#I think? this is teen to young adult typical like gay dumbass talk
pickles4nickles · 3 months
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Hi I have finally regained some semblance of willpower to doodle things that are inconsequential
So here's The Boys and their gay-ass hypotheticals
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missmaxime · 4 years
Ivy, Cherry blossom, Lily, Eleanor ❤️ (and when is the update for ISYTT?? if you dont mind me asking?)
Yes thank you for FOUR questions, Anon. I do not mind you asking, And I am still aiming for end of August. But please do not hate me if it takes me longer, I know I posted like two fics inbetween but I am actively working on it. It’s just something, I really wanna get right and it unfortunately for everyone that’s excited for it, takes some time. (Now realizing end of August is nine days - still aiming for that! But no promises).  ivy: which period of history interests you the most? I’m a terribly informed, but extremely interested history nerd. I think the first adult book I read was The Clan of the Cavebear by Jean M. Auel (I was like ten or eleven – maybe a little too young haha) but I was the kid with the dinosaur encyclopedia and also grew up with Jurassic Park. In my early teens I really got into British period TV-shows. Like Charles II: Power and the Passion, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Tipping the Velvet, Jane Eyre, Pride & Prejudice, and all that jazz. Which are all very different time periods but at the time felt like somewhat the same. Media is a big influence to what time period I’m into. When I watched Caprica I was super into the future, when I watched Carnivale I was into the 1930’s, when I watched Game of Thrones I was all into general medieval things; I think in conclusion I’m most interested in Euro-history, from whatever time period. cherry blossom: what is your personal aesthetic? If we’re talking home décor I aspire to be modern Hollywood Regency. I love brass furniture, dark woods, my apartment is from the 30’s, I own a million vintage lamps (from a variety of era’s), I love reds and dark purples and dark blues and mauve. And I want all the Persian rugs. (Very much trying to replace my Ikea furniture, but furniture is expensive!!). Another thing I love – that annoys my OCD boomerish mom endlessly – is that I love clutter. Stacked books and DVD sets in sight that I adore, artwork I made or thrifted without cohesion on the wall, I still have the sparkly fuchsia flags on the wall when we won Eurovision. If we’re talking fashion I think I’m like your typical gay boho aunt? A lot of my clothes are thrifted. I love the eighties and nineties for fashion inspo. I’m a dumbass sucker for buying expensive brands with 70% off in sale, so I own a bunch of more modern things with that aesthetic. Sure I also own a lot of H&M basics. But also SHOES. I own way too much, like 40 pairs, its ridiculous. Some I only own for how nice they look on a shelve but I love them! Worn them all at least once. lily: what is your love language? I’m terrrribe at PDA, but somehow I tend to date people who like that, so I try OK. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just, awkward. Not that I don’t like touching, I’m just more inclined to it being something between me and my significant other. So I like showing affections through actions. I love to cook and I love preparing meals for someone. I love to craft stories or artwork and gift someone that – with varying results when received (because as a bleu teen I did that for friends too who were like ehhhh). I know to pick my battles now. When my intern got a year contract I wrote a personal, though still appreciatively piece for a general audience, speech that made her tear up and made people smile so I’d like to think I have that balance down by now. elanor: if you were a literary genre, which would you be? I’d like to think I’m a very good comedy, with good balance between drama and humor.
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riverrunscold · 4 years
I sadly don't know your OCs, so a short introduction of them would be great c: Plus I'm curious if they have any 🌟Secrets that no one else knows about :) (🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 And a few more extra stars for extra facts 😉)
Okay, hell yeah! I've been waiting for this moment!
Let's start with the OCs I created the earliest, around the end of last year or so (I've obviously had some before that but either can't remember them or don't care to).
From the story Proof of Time Travel
Camilla (Cam) Rossi - A black trans girl whose dad is Italian and mom is from the UK (both parents are black). Her dad moved to the UK to be with her mom, several years after, she was born. At a young age, her mom passed away from cancer and caused her and her father a lot of upset. She came out to her dad late middle school, explaining her identity to him. He was very supportive and helped her transition. She is best friends with the main character, they had been best friends since middle school. They meet back up with each other during senior year after losing touch. She can fluently speak both Italian and English. She is the mom friend. She wears a lot of cool outfits and is always doing cool things with her hair. Her make-up is amazing. She won't pick fights but will speak up for herself and others if she needs to. (Sorry. That wasn't brief :/). Last thing, She is an adult during the time of the story, she is going to a university to become a psychiatrist.
Alex Merhi - A dentist-in-training, they are a regular person. They identify as non-binary. But Alex's mom is a huge dick, she is very haughty and mean to most people. She even refuses to refer to Alex as anything but she/her and 'my daughter'. Her dad was a good person though, he was nice and accepting if Alex's identity. He was a fun and nice parent, and Alex had a hard time thinking why he would marry their mom in the first place. Alex's world came crashing down when their father passed away from alcohol poisoning when they were 18. Alex isn't necessarily a very brave person, they try to stay with what's familiar more often than not. They go to Cambridge. They live in a dinky flat and secretly pine for some sort of adventure. Alex's family is largely from Venezuela so they've known how to speak Spanish their whole life. Mommy issues and daddy issues. I apparently love to make my characters suffer. Yikes. Wears casual clothing and has long hair usually kept up in a messy bun. They also have vitiligo, shown by the large patch of white skin interrupting the tan skin on the top of their forehead (near the hairline) . (I might give up on making these brief 乁( •_• )ㄏ).
From I'll Be Gone a Spell (working title) or Aevum
Felicity Andronic - A trans witch from a Pangea like content called Aevum. A majority of her family comes from East Aevum but she's from a nation called Illecebrae and currently resides there. Most of her family being magically inclined. She has a pen sized staff that magically grows to the length of a typical staff when the orb on top is gently rubbed. The orb on top is a pale fuchsia color (which is her favorite color). She has a baby raven as her familiar which is named Adaire. She can sometimes read/hear premonitions when touching the orb on her staff, she can also project these premonitions into a visual form in the glass of the orb. She has a single dad named Alexander, her mom having died during childbirth. She has a big birth mark at the edge of her jaw, on the left side of her face, it goes up to the tip of her nose, in terms of length. It is similar in appearance to a flame. She wears medieval type clothing, mostly dark colored dresses.
Chad Benzar - He lives in Illecebrae with Felicity and is her best friend (who begrudgingly does most of her school work for her. Felicity's kind of a dumbass with school, she's more street smart and magic smart). He's a vampire and he is gay, which no one in Illecebrae cares about. Though some might dislike having a vampire around regardless. He's probably one of the smartest kids in his school and is related to natives of Aevum (he physically looks like an Aboriginal person). He plays competitive croquette for their school and is very good at it. He's a bit scrawny. Wears very small, beat up glasses. He's also very adventurous as a person, which most people believe contradicts his more timid appearance. Felicity is actually the more timid of the two, despite people thinking it's the other way around. He has two mom's (Vivienne and Anne) who are very private in their village because of some people's hatred for vampires after The War. Because Chad's adventurous, he goes running around a lot, not liking to stay in one place too long. He usually gives his moms heart attacks when he's gone off (probably teleporting himself into a tree, or climbing it, and or practicing his telekinesis and Sight) for too long.
From a current work with no title
Al Byun - Al's parents are kids of pretty strict Korean parents so they try to be understanding of Al and how they feel and what they want. They both love them and accept them. They also educate themselves on LGBTQ+ issues and try to be as kind to not only their child, but to others in the community. They are also absolute dorks whom I love. They can be ignorant in some areas, but not in a mean-spirited way. They are also willing to learn. Their names are Duri (mom) and Eun (dad). Though whenever Al visits their grandparents, they still get pressure from them to conform to a more traditional 'lifestyle'. They also use their dead name and pronouns. Al pretends it doesn't bother them. It does. They don't want to talk about what bothers them, they keep things bottled up, so they turn to some unsavory (according to their parents) coping mechanisms. Al is 17, and since their parents don't really want Al to get a tattoo, they gave themselves one. It hurt like a bitch and doesn't look that amazing. The tattoo is of a snake on their wrist, right below their thumb. '420 blaze it as the kids say!' - Al Byun.
Danielle Tsosie - A Native American teen, 17 years old. She is also trans. She is best friends with Al. She has hair dyed a pale pink and purple. Pink and purple are her favorite colors. She is very in touch with her ancestry because of her mother's talks about it. She has a lot of anxiety and has not come out to her mom yet about her identity. She doesn't talk to her mom about much even though she sometimes doubts she'd be upset. Danielle does little makeup, usually just some eyeliner and lipstick when she does. Smokes weed with Al on occasion.
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sleepithey · 4 years
It’s early as fuck and I just took a shower and now I’m in bed with a lot of thoughts, but I have to fuckin wonder, what the hell is with this tumblr society? Like on one hand, good on em, but on the other hand, this cancelling attitude it getting on my nerves. Now I get it. They don’t wanna be preyed upon by disgusting older men and women who wanna take advantage of a teenager’s psyche and turn them into a degenerate victim of society and ya know what, good on em for that. Lord knows the internet used to be a lawless place indeed with how much you could get away with, but I have to wonder what the fuck would we have if we went through with all this cancelling culture because it just sounds like we’re cancelling everything we don’t like, looking for flaws in it to validate our cancelling claims and then actively gaining a witch hunter fellowship to “deal” with them.  And ya know I don’t wanna be that guy, but I’ll be that girl and say it. It’s immature as fuck and half the time idk who appointed you the spokesperson for all teenagers and all people because you’re not. On one hand, there is in fact a disgusting and truthfully vile look on the internet. It is treacherous and as a local dumbass growing up I knew that very well. But when does it stop becoming “this is bad get rid of it” and more of “I know I shouldn’t be here but I am here in a space I’m not supposed to be”. Like this whole tumblr purge for instance was stupid af and still didn’t get rid of pornbots. As a matter of fact, I came to tumblr, as a teenager, looked things up as a teenager I knew I wasn’t supposed to but the fact was that unless you looked things up, things didn’t just show up on your dash or at least from my experience. So I went on Scott-free, and had the ability to explore in a place I felt comfortable in and that didn’t like freak me out. Adults back then were cool to explain things, and people actually did look out for you. Tumblr was a non-judgmental place that way and typically if you were being judged it was for valid reasons and not just because I didn’t like you. It was freeing. Now it’s like being in a box filled with anti-anything. I can’t bring myself to enjoy anything anymore. I can’t enjoy the things I like without some sudden 15-mile essay saying why I shouldn’t because someone has an opinion about it that they don’t like and a following of thousands. And I’m not saying it’s not valid, but I finally get to adult age and it’s like I can’t even be an adult, in an adult space, filled with adults. It’s like I’m stuck in a  teenager’s backyard listening to them rant about life, that granted this doesn’t go for everyone but, they haven’t even gotten to yet. And it’s annoying. I didn’t ask! If I wanted to know about something, I’d look it up. I don’t want EXPOSED news on my dash everyday. This is a blog for gay shit. And on one hand it’s good to know who to avoid but I’m not a child. Like I don’t need to be wary anymore. If I see something I don’t like, I press the block button and move on. I don’t entertain them. I don’t go back and forth. That’s too much fucking work. Now if it’s genuinely and I mean genuine then ok. Good. I’m glad then, but typically it’s something petty. And don’t even start with me on this pedophilia claiming shit because as someone who was actually preyed upon by an actual, real life fucking pedophile at a young age, I don’t see anyone doing shit about that. Nothing substantial. You wanna be a real SJW, put some real money towards organizations helping people who went through that or help someone out. Don’t just sit here in a damn void that is TUMBLR and yell, knowing full nobody is going to hear you or care down here. If you want it to get taken care of, take it outside of this site. I do not give a fuck about Jenny and Josiah getting together because she’s 19 and he’s 24. Last I checked, I didn’t ask for their ages, and I didn’t wanna know. That’s not my business. At some point, age gaps stopped being important to me probably because I am not privy to the relationship. I don’t know the nature of it, it’s not my business. 5 year age gap? Aight. I’m looking sideways but it’s not my place to say anything. If that’s what she wants, she’s old enough to make that damn decision for herself. She doesn’t need to be coddled through it and while being 18-19 does not make you a smart adult, it is the time when you learn to be. No offense to the 24 yr old. I bet they’re getting a lot of side eyes. Lmao this all stemmed from me looking at a post like a few days ago, I can’t quite remember specifically what, but I know like a lot of teens hopped onto it when it pertained to like young adults. And one of the comments was like “lmao you can always tell when someone writes smut how young they are because dadda da da” and someone went “yikes, maybe don’t read smut by minors ? ? ?” and I’m like bitch why the fuck minors out here writing smut? Take yo ass to school. Get yo damn education. But we all know why, and the funny part is, don’t nobody be givin their age to write smut, get the hell outta here. This is what I meant by adult spaces for adults but get infiltrated by teens, but I’m making myself laugh now, that shit was funny. Anyway I’m tired. If you think you’re old enough or mature enough to chat with me about it, my dms are open for that. Like, I like talking about stuff that’s important.
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