#I got fired for not checking discord enough (supposedly)
okapiandpaste · 4 months
Does anyone else get sensory overload from the internet these days? Sites are bypassing adblock, spam email filters aren’t efficient anymore, every little action requires you to download an app or make an account, youtube is sabotaging itself to force you to watch more ads. There’s a wave of minimalism that still has the trappings of maximalism bc menus are unclear or take forever to navigate. I’m too autistic for this level of mass inaccessibility, which means I struggle to find and hold a job since everything relies on modern programs and sites these days.
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
Character Comparsion - Calianna and Caleb
Alrighty, first blog post. Damn you Mark Hulmes, for coming up with a character that I must, must write about (and also I’m a new critter starting with the Wildemount campaign and i’m super hyped about everything critical role) Also, massive respect to everyone having such emotive, distinctive characters that we can all feel passionate about. So, this blog is mostly about turning all that hype into somewhat intellectual considerations and analysis before I explode screaming “IS IT THURSDAY YET?” every hour it isn’t thursday critrole time. Also, reblogging good art and fics. ALWAYS. so SUBMIT all you lovely talented people. 
Okay okay lets go. Right off the bat in this episode, we are introduced to Calianna, a half-elf with draconic ancestry, supposedly 1/10th. So....50% elf, 10% dragon, 40% unknown? As an aside it’s mentioned it’s from a great-ancestor, but Cali is half draconic and half elven feature wise. Later on, we find that she was pretty much living on the streets until a cult of the Scaled Tyrant took her in, taking good care of her and occasionally using her to do nasty things to people and also raising her as a sacrifice. She afterwards realizes these are nasty people and escapes on her own.  Comparing that backstory to Caleb’s, there appears to be many points of contrast, built around the cultish/fanatical upbringing. They are opposed in so many ways, Caleb was raised by pure human parents, taken in by a magical academy (as opposed to a religious cult). Interestingly, Calianna left on her own realization (possibly over an extended period), whilst Caleb had a 180 turnaround incident; one succeeded, the other was miraculously rescued after losing a great deal of memory, so there is some vagueness on both sides. Their sources of magic are also innately different, one acquired via thorough study, the other via instincts and bloodline (The one similarity they have is an affinity for fire). These differences probably contribute to the contrasting ways these two characters behave. 
Cali comes across as trusting, open and idealistic, despite her rather gritty past. Caleb, as we have seen for some time now, is rather cynical/pragmatic and closed off. Both share some social awkwardness, though expressed in different ways. Cali kinda powers through it, stuttering and stumbling as honestly as possible. Caleb holds his cards as close to his chest as he can, telling half truths and neglects mentioning the facts whenever he’s shuffling the options in his head. 
In this episode, we can also see the way they approach combat. While Cali lacks combat experience, she isn’t afraid to be right in the frontlines, closing at every opportunity, and ofc Caleb as we know hides in the back, only approaching to the maximum available distances to get in range or angle, then backing away out of potential danger. Both of them are pretty trigger happy with their magic though, quick on their feet/mind (Also, im rewatching as I type, so one moment of silence for Fabron who died a horrible, messy death, unmissed by his employers who happily wailed on the monster kidnapping him, causing him to die faster)
Then, the most important thing to include would probably be that final confrontation, where Caleb’s caution boils over to what some would consider paranoia. I personally even considered if he wanted to take possession of the bowl himself, given his penchant for magical artifacts. Having said that, he did say it was of no use to him/the Mighty Nein, so probably not. 
Him using the Mighty Nein as a barrier between himself and Cali is.....revealing. To be fair, he did see Cali rush very aggressively at the fish folk, also that momentary slip of aggression about claiming that last kill. Perhaps he made the assumption that Cali was still angry (post Friends spell from Molly) and was merely concealing it. (like he himself probably would if someone tried to keep magic stuff from him, he’s like a magpie) Then Cali did go on to reveal that he was well treated by the cult (as compared to Caleb who was punished during his magical training), so maybe a bit of jealousy there?  Regardless, this episode quite clearly highlights Caleb’s highly, highly skeptical nature,to the point where he doubts Yasha’s ability to destroy the bowl before she even tries. He seems caught by surprise that Cali is willing to let him mind check her, and even more so when she reveals her desire to fervently oppose the cult that once held her.  Here are my final speculations and head-canoning. Perhaps Caleb was in shock from having the bowl snatched from his grasp or how the group doesnt seem to quite side with him despite standing between him and Cali. I think he will be quite shaken from meeting someone who shares a little of what he has been through, and how different said person is. Will his trust in the Mighty Nein as a group be shaken? In Beau? In Jester? In Molly? Fjord and Yasha were the neutral ones here for sure. Strangely enough, Nott didn’t make any move to question Cali or defend Caleb during the standoff, perhaps seeing it as Caleb’s area of expertise? So many questions, some of which I’ll definitely be writing more on (and some retroactive ones as well). If you’ve got any question or headcannon (on critrole campaign 2) you’d like me to dive into, ramble on and overcomplicate, SUBMIT or drop an ask! Its summer break, so all the time in the world :)
Thank you all who’ve read this far! Looking forward to doing this writing thing more. Credit to all the redditors, alpha chat and discord users whose well stated opinions help shape some of mine!
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