#I ended up adding a lot more detail to Pearl's outfit than you would normally see in a Nausicaä character
elodee · 25 days
PearlescentMoon x Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
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For PearlescentMoon I picked Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind!
Nausicaä is my favourite Ghibli movie and is arguably one of the best solarpunk movies out there, so I thought that it would be a great match for Pearl with her solarpunk theme this season. I also once saw someone else drawing Pearl in a Ghibli style and it fit her so well that I wanted to do it too!
To learn more about Nausicaä and see my style references, continue below the cut!
(Like solarpunk, donating to Gamer's Outreach is cool and awesome)
Nausicaä is a Ghibli movie from the 1980s. It takes place in a future after a massive war that destroyed the ecosystem and created the Toxic Jungle, which has expanded to cover most of the world. The Jungle is deadly, full of poisonous air, spores that destroy crops, and monstrous bug creatures called the Ohm.
Nausicaä and her people live in the Valley of the Wind, which is naturally protected from airborne spores, and thus the spread of the Jungle, by the wind itself. However, the people of the Valley live in fear of attacks from the Ohm, which decimate entire villages and spread spores with their bodies.
The story follows Nausicaä, the princess of the Valley of the Wind, as she tries to learn about the Jungle to protect her people. When a cargo aircraft from the foreign kingdom of Tolmekia crashes into the Valley, Nausicaa finds herself thrown into a deadly conflict between her people, Tolmekia, and the Jungle itself.
The movie is beautiful with rich, interesting worldbuilding and an important environmental message. Nausicaä is often overshadowed in the English-speaking world by other Ghibli films, but it's seriously one of the coolest movies the studio has ever produced.
If you are a Ghibli fan and you haven't seen Nausicaä yet, you're genuinely missing out! Make sure you watch either the original Japanese version or the the 2005 redub though, as the first English dub is heavily edited and loses a lot of the story.
Style references:
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Princess Nausicaä - I love her strong, rounded design. She looks like she gives good hugs.
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The story of Nausicaä has a lot of solarpunk themes, but you can also see solarpunk influences in the design and lifestyle of the Valley.
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I chose this cover as the reference for the title and background of my image because its the one that stuck with me the most. I think it's very pretty.
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gracekraft · 5 years
Steven Universe - Punching Up
It’s the end of the year and I wanted to spend time reflecting on the Steven Universe comics that I spent the better part of the year writing.  I feel like they come out so fast that I don’t have time to properly talk about them.  So as the volumes have started coming out, I thought I would take some time to talk about each of the stories featured in each collection!
Issues #5-#8 are collected in this Steven Universe Punching Up, #5-#7 are stories I wrote while #8 was written by the incredible Melanie Gillman!  The stories featured in here were some of the first stories I came up with when I pitched them to Boom.
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Issue # 5 - A Day in the Life of Lion
Illustrated by the stellar Meg Omac! ( @magecom )
I always thought it might be fun to make a story featuring the kind of mischief Lion gets up to when Steven is around, which seems to be like 80% of the time.  I also remember there was a Steven Universe panel a while back where a little kid asked where Lion was, so I thought kids might enjoy a Lion story too.
I was honestly a little surprised I was allowed to do this since it’s a departure of the Steven’s point of view only that the show goes for.  I normally try to keep to that in writing the comics but thought it might be fun to deviate away from it slightly.
This story is essentially a series of vignettes about Lion’s day, so pretty much exactly what the title says.  I always love those episodes in a show where they deviate away from the usual story and story-telling format where we get a glimpse into the life of a character we don’t see as often but their POV on events is refreshing.  I also love those stories about the secret life that pets lead when their humans aren’t around a la Hamtaro.  Sadly Lion does not have a fun crew of other magical lions to go on adventures with, but he still gets up to some innocent mischief around Beach City.
Lion and cat Amethyst’s shenanigans were definitely inspired by a super old comic I made about them interacting.  I always thought it would be cute if Lion was curious about cat Amethyst and took care of her like a little kitten.  Cat pals!
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Lion messing up the things in Pearl’s room is definitely taken from many an experience of my dog doing the same.  He gets into anything that isn’t behind a closed door or out of his reach, and it’s not unusual to come home the a grand mess.  Sadly no matter what you say he won’t understand you, only act innocent and leave the scene of the crime.  Thus Lion is no different.
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Lion’s adventures on the boardwalk were fun.  Sadie and Greg are some of my favorite humans, so I enjoyed giving them a little spotlight, especially with their wariness yet acceptance of the magical pink lion that inhabits Beach City.
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I thought a short detour to Rose’s fountain would be a nice peaceful, introspective moment within the comic.  But even when it seems a little deep, Lion still has his cat antics and moves on.
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I also wanted to give Lapis and Peridot a little spotlight since I always enjoy their barn life shenanigans.  I’m really happy with how Meg captured each of their personalities in this scene, it translated very well from the script!
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Lion finally gets his lizard prey after traumatizing Peridot.  Honestly I still have no idea what those lizards are.  Tiny gem mutants? Gem-infuenced fauna?? Whatever they are Lion eats them so I continue to add them in.  And of course I had to end these adventures with a brief encounter with Garnet, who has a silent understanding of Lion.  And then bookending it with Connie and Steven’s return, blissfully unaware that Lion even moved from the spot they left him.
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Peach Panther and Purple Puma
Illustrated by Rii Abrego! ( @riibrego )
My inspiration for this was Amethyst’s line to Pearl in “Back to the Barn” when she says “Hey Pearl, you should come wrestling with me sometime!”  I thought it would be fun to revisit the wrestling ring once more in the comics, Tiger Millionaire was one of my favorite season 1 episodes and we pretty much had seen the last of it in the show after “Tiger Philanthropist.”  Thus, this is supposed to take place later in time than it appears based on Amethyst’s season 1 attire in this issue, but sometimes miscommunication happens in the higher management.
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I wanted to write a story where Pearl gets out of her comfort zone and lets loose for a while.  When I first wrote this story, I was still dealing with burnout and insecurity after my previous job ended, and I channeled that frustration into this story.  At the same time, this is also one of my more self-indulgent stories in that it’s filled with a lot of things I like (Beach City Underground Wrestling, Pearl and Amethyst having a fun time together, cute character shenanigans etc.) so it was great expressing my feelings in a story I especially enjoyed.
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Inventing Pearl’s wrestling persona was really fun and I’m grateful to have had to chance to add something fun like that to the comic canon.  Between Purple Puma and Tiger Millionaire, I figured Pearl’s persona should match the cat theme, and I really liked the sound of Panther (goes well with Puma).  Pink Panther already exists so I tweaked it to be the Peach Panther.  I’m super happy that Rii captured the exact look I was going for with Pearl’s outfit.  Pearl is not a fan of shapeshifting (and now we know why) so I figured she would be able to at least give herself an outfit and Steven would help jazz it up with the silly pink cat ears.
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I’m not the most knowledgable about wrestling so I did a lot of research to get the names of moves right for Mr. Smiley’s commentary.  I also had to go back to see what the names of the Beach City wrestling team names were and what the individual fighting names were.  It was fun getting to pick my favorites to feature in the comic!
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I loved writing the last page because it has those cute, wholesome interactions I am all about in Steven Universe.  I’m also super happy with how well my script translated to the final pictures!
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The Crystal Gems and the Sea
Illustrated by Meg Omac!
I love revisiting tiny details from the show in the comics, and this one is no different with the focus on the Gem Sloop from “Cat Fingers.” I thought it would be fun to have the Gems and Steven go on a mission where they couldn’t simply warp there, a fun sea-faring mission!  There’s definitely several stories in addition to this one where I figure out a scenario that I’d like the write and then work backwards to figure out how the characters end up there.
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Steven and Onion stories tend to involve G.U.Y.S or G.A.L.S one way or another, so I thought it would only be fitting to start the story off with them.  While Steven has matured quite a bit from the earlier days of the show, he still has a childish wonder about him, and I figure he still does that thing where he sees something in the spur of the moment and thinks about how fun it would be to also do that thing, and then he finds a way to do so.  While he won’t go to the extent of jeopardizing a mission to have fun, if he can still fit some games into a less dire mission then where’s the harm?
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I’m really happy with how the character acting came out for the Gems’ and Steven’s interactions.  It warms my heart to see how the Gems have grown to trust him more and more as the show progressed.  I wanted to add some moments that reflected this growth and had fun writing it in.
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Also I have to share the description I wrote for the eel monster because this is the kind of stuff I actually write to give an idea of what I’m trying to describe.  She also ended up looking like an aquatic cousin of Centipeetle, and Sea-ntipeetle if you will.
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I see some folks picking these comics apart for details that hint at something in the show, but I’ll be completely honest, while I do my best to write close to what’s believable for the show, nothing ties directly to it.  Any monsters or instances that seem to hint at something greater are usually just completely coincidental!  But it makes me happy that folks enjoy what I add in the comics.
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The action panels for the fight are some of my favorites.  They came out nice and dynamic are really convey the type of action I was hoping for.  Fun and exciting!
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I always see some folks complaining about how “townie” episodes are boring filler, but I just can’t disagree more!  There’s definitely some townie eps that are among my favorite episodes, because even if they’re not about epic Gem adventures (though some still are) they feature important lessons for Steven to learn from his human half.  I thought it would be fun to have Onion and his Dad be integral to the mission because townies and the human half of Steven’s life is just as important and valuable.
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And that concludes the issues I worked on in volume 2 of the Steven Universe Ongoing series.  I still really love this first batch of comics.  Rii and Meg really hit it out of the park and added their personalities to the comics and made for very fun reads!
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thinkinboutspace · 5 years
Change Your Mind: A Summary of All My Thoughts and Feelings
Alright fellas, strap in because this post, much like tonight’s episode, is going to be a real long one.
I want to try and organise this so the topics I’ll be addressing will (probably) be in the order of the episode progression. And if you haven’t seen the episode yet please DO NOT read this because it’s going to be ridden with spoilers.
Everyone good? Okay, let’s do this.
My feelings are basically just me screaming for about 3 hours, but I do have some actual opinions that I need to share because none of my friends have been watching the recent episodes and I’m DYING.
First things first: THE DIAMONDS. I was expecting emotional scenes because this is Steven Universe we’re talking about but HOLY SHIT that was a LOT!! I knew Blue Diamond was going to accept this the fastest (although that leak of her yelling at Steven had me scared) but the dialogue? 
“You were right to leave. I always thought that you were failing this world. But if you were happier on Earth, maybe this world was failing you.”
That’s such a powerful line and I love it so so much!! I also love the fact that she says this after Steven points out that it isn’t normal for her to use her crying powers on him as a punishment. The character development there is SO GOOD and it’s one of my favourite things about this episode!!
Yellow’s reaction was a tad bit different though, lol. For a while I wasn’t sure if she was going to “change her mind” and when the moment came and she did I cried! We all know that Yellow is the strongest of the the two because she thinks she has to be, and when she finally breaks down and admits that she’s been feeling opressed by White and that Homeworld’s system is flawed it felt so real and raw and relieving. Because she can finally be herself after thousands of years of her trying her hardest to not feel anything.
Next up: the new outfits and fusions!! Lapis and Peridot FINALLY GOT THEIR STARS IM SO SO HAPPY!!! And the fusions, where to even BEGIN AAAH!! 
While I was very happy to see Smoky Quartz again, we had all seen her before and so the only thing that was new was the outfit. Don’t get me wrong though, I loved seeing my bean again!
Pearl and Steven! Fused! And I am! So excited about that! Rainbow Quartz 2.0 being silly and making the ‘two stones with one bird’ joke had me laughing and I just love them with my whole heart!
SUNSTONE OH MY GOODNESS!! Sunstone was only on screen for about five minutes but in those five minutes they snatched my wig, my heart, and I think they’re my new favourite. I know that every fusion combines the aspects of it’s counterparts and the fact that Sunstone is a child-friendly PSA come to life is genius and adorable and I love it (I’ve been saying that a lot but it’s TRUE OKAY)!
But now that my screaming is (sort of) over, I have to tackle the biggest part of the finale: White Diamond.
Hoooooooooo boy that entire scene was a LOT to take in. First of all, we have White using her powers to take control of Blue, Yellow, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl (and of course White/Pink Pearl but we knew about that one). That, I think, was the saddest moment of them all. And it’s not even that alone that got me upset, it was how White Diamond described it!
“As for me, I’m certain I don’t need you. After all, I’m every colour of the light! But you’re a part of me! A part I always have to repress.”
“Please stop helping them! You’ll only make things worse. That’s what you do! I make things better.”
“Now the impurities you’ve encouraged in them are gone!”
There’s a lot of other things she says that make me upset but those three pieces of dialogue in particular just, oh boy. White really believes (at least in that moment) that not only is Steven just Pink taking on another form to rebel, but that in order to get Pink to “show herself” or whatever, she has to break Steven down and verbally attack him. 
She pokes at every single one of his insecurites that we KNOW he’s had throughout the show and it’s heartbreaking to see! The smaller details with the gems being controlled really added to the horror and disgust I felt watching White monologue about how she well and truly believes that they are all flawed.
AND HER THEN TAKING STEVEN AND REMOVING HIS FUCKING GEM OH MY FUCKING LORD GUYS I FREAKED THE ABSOLUTE FUCK O U T!! I am not making this up, when that scene ended and the commercials started playing I threw the pillow that I was hugging on the other side of the couch, jumped up, and started pacing while whisper-screaming because I couldn’t actually scream around my family. Steven Universe has had it’s moments of horror (the Cat Fingers monster was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen), but I don’t think I’ve ever felt fear as genuine as that while watching this show (or just any cartoon in particular, really).
When the show resumed and we saw Steven’s gem reform separate from him, I got scared because for a split second we saw the outline of Pink Diamond and it would be the WORST if she were to reform - but that’s absolutely not what happened!! Instead we see a new, seemingly all-diamond version of Steven and the implications of that are ENORMOUS!! This is already addressed in the show, but it means that Steven has never been his mom and that he is absolutely his own person! And Steven’s fear that has been growing and growing throughout this arc has been shut down and I love that!
I need to take a moment to yell about the animation in the scene where Steven and his diamond self reunite, because HOLY SHIT it was POWERFUL. The animation in Steven Universe is, generally speaking, always on top of it and it makes you feel things when it needs to, but THAT SCENE? When Connie hands human Steven to diamond Steven and he starts cry-laughing out of happiness? The way they both laugh (and you can HEAR the genuine relief and joy) and the camera spins for a second? The way White’s eyes open in front of them after they both stop spinning? The background music building up to when Steven becomes himself again? I could go on and on about that but in summary - the cinematography in that scene was AMAZING and I would like to draw as much attention to that fact as possible.
(We’re almost at the end of my rant I promise, lol. If you’ve read this far, thank you!)
White’s realisation that she’s been wrong this whole time and she needs to ‘get out of her own head’ is written SO WELL!! She doesn’t admit it out loud (which makes sense because she’s been a perfection-seeking tyrant for years, it’s gonna take more time than that), but she breaks down and we get to see that she’s starting to question everything she’s ever known. Which doesn’t sound good, but to me it is because now she can finally start changing the way Homeworld is structured (and they returned to Earth and healed the corrupted gems, so that’s definitely a HUGE step in the right direction)!!
Lars and Sadie reuniting was wonderful, Steven and his dad reuniting was ALSO wonderful, and THE OFF-COLOURS!! WE SAW THEM AGAIN AND MOST LIKELY WILL GET TO SEE THEM AGAIN IN FUTURE EPISODES AND I’M HELLA EXCITED FOR THAT!!
The last thing I have to say before I go is the songs. Blew. Me. Away. Sadie singing Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart was so sweet and when it pans to Greg in the audience you can tell he loves it! I need to listen to the new Crystal Gems theme song because I don’t remember all of the lyrics at the moment but I DO remember that they were very powerful and reminded me of just how far this show has come and I love that a song is able to do that for me. The song that Steven sings at the end, ‘Change Your Mind,’ was short but sweet and the meaning it held!! Steven is finally on the path to accepting who he is and he’s realised that he doesn’t need the Diamond’s approval and I just am floored with that character development!!
And with that, I conclude my very long summary of thoughts and feelings! I know I definitely missed a lot of smaller details, but for the most part I think I managed to touch on just about everything major! Thank you for reading this far!
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redditnosleep · 6 years
The Little Melting Girl
by CynicHappy
When I was eight years old, I was badly burnt in a car fire. My single mother had been driving me to school when she lost control of her Toyota Camry on the icy January road and went crashing into a ditch. The car caught fire, and Mum managed to drag me out, but the damage had already been done. I had sustained second to third-degree burns on fifty percent of my body; my limbs had gotten the worst of it. Mum herself was unharmed, save for bruising on her ribs and a cut across her nose.
I spent the next four months in the burn unit at British Columbia Children's Hospital, and the place quickly became a second home. Doctors worked tirelessly to save me. I underwent a total of fifty operations, including skin grafts and the amputation of all five fingers on each hand. I had an endless stream of visitors, but rarely was my mother among them.
One morning, about a week into my hospital stay, my dad stopped by with a bouquet of colourful tulips and a blue balloon. His girlfriend, Jenny, came with him. Dad had been divorced from Mum for two years, but it had been an amicable split, and he was still very much involved in my life.
"Daddy, why doesn't Mummy come see me?" I asked. My words were garbled, given I could barely move my burned lips, but Dad seemed to understand.
"Oh, honey." He sighed, ruffling what was left of my charred hair. "Mummy loves you, more than anyone else in the world. That's why she doesn't come by very often; it hurts her to see you hurt."
"But I miss her."
"She misses you too, honey. But Mummy... well, Mummy has some problems. It's difficult for a girl your age to understand."
"Is she sick?"
"No, no, honey," Jenny piped up. She bent down and kissed my bandaged cheek. "Just... well, like your daddy said, it's hard to explain."
I knew, even back then, that Mum wasn't quite right in the head. I believe that's why Dad left her, but he still cared about her a great deal; not once since the divorce had I heard him say a single negative word about her.
"Will Mummy get better?" I asked.
"She might never be quite 'normal', Julia. But she'll get better. She will always be your mummy."
I never resented my mother for her absence. I guess I was a lot more understanding than most kids my age. Besides, Mum more than made up for it, sending me care packages and letters saying how much she loved me. She promised to throw me a party when I came home, complete with cake and dancing.
I believe it was Mum's love that got me through the pain.
After four long months, I was finally allowed to go home. My burns were still healing, leaving me with tight, warped skin that itched and throbbed every minute of the day. My hands had been reduced to bulbous stumps at the end of each arm, I was stuck in a wheelchair, and had to wear compression garments to reduce scarring. Still, I was home, and that made it all worth it.
As promised, Mum threw me a party. Family, friends, and neighbours all came to celebrate my recovery. I couldn't dance, but I had a great time anyway. Mum kept kissing me and telling me how much she loved me. "Julia, you are a fighter. I am so proud of you."
She smiled, her blue eyes glittering, but I had noticed the blue half-moons beneath them, as well as her hollowed-out cheekbones and threads of silver woven into her shiny auburn hair. She was still so beautiful, but looked older than her thirty-five years.
That night, I woke up in pain, my skin itching as if I had fire ants crawling all over me, a deep phantom ache in my amputated fingers. I opened my mouth to call out for Mum, but the compression mask on my face and the taught skin beneath made moving my lips painful. I tried to sit up, but it hurt too much. A whimper escaped me, and salty tears rolled down my cheeks.
Then I sensed a presence, something watching me from a dark corner. It didn't feel malevolent, but it made my spine tingle. Glancing nervously over my shoulder, I was shocked to see a dark figure standing in a corner, motionless save for the gentle rise and fall of their chest as they breathed.
Quickly, before I could lose my nerve, I reached over and switched on my bedside lamp. A weak yellow glow broke through the shadows, and there was a sharp intake of breath as the figure shrank back at the light.
It was a little girl, no older than myself. She wore a yellow T-shirt and flowery pink shorts. She was grotesquely deformed. Her flesh appeared to be melting off her body, hanging in heavy folds and bags. It was blackened in areas, pink and raw in others. She was completely bald, and not only that, but her scalp had been charred away, revealing a pearl-white skull beneath. Her eyes were impossibly large, lacking eyelids, and had such heavy cataracts her pupil were invisible. Her arms were shrivelled and curled up grotesquely at her sides. But the worst part was her mouth. Her lower jaw hung down at an impossible angle, and seemed to have fused to her chest, leaving her face in a permanent scream.
I nearly screamed myself. I had never seen anything so horrible, and it scared me shitless. But before I could make a sound, the girl raised a shrivelled hand and brought it to her gaping mouth, as if trying to shush me. I shrunk back against the headboard, shaking, as this mysterious apparition approached me. It appeared she was trying to speak, but her frozen jaw made that physically impossible. She placed her hand on my shoulder, and when I forced myself to look into her eyes, I saw compassion. I saw love.
"Who are you?" I whimpered.
She gently pushed me back into a reclining position, tucked the covers around my scarred, wounded body, and smoothed back my hair. Then she turned and walked silently out of the room, leaving the door open just a crack.
I was shaken. But the pain was gone, replaced by the pleasant sensation of being bathed in warm water. Somehow, despite my fear, I fell asleep.
I never told Mum what I'd seen. She was already so shaken up over my accident, and I didn't want to give her more to worry about. But I couldn't stop thinking about the little melting girl, and part of me wanted to see her again.
Days later, I returned to school. My friends were all delighted to have me back, but many kids avoided me, and some were downright mean. I was still learning how to perform everyday tasks without fingers, which only added a new layer of challenges to the adjustment. During this time, Mum seemed somewhat out of touch with reality. I often caught her staring into space or humming to herself. Sometimes, she would look at me and cry. Dad and Jenny came over a lot to help, and Dad tried talking Mum into seeing a therapist, but she always refused.
Three years passed, and I made remarkable progress. I began walking again, and my burns healed better than my doctors expected. Mum met a wonderful man named David, and they got married when I was eleven. I now had a stepfather and stepsister, and adored them both. By then, I had mostly forgotten about the little melting girl.
Around that time, I was entering puberty, which can cripple the self-esteem of even the most beautiful girls. As well as my injuries had healed, I still had a lot of scarring, and was missing my left breast. My appearance made me a prime target for bullying. One day, when I was walking home from school, a group of older girls followed me home and threw rocks at me. I ran into the house, crying, and shut myself in my room.
I sobbed for over an hour, feeling like a total freak, hideous and unlovable. As I lay on my bed, face buried in a pillow, I felt a hand smooth back my hair.
Mum and David were still at work, and my sister Ava was at band practice. Alarmed, I rolled over and met her cloudy gaze.
The melting girl. She still wore the same outfit, and hadn't aged a bit. Her appearance wasn't nearly as shocking the second time around, but I couldn't stifle a frightened squeal.
"It's you," I gasped.
She nodded, before reaching into the pocket of her shorts and removing a tissue. I sniffled and blew my nose. "What are you doing here?"
The melting girl walked over to my desk and scribbled something on a sheet of notebook paper. She held it up so that I could read: Kids can be cruel, it said.
"I'm so ugly," I whimpered. "I'm a monster."
She shook her head, then jotted down a second note: A few scars mean nothing. You've got beautiful blue eyes, gorgeous, shiny golden hair, and the perfect bone structure. You are amazing.
I suddenly felt pretty shitty for sobbing over my own deformities to this girl who barely looked human anymore. "Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"
She shook her head, then placed her hand over her heart. I didn't know what that meant, but I guessed it must be a sign of her sincerity.
"Who are you?" I demanded. "Are you a ghost?"
Once again, she left my room without a word. I tried chasing after her, but she was gone.
After searching the house top to bottom, I figured she must be a ghost, and that she had died in the fire that warped her appearance. But who was she? What had happened? Why did only I see her?
This time, I told Mum. I left out most details, but stated I believed a little ghost girl was haunting our house. She went whiter than the moon, and her eyes grew shimmery with tears, but she forced a laugh and said, "Oh, Julia. Such an imagination."
She seemed so upset that I didn't dare press the matter. But the following day, after school, I made a surprise visit to Dad and Jenny's place.
"Julia, hi!" Jenny greeted me at the door, her two-year-old baby girl on her hip. "What a pleasant surprise!"
"Is my dad home?"
"Yes, he's in his office. I'll go get him." Dad worked from home as a graphic designer, and often became so engrossed in his work he forgot to eat. But I knew he would want to see me.
After catching up over iced tea, I told Dad I wanted to ask him a question about Mum. I reminded him that I was almost twelve years old and had a right to know, and that he had to be honest with me.
"Okay, Julia. I'll do my best. What is it?"
"What happened in Mum's past?" I asked him. "Why is she so... strange sometimes?"
Dad hesitated, biting his lip, and I lost my temper.
"Tell me, dammit!" I snapped.
"Julia! Calm down." Jenny put a steadying hand on my shoulder. Dad flushed and rubbed his temples. "Baby, I'm sorry," he said. "I'll tell you everything I know, okay?"
"Okay." I took a deep breath. "Okay."
Dad poured himself more iced tea and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Even I don't know a whole lot about it. When I met your mother, she was an orphan at twenty-one, and claimed not to have anyone except her grandmother. It wasn't until a whole year into our relationship that she finally confessed there had been a terrible accident in her childhood. She refused to elaborate."
I sank back against the couch cushion, defeated. "So you don't know either?"
"No. I'm sorry, honey."
"Would she tell me if I asked her?"
"I don't think that's a good idea, Julia," said Dad. Jenny, sitting next to me on the couch, nodded.
I left their house in a frustrated daze, feeling even more confused than before. The mystery of Mum and the little melting girl was like a constant itch that couldn't be scratched, and the idea that I might never get any answers infuriated me.
This time, five years passed before I saw her again. At sixteen, I my confidence had improved. I had friends, good grades, and a serious boyfriend who accepted me as I was, scars and all. That said, I still had to deal with bullies on a regular basis. But now, I could stand up for myself.
One day, at lunch, my friends and I were discussing the upcoming school dance and what we would wear. Rachel Newton, one of the resident mean girls, sneered at me as she and her friends walked by. "You better not wear anything too short, Crispy. Nobody wants to look at your ugly legs."
"Leave her alone, Rachel." My friend Clara stood up, hands on her hips.
"What? Don't pretend it isn't true."
"You're such a bitch, Rachel," I snapped. "Ever considered seeking professional help?"
She scowled. "Ever considered plastic surgery? It would make looking at you so much easier."
I punched her in the nose. She began screaming as if I'd just gutted her with a butcher knife, alerting a teacher. She sent me to the principal's office, and while Mrs. Radcliffe was sympathetic, she wouldn't let me off the hook.
"Striking another student is against the rules, Julia. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to punish you."
She then told me I would have to clean up the football field every day after school for a week. I understood that I'd been in the wrong to hit Rachel, but I was still pissed. That afternoon, the sky filled with dark grey clouds, matching my mood. As I toiled away, picking up garbage and stuffing it into a large plastic bag, Rachel and her little posse approached me.
"Julia, you bitch!" Rachel's nose was purple and swollen, dried blood crusting her nostrils. "Look what you did to me!"
"Aw, you upset over losing your precious modelling career?" I taunted. Rachel's eyes flashed dangerously, and she lunged at me, knocking me to the soggy grass.
"Rachel!" one of her friends yelled. "Back off!"
I rolled onto my belly and tried to push myself into a kneeling position, but Rachel kicked me in the ribs, knocking me down again.
"I don't think picking up garbage is punishment enough, Crispy." Rachel brought her foot down on my back, pinning me in place. "What do you think, girls?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Get her, Rachel!"
"Stop it! She's had enough."
I began thrashing beneath Rachel's foot, trying to throw off her balance. Dirt filled my mouth. My spine felt seconds away from snapping. I sensed Rachel's fury, her intent on hurting me.
She stooped down and grabbed a handful of my hair, wrenching my head back, and raised her fist, ready to land a punch. I was alone, at this girl's mercy, and I couldn't fight back.
"Help," I whispered.
Rachel's grip suddenly fell away. She staggered back, her eyes the size of dinner plates, mouth hanging open. Her friends looked equally stunned.
"Oh, my God. What is that?"
I followed her appalled gaze to a melted, deformed figure standing twenty feet away. The little melting girl's cloudy eyes were blazing with anger, and her blackened fists kept clenching and unclenching. I was so overjoyed I wanted to cry.
"What the fuck?" Rachel shrieked again. "Who is that?"
The girl let out an enraged scream and charged like a raging bull.
My tormenters took off into the mist, shrieking like banshees. The girl walked over and helped me to my feet.
"Thank you," I breathed.
In her eyes, I saw her words: Let's go home.
She held my hand until we were a block away from the house. Then she hugged me and walked away.
This time, I told Mum everything. When I described the girl's appearance, she burst into tears.
"Oh, God... oh, my God... Julia..." she sobbed.
"Mum! What is it?"
She pulled me into a crushing hug, her chest heaving as she fought for air. "That girl... she's my sister."
I was frozen. "What?"
Mum wiped her eyes. "Oh, honey... I guess I can't hold back any longer."
Finally, after sixteen years, I got to know my mother.
She grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, with her twin sister, Sarah, and their parents. They lived a happy life until an arsonist set the barn on fire. The girls were inside at the time. In a frantic attempt to escape, Sarah fell and broke her leg. Mum ran to get help, but by then, it was too late. The fire had spread out of control, and Sarah couldn't be saved.
The fire completely broke Mum. She didn't speak for almost a year, and four years later, her parents were killed in a car accident. Mum never recovered emotionally. To this day, I can only imagine what she went through.
"When you got hurt... it brought back so many terrible memories. I couldn't face it. I was a coward, Julia. I'm so sorry."
"Don't be." I kissed her cheek. "You're the best mother, and I love you."
She wiped her nose. "I've seen Sarah a few times since she died, but I convinced myself I was dreaming. But it seems she's been watching over you too."
"Like a guardian angel?"
"She is a guardian angel."
That night, I prayed for the first time in years and thanked God for sending down Sarah.
Twenty-one years have passed since that day. I have a successful career; I'm married; I have children. I still see Sarah every now and then, but I don't need her protection so much anymore. I've grown strong and confident. I've come a long way.
I can't explain Sarah's presence in my life, and I guess I don't need to. I'm just so thankful to have her around. She's been there for me during my darkest hours, protected me from a cruel world when I was at my most vulnerable.
My only regret is that Sarah, unlike me, never got a second chance at life.
102 notes · View notes
newtshirtcom · 4 years
Snoopy I dont always listen to Pink Floyd but when I do I get comfortablynumb shirt
Snoopy I dont always listen to Pink Floyd but when I do I get comfortablynumb shirt
Are you presently looking to change your physical appearance? Has style been something you happen to be contemplating however haven t got enough time to have downward? Effectively your search is over, this information is in this article that you can work out how it is possible to improve your picture via fashion.
Should you be not very tall, you should be cautious about wearing sweaters that are very long. When you may not would like to wear a thing that is really simple that it is similar to a cropped top, sporting something with too much size is only going to get you to seem to be much reduced than you truly are.
When you dress in two goods the exact same color, make sure that the hues are a excellent or near-perfect match. By way of example, do not use a deep blue tshirt using a midnight glowing blue kind of trousers. Though they both are blue, it does not appearance also created because it will have if both pieces were actually a similar colour.
The best time to apply entire body moisturizer is straight as soon as you shower area. Make use of it prior to deciding to dried out away from, or after a carefully soft towel drying out. This helps to fasten the humidity from the shower in your skin area, increasing some great benefits of the cream. It will demand that you use less of the item.
How to implement your make-up is determined by where you are proceeding. By way of example, if you are going to have an meet with, keep your cosmetics hunting normal and emphasize your very best function. For example, when you have gorgeous eyeballs, wear a gentle color that increases the color of the eyes. In case your very best function is your cheekbones, include a little coloration for the apple of the cheeks.
The basic black colored outfit is important for virtually any woman s wardrobe. You can wear this dress for relaxed functions by adding accessories it with a pair of cozy pumping systems. Try on some a similar attire for any much more professional situation when you create your hair and accessorize using a pearl diamond necklace and earrings.
When contemplating style for yourself, make sure to consider which kind of slashes seem very best on your physique. This is significant seeing as there are significantly various system sorts, and a number of slices appear better on some as opposed to others. Discover a thing that accentuates the best capabilities and making you feel relaxed.
Many individuals do not learn how to dress in a shirt properly, and it also means they are seem silly. If you are going to sport activity a shirt, you must wear it correctly to check excellent. You must always remember that the bottom key about the jacket is just not intended to be buttoned. This can prevent you from committing a fashion mix up.
Since you now know on how to improve your picture you should begin to sense self-confident about you once more. Lots of people don t recognize the necessity of setting up an effective impression by themselves, and they also proceed through existence never ever pursuing fashion trends. However you are able to show individuals you realize great fashion following today.
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Snoopy I dont always listen to Pink Floyd but when I do I get comfortablynumb shirt, Hoodie, V-Neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top, Bella Flowy and Unisex, T-Shirt
Classic Ladies
Buy Snoopy I dont always listen to Pink Floyd but when I do I get comfortablynumb shirt
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A Comfortable and All Sizes Fit Small!
The post Snoopy I dont always listen to Pink Floyd but when I do I get comfortablynumb shirt appeared first on New T-Shirts Daily Exclusive, T-Shirts Online Low Prices - NewT-Shirt.Com.
source https://newt-shirt.com/product/snoopy-i-dont-always-listen-to-pink-floyd-but-when-i-do-i-get-comfortablynumb-shirt/
0 notes
level247-table-tech · 6 years
Tumblr media
ah yes. i came up with one too, i guess.
everyone gets to be a variety of the same type of gem here! isn’t that great? all are beryls. but what kind?
deceit gets heliodor because it’s yellow, and marquise cut because it seemed nice.
patton(and logan? not certain if deeper blue counts) is aquamarine.
just checked. logan is apparently, in fact, maxixe.
both roman and virgil are red beryl, because it doesn’t have a fancy name. also, purpley beryl still counts as red in name.
being beryls, why are they not emerald sized*?
1. i can change them later
2: this artstyle doesn’t speak much of style
3: if tiny gems fuse, they become normal sized. granted there are five but whatever.
4: i’m taking the benefit of the doubt given or not here, but we can’t know emerald’s size for sure.
5: it is Important that they are Small.
*emeralds are green beryl.
more details i guess:
yeah i’m making a lotta this up on the fly. but here:
-deceit is an era 2 gem. defective? maybe. he prefers to say simply differently made. whatever the case homeworld would not be a fan if they found out.
-thinking of him having had a pearl who helped him communicate. if that decision ends up made i gotta go with the idea that marquise cuts are pretty rare and a bit more popular. thus achieving a pearl...
-guess what flaw would cause such notice? i’m sure you’ll never get it. (pathological liar.)
-he basically ends up being peridot here, trapped on earth a while, stuck facing these other crazies in love with just another hunk of raw materials.
-where people will get it if you’re different. where all the flaws people have are ‘interesting‘. where being defective doesn’t mean the end.
-that aside, let’s get to the first four beryls?
-they were a team on homeworld. first it was just three, but it wasn’t long before another joined in.
-he was assigned to their squad, actually. i’m thinking of maybe their group was always four, but they lost someone and virgil’s there in that person’s stead.
-how they were lost is to your own imagination.
-in any case! virgil, at the least, has seen some things. and not pleasant ones.
-i’m thinkin maybe he used to be pink’s, though he never got to see her or her colony before the incident.
-not sure exactly what yet. but he too is ‘defective’. homeworld never says what exactly that means. a flaw in their formation? other than physical ‘defects’...
-honestly it’s just their catch-all term for any trait they don’t like. and virgil has anxiety, as one might guess.
-and as originally, nobody gets why he’s so high-strung. they think he’s expecting something bad to happen specifically, and are unhappy that he won’t tell them what. they don’t understand why he keeps shooting down plans, or reacting negatively, or
-yeah. even when they try, it’s really difficult. but eventually, things escalate on a mission to another planet, and he runs off.
-of course they have to find him.
-they come to an agreement after that.
-they talk more after that, when something bothers someone.
-a lot of things bother them honestly. homeworld is like that.
-they have a lot of... debates. like in the series.
-virgil is uncomfortable, and the system accomodates very little. patton is empathetic in a way that is discouraged. logan... well peridot recognized the empire acted illogically. why shouldn’t he? and of course, roman. what room is there for creativity in a dystopia like this? it is the place of bismuths, not beryls. the best he gets is redoing his outfit whenever he’s poofed. which might be why he acts so reckless... many points of view.
-ultimately the conclusion is them coming to the realization their civilization is kind of horrible.
-so they take their ship, and leave, feigning some mission on another world. they are followed, less and less planet to planet, until eventually they find a place nobody will come for them.
-which is where earth makes an appearance. the crystal gems happened, naturally, but have our heroes heard about that? not much, just rumours!  and who can say if that was even this planet(because, no, they did not call earth the same thing we did. stop at once, they’re aliens). but they don’t actually meet the crystal gems. definitely not.
-they land somewhere nowhere near a warp pad. fortunately? unfortunately? shrug.
-they just keep their old ship as a base. they have long since wrecked up anything that could be used to track them earlier while avoiding pursuit.
-but this is still a while after the rebellion. a long while.so their ship has some cooler, new technology in.
-and they’re all beryls, right? putting them somewhere by emerald in rank(i know corundum isn’t very even in rank but stop ‘tis more fun this way). so their ship is fancy, with cool new tech stuff. not as good as show-modern homeworld, because this is still a while in the past(i kind of really need it to be before ancient greece preferably? so maybe something like 4000 years in the past compared to the 6000 between now and the rebellion), but a notch above the rebel gear. they have rooms aboard the ship, similar to the temple.
-where exactly are they? i’ll get back to you on that.
-i mean i could say florida but florida doesn’t exist in su. it’s fine. just... somewhere. maybe mexico-equivalent.
-they do have to deal with corrupted gems sometimes, as those are drawn to magic. i think that’s canonically why the cg have so many issues with ‘em. they tend to just throw them into the sea.
-they don’t live near the sea. but being a gem has perks. such as extraordinary strength.
-if i actually write this, it’s probably gonna be about how future sides join them. that’s the interesting bit i think.
-deceit was kind of... a big fan of their group. he wasn’t on orders when he went to find them. he did not intend to end up on earth. i think it was like... someone higher in authority had a tracker, and noticed he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. and was going to earth. so they terminated him, causing his ship to blow up and land on the moon. which has a warp pad i think. he has an awful time trying to find these people(they are not near a warp pad, and cannot be tracked via actual tracking methods), and then he discovers why people stopped talking about them.
-he came out here for a bunch of lunatic... Earthlings!!!
-Ugh. but he isn’t a technician. his ship is pretty broken, but the earth sides’?
-their ship is still functional. though, he may not know this at first. he may not even realize it’s a ship, just a building.
-but when he does. he becomes their recurring villain!
-then season finale-type deal he succeeds. but while he’s driving back, they’re still talking somewhere on the ship. restrained, but he can hear them.
-i’m not deciding now what they say. but he reconsiders. able to speak more freely than ever. why does he want to go back?
-back to earth they go.
-+1 party member.
-aside from that, they are a bit confused by gem tech they find sometimes while travelling(because they don’t stay in the same place all the time. they’ve been up to things. seeing sights. learning languages.) there are warp pads, some places. gem structures. floating islands. carvings of a spire out at sea.
-what happened here?
-they never really meet the crystal gems. one little coastal city they haven’t been to, why should they? maybe someday.
-they all use he/him because it seemed interesting and different, and because why not?
-they didn’t on homeworld though, or for a while on earth. not gonna change pronouns up there, but
-they also found names, yeah. that happened somehow.
-other dark sides to be introduced can be added after they are known. if circumstances align, i’ll go with the pearl thing after all, and have said pearl seek deceit the fuck out. shrug. or some other noble who knew him, popular as he was, and all. could be a sapphire! you never know.
-everyone’s room on the ship is like their own rooms, as you know them. but a bit different yeah..
-patton’s is full of memorabilia of various things. a large part of which is recordings, shelved and organized chronologically.
-logan’s, he configured to look kind of like an ampitheatre, but smaller. he has some whiteboards, as well, because yeah.
-roman’s is. well i imagine they all can kinda change, but his most noticably so because he does so a lot. and it’s kind of like rose’s room, where he creates things.
-virgil’s is... basically his own room. he’s got posters, naturally, as well as a bed, because he enjoys sleeping frequently.
-sometimes patton tries to cook. it is for the best nobody is affected by food.
-well, much. they can taste a bit. spice
-actually have mobiles in the present day, because as mentioned they travel more, and like the ability to communicate.
-while such things existed on homeworld they were closer to walkie-talkies in terms of distribution, and not being on an official mission upon which they were needed...
-well. who wants to think about homeworld.
-they interact with humans often. they are kind of everywhere, after all.
-i think i want to put them in california. seems right.
-yep california is still a thing in su. florida however is an island now. so not there.
-they may have moved the ship around some before that though.
-yeah i kinda need logan to have been around at the time of ancient greece yeah.
-also roman and the renaissance
-please tell me 4000 years in the past is enough for that.
-they’ve spent a lot of time travelling honestly. but california is the place modern-day.
-oh but. the time deceit comes ‘round? that’s maybe 600 years after they originally arrive. yeah.
-similarly-large time frames for other sides meeting up to follow.
0 notes
newtshirtcom · 4 years
Butterfly July Girl they whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back i am th
Butterfly July Girl they whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back i am th
Are you presently looking to change your physical appearance? Has style been something you happen to be contemplating however haven t got enough time to have downward? Effectively your search is over, this information is in this article that you can work out how it is possible to improve your picture via fashion.
Should you be not very tall, you should be cautious about wearing sweaters that are very long. When you may not would like to wear a thing that is really simple that it is similar to a cropped top, sporting something with too much size is only going to get you to seem to be much reduced than you truly are.
When you dress in two goods the exact same color, make sure that the hues are a excellent or near-perfect match. By way of example, do not use a deep blue tshirt using a midnight glowing blue kind of trousers. Though they both are blue, it does not appearance also created because it will have if both pieces were actually a similar colour.
The best time to apply entire body moisturizer is straight as soon as you shower area. Make use of it prior to deciding to dried out away from, or after a carefully soft towel drying out. This helps to fasten the humidity from the shower in your skin area, increasing some great benefits of the cream. It will demand that you use less of the item.
How to implement your make-up is determined by where you are proceeding. By way of example, if you are going to have an meet with, keep your cosmetics hunting normal and emphasize your very best function. For example, when you have gorgeous eyeballs, wear a gentle color that increases the color of the eyes. In case your very best function is your cheekbones, include a little coloration for the apple of the cheeks.
The basic black colored outfit is important for virtually any woman s wardrobe. You can wear this dress for relaxed functions by adding accessories it with a pair of cozy pumping systems. Try on some a similar attire for any much more professional situation when you create your hair and accessorize using a pearl diamond necklace and earrings.
When contemplating style for yourself, make sure to consider which kind of slashes seem very best on your physique. This is significant seeing as there are significantly various system sorts, and a number of slices appear better on some as opposed to others. Discover a thing that accentuates the best capabilities and making you feel relaxed.
Many individuals do not learn how to dress in a shirt properly, and it also means they are seem silly. If you are going to sport activity a shirt, you must wear it correctly to check excellent. You must always remember that the bottom key about the jacket is just not intended to be buttoned. This can prevent you from committing a fashion mix up.
Since you now know on how to improve your picture you should begin to sense self-confident about you once more. Lots of people don t recognize the necessity of setting up an effective impression by themselves, and they also proceed through existence never ever pursuing fashion trends. However you are able to show individuals you realize great fashion following today.
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Classic Ladies
Buy Butterfly July Girl they whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back i am th
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A Comfortable and All Sizes Fit Small!
The post Butterfly July Girl they whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back i am th appeared first on New T-Shirts Daily Exclusive, T-Shirts Online Low Prices - NewT-Shirt.Com.
source https://newt-shirt.com/product/butterfly-july-girl-they-whispered-to-her-you-cannot-withstand-the-storm-she-whispered-back-i-am-th/
0 notes
newtshirtcom · 4 years
I dont care what day it is Im grumpy I wanna go Fishing shirt
I dont care what day it is Im grumpy I wanna go Fishing shirt
Are you presently looking to change your physical appearance? Has style been something you happen to be contemplating however haven t got enough time to have downward? Effectively your search is over, this information is in this article that you can work out how it is possible to improve your picture via fashion.
Should you be not very tall, you should be cautious about wearing sweaters that are very long. When you may not would like to wear a thing that is really simple that it is similar to a cropped top, sporting something with too much size is only going to get you to seem to be much reduced than you truly are.
When you dress in two goods the exact same color, make sure that the hues are a excellent or near-perfect match. By way of example, do not use a deep blue tshirt using a midnight glowing blue kind of trousers. Though they both are blue, it does not appearance also created because it will have if both pieces were actually a similar colour.
The best time to apply entire body moisturizer is straight as soon as you shower area. Make use of it prior to deciding to dried out away from, or after a carefully soft towel drying out. This helps to fasten the humidity from the shower in your skin area, increasing some great benefits of the cream. It will demand that you use less of the item.
How to implement your make-up is determined by where you are proceeding. By way of example, if you are going to have an meet with, keep your cosmetics hunting normal and emphasize your very best function. For example, when you have gorgeous eyeballs, wear a gentle color that increases the color of the eyes. In case your very best function is your cheekbones, include a little coloration for the apple of the cheeks.
The basic black colored outfit is important for virtually any woman s wardrobe. You can wear this dress for relaxed functions by adding accessories it with a pair of cozy pumping systems. Try on some a similar attire for any much more professional situation when you create your hair and accessorize using a pearl diamond necklace and earrings.
When contemplating style for yourself, make sure to consider which kind of slashes seem very best on your physique. This is significant seeing as there are significantly various system sorts, and a number of slices appear better on some as opposed to others. Discover a thing that accentuates the best capabilities and making you feel relaxed.
Many individuals do not learn how to dress in a shirt properly, and it also means they are seem silly. If you are going to sport activity a shirt, you must wear it correctly to check excellent. You must always remember that the bottom key about the jacket is just not intended to be buttoned. This can prevent you from committing a fashion mix up.
Since you now know on how to improve your picture you should begin to sense self-confident about you once more. Lots of people don t recognize the necessity of setting up an effective impression by themselves, and they also proceed through existence never ever pursuing fashion trends. However you are able to show individuals you realize great fashion following today.
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