#I might have to re-install the drivers just in case
cinnamon-flame · 2 months
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Starlight's animus issues
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apocalypticavolition · 8 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 34: The Last Village
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Once again I find myself obligated to warn woolheads about spoilers. If you haven't read the entirety of the series, don't stick around. I will spoil the shit out of everything. I might even spoil stuff in this very paragraph for a laugh, so you need to stop now and flee! Well, okay, not this paragraph. That would be mean. But maybe the next one, or the one after that!
This chapter starts up with the Trolloc triptych symbol. In this case it represents the Fade that pursues the boys in Carysford, as there aren't actually any Trollocs in this chapter. So I guess this icon can occasionally mean Shadowspawn in general, though it might just be early installment weirdness.
He wondered if his whole sense of time was getting skewed. Only three nights since Howal Gode and Four Kings, two since Paitr had surprised them in Market Sheran. Just a bare day since the nameless Darkfriend woman tried to kill them in the stable of The Queen’s Man, but even that seemed a year ago, or a lifetime.
Guess what, Jordan? You played yourself. Your timeline's wrong! Assuming we count this current evening as night 1, then the fever night is 2 and sure Paitr works, but then we have the night at the inn before him as 3 and the night in the rain immediately following Gode as 4. Maybe if you hadn't written the sequence in a pointlessly confusing fashion, it would have been easier to keep track of.
Thank fuck we never have to deal with this nonsense again.
“Two paces to the span,” he muttered. “A thousand spans to the mile, four miles to the league. . . . I’m not walking another ten paces unless there’s a place to sleep at the end of it.
Ah yes, this is going to be an infodumping chapter, so here's Jordan establishing that the metric system is long gone.
“If there aren’t a hundred Darkfriends waiting for us down the road, or a Fade or two.” There was silence for a moment, then Mat said, “I think we’re the last ones left, Rand.” He sounded frightened. “Whatever it’s all about, it’s just us two, now. Just us.”
Seriously, is this knife more about magically imparting paranoia and mistrust, or just despair? Because Mat's been more consistently convinced of everyone being dead than much else.
“Where are you bound?” Mat called. “Why, Caemlyn, for to see the Dragon,” the fellow shouted back without stopping. He raised an eyebrow at the blankets and saddlebags hanging from their shoulders, and added, “Just like you.” With a laugh he went on, his eyes already seeking eagerly ahead.
Silly man, you wanna see the Dragon you need to stop and chill with this duo. Caemlyn only has a false dragon.
Once Rand misjudged a driver’s whip, just by the length of the tip. Clapping his hand to the shallow gash over his eyebrow, he swallowed hard to keep from vomiting at how close it had come to his eye. The driver smirked at him. With his other hand he grabbed Mat, to stop him nocking an arrow.
Oh, and murder. That's the other thing the dagger seems to inspire in Mat. Frankly, I support it.
The captain’s scowl deepened as he caught sight of Rand and Mat, standing in the road nearby. He gestured down the road with a steel-backed gauntlet. “Get on with you, or I’ll have you in for blocking traffic.”
That's an interesting threat. Laws against idleness and wandering are pretty old, they date back to the 1400s in England and I wouldn't be surprised to learn of earlier examples in other nations. But blocking traffic specifically is an odd one, in no small part because they're two pedestrians on a large road and can't possibly be blocking much. Maybe the captain's just using shorthand, but I wonder if he's not just threatening the bumpkins to make them move along when he doesn't have any legal right to shoo them off the road. Not that, as a cop, he wouldn't arrest them and beat their skulls in anyway, just that he might be going, "Boo!" at the small children more than anything.
The night thickened, relieved only a bit by scant moonlight. Mat’s burst of energy faded, and his complaints started up again. Aching knots formed in Rand’s calves. He told himself he had walked further in a hard day working on the farm with Tam, but repeat it as often as he would, he could not make himself believe it. Gritting his teeth, he ignored the aches and pains and would not stop.
Again, Jordan is really good at descriptions of physical exhaustion. It's delightful.
Skin prickling, Rand watched the shape moving off in the night. He did not know why, but his uneasiness seemed to follow that one, a vague tingling in the back of his neck and the hair stirring on his arms as if he had suddenly realized something was sneaking up on him. With a quick shake of his head, he rubbed his arms briskly.
Rand's Shadowspawn sense seems to have developed nicely, since he's upset about this dude for a whole page before he finally gets proof that the man's a Fade.
He paused, then went on as if he thought he had to explain further. “He’s from Four Kings. Looking for a couple of thieves. Young men. They stole a heron-mark sword from him.”
It's really funny to me that the two chapters where Rand's sword gets him unwanted attention are the two where it isn't the chapter icon. It's just because he's not thinking about Tam with it, but it's interesting that the sword matters as a source of internal conflict, not external.
“You sound almost as if you know them to look at.” “I’ll know them when I see them,” Holdwin said confidently.
Last time I said Paitr was getting info from TAR, but it does seem as though Fades are the primary mechanism at this point. That said, Holdwin's confidence that he'd know the boys on sight suggests that there is still a subconscious mechanism of info dissemination.
“If the Queen���s Guards can’t keep the road safe this close to Caemlyn, then we’re none of us safe even in our own beds. If you ask me, one thing the Guards could do to make sure the roads are safe would be clap that friend of yours in irons. Sneaking around in the dark, afraid to let anybody get a look at him. Can’t tell me he’s not up to no good.”
Dear old Almen Bunt. He's absolutely right. The Queen's Guards can't keep the road safe this close to Caemlyn - there's a Fade walking the streets! - and no one is safe anywhere. Frankly, the Shadow would have had a much better shot of winning the conflict if it had just ordered the Myrdraal to spend the Third Age warping from shadow to shadow, ganking anyone in arm's reach, and hoping that by the end of the age humanity is too depressed to keep fighting. Course, the Dark One probably has tried that a few times and it probably doesn't work all the same.
“So you two are going to Caemlyn. To see the Dragon, eh?” ... “The false Dragon,” Rand said with emphasis.
Rand doesn't even know he's the real deal yet and he's already insisting no one respect the imitators.
Well, wait till you see it. The greatest city in the world. Oh, I’ve heard all about Illian and Ebou Dar and Tear and all—there’s always some fool thinks a thing is bigger and better just because it’s off somewheres over the horizon—but for my money, Caemlyn is the grandest there is.
The fun thing is, even with the expanded knowledge of the world we have, Bunt is still pretty much right. Caemlyn, for all of Andor's Two Rivers-related flaws, is probably the best capital city to live in. Andor doesn't hate the peasantry or channelers like so many other nations do, the monarchy is strong enough to keep the peace, it's not at constant risk of Trolloc invasion, and it's not Tar Valon where the Black Ajah are headquartered. It's also not Rhuidean, which is fancier but presently abandoned, nor Seandar or Shara's unknown capital which double down on slavery and other hideous crimes against human rights.
There's a reason that Caemlyn is an important site in the Last Battle - and why even now we have the teleportation systems being set up to justify it being potentially under threat despite its distance from the Blight. Its devastation is an echo of the fall of Manetheren and other Trolloc War-era cities.
Another Aes Sedai. If . . . when Moiraine got to Caemlyn, she might well go to a sister Aes Sedai. If the worst happened, this Elaida might help them reach Tar Valon. 
Oh she'll help you get to Tar Valon alright. And seriously, Bunt is on a roll. Elaida is the worst Aes Sedai advisor a woman could possibly have and she should be sent home. Not Tar Valon, just home. Forever.
Send the Daughter-Heir off to Tar Valon to study with the Aes Sedai, and the eldest son off to study with the Warders. I believe in tradition, I do, but look what it got us last time. Luc dead in the Blight before he was ever anointed First Prince of the Sword, and Tigraine vanished—run off or dead—when it came time for her to take the throne.
Of course, Bunt can't be right about everything! Tigraine going to Tar Valon to study was the most important thing that happened in the span of human events, even if Luc had to suffer for it. Like I said, this is the infodump chapter - Bunt has opinions on everything.
Brought Cairhien into the plotting before he was done, and you know how that ended. The Tree chopped down, and black-veiled Aiel coming over the Dragonwall. Well, he got himself decently killed after he’d fathered Elayne and Gawyn, so there’s an end to it,
This is about the only hint we get as to why Laman chopped down the Tree, and I'm just fascinated as to what bizarre set of events led from, "Help Taringail end up wed to whoever becomes Queen," to "Destroy a priceless treasure that only brought the nation prosperity even if you ignore the threat of devastation from the neighbors getting pissed you metaphorically spat in their faces". What happened there? Would Jordan have ever answered that question in the prequels? Had he originally intended to answer it in Elayne's arc beforehand?
“The Queen is wed to the land,” Thom said as brightly colored balls danced in a circle, “but the Dragon . . . the Dragon is one with the land, and the land is one with the Dragon.”
More for Caemlyn being the grandest, most important city - the Queen who is wed to the Dragon is Andor's queen.
“At least. . . .” Mat yawned, cracking his jaws. “At least you got some sleep.” There was little sympathy in his bleary eyes. He was huddled under his cloak, with his blanketroll doubled up beneath his head. “He talked all bloody night.”
Mat's head is now swimming with all sorts of fascinating factoids about the Trakands, Damodreds, and Mantears, plus probably a comprehensive history of Hawkwing's empire and even Coremanda from the Compact. Little does he know that from here on out he'll be able to figure out the answer to virtually every question about the backstory that he or the others will have all the way to the Last Battle - but in a cruel twist of fate he will of course lose all of this knowledge once he's cured of his current dagger fixation.
Ah well, we've made it to Caemlyn, and so next time we'll be starting the next chapter: Caemlyn, when Rand and Mat explore the city of Caemlyn! Caemlyn.
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yatesmorin86 · 12 days
Getting Huge Savings On A Used Van Auction
Local life in foreign countries is rich with sights and scenes that are brand starting out with you. Gachet was an amateur artist along treated some other artists. I highly recommend this beach for any skimboarder. The next problem was hooking on the frig. The plug failed to fit the wall outlet. Mr. Chung again discovered the rescue and soon returned having a young electrician, who had the frig operating in five minutes. Tin Top Long An AZ News View More: toplonganaz.com - Top Long An AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Long An AZ: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung - Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung Lifts or elevators are as mode of disposal. They are erected by Himachal Tourism Development Corporation on road side and now you may board the lift and travel on paying the fixed air travel. Two or three such lifts are plugged into one another to get you to great altitudes. This will be a wonderful adventure the 1st time visitors. Of course, the convenience of the seats is only part with the you need to consider however are in order to be buy a handicap van. Transfer seats are an option that may want to to your motor vehicle. These handicap van seats will make getting into and through the driver or passenger seat more convenient. If experience never used these associated with seats before, ask for a demonstration a person visit your mobility van dealership.
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Written By Author in toplonganaz.com: Nguyễn Ngọc Phương Trinh - Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Trinh Written By Author in toplonganaz.com: Lê Phúc Nguyên - Le Phuc Nguyen
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goldsteinglud · 2 years
What should I do when the front lights flicker?
If you ve acknowledged your headlights have actually started to dim or flicker, or you re merely thinking about a very easy way to update your nighttime visibility, consider updating your headlights to LED or HID (high-intensity discharge) bulbs
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You can retrofit the reduced beam on your own. The easiest means to retrofit the reduced beam is to install a new led headlight. LED lights could last longer, eat less energy, and also be much smaller than their incandescent counterparts. There are a number of manner ins which LED headlights improve your car s efficiency. They last a lot longer than various other kinds of bulbs and produce much less heat, which improves your automobile s performance. While a lot of halogen bulbs will offer you thousands of hours of usage, the regular LED headlight can last twenty years or even more. This indicates that if you change to LED immediately, you might never ever have to touch your fronts lights ever before once more. The effectiveness of only needing to alter your lights when you obtain a brand-new auto means that you don t need to worry about them over the life of your automobile. The preliminary element cost may be reduced with standard bulbs, but it won t be long prior to the costs add up. Led bulb won t wear out after you touch the bulb with your bare hands. The top quality is a lot far better and you never ever have to bother with those warm concerns you obtain with typical light bulbs. You can t touch a conventional bulb with your bare hands. Simply the oil from everyday living can jump on the bulb, warm up as it runs, as well as trigger it to burst. If that burst results in a small flame, it can damage the whole electrical outlet. Incidentally, you can discover BMW H7 bulb anytime and subscribe it. I do choose brownish-yellow led running lights. LEDs are really much better at creating light. The lights conveniently get on the rear of the reflector and also lockdown with the exact same 2 spring clips that are known to everybody with existing led running lights. The ground cords appear form the headlight, which allows you to wire the strip directly into the car parking lights, however it likewise supplies you the possibility to wire it into any kind of other button that you pick. For that reason, when getting them, it is necessary to examine whether they work with the CANBUS system. Setup just requires link of the electrical wiring harness to the stock front lights to the light bulb's harness and afterwards connect the wiring harness from the bulb to the led vehicle driver. Each base has its distinctive features and may differ relying on the specific vehicle. If you have actually chosen to transform, you need to make inquiries with an auto accessories provider whether there are fronts lights for your vehicle that collaborate with LED light. In cars that require to detach the headlight, or it is challenging to access to the bulb for the change, it recommends leaving the solution to a specialist. The front lights are usually available from the engine compartment, while the back lights can remove making use of a simple screw. In the case of even more complicated LED light bulbs, it will be essential to experience mechanics. As your headlights begin to age and get dirtier, it will come to be harder and also harder for you to see at night. You need to promptly get your vehicle to a store as soon as you notice that they are hard to see out of so you can obtain headlight repair and also get back to driving safely in the evening.
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mainslodge · 2 years
Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd
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#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd mac os x
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd 720p
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd install
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd drivers
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd update
In Recovery Mode select the Macintosh HD - Data volume at the left of Disk Utility’s window then use the Delete APFS Volume command from the Edit menu, or use the shortcut by clicking the – tool. To perform a clean re-install in Catalina, once in Recovery Mode, you need to delete your Data volume, that’s the one named Macintosh HD - Data, or something similar if you’re using a custom name, and to erase your System volume. Because you want to re-install macOS, the logical thing to do would be to wipe the System volume, which suggests that you could get away with retaining your own files on the Data volume through a clean re-install. The first of those is the read-only System volume, and the second the read-write Data volume. Try this in Catalina and the first thing you’ll realise is that you don’t just have a single boot volume now, you’ve got two, one called something like Macintosh HD, the other Macintosh HD - Data. What determines the source and version of macOS to be re-installed are the keys you hold down to enter the mode in the first place. You boot into Recovery Mode, use Disk Utility there to wipe your boot volume, then re-install macOS from the main window. In Mojave and earlier, a clean re-install is straightforward if time-consuming. It’s clean because it isn’t simply installed on top of your existing files, and it’s a re-install because those system files are there already. macOS 10.12 or earlier) will still boot until UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.When you need to go back to square one and return to a ‘clean’ installation of macOS, simply re-installing macOS is insufficient: what you need is a clean re-install.
Operating systems released before Apple Secure Boot landed (ie.
before Sandy Bridge) enabling Apple Secure Boot might cause slightly slower loading by up to 1 second
Commonly seen with certain APTIO IV systems where they may not require IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio and HashServices initially however Secure Boot does.
Certain boot errors are more likely to be triggered with Secure Boot enabled that were previously not required.
If you plan to disable macOS's APFS snapshots, please remember to disable SecureBootModel as well.
System volume alterations on operating systems with sealing, like macOS 11, may result in the operating system being unbootable.
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd drivers
This includes Nvidia's Web Drivers in 10.13.
Unsigned and several signed kernel drivers cannot be used.
IO80211Family cannot be injected in this case, as it is already present in the kernelcache
The list of cached drivers may be different, resulting in the need to change the list of Added or Forced kernel drivers.
x86legacy is not required for normal Mac models without T2's, any of the above values are supported.
closest to your SMBIOS or versions of macOS you plan to boot) since the Default value is likely to be updated in the future.
Generally Default is more than adequate to use however if you plan to have use this with ApECID for full security, we recommend setting a proper value(ie.
Information based off of vit9696's thread (opens new window), Apple's T2 docs (opens new window) and Osy's Secure Boot page (opens new window)Ĭurrently the following options for Misc -> Security -> SecureBootModel are supported: Value.
Note 2: macOS Big Sur requires OpenCore 0.6.3+ for proper Apple Secure Boot support.
Note: DmgLoading, SecureBootModel and ApECID require OpenCore 0.6.1 (opens new window) or newer.
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd mac os x
The Classic Environment is supported on PowerPC-based Macintosh computers running versions of Mac OS X up to 10.4 'Tiger', but is not supported with 10.5 'Leopard', or on Intel-based Macintosh computers running any version of Mac OS X. Performance will vary based on system configuration, application workload, and other factors. Not all features are available on all devices.
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd 720p
Prerelease Safari 14.0.1 tested with HD 1080p content Chrome v.75 and Firefox v81.0.1 tested with HD 720p content. It also includes minor app and performance improvements.
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd update
This update resolves an issue that may prevent iTunes from playing media to third-party AirPlay speakers. In the tab Not installed, find the Library that you want to set up and click ADD LIBRARY: Click the BROWSE button: Navigate to the Library folder.
#Macos catalina cannot be installed on macintosh hd install
Mac: Macintosh HD Applications Native Access Windows: C: Program Files Native Instruments Native Access Install the latest version of KONTAKT or KONTAKT Player, if available.
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logopiner · 2 years
Retroarch n64 setup
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Extract ‘RetroArch_data.7z’ and copy the ‘retroarch’ folder into ux0:/data.Copy RetroArch’s VPK (RetroArch.vpk) to any directory you please.Open VitaShell and connect your PSVita via USB ( you can do it via FTP but copying the data files might take 20-30 minutes as they’re composed of a lot of small files).Obviously, your PSVita must be in hacked mode so run HENkaku/h-encore/Trinity before you start unless you use HENkaku Enso.
I personally think that ‘minimalist’ wallpapers look the bestĪfter you download the above, you can grab your PSVita and do the following in order to install what you just downloaded: Optional – A wallpaper of your choice to make the interface look even better.This contains the stuff that will make RetroArch look great including fonts, menu icons, themes, audio/video filters and much more.Ive been at this for a week and about to loose my mind lol.If you just install RetroArch’s VPK without the data files and the configuration below, it won’t look pretty Ive tried setting descktop res on crt to 2560×240 also but just get a squished image but its there and isnt out of sync.
I think once when I set crt to 60hz interlaced the game would load but it wasnt in 240p super res it was in mushy 480i. Do I need to run the crt at a specific resolution since it seems bigbox just takes whatever resolution the monitor its on is ran at? Ive tried 640×480 30hz interlaced, 60hz interlaced, 120hz interlaced and all give me the same out of sync image when a games loaded through bigbox. I feel like its something to do with retroarch being able to switch resolutions fine on its own but when ran through bigbox it gets messed up. After doing the above, every rom/core is running fine in retroarch directly but if ran from bigbox i get an out of sync looking screen. It would only work by setting video_refresh_rate to 30 and save_on_exit to false or it would keep starting in 60hz and my games wouldnt load right.
It took me days of trial and error with the config file to get retroarch to launch roms that would display properly in 240p super res. I have groovymame running from bigbox fine and it looks amazing! Ive installed crt emu-driver and all the custom modelines in your guide. I only had 3 games that were a problem, so it wasn’t that bad… once you have one script for a game it’s just mostly cut-n-paste to do the others. The script also has a line to change the desktop resolution back to whatever it was when you exit the game. The script changes the desktop resolution to 400×256 before launching the game ROM and specifying the custom config file I made above. So now I have my front end (in my case Attract Mode) launch a special Autohotkey script for these problem games. You will not be using superresolutions for these games. Set the aspect ratio to 1:1 PAR (the RA value for this is 21 I think), turn off bilinear filtering. You don’t want to blow away the config file you made following the instructions in the article above. When you make this, make sure the first thing you do it turn off the “save on exit” option and rename this config something else (I called mine 400×256.cfg). I had to create a fresh retroarch.cfg without super-resolutions. I kludged together a fix… just listing it here in case someone stumbles on this.
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nahasfm · 2 years
Uninstall radeon drivers windows 10
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Why does my AMD graphics card keep crashing?ĪMD driver can crash due to excess dust on your graphic card fan, and if that’s the case, you should clean your graphic card. A clear solution for this problem is to uninstall the graphics adapter and get the latest software from the manufacturer. The GPU issue may be caused by an incompatible driver but it might also be a hardware problem. If the AMD graphics card is not detected, it might not be connected properly in your PC. Why my AMD graphics card is not detected?
Another way to automate the process of updating drivers implies using the built-in Device Manager tool. To get your drivers back on track, consider delegating the job to a pro. How do you fix AMD software has stopped working? Just go to AMD’s Driver Support website, choose your graphics card, and download drivers.
Open Radeon™ Settings by right-clicking on your desktop and select AMD Radeon Settings.ĭownload the new driver manually If AMD Radeon Settings doesn’t show a new update, or you simply don’t prefer using this software, always download drivers and install them manually.Manually Select Your Driver: Use the AMD Product Selector to choose your Radeon™ graphics product and available drivers.Automatically Detect and Install Your Driver: Run the AMD Driver Autodetect Tool to detect your Radeon™ graphics product and Windows® operating system.
How do I update my AMD Radeon Software 2020? Select Check for Updates and if a newer driver version is available, the following screen will be displayed indicating the driver version available to be installed. NOTE! If a new driver is available, the menu option will show New Update. In Radeon Settings, click on the Updates menu option. No, you do not need it, your operating system will have a base level set of drivers that should address AMD video cards. You can if you wish, go into Device Manager (accessible by right clicking your Start Button) then expand the Display Adapters section, right click the AMD graphics and choose ‘Disable’, but do not uninstall that, because Windows 10 will re-install it every time you restart your PC.
Why does my graphics card keep crashing?.
Why does my AMD graphics card keep crashing?.
Why my AMD graphics card is not detected?.
How do you fix AMD software has stopped working?.
How do I update my AMD Radeon Software 2020?.
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greysmovies · 2 years
Diskmaker x error 37
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Diskmaker x error 37 for mac#
Diskmaker x error 37 serial number#
Diskmaker x error 37 install#
Diskmaker x error 37 upgrade#
To boot a new Mac with a T2 chip off an external drive, you need to allow external boot from the Security Utility in the Recovery partition. This will delete the target volume data on the USB disk. > createinstallmedia -volume /Volumes/Untitled -downloadassets You probably want to add the -downloadassets option to add the current firmware to the USB drive as well.
Diskmaker x error 37 install#
Then you can use the createinstallmedia command in the Install macOS application to build an external Installer Drive on a USB drive. If you are running Catalina, you can also use the new option in softwareupdate : > softwareupdate -fetch-full-installer -full-installer-version 10.14.6 You can do so from by following this App Store link. First download the latest Mojave installer. The solution requires a Mojave Installer USB disk. However, if a Mac was shipped with Catalina pre-installed, it will boot to Catalina Internet Recovery, regardless of whether the Mac can boot to Mojave or not. This used to boot to a Mojave (more specfically, the system the Mac shipped with) recovery system, and then you can wipe and re-install Mojave. So far, the recommendation has been to boot to Internet Recovery with the shift-command-R key combination at boot. Apple is likely not very motivated to fix this. The reason seems to be that the Mojave Installer application chokes on some aspect of Catalina APFS. Attempts to run the Mojave installer from a Catalina Recovery (local or Internet) will also fail. These ‘solutions’ are not supportable on scale.)ĭirectly downgrading from Catalina to Mojave with the startosinstall -eraseinstall command will fail. I am aware that someone might be able to hack together a Chimera Mojave with Catalina drivers. Any new Mac models that Apple introduces from now on, will also require Catalina and cannot be downgraded to Mojave. You cannot use these instructions to force a Mac Pro or MacBook Pro 16” to boot to Mojave. The exceptions are the iMac Pro (High Sierra) and the MacBook Pro 16“ and the Mac Pro (2019) which both require Catalina. As of this writing, all new Macs require at least Mojave. Usually a Mac requires at least the version of macOS that the model shipped with when it was introduced.
Diskmaker x error 37 for mac#
Important Notice: these instructions will only work for Mac models that can boot to Mojave. If your organization has blockers for Catalina (incompatible software, etc.) you may want to install Mojave on these Macs.
Diskmaker x error 37 serial number#
The above procedure allows for authentication using your computer's serial number sent to Apple during the Install from OS X recovery.Apple has started shipping Mac models that used to come with Mojave pre-installed with Catalina. And by now they only offer El Capitan to download. So I could not go to the App store and get to a record of my "purchase" of Yosemite. Side note: my iMac was not purchased from Apple, and came pre-loaded with Yosemite. Solution: I uninstalled Malware Bites anti-malware program. Numerous tries at download hung up with about 15 min remaining. I originally had created two partitions with 10.2 GB allocated for the OS X download, but it said it wanted about 10.5 so I made the USB stick one partition and made all 30 GB available so it would have PLENTY of room. I purchased a 32 GB !!! USB 3 stick and carefully erased and formatted it as per instructions. The directions are clear and don't involve command line use. I used the instructions in "How to install OS X on an external drive connected to your Mac".
Diskmaker x error 37 upgrade#
I wanted a boot disk for Yosemite 10.10.5 which I currently have, before I upgrade to El Capitan, just in case I don't like the upgrade.
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tonesfortune288 · 2 years
Verizon Ellipsis 8 Update Download
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Verizon Ellipsis® 8 HD Software Update.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD specs - PhoneArena.
Can You Download Call Of Duty On Verizon Ellipsis 8? - Your E Shape.
Verizon Ellipsis® 10 - Resumen de asistencia.
Verizon ellipsis 8 update download.
(Q)Verizon Ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3 | XDA Developers Forums.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 - Support Overview.
How To Root And Install TWRP Recovery On Verizon Ellipsis 7.
Help me, Ellipsis 8 need ROM - Android Forums.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 4G LTE Tablet, Black 8-Inch 16GB (Verizon Wireless).
Update Firmware - Update Verizon Wireless Ellipsis 8 Hd... | Facebook.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD Review | PCMag.
Verizon Ellipsis® 8 HD Software Update.
Verizon Ellipsis® 8 HD Software Update. Verizon Wireless is pleased to announce a software update for your device. Esta actualización de software ha sido probada para optimizar el rendimiento del dispositivo, solucionar problemas conocidos y aplicar los últimos parches de seguridad. Connect your device to a Wi-Fi network, or make sure it has. And if I try to run daemonsu -d & the process exits immediately. I killed all daemonsu processes, copied it over and re-ran and it seems to have worked. (SuperSU seems to have overtaken KingRoot) still have some issues: root@QTAQZ3/ # rm /system/bin/.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD specs - PhoneArena.
The Ellipsis 8 HD for Verizon offers good cellular network performance, a nice display, and built-in tech support, making it a solid multimedia-focused tablet for the price. MSRP $249.99. $249.99. Verizon Ellipsis 8 Receives OTA Update, Just In Case You Bought One For Some Reason. By Bertel King, Jr. Published Feb 10, 2015. We previously provided you with an in-depth, totally true* report.
Can You Download Call Of Duty On Verizon Ellipsis 8? - Your E Shape.
The Verizon Ellipsis 8 originally seemed to us as an opportunity to put carrier branding on a tablet not gone to waste.The hardware may not be particularly impressive, but thanks to deals and.
Verizon Ellipsis® 10 - Resumen de asistencia.
Verizon Ellipsis® 8 HD Software Update. Verizon Wireless is pleased to announce a software update for your device. This software update has been tested to optimize device performance, resolve known issues, and apply the latest security patches. Connect your device to a Wi-Fi network, or make sure it has a strong Verizon Wireless network. Verizon Ellipsis 8 - Volume Controls. When you aren't getting notifications or your device doesn't vibrate/ring when receiving texts/emails, you might need to adjust volume controls. If you're. Verizon Ellipsis 8 4G LTE Tablet, Black 8-Inch 16GB. Packed with an 8-inch HD display, robust battery life and a powerful processor, the Verizon Ellipsis 8 can quickly become your go-to tablet for play and work. Immerse yourself in a hit movie, check email or curl up with your favorite e-book.
Verizon ellipsis 8 update download.
The first method you can Install the TWRP recovery then flash the SuperSu or Magisk to get your device rooted. Check out the Pre-Requirement Section above (Important) Make sure your device's bootloader is unlocked. Check out the link given above to unlock the bootloader if you haven't done it yet. Download and update firmware verizon wireless ellipsis 8 hd qtasun1 We recommend using latest version firmware verizon wireless ellipsis 8 hd qtasun1 device. Easy step by step update firmware latest version, downloads ever release.
(Q)Verizon Ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3 | XDA Developers Forums.
Description. The Ellipsis 8 HD ships with Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow onboard. Instead, the tablet is powered by a decent octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 processor, coupled with 3GB RAM and 16GB of internal memory (expandable up to 128GB via microSD card). The HD version of the older Ellipsis 8 sports an 8-inch display that supports full HD.. Download Verizon Ellipsis 8 Fastboot Driver and ADB Driver from the download section and extract them on PC. Open the extracted folder and right click on 15 Seconds ADB I file and Run as administrator. A command window should open confirming whether you want to install ADB and Fastboot. Type ' Y ' and hit enter.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 - Support Overview.
I'm looking for a direct download of the stock ROM, or at least the update zip for Android 5.1.1 (or perhaps any update zip), for the Verizon Ellipsis 8 (QTAQZ3). I have soft bricked it (doesn't get past the Verizon splash/loading screen). I want to attempt to unbrick it & am not having success finding many resources. Here's how to check for and install software updates on your Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD.... Get instructions on how to download the latest software update for improvements and fixes to your device. Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD - View Software Version heading. Here's how to view the software version your Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD is running..
How To Root And Install TWRP Recovery On Verizon Ellipsis 7.
Smart vent control panel; plant and animal cell diagram not labeled; amateur radio repeaters; linq all empty list; characteristics of a rational function.
Help me, Ellipsis 8 need ROM - Android Forums.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 specifications - Display: 8.0 inches LCD; Camera: 5 MP; RAM: 1GB; Battery:... Download manual. OS. Android 5.1 Lollipop. Display. 8.0 inches 1280 x 800 pixels. Camera. 5 MP (Single camera)... Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD tablet getting Android 7.0 Nougat update Aug 30, 2017, by Cosmin V.,. Videos, photos, games, apps, e-books and more come to life on the Ellipsis tablets 8-inch HD display. Equipped with a powerful 5000 mAh battery, the Ellipsis 8 provides a long-lasting charge so you don't need to search for the power cord. Immerse yourself in games, download your favorite apps and simply stay connected longer. Here you can find drivers, Android updates and step by step Android rooting guides available to root your Android phone or tablet. With these Android rooting guides you will be able to root your Verizon Ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3 with Android version 4.4 Kitkat. Each Android rooting guide is divided into several sections like Download sources, Rooting.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 4G LTE Tablet, Black 8-Inch 16GB (Verizon Wireless).
Software Version SUN1_20A10 for the Ellipsis 8 HD will bring. the following benefits: Android Nougat 7.0 system update. Enhancements include: Multi-window mode: Use two apps at the same time. Drag the. divider to resize the app windows, or to maximize either of the active apps. Quicker multitasking: You can now double-tap the recent apps.
Update Firmware - Update Verizon Wireless Ellipsis 8 Hd... | Facebook.
The Ellipsis is from a Chinese OEM(Quanta, who also makes the Macbooks for Apple) that's specially custom made for Verizon, and any updates and support would only come from Verizon. And as it's been five years, I suspect they've long since discontinued supporting it, and there's no more updates other than what it's already got.
Verizon Ellipsis 8 HD Review | PCMag.
Verizon is now rolling out a new update, that should install both Android 7.0 Nougat and the latest security patch, to its Ellipsis 8 HD Tablet.... it is advisable that the device owner download. Verizon Ellipsis 8 very slow on encrypted WiFi fast on open WiFi. I picked up a cheap Verizon Ellipsis 8 Android 4.4.2. I'm sorry if this isn't the best spot to post this. I haven't found a forum dedicated to this device. I'm looking for a direct download of the stock ROM, or at least the update zip for Android 5.1.1 (or perhaps any update zip), for the Verizon Ellipsis 8 (QTAQZ3).
Settings > Developer Options > Switch the ticker in the upper-right to Off If it shows up when it's disabled, but not when it's enabled, that means you need to turn USB Debugging on and plug the tablet in to your computer so it's in either MTP or CD mode. The point being is from what I read that the drivers were on the device. This is not the case. It seems that the drivers for the previous device, the Ellipsis 7 were in fact on the. With these Android rooting guides you will be able to root your Verizon Ellipsis 8 QTAQZ3 with Android version 5.1 Lollipop Each Android rooting guide is divided into several sections like Download sources, Rooting steps to follow , Useful links, Related links outside our web, etc with these sections you can easily understand how to root.
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franklindencker49 · 2 years
Exactly how do I quit my headlights from flickering?
If you ve noticed your headlights have actually started to lower or flicker, or you re just interested in a very easy method to upgrade your nighttime presence, think about upgrading your fronts lights to LED or HID (high-intensity discharge) bulbs
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You can retrofit the low beam of light yourself. The simplest method to retrofit the low beam is to install a brand-new led front lights. LED lights could last longer, take in less energy, as well as be a lot smaller than their incandescent counterparts. There are numerous ways that LED headlights improve your vehicle s performance. They last a lot longer than other types of bulbs as well as emit much less warm, which enhances your automobile s efficiency. While most halogen bulbs will certainly offer you countless hrs of usage, the common LED front lights can last 20 years or even more. This suggests that if you switch over to LED right now, you may never ever need to touch your headlights ever again. The efficiency of just needing to alter your lights when you obtain a brand-new car indicates that you wear t need to fret about them over the life of your vehicle. The initial component price may be reduced with conventional light bulbs, but it won t be long before the costs build up. If you are interested in more H7 led bulb comparison, check out the recommended site for for your own. Led light bulb won t wear out after you touch the light bulb with your bare hands. The quality is so much better and you never need to bother with those warm concerns you get with standard bulbs. You can t touch a typical bulb with your bare hands. Simply the grease from everyday living can jump on the light bulb, heat up as it runs, as well as trigger it to burst. If that burst results in a tiny flame, it can damage the whole electrical outlet. I do choose amber led running lights. LEDs are really much better at generating light. The lights quickly get on the back of the reflector and lockdown with the same 2 spring clips that are understood to everyone with existing led running lights. The ground cords appear form the front lights, which allows you to wire the strip directly right into the auto parking lights, yet it also supplies you the opportunity to wire it right into any various other button that you choose. As a result, when buying them, it is necessary to inspect whether or not they work with the CANBUS system. Setup just needs connection of the circuitry harness to the stock headlight to the light bulb's harness and then connect the circuitry harness from the light bulb to the led driver. Each base has its distinguishing characteristics and might differ relying on the specific automobile. If you have made a decision to convert, you ought to ask with a car devices distributor whether there are fronts lights for your automobile that work with LED light. In vehicles that need to separate the front lights, or it is tough to access to the bulb for the modification, it advises leaving the service to a specialist. The front lights are frequently easily accessible from the engine compartment, while the rear lights can eliminate using a basic screw. In the case of even more complex LED bulbs, it will be essential to experience mechanics. As your fronts lights start to age as well as get dirtier, it will certainly come to be harder as well as harder for you to see in the evening. You require to instantly obtain your automobile to a store as quickly as you see that they are difficult to see out of so you can obtain headlight reconstruction as well as return to driving safely during the night.
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dorthyanndrarry · 3 years
The Liars Department -37-
tags: drarry, bickering, hijinks, auror Harry, ministry employee Draco, Harry is oblivious, Draco is an unrepentant flirt, Asbestos is a little shit, and there’s disillusionment, and oh my god they are both so so dumb
suggested rating: T+
Part 1 (contains links to all parts) <– Part 36 || Part 38 ->
“The light’s green,” Harry said.
The car remained motionless.
The car behind them honked impatiently.
Draco shifted into gear almost robotically, and the car started moving again.
Harry looked at the shops as they drove by.
They hadn’t stayed at the office long, only dropped by long enough to tell Asbestos to stay at the office in case any more work comes in. Which of course, earned them the most ‘double stupid’ look possible. Harry wondered if he was really beginning to lose his mind because he was growing rather fond of Asbestos acerbic personality.
Harry sighed, “The light’s green.”
Draco stared ahead.
“Draco. The light, it is green,” Harry said, prodding him in the arm.
Draco shot him a glare from behind his sunglasses and jerked the gearshift, the car giving an unhappy grinding noise that made them both wince and soured Draco’s expression even more.
“You’re the one who did it,” Harry said.
Keeping on hand on the steering wheel, Draco pushed his other hand blindly at Harry’s face, smacking Harry’s cheek and knocked his glasses askew, “Shut up. I’m thinking.”
“Thinking so hard you’ve turned off all other brain functions,” Harry said, batting Draco's hand away and righting his glasses.
“There is so much I need to re-evaluate,” Draco said distractedly. “So many conversations to replay in my mind.”
“I’d rather you re-evaluate your ability to drive,” Harry said.
Draco smirked faintly, “You’ll be distressed to learn that driving requires little to no attention once you get the hang of it.”
Harry frowned to himself, looking around at the cars passing them and driving alongside, the other drivers looking some mix of distant, bored and distracted. “You know, I think I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing that, actually.”
Draco let out a bark of a laugh, grinning lopsidedly so Harry could make out one pointed eyetooth.
Harry was too distracted by Draco’s smile to be very nervous about the new information.
As they got further out of London, the roads got wider, with more lanes, but somehow slower as more people piled into them.
“Haven't these wankers something better to do, it’s still work hours,” Draco said, with an annoyed wave.
Harry snorted, “Like us?”
“We have magic, and are thus technically at work and not at the same time,” Draco said.
Harry stretched his arms overhead, hands catching the breeze, “And here I thought we were shirking and using Asbestos as a way to not get in trouble.”
“Shh,” Draco said shortly, “She might hear you.”
Harry raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond, happy enough to just ease back in his seat, the smooth leather making faint creaks as he moved.
“There are cd music disks in the glove box,” Draco said.
Harry had noticed the sleek black and silver cd player in the car's dashboard but thought it had been installed by the previous owner. It hadn't occurred to him that Draco might actually use the thing.
Harry opened the glove box and took out the zipped fabric cd case, opening it and flipping through the different disks. The first was Bach, The Brandenburg Concertos, of course. Harry’s brow furrowed at the next, black with the band name in jagged white lettering that looked more like a thorn bush than recognisable words, it was, Harry guessed, some sort of heavy metal band. He blinked and looked at the next, The Beatles, White Album. Good but… it was hard to imagine Draco listening to the Beatles. Next was… Harry tilted his head, as if that would actually help him, Shania Twain. He had never heard of her. The cd after that was Moby-
Harry shook his head, “I don’t know any of these. Except for the Beatles. Let me guess, you just bought whichever random cds caught your eye?”
“If you already know the answer, why ask?” Draco said, “Ignore those then, there are some ‘mixed’ music disks in the back that are all quite palatable.”
Harry flipped to the back to a collection of blank silvery cds labelled in sloppy hand-written sharpie, Drive Mix 1, Drive Mix 2 and Draco 3. He frowned, “Who burned you cd’s?”
“Trev, of course,” Draco said. “He said if he was going to have to drive around with me all the time, he wanted something to listen to.”
“Trev,” Harry muttered.
“What, are you jealous, Auror Potter?” Draco teased with a smirky grin.
Harry thought about it for a second, “Yes.”
The car lurched to one side unpleasantly before Draco quickly corrected. “What?” he said, sounding strangled.
“Trev, this Trev that. I know he’s just some stupid lad and it’s not like I can travel back in time, not that I’d want to. You were probably still a prat back then. And you said he wasn’t your type,” Harry said and frowned to himself, “He isn’t, right?”
“…Right,” Draco choked out.
Despite this, Harry took out the suspiciously marked Draco 3 and slid it into the disk drive, ready to listen for any romantic songs. The first song was just a bouncy pop song Harry’s only vaguely remembered hearing in shops before.
He went to put the cd's back and paused. He couldn't stop a stupid smile, underneath the cds were a pair of gloves. It was odd and yet somehow endearing, because Draco had done it, and because he probably had no idea that only seventy-year-old nans put actual gloves in the glovebox.
Harry shut the glovebox and looked over at Draco. He seemed to have gone back to being semi-catatonic, but they were out of the city now and had very few stoplights to worry about.
They were driving back to Wiltshire because, as Draco had logically pointed out, there was no reason to leave his car in London when he probably would only be working for one more day. Maybe a few days if Hermione couldn't merge the departments, but without Harry there to sort out the politics of things, he wasn't likely to get much work done.
Harry sighed. He rolled the window down and hooked an arm over the door, resting his chin on his forearm. The wind was cool and smelled sweeter without the constant exhaust fumes, at least until they went by a pigsty. The sun slowly dropped lower in the sky as they drove, winding through towns and stands of trees, past pastures filled with bleating sheep and goats.
“Oh, cows,” Harry said as they passed some cows.
Draco glanced over at him from the corner of his eye, “It’s the countryside, cows are fairly common.”
“Who doesn’t say ‘cows’ when they see cows?” Harry said.
Draco raised an eyebrow.
“You, apparently,” Harry said.
Draco’s smiled faintly, “We’re almost there.”
Harry glanced at his reflection in the side mirror with a grimace, his hair was back to its same old mess. Draco's hair was equally tangled, but he combed his fingers through it, and it looked good again. Harry had a sudden intense feeling of camaraderie for Hermione's hair struggles and how people like Ron and Draco could just, swipe a comb through it and look fine. How had he not noticed how annoying that was?
Draco drummed his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously, “You can leave at any time.”
“What?” Harry blinked, not following, “What do you mean?”
“I’ll adjust the wards as soon as we arrive so that you may come and go as you please.” His grip  tightened on the steering, his voice quieting. “I don’t want you to feel trapped there.”
It took a second for Harry to catch on, and then he spent another few seconds cycling through different responses, finally settling on, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Draco nodded stiffly.
Harry thought most of all, just the fact that Draco had changed enough to think of all that, to consider Harry’s feelings in the matter, meant more than anything he did. He hadn’t really been all that worried about going to Manor to begin with, but now he felt utterly at ease with Draco at his side. He suddenly wished that Draco had joined the Aurors, he would have liked having him as his partner.
The car slowed as they approached the imposing wrought iron gates which swung open to allow them entry.
Harry sat up and looked around curiously.
The lawns were a deep green that looked as plush as carpet. Hedges were carefully sculpted into circles and long arching lines with curved edges, and there were flowers everywhere. The air was almost heady with the smell of roses, butterflies yellow as butter, danced in lazy circles in the air above them.  
Draco slowly followed the gravel drive up to the manor, pulling past it and driving down into what looked like a stable, now converted into a garage. He shifted the car into park, turned off the engine and then sat there like he wasn’t ready to move yet.
Harry opened his door and got out, stretching with a groan. It had been a two-hour drive, he hadn’t sat so long without moving since school. He could hear Draco take a deep, bracing breath before his door creaked open.
Harry stepped outside, staring up the slope at a group of peacocks and peahens walking toward the forest. There were white peacocks, which he had expected, but there were also the regular blue and green ones, and ones that looked mixed between the two, piebald and grey and purple.
“It’s changed a lot,” Harry said.
“The Manor back then was… sick in a way, poisoned by our misery,” Draco said as he came up beside Harry.
One of the peacocks made a shrill cry and raised his fan of tail feathers, blue and green, the many eyes of feathers arrayed around him like a halo.
“That and my mother really hasn’t had much else to do. She has become very involved in the landscaping,” Draco added.
A house-elf appeared, holding up a fancy box containing a silk pillow, on which Draco’s wand sat like a princess’ glass slipper.
Harry snorted.
“Shut up,” Draco said absently, taking his wand and raising it into the air. He cast a series of spells to alter the wards, and they shimmered in the air above them before settling back in place.
“Shall I tell Mrs Malfoy you have returned?” The house-elf asked. They were wearing a little immaculately-tailored butler uniform.
Draco nodded.
“And that you have a guest?” The elf hazarded.
“Oh no, I want that to be a surprise,” Draco said.
Harry could have sworn he saw the house-elf roll their eyes before giving a little perfunctory bow and disappearing again.
“Shall we?” Draco said.
💜 Next update will be tuesday pst 💜 sorry for the delay! hope you like the update 💜
Tags below v (I don’t have a permanent tags list. All tags are of the wonderful people who left messages on the previous 2 parts.)
💜 @pain-changes-everything thank you sooooo much!!! the banter is so much fun 💜
💜 @potter-harreh thank you!!! they’re take turns being sassy and oblivious lol 
💜 @myrvaenboys 👏👏👏 yesssssss thank you! 💜
💜 @witch19 ham on pizza forever!💜💜💜💜💜 thank you!
💜 @nearly-memories thank you!! I always hope that the emotional stakes build as the story goes on💜
oh he understood, will he be brave enough to go for it tho? 💜thank you so much! 💜
💜 @languedor71 thank you!!! 💜
💜 @irasantu I’m honoured💕 thank you so much! 💜 ���� 💜
💜 @devilrising harry’s not a subtle flirt lol 💜 thank you!! 💜
💜 @lilyinthebreeze thank you!!! they are both crushin hard💜
💜 @whenrainbowsend lol too true 💜thank you!!! 💜
💜 @havingaverydrarryday thank you!
💜 @dewitty1 heyo! hope things were better this last... two weeks? and congrats on finishing your taxes, I’m jelly, still waiting for one more w-2 to even get started 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) 💜 💜 thank you!!!! 💜
💜 @sspectacularlyignorant ;) thank you!!!!! 💜
💜 @crescentmoonsparkles YAYYYY! flirting!! so much!💜💜 thankyou!!! 💜
💜 @addicted-to-w0rds excellent.... :))) 💜 thank you!
💜 @dracodragon19872 I’m so glad! I couldn’t ask for anything more 💜 thank you so much!!! 💜
💜 @victor-morgan :D thank you!!! 💜 
💜 @cportera 👍👍 heck yeah, gonna crank up the flirts 💜 thank youuuuu 💜
💜 @champagnemonarch thank you! 💜
💜 @bisexualronaldweasley the boy doesn’t have time to dink around! no subtly thats for other people! 💜 thankyouuu! 💜
💜 @justafangirlslikes thank you!! 💜
     💜 @vowee 💜 @clara8pie 💜
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wtffundiefamilies · 3 years
Law student nuggestsofchicken (heh) has been summarizing Josh’s bond hearing.  I’ll be pasting that here, but you’re better off finding them on reddit yourself.  I’m finding their commentary really useful because I have no real idea how any of this shit works or is supposed to work.  Trying to keep their emphasis as true as possible, but might miss some stuff.
Prosecution’s first witness direct: Special Agent Gerald Faulkner Special agent with homeland security investigations (HSI)
Been with them since April of 2009
Since 2010 been working federal child exploitation cases
Works with ICAC task force which is Internet Child Against Children.
Worked over 1000 child exploitation cases
Vast majority involved online pornography
In May of 2019, there was an investigation of a bittorrent program that noted activity in the upper northwest area of AR involving distribution of known CP images
Explanation of peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Known by law enforcement as commonly used to distribute CP
Bittorrent is a version of peer-to-peer sharing
On May 14 and 15, detective was able to download two files
-EDITED AND REMOVED- Faulkner describes graphically what the CSA depicts. If you're really curious some news outlets have reported on it. But our members predominately felt that it was not worth reading.
Police used ISP and the geographic location of the IP address to locate the activity and it got directed to the DHS task force to address it.
Police issued a warrant to the ISP to obtain the name and account of the user.
In October 2019, the ISP revealed the account in question was owned by Joshua James Duggar with an address in Springdale.
Apparently the mapping system was out of date, and the proper address was Wholesale Motor Cars for the account associated with the activity.
DHS obtained federal search warrant to search the car lot.
Warrant was executed on November 8, 2019 at 3:15pm.
Car lot is adjacent to Highway 12, between Springdale and Siloam Springs. At the time of the search warrant there were approximately 30 cars and and RV on the lot. Two buildings, a shed undergoing remodel and a metal building the size of a toll booth which they found out was the main office.
When officers arrived on the scene they encountered Pest and two individuals.
Police approached with a soft approach, no weapons drawn, explained that an investigation was underway with suspected contraband electronically. This was not an arrest warrant, so the three people there were free to leave.
Police did not tell them case-specific facts because it could spoil statements that could be made.
None of the vehicles, none of the uniforms worn indicated that it was a child exploitation case.
Josh produced cell phone and said he wanted to call his attorney. Police said the phone was under investigation and then seized the phone to prevent any spoliation of evidence.
Josh remained on scene during the investigations. He was not guarded by law enforcement during the search.
Police seized a desktop computer, a macbook laptop inside an RV, and Josh’s iPhone.
Government’s Exhibit 1 is the photograph of the Wholesale Motor Cars main office.
Government’s Exhibit 2 is a photograph of the desktop computer. Wallpaper has a photo of Josh, Anna, and their kids but the kids have been redacted.
After securing the scene, they asked Josh if he’d be willing to discuss the issues. He agreed to speak with them.
Conversation happened inside a government vehicle. Duggar was passenger side, other officer was in the rear seat, Faulkner was in driver’s seat.
Other officer received verbal consent from Duggar to record the interview.
Duggar spontaneously asked, “What is this about? Has anyone been downloading child pornography?”
At that point, no one had told Duggar that child pornography was an issue in this case.
Officers Mirandized Duggar his rights.
Duggar said he owned and operated the car lot since June 2018, that he owned the desktop computer they found, as well as the Macbook and the cell phone they seized.
Duggar said he owned his phone but other family members could have access to it.
Duggar declined to provide the password to the desktop or the phone to law enforcement.
Duggar said that he owned the Macbook but that other family members had access to it.
He said, in response to a question from law enforcement, that he was familiar with peer-to-peer file sharing networks but did not which to comment further. He said that his devices might have been associated with peer-to-peer file sharing.
He noted that TOR might have been accessed by the desktop
TOR is a browser used to access the dark web, which is a known source of CP.
At this point law enforcement did not have reason to believe TOR/dark web was an issue in this case.
When asked if he was familiar with bittorrent Duggar declined to answer that question.
At this point, law enforcement explained that the investigation involved someone had been using bittorrent or peer-to-peer networks from that car lot to access CP involving children between the ages of 5-10
When asked whether he had any reason to suspect or had seen anyone using his computer accessing CP Duggar said “I’d rather not answer that question.”
Officers found bittorrent and TOR on the desktop.
Officers found fucking Covenant Eyes on the computer.
Information from Covenant Eyes indicated the program was registered to Josh and Anna Duggar.
On May 13, 2019 a linux-partition had been installed on the computer.
A linux partition can divide the harddrive of the computer into two isolated sections that work independently.
The linux partition was password protected and the last four characters of the password were -REDACTED- but had been used for a variety of his accounts over years.
Linux partition side did not have Covenant Eyes installed on it, so activity would not have been detected by the account.
On the Macbook there was bittorrent as well as Covenant Eyes.
Duggar had backed up his iPhone to that Macbook which allowed law enforcement to obtain texts, photos, etc. from the Macbook
Law enforcement found iChat messages from May 13-16, 2016 on the computer.
Government’s Exhibit 3 is a forensic examination summary of May 13 and May 14 extracted from Duggar’s electronic devices.
D objects to moving Exhibit 3 into evidence because of lack of foundation, and argues that it was prepared for litigation purposes but the witness was not the expert who created it.
P provides some more foundation for the Exhibit and judge admits it.
Exhibit is displayed. Basically summarizes the sus computer activity in May 2019. Linux partition was created and on the same day Tor Browser was installed on that side of the partition.
On May 14, at 4:49pm, Pest sends text that says “Got stuck here and still not free yet. Im gonna aim for tomorrow just after lunch.”
On May 14, at 4:58pm Tor browser was used to access porn sites associated with rape and files associated with CP. Video was downloaded
At 5:38pm, user accessed bittorrent. Two videos were downloaded. (Little Rock Officer was notified)
At 5:41pm, user accessed TOR directory site and website associated with bittorrent.
On May 15, 2019 at 11:35am computer user downloads 3 torrent files associated with CP.
Throughout the course of the day on May 15, Josh Duggar sends texts to 22 members of the Duggar family asking them to pray for a motorcyclist who got in an accident by Wholesale Motors. Computer also gets used to write reviews online under the name “Joshua.”
There’s also geolocations of photos taken at the car lot by Josh’s phone, but that piece of evidence doesn’t get admitted because D objects to lack of foundation regarding the reliability of geolocation data
TW: At 5:25 user of desktop downloads a file called “DD” that is known in the ICAC circle. Faulkner says that this series ranks in the top 5 of the worst CP he’s had to examine.
Josh’s screen goes black, AUSA wants to double check that he’s still present, he turns his screen back on.
At 6:56 user of desktop downloads a zip that contains 65 images of CP.
On May 16, user of desktop downloads file called “Pedomom”
The zip had been opened and the CP images had been viewed by the desktop.
Approximately 200 images of CP were located on the desktop in unallocated space, which means someone tried to delete them.
Friends and family at the time testified that Josh had a pornography addiction.
CX: Special Agent Faulkner
(I’m not gonna include information that was repeated on direct. Just getting the points that D seems to think is damning)
Faulkner was training another agent at the time of this investigation
The Detective in Little Rock was able to detect an IP address, but not one particular device.
Individual devices can be recognized by a MAG(?) address, which did not happen here
Little Rock detective did not have an Network Investigative Technique warrant
P objects on this, noting that it’s a detention hearing. Judge agrees but allows D to develop its point
D asks whether Faulkner’s first time reviewing the images at issue was in October 2019. Faulkner says it was probably June 2019.
D brings up the search warrant affidavit which suggests that Faulkner first reviewed the images in October.
D kind of tries to impeach Faulkner with the affidavit but the affidavit statement doesn’t really say that the first time he reviewed the images was in October, just that he did review them in October.
Law enforcement thinks Josh was the only one working at the car lot on May 13, 14, 15, 2019
D tries to distinguish Josh’s personal electronic (the mac and the iPhone) as being Apple while the desktop was a PC.
I know I’m kind of batting down the points D is trying to make but as someone who’s done trial work I think it’s worth saying that Justin Gelfand is really solid. Very conversational and likeable and really seems to know the case.
Re-Direct of Faulkner by P:
While Josh technically turned himself in, he had received word from his attorney who had received word from DHS that there was going to be a warrant executed and that DHS agents followed him as Anna drove him to turn himself in, as they didn’t want Duggar arrested in an area where children were
Question from the judge:
Covenant Eyes was installed on both the Macbook and the desktop.
Judge asked when Covenant Eyes was installed, but Faulkner didn’t know
Any reports from Covenant Eyes would’ve been sent to Anna. But the Covenant Eyes report wouldn’t pick up on the CP because it wasn’t installed on the linux partition side.
Prosecution’s second witness direct: Diem Nguyen - Probation officer
Probation officer for 17 years
Factors considered in determining whether someone should be released: Natures and circumstances of the case, defendant’s criminal history, place of employment, resident situation
Presumption cases are cases where an individual is presumed to be detained and the burden is on the defendant to demonstrate that they should be released
A third party custodian is someone who vouches for the defendant in federal court while their case is pending
They are basically in charge of the defendant if the defendant is released from custody and ensures that they follow all conditions placed by the court.
Mr. LaCount Reaver and Ms. Maria Reaver are the proposed third parties in this case. Mr. Reaver works outside of the home in a full-time capacity at the VA. Mr. Reaver is a pastor and volunteers with jail ministries Ms. Reaver is a full time homemaker. Ms. Reaver was concerned regarding being left alone with Duggar as she was a female and he was a male. (note: Ms. Nguyen is not a good witness. Doesn’t seem like she knows where the prosecution is trying to take this and isn’t really answering the questions) Minors would be coming into the Reaver’s residence for piano lessons where Duggar would be Ms. Reaver is close friends with Josh’s parents and they attended the same church at one point. She feels that she and her husband should help his parents and Josh. Ms. Reaver said she’s a lot closer to Josh’s parents than to Josh himself Josh’s parents reached out to the Reavers for their assistance Ms. Reaver said she was familiar with the charges in question but she did not know the details of them. Both Mr. and Ms. Reaver had concealed carry licenses and had 3 rifles and 6 pistols at their resident. Nguyen asked if they had a gun safe to keep access away from Josh and Ms. Reaver said they would lock up the guns in a master bedroom closet. Ms. Reaver did not have a plan for what to do with the minors coming to the house but said that they would always be accompanied by another adult Duggar would be staying at a side bedroom that locks from the inside so Duggar couldn’t lock it himself, but he could exit the bedroom from an exterior door Nguyen thinks the Reavers “could” be suitable third-party custodians, however the minors coming to the home as well as the firearms causes the probation office some concern. There is internet at the residence but it is password protected. During the interview with Josh, Nguyen asked whether he was suffering from any addictions. He said no. Nguyen found a statement from Josh in 2015 where he admitted to a pornography addiction, but did not ask him about it. AUSA asks about molestation from Josh when he was younger. D objects claiming these records are sealed and leaked from tabloids, and deals with his conduct as a child. Judge overrules. Judge explains that she is concerned about the safety of the community. If the previous molestation issues had been handled in juvenile court it would’ve been sealed. But Duggar and his family have chosen to be public about these activities and admissions and they’re not too far in the past to still be relevant. Minors were 11, 10, 9, and 5 at the time of the incident, and Josh was 14. Nguyen recommends that Josh be detained and the presumption apply. Even if Reavers were suitable third-party custodians it wouldn’t mitigate the risk to the community.
CX: Probation Officer Nguyen
Reavers have no criminal history
No minors reside at the Reaver home
Reavers said they would do whatever they needed to do to be Josh’s third-party custodians
“If the firearms were removed from the home and if the piano lessons cease, would that be a suitable third party residence?” “Quite possibly.” -Justin Gelfand looks forlorn-
In the 17 months Josh has been aware of the investigation, Josh has not left the country.
Re-direct of Probation Officer Nguyen:
Re-iterates the sexual abuse of minors from years ago
Re-cross of Probation Officer Nguyen:
*missed this because I was taking my dog out to pee* But the bit I caught sounds like they were emphasizing that the probation office had the authority to detain Josh if he violates any of the release conditions.
-prosecution rests its case-
Defense First Witness Maria Reaver:
She’s Asian. Did not expect that
“Are you aware of the charges brought against Mr. Duggar?” “Some”
Aware of the two charges here
No criminal history
Has a place where Josh can live in her house
Lives in Washington County
Has a mother-in-law kind of suite in her home that Josh should live in
Would be willing to abide by any conditions given by court
Would report any broken conditions to the court
(Defense attorney Travis Story is….not as good as Gelfand. Lots of stumbling and unclear wording. The reason my summary of this testimony is so choppy is because that’s how it’s being presented. Reaver giving pretty much just one word answers)
Adult daughter teaches piano at the Reaver home
A few minors come over for piano lessons
Location of piano lessons could be moved to a different place
Has a place to move the fire arms if need be
Mr. Reaver leaves for work at 6:30am and gets home at 4pm
Ms. Reaver and her daughter would be alone at home with Josh. The daughter would come and go throughout the day, possibly leaving Ms. Reaver home alone with Josh.
Ms. Reaver would be OK being alone with Josh.
Wants to be the third party custodian to help the family and “minister” to them
Story just says “That’s admirable.” and i laughed bro you’re not the one testifying here??
Ms. Reaver is willing to serve as third party custodian regardless of whatever rules the court chooses to impose.
CX of Maria Reaver:
Reavers have neighbors, but each of them have about 5-10 acres of land so they’re pretty spread out.
Known the Duggar family for 5-6 years. From time-to-time would interact with Josh.
They’ve been inside the Duggar home. And been to a couple of weddings.
Never had a one-on-one conversation with Josh.
Never been alone with Josh.
Attended church them in 2015 when the sexual abuse allegations first came out, but wasn’t fully aware of them. Is aware of them now.
AUSA asks “Can you tell me what you know about the allegations?” Reaver pauses, is silent, and then says “Give me a minute.” Story objects, judge overrules.
“I don’t fully know everything but from my understanding there was some, uh, when he was younger, I’m not sure how old, maybe a teenager, that there was inappropriate touching of some of the minors.”
Was not aware that one of the minors was 5-years-old
“Does knowing that there was a 5 year old involved change your decision to serve as a third-party custodian?” “I’m looking at is as we are here to be as help, to the family, to Josh and Anna. To minister to them.”
Jim Bob called her husband and asked them to be the third party custodian because her husband and Jim Bob are good friends.
“Did you feel any pressure or obligation to serve as the third-party custodian?” “My husband has made the decision and I’m here to support that decision.”
More talk about ministry and serving others
If the conditions were violated she would alert the court before notifying her husband
Would not leave her adult daughter alone with Josh
“We don’t have internet-internet, our internet is in our phone, it’s like a hotspot. There’s no wifi. We don’t have cable. There is no hard wiring.” (side note: wtf?? It’s 2021)
Phones are password protected
Understands that if Josh is released to her home he could be there for 6 months.
Redirect of Maria Reaver:
Re iterates that she would alert the court directly if the conditions were violated
Questions from the judge:
First call if the conditions were violated would be to the US probation office (“Not your husband, not Jim Bob Duggar, not elders in the church”)
Daughter has been spoken to regarding relocation of the piano lessons
“This case has gotten a lot of publicity. And the last thing Mr. Duggar needs is an incident with a firearm.” Reaver says she’d remove firearm
Defense second witness: LaCount Reaver
Has firearms in the house, but would be willing to relocate them outside the house
Willing to serve as third-party custodian along with his wife
????THAT’S IT?? Literally 3 questions
Was aware of Duggars’ charges specifically
Was not aware of all the details, such as that toddlers were involved
But does not change his opinion of being the third party custodian
Jim Bob Duggar was the one who reached out to them first
JB asked if it was something he could think about, pray about, being a part of
JB referenced Reaver’s involvement with prison ministry as making him a potentially good third-party custodian
Has known the Duggars for 6-8 years
Knew them in 2015
Didn’t know the exact details but was familiar with “some charges” related to him
Knew that the minors resided in the house where Josh resided
Was not part of the church in 2005.
No hesitation about leaving his daughter or wife alone with Josh
No implication that he would get anything in return for housing Josh
He’s a volunteer chaplain at Washington County jail but that’s been halted because of COVID-19
Not necessarily interested in offering counseling for Josh
Willing to call US Probation directly if Josh violates conditions
Has “phone internet” and “uses that for the computer.”
Says he’s a “3 or 4” on a scale of 1-10 of tech savviness
Phone is locked with a pin
Did not know Josh is tech savvy
Last time he spoke with Josh one-on-one was more than a year ago
Not sure if his wife has ever had a one-on-one conversation with Josh
“Is it common practice in your marriage that when your wife interacts with men that there should be a chaperone there?” “I think that would be best.”
Says that his wife should be around Josh with another person, not necessarily a male, could be a daughter
Is a family, they discuss things, they both prayed and decided to do it
“When a family is in need and they ask you for help, I think that’s something anyone would do”
Questions from the judge:
Willing to remove firearms if Josh is released to his custody
Will under no circumstances reveal his password to his phone or computers to Josh
“If you or your wife or your daughter observe or learn about a violation by Mr. Duggar I need to hear you say that your first call will be the US probation officer who’s supervising this case?” He says yes.
Judge: “The time for prayer, and conversations with Jim Bob, and with the elders of the church, that will happen after calling the probation office.”
Defense closes case. Closing arguments now.
Judge asked both sides to keep closing arguments to ~5 minutes since it was getting late.
Prosecution closing:
Nature and circumstances of charges:
Josh intentionally used Bit Torrent to receive CP.
Intentionally used linux partitions to hide what he was doing
Covenant Eyes does not pick up on what’s going on behind the partition
Josh took steps to conceal his activity by doing it on his work computer and avoid the recognition of Covenant Eyes.
-description of how horrific the CP found on Josh’s computer was-
Emphasized that the partition was password protected using a password linked with Josh’s other accounts which indicates that Josh, and not another employee, was behind the partition
Timeline in Exhibits 3 and 4 demonstrate that Josh was the one using the computer in May to download CP and throughout the day texting his family and using the computer for other uses
Discussion of Josh committing sexual abuse when he was a teenager.
Josh’s lack of movement in the past 17 months does not necessarily mean he wont be a flight risk now that circumstances are different
Nature and seriousness of the danger to the community:
We know the extent and the steps Josh will take to hide his actions. We know the kind of material depicted in the CSA that Josh had. We know he has a sexual attraction to children.
Not sure if the Reavers, Ms. Reaver in particular, understand the task that she would have to take on as third-party custodians.
Ms. Reaver doesn’t generally wanna be alone with a male. They have guns. They have minors at their place for piano lessons. Doesn’t make sense that they’d want turn their entire life around to do a favor for a family friend.
We know Josh has a history of “hands on” abuse, we’ve seen how sneaky he can be, AUSA asks that he be detained.
Defense closing:
Josh is presumed innocent of what he’s accused of. A detention hearing is not the place to try this case.
Two prongs under Bail Reform Act: 1) Flight risk
DHS executed search warrant in November 2019, 17 months ago, but Josh has not fled since then. Voluntarily surrendered without issue.
Not a danger to the community. If law enforcement thought that he was a danger they could’ve detained him back in 2019, but they didn’t.
Probation officer Nguyen testified he has been fully compliant since he’s been arrested.
Judge asked the Reavers point blank if they were willing to report to the probation office first, and they said yes.
Law unambiguously points against detention, and the facts point against detention.
Court taking brief recess to collect thoughts and look through evidence. Asks Josh if he’s doing OK, or where he is in the detention center. He says “Sitting on a metal stool, Your Honor.”
Judge's thoughts:
Nature of circumstances of charges against Josh: Presumed innocent. But count 1 carries a mandatory minimum 5 year sentence. Count 2 could carry sentence of 20 years based on the evidence admitted at trial. Court views these charges as very serious. Court is concerned about the evidence describing those charges. It is concerning that that DD file is "some of the worst sexual abuse child pornography that he has seen in over a thousand cases." That concerns the courts.
The number of images concerns the court. The prepubescent age of the victims concerns the court. The sophistication of the person who downloaded the images concerns the court. It is not the average defendant who can access the Dark Web, who can use partition devices, and who can bypass significant surveillance programs.
Children are involuntary victims of pornography and sexual abuse. They're subject often to human trafficking and other circumstances we don't have time to address. The demand and download of child pornography fields the market for the production of this material. The forensic evidence suggests that a significant amount of effort was made to download a significant amount of child sexual material. The weight of the evidence is not insubstantial. That also weighs against Josh.
History and characteristics of Josh: Josh has a long history in Northwest Arkansas, he's married, has children. He has no drug or alcohol history. It seems that Josh has been involved in various businesses in Arkansas. Josh turned himself in and does not appear to have a history of other crimes. Josh did not seem to obstruct any investigation.
The court does not need to treat Josh differently than anyone else similarly situated. However, Josh's family has chosen to make their family life public. Although Josh has never been convicted of any crime, he has admitted to in the past touching children, which concerns the court. That was a public admission, and everyone at this hearing knows it. This concerns the court. What's particularly concerning is the age of Josh's sisters and the age of the children involved with the charges against him.
The court is mindful, however, that this conduct happened a long time ago. And it happened when Josh was a child. That fact, and that fact alone, are in Josh's favor. It is concerning to court that Josh has committed that he has an issue with pornography; that is different than child pornography. But what the court has heard is that prior to images being downloaded to Josh's computer, Covenant Eyes was installed which is a program that acts as a deterrent. The court has also heard testimony that Josh's wife may have been his accountability partner on that. The court is not making a determination on that, but it concerns the court.
The court is concerned that the ages of the children involved are very similar to the age of Josh's children and the ages of his nieces and his nephews. The court keeps coming back to the age of the children Josh interacts with on a daily basis and is concerned.
Seriousness of the danger Josh poses to the community: The court does not know. Josh has not been convicted of being a danger to anyone. There is no criminal history that suggests Josh has displayed a pattern of violence to anyone. But Josh's children, his sibling's children, and his minor brothers and sisters are all part of the community that need to be protected from him.
This is a very close call. The U.S. Attorney has not met its burden.
Josh Duggar will be released on very strict conditions:
- Cannot be returned to his guest house or TTH
- Court is not interested in second chances. Don't fuck up with the Reavers. (paragraphsed)
- Tomorrow Josh will be released to the Reavers with close GPS monitoring. Restricted to this residence except for working, education, church, medical services, meeting with lawyers, court ordered obligation, or other activities approved IN ADVANCE by the probation office.
- May not possess or view pornography or erotica of any kind
- Court does not think it has the technology to limit Josh's use. Josh cannot have computers, phones, smart TVs, gaming systems, etc. He may not ask for the passwords from the Reavers or her daughter.
- Josh can get a jitterbug phone to contact counsel as long as it's approved by a probation officer.
- Josh cannot leave the Western District of Arkansas.
- Josh can have unlimited contact with his children as long as their mother is present. Josh cannot have contact with any other minor children including siblings, family members, piano students, etc.
- Not a requirement but a recommendation: Plan activities based on who he might run into. Avoid birthday parties, etc.
- No substances, drugs or alcohol
- Cannot actually or constructively possess a firearm
- Must surrender passport and not obtain a new passport
- May not violate any state or local law
- Must provide a DNA sample
- Must appear in court as requested
- Tomorrow must sign an appearance bond
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penniesforthestorm · 3 years
“Release the hounds”: Thoughts On Justified, Season One, Episode Thirteen
As promised, this installment will follow a more familiar ‘review’ style-- if I were doing this for money, I’d write an article for each episode, but I am trying to keep this fun for myself (plus, there’s way more of a chance I’ll actually follow through). I may adjust the format somewhat for the next season. My thoughts on the pilot, episodes 2-5, episodes 6-9, and episodes 10-12 are linked-- drop me a line if you’ve been reading and/or watching along!
The first season of Justified presents two fairly different paths the show could have taken: The first, which might be called The Adventures of Raylan Givens and Friends*, is a classic procedural along the lines of Law & Order, NYPD Blue, or CSI, with serialized elements taking a back burner-- episodes like “Fixer” or “Long in the Tooth” function more or less as standalone entries, and with their witty dialogue and colorful characters, they have a light touch (nefarious drug cartels notwithstanding). The second option is a far more novelistic approach, with the episodes coalescing around the story of Raylan Givens And His Nemesis Boyd Crowder**. It’s a natural expansion of the arc of “Fire in the Hole”, and it’s not hard to see why the show takes that direction, reaching its initial peak in the season finale, “Bulletville”.
Several times in the episode, the phrase “you know me” passes between a set of characters. This theme has popped up throughout the preceding episodes, perhaps most sharply in the case of Raylan’s ex-wife, Winona Hawkins (Natalie Zea). Winona and Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) were married for six years, and it’s telling that, after Raylan shoots his former friend Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) in the pilot, she’s the person he runs to see. Winona and Raylan met as adults-- of course, she would know some things about his past, but one gets the sense that, for Raylan, Winona represented the future. Her comment about her current husband Gary representing ‘hope’ is especially cutting, because we’ve come to understand that Raylan hoped (and possibly still hopes) to be the kind of man Winona could respect. For her part, Winona moved on from Raylan because she saw how much of a captive to his past he still was.
As to the past, consider the case of Raylan’s father, Arlo Givens (Raymond J. Barry). In “Bulletville”, Arlo sits down with crime patriarch Bo Crowder (M.C. Gainey), to try and settle the bad blood between them. He offers to play double agent, tying up the various federal agencies pursuing Bo with useless information, while enabling Bo to stay ahead of their inquiries. “You’ve known me for fifty years,” Arlo wheedles. “I’m not sure if that’s supposed to make me trust you more, or less,” Bo retorts. Nevertheless, there is common ground between them: both of them are old men with sons who have failed them, deliberately or otherwise. (The fact that Bo transferred the majority of responsibility for his enterprise to Arlo and not his son Bowman is an interesting detail-- Bowman may not have outright defied his father the way his brother Boyd did, but I can’t help thinking of the similarly hotheaded Sonny Corleone.) Later, when Arlo attempts to set Raylan up, as Bo’s peace offering to the Miami cartel, he starts gently reminiscing about Raylan’s mother, and about his own shortcomings as a parent, which instantly ignites Raylan’s suspicions. Raylan, after all, spent the first twenty years of his life attuning himself to Arlo’s moods. Once Arlo is subdued, however, Raylan still tends to his wounds.
Contrast that with the earlier confrontation between Papa Bo and Boyd, at Boyd’s “church” in the woods. Bo, furious that Boyd has blown up the shipment of ephedrine from Miami, has shown up with an armed posse, including Boyd’s Cousin Johnny (David Meunier). “I can’t hurt my own son,” Bo says, smiling. “Johnny, hurt my son.” Johnny is pissed at Boyd for a different reason-- he tipped Boyd off about the truck’s arrival, hoping that Boyd would kill the drivers, and the two of them would convince Miami that Bo was responsible for the sabotage. Still, after the first few punches, Johnny’s reluctance grows, and when he asks Bo, “You want me to kill him?”, there’s a genuine note of fear in his voice. (I’ll have more to say about Meunier’s performance in future installments-- over the next few seasons, he quietly creates one of the show’s most fascinating characters.) Bo does something much, much worse-- he lets Boyd walk away, and then he and his posse slaughter Boyd’s “flock”.
This act of unfiltered evil sends Boyd into crisis-- upon seeing the corpses of his followers dangling in the trees, Goggins falls to the ground and lets out an anguished roar. That night, after burying the men, he prays in desperation, asking for a sign. As the silence of the dark trees presses on him, he murmurs, “Maybe I’ve just been talking to myself the whole time.” It’s a fine irony that this is the first time we truly understand the depth and sincerity of his former conversion. He shows up at Raylan’s motel room, stammering, “I am lost.” Without his followers, without whatever impulse was guiding him before, Boyd is compelled to find someone who knows him.
So he and Raylan ride off together to confront Bo, who has, in the intervening hours, kidnapped Ava and shot Johnny. They converge on Bo’s hunting cabin, where Bo hoped to draw Raylan in order to hand him off to Miami. Boyd discovers Ava, bound but unharmed, while Raylan parlays with Bo. The Miami contingent has other ideas-- a sniper takes out Bo, and Ernesto and Pilar, who drove the ephedrine truck, open fire. There’s some great banter as Raylan, Boyd, and Ava take cover in the cabin-- Raylan asks Boyd if he’s brought his rocket launcher, and Boyd ruefully responds, “I didn’t think to pack one.” Pilar calls for Raylan, and he answers, only to have Boyd shout, “No, I’m Raylan Givens!” (Raylan: “Are you trying to be funny?” Boyd: “A little.”) The standoff ends with Ava free, Ernesto dead, and Boyd in pursuit of Pilar. Boyd asks if Raylan will shoot to stop him, saying he’s pretty sure Raylan’s pistol is empty. “You gonna bet your life on that?” Raylan asks. “No, Raylan,” Boyd answers, “I’m gonna bet my life on you being the only friend I have left in this world.” They know each other, having faced death together several times and walked away alive.
* I know this is a horrendous title. I’m sorry. ** why yes, I did just re-watch The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford; why do you ask?
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gaminggrabs184 · 3 years
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The Tegra https://www.abzero.site/ four SoC is a massive improvement over other solutions in terms of performance and gaming technologies capabilities. With Tegra four on NVIDIA SHIELD transportable, you can now experience higher end graphical capabilities native in Android games like advanced true time lighting effects, depth of field, soft shadows, high res textures, real time smoke and particle simulation, greater polygon counts and significantly far more. This permits developers to truly make freely for Android gamers.
EDIT:I applied to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 just about every week, but it's gone down hill the final handful of times I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that everybody hates in every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any more. Still worth going back and watching some of the older ones though. Klepic utilized to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the finest. Back when they essentially talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect alternatively of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
Yeah I would say this thread currently hit on the great ones. Joystiq is a fairly fantastic newsy type site. PA Report appears to be embracing the identical virtue of GB which is to say let's not be beholden to anything other than to fantastic content. Fantastic factor is that Ben Kuchera posts other fantastic pieces from various web pages so its not just his voice which is quite great as properly. Vox Gaming I feel desires a superior web designer but their content material seems to be going in good locations.
In order to make all the content material of your gaming site look fantastic on smaller screen sizes, you have to have to make positive that your on-line project is mobile-friendly. One of the very best techniques to develop a responsive site is choosing a Bootstrap-based web theme as its foundation. Functioning with a mobile-friendly web site template, you might forget about the have to have to adjust your content to all devices manually.
The ASTRO Gaming Headset is not your common headset that comes with a variety of characteristics in particular designed for enhancing your music listening experience. Instead, the ASTRO A50 is particularly made and constructed for the serious gamer specifically these who play on the Personal Laptop or even the PlayStation four game console. The ASTRO A50 comes with 7.1 Dolby surround sound technology, giving you exceptionally loud bass and chest-thumping trebles, elegantly amplified to bring you to an out-of-this-globe adventure. The ASTRO A50 is embedded with skilled top quality audio drivers in an elegant and stylish finish. It comes with its own docking station, also.
This (Weblog) is where you can read every thing I know. Find out about the ideal board games for game nights in original critiques, get tips on every little thing from organizing to snack and drinks, and study up on inclusivity and diversity in gaming communities. There's stuff here for person players trying to chip in on game night, to hosts who want to (ahem) up their game, to companies interested in hosting regular board game nights.
Some like it wireless. Some favor to go old-college with wires. If you come about to belong to the latter group, you could want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It could not have a very remarkable optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of 3,200 DPI must be enough to deliver you with an exceptional gaming practical experience. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects like 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
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Their mission is to be the first decision for gamers globally, supplying the biggest range of digital games and access to a vibrant, enjoyable, international gaming neighborhood that rewards gamers when they connect, play and appreciate immersive gaming experiences. At Green Man Gaming they want to be trusted, respected and valued by their prospects and these in their neighborhood. They have put a prevalent set of values at the heart of how they do business enterprise. Their values are developed to capture what they do when they are at their best.
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oldmacnewlife · 3 years
Back from the Dead
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Reviving a dead PowerMac G5...twice...er...sort of....
Awhile back, my 2005 PowerMac G5 died. It even made a horrible noise as it did so, just to make sure I understood it was dying. I have no way to describe the noise it made other than if an inanimate object can sound a death rattle, then that’s what I heard that day. Death rattle - blank monitor screen - no sounds or lights from the Mac. Electronic death.
I’ve seen a computer or two breathe its last in my time, and I’ve seen a computer pow- er supply or two give up the ghost, and that was my first suspicion as to what I was dealing with. I shopped online and found a replacement (used, obviously) for about $50. This was also a 600W unit, to replace the 430W power supply that shipped with my base model G5. I placed the order.
In about a week, the new power supply arrived. I checked the web for how-to videos to get an idea of what I was facing. I’ve replaced a few PC power supplies, and the process there is pretty straightforward. I’d never attempted this with a Mac of any model. The videos suggested that the procedure was likely to be more involved than what I was used to, but probably wouldn’t be anything I couldn’t handle. I also realized I was going to have to order some more tools - specifically, a torque driver with an extension bar to remove the dual G5 processors. Yes. You have to re- move the processors to access the power supply. So, it was another trip online and another order placed.
A few days later, I had all the tools and parts assembled for the job and was ready to get started. I removed the external case cover and the internal plastic airflow cover, exposing the Mac’s delicate innards. With the case opened, the next step was to remove the cover from the processors. The video I had found demonstrating this said to simply slide the cover to the left, freeing it from the tabs holding it  in place. Which I attempted to do, and quickly realized the video had skipped a step as the cover would not budge. Looking things over a bit, it turns out there’s a metal pin locking the CPU cover to the middle tray in the case. Using a pair of pliers, lots of sweat and copious amounts of my choicest language, I was able to remove the pin. With the pin removed, I was able to slide the CPU cover off the remaining two tabs holding it in place.
Next was to remove the video and other expansion cards. This worked exactly as it would with a PC. it wasn’t a problem.
Next, I had to remove the CPU fan. Unlike a PC, where the CPU fan would typically be mounted on top of a heat sink which would be mounted on the CPU, this Mac’s fan sits in the back of the case, facing the rear vents. From this position, the fans presumably draws hot air away from those massive heat sinks, through the rear vents and out of the case. It’s also perfectly positioned to get in my way. The fan is locked in place by a pair of tabs, which can simply be pushed in to unlock. One of the how-to videos I watched had suggested that the fan’s power cable also be disconnected from the motherboard., but for the life of me, I couldn’t seem to manage this without applying far more force then I was comfortable with, so I left it connected. The wire was sufficiently long enough for me to move the fan out of the way to allow me to continue to work.
Now, on to those dual G5 processors. Instead of being plugged  directly into the motherboard as they would be on a PC or a more modern Mac, each CPU sits on a daughter board which is then connected to the motherboard, Sitting on top of each of these daughter boards is a massive heat sink. There is no way to work around these. Those daughter boards had to come out.
The daughter boards are secured to the motherboard with four torque screws. The insanely large heat sinks (I’ve mentioned that the heat sinks are huge, haven’t I?) are absolutely going to get in the way, so a normal length torque driver wasn’t going to cut it. What I ended up doing was taking two admittedly inexpensive torque driver extensions to access the screws. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. Once the screws are removed, you can carefully pull the daughter boards out.
With the computer practically disassembled, I could now begin work on removing the power  supply. Four screws on the bottom of the case secure the power supply. Nothing fancy here, just four Philips screws. Next, there’s a metal plate covering the power supply itself. This was a bit tricky. There’s no screws attaching it to anything, but there are a couple of tabs, and it’s a really tight fit. It took a bit of work, but I managed to remove it.
The power supply itself is now exposed and ready to be removed. There are three cables connecting the power supply to the computer - the main power cable that plugs directly into the motherboard, and two others that connect to cables coming out of the motherboard. With the power supply disconnected, it now pulls easily from the case.
To install the new power supply, I reversed the process (obviously), so it’s not necessary to go into too much detail here.
With the new power supply installed, I was ready to test my work. I plugged the computer in and hear a click I can’t say that I remember other computers doing this, but I didn’t see it as anything to worry too much about. I hit the power switch on the Mac and...nothing. Still dead.  I checked the easy stuff first. I plugged it into a different outlet. I tried a different power cord. Still nothing. Suspecting what I what I was going to have to do next, I used some of my best English and got to work.
I opened the case and examined the cable connecting the power supply to the motherboard. I wasn’t certain of  it, but it did look like it might not be connected properly. I tried to see if I could get my hands in to try pushing in the cable to the port on  the motherboard but my access was blocked by the heat sinks. (They’re really big, you know.) Now knowing with a certainty what I was going to have to do next, I recited more poetry and continued to work.
I almost completely disassembled the computer again up to and including removing the tray covering the power supply. I pushed on the cable  connecting the power supply to the motherboard  and, sure enough, it was not  completely connected. I corrected  this  and performed an almost complete reassembly of the Mac. I plugged it in, hit the power switch, and this time, the Mac powered on and went through a normal and successful boot.
So, for about $50 and the time to tear down and rebuild the computer twice, I got the PowerMac G5 back. I also learned a valuable lesson: check your work! I’m sure I’ll remember that next time. Maybe.
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Installing a PCI Wireless Card
https://saimdeals.com/Installing a PCI wireless card may appear like a piece of an adventure -- in any case, you have to open the case, discover where to put the thing, close it once more... After which you need to deal with the software program! Even if you've by no means opened your laptop earlier than, even though, you should not have too much problem with it in case you follow this simple 10 step manual.
Step 1: Look on the Manual. Yes, I know it seems like a dull factor to do, however you really need to as a minimum skim the guide for matters in case you're going to go putting them in your laptop. It's a great deal better to do it now than to understand afterwards that you overlooked an crucial step inside the set up. A few playing cards, for instance, require you to install the software program earlier than putting in the cardboard -- try this now in case you need to.
Step 2: Switch the Computer Off. Before you even think about beginning the computer, you've got to interchange it off. You should use the 'Shut Down' choice to ensure that the computer will begin clean next time, and watch for it to shut down absolutely.
Step 3: Unplug the Computer. To be secure, you must disconnect the pc from the electricity deliver now. If there is some thing related to the laptop, you need to unplug that from the energy too, in addition to unplugging the wires from the again of the computer. If you are frightened that you may not consider which twine is going in which when it's time to place them again again, you can draw a diagram earlier than you begin this step. Most current computer systems have a matching color coding system at the rear panel. Pink goes to pink, green to inexperienced etc.
Step 4: Remove the Case. To avoid negative your pc's parts or electrocuting your self, you ought to be carrying an anti-static wristband (additionally referred to as a ground strap) whenever you open your computer. If you are not sure the way to get the case off, seek advice from your computer's guide. It's usually only a remember of unscrewing, though -- however make sure you preserve the screws somewhere where they may not get lost.
Step five: When the quilt is eliminated, the first issue to do is to locate the PCI slots to your motherboard, one of a kind motherboards have specific amounts of PCI slots, for instance you can have already got a PCI card set up, wherein case simply pick an empty slot to install your new PCI card. PCI slots are lengthy, square slots in the computer. Some of the to be had PCI slots might be utilized by current modems or Ethernet playing cards. If there's no space on your new wi-fi card, then you may want to get rid of some of this vintage system.
Step 6: Insert the PCI Card. If you are the use of a PCI slot that hasn't been used earlier than, you'll need to unscrew the piece of metallic filling the gap in the returned of the laptop created through there being no card there. Make sure you shop this piece in a secure vicinity, if you ever want it again.
When you insert the PCI card into the slot, do it as cautiously as you may. Try not to the touch any of the circuits on the card. Once it's in the slot, you'll want to press firmly, however do not use too much force. You should also make certain which you factor the wi-fi card's antenna upwards.
Step 7: Close the Case. Just do what you probably did in step four in reverse -- placed it all again together.
Step 8: Plug In and Start. You want to plug your computer lower back in and begin it. If you don't want to re-attach all of your cables proper now, you may at the least want to plug within the keyboard, mouse and monitor. Many humans are scared after they turn on their computer again after putting in a PCI card and it does not paintings -- most effective to find that the error become due to them now not reconnecting their keyboard! When you reboot your system Windows (or other OS) have to locate the cardboard robotically, it's going to then spark off you for the driving force disk/cd that got here together with your card, insert the CD and follow the on-screen commands. https://saimdeals.com/
Step nine: Install Drivers and Software. Once the computer's completed starting, it have to note it has some new hardware. This is while you need to insert the CD that got here with the card, and leave Windows to do its thing. If the whole thing's long gone to plot, the PCI card should be set up mechanically. If things don't happen automatically, strive placing the CD earlier than you panic.
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