#I fell out of fe and then wrote my book lol
In honour of Lysithea and Claude winning CYL(more Golden Deer in there you know what that means) here's some Lysithea and Claude bonding headcanons!
They both spend lots of time in the library, although Claude usually takes the books compared to just reading them there, so they've spoken a bit in there
Claude doesn't treat lysithea like a child 24/7, in fact, he does come to her for a lot of information
Claude knows how to sneak some treats from the kitchen, so they have a deal, treats for information
Lysithea guesses where Claude came from, she guessed Almyra first, but he declined. She still has some suspicions
After the time skip, Lysithea comes clean about her childhood, and Claude is so surprised and disgusted, he's finally at a loss for words
He assures her everything will be fixed before then, so she'll be able to see his homeland
They have a sibling bond, of course Claude will constantly annoy her, and in turn she pranks him back
Both make fun of Lorenz, though
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🎰 i sent this finally GJFNJFDN
Send me a  🎰 for ship possibilities! // Accepting ! // @gentlepresence
Eirika & Theo
This would have to be in heroes and again, theo has no fucking clue why he is in heroes. He can’t fight or use magic so he’s just like .. confused noises, but man. Eirika would probably notice how often he pushes himself and how sickly he is and just Fret over him and his stupid health a lot because he won’t ever rest even if he is on the verge of passing out, it’d be even worse in askr because he would want to be helpful to everyone so all he can really do is keep things cleaned up and orgnized and everything since he can’t fight !!! If anything he would possibly ask eirika to teach him how to use a sword if they got close but god he would not be very good at it … I can honestly see him getting rly close to eirika though and probably being super gratful to her for all of her help and her worrying over him, i could even see their relationship being romantic over time but that’s a thinking face emoji thing, mostly theo would just be super grateful for her tho.
Flannel & Yukari
we talked vaguely about their relationship before but yukari REALLY likes beast people, he researches them heavily and it’s his special interest so getting to be in the same army as flannel (and nishiki too lmao) he’d … wanna be buddies so badly. He’d want to talk to flannel a lot and learn lots about him and better understand him honestly. flannel would get this boy asking him lots of questions about his home and how they live and if they have any special customs and so forth because he just wants to learn a lot. i can see them having a really good friendship overtime since i know flannel does find it hard to trust humans and yukari is 100% a human.
Noah & Clove 
Honestly these two would be something … they both like reading a lot and they both like quiet places so i can see them being book buddies tbh !! the idea of them just happily talking about books they like is rly cute to me, nice friends. However close does have a lot of secrets, like the one about being able to fucking …. raise the dead. He’s a necromancer and some people might find that kinda a big deal since it’s really dark and taboo magic, i don’t rly know how Noah would feel about such a thing but it makes me very thinking face emoji. Either way there is a lot of ways their relationship could go and i think it’s interesting
Eirika & Nikolas
eirika vc: i can be the big sister nowi wrote that as a note but i’m leaving it there because it’s true laughs. They’d meet in askr of course but Nikolas is like …16 i think in askr so he’d a tiny (but powerful) pegasus knight. i can see eirika wanting to protect him a bit but also believing in his abilities (though she is gonna fret about him) and i can see him looking up to eirika like he looks up to his mom and dad, she’s a realy cool sword fighter !! and he’d honestly love to learn from her but he’d notice a lot of her fighting style is like a lancer user and be curious about it. I ALSO JUST REALIZED THEY ARE BOTH TWINS SO THEY CAN TALK ABOUT THEIR TWINS TOGETHER, nikolas can tell her about how he almost fell from a tree before and died lol, seriously he’d tell her so many stupid stories that him and his sister got into
Flannel & Sage
we actually talked about them since i might add sage to that group but even in fe they’d have a very similar relationship to what i said before. Sage giving flannel anything he thinks is “junk” and flannel giving sage anything he thinks is “junk” since they kinda view each-others junk as treasure. I can see their relationship not being the greatest at first since sage is rly rude and distrusting towards ANYONE but man if flannel gave him a shiny thing suddenly ur stuck with him lol… I was thinking though like over time it goes from sage calling flannel’s stuff junk because he literally think it’s junk (not because it’s trash or broken or whatever, but because he literally just doesn’t like it like he does his shiny things which could also be broken things … if they are shiny he wouldn’t care) to instead calling the things flannel has just his own treasures and any time he finds something he knows flannel likes he just gives it to him like ’ oh yea i found this and thought of you, hope you like it ’ which is just nice … they can become devolped friends. 
Bonus: because i really wanted to write these two LMAONoah & Tomomi
okay i mentioned this one to you and you were like ’ do it ’ so i’m doing it SDHKNSDHNSJDHNMostly it’s just because you mentioned if Noah never gets an S.O before the war ends he just goes traveling for a while and then marries some villager and my brain connected that to tomomi who is just a village teacher (though i mean she can join the army too) either way i can see their dynamic being really interesting because tomomi is a teacher and would be really interested in all the books noah reads even if they are just fiction books because she really loves reading different types of liturature - not to mention a lto of the books are probably from nohr and she only ever really gets to read hoshidan books so she’d love to be able to compare them. She’d also just like noah’s calming presense, she thinks he is just a very sweet boy and could easily like him. 
also it’s worth noting that since he also dates nishiki in one verse and so does tomomi, they could all just love each-other tbh, i forget the term but i just can’t get the idea out of my head of nishiki just laying across both of their laps like ’ pay attention to me ‘ 
anyways ily bell
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