#I srsly block people like this tbrh
blackbird-brewster · 2 months
As a bisexual, I really, really, dislike seeing the rise in HC posts where people take a character (usually a female character) who was married to someone of another gender for MOST of canon and go 'She's a lesbian. Fuck her husband'.
You don't have to like her husband or whatever, but did y'all forget bisexuals exist? Or do you really hate bisexual women THAT much that you need to strip away a huge part of the character (like a canon marriage) before you can ship her with another woman?
(This is even more messed up when the character is canonically bi/pan and people see her date a woman and instantly call her a lesbian now. 😒)
I've been seeing more and more of these HCs and it's so annoying. Not all sapphics are lesbians. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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