#I like to watch daily does of internet when I'm sick
almostholysandwich · 5 months
Can you make art of my hwad canon headcanon if not it's ok
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10 thousand billion years later
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irithnova · 8 months
what would modern mongolia’s fashion style be like? his hobbies?
I wouldn't see him being too fussed about fashion on a day to day, but he definitely knows how to dress himself. I don't think he goes for bold colours on the daily. He seems to have a practical and understated approach to fashion tbh. I think he prefers comfort and functionality over extravagant styles or anything overcomplicated.
On a typical day, I can see him wearing clothing in muted tones such as deep blues, blacks, and browns etc. His day to day wardrobe consists of comfortable yet durable fabrics, so he can move freely while still looking put together if that makes sense?
Again he's not fussed about thinking too hard about what he wants to wear on a daily so he has classic pieces like trousers, plain shirts, and simple jackets. Accessories I'd say are minimal? Perhaps a sturdy leather belt or a subtle watch/leather bracelet. Jewellery wise, I see him on the silver/steel side. Silver studs/simple necklace but nothing excessive.
When it comes to outerwear, he'd probably opt for a trench coat in a neutral hue like beige or dark gray or a nice leather jacket.
I think he still wears the traditional deel too, but of course not the fancy kind everyday (he doesn't want to ruin them) and not everyday anyways. When he does wear a deel, he wears more like the practical type that nomads wear which is made to be more durable for day to day use.
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The practical deel in question is crafted primarily from sheep wool and basic materials. It's designed for everyday wear, so it lacks intricate patterns but has a plush, warm texture. Winter deels, in particular, are very robust, with thick layers of sheep wool stuffing inside. They are reinforced with a few buttons near the collar. These deels are capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius.
I think he definitely wears deels more often in the winter time/when he's in the countryside because if they managed to keep him from freezing to death for so long then he's sticking with them. Kind of like a "if it's not broken don't fix it" mentality.
Some hobbies:
The very obvious archery/horse riding/wrestling
Chess! Along with playing mahjong (practicing to beat China)
Logic games in general he's downloaded quite a few on his phone
Wood carving/bow making
Calligraphy (Mongolian calligraphy obviously)
Arguing with people on the Internet
This is a headcanon I'm still contemplating tbh but I think it would be sick if he was freakily flexible like a contortionist. Mongolian contortionism is so cool lol
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sparks-to-flames · 6 months
This is a bit all over the place but please understand what I am trying to say. If you need me to make this more clearer, I will make another post about this.
Ngl I want to start a convo with other black people about watching non-black creators misusing AAVE. Even though, you love their content. (This may be a sign for me to watch more black creators tbh and if you have any good ones let me know.) Because I'm sick and tired of hearing my language being butchered and being used as a joke or to get brownie points to seem to be cool, hip, and/or trendy. And then some of these creators saying that they don't understand "today's lingo", despite the fact it was here before they were even born. Like there's actual proof of these words existing through older music or films. For example, I remember seeing a clip from MASH and a white person used the word "period" correctly. And that word is older than that show. (To be honest the only way they would have known that word is if they heard black soldiers using it.)
And I'm starting to watch less of these creators works/videos because of it. I want to talk to my favorite creators about it but I fear that they may not take in consideration of my or other black fans' feelings. Either because they don't want to bring "politics" into it (tbh I feel like everything is political, even if you strive to be apolitical but that is for another post for another day.), don't want to think about a minority of their fanbase's feelings because they are a fraction of the whole fanbase, or a combination of these two. Despite the fact some of these creators had publicly sided with the BLM protest back in 2020.
With everyone non-black just now discovering "gyat", to me, it seems like it's been really blown out of proportion. It physically hurts me when I hear it misused. Gyat is not an acronym nor does it mean that someone has a fat ass. It's another way of saying goddamn. It's just written as if someone was saying it but they stopped midway. Similar to chile, it's just an Ebonics phonetic spelling of child. It's not that hard to understand unless you are not a part of that culture or you don't care about that culture.
I just want to watch something without mocking my culture because I get that on a daily basis in real life. I know this sounds like I need to touch grass (I know I do), but I use the internet to escape it. Yet it seems like I can never do. Everywhere I go I get ridiculed for it, even if it's unintentional. It still hurts me and other people like me either way. Especially since I may seem less "intelligent" by using that word meanwhile if someone that is non-black uses it, they're funny. And I hate that black people's lives get treated as a commodity for non-black people's entertainment and have no sympathy for us.
Again, please if you are black, please feel free to respond to this post.
|| To non-black people: It is okay for you to reblog, just don't comment on this though. If you want to talk about it, dm me. ||
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
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You sing about "American stories burning before me." Do you mean the illusions of what America is? It's about the illusions of what I thought America was before our political landscape took this turn, and that naivete that we used to have about it. And it's also the idea of people who live in America, who just want to live their lives, make a living, have a family, love who they love, and watching those people lose their rights, or watching those people feel not at home in their home. I have that line "I see the high-fives between the bad guys" because not only are some really racist, horrific undertones now becoming overtones in our political climate, but the people who are representing those concepts and that way of looking at the world are celebrating loudly, and it's horrific. You're in this weird place of being a blond, blue-eyed pop star in this era — to the point where until you endorsed some Democratic candidates, right-wingers, and worse, assumed you were on their side. I don't think they do anymore. Yeah, that was jarring, and I didn't hear about that until after it had happened. Because at this point, I, for a very long time, I didn't have the internet on my phone, and my team and my family were really worried about me because I was not in a good place. And there was a lot of stuff that they just dealt with without telling me about it. Which is the only time that's ever happened in my career. I'm always in the pilot seat, trying to fly the plane that is my career in exactly the direction I want to take it. But there was a time when I just had to throw my hands up and say, "Guys, I can't. I can't do this. I need you to just take over for me and I'm just going to disappear." Are you referring to when a white-supremacist site suggested you were on their team? I didn't even see that, but, like, if that happened, that's just disgusting. There's literally nothing worse than white supremacy. It's repulsive. There should be no place for it. Really, I keep trying to learn as much as I can about politics, and it's become something I'm now obsessed with, whereas before, I was living in this sort of political ambivalence, because the person I voted for had always won. We were in such an amazing time when Obama was president because foreign nations respected us. We were so excited to have this dignified person in the White House. My first election was voting for him when he made it into office, and then voting to re-elect him. I think a lot of people are like me, where they just didn't really know that this could happen. But I'm just focused on the 2020 election. I'm really focused on it. I'm really focused on how I can help and not hinder. Because I also don't want it to backfire again, because I do feel that the celebrity involvement with Hillary's campaign was used against her in a lot of ways. You took a lot of heat for not getting involved. Does any part of you regret that you just didn't say "fuck it" and gotten more specific when you said to vote that November? Totally. Yeah, I regret a lot of things all the time. It's like a daily ritual. Were you just convinced that it would backfire? That's literally what it was. Yeah. It's a very powerful thing when you legitimately feel like numbers have proven that pretty much everyone hates you. Like, quantifiably. That's not me being dramatic. And you know that. There were a lot of people in those stadiums. It's true. But that was two years later. . . . I do think, as a party, we need to be more of a team. With Republicans, if you're wearing that red hat, you're one of them. And if we're going to do anything to change what's happening, we need to stick together. We need to stop dissecting why someone's on our side or if they're on our side in the right way or if they phrased it correctly. We need to not have the right kind of Democrat and the wrong kind of Democrat. We need to just be like, "You're a Democrat? Sick. Get in the car. We're going to the mall.
September 18, 2019: Taylor opens up about politics with Rolling Stone. (source)
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COVID misinformation.
I know the internet is literally plagued with misinformation and fringe conspiracy theorists. I mean, we live with the consequences daily, with January 6th capitol riot in the US, constant protests on whether COVID is real or being spread via 5G etc.
It's weird watching people with no medical or epidemiological training throw out statistics. And it's like.
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There were a lot of misconceptions about the flu vaccination which I got used to dispelling and discussing with patients pre-pandemic over the years. To note, I don't press hard if they've made up their minds and this group comprises a very small, sometimes vocal, radical minority.
But if patients are on the fence, it's incredibly important to have that discussion particularly if they're in a higher risk group for severe disease and hospitalisation.
To clarify, the flu vaccination as with the COVID vaccination, may not prevent you from being "infected" or picking up the disease. But it will prevent severe complications and hospitalization. In short, it prevents you dying from the flu. And people do die from the flu, just in much smaller numbers than COVID and within the much older age groups. It was rare for flu patients to require O2 or ICU intubation for ventilation. With COVID, we are seeing this requirement. The average COVID ICU admission is 10 days, which means if you're unlucky it could be much longer. Also France has just published a study of 22 million demonstrating this. Pfizer cuts risk of developing severe COVID by 90%. Moreover, if you wear a mask regularly, your ability to infect someone else is substantially lower too. This youtube video explains pretty bloody well.
I have this conversation over and over again each year about the flu vaccination, and the resistance is much less with the flu vaccine even now.
But now that a pandemic is at the fore, I'm having this conversation more often and not just with patients, but with family and friends and now online.
Some of them are highly educated, but again, we do a terrible job mitigating misinformation or providing appropriate public health education as a whole. I wholeheartedly agree with the American Surgeon General that misinformation on social media is a massive issue that requires action.
The vast majority of patients being admitted for COVID are the unvaccinated. In the minority of groups that are fully vaccinated and require hospitalization for COVID, it's often because they're immunocompromised or have underlying health conditions (it means their bodies are less resilient to fighting illness or their immune systems are less robust).
Our best protection as a society is herd immunity for those who cannot fully benefit from being fully vaccinated themselves. This includes neonates and infants who cannot receive vaccines the day they're born, we often forget this when we do not have children ourselves.
We call it the pandemic of the unvaccinated because overwhelming it is the unvaccinated that are hospitalized, not the vaccinated.
But truly it is also a pandemic for the vaccinated in the sense that there are so many unvaccinated COVID patients in hospital now, that if you have non-COVID condition, you will suffer delays or potentially receive substandard care.
Major tertiary hospitals have been converted to priorititze COVID patients (as they may imminently require negative pressure rooms or ICU), so the non-COVID are being transferred say to hospitals who do not normally treat complex patients etc. They will suffer worse outcomes. Not a hospitals are created equal, that does not make them terrible places, they're just not for more critically ill patients, but we are shuttling patients there to make room for the very sick with COVID that need isolation to prevent spread.
This is a lot more than personal or individual choice. It's a moral and ethical responsibility we all share to protect the vulnerable and our community as a whole.
Healthcare is a finite resource, but as the vast majority of the population have no exposure to what a hospital system is like, it's often more of an intangible concept. How do you compel someone to care about something, they have no connection to? I am heartened by the fact that social media giant Facebook is finally facing the music and congress is considering legislation to regulate it and misinformation that is prolonging this pandemic and its consequences. This is long, long past overdue. I thought it was hilarious when before congress Zuckerberg said "Lying is bad," we shouldn't do it, but permitting and encouraging it, is much the same. It has the same if not worse consequences. You can't merely absolve yourself of responsibility.
You know, I still can't believe how much of medicine has changed in a couple of short years. I never thought I'd see this in my life time as a healthcare provider, and there was nothing in my training or during medical school that would have prepared for this.
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Usually, I'm also used to conspiracy theorists and other similar minority groups on the fringes. Where I can "ignore them" and move on with life. In the rare moments I'm faced with them, they're fleeting, like the very occasional patient dying of metastatic cancer because they're in denial that cancer exists, or that modern medicine will help them. I've seen them die in hospital still taking complementary medicine to 'cure' their incurable cancer to the very end, but they're no longer able to look after themselves at home they have to go somewhere. So they come to us. Possibly you could argue individual choice here, cancer is not contagious. The flipside to that argument is that early intervention also saves vital resources for everyone else who needed them and did not sign up for someone else's extreme views.
A pandemic is a different thing. Every individual choice impacts and upends every corner of society in a very extreme and short time frame. Swallowing up whole everything we have.
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nemesisadraste · 3 years
Movie night (a Code Lyoko fan-fin by NemesisAdraste for @that-g3-obsessive in the @codesecretsanta gift exchange.)
This story happens somewhere during season 2. Don't mind the year of the story and the movies please. I know they don't all fit, but let just say that in the CL-verse they do.
It was a normal autumn night for all the parisian inhabitants. 
All of them?... No!
In the streets of la ville lumière there was a group of young teens with bags on their back that, if you'd ask any grumpy neighbors, were definitely up to something. This group made of 3 boys and a pink haired girl, all about the same age, were heading to a specific house that wasn't theirs and no one could have guessed what they were ganging up for…
Ulrich : Oh my god would you cut it Odd?! We're just going to have a movie night at Yumi's house and her parents and Hiroki will be there so stop the drama!
Odd : What? Can't I have a little fun?!
Aelita : Yeah Ulrich, don't be a party pooper, that was funny.
Ulrich : Maybe but he does this all the time and I'm getting sick of it.
Odd : Come on buddy, a little laugh never killed nobody.
Ulrich : No, but people had died for being too annoying.
Jérémie : Ok kids stop it we arrived.
They had indeed arrived and Aelita knocked on the door. Yumi answered, already in pyjamas (a comfy Tortoro one) for the night and with a big smile.
Yumi : Hi! Come in! 
The warriors entered the house and Hiroki immediately welcomed Ulrich and showed him his room before letting him change into his pyjamas. The other warriors did the same after greeting Yumi's family. Once they were all set, the Geisha's parents prepared some popcorn while the kids were discussing which movie to watch.
Odd : What about "Singularity"? It is about a self-aware AI that we programmed to find the world's biggest problem and to solve it, but once we connected it to the internet, it didn't take a second for it to find out it was humanity the problem. I saw it and it is really good!
Aelita : Yeah I'll pass.
Jérémie : Me too.
Odd : Ok… oh what about "I robot"?! You can't go wrong with Will Smith!
Yumi : I love Will Smith too, but "I robot" really?
Odd : what's the problem?
Yumi : This is a fun movie night Odd. It is meant to get us out of our daily trouble so I think it is better to choose a movie that is NOT about an evil AI.
Odd : I see… but I still want an action movie…
Hiroki comes in the room in this very moment
Hiroki : I want an action movie too!
Yumi : I'm fine with an action movie, just not an AI movie ok.
Hiroki : Yeah she never liked those, it gave her nightmares. It's weird because she watches horror movies sometimes that are way worse and she is just fine!
Yumi : Enough Hiroki or you won't watch the movie with us!
Hiroki : Well mom and dad said I can so…
Yumi : Hiroki!
Hiroki : Ok fine I'll stop. So what do we watch?
Odd : What about "Pacific Rim" No AI, just big human controlled robots fighting aliens coming from the center of the earth. 
Yumi's mom coming from the kitchen with the popcorn : Isn't it a bit too violent for Hiroki?
Hiroki : Mom I'm not a baby I can take it! 
Yumi's mom : Ok then. It is a special night after all. But don't come into our bed if you have nightmares tonight! Have fun!
Odd : Ok let's do this! You'll see this is a great movie you're gonna love it! Especially you Ulrich and Yumi! 
Ulrich : How so?
Odd : You'll see! 😜
And so they started the movie and watched it. Just like Odd has predicted they all loved it and Ulrich and Yumi knew why Odd had said it was especially for them when they came to the "four hits" stick fight game scene. It was awesome and they promised to try it someday. Aelita was amazed by the special effects and was especially receptive to the traumas scenes. Jérémie took mental notes about all the scientific stuff surrounding the Jaegers and its neural interface. Hiroki just had a blast watching the fight scenes and Odd was equally impressed by the work in front and behind the camera like everytime he sees it.
Odd : See I told you it was great! Say Einstein, do you think you can program some Jaegers on Lyoko?
Hiroki : Lyoko? What is that?
Jérémie : Nothing… just a video game I program for fun in my free times.
Hiroki : Cool! Can I see it?!
Jérémie : Not until it is finished. But when I do you'll be the first to know promise.
Hiroko : COOL! Thanks! What is the game about?
Yumi : Hiroki, it's way past your bedtime now.
Hiroki : You're not fun
Yumi : Hiroki!
Hiroki : Ok I'll go to my room… leave you alone with your boyfriend.
Yumi : For the 1000000 times Ulrich is not my boyfriend!
Hiroki : Yeah sure. (He goes up to his room.)
Jérémie : Way to go Odd now I have a video game to eventually present to Hiroki.
Odd : Hey you came up with this cover story! Besides, he will probably forget it by next week.
Jérémie : Hope you're right.
Odd : You didn't answer my question though, could you program Jaegers on Lyoko?
Jérémie : No.
Odd : Why?
Jérémie : First of all, I have enough with the anti-virus as it is to start thinking about programming new stuff, second of all, didn't you see in the movie all the side-effects it had? It's too much an unnecessary risk to add. Beside all monsters are relatively small so how would a giant robot be of any use?
Odd : The monsters we know are tiny, but what if X.A.N.A. make a new real big one?! Bigger than the schyphozoa I mean! Bigger than the towers even!
Ulrich : Stop it Odd. Since we found the 5th sector I'm sure we have encountered all the monsters in X.A.N.A army.
Odd : Ok, Ok no Jaegers. But don't complain to me when we'll be in front of this future colossal monster and we will be the tiny one.
Yumi : I promise we won't. Ok, now I can't sleep on big action scenes because they are way too exciting, so how about a light comedie before we go to bed?
Aelita : Yeah I'd love too! How about an Astérix? I heard good stuff about those animated movies and how they are a classic here.
Ulrich : Yeah they are fun even if they are for kids.
Odd : Don't listen to him princess, cartoons are for everyone and the Astérixs are the best! My fave is "Les 12 travaux d'Astérix." Let's see this one. They even introduce all the characters at the beginning so it's a good one to start with.
Yumi : Ok let's watch this!
And they watched and enjoyed it all together, and then went to sleep. Those moments were rare and precious so when they arrived, they didn't let a second of it split. They all continued this wonderful night in their dreams hoping that someday this will be their routine instead of fighting.
I hope you enjoyed it 😅
Happy holidays to you and all your loved one! Please give me your appreciation in the comments!
P.s. in case you wondered , this is the famous Pacific Rim stick fight scene!
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thenickelportrust · 7 years
Hi, RenaB! First of all, I want to thank you for creating such good games and tell you how awesome your stories and your characters are! They are so interesting! And if it doesn't bother you, could you tell us what kind of parents would the ROs be ? I also have another question (i'm sorry it isn't about model citizens) How is Icarus Sun's progress ?
Hello! Thank you so so much! I’m so thrilled to know you love them! And flattered to hear you say so!!
It doesn’t bother me at all! I’m always happy to answer questions! :D
Finley: Finley I feel would be a surprisingly good parent. Perhaps they’d err a bit on the overprotective side of things but they’d be a very honest, open parent. Which sometimes honesty has it’s backlashes with kids since they’ll go around telling absolutely everyone whatever it is you told them, but I think that the fact that Finley would have such an honest relationship with their child means that they’d be the kind of parent where the kid would never really have to feel bad for going to them for advice or anything. Finley would be a little lost on some of the other parts of parenting, which is where a lot of the overprotectiveness would come from, but overall I think they’d do just fine as a parent.
Raf: Raf would be a great dad. He’d be the kind of dad that other dads talk trash about because they wish they had his dad-skills. He basically already raised his younger sister (and she was… quite the handful) so he’s already been through and is prepared for all of it. Scraped knees, allergies, first heartbreaks, fights, friend-issues, the many many questions every dad fears, stubborn teen years, college application stress- just name it and he’s probably had to help his little sister through it. Not to mention, he’s the kind of guy who really truly loves and supports those he cares for nigh-unconditionally, so even if he didn’t have the answer to a question or whatever made his kid scared also scared him, he’d at least be able to provide the knowledge that they really are loved and supported. So, yeah, I’d say Raf would by far be the best parent out of anyone in Model Citizens: Unmasked. (He’s also a very good cat-dad, too.)
Jacob: Jacob would simultaneously be extremely excited to show his kid everything and anything in the world while also being terrified each time his kid steps outside that something is going to be horribly wrong. He’d definitely be an overprotective dad. 100%. I think I had said before that Jacob always panics around kids and would call the ambulance for a scraped knee if he was made to watch after a young’un? Yeah, take that and multiply it by 100x. That’d be dad-Jacob.
Lucy: Lucy would be a bit of an overenthusiastic mom. The kid mentions that they like music? Here’s a trombone, and a piano, and she signed them up for daily lessons and also bought them these beginner tutorial books- also here’s a daily independent practice schedule so they can really follow their dreams. Oh, now they like sports? Perfect- right up her alley, now they can come and join her on her daily jogs at… 5 in the morning. It all comes from a good place, granted, and should the kid lose interest or move onto something else then she’d shift all her encouragement immediately to whatever this new interest is, but it also means that she runs a bit of a risk as being a bit too… supportive… The MC might need to hold her back on some occasions.
But damned if she isn’t the one cheering loudest at her kid’s recital.
Yolanda: Yolanda would be an ok mom. Perhaps she might need to be reminded once and a while to just let the kid be a kid and not a tiny adult, but she did have two younger sisters so she has some experience with helping younger children find their way in life. Overall she’d be fine as a mom, and would definitely, absolutely adore her child.
Eileen: Eileen is the kind of mom who takes her kid to all of the Mommy & Me preschool activities and sends them out with specially-made lunches and made them their own stuffed animal. She would coddle her kid, to an extreme. They get sick and she spends the entire day at home making them soup and checking their temperature and making sure they drink plenty. They get an A on a test and she takes them out for ice cream. They fall down and start crying and she immediately wraps them up in a hug and comforts them. She’s definitely a coddler.
Informant: The Informant is generally pretty bad with kids, but he’d have a  big ole soft spot for his own kid. Which of course would only scare him even more. He’d probably second guess everything he does, so he’d be the kind of dad who has at least fifty parenting books and constantly surfs the internet for advice on how to be a good dad. He has no idea what he’s doing and that scares him because he would want to give his kid the best life he possibly could. He’d stumble some but… I think he’d do alright.
Ricky: Oh god Ricky. It… It’s so hard to picture Ricky as a dad. He hates kids. He hates kids more than he hated the MC at the start of the demo. He absolutely, positively despises kids. I mean, I feel like he’d probably love his own kid, even if he was absolutely positively entirely against the idea of having a kid in the first place. But he’d have no idea what to do. He would mess up… a lot with a kid. Ricky is just… not suited for childcare. At all. He’d try, sure, but… The MC would probably need to step in 90% of the time because he’s just bad with kids.
V: V is the adventure-parent if the adventure in adventure parent was replaced with ‘almost fatally dangerous exploits’. You don’t just need to baby-proof the house with V, you need to baby-proof the world. Because if you think they’re not going to do some parent-kid paragliding over a waterfall you’re dead wrong. All that being said though- like I’ve said before V has a bit of a protective streak in them, so it’d probably be a case of the MC constantly looking for injuries that aren’t there. 
Honestly I’d be more worried about the MC’s mental health then the kid’s physical health with V. That kinda constant stress is… not good.
As for your other question:
I’m currently on a bit of a break with Icarus Sun. It hasn’t been abandoned but I sort-of realized that I didn’t have the skill to write the story that I wanted to write, and since I love Icarus Sun’s story so much I really wanted to be able to tell it in the way that I wanted. As is such, I’m putting all my focus on Model Citizens for right now and kinda using it as a practice dummy/guinea pig so that when I go back to Icarus Sun I’ll really be able to tell the story that I want to!
That and there were a few more points of the story that I wanted to refine, polish, and/or just make the flow a little smoother.
So, yeah! Icarus Sun is in a bit of a limbo right now, while I do go back and work on the plotting-out itself I’m focusing on Model Citizens for right now!
Hope that answers your questions! :D
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Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
biglawk: oh my god it's happening
Danimark: I expect great things
Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
$11.87: ok but i only have one hour
$11.87: one sec
Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
$11.87: i have a life my dude
biglawk: get your shit together 11
biglawk: jesus christ
$11.87: i have to go to UVA
Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
Waytfm hype-train: ^
Tormeson: :veryTru:
$11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
$11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
$11.87: since my gf is sleeping
$11.87: but if you want to follow along
Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
$11.87: yeah i'll do that
$11.87: but you can watch along
Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
$11.87: hmm what should my name be
$11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
$11.87: so thats my name
Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
$11.87: nah im a boat rn
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
$11.87: fine
$11.87: yeesh
Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
$11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
$11.87: brb putting on pants irl
biglawk: i'm going to be sick
Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
Waytfm hype-train: haha
Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
$11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
$11.87: i feel insulted
Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10: 04 AM] $11.87: =\
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353085293527050/unknown.png?width=400&height=61
$11.87: fuck off main character
$11.87: you're so melodramatic
biglawk: MC is the worst
Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
Tormeson: Impressive
$11.87: who is MC
Tormeson: Main Character
biglawk: main character you dip
$11.87: oh ok
$11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
$11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
$11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
$11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
biglawk: uwu
Tormeson: :smilepls:
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
Tormeson: I think
biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
$11.87: Limerick II
Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
$11.87: why is everybody so coy
$11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
$11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
$11.87: one sec
$11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
$11.87: its working for me
$11.87: oh oops
$11.87: lemme fix that
Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
Waytfm hype-train: stream it
Tormeson: I have exams tho
Tormeson: After exams?
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
$11.87: time to seduce monica
Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10: 16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
$11.87: title screen
$11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
$11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
$11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
$11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
$11.87: me_irl
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
$11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
$11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
$11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
biglawk: lmao
Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
Waytfm hype-train: You shit
biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
$11.87: who tf is like this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434357829168660480/unknown.png?width=361&height=300
biglawk: nic
$11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
$11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
Tormeson: No she's just perfect
Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
Waytfm hype-train: Mes
Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
biglawk: we're all her fans
Waytfm hype-train: Don't
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: i actually have to do something
Waytfm hype-train: You trash
$11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
$11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
Tormeson: You
Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
Tormeson: :ablobwink:
biglawk: :heart_eyes:
$11.87: monica obviously
$11.87: what the heck how does this work
$11.87: um
$11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
Waytfm hype-train: then click another
Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
$11.87: > suicide
Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
$11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
$11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
biglawk: delete tihs
Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
$11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
$11.87: hmm, i can probably record
$11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
$11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
biglawk: explain this word
$11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
$11.87: she's bad at flirting
Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
$11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
biglawk: big booby goth tho
$11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
$11.87: also brb im getting some water
$11.87: my recording software can probably do that
Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
$11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
$11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10: 34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361015996645376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
biglawk: but who is the real MC
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: stop bullying me
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
$11.87: :thinking:
Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
$11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
Tormeson: Hmmm
biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: this some tasty smut
biglawk: lewd
Tormeson: Don't make me use this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434362150668992512/Capture_2018-04-13-10-39-46.png?width=194&height=301
$11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
$11.87: you fucking idiot MC
$11.87: brb getting water
$11.87: back
$11.87: oh no its decision making time
$11.87: who should i show my poem to
Tormeson: Who's your fav?
Waytfm hype-train: Gross
biglawk: decision time
Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
$11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
$11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
biglawk: i hate you and your boat
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
$11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
$11.87: like, is that canon?
Waytfm hype-train: ?
$11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
Waytfm hype-train: lol
biglawk: yes
biglawk: what do you think of her poem
$11.87: :shrug:
Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
$11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
$11.87: so i know who her waifu is
Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
biglawk: based roni
Tormeson: Roni is right
Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
Tormeson: :(
Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
Waytfm hype-train: You will be
biglawk: oh no
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
$11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
$11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
$11.87: the fuck is this shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
$11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
Tormeson: :tharking:
Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
$11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
$11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
$11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
$11.87: its not 2deep4me
$11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
biglawk: way is going to ban you
Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
$11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
$11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
$11.87: anyway i need to head out
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
$11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
$11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
Tormeson: :ANGERY:
biglawk: just wait until you're back home
Tormeson: ^Way rn
$11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
$11.87: im not bringing my bed
$11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
(napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
Tormeson: Eleven's gf
(napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes
eleven-87 · 6 years
My DDLC playthrough, day 1
[9:39 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
[9:47 AM] Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
[10:17 AM] biglawk: oh my god it's happening
[1:45 PM] Danimark: I expect great things
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
[9:55 AM] $11.87: ok but i only have one hour
[9:55 AM] $11.87: one sec
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have a life my dude
[9:55 AM] biglawk: get your shit together 11
[9:55 AM] biglawk: jesus christ
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have to go to UVA
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
[9:55 AM] biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ^
[9:56 AM] Tormeson: :veryTru:
[9:56 AM] $11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
[9:56 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
[9:56 AM] $11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
[9:57 AM] $11.87: since my gf is sleeping
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but if you want to follow along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
[9:57 AM] $11.87: yeah i'll do that
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but you can watch along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
[9:57 AM] $11.87: hmm what should my name be
[9:58 AM] $11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
[9:58 AM] $11.87: so thats my name
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
[9:59 AM] $11.87: nah im a boat rn
[9:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
[9:59 AM] $11.87: fine
[9:59 AM] $11.87: yeesh
[10:00 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
[10:00 AM] $11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
[10:00 AM] $11.87: brb putting on pants irl
[10:00 AM] biglawk: i'm going to be sick
[10:01 AM] Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: haha
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
[10:01 AM] $11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
[10:02 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
[10:02 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
[10:02 AM] $11.87: i feel insulted
[10:03 AM] Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10:04 AM] $11.87: =\
10:04 AM] $11.87: fuck off main character
[10:04 AM] $11.87: you're so melodramatic
[10:04 AM] biglawk: MC is the worst
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
[10:04 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Impressive
[10:04 AM] $11.87: who is MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Main Character
[10:04 AM] biglawk: main character you dip
[10:05 AM] $11.87: oh ok
[10:05 AM] $11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
[10:05 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
[10:05 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
[10:05 AM] $11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
[10:05 AM] $11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
[10:05 AM] $11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
[10:06 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
[10:06 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
[10:07 AM] biglawk: uwu
[10:07 AM] Tormeson: :smilepls:
[10:07 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I think
[10:08 AM] biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
[10:08 AM] $11.87: Limerick II
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
[10:09 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
[10:11 AM] $11.87: why is everybody so coy
[10:11 AM] $11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
[10:11 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
[10:11 AM] $11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
[10:12 AM] $11.87: one sec
[10:13 AM] $11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
[10:13 AM] biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
[10:14 AM] Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
[10:14 AM] $11.87: its working for me
[10:14 AM] $11.87: oh oops
[10:14 AM] $11.87: lemme fix that
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: stream it
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: I have exams tho
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: After exams?
[10:15 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
[10:16 AM] $11.87: time to seduce monica
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
[10:16 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10:16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
[10:16 AM] Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
[10:17 AM] biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
[10:17 AM] Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
[10:17 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
[10:17 AM] $11.87: title screen
[10:18 AM] $11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
[10:18 AM] $11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
[10:18 AM] $11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
[10:19 AM] $11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
[10:19 AM] $11.87: me_irl
[10:19 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
10:19 AM] Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
[10:19 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
[10:20 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
[10:20 AM] $11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
[10:20 AM] $11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
[10:20 AM] $11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
[10:21 AM] biglawk: lmao
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You shit
[10:21 AM] biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
[10:22 AM] $11.87: who tf is like this
[10:22 AM] biglawk: nic
[10:23 AM] $11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
[10:23 AM] $11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: No she's just perfect
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
[10:23 AM] biglawk: we're all her fans
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Don't
[10:23 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i actually have to do something
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You trash
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
[10:24 AM] $11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
[10:24 AM] biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: You
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: :ablobwink:
[10:24 AM] biglawk: :heart_eyes:
[10:24 AM] $11.87: monica obviously
[10:25 AM] $11.87: what the heck how does this work
[10:25 AM] $11.87: um
[10:25 AM] $11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: then click another
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > suicide
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
[10:26 AM] $11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
[10:27 AM] biglawk: delete tihs
[10:27 AM] Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
[10:29 AM] $11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
[10:29 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
[10:30 AM] Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
[10:31 AM] $11.87: hmm, i can probably record
[10:31 AM] $11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
[10:31 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
[10:31 AM] $11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
[10:31 AM] biglawk: explain this word
[10:31 AM] $11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
[10:32 AM] $11.87: she's bad at flirting
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
[10:32 AM] $11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
[10:32 AM] biglawk: big booby goth tho
[10:32 AM] $11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
[10:32 AM] $11.87: also brb im getting some water
[10:32 AM] $11.87: my recording software can probably do that
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
[10:33 AM] $11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
[10:34 AM] $11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
[10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
[10:34 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
[10:35 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
[10:35 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
[10:35 AM] $11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
[10:36 AM] biglawk: but who is the real MC
[10:36 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:36 AM] $11.87: stop bullying me
[10:37 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
[10:37 AM] $11.87: :thinking:
[10:38 AM] Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
[10:38 AM] $11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
[10:39 AM] Tormeson: Hmmm
[10:39 AM] biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
[10:39 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
[10:39 AM] $11.87: this some tasty smut
[10:39 AM] biglawk: lewd
[10:40 AM] Tormeson: Don't make me use this
[10:40 AM] $11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
[10:40 AM] $11.87: you fucking idiot MC
[10:40 AM] $11.87: brb getting water
[10:43 AM] $11.87: back
[10:44 AM] $11.87: oh no its decision making time
[10:44 AM] $11.87: who should i show my poem to
[10:44 AM] Tormeson: Who's your fav?
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Gross
[10:44 AM] biglawk: decision time
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
[10:44 AM] $11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
[10:46 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
[10:46 AM] $11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] biglawk: i hate you and your boat
[10:47 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
10:47 AM] $11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
[10:47 AM] $11.87: like, is that canon?
[10:47 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ?
[10:48 AM] $11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
[10:48 AM] Waytfm hype-train: lol
[10:48 AM] biglawk: yes
[10:48 AM] biglawk: what do you think of her poem
[10:48 AM] $11.87: :shrug:
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
[10:49 AM] $11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
[10:49 AM] $11.87: so i know who her waifu is
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
[10:49 AM] biglawk: based roni
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Roni is right
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: :(
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
[10:50 AM] biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You will be
[10:50 AM] biglawk: oh no
[10:50 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
[10:50 AM] $11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
[10:50 AM] $11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
[10:51 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
[10:52 AM] $11.87: the fuck is this shit
[10:52 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
[10:52 AM] $11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
[10:53 AM] Tormeson: :tharking:
[10:53 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
[10:55 AM] $11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
[10:55 AM] $11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
[10:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
[10:56 AM] $11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
[10:56 AM] $11.87: its not 2deep4me
[10:57 AM] $11.87: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA
[10:57 AM] $11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
[10:57 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
[10:57 AM] biglawk: way is going to ban you
[10:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
[10:58 AM] Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
[10:59 AM] $11.87: anyway i need to head out
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
[10:59 AM] $11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
[10:59 AM] $11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
[10:59 AM] Tormeson: :ANGERY:
[10:59 AM] biglawk: just wait until you're back home
[11:00 AM] Tormeson: ^Way rn
[11:02 AM] $11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
[11:02 AM] $11.87: im not bringing my bed
[11:02 AM] $11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
[11:03 AM] Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
[1:04 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
[1:05 AM] Tormeson: Eleven's gf
[1:07 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes