#I think that maybe they introduced too many puffles
melonthesprigatito · 2 years
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I miss these little guys so much....
RIP to
Cherry (Red)
Blueberry (Blue)
Lemon Drop (Yellow)
Sugar (Pink)
Apple (Green)
Pumpkin (Orange
Choco (Brown)
Coal (Black)
Diva (Purple)
Chilly (White)
Lucky (Rainbow)
Goldie (Gold)
Ginger (Cat)
and the other puffles I had but forgot the names of.
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Congratulations and condolences to Lemon Drop and Sugar Rush for being the sole survivors of my puffles, only because they exist IRL in plushie form.
But seriously though, I'm still thinking about the puffles. All of them.
RIP Puffles and Club Penguin in general. I'm still not over it.
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some-rfa-imagines · 7 years
I just recently got out of a 5 year mentally abusive relationship and was wondering if you could do prompt of the main 5 reacting to MC going through the same thing and trying to learn love again.
Ohh I’m so sorry! I hope you’re surrounded by many many people who support you through this. I’m here to talk if you just want to vent or anything! Many hugs from my corner of the internet!! 
Also, please remember, if you think you’re in an emotionally/mentally/physically abusive or just abusive in general relationship, please reach out. Talk to someone. Escape. These types of relationships are not healthy and you have to remember to put your health above your partners, especially if you’re in this type of relationship. Your happiness is incredibly important, okay?
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Here you go!! I’m going with a Fem!MC (and a gender-neutral partner) again, but just request again if you’d like gender neutral pronouns or anything different and i’ll edit it! Oh, it also got a bit longer than just a prompt… you guys, tell me if you want a pt 2 because i think i’ll only write a little bit in terms of getting used to loving again
The first and last time the RFA met your partner was at the party. For the eleven days prior, your partner had been very pissed that you had to stay in an unknown apartment. They’d jabbed at your new friends in the RFA and almost threatened to come and drag you back to your shared apartment when they heard that there was a bomb with you. They then demanded that you bring them to the party with you, just to make sure everyone there knew that you were their ‘property’.
Once you arrived, you introduced yourself to Jaehee who was marking off guests at the door. You’d told only her in advance that your partner was going to be joining you, just to make sure she didn’t turn them away.
“Oh, MC, it’s lovely to meet you, thank you for throwing such a brilliant party.” She smiled brightly, handing you your VIP pass and you returned her expression with a weak one. Your partner glared at her, to which she didn’t respond, and wrapped an arm around you.
“Hi, I’m (partners/name(p/n)), this girl’s partner.” They spat out the word ‘girl’ when they came to it and you flinched slightly. Jaehee sent them a tight-lipped smile (which really seemed to come out as a grimace).
“Yes. Pleasure. Please, go in, I’m sure the rest of the RFA and all the guests are dying to meet you, MC.” She stepped aside to let the two of you pass. Once you’d walked out of her earshot your partner murmured to you.
“She was rude, don’t talk with her anymore.”
You almost choked on air, stuttering as you responded. “W-What?”
“You heard me. Why would she even want to talk with you anyway.” They rolled their eyes and you two continued further into the venue. Yoosung spotted you first, running over with a grin.
“MC!” He shouted, slowing to a stop in front of you. “I thought it could be you. I recognised the VIP pass. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Yoosung - the one with the star on the messenger!” He moved to give you a quick hug and you returned it hesitantly. Soon enough, your partner pulled you back forcefully. Yoosung looked surprised. “Oh, I’m sorry, we haven’t met yet.” He said before whispering to himself, “I thought I met all the guests.”
Your partner glared at him (which they seemed to be doing a lot today), pushing themselves in front of you. “I’m (p/n).”
“Nice to meet you!” Yoosung held out his hand and they shook it tightly. During the whole conversation from then on, you were wishing you could melt into the ground. (P/N) held a cold and cruel air about them and continued digging into your self esteem, insulting you subtly or being just plain rude. Yoosung tried to speak up about it but you weakly told him it was alright and you were used to it.
Every other interaction was the same for the rest of the night. Every thing you did, they ‘corrected’ you, pointed out the flaws or acted as though you were a child. 
During V’s photo auction, Jumin pulled you aside to where the rest of the RFA stood, away from your partner (for which you were increibly grateful) under the guise of ‘private RFA business’. “MC, listen. We all believe that this is for your best interest, but, your partner is emotionally and mentally abusive.” They all nodded. You stood, frozen in shock for a second.
“Wh-Why are you telling m-me this? Th-This is just how they n-normally are, th-they only need my h-help and s-support…” You whispered, tears threatening to fall from their places on your lower eyelashes.
“Because, MC,” Seven started, “we all care for you, your health and your happiness.”
Zen nodded, adding on. “And this clearly isn’t good for your health. You looked like you were about to cry the entire time!”
Jaehee put her hand on your shoulder, turning you to her. “We’ve all had our hard experiences in our lives and this is just one of yours. It’s okay, MC, we’re here for you but we just can’t stand by and watch (p/n) drag you down like this. You’re a beautiful and powerful eagle, you deserve to spread out your wings and be free, not be trapped in a net.” You felt the tears drip onto your cheeks and then down onto your chest.
“Hey, c’mon, don’t cry. We’ll help you, okay?”
“Yes,” you whispered, making no effort to wipe away the salty tears, “thank you.”
Once all the guests had left, you confronted your partner. The RFA surrounded you, all looking dangerously at (p/n). “(P/N).” You said, your voice cracking from it’s somewhat-confident facade, letting the fear seep through. “I-… I want to b-break up.”
“What?” They seethed, causing you to flinch lightly.
“I-I think this relationship isn’t w-working out, and I’m-I’m very unhappy.” You said, shrinking back into the RFA who surrounded you.
“Unhappy? If anyone’s unhappy, it’s me! If this relationship isn’t working out, it’s all your fault. You never listen to me, always take my teasing to heart far too much, you’re so sensitive and you’re a pest in general!” They had started to move closer to you during their anger, raising their arm up. You winced and pressed yourself into Zen - who stood behind you -’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you and the rest of the RFA moved forward protectively.
“Excuse me, you just threatened to harm one of the RFA on private grounds. I’m going to have to ask you to leave the premises immediately or you will have to be escorted by security.” Jumin said cooly, standing tall. Your now ex-partner seemed to shrink away slightly before squaring their shoulders and huffing, turning away angrily. Jumin turned back to you. “Assistant Kang and I’ll see to getting all of your belongings out of their apartment before they can break or ruin any of them. If you wish, you may come along to make sure the movers get everything.”
This caused you to smile lightly, unwrapping yourself from Zen. “Yes, that would be great, thank you.”
Jumin nodded, pulling out his phone to call someone. “Of course, I will make sure you have security with you at all times in that apartment and from there we can make according arrangements. Assistant Kang.”
Jaehee nodded, also pulling out her phone. “Yes Mr Han.” She then turned to you. “I’m going to do everything to make sure you have the best interests. Please excuse me.” She briskly walked away a couple metres to make some calls. Seven tapped your shoulder.
“The Defender of Justice will keep an eye on you from the shadows! I’ll watch you through the magical CCTV to make sure you’re in the clear Agent MC!” He pulled a pose which caused you and Yoosung to laugh and Zen to just face palm. “Also, maybe, somehow, (p/n)’s bank accounts will get locked, you know, randomly and totally not at all related to me hacking them.”
Yoosung and Zen then turned to you as Seven went to go pet Longcat (who was, for some reason, still there). “We’ll watch out for you on the streets and stuff!” Yoosung chirped, smiling brightly. “I can walk you or go with you to your work/school/etc to keep an eye out, if you’d like!”
“And I will help you out with anything, grocery shopping, fish-shaped-bread shopping, in big crowds, anything! As much as my beautiful self will attract attention, I’m trusting Mr Trust Fund Kid to do some law-stuff to keep them away from you.” Zen winked.
You smiled gratefully, rubbing the back of your neck. “Thank you so much guys.”
“Remember, we just want you to be happy, healthy and keep smiling. We care for you, MC.”
You sighed in relief. Maybe everything would brighten now that you’d removed (p/n) from your life. You were so glad you’d met the RFA. (Even if you had to deal with a bomb //tomatoes are thrown at Puffle)
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kimnatozaki · 7 years
U PLAYED CLUB PENGUIN TOO AWW :( MAYBE WE MET AS PENGUINS BACK THEN :o im sad tho, i rmmbr making multiple accounts, playing literally evryday of my life with friends n we'd try to synchronize our meetups, walk the puffles then find cheats for the missions, it brings back so many memories
IT WAS WHAT I LOOKED MOST FORWARD TO WHEN I GOT HOME FROM SCHOOL :3 OMOO I’M PRETTY SURE WE DID MEET AS PENGUINS BACK THEN^^ (i was more sociable and outspoken compared to how i am today rip so the chances are likely) i shared one account with my sister but i played it with more^^ it was so much fun! (even if i was and still am too poor for the membership T_T) i remember i played around the time when they introduced the dojo and the cove as well?? OMG YES CHINGU ANON! bless your sisters and introduce them to a whole new world they missed out on during their childhood and something that only 90s kids will remember playing during their spare time (in which runescape would also apply to me as well) xD
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