looks like it’s sticking straight up, haha
Gosh I would not want to be living in old timey times, they shed all those layers and yet their underwear is still a lot
This will be a cute swim tho
Marcela leading Elisa by the hand.. smooth
Double hand holding and waterfight I die
caballo... I thought horse was cabello for a second because I’m bad at spanish
HOLY F*CK Marcela went in for a cheek kiss, because Elisa really be out here saying this is the happiest day of her life
Elisa smiling and covering her mouth with her hands
Papa Marcela looks displeased
Right into a slap, I’m mad
I mean I’m probably gonna see more violence in this movie aren’t I?
As a third year can Elisa just walk around looking for Marcela or?
Marcela pricked her finger with a needle and then was all slurp slurp motherf*cker?
Omg is this hookey or afterschool?
Cut the music, something is gonna go down...
Neck touch
“My body is covered in moles” - Smooot hh and I’m screaming
“And one day will you let me see them?”
*shakes head but then starts nodding*
nose smush then interupting noise... homophobia
yes, they were just “studying”
Boarding school or a convent, for what purpose!!! BOOO
this letter is so soft
these hoes that want to kiss moles, I”M THE SAME
three years later, oh Elisa is a teacher
are those drawings of naked ladies Elisa?
are you serious or are you covering yourself when you saying it’s tú
the rushed kiss and laugh ... pure
okay making out time idk if i’m gonna blog about sex uh
having to undo a corset i know some of you are into that
It’s such a process, honestly you’d have to make a decision for naked times
okay I’m just gonna say it, no i don’t like this thing with the octopus wtf
UH what is this k(nky stuff Elisa
don’t know what those straps were
oh no they can’t help being gay in public
I feel like they’re gonna get assaulted :(
okay but that guy saw them dancing so idk if that means he knows now
they have some k.inks huhhh
I’m gonna be very depressed if the kids aren’t going to class because she’s gay
WHAT THE F*Ck, are ppl hiding in the trees and throwing rocks at Elisa
I think it’s disguise time... i seen the trailer and Elisa looks ridiculous
The IRL Elisa looked pretty convincing, but not convincing to ppl because they know her. But like if they were somewhere no one knew them....
This creep again. LEAVE MARCELA ALONE
Don’t touch her!
Elisa you look so stupid 
I’m like avoiding looking up the IRL in the middle of my watch because then this one will look even more ridiculous
Elisa you need to work on your walk I think also? perhaps it is just the anatomy... hmmm
from far away it’s not as bad, but the mustache is just so.... what is that even drawn in with
being in the carriage that woman is like... that’s literally Elisa...
This is stressing me out
oh my gosh she told them she was pregnant. I...
I mean I knew I’d be subjected to homophobia, but I still don’t like it :(
Them... escaping? but als ther’es like 40 mintues left, idk if I’ll know peace
wait is Marcela prego?
arrested, for what purpose? okay it’s based on a true story so yeah... but :/
If you can wipe away your mustache with your palms that’s not a good sign Elisa
are they gonna explain the baby ever or...?
Was it real that ppl like their story and gave them gifts? (I mean I’ll look this all up later)
Is that that old white guy actor or a guy that looks just like him?
that cod line is like the only funny part of this movie, hmmm
medicine in the early 1900s I’m worried
Baby fine... but she’s giving her up? :/
OH my gosh I just realized the girl from the beginning is the baby
Old Marcela is also cracking me up, I’m sure they didn’t have the budget for prosthetics or anything
So cute that she’s riding her horse 
There’s the real picture. She’s pretty masculine, if there were no papers to track them I think the would have gotten away with it
Awww are there just wlw wedding photos in the credits?
So overall, it’s an okay movie. It’s really precious and cute at the beginning when they are in school. And there are some boobs and it’s *cough* pretty hot when they reunite, but once the disguise starts it gets slow when they’re being found out and in prison in my opinion...
Sex scenes not really gratuitous, well not the first one. The octopus I’m still gonna NOPE outta that one. 
So, well if you’ve read this far this is all spoiled, I wouldn’t have read this if you were planning on watching. but my recommendations is uhhh 50/50 you can do without watching but watch if you were curious
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the-darklings · 5 years
[in regards to prey];
Hi guys. So to spare your dashes from being flooded with my replies in regards to Prey, I decided to do one mass reply (specifically of the asks that contain spoilers because not everyone has had the time to read this monster yet, and I would like to avoid spoiling anyone so beware) 
Thank you again for your support on this fic so far. You guys make me really happy and your kindness never fails to leave me speechless :’))
Also special  and shoutout to “Allie” & “Somebody” you guys know what you’ve done and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart <333
. . .
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NOPE! Vampires can have only one Mate and Reader is definitely Connor’s and Nines Mate. Her and Kamski are something else ;))  
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@evelynisacat WOWOW. Thank you so much. This made me grin like a fool :’))
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@noythe *laughs* well those two certainly have a bone to pick now, huh? They won’t take this lying down, trust me. Not where their little one/ruiner is concerned. Kamski is a clever little snake tho so this will be intresting~ 
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You most certainly may have a hug anon. AND OMG. You’re too sweet tho I will certainly take that soul of yours,,,thanks. A happy ending is very far from reach right now but it’s not unreachable so we shall see how it goes. ANd thank you so much, this is so sweet I’m soft inside ahhh/.
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I’m sorry boo. But it had to be done. Bad things happen to good people sadly. BUT maybe not all is lost just yet? ;))
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4 TIMES??? That’s it everyone else go home, this person wins it all! Wow, my friend, you flatter me. Thank you so much. That was honestly my aim?? Just to make you all feel warm and fuzzy and then I just rip that comfort blanket from around you XD I’M GLAD YOU ENJOYED THE CLIFFY THO!!! btw, thanks for the wig!
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*pats your head* I will try to fix it...slowly and painfully...but I’ll try...
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That was my writing process for this fic tbh so thank you because I understand perfectly! <33
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WOWOW THANK YOU KIND BEAN. Sorry for the breakin...but I’m not really?? The fact that you like Prey makes me very happy and thank you for your message. :D
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@thepentaclepinup I was honestly going to delay Prey for this exact reason. I wanted it to be a present for everyone who worked so hard on their exams but I honestly couldn't wait any longer haha. Tell your roommate sorry but honestly
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You are so very welcome! It took a long time to write so I’m happy you found it worth the wait <33
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My dear? Yes, it really, really did. <3
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Thank you so much! Both for rereading my stuff (I can’t really do it myself haha) and for your support. Love ya <33
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I am taking a slight break from it just to focus on other WIPs for a hot minute but...yes...there will be more in the future. Glad you enjoyed it tho and thank you for reading! <33
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I took a very approach to R!Connor and Nines in this fic. Probably the softest I’ve ever taken with them (I even questioned at some points if I was maybe making this fic too cute and fluffy?? And mainly OOC) But I wanted to contrast that the Reader is the only one capable of bringing out that softness? I’m so happy you liked it! Turning you into a tomato was the aim dear~~ 
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I mean “Elijah” ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) And I’m not even sorry for the twist, sorry dear~~
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THANK YOU!! I’m glad you loved it as much as I loved reading your message :D 
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I’m glad you didn’t see the twist coming! I was trying to be very careful not to tip anyone off about anything. It’s nice to know that it all actually worked haha. I am also very happy thank you! Shows that all those long nights paid off because you guys loved it! :D
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I HAVE NO WORDS FOR YOUR MESSAGE, MY FRIEND!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <333 This means so much, thank you, I love you <3333
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@gilly-jilly But it’s not the end love~ ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
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Thank you so much, my dear. This made me really happy! And by that I mean, specifically tearing your heart out :D
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@negative-blackbird Raven...I’ll meet you in 5 bruh, square up! XD
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And my job here is done *dusts off hands*
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youremyonlyhope · 7 years
The Doctor Falls
I am REALLY glad I took a week off from checking my dashboard because I was not aware that last week was the season finale of Doctor Who. I was like "I missed episode 12, there’s 13 episodes in each season, so I guess this season finale’s a 3-parter again and it ends next week! So I can catch up before the finale!”
Though I did get spoiled for something a few days ago, but I can’t remember what it was right now. Which is good. It’s basically almost like I wasn’t spoiled at all.
On that note. Guys. Just putting “Spoilers!” in the title or in the text of your post isn’t enough, please tag things as “Doctor Who Spoilers” or “DW Spoilers”. Or at least put the spoilers under Read More.
Ok. Time for the Doctor Who finale. Which obviously, since I didn’t know it was the finale until just now before starting this episode, I am not at all ready for it. I thought I had another week to mentally prepare for this but nope. I mean, since I’m watching it a week later I guess I had an extra week, but I mean an extra week where I’d KNOW I’d be watching the finale in a week.
Let’s see if my wifi will work with me for the hour and a half it will take to watch this episode. Super bad quality, took forever to buffer, so far it’s only kinda working. Ugh. UMM. UMMMM. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. THE CYBERMEN ARE ON THOSE THINGS THAT HOLD UP SCARECROWS. THIS IS FAMILY OF BLOOD ALL OVER AGAIN. UMMMMMMMM THE SKY ISN’T REALLY SKY.... UMMM THE NICE MOTHERLY LADY HAS A GUN NOW. OH HELL NAH THAT’S TERRIFYING THEY’RE LIMPING TOWARDS THEM. “IT’S THE SCARECROWS. NEW ONES.” UMMMMMMM NAH. AND THEY JUST HANG UP THE BODIES? WHAT THE HELL. This music is very Old Who based on the few Old Who episodes I’ve seen. That makes me kind of happy. OK. HAPPINESS FROM THE MUSIC IS GONE BECAUSE BILL IS CARRYING THE DOCTOR’S LIMP BODY. While the opening credits are playing I just need to say, Capaldi, I am going to miss you so much. So so so much. I adored Capaldi’s Doctor. He was amazing. I love him so much. I miss him so much already. Missy, girl, I had so much hope for you. I’m enjoying this Master Missy banter though. “Ten years, you spent up there, chatting. You missed her by 2 hours.” THAT’S HORRIBLE. Prepare for a lot of capslock in this post. I hear the music again. From last episode. “This is Gallifrey” I think? “You two, you should know by now, when you’re winning, and I’m in the room, you’re missing something.” THAT IS AN AMAZING QUOTE TO DESCRIBE THE DOCTOR. YES. “Knock yourself out.” *Missy knocks out the Master* MISSY YES GIRL. BILL YES GIRL. Ok but what I can’t get my brain around is like... going from floor to floor is technically time travel... which is amazing... but they’re REALLY stuck... because of time...  UMM. BILL. GIRL. WHY ARE YOU NORMAL SUDDENLY?! Oh. She’s imagining herself as normal. Great. JELLY BABY. SO MUCH OLD WHO. DO ALL CYBERMEN SEE THEMSELVES AS THEIR OLD SELVES AT FIRST? She’s crying real tears! Fuck you, Master. I usually don’t hate you. But oh my god. I mean. At least the monotone voice hides emotion... Gotta take a moment to say the Pearl is literally tearing my heart out of my chest and shredding it so, good for you girl. DOCTOR. DOCTOR. YOU’RE PUSHING OFF YOUR REGENERATION. AGAIN. THAT’S NOT GOOD.
Master: “Do as she says.” Is the future going to be all girl? Me: Hopefully. Doctor: We can only hope. Me: YES!
ALSO COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE FORESHADOWING A WOMAN PLAYING THE DOCTOR IN THE FUTURE!? Also all this “Why don’t you remember this?” stuff better not be foreshadowing that Missy isn’t really the Master or something. Because I know lots of (sexist) Missy haters theorize that she’s not. I don’t want them to be right. I’m not even a Missy lover but I’ll be really angry if they reveal like “oh lol haha we lied she’s not really the Master lol gotcha.” OK WAIT. HOW HAVE I NEVER NOTICED HER SONIC IS HER UMBRELLA? HAVE I REALLY NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO HER? OH NO THE CYBERMEN HAVE ADVANCED A LOT SINCE WE LEFT THEM. I do like the contrast of Bill’s old school Cyberman vs the new one though. SO WE’RE TRULY TARDIS-LESS IN THIS EPISODE. MORE TARDIS-LESS THAN EVER BEFORE REALLY. SINCE THE... YOU KNOW WHAT? I CAN’T EVEN ARTICULATE THIS. I WAS GONNA SAY “SINCE THE TARDIS IS IN THE PAST” BUT IT’S NOT. IT’S JUST MOVING SLOWER THAN THEM AND THEY’RE MOVING SLOWER THAN THE CYBERMEN. IT’S HARD TO ARTICULATE WHAT’S HAPPENING. THAT’S HOW TARDIS-LESS WE ARE RIGHT NOW. GREAT. OH. OH. OH THAT’S JUST GREAT. THEY’RE JUST GONNA FLY UP AND THROUGH THE LEVELS. COOL. GREAT. FANTASTIC. THIS IS FUN.
Pausing to let it buffer a bit because my wifi hates me again. But oh my god the stakes are high with no TARDIS and a billion cybermen essentially manually time traveling to get to them.
WAIT. THE PEOPLE SEE A GIANT NUMBER IN THE SKY. AND DON’T KNOW THAT THIS IS A SPACE SHIP!? IT REALLY HAS BEEN A LONG TIME. PEOPLE. PASS DOWN YOUR FAMILY HISTORIES. PLEASE. THEY COME IN HANDY. LIKE IF FOR INSTANCE YOU LIVE ON A SPACE SHIP AND IT’S IMPORTANT FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONS TO KNOW ABOUT IT. AND IF THEY DON’T KNOW THIS IS A SPACE SHIP, WHAT DO THEY THINK ABOUT THE CYBERMEN WHO MAKE IT UP THERE AND LIMP THROUGH? WHAT DO THEY THINK ABOUT THEM? AND WHAT MADE THEM START MAKING THEM INTO SCARECROWS? WHAT?! I mean the Master knows he gets out of this somehow since his future self is talking to him about it and doesn’t really remember it at all. MISSY YOU GENIUS. PARADOXES ARE GREAT. “I’ll try anything once.” Girl. Don’t. No.  They should really give Bill a scarf or something to differentiate her from the others... Though now all of them are newer so it’s easier, but still. Oh poor Bill. See. She’s upset. GOD POOR BILL THIS IS BREAKING MY HEART. That speech. Capaldi. I’m gonna miss you SO SO SO MUCH. God. I would not want to be the actor who has to follow Capaldi. He has some big shoes to fill. See, you know it’s gotten bad when something the Master said (”this is a face that didn’t listen to a word you just said”) that would normally be funny in any other episode, isn’t funny at all, not in the slightest, not at all, nope. It’s just disappointing. Not even like “oh haha” way, it’s just like... sad. ...Did she slip him the missing piece of the Master’s TARDIS...  Why are they in a pointy formation instead of a rectangular one? OK WAIT. OK. WAIT. WHY IS THIS GIVING ME MAJOR DEJA VU. ALIT HOLDING THE APPLE IN FRONT OF THE CYBERMEN. IT’S REMINDING ME OF SOMETHING. I’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE. OR SOMETHING SIMILAR. I THINK. IT’S JUST REALLY GIVING ME DEJA VU RIGHT NOW.
Doctor: I won’t do that until I’ve left. Me: Ok Doctor don’t lie Nardole: Liar, it can’t be done remotely. Me: See there we go.
Bill’s gonna volunteer to watch over the humans isn’t she? Oh no she’s gonna explode with the Doctor instead. Why. I would have preferred her watching over them forever, and all the humans loving her despite her being a Cyberman, and me crying tears of happiness that she’s accepted and sadness that we won’t see Bill again. OH NARDOLE. OH I’M GETTING EMOTIONAL ALREADY. So... I literally can’t tell if this cause of death would be considered a suicide or not... that’s like.. only half a joke... Ok... why do I feel like Bill’s “Glad you knew that” meant something else... or was it just to trick the audience into thinking “oh no another companion developed a crush on the Doctor”? So... double suicide...? Ummm... tell me Missy isn’t dead for good... right? There’s only 15 minutes left... so what’s gonna happen... Did he say Canary Wharf? The captions miss random words sometimes. Yep he’s reciting everything the Cyberman failed at. Also, I had forgotten about the time there were Cybermen on the moon. HEY DOCTOR. I FORBID YOU TO REGENERATE RIGHT NOW. OK NOW THERE’S 10 MINUTES LEFT AND EVERYTHING’S BLOWN UP WHAT’S LEFT TO HAPPEN!???!?! “Pity, no stars. I’d hoped there’d be stars.” WHY IS THIS MAKING ME SO SAD. NARDOLE’S STUCK HERE FOREVER NOW. I’M REALLY EMOTIONAL. See. I assumed it was snow last episode when we saw the Doctor start to regenerate. But nope. I guess it’s ash. Oh Bill. IS SHE GONNA DO IT? IS SHE GONNA FLY HIM UP TO THE TARDIS OR SOMETHING? WAIT. WHAT. WHAT THE HELL. IT’S THE GIRL. WHAT. IT’S WHAT’S HER FACE. HEATHER RIGHT? OH MY GOD. SHE REALLY FOLLOWED HER EVERYWHERE IN SPACE AND TIME. WHAT. OH MY GOD. I JUST GASPED. “LEFT YOU MY TEARS, REMEMBER?” I LEGIT LET OUT A GASP. I don’t know how I feel bout Heather coming out of nowhere like this but like... I can’t complain. THANK GOD FOR HEATHER AND HER CRAZY TIME TRAVELING LOCATION JUMPING WATER. I HOPE I SEE YOU AGAIN TOO BILL. So that’s 2 companions of the Doctor who are now traveling through time and space with an immortal girl(friend). MARTHA. THAT WAS MY MARTHA. “I DON’T WANT TO GO” AND WHAT WAS THAT SONTARAN QUOTE? ANOTHER LAST LINE A DOCTOR? “WHEN THE DOCTOR” WAS ME!?!?!?!?!? IS HE GONNA SAY WAS ME????? “WHEN THE DOCTOR WAS ME.” DJSAKFJDFJSAKFDLSAFDSAJFDJSA No? You can just say... No? And you don’t regenerate? Is it Earth? BELLS??? OH SO IT WAS SNOW, NOT ASH. UMM. WHAT. WHAT IS HAPPENING. WHO IS THAT. OOOOOOOOH IT’S HIM. IT’S HIM. DID I HEAR ABOUT DAVID BRADLEY BEING IN AN EPISODE THIS SEASON? I FEEL LIKE I DID. OH MY GOD. “THE ORIGINAL. YOU MIGHT SAY.” “THE DOCTORS WILL RETURN AT CHRISTMAS.”
Ok I gotta get up and walk away for a minute just...
Me: *Says I’m gonna go calm down for a minute.* Me: *Instead freaks out even more over everything.*
I just went and fangirled to my dad about David Bradley for like 5 straight minutes because he’s the only person awake and I needed to get these feels out verbally. And then just about the episode in general for another 5 minutes. Oh my god. This is too much for 2am.
I just can’t put into words how excited I am. Because David Bradley blew me completely away in An Adventure in Space and Time and we get to see him as the First Doctor and just... oh my god. Oh my god.
Heather coming back for Bill seems almost deus ex machina like but she did leave her her tears and Bill the cyberman cried tears so like whatever, I get it. But believe me, Heather was the LAST person I expected to see. If we had had puddles hidden everywhere throughout the season, that would have been better since there would have been constant hints. Unless... there were puddles everywhere... and no one noticed... or at least I didn’t notice... because puddles are so subtle and common... Am I going to have to rewatch this entire season and look for puddles now?
I’m rereading my post about The Pilot just to see what my thoughts were the first time and I had apparently noticed that there was a picture of Susan on his desk next to River’s, so WERE THEY FORESHADOWING THE FIRST DOCTOR RETURNING FROM THE VERY BEGINNING!? OH MY GOD.
Ok basically. I wish Bill wasn’t leaving. I adored Bill. She needs to come back. At some point. I liked Heather, so once I got over the initial “WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING” aspect of her return I was happy. And I’m glad that Bill doesn’t have to suffer as a Cyberman for the rest of her life, she gets to go off and travel the universe as an immortal puddle with her immortal puddle girlfriend. Yeah. My only complaint really is that she shouldn’t have been able to fly the TARDIS; “I’m the pilot” doesn’t feel like enough of an explanation.
As for the Doctor. Oh Doctor. I wanted to cry. But then the First Doctor came out of nowhere and I need to go see if I can rewatch that scene on YouTube or something because now it’s all a blur of me just freaking out and silently screaming.
Oh wow. The clip is only a minute and 20 seconds long. It felt like a lifetime. Time honestly slowed down when I watched this the first time.
CHRISTMAS. YOU’RE MAKING ME WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. That was actually my first thought when I had closed this post in order to “calm down” for a minute. I literally pressed save draft, and then looked into space, and whisper/screamed “...Christmas?!?!?!?!” HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS?! THAT’S IN ALMOST 6 MONTHS. COME ON. But this means Capaldi gets to stay the Doctor for 6 more months and that’s fantastic.
On that note. Honestly, you guys should all congratulate me on how well I avoided spoilers. I didn’t even know this was the finale, so I’m REALLY glad I picked this episode of all episodes to be like “Nope. Not going on my dashboard because I follow people who like to post spoilers without tagging them. I’ll just avoid my dashboard until I have time to watch the episode” and that was almost a week later. Wow.
Also I never remembered what it was about this episode that I was spoiled for earlier this week, so my brain blocked something out correctly for once.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
September 17th-23rd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from September 17th, 2018 to September 23rd, 2018.  The chat focused on Soul Hymn by Draco Plato.
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Hello and welcome everyone to the first week of our trial run for the Week Long Book Club! If you need more information on that, you can check out the link here: https://comicteaparty.com/post/178065237140/new-week-long-book-club Otherwise, let’s get started!
This week we’ll be discussing Soul Hymn by Draco Plato~! (http://khyatix.com/soulhymn.shtml). Use this week to read the comic at your own pace! You are free to come leave comments at any point during the week. You can comment as you read, or you can wait till you get through the entire thing. Whatever suits your schedule best is fine~! As always, remember that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. You have until 9/23 to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Do you think Erik being a faun will be beneficial or harmful to his endeavors to save everyone? Ultimately, do you think Erik will succeed in saving the pillars and stopping Decebal? Please provide your reasoning for both!
QUESTION 4. Erik and Celeste received their powers from three space people, which Hope later reveals as Maha Deva Vijaya. Do you believe Maha Deva Vijaya will provide more help in the future? Why or why not? Why do you believe they’ve taken such a personal interest in what’s going on?
Capitania do Azar
1. my favourite scene was the one about the "oh everything's wrong but at least nobody asked me about my ears" followed immediately by "so what's with the ears?"
2. favourite character would have to be sassy gal Celeste
Tenor | Shinavar
“3. Do you think Erik being a faun will be beneficial or harmful to his endeavors to save everyone?”
We don't know much about them other than people are unaware they're 'real'. Truthfully unless I see some actual world affecting stuff, I don't believe this won't have any affect on his endeavors directly. Indirectly, perhaps. Like how Eric + Celeste already have been doing the magical thing for some time - that there's conspiracy theorists going around
“4. Erik and Celeste received their powers from three space people, which Hope later reveals as Maha Deva Vijaya. Do you believe Maha Deva Vijaya will provide more help in the future? Why or why not? Why do you believe they’ve taken such a personal interest in what’s going on?”
IDK and TBH this is the most frustrating part of the read for me. It's all hearsay footnotes in the comic. If these three space people were so important and play such a huge role, why have they only been foot notes so far? In fact I didn't know it was 3 people initially because the compound name has been confusing and it took a trip to the creator's site and into the character reincarnation to figure out it's actually 3 people. Which sadly has spoiled some things for me ;;;;
Sadly I don't have a favorite scene nor character yet. Mickael was getting close but I'm kinda playing it by ear right now. >_>' But it's a very pretty comic; the eyes in particular have such a pretty depth to them ^u^(edited)
Draco Plato
1. My favorite scene so far was the one where Decebal was behind Mickeal at his home. It felt kinda spooky. I also like Erik talking to Naples in bed, I think it showed how young Erik is, lol. 2. My favorite character is Erik, cause he's adorable n(UvU)n I'd like to see more of Arrow though, I feel like he's been underused so far.(edited)
QUESTION 5. Unlike Erik and Celeste, Arrow has neither powers nor previous knowledge when he becomes involved. Why do you think Hope invited Arrow along? What do you think Arrow’s ultimate purpose is in all this?
Tenor | Shinavar
5. Hope said hes a proxy for one of the big space people so I'm guessing that initially. The only reason he doesnt have powers is because they havent given him any, right? So I think hes going to have a much bigger purpose later. I mean it seems Erik is the big power house but theres probably areas he cant touch that the other two can.
I'm curious though what proxy means specifically in this case
“1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?”
http://khyatix.com/soulhymn/chapters/chp2/chp2pg19.shtml Probably this interaction? Celeste stopped being bossy for a minute, though....... She still doesn't believe he's really a faun...
“2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?”
Arrow, for his intrinsic... Lyall-ness. Don't ask. XD I might have read the world page and may have been spoiled.
“3. Do you think Erik being a faun will be beneficial or harmful to his endeavors to save everyone? Ultimately, do you think Erik will succeed in saving the pillars and stopping Decebal? Please provide your reasoning for both!”
Can't say! Not enough info to judge this. As far as stopping Decebal -- if not in this life, then maybe another...
“4. Erik and Celeste received their powers from three space people, which Hope later reveals as Maha Deva Vijaya. Do you believe Maha Deva Vijaya will provide more help in the future? Why or why not? Why do you believe they’ve taken such a personal interest in what’s going on?”
MDV -- Because making sure the earth doesn't get screwed up by a grumpy fallen angel is kinda important. Also, clearly Erik, Arrow, and Celeste are somehow otherwise linked to those three!
“5. Unlike Erik and Celeste, Arrow has neither powers nor previous knowledge when he becomes involved. Why do you think Hope invited Arrow along? What do you think Arrow’s ultimate purpose is in all this?”
Good question! We don't know too much about him aside from the fact that he's a twin and also is interested in Erik.... So maybe he'll become the story's damsel in distress alongside Rose. >:3
i will support this canon of arrow being the damsel in distress
Ahahaha. I mean, realistically, I imagine Arrow will support Erik and Celeste, but beyond that? Hard to say. If he's a proxy like the other two, then it's curious that they haven't given him powers, unless his space person is working more through him? ...tbh I can't remember which one corresponds to which without looking at the life chart
mostly 'cause they haven't shown up much yet XD
One of the things I always wonder while reading Soul Hymn is that would Erik like goat cheese? Or what kinds of foods with the characters like or dislike and if they are connected through all the souls do the all have the same likes and dislikes or different depending on each thing.
You know, that's a good question. XD Pre-wedding ring spell, do they all maintain some prefs between lives?
1. Favourite scene so far was when Arrow saw Erik for the first time and completely just shoved his sister across to make room for him. It was just the comedic moment of the dismay in Celeste's face. 2. I think my favourite is Squirrel Familiar? I'm trying to look for the name since it's been awhile since I read the comic, but I love how sassy that squirrel was.
Time to re-read the entire thing, again :3
Napples, I think!
or Naples
Draco Plato
Haha, I like that scene too with him pushing her on the chair Yeah~! Naples is his name. Also, they do generally keep a lot of their likes and dislikes from other lives, but some things change too based on their current environment and upbringing. The ring spell didn't give them any new knowledge or information so it didn't really change anything in their personality. The spell varies from life to life though based on what their souls predetermined for it before being born. Erik would like goat cheese I think XD He's not really a picky eater, although I do think he's vegetarian. Erik really likes to cook too so he has a wide repertoire culinary wise. Arrow would most like foods he can eat while working I think, like sandwiches and fast food. Celeste is kind of apathetic about food overall, although I don't think she'd turn down a pastry, lol.
Celeste has tastes I can appreciate
Draco Plato
a pastry a day keeps the doctor away
also, sorry i'm not responding to everything, I'm trying to avoid anything that'd be really spoiler territory from me, but I love reading all the different PoVs.
anything on the site isn't particularly a spoiler though so it's all right to check out the world page, since I decided it's okay to know the lifetimes of the characters from the beginning as it helps to see their evolution over time.
cause some people seemed concerned about that, but it's also not important to read the world page either.(edited)
Heheh. I get that! There's a lot about the story which I think we have yet to learn, but it'll unfold.
Like, I can't wait to see decebal do some more dickish stuff lol
Draco Plato
Ooooooh yeah, he's still got a lot of stuff to do
yes, can confirm theres still plenty in soul hymn that hasnt been blathered about on the site itself at least.
“1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?”
That scene in the train subway thing where Erik and Celeste fought that demon and had to be bailed out by Hope. I vastly enjoy that Hope came expecting the proxy people to solve all his problems, except nope. No problems solved for him. They aren't ready.
“2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?”
For today, at least, gonna pick Celeste. I think Celeste all around has the best facial expressions and I like that shes upfront about the fact she hates being considered 2nd class to Erik.
Draco Plato
Rebel knows too much
QUESTION 6. While visiting Desire, Arrow and Celeste learn of a deep connection to Erik that activates some sort of magic that makes them all married. Do you think the three will figure out a way to break the spell? If not, how do you think the relationship between the three will work out or fall apart?
“1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?”
My favorite scenes where the times Arrow goes head over heels over Erik in first sight. It was a fun scene.(edited)
Also that part where Arrow said he and erik just met today but it has hearts on the bubbles.
have to say Naples is freaking adorable here.
“2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?”
I have to say Celeste. She's sassy sure but not in an annoying way and I like that. Also Naples... such an adorable puffball.(edited)
“3. Do you think Erik being a faun will be beneficial or harmful to his endeavors to save everyone? Ultimately, do you think Erik will succeed in saving the pillars and stopping Decebal? Please provide your reasoning for both!”
I feel like it's too early for me to gauge it so I can't really give a clear answer. I believe Erik will succeed tho as long as he gets his psyche intact and not get affected by the pillars like what happened when Desire grabbed his hand.
“4. Erik and Celeste received their powers from three space people, which Hope later reveals as Maha Deva Vijaya. Do you believe Maha Deva Vijaya will provide more help in the future? Why or why not? Why do you believe they’ve taken such a personal interest in what’s going on?”
I dunno... I feel like they will just watch and let the trio deal with this themselves. Otherwise they would've interfere already.
“5. Unlike Erik and Celeste, Arrow has neither powers nor previous knowledge when he becomes involved. Why do you think Hope invited Arrow along? What do you think Arrow’s ultimate purpose is in all this?”
I do know stuffs from outside the comic that is particularly spoilery <.< So I kinda know the real reason but I do hope Arrow will transform in anyway? That would be fun to see.
Magical boy Arrow! XD
I actually wanna see that, too, even if it's a joke or if he gets some sort of halloween costume
6. While visiting Desire, Arrow and Celeste learn of a deep connection to Erik that activates some sort of magic that makes them all married. Do you think the three will figure out a way to break the spell? If not, how do you think the relationship between the three will work out or fall apart?
Eh. I'm sure it'll be fine. <w<(edited)
"Sorry Arrow, since you can't transform me and Erik just bought you this."
gets a totally random halloween costume
and hten arrow died
and everyone mourned him
erik went crazy and ate cans for the rest of his days
and celeste took over the planet and became a vicious dictator
I don't.... Well. that is a way it could go, I'm sure
that is a scenario I can imagine as a high possibility
I'm sure the problem with the marriage spell is probably going to come from Arrow and Celeste at first, bc like.... I can imagine one of them logicking it all out like this: -We're all married -I'm married to my sibling?!!!!! -I'm going to kill my sibling and keep Erik to myself without realizing that it's just that they're BOTH married to the same guy. ....I mean, this could all just get awkward. Or murderous, if they're so inclined to take the murder-the-hypotenuse route -- but I mean, that would require someone stepping in and bein' like "Yo, Celeste.. Arrow........ wanna make Erik suffer for cheating on you with your sibling?" Meanwhile Erik's all over in the corner, like "What"
I think Hope explained that they're married only to Erik and not to each other. In which Arrow cried polygamy.
........oh crap, I forgot about that
literally just read it. <.<
like the past hour.
well, that makes your memory much sharper than mine!
But still.................... Now I'm imagining Decebal getting Arrow to align with him, all for the purpose of forcing Erik and Celeste to give up
or just get Erik to himself. XD
I mean Arrow agreed so he can have Erik to himself.
tbf even if hope said it doesnt mean they accept it in their hearts. hope also explained a lot of things and i think from many of their dumbfounded wtf faces, not all of it absorbed into their brains
.............Hey, I remember the first time I read it, I was kind of with them XD
I wasn't familiar with much of Draco's other stuff!
i think draco actually trimmed hope's explanation a tad cause im pretty sure originally it was supposed to be longer
I like how Draco made all of these interconnected with all of the rest of the comics
yes. its nice when things are governed by the same rules.
it'll be really cool when more stuff is complete, too -- we'll get a good feel for how it all works together
Yas. I'm excited to see how this goes.
...Is this point where we start coming up with crack theories
granted as long as its related to soul hymn since dont want to alienate ppl too much with draco's billions of other comics
Ahahaha! SO crack theory: Decebal is going to use Mickael to release a mind-control hit single. He's going to spread his message through the world that way, and...... The first step to suffering will be removing all pizzas from the planet.
well i mean
that would be suffering
unless they already dont have pizza
Not the pizza
I have a weird question... Does Erik produce milk? <.< hides
I don't think male goats do
Tenor | Shinavar
Some do - usually dairy bucks who are in dairy-heavy lines can develop milk during rutting apparently. /Sorry had to look it up
Draco Plato
No, he definitely doesn't produce milk XD although for awhile the comic was titled Goat Milk for other reasons
Tenor | Shinavar
oh god
I... You know. I just DRACO
Fuckin' hell, I feel like a pervert now XD
Draco Plato
Just realized how porny that title can sound, lol
Tenor | Shinavar
That's why I'm dying about it lmao
Now I'm thinking there needs to be a "name your comic like it's porn" joke, but......... that's neither here nor there. What would the difference have been if it was called Goat Milk though? Was there story significance?
Tenor | Shinavar
But I am curious Draco - how much would you say you need to read your other titles to be in the know with Soul Hymn? Cause seeing others' opinions I"m curious how out of the loop I am ;
See, I know some spoilers so I don't count for what I know
Tenor | Shinavar
Fair but IDK how many people know spoilers either
So I'm just curious :D
Draco Plato
I mean soul hymn should be pretty okay by itself, but maha deva vijaya have appeared in Zenchav out of order so it explains them a touch more atm, and soul hymn will directly feed into Zenchav by the end, but it hasn't yet. Witch Carnival also mentions the ring spell more, but again I don't think any of them are actually necessary to read for the story, more just additional information for people into the overarching story
RedEmyr ties into Soul Hymn the least so it d be super irrelevant to read for SH info
It ties into Zenchav and OoO tho a lot
Tenor | Shinavar
-Nodnod- Aaaah okay~ I haven't had the chance to get to OoO nor RedEmyr yet.
Draco Plato
Thats totally okay XD
Oh and it was called goat milk before because it focused on pregnancy and Mickeal and Sam's story more, but I took all that out so it no longer was relevant.
Cali helped me to think of the soul hymn title which I like a lot
Mickeal, plz But I mean, that makes sense. XD
Draco Plato
Yeeeah, there's a lot of versions of this story at least 10
Draco Plato
Oh, cause it was mentioned earlier Maha Deva Vijaya is always said as one name because the three souls are so close they are treated as one entity
Tenor | Shinavar
That would be me, I think. THat's good to know - I think the confusion comes from addressing them as 3 people so I legit thought it was someone else entirely and it made me have to double over everything fFFFf
Not addressing, describing hem*
Draco Plato
Yeah, that's fair XD
since someone mentioned it earlier, i will mention random fact: despite knowing all the many spoilers, i actually do have to look up which one is maha and which one is deva because i forget a lot and mix them up
Draco Plato
Ffft, they would be pleased
Draco Plato
All according to keikaku
But... But... Well, I guess at that point they don't have a lot of the arguments that the would have in previous lives XD
Draco Plato
Nah they don't, they're just vijayas pillars of support so all their focus is in him
Maha is actually going to be very easy for me to remember because Maha sounds like how you say Macha as in the cat character from .hack and Macha was a girl, so Maha is.... well.
anyway XD
....that train of thought just occured to me
don't mind me! :'3
Draco Plato
Lolol! XD
Their name roughly translates to Mighty Deity Victory in Sanskrit.
So the names Maha and Deva are even just accents to Vijaya
RIP Celeste and Arrow
Draco Plato
Nah it's a good thing OvO
Or maybe just symbolic, lol
Omg goat milk
imagines if that became the title
the 18+ version of soul hymn
Where all the dark secrets happen
The solution for saving the world is goat's milk
Draco Plato
Erik plz you must give up your milk to save the world
Draco Plato
if i'd used that title I could've just used emojis for it
missed opportunity
This has took a strange turn whoops(edited)
Draco Plato
hello darkness my old friend
So would the logo then include an eggplant? Oh gosh ahaha
Tenor | Shinavar
Omg. All of u need jesus
HEY, HEY, we have Vijaya, why do we need Jesus? I mean, what jokes were we supposed to make about a Mickael/Samantha relationship story called Goat Milk? It ends up with her pregnant, right?
BUT, that's neither here nor there. XD Speaking of those two, we're gonna learn more about their relationship with each other, right? :3 Like, just, generally, I mean. How did they meet... How did they fall apart... Why do they get along now instead of hating each others guts XD
How often has Rose been spotted with her horns in school XD
Draco Plato
There's a version of Goat Milk where everyone ended up pregnant, it was not my finest writing moment
And I am super happy that it was scrapped, it went in really weird places
and if I'm saying it went too weird, that's pretty off the deep end weird
I heard some comic sites pay $70/page for that sort of thi--- /shot
Draco Plato
there's that olympic dames comic
I didn't want to be in the same genre as that
We proooobably won't get to see Mickeal and Sam's backstory unless I make it a side comic
but the whole focus of it would be teen pregnancy and I've been trying to back off on that kind of stuff
so It's kind of been sidelined indefinitely
I became worried about portraying it insensitively unintentionally
Ah, fair!
Maybe it's one of those things that they just mention they were teenagers and well, at least Rose is happy now
Draco Plato
yeah, I think I'll be able to squeeze in most of the details at some point within Soul Hymn anyway, especially since interest has been expressed about it
Also, I apologize in advance for craziness with my train of thought, I have had to take the nyquil tonight!
But yeah! I'm interested to know more about them in comic, even if it's a passing mention
Draco Plato
I can do that
I think Rebel was afraid I'd make Erik Rose's father for awhile
all comic decisions are a roll of the dice so you never know where it'll land
It's not canon until it's firmly in print, right? And even then, it can be revised in future editions
Draco Plato
baaaaaasically, altho I do try to not change things that have already happened at least. But I have had to go back and fix dialogue in some of the comics when it didn't quite add up right to things later on, oops
I think Rebel was afraid I'd make Erik Rose's father for awhile :joy:
all comic decisions are a roll of the dice so you never know where it'll land
that may have something to do with the fact youve point blank said youve played around with the idea
Draco Plato
It's super unlikely though, very improbable
QUESTION 7. Desire mentions Hope is the sixth pillar, implying there are four others we have yet to meet. What do you think the other pillars are like? Do you think all the pillars are on Hope and Desire’s side, or do you think some might side with Decebal? What do you think will happen when Erik runs into the other pillars?
So, what are they pillars of? I've actually been confused and hadn't asked about that before. What do the pillars represent and how are they important to the world? I may be just not remembering. xD
Or well, I guess they're important to Decebal's plan.... (looking at it again now lol)
What...... were they before they were pillars
.........Virtues. XD OKAY SO WHY ARE THE VIRTUES IMPORTANT ........I'm going to have to reread this comic hrrrghleble
You forget details when you read in chunks! So, time for a fresh readthrough which I'll do tonight.
Capitania do Azar
Draco Plato
Legit straight up forgot I mentioned there being 6 already and had to remember who the others were, totally on the page of forgetting details after not reading in awhile
Draco Plato
Basically the virtues are angels who perform small miracles within mankind and represent a virtuous quality. Decebal turned them into their negative opposite and that negative quality is then constantly feeding into them from their surroundings (via people's negative thoughts and energy). They're called the pillars in this negative state because to Decebal they represent a pillar of negative energy he's building for a "purpose".
Was thinking along the lines of 7 virtues turned into 7 deadly sins of some sort. XD(edited)
I have the feeling some already sided with Decebal. :u
Draco Plato
It does seem similar to the seven deadly sins weeps
ah good they aren't all the same as the seven deadly sins, lol! I couldn't remember what the 7 were for that
QUESTION 8. In recent happenings, Decebal kidnaps Rose. Why do you think Decebal would do such a thing? How do you think Decebal intends to use Mickeal exactly? On a different note, what do you think will ultimately happen between Sam and Mickeal?
feels like decebal is going to use mickeal or something for whatever he's planning
hes gonna use mickeal to trim his lawn
and then start a goat lawn mowing service
he needs goat fur for coats
decebal is gonna start a whole goat based industry
goats are great for business
I feel like Decebal will use Mickeal's influence being a famous singer and all to brainwash people into feeding his pillars negative energy
well mickeal does have a head start with lyrics like htat
he could collab with daed inside
deep inside he agrees with decebal. <.<
and here i always thought mickeal was the good one
if there's anything I learned, is that the most innocent looking people are the evil ones... sometimes.
Draco Plato
Does Mickeal look that innocent tho? XD
I like how disinterested he looks while singing, as boring as doing laundry to him
Tenor | Shinavar
I like Mharz theory with the brainwashing
But I'm willing to bet hes about to take him in for some plastic surgery missing some extra parts he'd like
Draco Plato
lol! Oh no
now thats just gruesome
QUESTION 9. At the beginning, Hope warns Decebal that he will fall for his actions. Do you think Hope is right and that there is indeed no saving Decebal? Why or why not? Additionally, Hope and Decebal argue about whether the outcome is decided or not. Do you think Hope is right that the outcome is decided, or do you think Decebal is right?(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
IDK I mean - someone who gets pissed and turns you into a beacon of negative energy doesn't sound like someone you can reason with /shot
I feel like it can go either way? Like Decebal probably believes you can change your fate of some sorts. Tbh I think he has good intentions tho his execution is really really bad. :v
Decebal, if I recall, thinks humanity needs to git gud and start doing what they need to do ........ ........................ So he's going to make them fall in to despair so they can appreciate what they had or something.
I wonder where on the timeline this all happens compared to like, OoO
Draco Plato
it's both before and after
don't cry, it'll all make sense some day
Hahaha, yeah. Is it time shenanigans or just that it's over a long span of time?
Draco Plato
it's because of there being multiple lifetimes of the characters in the story
some are before and some are after
draco no
So... Erik might fail this time, but...
or is it just because of the lifetimes and the space people XD
Draco Plato
The before and after is just because of the chronological happenings of the individual lives.
Like decebal's life takes place before Mickeal's
He even mentioned that mickeal is his future on one of the recent pages
Decebal's life is before Rex's since Rex is a fallen angel, Erik's life is after Damon's though
The space people are irrelevant time wise I think since they exist in their own sort of timeline with a different trajectory
But they do interact in some manner with most of the lives.
Technically they're supposed to play an inactive role within the lives of mortals and use other means
Karmic laws and all that
Decebal is one of the powers right???
Is Rex a high ranking angel as well?
Draco Plato
Rex is a Jinn now so not really an angel anymore but he was Decebal, sooooo I mean he was a Power XD
Ahahah, well, I meant timeline as far as like, linearly-speaking now
oh I see
so, like, OOO takes place in year X, Soul Hymn takes place in some other year... or is it all overlapping owo
lol I got it confused a bit. I was thinking Decebal came after Rex woops
Draco Plato
events at the end of Soul Hymn will lead into Zenchav, but for Erik, Celeste, and Arrow it takes place after OoO but before WC(edited)
rolls around
Draco Plato
S-sorry, I guess it gets a bit confusing
it's fine draco
Draco Plato
This is why I didn't hide the lives cause I thought nobody could ever guess them
And it d just be even more difficult to tie it all together for people(edited)
but it's fascinating tho
I had figured the progression of lives didn't take place in a linear fashion compared to the timeline overall
Draco Plato
Nah, originally I'd planned to keep everything linear bit that didn't work out
There's technically other dimensions too with different outcomes but I'm avoiding going into those since it's already confusing for readers
Draco Plato
I've also cut down what I had planned for the astral plane stuff too cause of that
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
Looking forward to Erik and Decebal face-off and seeing all the pillars and how everything links together.
Draco Plato
There's a lot of scenes coming up I'm looking forward to, particularly with the main three's relationship and the changes I've made to the story recently.
I can't wait to see when they all duke it off and then see how the reincarnation works.
Thank you everyone so much for chatting about Soul Hymn this week! Please also give a special thank you to Draco Plato for volunteering the comic for this trial run! We really appreciate it! :D If you liked Soul Hymn, make sure to continue to support it!
Read Soul Hymn: http://khyatix.com/soulhymn.shtml
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