#I mean weird yes but weird as in cool as in a compliment 😅
stripedwolf88 · 5 months
I know I can't be the only one who is determined to prove these kinds of buzzfeed quizzes wrong right?
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Because they are ALWAYS WRONG
Not only because my name is not common but also because they're just dumb
I know the people making these don't take themselves seriously but for some reason I always like to see how wrong they are.
I think something is wrong with me. Oh well.
Can you tell I am avoiding thinking about other things? Haha
Hope you all have a lovely laugh at something today/tonight or tomorrow or sometime soon. 💕
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Okay with all that dramatic intro over that's atleast a little bit of energy gone so hopefully I can be calm enough 😅
First of all thank you so freaking much for indulging in my excitement for trying out fanfic writing for the first time and being a really cool friend 😁
Next I'll swoon about your writing so buckle up and keep your hands and feet inside the safety box at all times during my hyperfixation on your fics 😅
You're so fuckin amazing at writing holy shit, GIVE ME YOUR SKILLS 😭
I can't get enough of your fics just like I can't get enough snuggles from animals! (And that's saying something that I'm comparing the two). Your fics are like drugs to me except not deadly (unless I get diabetes from Soap being so fuckin precious I swear)
Plus I don't do drugs but I'll EAGERLY indulge myself on your fics. You're 100% one of if not my favorite fanfic writer for COD MW2... HELL maybe even my favorite fanfic writer of all time! (Though, full disclosure, I might be a bit biased since you actually talk to me and interact with me on a semi daily basis depending on if I got more COD MW2 filth stuck in my head that I'm too excited excited tell you to wait to make a fic or headcanon out of it)
Pleeeaaaseee don't be weirded out by this all, I get super excited to have friends and even more excited to compliment them 😅 I'm just not used to having friends ig
Anyways, I can't thank you enough for being so nice and cool! And not enough words can be used to explain how much I look up to you (kinda like how a younger sibling looks up to their older sibling like they're the coolest person ever and all that jazz)
Reminder this is all purely platonic (don't mind me worrying too much about how people perceive what I say 😅🥲) so please don't take any of this the wrong way 🙏
I'm super heckin excited to finish the first chapter of the series and the mistletoe headcanons (I'm away from home rn and I'm doing it in a Google docs because the tumblr app hates me or my phone, mayhaps even both)
Keep up the amazing work friend! If you ever need and support or comforting words let me know! Yes I'm always affectionate to my friends and yes I may be weird according to social standards but that comes along with life experiences and being me 😅
Don't let any haters get to you, you're a lovely person and friend and an absolute master at fanfics
Oh, and you dropped this queen, I saved my favourite gif crown for you
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I did not expect this OMG Thank you so much 😭😭😭😭😭
Your message means so much to me !!! I've been insecure about my writing skills for a few months now and the COD MWII fadom allowed me to shift back to my natural writing style and have fun again with writing !!
I'm so glad my work is inspiring you to make your own fics, the more stories there are out there, the better honestly !!! And you have so many wonderful ideas that deserve to be put into words !!!
I've been lucky to not have to face haters so far in my writing journey but what can really put someone down is the sheer lack of interaction (reblog and comments). The COD MWII fandom has been better to me than other fandoms so far but this is still something that is frequently talked about on here. That's why I'm glad there are people like you to share your enthusiasm with authors through asks and messages. You're awesome, I love you ❤️
Thank you again, stay awesome, keep writing 🥰🥰
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satohqbanana · 2 years
[folds hands] i'm sure u know what's coming. yes. that's right. something i've never ever done and swore i'd never do again. for that latest ask meme: any and all of them that you want to answer, i want to hear
I need to be drunk enough to answer the other questions. And what I mean is that I need to look at my fics, go back in time, ask myself whether I did write those things or not, own up to it, and find words to answer these questions.
Also, be warned I’ll be mentioning some other fandoms/series.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
My old stuff can often put me off, but also I'm glad they're off my chest and my mind.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When characters are at heightened emotions towards other characters or things that highly influence their, uh, character. I hope that makes sense.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Anything that involves a character being overconfident in doing gremlin shenanigans or hyping their own selves makes me laugh.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Not that I remember, but I think I've been mean by promising updates that I never made.
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
No, but rarely I do give my friends a preview of ideas or scenes that include stuff I'm not familiar with or need further advice on. Which is why you will see a lot of spelling and grammatical errors.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
It's probably using the narration to discuss the characters' feelings and emotions. I usually never go without them.
Also, whenever I have the chance to, I make characters have The Moments in a dim place with lots of glowing, sparkling stuff like starry nights. The influence of the dance scene in Adolescence of Utena on me is that strong.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I write a lot of them, I think. Right now, it’d probably be The Stink (Aveyond) just because of how weird I made Derez the Necromancer to be. Am I just confusing “wild” for “weird”? I don’t know. My other vote for this would be The Seven Jewels of Guardia (WITCH), which is, well, an experimental fic.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
(in Gordon Ramsey to Christine Ha voice) "You're good. Stop doubting yourself."
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
First kiss scenes are fine as something to “confirm” that yes there is a romance happening; I just don't like the idea of making the kiss scene the star of the show.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Sometimes! I look up playlists that give me the correct mood I want to work to.
🛠 What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Notepad, memo apps, and Google Docs are my recent go-to tools.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
(laughs and cries in failed commitments)
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
My sister used to. No, I’m not giving you her account.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Loving Hana. (Shaman King)
🍷 Do you drink and write?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
I used to because I wanted to be cool. :(
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Not really; any time is a good time as long as I have some inspiration to go off of.
💖 What made you start writing?
My sister technically did, because she was involved in small hobby writing circles and I was like, “Oh I wanna be cool like that.” But I was definitely making up stories with my toys or just my imagination even way way way back then.
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I love them. I want more of them if possible.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I never liked the “rape as backstory” trope, so I probably would never actually write that.
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
No, sorry. :(
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
I think I spend just about the right amount of time because, uh. I hate reading.
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
I don’t know, but people seemed to enjoy my Asakura family fics (Shaman King).
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
Yeah I sometimes do. But my favorite holiday fic is this WIP I have for AV1. It’s a Christmas fic set in the ADF universe, and the gist pretty much is that everyone in the party has family, friends, acquaintances, and so-so to spend the holiday with...
Except Lars.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Unfortunately, no. I don’t have enough traction to garner some guesswork.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
They’re amazing. My friend Zarah used to create art for our stories and I love them.
📈 How many fics do you have?
Hundreds. The numbers on AO3 lie because I deleted some of them.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Both. For oneshots I have a rough outline of what kind of scenes I want to put; for longer stories I do have some form of outline prepared.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I guess I can say something about the next release of ADF. Now with authority to travel through the Peninsula, Rhen and the party head to Sedona, and there they find a house for sale, whose owner is staying at a friend’s place, wherein said friend is throwing a big masquerade party. You know where this is heading.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
It’s fine to get weird. Feel free to experiment until you find something that you enjoy.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Right now it’s my OC, Lestari Tenobor.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Answering the previous question put me in an AV2 mood so:
Ean was initially squeamish towards the idea of a romance with Iya because he feared losing what he already had with her.
Iya, while she is whole again, feels like a part of her is still missing, and she often mourns it.
Rye thinks everyone thinks he’s dumb and untalented because he’s a farm boy and he can’t do magic.
Nicolas was spoiled by his mother because of how late he’s come into his family’s life. Also as he was growing he just knew of a time that Uthar was travelling or something, and thus never got to know the bratty Uthar.
The nymphs don’t hate Heptitus even if she does weird/bad things to them. That’s her job as a nymph; it’d be weird if she isn’t doing bad stuff.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Any character within the ADF universe gives me such a fun writing experience.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Here’s something from my, “If I could have done it, I would’ve made someone yell, ‘You and me. AGNI KAI!’” moment of inspiration when I watched Shirleen/rhendarzon’s edit for the Rhen v Lars thing.
Lars stood straight, staff thrust forward and chin held high. It's a stance Rhen should be very familiar with, one his younger self often took when his pride was at stake, when he was challenged by Rhen's perspective and words, when he had enough of her plebeian nonsense. Sure enough, her eyes widen in recognition, and she too takes her own stance, one he was very familiar with: sword pointed at him, other hand behind her body as Lorad would teach her, and eyes seething with rage.
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
I don't share my fics with IRL loved ones often, so I'd have to say all of them.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I finish it and I enjoy it.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Something off the last other series or media I’ve been consuming. So much of Drakengard and Nier is bleeding into my works now. :’^)
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
I already have nonfiction writing as a job; I'd love to see how fiction writing can be my job.
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Pretty fast when I have inspiration for all the scenes I need.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
While I do more of them nowadays, action scenes are still the hardest to write for me. I still struggle to do fight choreography.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Circumstances and Reunited (Shaman King). The hurt feels are real, man.
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
It's fine for the OG stuff I make. However, I'm not really open to it for fan stuff since the fan stuff are for hobby reasons.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
I always include genres a la FFNet/FictionPress style after tagging pairings and characters!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I love discussions about fics! <3 Also uh feel free to discuss with me anything of what I mentioned above.
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aversiteespabilas · 1 month
Hey, I absolutely adore the way u draw your rabbit boys!
specifically their hands. I know it's a little weird?? but you're good at making their hands look paw-like and cuddly but still strong and firm.
like in your recent doodle dump of all the rabbits cuddling, there's some really soft paw-like shapes going on, But there's also some sharper boxier shapes whenever something's being held. I see it in the way Yusuke holds his lovers. you're really good at communicating that, yes, Yusuke's paw-hands are super soft and gentle but he's strong and there's intent behind his touch.
anyways, I can tell you've studied these characters and how they interact with the world around them, and I think that's super cool
- 😎
Heyy sunglasses anon!! I recognize you from Rhin's asks about ROTMR, we've been gushing about your comments and I really really appreciate it, thank you for your patience with my reply 😅
It's not a weird thing to compliment at all, in fact it made me really happy to hear cause it's 100% my intent and it's one of the things I love the most about these designs myself. Designing the rabbit characters has been a whole process of trial and error and getting more confident and effective with my shape language. I've been doing my best to not only emulate the boxy, angular Rise style best as possible, but also take inspiration from the real thing! I hope you don't mind me sharing a bit of my thought process here, it's not a tutorial by any means but it's a visual rendition of the abstraction my brain is doing.
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When you look at pictures of furry creatures, the softer their paws look, the more they seem to be just a single unit, a single shape with no separation between digits, and sometimes you can't even see the digits themselves, kinda like mittens! So I make a point of drawing the hands of my rabbit characters with thick fingers that seem to "fuse" together to give them that mitten-like appearance. I also try to make gentle gestures look more unified in shape, and really separate the fingers to convey harsher, more dramatic gestures.
Again thank you SO SO much for the ask, I really do appreciate you having noticed and taking the time to pick my brain about it, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the rabbits!!!! It's a deep hole we're in, welcome to the madness <3
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
here I am to answer while I almost fall asleep again, mainly because it's almost 2am, I don't know how I'm still standing ye ye ye. It would be funny if you weren't, but since the topic was that anon's ideas, there was no way you weren't right. naaaah, I don't need to do it, I think you're doing great. I will continue my hard work, which is to keep laughing 😔
I don't believe you anticipated that I was going to say something... but um, if you were multitasking I think it's okay? I guess you're right and emily dickinson approves this statement. I heard that in some countries the word “chemistry” doesn’t exist, so they use gwen and peter as a synonym. kind of yes? because you will have transformed into him and you'll know that you are there... I don't know, it's quite confusing. yup, the multiverse is pure madness.
nope, that's not me. exactly what I've been doing up until now... maybe I-- kdhskskssksk yeah, but shhh, don't think about it too much 😶 c'mooon, do you really think my only brain cell is capable of doing this? I mean, If you want me to finish the sentences it would only be fair for you to do the same, right? 👀
I feel like I should be offended by this. good to know you didn't think about doing exactly that, it would be horrible if you thought about doing that. since you're not thinking about sharing any more thoughts I wouldn't want to hear it either because it wouldn't make me more excited. and since you didn't ask, I'm not going to answer that it would be interesting for half-smut, like, to almost happen but R isn't ready for it yet and the fact that Kate respects this decision would also be something “shocking” for R.
okay, I'll trust you and your words then. so it looks like your days of semi-refreshments have arrived. ksjskskak I'm going to start writing a little line on paper every time I understand a reference you make.
I've never seen anyone say that english is weird, you couldn't be more right lmao. wowwowow, paris? that's so cool- even though you couldn't speak french hsjskakk 😭 what was it like when you went there? I swear I could make fun of you for that, but then I'd be attacking myself too because I'm exactly like that lmao. and okay, your fear of sounding like a gringa is totally plausible because it really is embarrassing af- I'm glad you agree that their relationship goes beyond that, even if it's something obvious lol. I wonder how much pain she really hides, not only from others but also from herself, you know? that would be so cute stop ashwajdksk she was definitely going to turn into a mess, but a happy mess, like, look at her making friends and finally having people around 🥺
– 🌟
i want to scold you for being awake at 2am but i can't bring myself to do it because seeing another message from you made my night 19x times better so 😶 it’s about to be 10pm for me so, it's not super late but i’m definitely a little drowsy. [also, i’m starting to realize we both overestimated the time difference between us lmao] look at you, finally starting to admit how right i am all the time, i knew you could do it. hmmm, nope, i think we ALL require a comment from you. definitely not just me.
well, believe it ‘cause that's what happened 👍 look at that, even more evidence of me being right, i’ll take that star any time. skskdkdj yup, that sounds about right. i think i need to go watch the amazing spiderman now 😅 i think we can excuse narcissism this time, right? i feel like the context makes it...better lmao. you could almost call it the multiverse of madness…get it? …i’ll see myself out 🙃
whatever you say 👀 says the person refusing to give me another star, when it comes to compliments though well, let's just say you… uh huh, i’ll stop thinking about it, say some more obvious things and wake up to everyone calling me out about it. subtlety isn't really my strong suit, as i’m sure you've noticed. i’m sure you and your one braincell will manage just fine. and before you start, you're the one who started the unfinished sentences thing so you owe me at least four sentences before i even think about giving you mine.
nope, you should take it as a compliment. i’m glad we’re on the same page about all the things i certainly won't be doing. i don't have way too many thoughts about alpha!kate at all and i definitely don't want to talk about her at all. it’s not like the only thing stopping me right now is my tiredness, not at all. i’m so glad you didn't answer the question i didn't ask because it's not like i think that's a great idea and i certainly won't be stealing it. and i definitely don't want you to ask any questions about this AU or alpha!kate at all.
thank you, i appreciate your trust. you’re going to run out space very quickly, i make like two references per message and we have…about four conversations going on rn.
really??? i saw it once somewhere and it's never left my mind. it's such a pain in the ass sometimes which is probably why i ignore most grammar rules and just write what i want lmao. which usually means i add a crap ton of commas to every sentence. Grammarly hates me. my spanish came through and saved my ass ‘cause my french was very limited at the time. i honestly had a great time though, my mom and i decided it would be much more fun to travel for my 15th birthday instead of having the traditional quinceañera thingy and i absolutely made the right decision. i love traveling and paris is lovely, i don't care if it’s overrated. i’m glad you understand my pain and my fear, it's also embarrassing af having to pronounce certain things [like carne asada, for example] the “American Way” so people understand what i mean. it's exactly why i don't go to Chipotle. [i also just don't like it but that's not as fun to say] yeah, i think kate just really needs someone to be in her corner and who better than her literal idol, right? i feel like she's very self-aware of how obsessive she sounds sometimes but she does it anyway to annoy clint. she probably hides any and all pain she's ever felt and then makes a slightly heavy joke that makes everyone go like ‘???’ which just makes her retreat even further. oh for sure. i think she’d also be genuinely surprised that yelena doesn't seem to hate her. they're definitely friends but they act like they have a rivalry going on which is all fun and games until yelena accidentally hurts kate’s feelings which just results in endless puppy dog eyes.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. lefty eyebag 😌
I'm doing okay, couldn't get up this morning cause it was so nice and warm. And it was cloudy and rainy outside. Just working now. How about you? What have you been up to?
I used to do that with my ex when we lived together. We fold the clothes together and she puts hers away, but then I end up reorganizing her stuff because when she picks out what she wants to wear and decides it's not what she wants, she puts it back all messy. And I'm just there like, no wonder it takes forever to get ready lol
I've read that one too! Where they pretended to be together so Vision can notice Wanda? I love the part that Vision is the eye doctor and his name is Vision hahahaha I thought that you were very clever and sneaky.
Yes, I want a game room too! I already know how it'll be set up and stuff. But I want to combine the game room and the movie room. So that when playing games, it'll be in a big screen TV with really good sound.
And it'll have a little fridge for snacks. Because whenever I game, I always need snacks lol. That's why I like the nugget ice. It's a weird habit, but I chew ice a lot.
I'm sorry about that! After I sent the ask, I was thinking to myself, damn why did I say that. I do get a bit flirty when I am tired and sleepy. Good thing I wasn't drunk, or I would have showered you with good compliments hahaha
I get flustered when people surprise me with things. Like if someone tells me that they got something for me because they saw it and it reminded them of me. So knowing that I crossed their mind and feeling appreciated.
Also what gets me weak is the smile and hugs.
Uh so when I used to live with my bestfriend, we basically just go into each other's rooms without knocking. So one time, I walked in on her and her boyfriend having sex. 😵 I ran out, so quick, and was so embarrassed lol
Hm, what's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
Hello hello righty eyebag!
sorry for the late reply? how was ur day?
my day was okay. I tried to write a bit n then chores n be a mom for the little sassy princess. lol. alsoooo, I made the cover for the dark fic with Nat mini series today!
I decided to announce it tonight and post the 3 parts that are ready since I dont think I cant finish it on time before my vacation. I plan to post all 3 this week. :D So yaaaay! I'm excited!
hahahaha yeah, he is like that too but i'm the one that take longer to get ready. lol. i meant i can get ready fast but when i have to do my hair n dress up, it's gonna take longer. :D
haha yeeep! That's the fic. I love the comment R said about Vision is an eye doctor but cant see how much Wanda into him. 😅
Oh yeah my game room of course have a full bar n kitchen too so i can have a drink snacks too.haha.
Sometimes i chew ice cube too but it depends how hard it is.haha.
Oh no no..dont be sorry or apologize. It's okay. I know u were joking about the flirty comment.. i was joking too. N u werent being disrespect or anything. So feel free to joke around. If u cross the line, i will let u know. 😊
Oh really?? So u always give compliments to people whn u r drunk? Thats nice n sweet. Maybe when u r drunk u should message me. I actually love when people drunk text me.😅
Aaww all the weakness u mentioned are cute n nice. I agree with u. I'm like that too. We r pretty similar.haha. i love something spontaneous act of care like that, it means i was in ther mind.
Oooh haha thats awkward. Good thing i never walk in to something like that.hhaha. i just remember but i dont know if this counts but i once serve my regular customer. They r a pretty cool couple But i think i once came to their table to check up on them n they were in a big argument or something so when i ask if i can get them anything else, both of them say a stern upset "NO" at the same time. I was like ooo okaay. N after that, i didnt go check on them until they ask for the check. 😅 i like them. I think both of them are pretty cool women. One of them is a cop n the other is a lawyer. They even bought me an eifel tower keychain n silk scarf when they went to Paris. 🥰
The first thing i buy when i win a lottery is my dream house n my dream car. Then maybe buy a business so the money will multiply.haha 😅 what about u?
Next question?
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warmthintouches · 2 years
Me: can I ask you something?
Him: sure
Me: You for sure will 100% say no but I need a date to a reception on the 3rd of next month...and I just thought id ask you before I ask someone else. No pressure, just wanted to ask you first
Him: okay, so 🥺 1) idk if I have to work that day or not... 2) if i don't work that day I have to go to a family reunion which will be hell for me im sure
Me: okie dokie 👍
Him: sorry
Me: Nah its cool, I didn't really expect you to say yes 😂 doesn't seem like your thing.
Him: honestly its not, mainly bc I know it would be a bunch of strangers and then you..
Me: yeah i get it.. lol
Him: 😘
Me: It won't like...bother you if I take someone else tho right? Bc I might, which is why I asked.
Him: not at all
Me: okay 👌
Him: Just dont go fucking whoever you take lol jk jk
Me: I won't lololol
Him: I don't care if you do, but thanks lol
Me: LOL you're so charming 😭😂
Him: or just take a girl and fuck her all you want
Me: thats a double standard for sure
Him: I know im sorry lol
Me: turd
Him: But seriously if you wanted too you could, i dont care.. im not gonna control you... in that way 😈😈
Me: I most likely won't, ill just take a friend, but good to know you don't care, I guess? Honestly not sure how I feel about it but 🤷‍♀️
Him: We arent exclusive really, so i dont wanna tell you couldnt do it if you wanted.. i know it sounds weird
Me: Yeah I know what you mean, I think? ...just kinda.. weird. I can never tell if you actually like me, like even just to talk too.. and you never really want to spend time with me, which makes me feel stupid somehow. But I also want to fuck you really bad so...🤷‍♀️
Him: I get it, its my fault in a way.. im just not a super social person even when I like the person, the living at home and always getting questioned shit ruins a lot of my drive to do much of anything...
Me: I get it, just kinda...idk...idk how to explain it. Like, sometimes I want attention from you and you don't seem to want to give it? And I know im worth it...so it just kinda bums me out sometimes. But I understand not wanting to be questioned and stuff bc I hate that too...I just..idk?
Me: Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a whole thing.
Him: It's fine
Me: Okay, see...this is not the case where "its fine" covers as an answer to all that I just said....😂
Him: Sorry, i wasnt meaning that for the whole paragraph.. just the last part
Me: 😂😂 okay....
Him: I 100% understand where your coming from and I wish I was better about that stuff
Me: Its fine, just kinda want to hang out sometime...but I know you don't really want too. And...not to toot my own horn or nothing... but im a cutie....and it doesn't seem like you think so half the time. You gotta give me a compliment every once in a while or something. Or like...actually want to talk to me besides when you want to naked...
Him: understood
Me: 👍👍Im sorry to come at you with all of my ~feels. I was just finally feeling brave enough to voice them to you.
Him: You need to speak on this stuff, its not a problem.. i guess im just not as committed to whatever this is or maybe it is my introvert self idk at this point
Me: I don't like speaking about it bc im always afraid it'll be awkward. Its not even that you have to commit or whatever. I still don't know what I want either, but...I just need some reassurance that you actually like talking to me or want to be around me at all. I require some attention at the least. Heck, sometimes I second guess whether you even think im cute bc you never tell me unless its trying to be spicy. Like, I look cute at work sometimes, you could give me a compliment when no one is around 😂
Him: Okay you do have a point on the compliment thing, i guess im keeping it down-low even when no one is around lol
Me: Yeah..I understand keeping it on the dl, I hate everyone at work gossiping about every little thing. But sometimes we're alone and you still ignore my presence and that hurts a little 😅
Him: Understandable, I will try and work on that...I promise...
Me: 👍👍
Him: *sends a video of a super comfy chair that rests your back while you read.
Me: I would totally buy that
Him: for reading right?
Me: of course 😊😉
Him: 😈😈
Me: 😘
Him: 😘
Me: you're so fucking hot, not fair
Him: oh come on 😊, you know you're the sexy one in this convo
Me: nope, not at all 😉
Him: stop lying 🔥🔥
Him: omg ☺🥰
Me: never 😘☺
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bigbrainblue · 3 years
hi can I request a quackity imagine/hc where reader and quackity are dating and reader paints quackity’s nails
painting quackitys nails :]
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note: why of course anon, it would be my pleasure
includes: cc!quackity x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: unedited , use of quackitys real name
note part 2: for this fic i kinda mixed it up a bit and included both hc’s and a fic so let’s see how it goes :)
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it was originally your idea
definitely makes a huge deal out of picking out what color he wants
in the end just picks some basic color like blue
is SO dramatic
will start fake crying when you tell him that it takes like 15 minutes to dry
once you’ve finished painting them he definitely sent a photo to his friends bragging about how cool he looks
if they reply with anything else other than a compliment he will probably curse them out
“at least my nails aren’t boring and plain, you guys are all just full of toxic masculinity”
he just learned what toxic masculinity actually means, the word is now part of his daily vocab
if his nails ever chipped he would try to fix it himself and end up getting nail polish on the ceiling somehow
goes up to random people on the street and shows them his nails
gets super excited when you come over to paint his nails again so he can pick out a different color than last time
note: ok that was my first time ever writing hc’s so sorry that it’s short and not very good 😅
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full fic
you and your boyfriend, alex, we’re sitting on your couch watching tv. a commercial came up and an idea popped into your brain
“hey alex wanna let me paint your nails, i promise it will be funnnn” you said dragging out the n to try to convince him
“hm. will it feel weird on my nails?” he said, half paying attention to what you were saying and half paying attention to the oxy-clean commercial on the tv
“yes, but only for a little bit. then you’ll get used to it and you can have fun colors on your nails”
“alright, let’s do it” that shocked you. you didn’t think he would agree that easily but hey, it’s a win
you stood up and started to walk towards the bathroom but paused when you saw alex stayed seated on the couch
“you coming?” you said, turning around to face him
“oh yeah oops sorry” he said getting up and following you to the bathroom
once you made it to the bathroom, you pulled out your bag of nail polishes from beneath the sink
you unzipped it and laid out all the color options for him to choose from
“hmmmm, this is so hard to choose” he said
“well, your favorite color is blue, why don’t you go with that?” you suggested
“well yeah but what shade of blue? there’s so many to choose from. would i even look good with blue? i need your honest opinion”
“my honest opinion is that you are way over complicating things” you said, putting a hand on his back and rubbing small circles to calm the visibly anxious boy next to you
“why don’t we just try this shade? and if you don’t like it then we can wipe it off and try a different one” you said, picking up a bottle of navy blue nail polish and holoding it up to him
“ok ok that sounds like a plan” he said taking the polish from your hands
“alright, i have to go grab some nail polish remover from my room real quick i’ll be right back” you said as you left the bathroom
you came back into the bathroom to see alex trying to paint his own finger nails, to no avail
you sighed, finding it funny how much of a mess he made.
that’s when you looked up
there was nail polish on the ceiling
“alex.” you said calmly
“yes my dear” he said, not looking at you but leaning down to see his nails better
“how did you get nail polish on the ceiling” you said, almost bursting out with laughter
instead of a verbal answer, alex started folding over laughing instead
this made you crack and you started laughing along with him
you both laughed until your cheeks hurt from smiling and your stomachs were cramping up
“alright, let me come help you fix that problem you have over there” you said gesturing to his hands, covered in navy blue nail polish
“ok” he said with a grin that took up half his face
once you fixed his hand that he painted, it was time for you to paint the other
as you made your way through, painting his nails, you finished the last one and looked up to see alex staring in awe at you.
before you could say anything, he bent down and gave you a small kiss on the forehead
“you did an amazing job love, i love them so much” he said
that night, you fell asleep to the feeling of his freshly painted nails, tracing shapes along your arm.
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