#I haven’t played Minecraft in like… 4 years or smthn
its-raining-cats · 7 months
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autistic-katara · 10 months
WHAT'S CATRIONA'S BACKSTORY?? (love her name btw)
tysfm for asking omg
so basically Catriona had a pretty normal childhood until she was 11. she grew up with her mother and father (for now unnamed) and her younger sister Francis in idk some city in Scotland (haven’t decided which). she and her sister were pretty close considering their 4 year age gap and even lowkey shared a few friends (Catriona’s friends considering Francis a cute kid they could let play minecraft with them or smthn and Francis’s friends considering Catriona a cool big kid who was really good at hide and seek or smthn). but when Catriona was 11 and Francis was 7 their parents got in a car accident and both died. it was traumatic as hell for both of them (obviously) but what was worse was due to them having no family able to take care of them (their dad was abandoned at birth and bounced around the foster care system until he was 18 + their mother was an only child who’s dad had died some time before this and her mother being unable to care for 2 kids) and none of their friend’s families being able to take the both of them they ended up getting separated. Catriona doesn’t know where Francis ended up, she hoped one of her friends’ parents had adopted her or something but she (Catriona) ended up in foster care. she went around a couple homes until she was placed long term with this one family. they were a man and woman in their late 40s with 3 bio kids of their own (a boy a few years older than Catriona named Jacob, a girl her age named Erin, and a boy a year younger than Francis named Harris) and a few other foster kids. The other foster kids (along with the boys) mostly ignored her, Erin seemed to have some sort of personal thing against her, and the foster parents were pretty abusive (to all of the kids but particularly the foster ones). as well as all that the foster parents clearly weren’t equipped to take care of her, given that whenever she (or the other autistic kid there bcz yes do u rlly except me to make an allistic character?) would get overwhelmed or have a meltdown they’d treat it as a tantrum and punish her for it. they also didn’t know how to deal with her hair type (like 3c i think) and just pressured her into straightening it so it would be “easier to deal with”. they were also quite religious (protestant christian) and didn’t care that Catriona wasn’t raised religious and “didn’t really believe in it” and forced her to go anyway (they were also pretty homophobic bcz those kinda ppl typically are which was kinda a problem cause Catriona’s lesbian and very much didn’t wanna have to deal with the fallout if they found out).
one time when she was 14, Erin ended up destroying one of the last remaining memories of her family, a photo of them the day Francis started primary school, with Erin’s mother saying that “it was an accident” and “just a photo” and got rlly mad at her for “being dramatic” over it. so that night Catriona as quietly as possible packed everything she owned could fit into her school bag and took all the money in the house she could find that didn’t belong to the other foster kids. (couple hundred pounds) and left. taking a train to somewhere. somewhere that wasn’t there.
and yeah i haven’t figured out exactly how she meets everyone else and finds the place they live and the order everything happens in nd allat but i’ll figure it out soon c:
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