#I doubt it's hard to guess what they're implying lol
hamliet · 1 year
Do you think the changes they made in HOTD were positive changes? The dynamic between Rhaenyra and Alicent was really great in HOTD. So much so that I wish it was that way in canon. Thoughts?
That one was a very positive change, but the way it was executed--substituting Laena and Rhaenyra's canon relationship for Alicent and Rhaenyra's--was not. LET THERE BE BOTH. Ahem. I actually think the story benefits from Rhaenyra/Laena then getting together because it only adds conflict and drama.
Aging up the characters was a good change. Laenor and Rhaenyra's friendship portrayed was also good, and I like that Laenor lives for now, but I am doubtful that this will work out well within the story. It might have ramifications later on that are a bit questionable.
Aemma's birth scene was actually good itself for the story, but again, my issue with Aemma's birth scene is the same as my issues with the scenes below: it's very hard to give any HBO Game of Thrones franchise the benefit of the doubt when it comes to how it treats women and women's pain given 1) how GoT ended, and 2) knowing this story ends the same way it began: with the butchering of a woman. That said, Rhaenyra's story is very, very clearly framed tragically so far, which is necessary. The problem is that with GoT's ending the way it is, it just gives a "lol women's pain, ain't it a shame" message. The story will have a much harder time succeeding after their failure with Dany's story, because I have argued Dany's story ending differently is necessary.
Daemon grabbing Rhaenyra by the throat? Not so much. Aegon r*ping a girl? Again, I'm not sure it was really necessary, but at least they focused on her pain and Alicent's perspective, which is like... the bar is underwater but they at least cleared it there? I guess? Aegon is a philanderer and is implied to sexually harass/assault in terms of touching servants in the books, which is kind of important to his character given the sexist themes of the story and Gaemon Palehair later on, but I don't know how they could portray that in a way that wouldn't raise eyebrows given GoT's history of horrific treatment of women. Ditto for Joffrey's death--it makes sense for the medium for it to be a quick thing on screen rather than long and drawn out like in the book. However, GoT didn't treat its queer characters with respect, so... not many will want to give HotD the benefit of the doubt. Plus, the manner in which Joffrey died--basically, Criston getting 0 consequences--breaks the worldbuilding a bit.
But my biggest complaint is the handling of Aemond killing Luke, which I've written about ad nauseum, and the general way they tried to remove character agency. It seems like an overreaction/misunderstanding of what the issue with GoT actually was, which wasn't "oh they're so unlikable" but instead the sheer removal of humanity. Stark humanity even in its cruelest characters had been the show's appeal.
My biggest fear going forward is that they might cut Sara Snow. If they cut Sara Snow, I will go full dracarys.
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artistic-mathematics · 2 months
I spent an entire afternoon watching Velma S2 so you don't have to
honestly why is it that it took eight whole episodes for anything even remotely interesting to happen (and when it did, it went down a drain after an episode)
3/10 for episodes before episode 7, 6/10 for the rest of it except episode 9 because that episode is actually significantly better than the rest of it (which I'd rate like a 7.5/10)
overall rating: 4.5/10
if you do want to hate watch I'd suggest just starting at episode 7 like I don't think anything before then is even worth watching
spoilers below (if anyone cares LOL)
honestly Scrappy Doo as the villain was super cool until he started talking and I remembered that the writing in this show makes me want to hit my head against a wall. like how can you get everything right except the fucking writing, like m a n
his whole shtick was??? biting men's dicks off??? like the only connection they'd found early on was the fact that they were white adult men and their dicks were chopped off or something like what the actual fuck this is a DOG still like this has to be weird no?
and they did finally make Scooby a thing except not. like Scooby is just a persona for someone who was in the US military (which is apparently like half the important fucking characters from S1?????) who suggested Project SCOOBI (yes that is literally what it is) but the project is Scrappy and Scrappy goes off the rails and I just. I don't even know.
literally the only redeeming factor of this entire show is that they made Daphne and Velma a thing (like confirmed, they do a little bit of an on and off thing for like half the season but finally, FINALLY figure it out later) but that gets thrown out of a window bc 1. they're so fucking dodgy when trying to communicate to each other, which I guess they kinda are during Moon Monster Madness but like bruh anyway, 2. it's kinda implied that Velma and Daphne have telepathy or a tied consciousness or something???? (when Daphne was trapped in her own brain she called out for Velma and Velma heard her, and vice versa happens a few episodes later) and it just sounds like bad fanfiction, and 3. Velma dies for whatever reason so I guess we're really continuing the trope where the gay couple dies (though I guess Daphne lives but is hella traumatized).
oh, and she turns into a ghost because. uh. yeah??? ghosts are very real now and the ghost of Fred's mom was like haunting Shaggy (Norville in this show ig) for like 2/3 of the show because he accidentally killed her in the last season (she was the serial killer from last season). and they revealed a gimmick where there can only be one consciousness in any given body, so like Fred's mom's ghost trying to possess Fred could force his consciousness out and straight-up kill him. and it's the same gimmick that Velma ends up using to kill Scrappy because Scrappy kills her, except Velma's death is off-screen (he slashes her across the face and she falls from like the second story) and we never see her dead until after we see her ghost for the first time leaving Scrappy's body. Scrappy's death is also super anticlimactic and it's like 2/3 of the season isn't even interesting or important and then two major characters just keel over and die in the last two minutes?????? like hello??????? honestly just cut out all of the drama and filler and whatever the hell like I mentioned when I reviewed S1 and just stick to the plot, like just the plot itself was fairly interesting (though it was still hard to follow and convoluted but like. still much better than everything else)
I think the setup for S3 is like, getting Velma back into her body. do I think S3 is gonna happen? lol no, literally besides Scooby Doo, Where Are You? we haven't gotten a single Scooby Doo show that's longer than two seasons and I sincerely doubt one with reviews as low as Velma is going to get another season (unless everyone decides to hate watch it again, which I guess is fairly possible if it gains traction again).
anyway so this show is inspiring me to actually finish my fucking Velma/Daphne fic bc ain't no way my writing is any worse than this and if I keep thinking about this I'm going to lose even more braincells than I already have.
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troglobite · 3 months
thought i keep thinking abt that has now developed a bit more
i guess cw for toilet talk sort of
but i keep ruminating on the phrases/verbiage we use to talk abt bathroom activities
go pee/go poop/go to the bathroom/restroom/toilet/i need the facilities
take a piss/take a leak/take a shit/take a dump/drop a deuce
i was mostly thinking abt--like, WHY do we say "take" a shit when you're not taking anything, you're arguably leaving it behind? like obviously that would be in conflict with the colloquial phrase "give a shit" as in caring abt something, but that's with the expletive sort of removed from context and therefore like. syntactically the phrase must've evolved differently and separately.
but i more mean--go pee/poop/to the bathroom makes sense, bc it's either saying going to a location (and we all know what happens there) OR to go [verb], like pee/poop are verbs, there. (go piss is also sometimes used)
but "take" is used with the words as nouns.
and like--there's not a hard and fast rule, but there does seem to be the split between go [verb] as the polite version, and take a [noun] as the impolite version.
is there something in the etymological record that separates the origins of go and take?
i'm actually gonna go look that up now
ah, i've been reminded that "go" is also, on its own, a euphemism for urinating/defecating. "did you go?" "i went in my pants" etc.
both words have similar roots and stories in that they have a million established meanings and uses throughout history
go is one of 2 verbs in english whose current conjugations come from different words (go/went and be/were--etymologically, went & were come from different words--the original go/be conjugations fell out of use and got replaced with different versions then different words)
and take is versatile bc of all the words it can be paired with
go has always meant a variety of things, and take has basically always meant roughly the same thing (versions of 'acquire')
but they're both like interestingly foundational words for SO many turns of phrase (which btw, 'going' as in pissing/shitting takes back to the 1920s apparently, as does 'take 5' in reference to a smoke break)
so i guess.
go is there because by the 20s, it had been used to imply urination/defecation already, so the association existed and then morphed, perhaps?
but with take, the sense of take that is meant in the phrase 'take a piss/leak/shit/dump' seems to line up more with phrases like take my leave, take five, take it easy, etc. so you're not taking the shit, the shit is a noun like 'five' is a noun--you're taking the break and time to piss/shit, etc.
i think 'drop a deuce' comes from 'number two' which--i'm not going to bother try looking that up, idk when that's from--and then 'drop' was selected bc it's alliterative. and descriptive. simple as.
so the 'go' phrases are 'polite' bc they're euphemistic, but the 'take' phrases are 'impolite' bc they're descriptive. has nothing to do with usage or origin of the verbs
(like the origins of words to describe food, where one version is like french or latin and another is germanic, and so they kind of represent a class/population divide in history and how they become associated differently with 'polite' and 'impolite' versions--trying to think of one, like uh. idk, i think beef and another word are an example. anyway i can't remember.)
okay that's what i've been thinking abt. doubt anyone read this but y'know. there ya go. lol
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sysig · 2 years
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Minesona/Masked sona venn diagram (Patreon)
#Doodles#Real close to a mixed sona set but I found a theme lol#The first [Purple Text] was meant to have a punchline second panel but I ended up running out of room#I doubt it's hard to guess what they're implying lol#I was looking through my early AtUS doodles and some mental health comics and was like ''Hm :| Sounds familiar''#[Purple Text] is good to just ignore anything that might be even slightly annoying or require further thinking on if they're not interested#They're very much like a Watcher in that way#Nuance? Haha that's cute ✨ Anyway back to the fun stuff#I like nuance but it can be harder to parse#Ficus ''Fig'' Minecraft! Dangin'#I really don't draw Ficus enough - especially for how much Minecraft I play lol#I've been playing a lot lately! 1.18 is pretty fun#I only just found a Respiration III helmet from treasure hunting which means I've been nearly drowning quite a lot lol#To be fair Ficus is least afraid of drowning of the various ways to die since I have keepInventory true but it's still not pleasant#I still spend a lot of time underwater lol#Also just gonna ignore accidentally going 19k blocks out of my way because I mixed up East and West#I found ice spires! Too bad they were in the completely wrong direction#WPMC#And finally a [Purple Text] and Mono!#I've been really careless with references lately haha I just kinda winged Mono - got 'em mostly right#They're cuter than that I'll get it right next time#I've been thinking about the similarities between my two masked sonas for a bit now#Both pretty OP but one's actually friendly while the other just plays at it - literally lol#Mono probably wouldn't like [Purple Text] but to be fair most of my sonas probably wouldn't lol#And the inverse is true for [Purple Text] as well! They like most everybody#Evo SMP#WPVG
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strawberrybabydog · 3 years
look at these carrds
ok long post time. but basically both of these are full of misinfo. the first one isn't terrible and i agree on some opinions. the second one though is just.... wow that was a lot to read and most of it is inaccurate and harmful.
first thread:
it's got some incorrect info on it: delusions arent Fake and shouldn't be treated that way
it's not very nice to talk about delusional people as if we're stupid or can't decide things for ourselves. i dont think this is intentional though
it's typically not good to encourage a delusion, but it really depends on the individual. for example, encouraging my dog delusion literally does nothing. it's not right to make a blanket statement that you should never ever under any circumstance interact with someone's delusions positively.
huge agree that D/A community just gatekeeps fictionkinity & is causing huge harm to the psychotic community though. HUGE agree.
conclusion: their heart is in the right place, but they're not quite getting to where they want to be with this. /gen
second thread:
also has inaccurate information lol. like so much:
it's not fair to say that these types of delusions are incredibly harmful, because they're not. delusions technically are inherently harmful, but there's a fuck ton of nuance to this and it's just not fair to act like "having a DA" is this life-ruining thing for everyone, when it's not. for some people, sure, but not for everyone.
"This is a large different between believing your an object of a D/A and knowing you aren't a D/A and acknowledging it in a healthy way." um.... no. when you have a DMS of the self, you either are... or arent. there is no i am half this thing, i relate to this thing, i like this thing. there is i am not always this thing, but that's because delusions fluctuate.
they stress really hard through this thread that D/As are kind of this life-ruining thing, and then at the end say that "reality checking isn't ableist" which is weird because... it's not really, but the way they say it implies that it's something you should be constantly doing to yourself/others. and hey! no! do not reality check yourself or other people, ever, even if they ask you to; this is not even a "dont do it if you're not a professional" cuz guess what? professionals don't do it either. that's NOT how you treat delusions or delusional people. just don't do it. i say this all the time, but when talking to a delusional person about their delusions, remain completely neutral.
they say at the end that "psychosis is more than just D/As" and yes because this type of delusion makes up an extremely small percent of people who live with psychosis. i think what they mean is psychosis is more than delusions, but i dont think they even know this themselves considering how much they use "psychosis" and "delusional" interchangeably through this thread.... If you're going to a psychosis professional to treat your delusions (which is something they recommend,) you will be very disappointed.
the end slide states that all of this is based off of information that they know themselves because they're professional diagnosed, studying psychology and also things they've asked multiple psychiatrists. i don't doubt that this is true, but almost all of the information here is inaccurate and really harmful if they/other people who've read this are actually putting it into practice. psychology is a huge field so them studying it really says nothing, and im pretty sure you’re not allowed to study things like this professionally (like in university) if you’re diagnosed as psychotic; and if you did that’s insanely unethical and also a horrible idea. psychiatrists often dont tell you much when they diagnose you with something, and most psychiatrists don't specialize in delusions either so their knowledge about them is extremely limited and probably very outdated.
conclusion: this person isn't lying on purpose or intentionally being harmful, but this information is not correct and could harm delusional people a lot.
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
*spoilers* I liked this chapter in isolation.
*spoilery spoilers* I dislike this chapter when comparing it to other chapters.
Here's the battle Vegeta fans have been waiting for...! (Glad I lowered my greatly expectations)
First, let's talk about use of panels real quick. When there is action, Toyo has done better and uses about 6 panels max to convey the fight. But when there is dialogue, he uses too many panels. Like 7 to 9 panels on one page. That is too much for dialogue. And he has pointless reaction shots often.
It begins with the axolotl inspired Sugarians leaving their fishbowl homes through cleaning-tube roadways. I like their aquarium-like city and their buildings.
And here we are on page 2 with the Toyotaro dialogue. 😒 How can I tell? Compare it to Dragon Ball and you can easily tell the difference between Toriyama's dialogue & Toyotaro's dialogue. (Toriyama has been more focused with working on the DBS movies. I highly doubt he contributes as much to the manga as some fans believe.)
Vegeta sounds like Mr. Satan when calling fusion and cloning "tricks" lol. And no, I doubt Vegeta's Forced Spirit Fission would work on Granolah. Granolah split himself in 2 with a technique. It is still all Granolah & he hasn't absorbed anyone. Forced Spirit Fission is useless here.
Granolah sure is chatty again after he kept saying how he really really wants to kill these Saiyans. Vegeta tells him he parted ways with Freeza and he is an enemy now, as to which Granolah laughs. Granolah thinks Vegeta is betraying Freeza to spare his own life. This just let's us know what kind of person Granolah is...
Granolah is a nonsensical idiot who doesn't know how to reason well & doesn't listen to truth because he assumes he is already right. I don't like ppl like him who refuse to grow mentally. I went from liking Granolah, to not caring about his bland personality, to disliking him. 😑
Oatmeel's input is pointless because he doesn't sway Granolah into believing the Saiyans may not be lying. He quickly gives up and becomes quiet. Vegeta informs Granolah that he was a child when Planet Cereal's ppl were killed and wasn't part of the attack. But he doesn't care and Paragus wants revenge against the royal family... I mean, Baby wants revenge on all Saiya... Granolah wants to kill all Saiyans.
Then we get Vegeta saying he will kill Granolah after barely talking to the guy who was willing to talk. I guess Vegeta just wants to fight and test his power instead of trying to redeem himself like earlier chapters implied and fans theorized. Throw that out the window.
He turns SSB Evolution & Hakai's large rocks around Granolah. But Granolah appears behind him and shows Vegeta true hakai. He elevates a big chunk of the ground & blows it up then the force pushes Vegeta to him and Granolah strikes him. Cool way to use the environment in battle.
Also, Granolah knows Hakai. He shows it off by using his own more powerful Hakai & suggests Vegeta's training with Beerus is lacking.
There is some cool looking art. Their fight moves from forest to river to lake. Interesting environment s for DB. Reminds me of the Cooler movie and the fights on Namek a bit.
This entire time, Vegeta is on the defensive and has to run. But, I find pages 16-21 silly.
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Why is Vegeta swimming when he can fly through the water?! Swimming is slower & Granolah is firing fast ki blasts at him!
YOU: "But, Vegeta is swimming so Granolah can't detect his ki."
Granolah can see him! His right eye is supposed to see blood flow and stuff. He nearly hits him multiple times. And lets not forget he was sniping them long distance and his Goku in the neck and almost took him out. Why does Granolah need aim assist now? I'll tell ya why. To make Vegeta look more impressive than Goku by making Goku look like a poor fighter. And this was a Goku who was using Ultra Instinct and still got messed up by Granolah while Vegeta is just using SSB Evolution. Character sabotage... 😒
Back to my complaints about Vegeta swimming. The swimmin' would work in OG Dragon Ball but not here. It would work on Namek with Freeza who can't sense ki, but not here with Granolah who can sense ki (& maybe even god ki) & his eye can percieve all kinds of movements of the body.
And why does Vegeta momentarily pop up out the water then go hide back into it? Don't say its 'cause he needs to catch his breath. He aparently did training holding his breath while on the Heeter's ship, so he should be fine holding his breath. It was for a short period of time anyways. It just doesn't fit and is unnecessary in multiple ways.
Vegeta Hakai's Granolah's big blast to escape it and it blows him out of the water. Interesting kinda... Until you realize that Vegeta's training that we were shown was lame. He just Hakai'd logs & rocks! It should've shown him trying to Hakai ki blasts from Beerus. Make his training look cool darn it!
Chapter 70 Established that Hakai has changed. It no longer is just erasing things from existence in different ways. It has to have a *boom* explosion to it. So when Beerus Hakai'd Zamasu in chapter 19, there should've been an explosion instead of turning him into sand? So, now whenever the Hakai is used, there will always be an explosion...? I don't like how Toyo is quick to change what he set up just for his convenience...
Granolah brags about himself then Vegeta brags about himself-...! That's why I dislike Granolah! He's just like Vegeta! Maybe if I stop thinking of Granolah as a "good guy" then he will be cooler? I did like evil Vegeta as an evil character. We were supposed to hate him. So, if I imagine Granolah as an evil Vegeta... It worked! Granolah's unappealing attitude works perfectly if you view him as an evil enemy! (Still kinda preachy tho)
VEGETA: "But I'm still going to win."
Vegeta fans rejoice! Your prayers have been answered by the great Zalama! Vegeta announced victory...! Wait... I've seen this before... Yo... Vegeta fans, prepare for Vegeta to be defeated just in case. He has a record of announcing victory then ultimately losing. Don't get your hopes up too high.
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Lol Granolah disses Vegeta's ego 👌. But Granolah is unknowingly talking about himself too XD. Dummies. Vegeta mocks him by calling him "Mr. Strongest" & Granolah has nothing to day. Granolah can dish it out but can't take it.
Goku wakes up and sees Vegeta fighting Granolah. Who cares? How are you gonna be caught off gaurd in a form that reacts on its own? Go back to sleep. I'm not mad at you, Goku. I'm just disappointed.
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Vegeta fires a barrage of ki at Granolah and Granolah Hakai's them. Then Vegeta fools Ganolah into destroying an ancient city of the Cerelians.
VEGETA: "I can tell, you know... That you only recently acquired this absurd strength."
GRANOLAH: "How? How can you tell?"
VEGETA: "Thank you for confirming."
There's the Granolah we know. Quick to give out valuable info. Also, this is to make Vegeta appear "smarter" & a "better fighter" than Goku. Realistically, a master martial artist like Goku would be first to notice that Granolah recently acquired this kind of power. But, Goku is being dumbed down for Vegeta's sake.
VEGETA: "Need I repeat myself...? You may be stronger but... there's no gaurantee that I'll lose to you!" *attempts to break Granolah's leg*
So says the guy who always loses unless the opponent is weaker than him. But, he even lost to weaker opponents on Earth before, so....
Vegeta fans calm down, calm down. This is basic Vegeta dribble. Let's be real. When has Vegeta ever defeated an opponent that was stronger than himself? Never. When has Vegeta become stronger than his opponent and defeat them because they're weaker than him now? Always. Does Vegeta ever win when he is too cocky? Nope. This is to hype y'all up. Don't be mad if he loses. Y'all know this routine. The arc ain't even over so the chances of him winning are low.
Now let's examine Vegeta's fight in comparison to Goku's fight.
Goku goes through all his forms & uses Ultra Instinct in base, SSJ, SSG, SSB, & then goes silver haired UI when fighting Granolah. Then, he loses in every form. Vegeta goes straight to Blue Evolution and only seriously gets hurt once.
Goku keeps getting hit despite having a technique that is all about evasion. Vegeta gets hit far less & doesn't have Ultra Instinct.
Goku was struggling to fight a clone that was half the power of Granolah. Vegeta fights Granolah at his full power and struggles less.
Goku complains about his training and how he is struggling using his technique. Vegeta who had less time with Hakai training isn't complaining about struggling with Hakai.
Goku far surpassed Vegeta in the Moro arc, yet they are crippling Goku to let Vegeta catch up & make him look better. Vegeta has literally gotten a handout that he didnt have to work hard for in order to catch up with Goku... This chapter is fine when isolated and you aren't thinking about any other previous chapter. But, it is a convoluted mess when you look back at the previous chapters, the piss poor storytelling, & Vegeta's poor Hakai training that leads up to this chapter.
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Where'd that "heroic" Vegeta and that "redemption" stuff go? Its as if Toyotaro decided he should stop tying to make Vegeta the hero & main character instead of Goku being the main. (Thank God.)
But... Vegeta says that he loves fights that are unpredictable?? That I disagree completely with. Vegeta wants fights to go in his favor through all of DBZ and will throw a fit when it doesn't.
In RoF: it was going in his favor so he loved it.
Destroyer Tournament arc: he didn't like that things didn't go his way in the end.
Future Trunks arc: he was upset when losing to Black, but loved it when he thought he was going to win.
ToP: angry when everyone else surpassed him, happy when he gained an upperhand, upset when he lost the upperhand.
Moro arc: Vegeta is upset that Moro is stronger but even more upset that Goku is stronger than him. When he is stronger than Moro he is loving it. Then when he loses the advantage, he is upset.
Vegeta doesn't love unpredictable fights, Goku does! Vegeta loves predictable fights in his favor.
Granolah asks how many lives were sacrificed for Vegeta's carnage. Vegeta doesn't answer. Why? Because its best to ignore the fact that he has killed billions of ppl so that Vegeta fans can ignore his bad actions (Yet many say that Vegeta has developed so much without acknowledging his terrible past). Can't have Vegeta looking like a bad guy in this chapter, right?
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Oh boy! Page 37 is more "Vegeta hype!" He doesn't care about strongest or second strongest ('cause he has never been 1st place) & he basically explains Dragon Ball to us.
Roshi already taught Goku & Krillin that there will always be somebody stronger, so they need to keep reaching higher and higher.
If Vegeta is stronger than he was a few minutes ago, would that mean the same for Goku when he was fighting? Why did he perform so poorly? I wonder... 🤔
Granolah jabs Vegeta in the stomach, but Vegeta manages to slow it down (how come Goku using Ultra Instinct couldn't do that?). And cool. Blood. Anime has better writing and cool character development/moments. The manga has blood... Well, I guess blood is cooler to some ppl.
Vegeta is looking like Goku in the ToP before he attained UI. He has his head down & all. Vegeta just isn't talking about hownl much he sucks. Why does Goku keep insulting himself? N-nevermind. This is about Vegeta who keeps complimenting himself.
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Why did Granolah become scared of Vegeta suddenly? Wouldn't he just see him as a mad dog and use his amazing power to put Vegeta down before he can do anything? He hates them so much, but keeps letting them live.
Uh oh... Vegeta doesn't like protecting and saving? BuT I tHoUgHt hE wAs a hErO! Where is his development going?? Ya mean the real development he had in the anime or the pseudo development in the manga?
But even after saying all that... I prefer manga Vegeta to be like this instead of a wannabe hero. Wannabe hero doesn't fit. This feels like Vegeta is in character again. I like this. I was just criticizing how Vegeta was written in past chapters in comparison to this one. A more chill Vegeta who loves battles? This is what I've wanted from DBS manga Vegeta for a long time!
Oh snap! Vegeta's transforming? I wonder what it will look like (thanks for the warning from the leaks 👍). Oil... Why are you even in this chapter? We don't care about you right now & you're boring without Maki. Goku says it ain't "any old god ki."
I wonder how Goku never knew about this new form if he and Vegeta trained on Beerus Planet together. Ya think he would've sensed and saw it & even wanted to fight against it.
So is this new form a spur of the moment thing? So Vegeta has a new form that he never trained... And he asks if Granolah has been training his new power on page 34... Sounds hypocritical of Vegeta, or he is being thrown a bone to make him look capable. Is Vegeta gonna pull a Golden Freeza by not training this new form? Or maybe a UI Goku at the ToP and lose the form?
Page 43, Granolah shoots tiny ki blasts at Vegeta's tower of flaming ki and he is surprised it did nothing. Why not try again but this time use that one big blast instead. No? Gonna let the guy of the race you hate finish transforming? Just gonna be scared and shocked to make Vegeta look impressive? Ok.
Pages 41, 44, & 45
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Oh! Here it is! The new form...! Aaaand I still don't like it. Also, he healed up like Goku did last chapter too. Odd. Why does transforming heal them now? Didn't before.
No build up to make the form more cool, it's just
"Here, Vegeta. Goku has one more form than you do & he has mastered UI, so we can't let you fall too far behind. So I just pulled this crap transformation fresh outa my butt and gave it to you."
Another undeserved handout. Can you please make Vegeta earn a new form in the manga? PLEASE?!
Vegeta looks like he is in his own UI Omen form (like how Vegeta fans begged for Vegeta to get for the longest time). Dark hair with sone lighter coloured higlights, light coloured pupils, new aura. But this is what I see...
SSJ3ROSÉ of DESTRUCTION INSTINCT OMEN (or just "SSJ-ChexMix" for short)
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Looks like in the end, Vegeta needed to resort to his own Ultra Instinct equivalent!
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Oh no... I criticized Vegeta's bad writing too much! I bet some Vegeta fans are gonna automatically assume that I hate him because I want him to be written better without plotholes! 😱
This chapter is good when isolated on its own. But, this chapter is filled with inconsistencies when you look back at previous chapters. Overall, it's... a mixed bag that I barely like. It's just so retarded that Goku had to be dragged through the mud just for Vegeta to look better. That is insulting to Vegeta and it either shows how much he sucks or or how weak the writing for Vegeta is. But we got what we got...
Wanna know how to make Vegeta look good without making Goku look pathetic? Goku never uses MUI! Goku defeats Granolah's clone with SSB. Then, Granolah merges back with his clone & catches SSB Goku by surprise and knocks him out.
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Then, the reason why Vegeta seems to be doing better is because Vegeta is using SSBE, unlike SSB Goku who was caught off guard. Why make the MUI form & Goku both look like trash just to give Vegeta his own Ultra (Destructive) Intinct? Is Vegeta really that trash?! 😓😴
I don't wanna see the Heeters anymore. My hype for them died, but maybe a later chapter can make me like them more. Idk.
Where is my homie, Moniato?! 🐌 (BEST CHARACTER OF THE ARC SO FAR!)
Oh yeah...I was supposed to complain about not seeing Freeza again like I do every chapter... Who cares at this point? If Granolah is stronger than Goku & Vegeta, what can Freeza do? Hide for 3 yrs and let Granolah die?
What are my predictions for next chapter? More Vegeta wanking of course. More gloating & looking down on Granolah too. A battle of overinflated egos. Bad dialogue and decent to good art. I'll probably find it mostly boring but I may be surprised (that could be a good or bad thing). Vegeta will appear to be winning before...
Vegeta gets defeated & certain Vegeta fans will rage & be annoying. Those ones will complain about how Vegeta always gets the short end of the deal (that's what he gets for being shorter than Bulma & 12 cm taller than Krillin). This one should happen imo based off of Goku's performance.
Vegeta's fight will get interrupted before the battle ends so that Vegeta fans don't get angry. Make Vegeta fans feel that Vegeta could've won and keep them grasping on to hope. (How manipulative.) This one is most likely to happen to "satisfy" all fans.
Vegeta will win and Vegeta fans will rejoice & some will be very annoying. Despite the fact that he had terrible training, was handed a new form just to stay relevant, and Goku had to underperform & UI had to be nerfed just to make Vegeta look good. This one may happen just to appease Vegeta fans. (That is the worst outcome imo.) If Vegeta gets "a win/a W" against a main villain, make sure his training looks impressive and he has some sort of connection to the main bad guy. That way the victory feels well deserved.
If the final enemy is Freeza, then Vegeta defeating Granolah isn't "a win" against a major villain. Granolah will just be a bump in the road. He's already set up to not be a "bad guy." In the end, the main bad guy will be either Freeza, Gas, 7-3, or someone. Vegeta fans shouldn't care if Vegeta wins or loses against Granolah. He isn't the "final boss."
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ellitx · 3 years
It stuck out to me that Dain specified that "the gods descended and destroyed Khaenri'ah" cuz Barbatos and Morax were never in Celestia (I can't remember if Barbatos briefly went with Venessa but even then he was for what ten minutes lol) ANNNNND the only power we see in the destruction of it (in that one trailer) is the Sustainer's. I highly doubt the god of freedom (and love) and a god who knows when to let humanity do its own thing were even remotely part of that destruction- I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
My guess is Dain is assuming all gods are the same, but they're very much not. Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad... meanwhile Baal is over there blocking off her entire region and taking away Visions and no one (in canon) says a single word against that. How is Venti always talked about like he's some huge problem when Baal and even Tsaritsa are right there being actual menaces (from what we understand so far)... it makes no sense. Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
Dain even contradicts himself multiple times and kept the fact he knows the sibling a secret... for what??? Why is he so sketchy?? Frankly I don't trust him, especially if this theory holds any merit
All this being said, if Venti is actually evil somehow I'll take it I love villains😅😂 But it could also be true that Khaenri'ah was not as great as Dain made it sound... coulda been evil or plotting smth terrible for all we know. He was cursed after all (if I'm understanding right), and literally no one else that we're aware of has been cursed. If Visions are divine blessings then curses are divine punishments... Visions are given to extraordinary ppl and/or those who have suffered greatly; they're given to help ppl. Curses tho... you gotta really fuck up to be cursed I assume.
Last thing before I'm done rambling I am so so sorry I just have a lot of thoughts about all this: in the chapter outline video Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me". And isn't changing the world what Tsaritsa and the Fatui (and the Abyss Order??) are doing... Dain why are you against the gods who seemingly have the same goal as you
Okay I'm sorry that's so long but I'm done now BYE GIDHWHGEJFJE
-🌧 anon
I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
Yep yep, as ive said before i havent thought the gods dain had mentioned can also be referred to the gods of celestia so it’s my fault for not understanding it well. And iirc venti isnt really fond of celestia which is why he gave his gnosis to the tsaritsa who is going against them
Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad...
Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
This really saddens me a lot that they view venti as an irresponsible archon when in fact he has done lots of things to keep his nation safe
Rebelling against the aristocracy to stop it during the time of Vennessa, waking up when he heard the cries of his people when Durin was attacking Mond, and even helping out in stopping Dvalin’s corruption
When they say Venti's "irresponsible" it's.. scary
He was given responsibility for the whole nation and was brave enough to accept it. He worked hard for years,sacrificed his power for people's freedom. He still risks his life regularly
source: @/Genshin_Kineli
Venti has more to it than meets the eye and it just needs a better understanding of him yet they keep looking on his current state. Like how often he goes to the tavern for a drink or laze around. Venti’s done lots of things okay T^T even during the Windblume, he helped us out in assisting his students from afar.
Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me".
Now this is something that piqued my interest as i was reading theories in the subreddit.
In his outro, it seems that the Traveller will be forced to fight him in the future, to save the Traveller's Sibling--"Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her.
Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave." It's unclear who the hero or the villain is in this situation. Is it Dainsleif, holding the Traveller's Sibling hostage? Or is it the Traveller's Sibling, who is about to set the world into ruin with Dainsleif wanting to stop them?
Only time will tell but if anything's for certain, things are not as black and white as it may seem.
source: u/hrcmstrbl
Dainsleif really be suspicious and acting mysterious. His dislikeness towards the gods is what got my interest so much. There must be a reason why he doesn’t like them. Even towards the archons of Teyvat, Dain doesn’t seem to be so fond of them and we can see that when were about to go the Favonius Church to ask Barbara
Anyways— my brain is still processing all of these informations and im just reading all the lores i can find LMAO for now i still have to rewatch all cutscenes then go back to these theories and continue to dig some more
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 8
Once again- live blogging my thoughts and reactions in one post to avoid spamming.
So this is how the FBI gets their hands on Vanya, huh? Seems most fan theories were wrong.
Oh, Sissy's last name is Cooper!
I did wonder about that -how did remember her name despite forgetting everything else? If she knew her name then she should have been able to remember other little fragments.
Of course the feds focus on the fact that her name is Russian. Cold war bullshit. I guess they think she's a spy or since Russian sleeper soldier or something.
"I'm not Russian" -you kinda are though 😅 Tatiana was Russian and gave birth to you in Moscow sooo...
Is that one of the 7 languages that Reggie all the siblings or....? Does it... Does it have something to do with her powers or her birth place?
"simple-minded boy"? FUCK YOU.😠
"communist threat" there it is 🙄
Oh no, she's losing her cool. Here come the powers... I keep wondering how she does that 'sucking the life' out of someone thing. 🤔
That's a lot of puke.
Poor Five, he's starting to crack under the stress.
Why is Ben gagging? He's dead, he shouldn't be able to feel or smell the puke.
Loving Robert's real curls starting to show.
"I regret nothing" -hmm.... Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
"there's a giant dead white boy on my couch" 😆
"Oh, I see. It's gonna be one of those kind of nights, huh? So are we burning or burying?" -this is why I love Klaus! He doesn't even flinch, he doesn't care what happened, he doesn't ask, he just immediately decides that he's going to help his sister get rid of a dead body like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Although, it would be interesting if Klaus actual saw the Swede ghosts too. I just want Klaus to be seeing ghosts everywhere again, ok? I want that struggle from season 1 to be brought back and not swept under the rug for plot convenience. As a writer, if you make something an important character trait, you stick with it and they haven't done that with Klaus, they are half-assing his struggle with his powers.
It's the Swede really going to...? Oh good, saved by the cat.
Oh! So that's what "lavender" means! I was right, it was the perfume, it was probably obvious but I'm a little dumb.
Ah! Lila is trying to hire Diego for the Commission???
Diego is so confused.
"colorful history" sounds so wrong and sexual 😣
Diego is so full of bullshit. His loyalties absolutely lie with his family, he's just too defensive to admit it.
Reginald FRAMED Pogo's family drawing? So he's a better dad to the chimp than his own kids, huh?
THE TELEVATOR!!!!!!! PLANS FOR THE TELEVATOR!!!! I love comic references, please tell me we'll see a real televator in the show!
So Reggie really is planning something about JFK...
"are you involved in something nefarious?" "Quite often. Did you have something more specific in mind?" -at least he owns it 😆
"shaggy man" -ah! Poor Diego!
Reggie really loves this Grace, huh? But she has a point.
Five is losing it a bit, huh?
The baby powder 🤣
"I have to find myself" -RIGHT! I was wondering when this would come up! Old!Five was there for the JFK thing so Five just has to find his old self and his briefcase in order to correct all this mess. More comic references!
"arguably the most dangerous assassin in the time-space continuum" -DAMN RIGHT 💯
"paradox psychosis" 🤣I know it's supposed to be super serious but the symptoms are so funny...
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"a spotter? What is that? Like a wingman?" 😆 This parallels that "Body man? What's that? Like a masseuse?" line in s02e02 where Five is the confused one.
Five, do you really think your brother can stop you if you spiral? Because I don't.
Luther doesn't have a great attention span, does he?
Harlan's drawing is interesting... I get a feeling it's important.
Shit, they are torturing Vanya!! This is so bad!
LSD? LSD?????? No, that's a terrible idea with her powers!!!
Eeeewwwww the eyeballs! 👁️
That's a hell of a bad trip... The way the music makes with the visuals reminds me of my synesthesia though.
Oh! So this is where the scene of all the adult siblings in the Academy uniforms is from!!! (I remember someone saying it was Diego dreaming of having a drugged hallucination in the asylum, they were pretty close! It's Vanya drugged by the FBI instead!)
"I get you" -that is not the face of a person that gets this at all, Luther!
"Don't freak out." -like that ever worked 😆
Lila trying to have her cake and eat it too with her mom and Diego.
That informational video 🤣🤣🤣
Free coffee! Weekly donuts* (*fees apply)! Wow, so tempting 😒
"whatever your skill, education, or comfort level with moral ambiguity (...)" 😆
Are the Fives just having a staring contest? 🤣🤣
Ah! How can Five be bitchy and aggressive to HIMSELF 😆
"all those years on the apocalypse, we never stopped working about our family." -why does Luther look so damn surprised to hear this?? Why the hell does he think Five is doing so this for?!
Wow, Five is really bitter about his body, isn't he? He's making old!Five so nervous 😅
Oops, there's stage 4 for old!Five!
And there's stage 3 as well and stages 5 and 6 for little!Five.
I get a feeling Five doesn't really have the accurate calculations, he's just lying and using the originals.
"I don't trust him!" -he's... He's you...14 days ago! How do you not trust yourself?
"but he's you" "exactly" 🤣🤣🤣
I'm so afraid how what Diego is going to do. I get a feeling hell fuck up trying to be a misguided hero again...
"I'm Diego. I have a knife." 😆
"it's very shiny" 🤣
So Diego is a legend, huh? 😏
"there's been a coup d'etat" "what's that? Cadillac?" -don't play dumb, Diego, I don't believe for a single second that you don't know what a coup is.
So the new apocalypse WAS Vanya's fault but by proxy (actually more the FBI's fault), she was just a small domino. So literally the only one that didn't actively do anything to impact the timeline ends up being the one doing the most damage (again)? PLOT TWIST!
No, I refuse to believe "she will always be the bomb" 😠😠😠😠
LOL, hi, Dot!
These dumb siblings exhaust me
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"little jerk-off" -why are you insulting yourself, you weirdo? 😆
Old!Five with all the PP symptoms and yet he says he never felt better in his life 🤣
"you're getting paranoid" -you both are, and sweaty, itchy and gassy. All that's missing is the homicidal rage at this point 😅
Vanya's hallucination shows us a twisted paranoid view she has of her siblings and it's very interesting:
-Ben is protective, defends her, he can do no harm, probably because he died young so nostalgia blurs her memory of him
-Allison defends her but is also arrogant and condescending, speaking as if she's implying that Vanya is weak, probably because Vanya feels that Allison is perfect and has an inferiority complex
-Luther is just as arrogant and looks down her, calling her lazy, but does so without malice (more mockery than anger)
-Klaus is accusing and suspicious but still on the fence and excitable, probably reflecting Vanya's own doubts and how she herself sees Klaus
-Five just stares, judging and silent but unable to look away, probably because she trusts him but she also doesn't know him, there's the same nostalgia effect as Ben but because Five came back (to stop her) the inferiority and fear of judgement is still there
-Diego is completely different, awkward and detached, this one is the most interesting because he's one of the people that was most vocal and mean against her in season 1 but apparently she sees a kindred spirit in him to an extent, either that or she fears she means nothing to him
Maybe I'm overanalyzing again...
I totally predicted the dishes would be brains but it's still gross.
Ew, the chewing... 😫 It's giving me the creeps.
Why is she seeing Harlan's drawing? She was gone already when he made that particular drawing (I knew it would be important), is she connected to him now??
And how does she remember her own birth??
Holy shit, Harlan is feeling Vanya's pain!!!😲😲😲
"why are people so much heavier when they're dead?" "You got a lot of practice at this?" 😅
Ben and Klaus conversation actually makes me feel a bit better about the possession but it makes no sense at all 🤣
Poor Ray keeps meeting in-laws in the weirdest situations 🤣🤣🤣🤣 his face! 🤝
Ray is having a nervous breakdown 😣 poor guy...
The moment Lila notices Diego is missing, the intercom chimes "Loyalty isn't a choice, it's a lifestyle" and if that isn't foreshadowing for Lila choosing sides then I don't know what is.
This is a really painful way for Vanya to recover her memories but it's so well done!
Holy shit... 😳
Klaus asking the real question here. She's being tortured, Klaus, go help!!!
No, no, no,no, no, no nononononono! This is so bad! A child with a disorder that makes emotions hard to regulate suddenly having an apocalyptic level of power that connects directly to emotion is just a recipe for disaster!
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qforqazaq · 6 years
Black Dial: The Drama
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You've probably heard the latest news from the Q-pop world: L and Teddy are no longer in Black Dial.
Hmm, where shall I start?
***Disclaimer: For the convenience of the foreign fans who aren't sure what has actually happened, I tried to recreate the sequence of events to get some exposition first. I've missed some details here and there, because this was already getting too long.***
It all began when the producers of YB Entertainment posted the announcement saying that the official Instagram accounts of L, Teddy, Ray and Black Dial were hacked, so from now on everything that's going to be posted on those pages has nothing to do with YB. "Okay, the pages got hacked, whatever, it happens, no big deal", I thought. BUT! After awhile I've noticed (first ever) IG stories posted on L's and Teddy's accounts with the actual L and Teddy recording each other while giddily saying something like "Did you know that we were hacked?" - "Lol, no, did we?" - "Yeah, they say we were hacked. I am hacked, you are hacked, comeback is hacked too, hahaha".
Obviously, everyone got even more confused, like, why the hell would the producers call the accounts hacked if they were obviously not. I mean those were real L and Teddy, right?
Meanwhile, I started to read some comments about L and Teddy and something about leaving the group, which got me a huge "Wait WHAT. WTF??? Are you bloody kidding me??" moment.
I obviously couldn't believe my eyes, because, what the hell, first Newton, now Black Dial, are you for real?? When I was about to start doubting these rumours while frantically looking for more info, there came interviews from the official press conference by YB Entertainment.
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There, Yesbolat Bedelkhan with Bayan and Bota Yerimbet have formally announced that Yeskeldi Quandyq, formerly known as L, and Samat Kazmaganbet, formerly known as Teddy, were no longer the members of Black Dial, that the company had terminated their contracts, the main reason being consistent violation of the contractual terms by the former members. Moreover, according to the producers, the stage names "L" and "Teddy" and all the social media accounts belong to YB Entertainment and they cannot be used by the members should the contract be terminated.
To say I was shocked is to say nothing. Because, apparently, L and Teddy have not just left the group - they were kicked out. Not only that, they basically kicked themselves out by consistently showing insubordination, disobedience, and violation of terms in many occasions. Without feeling much remorse about it too, it seems, as they didn't look very sad on those Instagram stories - that's for sure.
To make the matter worse, they had no rights to use those Instagram accounts anymore, which explained the earlier announcement about "hacking".
Frankly, that was a lot to take in, and while I was desperately trying to make sense out of whatever was happening out there, all hell let loose. Interestingly - on the producers. Because a horde or rather a flock of angry fangirls or "Ravens" started to shout accusations at the producers, blaming them in all deadly sins. According to them, it was all producers' fault, because they intentionally kicked their "biases" out; how did they dare to be so unfairly strict with them; they were shitty producers in the first place; they should have made their comeback sooner instead of postponing it; the whole "hacking" incident was made to sabotage the members' reputations, and their beloved L and Teddy did the right thing leaving this horrible company.
As for me, these accusations sounded too heated and not very convincing especially when I took a step back and started to actually think about it.
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Well, let's break it down, shall we?
First of all, the question of fairness seems super childish, because we're talking about actual legal binding contracts, not some sandbox tantrums that can be resolved by shoving lollipops in kids' mouths. If one signed a contract, it is assumed that both of the parties were aware of and agreed to all of the terms in the first place. In other words, if you in a sober mind signed a legal document, complaining about stuff that you can't eventually commit to afterwards won't work. Why the hell one would even sign a contract in the first place then?
Secondly, do you really think the contract was that strict? Okay, stricter than, idk, a contract signed by the guys from 91? I do very much doubt it. I'm more than sure Yerbolat isn't that chill and understanding compared to his younger brother.
Thirdly, Black Dial is the only active project of YB Entertainment (Darrem doesn't really count) aka literally the company's only flagship product that was supposed to get its long-awaited comeback. Think about it: who the hell in their right minds, in such a crucial moment, would kick out members from the only existing group without a legitimate reason? No one. And there was one reason, a few actually, wasn't there? Moreover, according to Yesbolat Bedelkhan, they've tried very hard to keep the group intact, to smooth out those cases of disobedience and insubordination, closing their eyes to most of them. But I guess, the situation got completely out of control, so terminating the contracts was the last resort.
Fourthly, haven't you thought that the comeback was being postponed over the course of, what, 9 months? exactly because of the internal problems and conflicts inside BD and YB? What if the producers weren't sure if they could proceed should have the said members continued to "misbehave". Which they apparently did, so better cut ties earlier than later, with only one MV, and one more released song.
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Next, the "hacking" incident. According to Yesbolat Bedelkhan, sometime around February 14, when BD was supposed to record a video to mark the date, L and Teddy have completely disappeared from radar, not answering anyone's calls and/or messages. The producers even tried to reach their parents at some point, to ask if everything was alright with the boys. Strangely, the parents were not reachable as well, because apparently they have changed their contacts too. Later, the producers discovered that they couldn't access official IG accounts of L, Teddy, Ray and Black Dial, because someone changed their passwords. I suppose it was then they guessed it was L and Teddy's doings, which I assume was the final blow.
Finally, Yesbolat believes that someone from outside have persuaded the boys to sabotage their own places at YB Entertainment. A certain someone with a personal grudge against YB producers. I have my guesses and I won't be surprised if this someone will collaborate with those two at some point in the future too.
Show business sucks, doesn't it.
Don't get me wrong, by making a case for YB Entertainment, I don't want to imply that Yeskeldi and Samat are inherently bad people or anything. Okay, I must admit I had my problems with Teddy and tbh wasn't very sad to know he has left the group (yeah, I'm crude), but I did respect L very much, coming to admire his capacity for songwriting when I took on that challenge at translating their songs (Bul Soni Yemes is a lyrical masterpiece. Period.), regarding him as a very thoughtful young man. Despite personal preferences, I didn't want anyone to leave the group in any circumstances, always hoping and betting on them to settle at least on the second place in Q-pop.
In other words, waking up to a news like this has brought me no pleasure. Further unfolding only left a bitter taste in the mouth and the feeling that you were viciously played.
However, I do still think that it was, pardon my French, totally a dick move to leave everyone and everything just like that, without a decent explanation, a formal apology to the fans at the very least. Leaving by making a public drama out of it, while openly gloating in the social media, abandoning the company, the producers and the other members who counted on them so much.
Was it fair? I think not.
I do wish them luck in whatever they're planning to do though, just to see if it was actually worth the drama, huh.
And I do certainly wish the best of luck to YB Entertainment, to the producers and the remaining vocalists in remedying the whole situation, so to speak.
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And what now? Yes, YB is having their casting in search for their new rappers and everything, but what does it tell about the whole "Q-pop movement"?
It's impaled, sick and haven't even grown out legs to stand upright and move properly. People are leaving the groups whenever they want, groups changing the label companies however they want, the entertainment centres are opening and closing at flick of the fingers, and we only have about eh.. 3.5 groups who are actually doing something now? With Black Dial on the resting bed, those would be Ninety One, Mad Men, Moonlight and sort of Newton~. Considering that I'm already very cautious with the latter, skeptical with the second, and Moonlight just doesn't excite me very much, we're coming to the default settings of just clinging to the founders for now while just observing everyone else from the distance.
What do you think though? What was the reason for BD having so many problems with its former rappers?
Is Q-pop actually going to crumble to pieces even before it becomes anything substantial?
Feel free to comment and share, and please do leave a like at least. I've been writing this for ages after all.
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blyedeeks · 7 years
May I ask why you ship Jonerys? I don't know, I guess I /can/ see the allure, but the fact that they're aunt-nephew as well as how much their personalities clash really kind of turn me off :(
This wasn't meant to be hate or judgy btw! I'm just genuinely curious as to what you like about Jonerys!!
Haha, don’t worry, anon, you can be judgy all you want on this matter tbh. What i don’t like is people coming to other’s inboxes and harassing them tbh. But I don’t expect anyone to think I’m “right” in shipping incest really. Because I know it’s wrong and i said it over and over and i’ll say it again if I have to xD
Wow, why I ship Jonerys... this will actually be a very long answer? I hope you forgive me, it’s just that... it isn’t simple at all. Because the reason I ship jonerys is basically related to the reason i ship anything ever + my “ship sense”.
So let’s go by items, cause I know i’ll talk a lot.
Let me start with this: When I first started shipping them (back in 1x01), I didn’t know they could be related.
This is not a “reason” why I ship them, but the reason why I saw this possibility and i just leapt into the ship wagon without any fears (LOL)
And yes I’m aware many people already knew about the R + L = J theory back then (in 2010 if i’m not mistaken) but I was a casual fan, and I didn’t. And, tbh, many many didn’t. So if you go back and watch the show right from the beginning, you’d never suspect those two characters could be related.
I only found out about 3 years ago (I THINK) when i restarted my GOT watch ( i stopped watching GOT i 2010 - i think- i still don’t remember why. Doesn’t mean i stopped watching Jon/Dany, cause I always loved the idea of then - i’ll explain later.
 and I began watching again right after season 5. I don’t remember HOW but I think a friend of mine explained the R + L = J theory to me then)
Now to the reasons: 
Their story always had potential
So okay, Game of Thrones is probably one of the only things I watch where THE PLOT is one of the things that drawn me the most. And, in general, i ship a lot of things because i like the potential of the story of said couple happening : 
I have always been drawn to the idea of jon and dany becasue their characters are....so different and so similar at the same freaking time??? 
They were both... orphans, pushed around by the obligations implied in their families- without truly deserving any of the “rewards” their families could offer (jon was a bastard, dany was just being used as a wife for her brother’s plans), both characters started the show being...innocent and gentle? (yeah? noticed that?) and for that... they also suffered, just the fact that everyone expected so little of them, treated them so bad was enough for me to want them to be heroes and rise above everyone and be together and rule the whole thing (season 7 hello, ily)
Also, I LOVED how ever since the beginning, there was this ice versus fire symbology about them. Jon being, Jon Snow, a Stark (winter is coming and all), living on the north, going to the wall etc; Dany being a Targaryen, mother of dragons, from the south, literally surviving fire.
Ice and Fire indeed. (now canon, oh season 7)
Now, even though i knew so little of the books, i DID know that they were called a song of ice and fire. And i caught that idea in my mind right away. When I first started watching the show... i was like, okay he’s ice and she’s fire and there’s gonna be a ginormous journey ahead of them but they’ll meet in the end and they’ll be the key to all of these lands problems (again, season 7, hello and I love you)
I knew (or "felt”) THEY were the key, or one of the keys, again because their characters were the ones who were pushed around, belittled by others, but they still remained being honorable (let’s not enter discussions about whether they TRULY were of the writers just think they were and portrayed them like that but people disagree cause that’s another conversation entirely). So, i just... why wouldn’t i ship them? Let’s get these two opposing but similar forces together, those two characters who suffered so much and were humbled and then rose --and they’ll rule this thing together
And, for real, when you watch the show you can see all of their symbologies in their journeys (i can’t even describe everything but i can try to find a vid to help), even the way they’d cut the scene would somehow show Dane struggling with something, then cut to Jon (or vice versa). The fact is, for me, Jon and Daenerys meeting and ruling is one of the most plot satisfying things that could happen on this show.
Not to mention that : 1- for people familiar with the book, we all know there’s a whole prophecy of Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised and all.... (hey season 7). We also know that Jon and Dany have traits that would make them both fit description to some extent. Again.... badass.
I’m not even sure if i need them to be involved or if i just want them to rule everyone together or what. I can barely explain it. All i know is that I find their journeys interesting and so intertwined, i love the idea that everyone in westeros was fighting and killing each other while those two big forces were rising and being awesome while everyone was doubting them. And i like the idea of them joining their forces. 
PS; i disagree that their personalities clash that much actually? I think they aren’t that similar and they aren’t that different, if it makes any sense.
In ways, Dany wants to be a queen no matter what and Jon doesn’t care about that, however they BOTH care about the people they are ruling - unless most of the other leaders on the show. THAT and the parallels I explained above... and more
And Finally: My Ship Sixth Sense!
Yes. Yes I’m aware this is crazy. But here’s the thing, and I was just talking about it with friends of mine yesterday, I’m an INFP anf there are a lot of shows/books/movies where i’ll just look at a ship one moment and a light bulb will turn on in my heart and i’ll go OKAY IDK HOW BUT THIS WILL HAPPEN
Jon/Dany are .... the best example of this happening to me. Even before i even watched the show I had this feeling, when I saw their respective first scenes, that feeling was SCREAMING at me. I’m not psychic (LOL),  thing is... i kinda tend to pick up cinematography, music, editing hints without realizing it (not just me BTW, infps are wonderful at “”predicting”” ships). So THAT + the things I explained up there probably resulted in this “intuition/feeling” i had about Jon/Daenerys since the beginning.
And that feeling was SO STRONG right from their first scene that.... to be honest... i wanted it to be true? As some sort of pride/fun thing, maybe a bet i made with myself (LOL), i wanted to see myself and my crazy ship sixth sense being right. 
So even after I found out they might be related (cause it was only kinda confirmed last year), the feeling never stopped - all the clues I saw, the story unraveling, nothing changed....and there was a moment i was just,,,, the heck with it, i know it’s wrong but i also know it’s a tv show, not any tv show - game of thrones where the morals are messed up anyway- so i just wanna see this happen cause the story is demanding it and my ship sense is demanding it and it would be interesting as heck to watch.
EPILOGUE (LOOOOL) : Now, a few vids, because this show has so much info is hard to list and i DOUBT i made much sense on the story part:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAP1yC6LYh8 (specially towards the end you can see the parallels and contrasts all at the same time)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQIAML3cZd8  --: i don’t think the song they picked match the show but this vid shows so so many parallels
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1cxZO142E8 (the most recent one)
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