#I sent my friend the bonus chapter cuz she hadn't read it and she said omg wait Elain and Azriel are involved??
the-darkestminds · 2 months
Okay I know I've already posted about this but I can't get over the fact that if the next book is about Elriel, then as readers we will be entering their story having missed all of the early romantic development between them, because it has happened off page. We have not been privy to a single private conversation between the two of them aside from the very brief bonus chapter. Not to mention we have zero Elain POV thus far. It would be so unlike Sarah to plop us into a romance that she developed without the us along for the journey. This is why I felt so awkward reading their almost-kiss. It caught me off guard, because despite seeing evidence of a growing friendship between them, there is no indication of any lust in ACOWAR and onward. They interact, but briefly, and these interactions are only observed from other character's POVs. We see Azriel defend her and rescue her, and we see Elain gift him a gift. But we don't get to hear what they talk about, or what they do when they are alone. This is what bothers me most about Elriel. I love the growth Sarah gives us between the two characters she's focused on. We get to see the love blossom slowly and thoroughly, but that wouldn't be true in the case of Elain and Azriel. We will have missed a big chunk of the build.
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