#I might have a interesting theory in the making 👀 but I need to check some details I don't remember
oh-warizoro · 2 years
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So..? Is Zunesha purpose to open the borders of Wano?
Oden predicted that Momo would be able to speak and give orders to Zunesha. Momo's hability resembles a lot Shirahoshi's and the sea Kings, which makes me wonder if Zunesha and Momo are the other ancient weapon.
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Momo's apologie for not opening the borders now really feels like it's something personal to Zunesha.
"Sorry I'm making you wait even more time until the borders open!"
Is Zunesha's sentence (for his past crime) over when Wano's borders open? What is going on here..?!
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that-one-raccoon · 11 days
(seriously how did this take almost a week to get to omfg im so sorry)
i have.... so many thoughts about this new chapter
the gang ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
i love them. i also love how begrudgingly pansy got accepted, i love her character and i need dazai and pansy to be best frenemies
Second off, oooasodjjf GEORGE
no seriously he's one of my favorite characters ever and i dont even know why
Percy!! Get 'em!!!
also,,,, them talking about Dazai possibly getting sent to azkaban is so interesting to me because there's no way dazai's innocence getting proven and the whole sensitivity to magic is getting wrapped up in three chapters and *checks notes* the next book is the prisoner of azkaban so.... 👀 👀
and considering how we have the whole DOE situation i think that, if we do get another installment, Kouyou might play a larger role which i'm really excited about (i love her)
(i really hope we get a third installment but seeing how shitty some people have been to allegory there is very much a possibility that it isn't going to happen. its a shame, but also very fair considering the type of shit people have been commenting)
the whole chamber scene was really funny to me jsut the loyalty club (back together again♥️♥️♥️) bickering the whole way was just hilarious.
Dazai and Pansy being reluctant frenemies, and a shit ton of Blazai contenttttt yesssssss
was so good???!!! also i love the trend of dazai passing out after the final boss of the story it's hilarious
oh i cant wait until snape gets the potions in order bc i need a poppy interaction
(if the idea of her adopting dazai is still on the table, then his possible arrest would make a fantastic conflict ohhhhh i can smell the angst potential)
if you couldn't tell ive been thinking about the azkaban theory way too much and i was wondering...
what if the dementors arent magic?
obviously they're magic, in a sense. but because abilities and magic are practically the same thing in different fonts in this universe, i wonder if the dementors are similar in nature to lovecraft's "ability"
meaning, dazai wouldn't be able to nullify their effects.
that would be so interesting to explore
but anyway yeah all in all, amazing chapter, i cannot wait to see what's in store for next chapter (tomorrow, wow this is so late im so sorry)
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babybluebex · 1 year
First and foremost I hope you’re doing well, darling.
Second: I have a theory regarding Eric from AQP, if you’d like to indulge in my madness 👀
So, on letterboxd (a movie reviewing app) they have A Quiet Place: Day One listed as one of the possible films to add to your watch/review list, and the description they give for the movie is “ A prequel detailing the origins of the creatures from A Quiet Place.” With that description I think it’s possible that Eric is some kind of scientist rather than like, corporate (his suit has big 70’s Bill Nye energy idk, it also is kind of reminiscent of what the scientists were wearing in the very first scene of TLOU show) and he’s tasked with researching these weird alien fuckers? Initially I was thinking he might be like, the Oppenheimer of AQP but then i remembered the bit in part II where the alien things come out of a meteor that lands on earth and that’s kinda how their reign of terror begins. It’s possible that they forget this given backstory and make them some kind of failed science experiment that Eric is working on, either way I think his role is somehow connected to understanding the creatures beyond the ways a person just going about their day would learn about them. It sounds far fetched now that I type it out but it felt like sth I needed to share and if my theories are correct, I’m gonna need Micheal Sarnoski to hand me a comically large check.
hi honey! i’m doing a lot better :)
and that sounds so cool!
that’s interesting that letterboxd lists that as the plot, bc imdb still says “plot under wraps” 🤔
i personally think it’s going to happen in modern times, mainly because michael sarnoski (the director) shared a video of a pyrotechnics stunt for the movie on his instagram, and the car featured in the video looks pretty modern to me (altho i could be wrong!!).
but your theory is so fun!! if that’s not the plot of it, then SOMEBODY needs to make a movie out of that!
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The megapost looks very interesting.
1, 2, 22 and 60 for Schoethe please 👀
Thank you so much for the ask! I knew I could count on you to let me rant about them <3
1: Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Oh DEFINITELY Schiller. He's the one to get way too into an argument, to the point where he will literally confess his love in the heat of the moment and only realise it when the words have already left his mouth. 
Goethe, though hot-tempered, seems like he'd be too diplomatic to say something like that in an argument. Goethe is the kind of person who'd justify his actions with some kind of elaborate, logical explanation. 
But Schiller - the guy who contemplated going to fucking France to have a word in the fucking revolution! - would totally say something rash and emotional such as "because I love you" to justify some kind of irrational thing that he did. 
Of course, it takes more for Schiller to lose his temper in the first place than it takes for Goethe to lose his temper, but still, Schiller is the answer to this one. 
2: what would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare?
Goethe: He'd be super worried and immediately try to soothe Schiller. He probably knows what it's like :( he'd hug him and rub his back and ask him if he needs anything. He'd try to make Schiller talk about the nightmare, but would also accept it if Schiller didn't want to tell him about it. 
Schiller: Worried, but in a different way. Doctor degree goes brrrr! He knows the manic state from when he himself is in a fever, so he's at once worried that Goethe might be sick. He checks his temperature and asks him how he feels. Once he's reassured himself that it was really just a bad dream and not some kind of fever, he'd calm down and hug Goethe and whisper soothing words to him until they both fall back asleep. 
22: What reminds each of their partner? 
SO MUCH.  Ok this one will be lengthy and kinda sad and I'm not entirely sorry about it. 
Schiller: Before they knew each other, Schiller was always reminded of Goethe whenever he thought about Weimar or Italy. It disappointed him that they didn't know each other. Reading anything by or about Goethe would leave him with a bitter feeling; jealousy? Longing?  Then, once they'd gotten to know each other, he'd of course be reminded of Goethe whenever he looked at his bookshelves or at the stone table in his garden. Also, flowers! Goethe, the little biology nerd, has ranted to him about flowers! And whenever he sees the mangold growing in his garden, he smiles and remembers how Goethe gave him those mangold seeds to sow, and how Goethe would go on and on about his metamorphosis theory. Also for some reason I'm thinking elder bloom. Schiller also thinks of Goethe when he researches mythology. Or when he sees someone in the street wearing mustard yellow and royal blue. 
Goethe: Before they meet, Goethe doesn't really waste a lot of thought on Schiller, since he's not really keen on interacting with the guy.  Once they know each other though, Goethe is reminded of Schiller all the time! Like when he sees a wiggly line and thinks about how Schiller explained to him that a wiggly line is more beautiful than a zigzag line. (This really happened.) Or when he reads something about some historical event that Schiller likes to talk about. Or when he goes down the street and sees the postman and has to suppress the urge to run up to him and ask the guy whether he's got any new letters from Schiller yet. Or when he's stuck on a line in one of his poems/plays and he can't help but think that Schiller would know what to do with this, what to write next. 
And after Schiller's death, it's similar. Too many things remind him of Schiller. He'd walk in his garden past a quince tree and think about how there used to be quince trees in Schiller's garden. The short walk from his house to the theatre takes him past Schiller's house every time; and it hurts every time. Whenever he looks at the pages upon pages of Faust manuscript writings, he can't help but feel guilty and angry and sorry for the fact that Schiller will never get to read the finished play. He'd see a red haired man in the street and freeze for a second. 
60: Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
This one's tricky. I like to think Goethe was more of a cuddly person. Schiller would be the kinda person to be an uneasy sleeper, someone who tosses about a lot and is troubled by his stuffy nose and a fucked up sleep schedule. So, Goethe would be the one to wake up and sleepily put his arms around a restless Schiller, mumble something like "go back to sleep" and pull him closer and nuzzle his face into Schiller's hair. :) 
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Lol this poor guy xd
Oof lol, bro needs a van xD
Oop o.o
LOL nice cover though lady ngl!
Aaron like "slay :D. ID :)?" LOL love him xD
OOP guess he got the fight after all xD slay Aaron lol :D
OOP money o.o gosh
Hmm could that be related?
Don't brush it off Harperrr- okay good lol
I mean couldn't Lucy do it?
Oof xd sorry girl 😬
Having been recently watching season 4 this is weird that she's not with Tim lol
Hopefully she's gonna be able to come to terms with some of the detective stuff while she's out here :)
Welp hopefully she's okay o.o now forgetting I know xD
Oof poor Celina xd 😭
She's just a little stupid <3 we love her but she's not all trained yet xd :)
Yeeah he is lol
Nice that y'all care though lol
Nolan just standing there xD
Ahh nice
Hmm interesting
Or could just be random I guess :/
XD but yeah fair that's good :) lol
Yeeep I figured that was it xdd
LOL "Phone call. On the phone" XDD
Okay okay slay Aaron
Yess be more interested in that! It shows good priorities :D
Yeeahh slay Aaron :D thank you Tim :))
Lol yeah xD love the train thing slfhdl
LOL "Nope" sorry Aaron xD
Oogh gonna have to notify him :((
Oof on his lunch break xd yeeah not a lot of time
Might wanna be in a room anyway lol
Oh maybe he already knows?
Ope no o.o
Aww :((
No D: poor guy <3
Yeeah makes sense xd
Okay that does make it seem (whether it was or not) like it was that question lol (if you get along you probably interacted recently)
Aww that's nice but it sucks :(
Okay good he has an alibi, so they don't have to be suspicious of him really at all
Okay but yeah you do want her killer to be found xd
Yeahh gotta check it, especially since he left quickly lol (though I don't think it was him and I think he was telling the truth there)
I mean yeah it seems suspicous
Ooh or another test?
Yep lol
"That's two I's" 😐 "Nevermind" XDD
Lol xD
I mean I don't think he'll aaactually do it lol
I think Aaron can do it :))
Girlie I.o
What are you doing Aaron lol- oh right looking her up
Ahh same prison o.o
Ahh and in the prison gang o.o 😬
Ahh yup lol
LOL Aaron's look xD oof slfjd
Aww poor lady :((
Ayy slay Tim already did it :D bro knew
Oop 25 seconds o.o
Oh gosh are you missing something xd
Okay hopefully not
Sirrr don't doubt yourself xdd
I mean you can't get all of them on the first try lol
Hopefully you didn't miss too much but xd
Lol those are wild xD
Oope o.o?
Could that have something to do with the case?
Or just because at least it would be interesting lol?
Ahh those are the reasons o.o ooh slay nice Nolan
Oof poor lady xdd
Nahh you know something at least lol
I mean I doubt you always knew
Oop o.o
Oh gosh from the first victim o.o D:
Yeeah that's pretty incriminating xD
Ohh yeah that's a good question lol
(okay now I can stop pretending I don't remember that that was in the promo lol)
Oh gosh xD
Oof poor lady :/ it'll be okay
Ahh well she might 👀! I bet it'll be useful
Lol xD
Ahh to build rapport
Hmm yeah
Oh I forgot to ever say it but
Hi Gray :D!
Yeah Nolan don't sell yourself short :))
Ooh slay guys :O!!
Hopefully Celina doesn't embarrass herself again lol or get embarrassed xd
Aww hey Lucy :/
Oof :(
OOF sorry Lucy D' that sucks xd :(
I like that Tim sounds like he believes that too (I'm sure he does), that she deserves it :')
Oof xd
Yeah it happens :'/ :) it sucks but yeah <3
Hey yeah :D!
I bet she will be eventually this episode
And idk if it'll be good o.o xD
Especially if her and Tim fight as I heard theories of xd or have some kind of issue
LOL "don't be greedy" xD
Ahh yeah it's rough
Lol glad we're not just ignoring that o.o xD
But glad he's not bitter lol
Yeah it did :)
SLFKGHD o.o "not a moment's hesitation?"
Yeeah fair xD
Yeah it is his duty lol
Hey you better not be affronted you said that too xD
LOL SLFJGHSDK NOLAN O.O careful you've been framed for things and hid evidence before xD
Lol idiots <33 love them 🥰🥰
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tsukidrama · 2 years
Hello! I have not had WiFi for the last little while so excuse me!
I really loved chapter eight, actually it's one of my favorites since the first and I'm so glad Annie and the reader are reunited. I did get your response to my comment on AO3 and... boy am I worried! I understand that there's a lot they need to address (including but not limited to: the Nose Breaking), but I just wish they could cuddle and kiss and be happy. I'm in it for the long haul, though.
My spring break starts next week, so hopefully then I'll have more free time to work on the sequel to my Annie fic AND to reply to you faster. Also, I feel like most of Papa's character is being a grumpy old man and that's kind of... endearing? I like the redemption arc you're giving him, and if he doesn't deserve to be redeemed that doesn't matter, Annie deserves a good dad.
oh damn, it's been a minute, i'm so happy to see you again!! you came back to... a lot lol. it's good that chapter 8 is the most recent one because it really is one of the best. I TOLD Y'ALL I WAS GOING TO ATONE FOR MY SINS OF CHAPTERS 4, 6, AND 7. i owe all of you some genuinely happy interactions.
you're the only person who i feel bad for putting through this angst lmaoooo. i know i keep saying that it's going to get worse before it gets better, but Annie hasn't even hit her rock bottom yet. next chapter people are going to be wailing in my inbox cussing me out, probably. my poor sweet pink anon, i will protect you from the angst that i put out into the world!
yay! it's nice that you'll have a little bit of a break for a bit. i'd love to talk more!! i was really starting to miss you
SLKFBLKB YES! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING FOR WITH PAPA!!! he cares about Annie so much, he's just... kind of an asshole. he's putting forth effort which is better than he ever did in canon. you phrased it exactly right: i don't care if he deserves a redemption arc. Annie deserves a father who loves her and i will take the Papa that she has with his warts and all.
> I don't really "agree" with Attack on Titan's canon for many reasons (see: antisemitism), which is why I'm so attached to your writing I guess. Your interpretation of characters like Annie and Papa and even background characters in the fic like Mikasa, Pieck, Jean, and Connie just feel more right than canon. You really have to do things yourself if you want them done right, I completely agree. <
yeah...... it's... not great......... it makes me really sad actually that the anime is so popular, not because i don't like it but because i think a lot of people just don't know what to do with it. it's so much more complicated than the casual viewer can take in. a lot of the narrative is presented in such a biased way that you HAVE to do critical thinking if you want to like, actually understand. i might be explaining it badly but this isn't any kind of legit analysis or opinion that i wanna open a dialogue on. just something that i believe.
tbh i have a lot of issues with the show but in some ways that adds to the experience. i guess that i like the challenge as a writer... and since I'll never write a big long academic essay on snk, I'll just explore the fuck out of the aspects of the show that are interesting. trnt specifically is incredibly therapeutic on a personal level.
> I'm currently acting like I didn't burst into a dumb smile at your compliment! Thank you! I would also like to thank you for your comment on my fic! It really made my week that much brighter, so thank you. <
of course! i meant it, you're a good writer. I'll have to check out more of your writing in the future!
i've never tried bullet journalling myself but hey, whatever works, works! that sounds much more organized than what i usually do, which is either word vomit into the notes on my phone or taking screenshots of something that i unloaded on some poor soul that was on the other end of a creative rant...
i'm very excited to hear about your theories for please be 👀👀👀 part 2 doesn't go into her backstory very much. it's another appeasement chapter for my fans like TRNT 8 was. it was like, okay, here's some hot smut in the eye of the storm before i release part 3, the mother of all angst. LMAO. i'm so excited to hear what you think!
> I hope you're doing good, <
i'm hanging in there! talk to you soon
also this actually really embarrassing but.. you do not need to apologize because i myself have no read the good ending yet........ IN MY DEFENSE mars just writes so fucking much and really fast, it's really hard to keep up with sometimes. plus I've posted a lot recently too. it's okay. it's fine, it's okay... don't worry.
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
thank you !! i think i did fairly well on my exams haha 😎😎 im in high school rn so im going to uni after i graduate. i really wanna study psychology, but considering the fact that im studying business right now, it might be kind of difficult 🤠
ooh i very much like your choice of tropes. not a lot of people are fans of angst i think, so its a nice change! i adore enemies to lovers, since it shows that someone can love you even tho they've seen you on your worst. im a sucker for friends to lovers for that exact reason too, i think.
your biases....make sense. how did that not click. I have a very soft spot for DK too 🥺 he is just friend shaped. id love to be his bestie. I love how you bias someone that is similar to you, because i do the same w renjun from nct 😭 we are the same person but different fonts fr fr. i have a full on theory on why this happens but i feel like its too long to explain.
me? a writer? *sweats nervously* ...no? 😃😃😃😃
now tell me a list of very very random things you like. make it however oddly specific or vague you want. 👀
hope you had an amazing day!! -caratadmirer
Go you!! Psychology is soo interesting! And I know next to nothing about business, but if you like it than go for it, the important thing is that you’re happy <3 And a little advice from your Unnie here, don’t worry too much about making the right decision right away idk if it’s the same for you but I remember in my time the pressure was a nightmare, like you had to decide your whole life at 18, you can always change your major if you feel like it and that’s wayyyy more common than you’d think 😉
Oh yeah friends to lovers makes for some pretty good angst too... That “I don’t wanna ruin what we have but it’s getting hard to keep my feelings in check” 😘👌
I noticed I lot of people subconsciously bias idols that are similar to them; I’m curious to know about your theory 👀 “different fonts” is such a good description too haha I love it
And no need to sweat hahah I may have gotten this little fact right, but I have absolutely no idea who you are
Now let’s see... My favorite food is pizza my name is DK haha jk I guess my main hobby is singing, I was in a choir from 8 until 18 years old.. is next to impossible to not sing along to songs I know and you’ll always find me randomly humming something... I loveee musicals and I tend to listen to more ballads/sad songs; I really like to learn about different cultures too, my dream is to know the world, I speak three languages and plan to learn more... what else... I guess I really like the vintage fashion YouTube community haha And movie commentaries! I’m one of those people that like to analyze movies/series and I normally can tell what’s about to happen or how things will go
My mind went kinda black after that, but I guess that’s enough for now? 😅
Hope you’ll have a nice weekend ☺️
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staysuki · 3 years
BS anon your prayers has been answered and your sos has been received 🥂
Also ash was almost on the mark saying that I thought it was Felix but I kinda just wanted to see what other people thought if I said it because it was majorly undercooked if you know what I’m saying lol
So! The clue I’ve been holding out for to piece this whole candy saga together just united all my questions. So let’s get into my analysis!!! I’m excited 😜
Candy is in an art major and all of those who were at orientation are in some form of artistic majors. (Except for Felix, how tf he even got in there we don’t know lol) We know this because y/n and candy met through a website that showcase there arts. Now that chapter 8 is out, the answer is right under our noses but first. The question on everyone’s lips? Is it Hyunjin? Let’s check out some connections we might have missed before pointing out the obvious. Also the likey hood of me looking too far into this is…very..likely.
I’ve noticed a few times where Hyunjin copies the acts of others. An example is when y/n quirts the juice box in Hyunjins face and later Hyunjin pays her back with the same method using milk. This would make for a base line of the similarity’s and differences that both y/n and Hyunjin attain. It’s not as important but stays in the loop when considering who Candy is and what makes them important to the core of the story. If Hyunjin is a main part to the core story, why wouldn’t candy? Both are the same but also so different which would make for a progression to the story. Especially since Hyunjin is in desperate need of a mediate.
Whilst on the topic of mimicking others, When Hyunjin was messaging Seungmin about the ‘special package’ seungmin used a specific emoji that candy also uses. Could Hyunjin be candy and copied Seungmin’s text style because he, in his own way, looks up to Seungmin and bases other friendships on theirs? Could it be that Hyunjin did this because he wanted to appeal the Chocolate in the same way his Seungmin appealed to him through text? Does Hyunjin mimic others to fit in with others? This would make him similar to Y/n seen as she tends to reflect the personality of others and feel as though she doesn’t fit in as well. In turn this would connect the two. Both Hyunjin as candy and Hyunjin and Y/n’s analogies.
It should also be noted that when Candy messaged y/n saying ‘a friend or mine has connections’. It is the one of the most obvious hints we can find guys. Because it was indirect, this means it isn’t seungmin. Which can only lead to Felix and Hyunjin. It’s not Felix. Why? He’s too erratic and besides he isn’t even an art major. That leaves Hyunjin. I was gonna mention it earlier but everyone seemed so confused with it so I decided to lurk in the shadows a little 👀.
And the most import clue of all that I was waiting for before I made comment on Candy is, in one of the chapters it was mentioned that candy was in the arts but under a different principle. Now that chapter 8 is here we have some clarity. It is Hyunjin, he is in art history and classical painting. Even though Seungmin is in the art of photography his kicked back personality wouldn’t fit Candy, he’s too defined. Hyunjin is much more felxiable so I believe it’s him.
Also call me nuts but I saw something… could there be a connection in the fact that Hyunjin chose the chocolate croissant? Yeah nah I’m pushing it now.
~ Lovegame anon
hmmm interesting theory 🤔 (“spoilers” under the cut, don’t click if you want to keep the surprise for yourself!)
honestly i could say something vague and try to spout some nonsense lead or be subtle about my answers but i think at this point, i don’t really have to anymore??? 😭🤌 i absolutely loved that analysis, lg anon, like, you checked off all the boxes completely! i am blown away with the attention to detail ;)))) i respect i respect, ilysm.
though tbf, i made it obvious from the start so i was more confused when people started second guessing who it was so i just went along with it 💀 it was fun though, super fun.
in chapter 5, i specifically made seungmin and hyunjin’s exchange to be a bit more vague because i was having fun with confusing people
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hyunjin asking where seungmin got the weed and then seungmin saying he’s keeping it a secret then he proceeds to say that eliminates the need to have a part time job = this goes both ways, he’s just a dealer not necessarily the supplier, he’s still getting the drugs from somewhere else (he doesn’t have a secret weed farm)
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meanwhile, candy was also vague with the phrasing, meaning it could either be seungmin talking about his supplier or hyunjin talking about seungmin.
we can eliminate jisung from the equation because he’s not part of the smoker gang. meanwhile, the two clues removing felix from the puzzle is *ding ding ding*
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he is indeed implied to not be an art major (before it was revealed in chapter 8), because he “snuck in” into the art department’s orientation (and yes, we will never truly know the mystery of felix’s ways).
the glaring hints i dropped for candy? the art major clue AND— exactly as lovegame anon pointed out (which i absolutely adore, i honestly can’t believe you were able to crack these two VERY SUBTLE codes so ily for that) the 👌👌👌 emoji and the chocolate croissant— not just the chocolate croissant, but also CHOCOLATE MILK 😏😏 (which y/n specifically stated was NOT her favorite drink).
felix being too erratic and seungmin having a defined sense of self are also very good descriptors in terms of how it’s unlikely that they’re candy, i love that ☹️.
edit: added another detail in bs anon’s ask
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Littwin: We knew the conventions would be weird this year, but what could be weirder than a united Democratic Party?
#thedemocrats🗓 ⌛️ 👀
more news https://northdenvernews.com
It will be fascinating — OK, mildly interesting, unless you’re a junkie like me — to see what kind of virtual conventions the Democrats and Republicans can pull off over the next few weeks. We won’t have to wait long. Democrats are scheduled to start on Monday, Republicans a week later.
It’s definitely a challenge. No balloons, no confetti, no silly hats, no in-person conventional roll call, no hands thrown up in solidarity, no chanting by cheerleading delegates (which in the case of, say, “lock her up” won’t be missed), no smoke-filled rooms as if smoking were still allowed inside rooms, no red-meat speeches reinforced by an applauding crowd, no applause at all unless they bring in that fake crowd noise some sports teams use when playing in empty stadiums or arenas, no, well, people, although I’m guessing Trump will bring with him at least a smallish audience.
But maybe the strangest thing about the Democrats is not the people-free, Zoomed convention itself, but how unified the party is this year, even as delegates are spread across the country. Anyone who can remember as far back as the summer of 2016 — yes, children, there was a time when Trump was not yet president — knows just how divided the Democrats were, along the progressive vs. moderate, Bernie vs. Hillary lines.
Mike Littwin
The reason for the near-unanimity this time around requires just one word: Trump. We’ll see Bernie Sanders speaking at the convention. We’ll see AOC, if briefly. Most progressives who think Biden is too centrist and Harris not sufficiently progressive — both fair positions if you’re a progressive — seem to be on board this time. In 2016, Trump was seen as a no-chancer and therefore, for some, a time for political purity— see: Sarandon, Susan. For Democrats, this a virtual, in both senses of the word, do-over. 
No one outside Trumpworld can fail to understand the threat Trump presents each day to what we like to call the American experiment. He has taken a Bunsen burner to a couple hundred years’ worth of that experiment. And he was actually considering giving his acceptance speech at Gettysburg. Everyone would have more than little noted and remembered what he said there.
They, whoever they are, always tell you not to fight the last war, but that’s exactly what Trump is doing. And with every racist dog whistle, Trump unites Democrats. With every call out to “suburban housewives” — are there still any suburban housewives? — threatening that you-know-who might move next door, pushed there by Cory Booker, Trump unites Democrats. And with every “nasty” woman remark, he unites Democrats. And with every time he calls protesters thugs and mainstream Democrats radicals, he unites Democrats. The GOP base loves Trump. The polls say the base, at this point, is about 8 to 10 points short.
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So, let’s get to it. How disgusting is the Trump-embraced, racist birtherism 2.0 now targeting Kamala Harris, who just happens to be Black. Thanks to a Newsweek piece contending that Kamala Harris, born in Oakland, Calif., is not eligible to be on the ticket because her parents were visiting immigrants, or some such genuine frontier gibberish. There may be no there there in Oakland, but it’s still America last I checked. As for Trump, he said he heard something about it on social media, as if the president of the United States needs to rely on Twitter for his intelligence (a word I use advisedly).
As expected, as was all but certain, Trump jumped on the idea because, of course, he’d jump on it, just as he was a leading purveyor of the racist Obama-as-Kenyan birtherism phony theory. Just as he has now requested an absentee ballot for the November election, to be mailed presumably, after threatening to withhold money from the post office in order to make voting-by-mail impossible. Because, you know, otherwise the election will be rigged. 
The other day, Trump said the quiet thing out loud, as he so often does, on Fox News, “Now they need that money in order to make the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” he said. “But if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting, because they’re not equipped to have it.”
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The voting-by-mail, as we know in Colorado, works. Trump is setting up the idea of rigged election as insurance against losing an election. It may be mocked, but it’s all there.
Meanwhile, the ineligibility assertion is not only widely mocked, at least outside the White House, but the concept comes courtesy (h/t Ernest Luning) of John C. Eastman, a law professor who also happens to be the University of Colorado’s “Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy.” If the concept behind that job is not a laughingstock, it should be. The article certainly is. So let’s all congratulate CU for the role it is playing in helping to usher in a new round of birtherism.
As the polls show, Trump has had a difficult time framing Biden in the way he did Clinton. And now Republicans are struggling to figure out how to attack Harris. (Hint: Birtherism isn’t going to work this time.) They can’t decide whether she was too tough on crime or too soft on crime when she was San Francisco DA or California attorney general. Trump is now calling her a “madwoman,” which he adds on to “angry” and “nasty.” 
For those who saw her speak when Biden announced her candidacy, you can see the problem. She may have had trouble as a presidential candidate — she never figured out a place between the Bernie/Warren wing and the Biden wing and she never found an audience in the black community — but she has real charisma, real speaking talent, represents nearly every kind of diversity Democrats could hope for, and, for Biden, she couldn’t have been a better choice. She attacked Trump on COVID-19, on the economy, on his lack of leadership in school reopening, on the plight of small businesses. You heard her attack line on the economy — “And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground” — and I’m guessing you’ll hear it again at the convention. It would get a standing ovation if anyone were there to stand.
So, now to the conventions. Republicans will call Democrats radicals and Biden an over-the-hill (they won’t put it quite so nicely) captive to the movement. And Democrats will delight in reminding us of the QAnon-friendly House candidates the Republican have nominated and the full-on believer Trump has embraced.
At the Democratic convention, both Obamas will get big speaking roles. They’re the home run hitters that Republicans lack and that Biden, who needed one, added in Harris. I don’t think George Bush, not exactly a power hitter anyway, will be speaking at the GOP convention. Neither will Mitt Romney.The Republican power hitter is Trump and Trump alone, along with maybe the Trump children. Maybe, though, they can get Kanye West to show up.
I’d expect the conventions to play out in the same way the election will almost certainly play out. Trump will dominate both conventions just as he’ll dominate the election up until Election Day. And I doubt, in either case, Democrats will mind at all.
Mike Littwin has been a columnist for too many years to count. He has covered Dr. J, four presidential inaugurations, six national conventions and countless brain-numbing speeches in the New Hampshire and Iowa snow.
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