#I shall reblog from you citra hehe
kisumon · 7 years
so, I asked @banira-san from this post and she asked me these:
🌈 + tell me about your day
it was so-so haha. I woke up early this morning and head to the university to settle my enrollment and fees. it was nothing big and then I went to the library to do some design research until noon. on the way back, there was students' central event in the leisure area of our university and they had barbecues and hot dogs for free! the queue was so long and I was kind of in a hurry so no hot dogs for me ;A; back home, I settled down and start to cook for lunch + dinner then internet surfing! currently, reading my research materials orz what is life.
🔥 = vent
lol xD right now, it would be; WHY THE DUE DATE FOR THE FEES PAYMENT IS SO FREAKING NEAR as it, the duration between fees announcement until due date was so short that it became a burden for a private student like me :/ I just wish they'll let student pay it, at least, until middle semester so the students won't feel so pressured but oh well.
💕 = tumblr friends
not gonna lie, @banira-san is my closest friend here too and we always chat through tumblr and twitter whenever we can. she’s like, the nicest person you could ever find and very chill most of the time. I’m always thankful for her constantly sharing stuff especially about AAA and lol. oh yeah, she’s the reason why I starting to like honoka a lot!
I have a kouhai! @egutan is one of my longest online (and now, real life!) friend since 2010. known her through livejournal and our interest always collide from j-idols to anime, to drama cd and seiyuu asdfghjkl; she’s very sweet and her graphics are always on point!
@chuutohanpa is my architecture comrade + johnny’s + jdramas xD she can be really funny and talkative when you read her tweets. also,  we share the same disease; ossan fever! haha
@basashichigo and @tanteichigo are my fav yutoyama stans :) whenever I see these two on tumblr and twitter, my dashboard and timeline become active :) I rarely talk with you guys but we have good relationship bc some of our interests are similar. IDK why but whenever I think of riko, vai’s name will come next and vice versa :P
I know @carrotcouple back few months ago because of our intense love for akayona and noragami. bc of her, my dashboard is full of those two anime and now I’m crying because of hakyona kiss and that last part of noragami’s latest chapter. thanks sunny, for inviting me to ‘jae-ha is the bae’ skype group though I literally went missing after couple of chats, I’m sorry I’m very old and I’m lazy orz
@yoletshaha is actually my real life best friend. we went to the same university and both of us are a very private person. but then, she got busted with me when I saw her SHINee stuff and since then, we were always together. it feels natural to have her around me. currently, both of us are pursuing our Masters at different university but we always keep in touch with each other and I went out with her quite a lot when I came back to my home country. and tbqh, I never met anyone that is so similar to me hehe
haha, your crush is so cute, citra! I guess, I understand how it feels because I’ve been in that situation before lol. and thanks for the questions xD it was funnnnnn and I just realised I am blessed to have these amazing people around me.
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