#I need to draw Himiko like this one day it's like a collection now
buttercupshands · 1 month
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I did not sketch this one in the park nor is it canon
but I've been thinking about this one for a long time
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oh, and here's Dabi yelling stuff because I was thinking about spoilers for this chapter again
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Please I’m begging you, I need your opinions on the 10th anniversary outfits, partially because my brain fell out of my head once I saw
Ponytail Komaeda✨
But also because I’m in LOVE with so many outfits. I also wanna roast some of them because yikes.
DJDJKEFJ YOU ENABLE ME..........i’m putting this under the tag because i talk a lot and this includes just about as many people as i have an opinion on.......which is a lot skfjskhfjd
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Listen someone in Chunsoft looked at the fandom and decided to throw us a bone because they really made each antag look like a hot piece of ass. Byakuya with his big rich bitch coat, Kokichi with his swept hair, Ko with his pony.......they had no right to make them look so hot tbh
Also I love that for the first few days, the Komaeda tag was just full of us freaking out over Ko’s pony. One brain cell, I tell you. Komaeda fans collectively saw him and frothed at the mouth skfjdkfj.......
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Okay I NEED to talk about the protags bc my god did they do them dirty.....Saihara’s dirt color suit? Hinata’s piss colored one??? Disgusting. The filter doesn’t help at all because I clearly see Hinata’s suit being white or off-white in the first one with only the protags and supports but SAIHARA???? He was done dirty since the beginning and I’m appalled that they would do that to my boy especially when Kaede and Makoto are right there in perfectly good outfits.
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Real quick can we talk about Akane because she is GORGEOUS????? Also Peko!!!! Fuyuhiko you lucky bastard......
Sonia and Gundham??? Muah. Love his scarf, her ponytail, they’re snazzy dates. Also the Devas having lil baby ties on 🥺💘💓💗💞💗
I’m actually personally offended that they didn’t show Ibuki’s whole dress because she looks great already and I’d pay to see her in a dual tone ballgown.
So according to my friend, Souda looks like a neon Leorio and honestly I don’t think I could put it better. He’s even got the tiny grandpa glasses......like he makes them work but still. Grandpa glasses.
Miss Mahiru.........beautiful.....idk what’s up with her headband but I love her dress enough to let it slide.......Hiyoko isn’t in this shot but she looks adorable.......my only complaint is that they aren’t matching........
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I like to call this screenshot “Girls 💓💖💕✨”
Celeste looks.....absolutely gorgeous.....I deadass just stopped everything to stare at her when i first saw her tbh her power is immense......Chunsoft give me her full sprite edit now you cowards >:/
Aoi and Sakura!!!!! They’re gfs your honor!!!! I like to think Aoi helped Sakura do her hair before the dance......though I do personally believe Aoi would have rocked a suit but know what she’s beautiful it’s fine
TOKO!!!!!!! I wanna see her hairstyle cause that’s either a bun or a single braid and either way I’m begging you to let me see my wife...............
Can. We talk about Junko. Please. I’m. In love with her........she might commit atrocities but god is she hot........haha........please kiss me—
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Teruteru’s lil hat is adorable?? I know I don’t talk about him much but he’s actually very cute here I’ll give him that. Also there’s Hiyoko she’s very pretty.....
CHIAKI AND KYOKO........ACK........be still my heart..........they’re beautiful I want to kiss them and be their date please. Chiaki with buns and Kyoko in a ponytail is everything. I’ve never been more in love with them skjfhfrjgdj
also MIKAN!!!!!!!! ACK SHE’S SO PRETTY......mmm, I am a little bothered that they gave her.....that, idk, instead of a normal jumpsuit because she would have looked drop dead gorgeous without being given something that I feel would probably make her uncomfortable but know what whatever. Maybe I’m nitpicking. She’s still rocking her outfit and looking happy and that’s all I want for her.
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I’m so sorry for Leon stans because that suit is literally the most atrocious thing I’ve seen ever. Purple and orange plaid with HIS hair????? Disgusting. I’ve never been more repulsed by one man. He and Saihara got dressed together change my mind.
Miss Kirumi.......kiss me........she’s gorgeous and I want her to rock these kinda outfits more please she deserves it
Miu’s outfit makes her look like an instagrammer or something and honestly good for her, wear those sunglasses inside like the extra inventor you are babe 💖
Chihiro.......I mean they look great but why the leprechaun aesthetic..........very cute though I kinda like it. It’s funky.
Tenko!!!!! Rockin her suit and skirt, very snazzy. The top hat looks out of place but know what, Danganronpa doesn’t draw hats very well in general so I’ll let it slide
...........Ouma move outta the way you’re blocking Himiko skfjskfj. Anyway I like Himiko’s dress too, but I’d probably make the dress navy and blue or something, I think the red/pink/magenta color scheme clashes weirdly with her hair.
Ngl I think Kork and Rantaro actually look okay. The fedoras are. Questionable. But I like to think Rantaro convinced Kork to do it just so they could stand at the entrance when the party started to help hold the doors open and tip their hats, going “m’lady” and winking every time a girl came by. It’s like the only way I can excuse them skfjk
HOWEVER. I can’t forgive Ryoma’s hat because what the hell is that. Did he glue horns to his fedora. What. Huh. Why is that image in my memory now and how do I get it out arghhhhh
Anyway Harumaki!!!!!! My wife.........gorgeous as always queen keep doing what you’re doing.......on that topic, Tsumugi, Angie, and Sayaka also look stunning.......muah
In conclusion all the girls are gorgeous. The guys......hit or miss I guess they do miss huh.
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maki-and-sushi · 6 years
NDR3 Boys meeting their crush irl after they die in the game.
Anonymous said: If it's not too much could I request NDRV3 guys reacting to meeting their crush alive? Like the killing game was like (SPOILERS) DR2 in virtual reality, and their s/o died in it. Basically a non-despair au sort of thing.
So this was a really interesting prompt! Actually, DR2 is my favorite game (over all, I still feel like NDR3 had the best setting, and ryoma and kokichi will forever hold a place in my heart, but I really like the dynamic of the characters, and I love their interactions. I just really love DR2 okay) IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY: This basically is just one big spoiler for the twist ending of DR2. (and also the ending of ngr3)
Warnings: Language, Angst >:)
EDIT: for ryoma, I put that kirigiri killed him... and unless kirigiri can suddenly time travel, that didn't happen... lol! I ment to put kirumi, but I guess I was thinking about another prompt. Thank you for pointing it out!
Also: feel free to call me on my bullshit! - mod katie
Shuichi Saihara
When you first died, he was devastated. the only thing that kept him going was the fact that people needed him, they needed him to carry on. the only way that they could get out of this alive was him. He needed to do it. He needed to do it for you. your death would not be meaningless.
the stress was too much, sometimes. but he carried on. it was all he could do.
In the end, they stopped it. They stopped it all. No more killing game. Danganronpa would end in it's 53rd season. he would gladly accept punishment if it meant that this would all end. if it meant there would be no more people who died. sacrifice one for the majority, right?
He remembers that feeling of relief, when it all faded to black.
But then woke up.
He was confused, to say the least. He woke up in this.. Pod, of sorts. he remembers thinking it was like something out of a sci-fi movie. His wasn't the only pod, either. He watched as one by one, as the pods all around him started to open, revealing people he never though he'd see again.
there was himiko, and there was Kaito! Kii-bo, maki, Everyone! everyone besides Tsumugi was there!
And as that thought struck him, he searched frantically for the one person he had yet to see. Spinning around, he saw your confused face as you looked around. confusion that quickly turned to joy as you spotted him. Dodging teary reunions and embracing forms of the people who were reunited at last, he ran to you and embraced you.
holy crap, he feared it was a dream. he feared that if he squeezed to hard, or if he looked away for even a second, that you would disappear and he would wake up, cold and alone, back in that hellish game.
he felt your shaking form as you cried, sobbing for joy, sobbing from relief. you held him in a bone-crushing grip, as if you and him shared the same fear.
suddenly, more and more people joined in on the hug, some crying, some not. they joined until everyone was huddled together in a big, comforting embrace. Sure, there would be hell to pay for people who had killed, just as there would be trauma for those who died. they had gone through so much, it had unmistakably changed each and every one of them.
but right now, they were all here, and they were all alive. they would make it through this. together.
 Kaito Mamota
Kaito didn't want you to worry about his condition. he didn't know what suddenly brought it on, but he was stronger than whatever this was. he would beat it.
at least that's what he told himself.
he remembers when you saw him cough up blood for the first time. how shocked and afraid for him you were.
he remembers your face, when kokichi picked him up in the exisal. how horrified you were.
he remembers you crying throughout the class trial while he hid in the red exisal.
he remembers it all. up until the last moment, the thought of you being freed, being able to leave this place, even at the cost of his own life..... it kept him going. He was going to be a hero! and you.... you would be safe.
Darkness. he remembers the darkness. the floating lights that danced like stars behind his eyelids, through his mind. he felt weightless. he thought this must be what space was like, vast ... cold.... Suffocating. For the first time he could remember, he hated this space.
Then, he heard a voice. your voice. You, sobbing.... It didn't feel right.
Next, he felt the sharp pains in his head, taletell throbbing of a migraine as suddenly the entire world rushed into his skull. All of a sudden, as if he had been struck by lighting.... He was awake.
with a gasp of breath, drawing air into aching lungs.. he briefly felt the phantom pain of his rasping cough.
but that didn't matter. because you were there, above him, staring at him like you had just been granted your one true wish. With a pained cry, you enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug, burrowing your face into his shirt. sobbing, shaking, you refused to let him go.
he... he was alive.
He drew you impossibly closer into his arms, letting a few tears of his own escape. he was here, you were here, and with a start, he realized that everyone was here.
he didn't know how it happened. he didn't really care to, either. he had been given a second chance and he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
 Korekiyo Shinguji
You and Korekiyo had admired each other from afar for so long. the subtle compliments, the cautious glances. you both knew what kind of situation you were in. you also found that your heart didn't particularly give a fuck what kind of situation you were in. you found him lovely.
His vast knowledge of seemingly everything astounded and entranced you. his love for humanity was admirable to you, and his comforting words (often directed only to you, you would never find out) made you feel safe. safe in his arms, safe from the horrible situation you were in.
maybe that was why you liked him. as the ultimate Psychologist, you often found yourself pondering this killing game. On darker days, you would ponder motives for killings, chances of survival. It was a relief when you found yourself on the lighter topic of love. You mused that in a terrible situation such as this, that it might be his ability to provide comfort, or his willingness to forgive small mistakes, such as emotional out lashes, that drew you to him.
 Whatever the reason, your heart refused to acknowledge just how ridiculous this crush was. You also refused to make a move, believing yourself foolish.
one of your biggest regrets was not saying anything before you died.
When you awoke, you didn't quite know what to do with yourself. you observed some of the tearful reunions of the the classmates around you (participating in a few of them yourself), reflecting on your death. you had unfinished business.
With steely determination like that of a hunting cat, you gathered your with and went to korekiyo.
You had been given a second chance, you weren't about to throw it away.
nope you couldn't do it.
you stopped just short of reaching korekiyo, intent to turn around and do it another time, but before you could run away you felt yourself being stopped by two lanky arms hugging you from behind.
Turns out you didn't need to confess. Korekiyo beat you to it. he was intent on never letting you go. You found that you didn't seem to mind.
 Rantaro Amami
You had the biggest crush on him. it wasn't hard to fall for him, really. kind... sweet.... calm and collected... he was your hero in this dire time.
it made you mad when he died. why would anyone kill him? he hadn't done anything to anybody! you had often found yourself seeking comfort from him, talking about anything and everything to keep your mind off of this depressing reality. you remember him talking about his sisters, with such affection in his eyes. you had jokingly suggested that he might be the 'ultimate brother' with how he talked about them. he had rolled his eyes at you, and shoved you in a playful manner. you remembered that day fondly, joking in the library
the very library he had been found dead in.
you couldn't help but let a few tears out. tears for this boy, who had been so hopeful for the future, for his ultimate talent. This man who has assured you that everything would be fine.
you wouldn't forgive whoever did this. You couldn't forgive them.
After that trial, you couldn't really bring yourself to have much hope for the future. You wouldn't be burdened with the weight of living much longer, however.... Because of someone's selfish reason, you had to die. you hoped your killer got what was coming to them.
Waking up after was almost like a dream. You found yourself having a hard time believing that all of that... all the pain and emotion you felt... wasn't real.
You were grateful, though. because if you had awaken, that meant...
Rantaro was there, helping people out of the pods they had awoken in. helping, he was always helping 
Noticing you, however, he stopped trying to help a (rather confused) kirigiri, and after a quick goodbye, was at your side.
with gentle hands he helped you out of your pod, making sure you were steady on your feet before drawing you into a hug.
In that moment, you felt like you could take anything the world threw at you.
 Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta thought you were the nicest person he had ever met. You had been there to comfort him during class trials, you had shared his passion for bugs, and let him talk about bugs for hours on end, and better yet, you actually listened!
it didn't hurt that gonta thought you were the prettiest person he had ever seen.
when you were found dead, it broke his heart. you and him had been sweethearts for a week before this horrible game had ripped you away. Gonta had never cried so hard.
he was never the same after that. His words felt hollow, and there wasn't a day he didn't think of you. And when it came down to it, he all too willingly accepted his death.
When gonta woke up and saw you above him, he thought he was in heaven. when you smiled down at him and kissed his cheek, he decided that you must be his guardian angel.
You had started to cry when he said that, tears of joy falling down your face. you started laughing and kissing his face all over again. You kept telling him that he was safe, that you were all safe at last.
Gonta suddenly got serious, however. he vowed to you that he would never let anything happen to you, ever again. You stopped sniffling for a moment and told him with a fierce expression that you were going to protect him too!
And with that, you and gonta started crying all over again.
 Ryoma Hoshi
 Ryoma had treasured you. you always seemed to be positive, pulling him out of his funk whenever he got too far gone. you made him hope for the future, you made him wish he could be a better man.
he knew how he felt about you, and he knew how you felt about him. but regardless, he wasn't going to make a move. Someone like him, be with someone like you? Even if you both weren't trapped in a crazy killing game, He knew that you would eventually get tired of him, or even worse, you would see him for what he really was.
it hurt, really. To see you try so hard to try to confess, and him playing dumb at every turn. How he wanted to just accept your feelings, to tell you he felt the same....
no, being with him was a weakness In this environment. and you would never be able to stand a criminal like him anyway.
so, he made peace with being your oblivious close friend. but oh, how he longed for more.
He had accepted death rather easily. he was ashamed actually, with how easy he gave up. he knew you would be disappointed.
Ryoma awoke to someone saying his name. he was confused, because the last thing he remembered was kirumi about to kill him.... had she...not been successful?
Ryoma opened his eyes.
Huh... no he was probably dead. that was the only possible explination for seeing kaede above him... kaede, who had been killed in the last trial. kaede, who had made a grave mistake.
Which surprised him, because he thought for sure he was going to hell. unless kaede was in hell with him...?
While he was having this dilemma, kaede looked at him, waiting for some kind of response.
'sorry.. did you say something?' ryoma asked, hesitant.
"I just said that if you needed help getting out of your pod, I'd help you."
noticing his confused look, kaede gave him a quick rundown of what happened
".... and apparently, it was all just a simulation. that's what shuichi told me."
shuichi, huh? maybe he should go get the full version from him. After nodding to kaede signaling that he did need help, he got to the floor and looked around. sure enough, everyone around him was hugging and crying and having a big reunion.
before he could stop himself, his eyes locked on you.
you were smiling and hugging angie, and were none the wiser about his eyes on you. he figured that was for the best, after all, if he pushed you away enough then you would eventually stop coming back. maybe then you would move on and you wouldn't waste time on a criminal like him. he turned and walked away, too lost in his own depression to notice you running to him.
With a sudden lurch, he found himself buried in somebody's arms, his face in their neck. He was tense and uncomfortable, until he heard your sobbing voice say his name.
Suddenly, he was boneless and hugging you back just as hard. he tried soothing you by petting your hair, trying to calm you down, to quiet your sobs.
You told him through your tears how glad you were that he was alive, that you were here with him. you then did something that baffled him.
You apologized.
You apologized for not being there to protect him, not being there to save him. When he heard this, he started to cry with you. He apologized for giving up, for succumbing to his darkness.
he took your face in his hands and pressed his forehead to yours.
He had died, once. seeing you now, knowing how it must have hurt you... no. he wasn't going to let you go another day. he wasn't going to give you up. He was going to be incredibly selfish.
Looking deep into your eyes, he said the words he thought he would never get to say again.
"I love you"
and with that, you kissed him.
 Kokichi Ouma
You would never forgive yourself. out of all people, at all times, you chose Kokichi Ouma, in the middle of a Killing Game, to have a crush.
You could practically kick yourself at how obvious you were. you giggled whenever he caused mischief, you gave googoo eyes whenever he was in the room. Whenever you two would banter back and forth, you always felt heat chasing up your neck and onto your cheeks. And from that smirk, that little smirk, he always gave you ...the little fucker knew. he just liked to see you flustered.
you hated how easily you could be manipulated by him... while you wouldn't bow to his every whim, all he had to do was start to flirt or get in your personal bubble for you to cave to his demands.
It was often your crush that got you into trouble with the others. you were often the first to defend kokichi, trying to give reason to some of his more nonsensical actions. trying to make him less like the bad guy. it wasn't your fault that you saw a softer side of him sometimes, and it wasn't your fault that you wanted the others to stop persecuting him for every little thing...
You knew you were biased. you knew.
...Gonta had been too far. you know what the others thought of him now but... It had been gonta's decision.... you knew kokichi probably manipulated him but.... but the raw, unadulterated pain and emotion in his eyes when he explained to gonta....
You were confused. and a little hurt. but god, your feelings didn't waver.
if anything you just wanted to help heal this broken boy.
And after the trial... You knew he was lying. He wasn't the mastermind. and that wasn't your bias. This was obvious, out of all his lies, this was the most obvious one of them all....
so why did they fucking believe him?!?
you, true to your intentions, still tried to find holes in his logic. still tried to clear his name. You didn't notice the looks maki was giving you.
When you woke up, it was as if the entire fucking sun was shining in your eyes, with a migraine the size of Russia to match.
with a groan and a dozen or so curses, you sat up and stepped out of the-
holy fuck were you in a pod or some shit?!?
you jumped out of the pod thing, trying to separate yourself from the machinery that was foreign to you... and immediately cursed, louder this time, as vertigo and your migraine came back to bite you in the ass. you swayed, about to fall, when all of a sudden, arms were around you, holding you to someone.
"don't you ever fucking do that again, you dipshit. Don't ever put your life on the line for me ever again, you got it?! Don't.....Don't you .... fucking..." and with that, Kokichi started to cry.
You were shocked why kokichi, big bad, supreme leader kokichi was crying.
 When you asked him as much, he looked at you like you were an idiot.
"because I care about you, you stupid idiot!" he said, trying to dry his tears.
Gathering you close and holding you tight, he whispered to you
"please don't leave me again.."
You couldn't tear yourself away, even if you tried.
You were always the one to defend him, when the others were being robophobic. when they treated him like nothing more than a hunk of metal.
you and him would talk for hours and hours, you explaining what it would be like to do certain things as a human..him, sharing his experiences as a robot. you called it a 'culture exchange'
the more the two of you shared, the more k1-bo felt like he needed to protect you, like he needed to comfort you, to keep you safe.
when the final trial came around, you were so tired. tired of the death, the destruction, everything. He wanted to shield you from this torment, to put a smile on your face.
He wasn't really aware of what he was doing in the last part of the trial. all he remembers is the voice in his head...louder, louder, until..
s i l e n c e
When he .... Awoke? was that the right word? Well, when he finished rebooting, he realized he was plugged into a machine. the next thing he realized was that you were in front of him, making sure he was all right.
When he reported that he was perfectly fine, you weakly smiled and paused.
'Do.... Do you remember anything, kiibo?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light. When he responded with what he last remembered, you looked like you were about to cry.
"are, are you alright? Do I need to go get some bandages?" kiibo asked, trying to see if he could fix what was wrong. You let out a choked sob and hugged kiibo tight.
"don't you scare me, don't you do that to me again, kiibo... I was so worried.."
when he asked what he had done to make you so worried, you weakly told him that it didn't matter, that you would tell him later.
And it was the very concept of later, that implied you would be around for a while, that made him absolutely hum in delight.
When you felt the vibrations, you giggled through your tears and kissed him on the cheek.
You would be all right, you both would be.
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