#I had a lot of fun picking out outfits and Mario power ups for everyone
citrus-cactus · 3 years
I saw @vidramon do this meme and thought it would be interesting, so here goes!
Five games that shaped me as a gamer, in no particular order, and under the cut to spare your dash!
1. Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)
I have spent SO many hours playing and replaying FFVII Original that I’m sure I would wince to know the exact amount. It is my gold standard for JRPGs against which all other JRPGs are judged (particularly those that come from SquareEnix). The plot, the characters, the mechanics, the graphics, the soundtrack, the translation flubs... I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH!!! FFIX is a close second in terms of a quality game that I have played multiple times and try to be as completionist as possible, but nothing, NOTHING can hold a candle to The Entire Reason I Wanted a PlayStation and Was Overjoyed the Day My Parents Said We Could Get One. My sister and I also have a LOT of in-jokes from playing it, and fun fact: we legit SCREAMED IN TERROR the first time we fought Jenova because there was a storm going on outside and some VERY well-timed thunder and lightning. You can’t make this stuff up. Everything about it was a formative gaming experience, 10/10 XD
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2. Kirby’s Adventure (NES)
The first game I became OBSESSED with beating. I played a lot of Super Mario Bros. 1 & 3 and while I could get far in them, I was not as good as either of my friends who played them and thus never felt the need to beat them by myself (besides, once you’ve experienced the joy of Goomba’s Shoe in SMB3, what even is the point of playing any further? XD). But Kirby... MAN, it was just so fun and approachable and COLORFUL the whole way through. My parents rented it for us first and since the game has save states, I got to start on Stage 6 (out of 7), and it seemed like there were so many secrets and fun things to unlock, even though I don’t think we made it to that stage’s boss fight (MetaKnight, he’ll WRECK YA!) before we had to return it. But we did eventually buy it and play it to 100% several times, and it’s still one of my favorite platformers. The powers are all so fun. UFO IS THE BEST!!!!
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3. Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves (PS2)
My then-boyfriend, now-husband and I bonded so hard over the whole Sly Cooper series, but SC2 was the best of the bunch: exploring the hub worlds, finding EVERY LAST BOTTLE, helping each other out on the more difficult(/frustrating) levels, picking pockets, earning all the money for upgrades, enjoying PARAGLIDE, loving the dialog (“Greasy-sweet!”), the characters, BENTLEY BEING THE BEST, etc. etc. It’s eight heist movies rolled into one, it improves on the original in every way, the characters are GREAT, it’s just... so great T^T
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(image technically from Sly 3, but still IT’S THE GANG!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!)
4. King’s Quest VI (PC)
Another game my sister and I spent HOURS playing and replaying, even though we were never able to figure out the “short” ending :o Long or bust, baby! Technically we played KQ7 first (and I still really like it because WOMEN PROTAGONISTS), but KQ6 is SO!!!!! Good. It’s hilarious, the puzzles aren’t *too* frustrating (we did NOT call the Sierra Help Line for this one, unlike KQ7... aah, bless my mom for that several-dollar phone call), the fact that you GO TO THE UNDERWORLD AT ONE POINT (I felt SO SMART when I solved the Gate’s riddle, lol!). I love the backgrounds, Robby Benson’s voice, the narrator, the duuuuuuumb jokes when you die... even if you hate Sierra’s mentality of “kill the player at every turn and/or let them create unwinnable states for themselves”, KQ6 is still an INCREDIBLY GOOD adventure game that is 100% worth playing, especially if you are into 90′s power ballads (GIRL IN THE TOOOOOOOWER, I’M REEEEEACHING OUT, PLEASE TEEEEELL ME WHAT TO DOOOOO). Thank you, I’ll see myself out ^_^
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5. Pokemon X (Nintendo 3DS)
The first Pokemon game I played, and still my favorite! Probably because everything was so NEW. I didn’t understand types! I didn’t understand... well, most of the mechanics that I’m sure everyone else internalized a long time ago and takes for granted. My friend Opallene was witnessing all of my n00bishness and I’m sure I was hilarious! :D But there were outfits! And haircuts! And Pokemon-Amie! AND CLEMONT AND BONNE. AND SKIDDO. It sent me around town getting various mythical Pokemon promo codes and down the path of buying Pokemon game several years in a row (Alpha Sapphire, Let’s Go Pikachu, Sun, Ultra Moon, and Sword, several of which I never finished, oops!). I think I am over it now, but man, playing that first Pokemon game was a POWERFUL experience. I finally understood what I had been missing out on since 1997! NOW I’M JUST LIKE ASH (I am not anything like Ash XD).
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The end! Don’t want to tag right now, but feel free to do it if y’wanna!
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neon-ufo · 4 years
Answering some OC asks
cool-human-98 said:
Since there's not much info about Ness, I'm really interested in what he's like. What do you have on him so far? Of course I'm asking about things that are not spoilers
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Ness is 17, which makes him the youngest character in the entire story, and he acts like it too. He’s very careless, loud and free-spirited, with a good sense of what’s right and wrong.
He absolutely doesn’t know when it’s not the right time to have a big mouth and can get himself in trouble by talking too much, or not following directions.
He’s very eager to meet new people, because he didn’t have many chances to do so in the past due to reasons I don’t want to disclose yet.
He makes very quick judgements and will often make a decision in the spur of a moment, not really thinking about the consequences of it. He’s very much led by his heart more than his brain.
He loves comics and power metal, and I think the fact that Gloryhammer is his favourite band says quite a bit about him.
My friend once said he's a personification of the Ultra Pink Monster Energy drink and that’s a pretty good summary of him (thought I’d say he’s more of the Pipeline Punch flavour).
behold-a-bastard-in-this-house said:
Are there any details on Ciril's curse, maybe? As in, how he gained it and when? Thank you much!
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Without spoiling too much of the core conflict of the story, Ciril’s curse was basically caused by him being too curious and going to places he shouldn’t have gone to. I am not fully set on the timeline of how long ago he’s been cursed, because it has to be lined up with events regarding some other characters (Mario and Ren), and I haven’t really sat down and properly match it up yet, but he’s been cursed for a couple of years at this point.
The curse slowly saps his energy, making him physically extremely weak; there are times when he can’t even get out of bed, and some days he can only move around with a wheelchair. He’s only 32 years old but looks much older.
While the process of the curse is slow, living with it at this point is terrible, as he’s not just weak, but he also can’t taste food, he’s constantly cold, his overall feelings feel very numb. It’s clearly out to kill him, and he has no idea how to lift it. Because death is his biggest fear, and he feels like he’s running out of time, he’s very desperate to save himself by any means necessary.
Anonymous said:
Does Vivid have a favorite meme?
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Dabbing & Minecraft, no questions about it.
blacksheep28 said:
What's Vivid's big dream in life?
He’s not really a person with any big plans for the future, he keeps his options open! One thing he definitely wants is to make things that bring joy to people.
In the current time, he’s an actor in a community theater. Sometimes he plays guitar and sings on the streets and then gives his earnings to those in need, since he loves to perform, but he doesn’t really need any additional income, so he just does what he can to bring some overall good vibes to his community. If any bars have an open stage, you know he’s there. 
He can play a guitar and piano, however he doesn’t want an actual career as a musician, or an actor, as he’d find that restricting. Basically, he’s just vibin’
bayygel said:
Who is most likely to cry when surprise punched in the face? Who is least likely to cry? I hope this question is up to your standards, Jim :) because I for one am very curious!
Vivid is a HUGE weenie when it comes to pain, his pain tolerance is non-existent. He will cower at any threat of pain, despite being pretty muscular and big. Being an actor, he’s able to put up an intimidating charade if necessary, but if his bluff is called he immediately retreats to avoid any further confrontation.
As for least likely.. About half the characters are pretty damn tough. Mario and Barbi would be hard to push to crying through pain (Barbi would cry from frustration sooner than from pain), and Ren is stone-cold. However, Otto is a clear ‘winner’ here, as life got him to a point where he’s too jaded to really care about much anymore, and that includes pain (which he has an extremely high tolerance for, he could probably lose a limb and not care)
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Anonymous said:
I don't have a particular question but I'd love to hear more about ren! i guess if you need something more specific then maybe something about her sibling kind of relationship with mario?
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Mario and Ren started off on pretty rough terms which caused her to be wary of him for a while. On the other side, Mario felt extremely bad about it and did everything he could to make her realize she’s safe and can trust him. Eventually, she came around and they’ve been really close ever since; he was the first person she ever felt calm with and he helped her a lot when it came to basically learning how to socialize, despite him being a total extrovert and her a total introvert.
Mario is an only child who always wanted a younger sibling, so meeting Ren filled that void for him and he protects and spoils her like a little sister, he’s willing to listen to her talk about her interests even if he doesn’t get it, he takes her out shopping, plays basketball with her, etc. 
Ren is very aware of this and deeply appreciates Mario for it. He’s constantly supportive of her, and while Ren is the kind of inexpressive and quiet person that might come across ungrateful to an outsider, Mario knows better than that and knows that this means a lot to her.
Anonymous said:
On a scale of 1 to 10, how huggable are each of your characters?
Ciril: Not huggable - bony and thin, will greatly oppose to hugs. Em: Somewhat huggable - might oppose at first, but it’s very possible for his motherly instincts to kick in and a gentle hug will be returned. Mario: Huggable - but your bones will be crushed Otto: Possibly huggable? Might not know what’s going on. Alternatively, he might think you’re upset and try to awkwardly pat your back. Ren: Not huggable, will flinch. Barbi: Only huggable for friends, otherwise she will headbutt you in the face Vivid: Extremely huggable. Possibly the most huggable. Will always hug back. King: Not huggable. Will not like it. Ness: Huggable. Will be happy to receive a hug and might spin you around.
Anonymous said:
Did Jojo inspire your characters designs? If so, are there any specific characters who inspired the designs? And on the topic of design, who is your favorite and why?
Araki’s work influenced me in general, not just when it comes to character designs, it basically changed how I look at art altogether. A lot of the characters are directly inspired by stylistic choices, rather than specific characters;
- Crop tops. - While Em was not inspired by Kakyoin directly, he was inspired by how I decided to stylize Kakyoin when I drew him. - Barbi’s hair is inspired by Araki’s rigid style of drawing hair which I love a lot - King’s hair was inspired by Diavolo’s hair, because I interpreted Diavolo’s hair as having a leopard pattern, and that gave me idea for King’s zebra pattern - Similar as with Em, this isn’t a DIRECT inspiration from JoJo, but the way I draw Mario is slightly based on the way I stylized DIO - Ciril’s two-tone hair was inspired by my initial interpretation of Abbacchio’s headband being differently coloured hair on top of his head. - Ren’s pitch black no-shine eyes were inspired by Mista, and her spiky hair is a mixture of Narancia and that 2000s scene style where everyone gelled the hair at the back of their head - The ‘holes’ between the strands of Ness’ hair were inspired by how Reimi’s hair was drawn, I thought that was really cool.
As for my favourite, I’m fond of all of them since I worked on streamlining their designs a lot, but if I had to pick, I think King is generally the one I like drawing the most for some reason. I’m very happy with how Inverness turned out too, and Em being kind of a fashionista is fun to design outfits for.
Anonymous said:
Do any of your OCs watch anime? If so what type?
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Ren is a bonafide weeb. Kuroshitsuji is her favourite anime because she loves Sebastian. Her favourite genres are supernatural mystery anime and slice-of-life anime. She prefers older shows and doesn’t really dig the hype of the seasonal shows, though she will occasionally check them out. She generally doesn’t like the Shounen genre. She likes Dragon Maid too, Fafnir being her favourite (as you can see she has a type). She uses Picrew to make her avatars.
Anonymous said:
Who of your OCs is the least athletic? Who's the most athletic?
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Due to his current predicament, Ciril is by far the least athletic one, as sometimes he can barely walk. Before the curse, however, he was a traveller, meaning he was in a pretty good condition.
If we don’t count Ciril due to his curse, then Em would be the least athletic one. He’s slim and elegant and makes sure to stay that way, but any work out he does isn’t really preparing him for any serious conditions, he’ll be the first to lose breath if everyone ran a race (not counting Ciril who, frankly, can’t run.)
On the other side, Otto doesn’t look like it and doesn’t live like it, but he’s pretty much peak condition among my characters. He actively works out as a way to cope with the mess that is his life and had military training in the past.
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(Mario is also a good competitor for this, being a fitness bro, but he doesn’t have nearly as much experience as Otto, and despite their difference in size, Otto could absolutely take him down.)
Anonymous said:
ideas on how any of your original characters would deal with self isolation/quarantine?
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lord-king-saint · 5 years
theres always that one person that loves you so much that you'll never doubt yourself-- or your "lovability"-- ever again. my person came late, and it didnt last, but it changed me forever.
snap wasnt the most beautiful man in the world-- but he was cute. a mutual friend introduced us at brunch, and i thought he was funny, and decent, but i figured i would never see him again. socializing in the city was so transitory.
but i did see him again, that same day. i left brunch, ran some errands, and was craving something cheap and greasy, so i went to panda express. while devouring the thin and crispy chow mein noodles, i saw a cute lil bubble butt in line. i was staring, but maintaining my queer hyperviligance-- until i realized it was him. it was snap, wearing a tight jogging outfit, and it amused me. why go for a jog if youre just going to eat bad chinese afterwards? i was intrigued.
when he recognized me, he danced over and sat at my booth. he didnt look sweaty-- but who was i to judge? i mean, he was in better shape than i was, so he had more social capital in gay world; and he had soft skin, a professional beard, and liquid green eyes. the more i looked, the more i found things to like.
he was a therapist who worked at a middle school, and we made small talk about our mutual friends. he said i had a good effect on everyone in the group. my mere presence cooled the egos of the gays who tended to be more self-involved, he noticed. it was definitely shade, but i was humble and simply said thank you-- and i remained humble when he asked for my number. he was hard to read, but i was open to his friendship. he was funny, and decent.
later, i discovered he had a partner, who happened to be very handsome. a group of us went on the rooftop together to drink wine, and snap's partner had just returned from spain filled with stories, and we got along well. i noticed that as a couple, they werent intimidated by how i could cool and dazzle a crowd. they were both drawn to it.
it was always fun to run into them. one night, a group of us went dancing and we enjoyed being sloppy drunk messes together. snap cannot dance to save his life. he made awkward hip gyrations, leaned on one leg, and would thrust his arms out in long offbeat displays of emotionality. he was terrible, and dangerous to dance with, because you could easily lose an eye.
even when sober, he danced like a staggering drunk with no rthythm-- but i loved that about him. i loved seeing him express himself, because he truly looked free, and i admired that. it was his own interpretative dance, and eventually the three of us were slowly grinding together, to the gay classics. when they drove me home, i sensed "something" there, but i thought better of it and went home alone. i wasnt prepared to be that messy.
but then, the happy couple came to my spa, and invited me into their hot tub, while i was on the clock. they were both naked. i thanked them, but declined. id never had a threesome, and i was just beginning my queer sexual odyessy. i didnt want to experiment and get my sea legs with my friends. i felt there was too much to risk.
months went by, and eventually the happy couple broke up, just before christmas. they were together for a year. by now, our gay tribe was meeting once a week, and during our Monday Night Dinner, snap spilled the beans. he was distraught, because he had never been broken up with. not only was it devastating, but it was new, so we asked how we could support him. "just text and visit me more," he said. my heart bled for him.
so, i texted him, and visited him more. i even gave him a massage, and invited him out with us to dance or watch standup. i realized i didnt know that much about him, really. he was a secretive scorpio, despite his decent casual nature, and i enjoyed making him laugh, and letting him pour his stories into me. i was an unhealthy empath at the time, and it made me feel good to be a receptacle for his feelings, while also showing him a good time. i thought i was healing him! and so, snap grew very attached to me.
he invited me over to his apartment to see his shelves of comicbooks. we would play music and hold each other while he poured his soul into me, telling me about how he scared his partner away with his jealousy, and his insecurity. i should have seen the red flags early, but i was a trauma victim. i was traumatized from childhood to avoid prolonged human touch-- but snap made me feel so safe in his arms! it surprised me, and it was healing me. i felt like he could hold me all night, and i wouldnt try to escape. it clouded my judgment.
there were so many nights with snap: cuddling with him, spooning him, making him laugh, burying his face in my neck, wrapping our legs and touching feet, breathing, going to new thought churches, planning our new years eve, laying out ideas for a podcast, doing yoga, talking to Alexa, walking to the comicbook store holding hands, crying, talking about libido, making salty mario kart jokes, listening to his top 100 new year playlist, and just laying in bed, him playing with my necklace.
we made plans to drive to san mateo for new years, but while we were rolling around the bed, and i threatened to tickle him, he cried out in fear. it felt like i was struck with a cold lightning bolt! i jumped off of him! i was so sorry! but he said he was fine. he said he was only triggered, and he confessed that i had a lot of power over him. it was the night before new years eve, but i didnt sleep.
the next morning, we were organizing the trip, but he was dark and faraway. i wanted to talk about the night before, and the cry that haunted my thoughts, but he went completely silent. suddenly, i realized what i was doing. i was over-involving myself in snap's dramas, and abandoning my own boundaries. when snap finally spoke, he said that i was in a precarious situation, because snap was still sensitive because of his ex, and he didnt want to take it out on me.
why was i abandoning my friends on new years to be with someone i just met? why was i playing caretaker for snap when he needed to be alone, to process his breakup? i was out of order, so i tried to bail. perhaps i should be with my friends instead. "this is your pattern!" he shouted angrily. "why are you doing this?"
i dug deep.
"im afraid that youre just saying youre fine, but secretly youre still mad at me!" i confessed, starting to cry. "i feel like im being punished for making a mistake!"
next thing i knew, i was sobbing in his arms, and he was stroking my head, soothing me, while my diaphragm pushed hoarse cries into his chest. this wasnt normal or proportionate, and we never resolved the actual issue. instead, we were trauma bonding, and when i finished sobbing, i was filled with so many chemicals, and i was so relieved from expressing my childhood trauma, that i changed my mind and went to san mateo with him.
it was his coworkers new years party, and we ate sliders on hawaiian buns, drank wine, danced the cumbia, and bought a hotel to sleep together. we changed into pajamas, spooned, and in the dark, with my arms around him, snap said, "where have you been all my life?"
when we returned home, i didnt leave. i helped change his bedding, i coached him through his exercises, and he lipsync'd to his favorite songs while i gushed. snap was becoming important to me. whatever he believed, especially about me, affected me greatly. i wanted to be his favorite person in the whole world.
he asked to take me to capitola for another vacation, but my friends warned me that we should spend some time apart, and i sensed they were right, so i did. snap was disappointed, but he went with his friends without me-- until he called me from capitola, and said he was coming back early, to see me. his girlfriends said he talked about me the whole trip, and he offered to drive back, even pick me up some food, and take me to a party.
"i cant believe i miss you this much after just two days!" he laughed. i hugged him tightly. i was happy he missed me. i never wanted to be apart from him, and he felt the same way! he even offered to throw my 30th bday party!
meanwhile, he was showering me with gifts. "look in the bag," he said one night. he had purchased me $60 worth of allergy supplements, the ones i had always wanted! i jumped on top of him and kissed him all over his face.
"youve shown up for me in such a powerful way, and it means more than words can say," he said, holding me. "youre my favorite person."
it was like crack.
we were fully enmeshed.
snap wasnt healing from his past relationship, and i was letting him use me as a distraction. i wanted his energy! i wanted his attention! i didnt care! it was a fully functioning codependent relationship-- and soon, i would have to fight my way out of it.
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Tried to figure out how this would work out, and ended up writing a mini-chapter to make it happen, I think this would take place somewhere after chapter 8 but before chapter 11, might end up throwing it in the fic if I end up finding space for it. Story was written on desktop so I don't think to formatting/colors/readmore work on mobile and I apologize in advance for that.
2,000 worded story that kind of takes place in the Alternate fic implied RexCop (and ConstructionCop I guess, cause like Rex is Emmet)
Emmet wakes up on the couch, which he has become pretty accustomed to since Rex moved in. But at least this time he is plesently surprised to find Rex had managed to grab a blanket before passing out on the bottom of the double decker couch.
He gently takes off the blanket and folds it into a nice little square, smiling as he notices that Rex had actually taken the little teddy bear Lucy had won for Emmet a couple of days ago to bed with him. He places the bear on top of the blanket and starts to get read for the day.
Hey Rex are you awake yet?
Emmet hears some sort of mumble from Rex and sighs, as he starts choosing an outfit for the day.
Rex you gotta wake up, you have an early shift today at the precinct.
No you have an early shift today at the precinct.
No I- Rex you sound less blue than usual, wait am I allowed to say that. Is that breaking the Frank Grimes rule. Have we takes about the Frank Grimes rule yet, I feel like that was brought up in chapter 9.
But Rex is already back to sleep, leaving Emmet's mind alone to wander as he contemplates the current timeline of this fic.
As his mind wanders off that topic, he begins to think about what exactly happened last night. Rex got back late from some important police mission, invited the cops over and showed off his cool bar tending skills by making cool drinks for them. And then Rex convinced Emmet to try a drink, it was just a bunch of fruit juices thrown together with a shot of vodka, but it tasted pretty good. But Emmet, much like Rex, was a super late get weight, and got tipsy off of one shot and started rambling on about obscure Mario speedrun facts. He’s pretty sure he made Rex super embarrassed, so that was fun. Emmets figures he fell asleep not to long after that, missing out on whatever Rex and the Cops talked about, but they just have stayed up pretty late since it felt like Rex was only now falling asleep.
Emmet sighed as he pulled on the police uniform, I guess I can show up to work for him, I’ll just do it until he bothers to wake up. I mean we kind of both passed the physical together, and technically the letter of recommendation was written for me not him, so I work there as much as he does.
Emmet looks down at the name tag on his uniform, labeled Rex, and runs his hand over it. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to go out and be Rex for a few hours, but he knows Rex is already kind of on thin ice with Bad Cop since Rex does really like to break laws, and since Rex was almost as bad at making a move as he was (it only took Emmet five years to get a girlfriend) he didn’t want Rex to lose his chance at getting potential boyfriend.
Emmet puts the name tag back down, thinking about how happy Rex was to get that lil name tag, how Rex really appreciated having something to call his own, even it was small like that. If this encounter is taking place before chapter 10 Emmet is also thinking about he hopes no one notices that he’s wearing a name tag that says Rex on it. .
Emmet is at the precinct in no time, covering his face as he walks in and towards Bad Cop’s office. Since Rex works directly under Bad Cop. For various reasons.
Emmet let’s out a sigh of relief as he sees the Cops aren’t here yet, and goes to the back of the room to start a pot of coffee.
Emmet has three cups poured out, and almost spills all of them as he gets startled by the door opening behind him.
Emmet had lot out a noise that sort of sounded like squeak after being startled, and he was happy that Rex was still to asleep to berate him for letting out that noise.
Emmet hopes the Cops would ignore the squeak and turns around, smiling to see Scribble Cop.
“Good morning, you guys are here a little late.”
“Well you know traffic this time of day.”
“Oh yeah, I always try to get to the shuttle at least an hour or two early.”
“Is Dangervest not-”
“Oh he’s-” wait shiz can I say he’s asleep on the job that will look bad, I can’t make him look bad, well he makes me look bad in front of Lucy. But I’m supposed to be better than him, that sounds bad, I’m supposed to be nicer than him, that still sounds bad but not as bad, oh hey I need to say something, what’s a good lie, “Rex is wanting me to help me around the office today, he felt bad that I did a lot of the work for the physical and then he got all the credit.”
Emmet thinks Scribble Cop is giving him a skeptical look over him saying he did a lot of the work for the physical, so he chimes in, “like thar super cool punch that broke the giant robot apart that was me, and I did the really cool jump up the rock wall.”
“I didn’t realize you were that athletic.”
“I took weight lifting in highschool, and sort of kept up with it after I got out,” and then, to prove his point, he goes over and lifts Scribble Cop up like he’s a bag of flour, “see I'm pretty strong.”
Emmet looks down at Scribble to see him blushing pretty hard, and Emmet realizes that maybe picking people up bridal style isn’t something that’s normally done. Well he does it with his friends, but his friends aren’t like good for basing societal guidelines on.
Shortly after Emmet had picked up Scribble, Bad Cop switches and demands to be out down, and Emmet quickly complies, gently placing him on the grounf.
“Sorry if I crossed any boundaries there, Officer Boss Sir.” Emmet wasn’t particularly good at remembering people’s titles, so he just says all possible titles at once hoping one is right.
“Its no problem,” Emmet wonders if Bad Cop is blushing, he’s pretty good at keeping a straight face, so it’s hard to tell. But Emmet does notice he sounds a little tired, “but we got work to get to Brickowski,” Bad Cop walks over and pushes some reports to Emmet.
Emmet squints at the papers for a moment, before finally conceding, “the print is to small for me to read these,” (see previous unpublished chapter where Rex & Emmet failed their eye exam because as a kid they would be dared to see how long they could stare at the sun, and caused permanent eye damage).
Scribble Cop switches back after Emmet says this, being reminded of something, “oh that’s right, we picked you two up a little something,” and Scribble takes out some cool 80’s shades that has a metal frame and an orange tint to the glass, “they should be your prescription.”
Emmet timidly puts them on, and is now shocked at how clear things were, “these are awesome, oh man Rex is gonna love this when he-” wait don’t say he’s asleep dumb head, “gets to wear them later.” Wow I’m a really good at avoiding the truth, Rex would be so impressed if he wasn’t sleeping in right now.
Scribble smiles after Emmet says this, and Emmet turns his attention back to the know readable reports, something about a kid trying to commit arson, Emmet feels that is strangely familiar but can’t place his claw hand on exactly why.
“So what do we need to Officer Boss Sir, punch this adolescent into obediance?” Emmet still isn’t quite sure what a police man’s job is, but Rex seemed keen on implying there would be a lot of punching involved in the job, and Emmet still having not learned his lesson from the King Kong incident (self explanatory), is still blindly trusted him.
“Oh heavens no, we just need to sit down with them, tell them the dangers of fire, and contact their parents."
”Okay so the report suggests the kid is going to be hitting up the chain super convenient store that I go to regularly with Rex at 1AM, we should be able to get there in like ten minutes.“
”Why do you go there regularly?“
"Oh me and Rex get bored late at night a lot and just goof around there, you know punt the baby dolls over the aisles, try to figure out what figures are in various blind bags, petty theffffff felt, we buy putty and the felt, that’s what I was going to say, we buy putty and felt to make some of those asmr videos,” Emmet let’s out a nervous laugh, relieved to see Scribble Cop was totally believing that statement and not realizing Rex commits petty theft to fight against the corporate megabrand and their harmful anti-union tactics, “well we should get out to the city if we want to apprehend this kid,” and Emmet starts walking to the door, and looks back to see Bad Cop writing down some things in the ‘Probable Crimes that Rex Dangervest has Comitted’ document, and let’s out a groan, knowing Rex was gonna be pissed Bad was now onto their petty theft at local Walm*rts.
Emmet and Bad Cop make it to the Super Chain Convenient Store in 16 minutes, it would’ve been a 10 minute drive but they stopped get breakfast first.
Everyone gets out of the car and heads to the front of the store. Emmet is fiddling with his sunglasses, as he eats his power burrito he had gotten. It doesn’t taste particularly good, but he knows it’s important to Rex to keep their body in shape and he’s trying to respect that. But he looks over to the chocolate drizzled croissant Scribbs is eating, and starts really regretting his decision to get the sad excuse of a burrito. He suddenly gets the great idea to do something Rex would later yell at him for. He turns to Scribble and asks, “mind if I grab a bite of that?”
“Oh sure buddy,” Scribble Cop starts to move his hand to break off a piece of the breakfast item for Emmet, but Emmet being Emmet had already leaned over, less than an inch from Scribble Cop’s face, and takes a bite, and then leans back, enjoying the delightful taste sensation, completely unaware of that the officer next to him was frozen in some sort of shock.
Eventually Bad Cop gets tired of this and switches in, pushing the rest of the croissant over to Emmet, Emmet asks why, and Bad Cop mumbles something about losing his appetite. Emmet doesn’t question that at all happily finishes the rest of it, and has a really cute little smile as he cheerfully follows Bad Cop into the store.
“The kid should already be in the store-” Bad Cop stops talking when a voice over by the registers is heard.
“Yeah Im going to go use this stuff to commit arson!” The voice is a little to happy about this, and sure does sound familiar to Emmet- he squints over and low and behold it’s Unikitty, with a some lighter fluid and and a whole lot of matches
“We got the perp,” Bad Cop starts to head to register and Emmet does a little jog behind him.
“Wait I thought you said it was a kid?”
“That’s what people have been reporting.”
“Bruh, Unikitty is an adult, I think, when I lived with her she paid taxes and stuff.”
“If she is an adult will need to change our approach here, ending with her arrest-”
“Oh haha I’m just joshing with you, that’s what the kids say right, joshing? But uh, Unikitty is totally a kid, she has to be, she lives with her dad right now and like does kid things.”
“You know her father?”
“Well I think he might be like an adoptive father, but yeah I met him, kind of boring by the rules sort of guy. He’s also just like a floating brick. I don’t know how that works, have you ever been the Unikingdom, all the people there are kind of… Weird.”
Bad Cop nods in agreement at that statement, and they move on from that topic eventually making it to Unikitty and the concerned sale clerk, who upon seeing the officers quickly books it to the nearest door.
Bad Cop doesn’t really pay attention to that, and just let’s out a loud cough causing Unikitty to turn around, suddenly go into her aggressive form upon seeing Bad Cop. But then she turns and see’s Emmet and instantly calms down.
“Emmet you’re a cop now, does Lucy know you’re promoting the status quo of our biased and unfair society?”
“Yeah she knows and she’s kind of pissed at me for it, but we aren’t here to talk about my rocky relationship right now, we’re here cause there’s been reports of you trying to commit arson around the city.”
“Oh yeah, Rex told me commit arson.”
“Oh, uh Rex is this nice guy I met before at the Game Center, and we hung out for a little bit and we were just talking and he said, 'trans people can do anything,’ I was like 'I wanna do arson!’ and he was like, 'trans people can and should commit arson,’ and to prove his point we went around town trying to commit arson, but like we couldn’t find any place that would help us commit arson that night, so we didn’t end up doing anything, but I was bored today so I was gonna go burn some things!”
Emmet sees Bad Cop pull out his, 'Probable Crimes Rex Dangervest has Committed,’ and groans, but turns his focus back to Unikitty.
“Unikitty, that’s bad, fire can hurt people.”
“But I’m on fire like all pthe time, it doesn’t hurt me!”
“You’re a magical creature Unikitty, most of us aren’t as unique as you, and when we catch fire it hurts a lot, please don’t set things on fire.”
“Also we’re gonna have to call Richard about this.”
“No what, he’s gonna be all upset that I’m in trouble with the police again.”
“You were trying to break the law, you’re lucky to be getting off this easy.”
“Well is Rex gonna get in trouble for this.”
“Ohhhh he is, as soon as he wakes up I’m going to-”
Emmet winces after he says this, looking back as Bad Cop, who he thinks is smirking at him.
“Ah, so Dangervest has been sleeping on the job.”
“No, I mean yes, sorry Officer Boss Sir, I don’t think he fell asleep until I woke up this morning-” Emmet realizes he’s talking with Unikitty right in front of him. Unikitty, who doesn’t know about the whole situation yet, “have I mentioned that Rex is my roommate.”
“Oh my gosh you guys are roommates! Are you dating?”
“What no he’s like my brother maybe, also he wants to date the Cops over there anyways,” Emmet panics after saying this and switches topics, “hey this is about you and not listening to Rex, he’s a bad influence on people-”
Oh so you think I’m a bad influence?
Oh so you’re awake? Why were you letting Unikitty commit crimes?
Cause screw the police.
Hey that’s what you’re trying to do here, not me.
Oh by the way thanks for saying I have a crush on them, like right in front of their face.
Dude I’m pretty sure they already know, neither of us have been subtle.
What do you mean us-
Emmet snaps back into reality to see Bad Cop had taken Unikitty to the side as was calling up her father figure.
He felt a little relieved, at least no one was in serious trouble at the moment.
Oh hey Scribbs let me eat his croissant this morning that was really nice.
He did?
Yeah he offered it to me, and I just leaned in right next to him, like really close I might have brushed against his face, and took a bite, and then I guess he wasn’t feeling well cause his face turned bright red and he couldn’t finish eating, and he let me have the rest.
Emmet you dumb pile of bricks, he thought you were flirting with him
“Brickowski were heading back to the station,” Bad Cop said, signalling for him to follow.
“Coming Officer Boss Sir,” and Emmet jogs behind next to Unikitty as Rex tries to explain to Emmet that you can't just finish another man's croissant.
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 years
It’s a Super Mario Odyssey masterpost!
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Sorry to take a break from the Halloween goodness, but it’s the one year anniversary of Super Mario Odyssey! Hard to believe it’s been a whole year, isn’t it? There’s no denying this game is absolutely, how do we put this, “perfect” for a lack of even better compliments, with some vast, detailed worlds, many small fun challenges, and of course, lots of cool new Weird Mario Enemies!
...But today, we aren’t going to talk about enemies at all, because what this game also has is some fantastic Weird Mario Friends! To put things simple, there’s a lot of kingdoms in the game, and most of them have their own NPCs that we all love as dearly as the many friends and foes and spooky tree aliens we’ve featured on this blogs in months past, so sit back, as all three WME mods talk about the wonderful new NPCs we see in this game!
Talking about Bonneters, Tostarenans, and Steam Gardeners is Mod Chikako!
Talking about Lochladies, Shiverians, and Moon Rabbits is Mod F Boy!
And talking about New Donkers, Bubblainians, and Volbonans is Mod Hooligon!
With that out of the way, let’s-a go!
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Name: Bonneter
Mario’s grand adventure starts off on an EXTREMELY strong foot when he regains consciousness in a land populated by... g-g-g-g-GHOSTS! The precious Bonneters live in the delightfully spooky Cap Kingdom, where there is rarely a color present besides white, gray, or black, and the whole land is enveloped in a thick fog. To top it all off, the music is simply perfect for a spooky, yet friendly town of ghosts! Also, they all have British accents.
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Of course, there is one Bonneter who stands out from the rest, and that is Cappy, Mario’s newest friend! He embodies the ability of the Bonneters to take the form of normal hats and Capture other beings. Yeah, it’s basically possessing people. It’s okay. It’s fun. 
What do you think is under their hat? Is it part of their body, or are they stylish? They don’t LOOK very natural, but Cappy has a few tufts of hair on his hat/head, so the answer is... I don’t know!
Also, there is no spooky-themed area in this game. The only ghosts in the entire game are your friends! Score one for ghosts!
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Name: Tostarenan
Here they are... the first ever new characters we saw in Super Mario Odyssey! Remember that Switch trailer way back when? Where we saw like three seconds of Odyssey? Those three wonderful seconds? I do!
Tostarenans are, of course, based on calaveras, the decorative skulls used in the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead. They live in a cozy little town just as colorful as they are, and love nothing more than having fun and eating frozen- I mean, freezy treats!
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As I’ve touched upon in their own post, Tostarenans have their own undead version, the Chincho! Which means... these are living skeletons! How does this work? They’re the same shape, so do they have exoskeletons? Again! I don’t know! But wow, that’s two sorta-spooky friend species already, huh? Like we said! This game is perfect!
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Name: Lochlady
Lochladies are the world-famous fashion designers found in the Lake Kingdom... a Kingdom whose industry relies entirely on fashion! Peach/Mario’s very pretty wedding dress was made here. According to the brochure, they’re known for their flexibility but also their strength, and that’s kinda funny... they might look dainty, but these fish are strong! 
A fish? A mermaid? They’re really a bit of both. Of course mermaids are their main inspiration, but these things very clearly have scales, right? It’s nice that even the very-human designs in Mario are still a little bit silly. 
Though, I suppose the term “mermaid” wouldn’t really apply to them, since mer comes from the Latin for “sea”... instead, they’re named Lochladies... a loch, of course, being a Scottish word for a lake... Like Loch Ness! And Dorrie, the incredibly-Loch-Ness-Monster-inspired friend, even shows up here. If you ignore the fact that Lake Lamode is a French name, it all works out. 
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Name: Steam Gardener
That’s no watering can! Just kidding, it is. But it’s also a robot! And most importantly, it’s a friend! Really just a wonderful combination of things to be. 
Steam Gardeners live in the Steam Gardens! They’re steam-powered! They garden! And they are very good at it. They come in different magnitudes of rustiness, but don’t worry! It seems they can very well go on forever as long as they stay charged. Their heads can be empty, but can also contain flowers or even seeds that they can dispense!
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I really love the Steam Gardeners because they don’t really look like a character at all, you know? They look robotic, sure, but there’s not really much of a face or anything. And if you ask me, that makes them even more fun! The flashing lights seem to act as a face, if anything, since that’s what they point toward you while speaking. Oh yeah, they’re even asymmetrical! They’re really just a mishmosh of things that most people wouldn’t consider “cute”, but guess what! I think it’s precious! Sue me! (I would probably win because this isn’t a valid reason to sue someone!)
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Name: New Donker
When the first trailer for Super Mario Odyssey came out, one thing that immediately caught everyone’s attention was the New Donkers! Usually, when humans appear in the Mario series, they are very heavily stylized, like ol’ Mario Mario himself! But these humans are hardly stylized at all, looking like your average businessperson you’d pull off the streets of New York in the 1950s!
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Seeing Mario interacting with these much less stylized people is as jarring as it is hilarious, with lots of people questioning how this sort of image could be from a real Mario game. This is exactly the kind of off-the-wall wackiness we all appreciate over here!
...Of course, then there’s the question of if the New Donkers are technically human. We know Mario is human! We’ve gotten numerous statements from Nintendo that confirm it, aside from one old advertisement which listed him as “homo nintendonus.” What we really should be talking about is the New Donkers! We have no official source considering them humans, as they are exclusively referred to as “New Donkers” in-game. One statement from Nintendo says the reason Mario looks so different from the New Donkers is because “there’s lots of different kinds of people in the world,” but when the definition of “people” also includes dancing skeletons and garden robots, I think that it can be considered a pretty broad term.
Of course, even then, New Donkers and humans are obviously two very genetically-similar species capable of cross-breeding. How else do we explain Pauline?
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Name: Shiverian
I love many many things in this big blue Earth of ours, but chubby seals are definitely way up there. So, these guys? Absolutely... wonderful. I love them. I love their dopey voices, I love their cute widdle faces. I love their cosy little town, and I love that they hold competitions where they literally roll around a racetrack, because they’re just that round and fat!! 
Shiverians are one of the few NPCs you can capture, too! When in Fat Seal form, you can compete in their Bound Bowl races... Humans aren’t allowed to participate, but the brochure makes it clear that only a fat seal man could survive such a race. 
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And above all, I love their funky elder. Look at those shades. He’s a cool old man. He’s not like your grandpa- he’s hip!
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Name: Bubblainian
I think one thing we can all appreciate here at Weird Mario Enemies Dot Geocities Dot Io is gastropods, no matter what shape or form they take. In Super Mario Odyssey, they take the form of giant French snails with flesh-lips, but better off to be a snail with weird flesh-lips than not be a snail at all, am I right gamers?
I’m glad that they picked snails as their “easy-going beach populace,” (though snails are a good choice for anything, really) but what stands out most about Bubblainians to me isn’t the Bubblainians themselves, but rather, one very particular run-down I had with one during my playthrough of the game!
Bubblainians hide in their shells whenever an enemy gets too close, a small detail I really love. However, one time when I was playing, I was wearing the chef outfit, and was running up to talk to one of these guys when without warning, it hid in its shell! I assume a nearby Gushen might’ve just gotten a little too close, but I just thought it was silly because these French snails were afraid of a chef!
You know, because escargot is a dish in France that’s made from snails and...
Well, it was funny to me at least.
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Name: Volbonan
My absolute favorite world in Super Mario Odyssey has to be... New Donk City. I feel that that’s most peoples’ favorite. My immediate second choice, however, is Mount Volbono, and I just love its inhabitants to death. Before I die, you’ll see me laying down, on my deathbed saying “man, I sure love the Volbonans from Super Mario Odyssey” and then I’ll be dead.
But why do I love Volbonans so much? Well, I guess it’s just that I’ve always sort of had an affinity for inanimate object creatures (anyone who’s met me knows how much I love Vanilluxe) and Volbonans are just a perfect design for a fork character! I tried a few shots at designing fork characters in the past, but I made the dire mistake of putting the face on the part with the tines, rather than the handle, a mistake which the Volbonans so excellently fix! Really, I never considered using the tines as limbs, it’s a design that works so well that I’d be cursing myself if the Volbonans weren’t so inherently blessed in and of themselves.
Throw on the chef hats and neckerchiefs, and they go from perfect to extremely perfect, having a design befitting of their hobby of cooking! It feels weird that an entire species has a life focused on cooking, but I suppose that if you’re a giant fork in a land of giant food, there’s nothing better you can do. One of the souvenirs you can buy from Mount Volbono is a set of forks based on the Volbonans themselves! Cute! A little freaky, but still cute!
I think it goes without saying that I want the Volbonans, alongside every other Odyssey NPC, to be playable in the next Mario Kart. Let me race around the whole Mario world as a giant fork or 1950′s (ambiguously) human man!
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Name: Moon Rabbit
I am summoned once again from the depths of my cave to talk about Japanese folklore, because I enjoy doing that! The Dark Side stage, unlocked after you beat the game, is also known as “Rabbit Ridge”, and features food-shaped rocks and a whole lotta bunnies... Why? You may or may not have already heard of the story of the moon rabbit (it’s pretty well-known), but in case you haven’t:
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According to our friends in the east, the markings of the moon kind of resemble a rabbit pounding mochi with a mortar and pestle. And yeah, I can totally see it. Of course, Mario Odyssey very prominently features hats, and it prominently features the moon in nearly every Kingdom.... and rabbits, naturally, are pulled out of hats! It works on so many levels!
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The regular Moon Rabbits aren’t all that talkative, but of course, there are some fairly notable rabbits, too! Yup, the Broodals are from the Dark Side of the moon... which might even be why they look like UFOs when they fly around in their hats. I won’t talk too much about them here, but you’ve gotta wonder... why are they so much more anthropomorphic than their fellow Moon Rabbits? Is this a Goofy/Pluto scenario?
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fmrcheerios · 7 years
question 1 - 170 >=]
Haha I knew it, but fair enough! Let’s do this xD
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I love my length, but 1.75 cm was better. 
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)EL TIGREEEE.
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?My clothing style changes a lot. I love that my style is a combination of casual with a vintage twist in it. 4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Super Mario and Tekken! 
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:Food, sleep and chillings with my beloved ones. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Cepat, cepat! 7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?Opinion on what? I am mostly open-minded about things. The biggest thing I want is that the person or thing or whatever is happy with it. 8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]Sanguine I think. 9: Are you ticklish?Yes. 10: Are you allergic to anything?I used to be allergic for cats, but luckily I don’t have troubles with it. Sometimes I am allergic for dust. 
11: What’s your sexuality?Straight. 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?Tea or coffee. 13: Are you a cat or dog person?Both. 14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Elf! 15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?I used to watch a lot videos of iiSuperwomanii but I like the videos of @fieldhouses​ and @gewoon-ellianna​! 16: How tall are you?1.69. 
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?Flora. 18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]I don’t know, but I think I am at a reasonable weight. 19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?Yes. 20: Do you like space or the ocean more?Both. 21: Are you religious?Yes. 22: Pet peeves?A ginger cat called Resie or sometimes Gerrit. 23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?Both I think. 24: Favorite constellation?Lupus. 25: Favorite star?Ursa Major. 26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?I love the art, but I don’t want them in my room. 27: Any phobias or fears?I am afraid of failing in life, clowns and big spiders. 28: Do you think global warming is real?Snow in Africa and Suriname, tropical autumns in Europe… OF COURSE! #eatthatTrump29: Do you believe in reincarnation?Sometimes. 30: Favorite movie?Run, fatboy, run! 31: Do you get scared easily?Yes, especially with horror/thriller movies. 32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?Two. 33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]I love your blog @beyondtomorrow​! :) My little sestraaa. 34: What is a color that calms you?Red and blue. 35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?The whole world. I used to have specific places, but I just want to see the whole world. 36: Where were you born?The Netherlands. 37: What is your eye color?Brown. 38: Introvert or extrovert?I think extrovert. 39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?Yes, sometimes. 40: Hugs or kisses?I am a big hugger, but I love both! 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?My Spanish guapa friend Ana which I am going to see in a few days!! :D And of course my two sestras @fieldhouses​ and @beyondtomorrow​! 42: Who is someone you love deeply?My parents, family and friends. 43: Any piercings you want?Nope. 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?Yes, but I don’t want them on my body. 45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?Of course, sometimes. 46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!He is complicated but a sweetheart. 47: What is a sound you really hate?The speed of the train. Especially when you are waiting for the train and a speed train passes by. 48: A sound you really love?Nature and piano. 49: Can you do a backflip?Yes. 50: Can you do the splits?Not on purpose but accidently yes. 51: Favorite actor and/or actress?My list of favroite actors may be big but it’s because they inspires and amaze me by the different storries they tell. My list for now is: Tom Hiddleston, Morgan Freeman, Simon Pegg, Clint Eastwood, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pratt, Anthony Hopkins, Bridget Regan, Gina Rodrigez, Tatiana Maslany, Evelyne Brochu, Abbi Jacobson, Ilana Glazer, Meryl Streep, Viola Davis, Charlize Theron,  Maya Rudolphs, Melissa McCartney, Kristen Wiig. 52: Favorite movie?Since this question is already asked I do my second favorite movie: Memoirs of a geisha.   53: How are you feeling right now?Stressed but also calm. 54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Brown-black. 55: When did you feel happiest?When I am having a good time or eat delicious food. :356: Something that calms you down?Running or feel good movies/series. 57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]No. 58: What does your URL mean?FMR are the initials of my name. Cheer means I am happy I have Tumblr, and Ios sounded nice. 59: What three words describe you the most?Clumbsy, funny and chaotic. 60: Do you believe in evolution?Since I watch Orphan Black I honestly don’t know. 61: What makes you unfollow a blog?Irrelevant posts or die hard porn shit. 62: What makes you follow a blog?Same interest or just because I think you rock! 63: Favorite kind of person:Everyone that has a special place in my heart. 64: Favorite animal(s):Tiger. 65: Name three of your favorite blogs.@gewoon-ellianna​@beyondtomorrow​@fieldhouses​And I am doing more friends because I have more favorites! @helloafflatus​@oldvictoria​@birdasaurus​66: Favorite emoticon::D
67: Favorite meme:YAS QUEEN, YAS! 68: What is your MBTI personality type?Sensing of intuition.69: What is your star sign?Virgo.70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?I think we work something out together. 71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?High-waisted pants. I love them! 72: Post a selfie or two?Doing this on my crappy laptop and erased all my pictures soo check my insta or future selfies that will come up soon! ;)73: Do you have platform shoes?Yes black and white. 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?I can eat a lot. Challenge me. 75: Can you do a front flip?I used to. 76: Do you like birds?Yes, as long as they don’t attack me. 77: Do you like to swim?Yes. 78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?Both are fun! 
79: Something you wish didn’t exist:Racists, war and murder. 80: Some thing you wish did exist:Peace all over the world, witches, flying bisons, magic and dinosaurus. 81: Piercings you have?Just one in each ear. 82: Something you really enjoy doing:Sleep, eat, chillings. 83: Favorite person to talk to:My cat. 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?How does it work? Gurls help meee! xD85: How many followers do you have?Uuuh 390 I think. 86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?Yes. 87: Do your socks always match?Most of the time.  88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?Yes.  89: What are your birthstones?Saphire.  90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?Hippogriff. 91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?Difficult one..I think roses.92: A store you hate?I can’t think of one right now. I do dislike stores  when people are constantly checking what you are doing or picking. 93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?One or two. Sometimes three. 94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?Fly. 95: Do you like to wear camo?Not a big fan of it. 96: Winter or summer?Both. 97: How long can you hold your breath for?1 minute (I just counted).   98: Least favorite person?My boss and the whole Kruidvat community. 99: Someone you look up to:My parents. 100: A store you love?Music stores. 101: Favorite type of shoesMy red vintage shoes 102: Where do you live?At my parents. 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?I am a meateater but I eat a lot of veggies. Sometimes I have days when I don’t eat meat. 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?I don’t have a favorite, they just have beautiful colors. 105: Do you drink milk?Yes. 106: Do you like bugs?Nope. 107: Do you like spiders?Nope. 108: Something you get paranoid about?If I am not on time for my appointments or when I have so much to do but not enough time. 109: Can you draw:Yes.110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?I can’t think of one right now.. 111: A question you hate being asked?Are you from India? 112: Ever been bitten by a spider?Noooo :/ 113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?Yes. 114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?Both. 115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:My cat. 116: Favorite cloud type:Clouds that are bright or with a pink/purple color. 117: What color do you wish the sky was?White or pink/purple. 118: Do you have freckles?No but I loved to have one. 119: Favorite thing about a person:Humor. 120: Fruits or vegetables?Both. 121: Something you want to do right now:Relax. 122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?Both are pretty. 123: Sweet or sour foods?Both. 124: Bright or dim lights?Dim lights. 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?Yes! Like… The Hippogriff since I saw Harry Potter 126: Something you hate about Tumblr:The debats of important stuff that goes on and on. Or shippings that don’t excist. 127: Something you love about Tumblr:The power of supporting each other. 128: What do you think about the least?My future. 
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?A kind, strong person or something like that. I don’t know. My name is also good enough.. 130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?My work in general or stupid customers. 131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?Stubborn. Like it is something I love but also hate a lot. 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?Yes. 133: Computer or TV?Both. 134: Do you like roller coasters?YASS. The more the better! 135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?Sickness. 136: Are your ears lobed or attached?I don’t know, lobed? 137: Do you believe in karma?Yes. 138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?Whahahahahaha. 7, I think. 139: What nicknames do you have/have had?Floo, Florro, Flora, Sjenkie, Tjon-A-San, Floradix, Ouwe, Jut, Kluns. 140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?Yes. TOBYYYY. 141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?Yes. 142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?Both I think.. If it’s about food or my favorite series. :DDDD143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?Help. 144: What makes you angry? People that aren’t honest or not being treated equally. 145: How many languages do you speak fluently?Three languages. 146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?I like men, but I don’t have anything against the sexuality of people. If you are happy with it, then it’s fine by me. 147: Are you androgynous?No, I am more a tomboy. 148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:My huggs. 149: Favorite thing about your personality:My positivity. 150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.My beloved onesss (3+). 151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?The 70′s/80′s 152: Do you like BuzzFeed?Sometimes. 153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]Via my car theory class. 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?Yes sometimes. 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?Yes. 156: What embarrasses you?My awkwardness against cute guys. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:If I have to confront someone with a topic that is very harsh or waiting for my results. 158: Biggest lie you have ever told:I have super powers.159: How many people are you following?A lot. 160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?A lot. 161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?A few. 162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?A lot. 163: Last time you cried and why:A few weeks ago and it was about my mother. 164: Do you have long or short hair?Long hair. 165: Longest your hair has ever been:I think I was eleven or fourteen. 166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?I like religion. Just believe what you want. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?Yes.168: Do you like to wear makeup?Lipstickkkk. 169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?I tried and nooo. 170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Judge by yourself!  :)
DAYUMMMN I did it! 170 questions answered.  BAMMM!  
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mechanintendomaster · 7 years
Chemistry (tentative title/ draft 3)
Chemistry (tentative title/ draft 3)
By: C. Mechayoshi
Created 5/30/17 (first draft)
6/4/17 (second)
7/7/17 (Third)
Summary: Not all Mario characters get along. When they get mixed up anyway, shenanigans occur. (Based on Mario Super Sluggers but is commentary on silly roster choices in a lot of Mario games)
Author note: Yes, this is silly. Enjoy.
Chapter1: Chemistry Crisis
Scenario 1: Shaggy Dog
Toadette marched down the street gang style with her good chemistry pals, Peach, Birdo, Toad, Toadsworth, Noki, and Pink Mii. It was a warm sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom and they were heading down to the park where they would continue to own Toad Town with their tight friendship and good chemistry, or at least while playing baseball..
Peach whipped back her blond ponytail. She was wearing her signature sports attire consisting of a pink tank top and shorts. “It's great to have such amazing friends, isn't it?” she asked no one in particular.
Birdo straightened her bow. She had no special outfit, but she proudly wore a diamond ring (rumored to be a gift from Yoshi) that glistened in the sunlight. “Of course darling! We have the best fun!” However when the two girl’s eyes met, a spark ignited between the two.
“I can't stand you, Birdo!” Peach spat as she stopped walking and crossed her arms. “I’ve hated you since SMB2! You are always spitting eggs ever where you go! How unladylike!! Also as if-”
“Go there darling, and I will slap you to the dream world again,” Birdo warned, glaring back.
Toadette stepped in between them and held her arms out. “Guys! I mean, girls! Stop!!!”
Toadsworth laughed. “Indeed, young ladies! Cannot our mutual love for Toadette bridge the gap between us all?”
Toadette gave the elder a weird look. “Umm...don't say it like that... Let's keep it at having good results on the baseball field.”
“This is about baseball?” Jelectro Bond, the Noki asked. “I feel I am in the wrong story.”
BEEP BEEP. A car loudly honked at the septet. They were in the middle of the street after all. Everyone immediate got on the sidewalk but Birdo and Peach avoided eye contact, Toadsworth stood too close to Toadette, Jelectro was still confused, and Toad and Pink Mii continued to stand around.
Toad grabbed a handful of the popcorn he had. “Anyway, of course you belong. All Nokis love Toadette, and we're the Toadette Typhoons, right? So are we gonna have a cat fight or not?” Toad asked, looking at Peach and Birdo ammusingly.
“No!” Toadette yelled. “Let's just hang out at the park.”
“Yay, the park!” The pink Mii piped up. She was a really basic looking Mii. One might say she was a 'default' one, but she still got along with Toadette and that was all that mattered.
Just around the block, Toadette's arch-enemy Bowser, Goomba, and Paragoomba showed up before the gang could start moving again.
“Well look at these losers!” Bowser teased. He and the goombas stood in a line, taking up the whole sidewalk.
Toadette turned red in frustation. “We just wanna go to the park! Oh-” She abruptly leaned over, wrapping her arms around her self. A second later, the same happened to Peach, Toad and Toadsworth and they lay with Toadette on the hot concrete sidewalk.
“We... all hate Bowser, Goomba, and Paragoomba for…. obvious reasons.... Our fielding stats will now suffer...” Toadette gasped.
Bond scratched his head. “Excusez moi?”
Birdo shook her head in pittyance. “Bad chemistry, dear.”
“That's right pipsqueak!....Wait, I don't feel so good...” The extra large goomba stumbled forwards. “I just HATE Toad and Toadsworth! They think they're better than me!”
Bond lifted his sunglasses. “Richard? Is that you? I feel we should know each other.”
“I don't know you from Adam, shortie!” Dick stammered.
Bowser stepped past Dick. “That was weird.. So anyway, only the greatest king ever could reduce you all to-”
“Bad chemistry is mutual, honey.” Birdo said offhandedly.
Bowser then fell out to the ground in a thud, having bad chemistry with Peach, Toad, Toadette, and Toadsworth. “How is this happening?! Besides I secretly love Peach!!!”
Peach opened one eye despite her weakening. “Bowser, you fool, that's no secret!”
Now only Birdo, Bond, Pink Mii, and Paragoomba were left standing.
“What's it gonna be?” the Paragoomba teased. “I got no bad chemistry, what about you all?”
“I am still not sure why I'm here, but I have an odd dislike for Bowser Junior and Petey,” Bond replied. “Junior put a dent on my one million coin Aston Mushroom with his bike and never paid for it. Petey literally ate me on a spy mission, but I would rather not speak about that.”
The paragoomba thought for a moment. “Who knows where that Junior brat is, and Petey Piranha got departed somewhere when WiiU came out. I guess you're safe, spy dude. What about you?” He looked to Birdo.
She put her hand on her hip. “I cannot stand Peach, Tiny Kong, Wario, Blooper, and Waluigi.”
“Peach? Why did she not make you physically ill before?” Bond asked.
“I guess our mutual friendship with Toadette canceled it out the worse effects. And besides, Peach now is on the floor knocked out, like she should be!”
The paragoomba smirked. “Oooh! You two got some bad history, don't ya?”
Birdo huffed. “She's only the stupidest blonde ever! And Tiny? Such a tease. Wario, Blooper and Waluigi are just gross!”
“I do not think I understand how these chemistry rules work, but now what?” Bond asked.
“Leave?” Birdo asked. Birdo, Bond and paragoomba dropped what ever confrontation there was supposed to be, and left everyone else on the floor. Because their chemistry was bad with each other, no one was ever able to move again, thus making this a pointless (shaggy dog) story.
Scenario 2: Buddy Jump?
Mario and Bowser were in the center and left outfield together. Why a player would do that is unknown, but anyway King Boo was at the bat and predictably got a great hit, right between the hero and villain.
“Out of the way, plumber! It's mine!” Bowser growled. His heavy feet moved rapidly in an attempt to follow the ball's shadow.
“It's too high, we'll have to buddy jump!” Mario called, having reached the wall before Bowser.
The ball was still in the air, and about to leave the field when Bowser caught up.
“It's now or never! Trust me!” Mario urged.
Bowser shot him a look. “Well okay, come here!”
They stood by each other to activate the move, but something went wrong. Mario picked up Bowser instead of Bowser picking up Mario. The unnatural power of bad chemistry made Mario fling Bowser over the wall into the audience. Popcorn and hot dogs went everywhere as Bowser’s massive body belly flopped on the stadium seats and audience. Meanwhile, the ball continued souring and went into space resulting in a grand slam with King K. Rool, Funky Kong, and Wario already on bases. King Boo's team won 4-0.
Mario and Bowser,  were standing around in the baseball center lobby, because they weren’t allowed in the party room.
Bowser punched Mario’s shoulder.
“That’s for making me lose, plumber.” Bowser growled.
Mario distanced himself from the Koopa King. “I think we did the best we could considering we were the only players on our team!”
Just then, Toadsworth entered through the glass doors to the lobby. He had a noticeable tan, as if he’d been lying in the sun on a sidewalk, but that’s oddly specific imagery, isn’t it? His shuffle became a brisk walk the moment he noticed Mario and Bowser.
“Tally ho, Master Mario! The Koopa King is right behind you!” Toadsworth called as he approached.
“I know,” Mario muttered, holding his sore shoulder.
“What did that old man just call me?” Bowser asked.
Toadsworth slowed down to his usual slow pace with a relieved look. “I apologize. It escaped me that you two were the losing team earlier. I had heard that you were partnered with someone unexpected but I assumed that to be anyone but that tyrant!”
“Watch it, old man!” Bowser warned, smoke threatening to pour from his nostrils.
“Well I am proud to announce this!”
“What?” Mario asked.
Toadsworth handed Mario a paper. He looked over it while Bowser stomp his foot impatiently and Toadsworth stood in front of him.
It read that Mario and Bowser's team would be given the win because King Boo was discovered to have been using illegal Boo vitamins, King K. Rool had threatened a coach, Wario had bribed someone, and everyone realized that it was ridiculous that Funky was using a surfboard as a bat.
“We won?!”
Bowser snatched the paper from Mario’s hand. “What? Hey, we did!”
“Congradulations-” Toadsworth’s praise was cut off Bowser’s flame breath.
Mario and Bowser were standing outside the baseball pavilion with ribbons around their necks. Mario looked at his appreciatively. “We might not work well together, but I guess it's good we didn't cheat!”
Bowser responded by punching him in the shoulder again as a spaceship came out of nowhere.
Rosalina came out of the spaceship disgruntledly holding a ball. “Who sent this ball into space? It broke a window in my bedroom and made all of the Lumas cry!”
“Run!” Mario said.
Author note: Jelectro Bond is the telekinetic spy from Mario and Bowser: Frenemies Forever, in case no one gets it. Richard/Dick the goomba is too.
A tale begins with a quote from “SuperLuigi13” of Gamefaqs.
“Bowser Jr.: Dad, what's the roster say about the baby count"
Bowser: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I mean 5...”
(Will be relevant later)
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entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Scott’s Top 10
December 27, 2019 2:00 PM EST
2019 for me was filled with tons of games from different genres, and even though it was hard to pick 10, here are my favorites from 2019.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
Greetings and glad tidings, Shockerians? DualShockese? Sorry, I’m new, but yes it is the time of the year once again to share with the internet the video games that left a particularly large imprint on us throughout the past 365 days. My name is Scott White, and let my list be my humble debut on this fantastic site and introduction to you fine readers.
2019 treated audiences to titles that have been long desired, from Kingdom Hearts 3, Death Stranding, and of course, the Resident Evil 2 remake. The time between these behemoths was filled with other stellar titles from indie studios to large developers, rounding out the year and making it one with far too many games and myself with far too little free time for them all. However: I did play a bunch, so let me tell you about some of them!
As a brief note for readers: the first nine games I will list are in no particular order, but the final entry on this list will be my favorite of the year and noted as such.
What was a random suggestion on my Steam page turned into my go-to chill game of the year. With a bright and vivid cartoon pixel art style, Forager crafted its way into my heart. I found something incredibly peaceful and rewarding as I bought up the various islands faster than a land baron who struck oil, and worked to create my autonomous empire. With my army of drones collecting precious ore and gems, while my furnaces burned non-stop crafting new items, I could sit back and admire my work.
With the inclusion of many other indie darlings that you can dress your character up as (Shovel Knight, baby!) and flow of constant updates and additions from the single-man development team, Forager is a game that I keep coming back to, being charmed all the while.
Katana Zero
I have to say, I wasn’t expecting a dark narrative dealing with such heavy topics as PTSD, drug addiction, or child soldiers when I started playing Katana Zero. My sight zeroed *wink wink nudge* in on this game after watching the trailers with the neon visuals, the samurai who deflects bullets and mows down enemies, and the time-warping mechanic. What I ended up getting was so much more, and made me fall in love with this game.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Katana Zero.
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Yes, it’s an older game, but FighterZ has still been one of the games I’ve had the most fun with in 2019. With the drops of some of my friends and I’s favorite characters, my usual crew of friends were hopping into the lobbies and hurling beams at one another more than ever. With the recent release of the final Season 2 character with Dragon Ball Super’s Broly, there’s still no word on a Season 3 of new characters. You can count on it though, that if we do get another round of characters, there is a good chance you will see Dragon Ball FighterZ on my list next year, too.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of An Elusive Age — Definitive Edition
Fact: Dragon Quest XI was one of my favorite games of 2018. Also fact, Dragon Quest XI S easily adds enough content and goodies to warrant being included on my list for 2019 too. With the addition of the orchestral track, new outfits, and a new game with the 2D version of XI included with all of its unique content, I gladly jumped back into the role of The Luminary. Any fans of RPGs and that own a Switch need to get this game.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of An Elusive Age — Definitive Edition.
Daemon X Machina
As a longtime fan of From Software’s non-Soulsborne franchise, Armored Core, the lack of complex mech customization action titles as of late left me rabid for this game when it got announced. Fast-forward a couple of demos and a release later, Daemon X Machina fills the void left by AC’s disappearance this generation. The tense combat mixed with a visual style that separates it from the pack is just *chef’s kiss* muah. The added fact that I can now run around as Geralt of Rivia in a giant robot is just icing on the cake.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Daemon X Machina.
Resident Evil 2
Growing up, the Resident Evil series was always one that I wanted to play, as the lore and concept behind it was so intriguing to me. Alas though, it contained a foe scarier than Mr. X and more crushing than Nemesis: the dreaded “tank controls.” The releases of the remasters had solved this dilemma of mine with Resident Evil 0 and the first game, and with the RE2 remake release, I got to finally experience Leon and Claire’s origin.
This game should be placed on a pedestal with a beacon shining on it that never gets extinguished as an example of how remakes should be done. By everyone. Forever. It is simply a suburb horror title that nailed this vibe. The first time I was being chased by Mr. X remains the most nerve-wracking horror experience of 2019 for me. Bravo Capcom, bravo.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Resident Evil 2.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
With magical whip in hand, I ventured forward into the night, vanquishing all manner of demonkind, skewering myself in the chest along the way to absorb the abilities of my foes. In a similar vein as Daemon X Machina scratched my mech itch, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night gloriously scratched my Symphony of the Night itch. Plus, David Hayter is a demon-slaying samurai, so that instantly gives it +120 bonus points.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
Kingdom Hearts 3
In the convening years between the releases of Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2006 and Kingdom Hearts 3 this year, I evolved from a senior in high school who had no idea what he was doing, to a full-fledged adult…who has no idea what he is doing AND paying rent! What a decade it’s been.
I may have grown out of the raging hormones and living with my parents, but it turns out I have not grown out of the wide-eyed reaction to seeing Keyblades, Heartless, and Sora+Donald+Goofy Co. teaming up and vanquishing evil with the power of friendship and deus ex machina. It’s far from a perfect game, or even a perfect Kingdom Hearts game, but when a game makes me tear up from the title screen, there’s no way I couldn’t include it on my list. I love this game, this series, and all the craziness that comes with them. I can’t wait to see what lore-f***ery comes with the upcoming Re:Mind DLC in January.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Kingdom Hearts 3.
Not relegated to a single game, but more a family of fan mods, this year saw me really dive into retro game randomizers. These nifty mods mix all sorts of stuff up inside a game–chest contents in Zelda as an example–to create new experiences in each playthrough. Whether it was having Kent in Fire Emblem rocking as Bard or Yoshi being King of Figaro with his twin brother Master Chief in Final Fantasy 6, these mods stole a lot of my time this year.
My Favorite Game(s) of the Year: Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1-3
Spending more than 250 hours with a cast of characters, experiencing their world, their struggles and triumphs this year, I’ve found myself completely enraptured by this series of RPGs. Imagine the materia system from Final Fantasy VII, the social bonding and links from the later Persona titles, and blend them together with a constantly expanding narrative, and you have Trails of Cold Steel.
I felt I had to include these games as a single entity on my list. So many moments of these games left me aghast; they lifted my spirits with hope and pained my heart with loss. This is a series that needs to be experienced by more people. I can only hope that 2020 will see the localization of the end of this saga with Cold Steel 4.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 27, 2019 2:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-scotts-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-scotts-top-10
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